THE FLESHERTON ADVAJ. CE JANUARY 20 1898 J- i \ Vicinity Chips C luruftcriKtirs of tkc Pas IVcek <;;iref«lly CnHed for th«» Coriwus H.i*iiieu notices 'im<<iui IccuLi mil h: t ck ir'jfil at (he rntrt often e tiU t yer 'iiie fiir each insfi'tion. A t'H will be mniit on cmi- t trttcti for 100 linea or unr. Slioil urin' Ktx ui'll w*s tbvnnyed 1>3' tiru last week ti) till' extent of ^l;»0. r.vils, stnkos HiuJ f n ;•• po^t.fir »i.i!o. Ai>!)ly 1 1 Wjf. Si-OAX, Fluslioitmi. Cotfr f»r H.Ve c'iu;i:>" A liiinst new. Tir lis easy, or would exohiuiye for »-i>, .cl. Ain-Iy t.. U. J. Spkocle. A Bari^ain if eoM at 'nice 1 Raymond â- I'wiii;^ m tct.iiie, aliunat new, and in drat c!;!*! running oidcr. Apply to R. J. Speocee. r 3t'. A. Baker, tuilor wishes to Intinmtu tojbiii ca-»'t>iiiors in FleHlierlcni that ho has remiivod to Mirkdale, whole liisnliwij lU.-iy be found in er Uill'i- i!ti>:e, and ha will be Ulad to svi'Vc ihoii when in tonn Stuam HAW an>l shingle unll for n\\e c itMp'uto uud in goiU ruunint( order aud lu good 1 'Cility, Oil re;i--onaldu terins ; fr<jtfof all eiicuiiibrHiicea. Apply to E. Sjkua, Lady Bai.k P.O. Mr. John Clinton and family huvu moved inti> town and tak-.-fl po.s»eMiiiun • f the'lL-nce purthated lai*l summer, op- posite that .f Mr. J. P. OttewtOI. We extui.d to rhein a hearty welcome. Bruce C.-uuty has pronounced in favor f a liouse of refuge. The question wiis •ubinitted to the eltctois, too, wilhiut raising «i'y leg^I bariiors ;i3 in ih« case ot Grey. TlV*nteil at the veneer luills, Eugenia â€" tOO.CCO feet of soft elm l.^s. All must be fic- I'f knots and riUL; bliaken, Kml-«ut iCJt. 4 in. and 15 ft. ti in. long, tipot cash p.iid. A. S. Basxekman. K«v. L. W. Thofi att^n.lod Piusl.ytery uicetiiig in Orani;8villo isist week, when :»n ii>teruNti:i)( Hessioii was held. The rtHic- 4mtiuti of Uuv. D. MoKoiizi-j of Orani;e •villc w;n ac.epttd. The Ma.\well circuit was allowotl to remain as it hai leen here- tofore. Mr. Wid Lover bruuyht a load of ci.ulwood to town «!i Tuesday tl>at weighed over four tons and a iialf. The •â- Cidi's, weigh up to ninety hun- t'.ie 1 woisjht refusid to weigh this load. Let us lii'iir ircni Uic man who c:ui heat this record. v. T. Ilill A Co., Maikdale, find adver- tising so prolitablo that tluy have decided so enlar-e their space very inateriMlly for a Couple of weeks and havj utilized nearly atl of our froiit page for the pur- pose. Ihey h.ive an iii.portant hit of infurination to impart and are boui.d that <(tir rc<uU'r.s shall see it. Curt Fluihortoii No. 9'.»5 I.O.F. held lieir annual nicetinsj in their hall, Chrim- oe's BlTck, on Dec. 21st, when the oUowing officers wore elected : C D. U. C. R., J. P. Ottswell ; Court Physician, Dr. Caiter ; C.R. Tlios. Henry; V.C.R , H. Dy^on ; R.S., W. A. Arin- (.trong ; F.S., R. Wailer ; Trac., M. Wilson ;Chap.,F. Tucker; S. W., F. Caiins ; J. W., F. Bunt ; S. B , S. Mc- Mullen ;J. B.,\V.J. Talbot. If you buy goods frun MuFartimd & Sun, MiirktJale, and they arn not satisfao- tory, call and gi-t your nvney laok. They are 72-iiich Irish L nin Table Damask 35 cetti, worth 00. Mant'es up to date in atyla and tinisii, 17 only, will bo ,sidd 20 per cent, discouir. ICOO hoxes watches 5c, 31 pounds puru yellow sugar $1, frcshHgs? Hs. fi.r 2o cents. ntfA bnionis 5o. MiFarland it. Son's for bar'.:ainH. We have been gratified at the laigu numbers who have called in during the past week to renew their »u''Bcrijjlious, and also at the number of new suhssribers who