Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 27 Jan 1898, p. 5

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-!«>â- . â- \jr n^ Vicinity Chips C i:tr.'icteriNttcs of the Pas fVeck €;iri^ruify Culle«| for thr inuft H^tineM witioes anumti locals wiU he f eh'irifeU at tlit rate »f tun c ii<» + per 'ine for each intertion. A t ri;liiitii,n wiil be made on con- t trncU for 100 lines ur over. Tie uj) your dxga. Plenty <.f (iiiinv n-'W. SI. RicliaiiJMin is VViiri(«ii for 1898. Uounry Coui>u:l is iu scssitMi tl.is wt<ek a' Owi'n Sdiiu I, Editorial, Swiiitou fark Hiid 51iirkda\o ♦; •rri.s;)onilvn>(! ciowJud ouf. Codiir rivilH, .s^iit'ijj atiil f-noe post i for wile. Apply til VV.M. Sloan, Fltjslwrton. Genuine liuitiT Color at Medical HnU â€" eiKtU"!! ti> oolur 200 llw. butter for r2i« Cutti'r for Hivle cheap. AlmoHt new. Tiruisciwy, «r wuuld uxclmiiye for woml. Apijly til R. J. SrttouLK. MiH4 Aunic Riuliurcl'<oii will recite Ht a concert given U'lder the iiusp^ccs <if the Kimj'rt Diiuylitcrs, Owcu Sound, on Feb. I'l.d. A »u',)Hcril>er writting from Egypt, NV. T., Buys : •VVearo very busy Iiunlinu' <iO cent wlieiit on two incht'U of snuw. Mild weather, -liurses are out ou the range yet. Rev. K. Leitch of (iorbam, N. U , hiis liccn visiting Iiih mother, whu in seriuun- ly ill, duruiK tlie pust week, and occupied the Meihudist pulpit on Sunday ni<-rniijf{. Wnnti'd lit the veneer mill!', Eug"ni»â€" riOO,(X>0 fiet of «<ift elm Lys. Ad Imjs must be free of knots mid rin;; shiikes, Hud cut lU fts 4 ill and 15 ft. G iu; long. Swit eusli paid. A. S. Bannjesuam. ^teaui aaw nnd nhingie mill for unle c lUipK'to and in good riniiiinu ordor and in g- od locality, on niuiohiililo teiniH ; free <-f all (.ncumbiunci ». Ai-ply to E. VyUsB, Lady Bank P. O. » A vitaHcopc eiitertaiiini«iit will be given iu the town ball L<i-iiiglit,ThurK(lay iiad(.r the aui'picoa of the Citi/.i-us' Band, This is soiuulhin^ new in tlio way of iuler«Hinmoiit for FLshi-rton and ought, t.j a.tiacl a crowded houi-c. In our repoit of Artcui?<i-iii District L V.h. election of otiice' s Ihe scriWe neglect- id putting in the most important officer's imuie, tiiiit of the District Master. Mr. S. ^•IicarJoBn WiiM aopo'nled to that oHice. The fidloH'i:ii!ai'e the oflicera for'Flesh- <«rtou Lodge ii2 A. O. U. W., for 18i)8 : 1'. M , Price Te. :.er ; M. W., J. \. Blnke- ly ; Foicn'un, A. Lotard ; Overseer, G. JohnMton ; Bucorder, A. M. Gibson ; Fi- nancier, W, J, BeUnmy ; Receiver, A. S. VanDusen ; Guide, H. C. Lignrd. The secretary < f Onin:,'evillo Pres^bytory yenda us on dun 25lh iiiinulfH of luccliiiit held In Orangevilic on Jan, 12th. This conies rather lite to be coiiHtruud as news Kid it goes into thn waste basket. Could not the secretary not b,' more prompt ? !S'ex' inoeiinK of Preshyliry will be held ill Orangeville on March 8th. On .Monihiy a hor.-,e and cuJter driven by Miss Amy Iverr, st. p daughter of Mi. Joseph. Siiiiili.cullidiMl with a ti iiin driven by Mr. Thomas .Vbfrcrniiibie of Kimlier ley, the cutter shart piiiotraiii.ac ihe nick of oiii' of .Mr.AbiTcrouihir's horses. VS. Oltewell was i.alle<l in and Hvai-d the uiiiiiial, whii.h «'.•>!« drawn homo on a .•<leij;h the fidliJwiDg Hay in a critic.il oon- d^itioii, and it may not recover. Etlison's latest pUonofriiph 'may l.c heard in the town h.dl mi Wednesday evi iiiig, Kuli. 2ii<l., Ill a piimlur and cx- taiidcd r'K'gr'im i.f niiiKic, sunup speiuhes etc. You have so.