have added their naines to the list. At the same tiiUH we wish tn take Hubsoribers itito our confidence to the extent of ira- {>artiDg the information that daring the lomainder of the pro«>!nt montli ju-t 120 ittore will have to renew in order that we nrfj meet obligations. Suroly we will %\l>% bo diiu<i)p"inted in sMuri'ig thia num- )r«r«>,( r>iirw»lii. A nuinljer of y..uii(r people dr.jve o\er to Markdale Tuesilay niiiht and took in the new rink there. The ice was poor. The annual mectitiit uf East Grey Agri- cultural Society is in proi^ress la we go to pres.s. A leport will he gi.en next week. Wo understand that it is in a soniewhiit battel- tinancia! Ci>ndition than it, was last year. A convention of •* independent " elec tors is I'illed for Markdale rm Saturday, Jan. 22iid, to select a cainiii.'are t^) con ts. the ridii.giii conjuiietiiin wiljh the lleorni and Conservative candidates, M.SMS Ci.Iaiid and Lucas. We nnder- Dtaiiii tl ai John .VI. Davis has a hankering in that direction. Court VHiidelenr. No. 48", C. O. F., will giv« :i tea arid entertaimi^nt on Tues- d.y t'venin-,' n.xt, Jan. 25, at Vandeleur. Childrr-n of the public school, Vaixioleur striii.; biini and C.irruihei-s Bros, will assist in the program. U.«ual priiea if admission. Mr. T. \V. Wilson, Eugenia, inserts a new lulverlisemiut â- 1 this i.-sue to which We would direct the attention of our renders Hy is working up an extensive busineis and it wi I pay those interested to invesriicatu his prices. We learn that he t as recoivpd the contract of buihling the new addition to the school house at Eugenia. Or.ind Mas'er Youi'g and Mr. McCarty of Tliainesford, and D. D. G. M. Watt of Meaford a'Ci'nipanitd liy ex-Maj-or CHmeron of the same place paid Dutferin L â- dL'f, T. O. (). F. , .•» fiaternal visit on Tiiesd.iy evening This h.dae is in 'Ml active condition and wUl doulitless be further St iniulited by the visit of these dislinguished brethern. The Orange District Lodtie of Usprey held its annual meeting at Rob Roy on Jan. 11th, .nil elected the following of- ficers for 1898 : W. H. Guy, D. W. M. ; Irwin Morri.sou, D. D. II.; Thos. Scott, D. Rec Se-.;Jo.Mah Ganiey, D. Chap ;A1. Conrou , D. Fiii.-Se.-.; A McGir , D. Tieas ; Jo'. AlPst 'n , D. D. of C ; James Mullen, D. Lect. Tlio foHowii g ptrioJiculi and papers will be Fo!d hy auction 1 11 Batunlay ev- ening at 8 o'iI( ck it the nubl'c library : Tall Mull Gazette, Chambeis" J. urmil, Ciuviel's M:ig:izine, G' od Words, Metho- dist aia'.;aziiio, Strand, Canadian Maga zine. West minster, Sciiiinertj' Ma^-azine, Saturday Night, Biiti^h Workman, Biit- ish Workwoira", Illustrated, Harpers' Fashion Bazar, Ram's Horn, Chiistinn Weekly, Current History, Ep- worth Herald. F.nniiiiir, Daily Globe, B:\im1 of Hope Review, Ci.fliger and Arti- san, Literary Digest. Bids may be scut by mail if postage is paid. All numbers remain on the table until current issue ii received. W. Clayton Pres., J. E. Monro Sec. A very pleasant event t(«>k place a', the robidi nee of .Mr. Hickliiig on theSih line, Artcniesi.i, on Tuesday the 11th inst , when his youngest daughter, Miss Maria liicl<lii'g, and the Rev. H. J. Condell of St. Mary's, Maxwell, weie united in the silken bondnof matrimony The ceremony took place lit .'i p. m. and was imprei'.sive- ly conducted by the R. v. .1. W. Jones of Tara. and witnessed by a larize number of friends. The brida was becomingly dressed in a costume of wliiro brilliintine and lace. Her bister, E. Hickliiu, actid ivs tiridesinaid, while the groom's support was .Wr. Uy. Owen of Maxwell. .