-n the phonoLriaph be- fo but uevfr a^ it will bo exhibited on this '••eca'<ion. An ovenini; of 8'did enjoy- ment a!Kl fun for on'y 10 and 15 cents » IniisHion. A meoling will bo held in the town hall, tltfsherioii. on Tiusday, Feb. l.sf , in the in!«rest of Mr. John Boland, the Liheial c.tndii'att'.. Ti.o meeting will bu aildrosKed by Fo •. John r>ryde«, Minister of A^'ri- fulture. and the oandidute Mr. Bolnnd. These Hpuakurs will also he (.resent at a THE FLESHERTON ADVA ICE JANUARY 27 1898 me tmg to be h»W nt Rocklyn on the fo!- lowin.' day. Both ineetingu to oomiiience at 7.30 p. w. Mr. George and Mi.-* Ada Hniibury of Dundalk Were thuguests of friends in town over Sunday. Mrssrs. 11. Grotn and J. Kerr of Heal he .t« were in town for a couple if day.s during the iMist week. On Tuesday ovoning a latgo load of yoini!,' people drove over to Dundalk to attend a cnriiiv.tl. They must have been ost in the snow, as up to tune of g<iing to press, 11 p,iii. Wednesday, they had not made port on the return trip. Mr. W. P. Cro8Hley,'bus driver, wiahtia to state that the individual who cut Mr. TiidiHe's harness at the station was no friend of hi.*, and that he deplores this act of wanionneBS as niueh as any one. It is a pity, for the good iiBr..e of the station, that thi« individual could uot be brouijlit to account. McFarlaiid it Son. Maikdale, arc houFe cleaning. All winter good.s uoiiig at shiughter prioe.s, Men's long felt boola, 91 per pair, regular price ?2 ; Men's tine calf high cut $1 25 regular pi ice $1 !» ; 0!W yds. iliinolettM 2A Ci'iits, worth (J cents; drohs steels 3 cents a .sett ; brooms 5 iti ; 31 Ib.i sugar 81 ; matches 5 cents a bon. You will save money by calling on Mc- Farlaiid & Son, M.trkdidu. M. KicliArdHon A Co. have just coin- plt.'ted a s|)ecial purchase of ri47 jds. of now tweed suitings. Bnyinit on cash terms tlioy have secured some exct-pliunal barijaiiiHâ€" (tome liuen being blow mill price For the next two -wueka they of- fer special Hgures ou tweed suits made to order, well cut, tailored and trimmed th^oughoui. Kit gmiranteed. Prices : JS.oO, SS9, $9 50, 110, «10.50, 911.50, SI2, 312.50 thu suit. $50 Reward Fifty dollars in cash will be paid for such evidence as will lead to iho convic- tion of the party who Ims been guilty of [loisoning d- gs in this town during the pastmonlli. W H . Tuik.sto.h, JI. \VlLSO!«. It was John's fleetins: The inocting of Centre Grey Indupcn- doiittt held in Markdale on S.itui day result- id ill the iiomination of John M. Davis as candidate, Mr. Haycock was advertised to be prtsoiit and this drew a nninber to the meeting, but in this there was disap- poiiitment a.s that distinguished guntle- inan failed to put in an appearance. Mr. (laniey, the retiring nioinl er, a Mr. Marshall of EMcrslie and the candidate Were th.i speakers. The ballot contained twonaiucsâ€" Mr. F. Whewell and Jolir. M. Davis. The result wan : Davis ;!3, VVIiowell 13, showing a total dulegutiuii of 4(5. E. a. Agrricultural Society The annual ineuling of East Grey .\uricultural Society was held in the Town Hall on Wednesday a/termion of la.st week. The attendance was not large. The secretary reiidoretl the fol- low ing statement of receipts and ex- |ienditure, showing a halaiiue to the good of 915() 03, which is $33.54 better than last year. Following are the figures : ItKCKlI'TS To bal. on ''anil ujs {Mir tatifc annua! re- port . .. e lai 3« LcpihIiiMvc ttrniit Jfeo OU Uai>ic'i|ial Uiaiit :ilU 00 UiMr.lior'tt bubMCiiptiaua 14*175 J>otiavioiifl 7 75 I'lizo UKinlos retnitieii for aioinborship fimufor 1HJ8 ... 