\fter iiuniorous sjood wi.slna had been ex- pressed and a dainty repast pai taken of the hiid-il couple left for O.veii Sound, whence thoy will go to visit friends in Bruce Comity. A iiuincroii.s collection .if very beautiful and vidiiiblo pnsents lire ineini'Utooa of the occasion.â€" Com. A Red Wing correspondent of the Clarksburg Refieetor, in npoiting areco it concert held at i^Ia.^well, ban the following g lid wods to say of Miss Annie Richard- son of this place : " The lo^Ie star was to hoar Miss Richards n. of iBSeshortop, en- tertain an audience. Mr. Hichnrdson was called to the chair and oxhibiteil his good sense by not hohling the audience for any time but called on the choir for the open ing selection. The choir respoijded, and if they would allow a small pieco of friendly advice I would sny get 011 a little more energy at. d sing with a spirit of life and uot. Miss Hichsrd.son was called on for her first number and, tn use a slang phrase, it was out of sitdit. Hersostures aie not assumed, but]|iiatura I and angelic ; her voice is full and sweot and shaappears to have it under perfect control. Ne d- Itjsa to pay she was cnsored repeatedly. Wt trnderstand tli« has recited tefure the elite of London, Eitgland, and re- oeived the higlust lecomuiend from the pres. No better in the world to pro- duce ucnius than the C<iunty of Grey. We bespenk for her an unbounded sue- c ss in her profussii n. It is rumored that she parpiises uoing back to Enghiud i.i t!ie near future but when she becomes kn iwn to the Canadian pulilic. it is to be hoi>:d she will change her mind. Agricultural Society Hseting The annual meetmuof the Artemesia Aitticu.tural Si'Ci.-iy was held in Ptioe- ville on Wednesday, the 12 li mat, f' r t!ie electi' 11 of â- fficeis and other general busines . Tlie Treai-urer's and .Auditor's statenieni sh iws that Mic .Society was in a healthy condition tinaocially. It wasde- cid -d to erect a hall 60x30 feet durinsfthe cuiniii'.' summer, so as t<> have it in read- iness bir the tail exbiljiiiim. Tlie 1 fficers tu 1898 are : President, D McOoriiiack ; 1st V.CB Piesideut, J. Nichol ; 2iid Vice President, A. .Vluir ; Secretary Tieiisurer, J. Brodie. Directors â€" J. Mclnies. P. Watson. J. Geddes, J. Pattoii, D. McMil- lai., W Meails, J. Brodie, D. McLeiin, and A. McLoetl Auditors â€" Dr. llulton and J. Hemstock. The Presbyterian Church The annual coogregiitional meeting of tl-e Presbyterian church here held on Thursday afternoon last There was a good ai tendance and the meuiing was characterized by an earnest and hearty inierosl in all tlie alfa'ra of the congre- gation. The opcniiii; devotional exer- cises Were conducted by the pas'or. Rev. L W. Thoiii. after widch, Mr. JamtrS McMullcu was voted to the chair and Mr. A. S. Vaiidusen discbariied the duties uf secretary. The minuiea uf last meeting were read and adopted, as were the reports from the Session, Sabbath school. Christian Endeavor, Ladies' Aid Society and congregation treasurer, all of which g:ive evidence uf activity, aud show the congregation lu be, tinaiiciullly and otherwise, in a prosperous oondiiior. fhe Session cave a very enciuragiig re- port of the spiritual ^ilie of the ceiigrc- giaiinn's woik, sho wing that during the incumbency of the i>resent pastor (a lilile over ten months) thero has been an ac- cession of 33 neiv nieuibeis •<> the church. The roll has be.'ii purued, which with feveral deallia and disjunctions left the net membership 120. There has been a marked increase in attendance ut the weekly prayer meefng, Sabbath services, and in the Sabbath t^chiol. The Chiis- t an Endeavor .society, reorgunizid six months ago, has a nieinbersliip of 20. The meetings «re well attendml. Umbr tie pastor a deep interest is taken in t! e s'udy of the Word, and altog-ther the young p>'oplo are working in a v ay higlily houeful for the future. The Latlies' Aid society has a m< niHtrship of 34, and is doing most hopeful and pro'^ressive work. The managers elected for the current year are Messis. Jas McMulien, A S. VanDus.-ii, D. McTavish, John Blackburi., Arch. Cairns, Frank Cairns, W. L. Wriglit, Aiidruw Gilchrist and CViiis Stewart. Aud tors â€" A. M. Gibson and J. McMtillen. PERSONALS Mr. William Wade, of Ningii. Man., w.ui the guest of Mr. Win. Neil over Sun- diy. Mrs. E. Buskin and little daughter of Wodehouse aro llu guests of the former's mother, Mrs Benthani. Mrs. John Doadman and two little sonr, of Richmond Hill, who have been visiting fri lids in this viei'iity, returned to tlieii h >me oil Fiiday Inst. Mr. T. Graioitor returned list week from a two weeks visit to friends at Paik- hill. Wlido these ho had the ph-ature of enjoying the hospitality of our old fi ieiid and eitizcn, J. Rus.-iell, who is in businets there and doing well. Mrs. D. Taylor of Owen Sound and Mi-8. A. W. C ubbaiid little s<jo of De- troit vislttnl their uncle and .lunt, Mr. R(xlerick ami M ss MilCoi z e of this town- ship recently, rutuiniiig home week Miss Lizzie Barthy of Owen Sound is he guest uf Miss Janut GiiiKon. Borii C'nARnâ€" On Uielltb iiist., to Mr. anil.Vr8. Johu Ch&rd, a daiif^ntor. I>ie4 Lbitchâ€" 111 Newc«R»l«, Eiidland. on Not. S5th 16U7, .Jaint*fl Leltch. Nutivi^' of ArKvtu.-titre. I^otlauil. ami anclu nf Koilerick aiiilTlioiiins MoKuusio of ArteiiioBia, a gjwl' about Ti y ems , ARUlAOie LIUBN<;F.8 At (fOvtiriiiiieut ]>rlcos doscns oftbsmi New Voraion first class : U, R. and Jul)U«« Kur ttlNOLRpsrsoa, In PA IBS bt 81> at a tiiut. B. MaI<BM fVHBT. Isacr*. KeoNiiu. M' I A Large Stock of Footwear ^^ In Ladies' Mens' and Children's B"ots imd Sh'ies, alau Rubhvrs, Over.ihoes and Felt Boots Custom work and Repuirinu attended to promptly at CLAYTON '5, - = Flesherton. Agent for Dominion Money Order Express & ?7: ^>^i^^:r!^ ^^^= ^^^^^!^i"-i -*- jy^^^ $,iO0O $iOOO BIG SA LE Of New Parlor I Bedroom Furniture One thousand dollars' worth of well bou<»ht Furniture to be sold durinj^ the next 30 days at slaughter prices â€" that means that diirino; the month of January, or as long as the stock lasts, we shall sell at actual cast, and in some lines where goods have been on oar flv-ors lonn;ef tijan we think they should be, at any price to clear them out. This is the best offer ever made to buy real good Furniture at less than wholesale prices. . UNDERTAKINQ AND PICTURE OE.\LER, FLESHERTON STOCK FOR SERVICE UKlUSriCBED CueDurbsm Bull. line lk'rk» ire Muur. One Yorkshire Hoar. All (ur-»oiÂ¥iea ou lot J9 ami JO. N. 1). K.. Artuiiiusiu. ToriuBoiie dollar. W MKAD8 Piicovillo. J*ii. icon. FARn FOR SALE The North Half of Lot i8, Con- cession 3, township of Nottawa. saga. One liuti'lretl Act-eti, wil fjood uluy loaui. tiploudUl orchard 100 ircc!