7S 00 AdiiiiHi'iuii f'loH to oxhiliition un orj Ittiiit otKiuiiiiiiB, UtallK, utu IS.^'^ Coiioto't Wit'i .\ Id. { 11 pi'i!'.o liKt 3700 Tot«l Sllua 19 KXt>i;NDITUnK Pi ir.ou notually paiil up to Dae. '.il, 1R07, for sliow, 11)97 : HorsQB *ilO.,''.0, oattlo JilC.'iO.shoop 9.17.30? 3U fiO Pi(!« ijls. poultry *I'J SO, diiiiy !?'-'K.7J ... W bi 'iiniii and miciIk H'M. loolii SIU.SO id M O. cha. tail I Riv (1 u prcduots H 'Hi uiiii(i\(-aute.t ^s 00 Kliif ailii »17.'i, laaioB woilt»71.60 76 li'i IMauls 7.1 'total . . »M« 80 MoiiiiM iiwiv'dei) for prie « but rct'vi"- uil tov luoiiibu.hiiiii uitm foi' 189^,..^ 7.5 CO MoiiH"* paid foi pri;:os uwirilo-t in prm. ioiM yi'ars ...10 9.H Kuiit, liililiiii;. nttiiiij up, olo., o( IJuilil- ini,"^ ami (iioiiii Is 4;! 83 Woikiiifjcxp'iiKns inoluiliiii! mrvioos c( st>c,>tr.mH. and aflflistai'M 224 70 MiROutlaiiAOUR, niinor 0x1 ciiKus 4iO nalaiioo on haiirl UiC 03 Total - 91109 Mombc'rs of the board for the current yeir *ci» eh ctt-d as follows : President, Thos. Kells ; 1st Vice President, Guorgo Mitchell , 'ind Vice Present, R. Riith- vaii. Directors-â€" A. Muir, VV. J. Moadr, A. Munshiiw, R. .T.Sp'oule, W. Purvis, D. W. Chitm, T. J. Col.man, John Abbot, Jas. Stewart. R. J, Sproule, S-!. Teas.; VV. J. BullMiiy •nd Jno. ;», Bojd, ftuditora. riaxweli Cheese Factory A niuetinu of the patrima of Maxwell ohoese faotory was heHl on Tueeday, Jan. 4th., when tbu fnllnwing st.ttenient of the year's businass was uiven : The total amount of cheese sold wan 6U702 ttm., the receipts from which were $5504.31. The paymt-iits were : Dr.iwiiig milk, 3342.71 ; chee8e-niakerandotliorex|)eii8es,$685.70; to patrons, $4529,10. The totid auciunt paid out wae 86471. 91, havinit a balanoe on hand of $23.40. OtBcers were apiioiiitrd for this year as follows : Pretident, W R. Dyson ; Viee-Pres., R. Fenwick ; Sec. Trcas. W. T. McKee ; Salesman, James Goidou. Again has the dog poisoner been in evidence duriiii; the (last week and a valu- able animal belunuing to the editor of this paper was destroyed. This is the fourth doi; we have lost in thiM maiuier since coming to FlesliotUin nine years a'.;o. hers have been equally unfortunate. Daring the past three wocks six dogs hive been poisoned in this town and one killed with a pitchfork. No animal is s lie. If he is allowed to run ho is pois- oned, if he isshui uppoi.soii is thrown in to him. Is it not time that the people of t'lis town did something towards dihcover- i ig the identity of this destructive fiend.' There is too much indifference. Some will say, "Oh it is only a dog." If it wore a sheep, or a pig, ur a cow, the crim- inal would not go lung undetected. Yet this same dog repiesents cash value to the owner, ju.-t as docs any other animal. Then why should there bo any discrimi- nation I Apart from this, too, there is aituiher oonsideiation. A fanner came to town a week or so ago and brought his sleixh dog with him. Before he had got far on the way home his dog died of jioison That farmer will not, henceforth, hold a high opinion of Flesherton and his trade willl'kely^o elsewhere. Looked at in tlu8 liglit business iuterests would, we think, make it necersary to hunt down the wretch who iseuilty of destroying not only the dogs, but the tiado of the place as welL W« liave been doing a little de- teotivo work ourselves