<, uhvit fat>iiiK nirtiain uro.'i.ios tlio farm . w'li'h i'f neatly 'lil cio.ire<l. and well funoo'l, small frauu house, utitbtiil <- in '(i am not k<ioi1, well iriCiiiitod on cotdba iinf; ruad, ttroaud a half miles from Staynor, wUfoti iioutiof tliu boat uiivrkuU for all kinds of farm pro'luco iu Ontario; wiihiii half a luili uf riohooj. Tliiity a^rett of fall wboitnow in the ground in ttxcollont o. n lition, all aummor fallnwi^d. Tho %bovii Tartu is utte uf tho bu>«t iu the township of Nottawasntja, ami in well adapt tfd (or uiixi'd farming, beiii^ well located near njtcelltiiit niarkuta where ov«rvthinK t'tat it- ijrowu on thti farm oau eaiiilv be dliportod oi for cftsli. 1 he i>iice is :9'3800 iwbicb iucludoa tlio fall wliOHt) andilio turmn are 9I')00 ua.^)). tho bal- 'inn(!',to retuaiu on mortgitfo for dvo yoaia ai li per cent, iiyttrost. l^'or further paiticnlarfl apply to J. A. CAMRJUON. HUyner. Srrocior ^ The Tailor Farm for &3alc Farm fnrnale clienp. Ill acrea, mil watara<I iti ii|iloi> aa«t of this vIIUko. kiiowu ua tiiii i<<sn, wick (arm. Apiily to / U. Richardson, luicuo* Fl ESHERON SHAVINQ • ^ CLvl OT . J', jCoyard - - iProp} ,eior Hairdressing in the La es Style SCISSORS SHARPENED ami R.^ZORS HONED iu first class stj %^ .Xj^oiit fur n.ilHtin's Liiirt<lry mill I'iirkor'ti J)yo Works, Toruuto. The Great En^Qab Remedr. P<WlfC2r a:"l ptrmaoestly cAl*_'«ilJ fon;iil ot "â- H".'<ilWB», } .'it'wion«,.S'pcn»- a(^.rr.^lâ- a, /lajwlcncv^jg^" rJTccfa of Abun or Zj:re«»e, _ , .Vf »/«< ITorri/, mttttivo %ut Before and. After, tl?^"^' ' ' '"I"'" *"»â- *• Jtrmttv, Insanity, Connmptuin and '''imrly nrn-i** llQflbcen pruscrlbod over 35 yeara t'l ttmiRau^j- oi cun; l3 tbo onJi/ r.eUab!» and II >i^ ^cdlcina knoion. Aslc JnicKl«tfiir WoodN r:ii(hodln, lleolTeniftomo 'worlble8« nic<Mclni) 1; Inctote rrico In lottiT, And â- »vo will mull. I'rleo. oiio piickage, gl; f- pUattt mjB vtiti cuTt. Prarplilcts f;- The ^'oud Sulil \'\ Fleslioit"n aud evirvwlior* Ciiiiadii by »'! rosponiiblo <iriii;«isti<. IIKo of ttila, P"'/ return' Will supply you with n nobby Kuit fur full. Work- iimiiAhip anJ tit guiirnn- teed. Standâ€" In Clivytfn's Brick Block, FlcBhertou. ^ iProctor The Tailor UISS RARAH STB.AIH. Toacher on piano, pianoforts, organ. â- H. Hnljj fli^t cla-n teachera' oertiflcatM in numlc witb )><iiioin from Alma CoD^iie : pupil ot Prof. St. John Hyttuaraiioh of (!openhK«(nn, Denmark. Itvildaao* t.p|>o*it« katbotlia* «liu«r,li rinatiarwo. Farm and Mill Site tor Sale For salo very oh<-.,,, aud on vorv -laav rerma Timber farm. 1.50 aoruo. two inili.»'frnni h-|Mlt ertoii, known »â- the Win. Hogf-nnwrnlll nra. porty.anil oi. wliicli is an axCfllHut wotor powar' fouiiiifttioii of Biiw mill, dam ami imuli ^^.a water whool in pljoo aiiti all ro«<lv for i.iif.tln« mill oil. About I."iacroiiolo»red.:i0«ore8tiuiber most off. 'jaiaiioo well tiniberod.nii^od timbar*' Thid farm will oe iinid at a haruiiin if lold at onoe Small pavinontiiowii, balance on â- •jiiyterma. Apply to B.J.Spnoir.F FleBtiertOB . Obt Factory for 8aie Sasli. floor and planing factory including roa «•»»! nho|.pin« «tono« ; vtiry ulieap ; two hiinilred down : balaiioe eaay terms ; wftter power: all coiupletu : doiiiB oooil buaineaa: aaiafactory rt'annnii for nclliiiK . linildiilK and uiaohinerv onU roIiI : lorif learo power : rant low : no oppnaitlou. Apply Hox lUO, Flaataar^ ton, (»iit. ILio^s Ws^xited 400 mapl« )oi!i< wanted at Flaalierton .^ â€" from II to lAfeet Iohr must ba %iiritJ . in diameter, board uienaiira. Pritia #7 per*»^ j 90)rr>«k elm loi{i--»aine loiii^th, froiu ISinofliJ Mupwarrln. Price $7 pet >i. Ixiiia can !>• dalWerad either at Proton Flatfaai'too etatios, E.9A«aaa