during the past week and hope to gain results therefrom. If any one has any hints to offer their names will n^ t bo divul«tfd. There is a standing o.Ter of 350 cadi for inf'jrmatioii that will lead to the apprehension of |any party puftiiigoul poison within the limits of this town. Eiiiteuia. From, Onr Oien t'orren^mtidciU. Such mild weather and sleighing as we are enjoying this winter is almost uii- preceduntod. There is (juito a boom amongst our siw mill men. Mr. Carr is at present li.'ingnn ordir for ten car louls limber and Mr. Sloan and the veneer fiiclory aro now buying all the logs they can get brought to their yards. Mr. Cameron of Meaford paid a visit to Eugenia the puKt wet-k. He states that there is good prospects of the electrio railroad being bnili this present year, M:hj Bella Blair of Thornbury is visit- ing her aunt, Mrs J. R. Hogg. Many thanks to you, Mr. Editor, fi r uiviiig The AJvimoe leailers a chance to reail that very interesting letter fn ni Mr. Ed Carr, at present working on the Crow's Nest railway. Mr. Jiisuph Fenwick of Toronto, was a wolcoinu visitor at the parental home the past week. Especially among the young ladies of Eugenia, Joe is slill a treat favi rit.e Mr. John Fenwick of Gillis Hill, visit- ed friends hern recently. Mr. Hugh Sloan of Gillis Hill, Bruce Co., visited at Mr. Fen« ick'.s the pa.'-t week. There IK some one wailing and watching for his spoeily r. turn to Euginia. Mr. Lowes, evangnlist of Toronto is bidding spei.-ial inectliigi in the Presby- turian church. Mr. Alfred Ray of BulTidi, N, Y., is visiting his brother and sister, Mr,s. Walker nnd Mr. Stephen Iloy. Miss Ella Stewart of Flesherton, ac c iiipanied liy Mrs. Faweet', was the gnesl of Mrs. J A. Williams the past woek. They have a pig-iery question in Euphrasia that completely puts Mr. St. J ihn's provincial hog question in the shade, a:id it isn t settled yet. A young mail named Aburcromhie got married a couple of weeks ago, and as it wasn't his desire to enter the state of wedded bliss with A brasR band and a flourish, he didn't invite the whole countryside to the ' wnlding. Hia chumi,however, wouldn't I have it ihiit wnjr, bo on their own hook iftiA»»S«i&>*^»A-«7i>«fV'«?5>'CVi«5«^iV5''?S^< afrr^Sf!S!!i!azli^!i!&^r.i>!S^!i!Ss!i<>!:'^^ ^i A Large Stock . . . . . . of Footwear In Ladies' Mens' and Children's Bouts and ijhoes, also Rubbers, Overshoes and Felt Bonis Custom work and Repairing attended to promptly at CLAYTON'S, - . Flesherton. Agent for Domimon Money Order Eipress $iOOO $iOOO BIG SALE Of New Parlor I Bedroom Furniture One thousand dollars' worth of wel! bought Furniture to be sold during the next 30 days at slaughier prices â€" that means that during the month of January, or as long as the stock lasts, we shall sell at actual cost, and in some lines where goods have been on oar floors longer than wa think they should be, at any price to clear them out. This is the best offer ever made to buy real good Furniture at less than wholesale prices. . UNDERTAKINQ AND PICTURE DEALER, FLESHERTON )|c%«^%^^%% %%%^«^%^%« 'WINTERSUITS .<,^Thie Tailor Made up in tho latest styles with our new system of cutting. THIS IS A GOOD I IME_,,^ To get your tailoring done, as it is a slack season with us and liniH does not count for as much as it will later on. All nur work IS guaranteed satisfactory. Give us an opuortiiiiity to prove our veracity in this respect, CuttiniT to Order C^.AT LOWEST PRlCES"n CLAYTONS BRICK BLOCK \!Proctor " " - - The Tailor X-tV^i^/Vk^^ sunt invitatiiiiiH far and iii'ar. Mr. .\hi'rcronibio was lliereforo bewildered, not to 9a.v dumfo.mded, on the wedding day to .see so ires of people onmiug in on him, each armed with a pluiiiiaut smile and a weilding jiiosciit. He, however, accoptod lliB situation with as good a ginee a< could possibly be expected under such trying ciroiiuistancei', After tho wedding the bride and groein went to their own hoii^o where they found the doors securely locked a'^ainst Iheiii, nnd an iiiintensM pii' in possession of the house. That was t,oii nuicli. Tho "room procured a gun and perforated the porker with a load of hiavy shot. His anger tiiriiRd to dismay wbon hu diacoverod that he had shot Ida own pii.'. Tho up shot of th. so exlroiiiolv innocent ( inno- caiit because so idiotic) practicil jokes, was a regu'nr firld tight at Rocklyn hist Satuiday. There are rumors of continu- ed war and lawsuits, an 1 tho ond is not in sight. â€" Thornbury Standard. Mrs. Stornnman, the alledgod tnnrdor- esa of Cayuga, who was sentonced to bo hung on Thursday last, has boon granted anew trial. F^iArin for Sale Farm for Katnclipap. 91 acres, well watorod i\ ia>lBH oaiit or thin villaRs, kuown at tUx KoB wick farm. Apjily to M. Uiobardsou, aasiKcoa Fl ESHERON SHAVING • ^ O, tIo T . J*. jCayard - - iPropttetor HairdressiiiK in the La es Style Eenew your SubscriptioniT For 1898 SCISSORS SHARPP:NBD ami UAZ0K8 HONED in fiist class style. ^y Agent for Rolstin's Laundry and Parker's I)yo Works, Tui^ntu. Cook's Cottoa Root Compound Is the only safe, relialdo monthly medicine ou which ladies can depend in the hour and time of need. Is prepared in two degree* of strength. No. 1 for ordinary oasM is by far the best dollar medicin; knows â€" sold by druggists, one Dollar per boa. No. !2 for special cases â€" lo degrees stronger â€" sold by druggists. One box, Three Dollars ; two boxes, Five Dollars. N*. I, «r No, 2, mailed oa receipt of yrie* aad two 3-ceiit stamps. TH« 0«ok Company, WioilMr, Oii«ari»> Srtid ii K esherton and eveiyvi ore in Canada by aU re»i>oii»ililo dru:!eists. Farm and Mill Site lor Sale For Bain viii) clioaii anil on vol \ iias\ tcims. Tiiiibor rami, loOiioros, two liiilne"f:oMi l'li.<li oiton, known as tlio Win. HoKKsawmill pre- porty.aiicloiivtlilch is an iixoellont waUr pmvor. fomiiiatioii of saw mill, daiii ami [.oml ami watiir wliool in (ilaco anil all ranilv for luitunii null on. AlioiiHS«crosclo.ie(l,:i0.ioieBtJinliur, nioBt olT, 'lulanuc well tinibureil.niixcil tiuiliar. This tsrm wiil nil sold at a bni-(.iiin if sold at onoe. Kiimll|)ayinoiit ilown. balance on vory o^sy terms. .\|iply to B.J. 'pnoni.p. Flestierton.Ont Factory for Sale Sasli. rlnoranrl pluniOR factory iiio"nc'.iii!;ruii Riaiii ctioppiiiK Htoni'u; vinv nlioaii ; two liniulroil .iown : balance nasy teriiiB ; wstrr pow.'i-; all cuni)ih!t'.i : ilolnt Kood Inisiiiiwn; iia'iBfnotoryii,a!iona for wllliiu . 'I'l'liMiii; and nmnliliiBry onlv Bold ; lonK loaie power ; runt low; 00 oppisltiou. Apply Ilox 100, Floslisr- ton. Out. 400 inaplo Iork wanted at riesliertou KtatlrHi â€" from 11 to lflf«et loiiR mtintl)sC0r» u.*i itrUes In diainntor, lioar'1 inoantire. l*i-ic« •'/ jier M. 90) r lek aim lnK>â€" •ame lonKth, from ISliioh- •• upwards. I'rien t1 pel M. I.iOK« oan tn dallverad ailbsr at Trotou <fx Flssharton Matloo. R, flABQBtN( \

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