Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 10 Feb 1898, p. 3

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4 â-  m ij Hi. THE VERY Latest prom all the WORLD OVER. mUntlmg ItcBi About Otir Own C«uat.-y. Onmt Britain, the Uoltcd SUUs, mad All Partt a< the Ulab*. ComMut4 antf Aw«rt«d lor 8twy RMdln(. CANADA. There were 1.595 arrests In Hamilton laeit year, against 1,821 ia 1896. WlcAipeg's new directory gives the city a popaiaticuii of 15.000, »o increase of 5.000 in th« year. The Wenitworth Couaty Council Uas SO fpplicaiata for thts poeiticn of County Clerk. hODtloa now MDfbraces 4,478 acroa, •ooordinK to City Clerk Kingston's n«iw hand-book of civic st&tislios. R«turn& oif itks Doarinion land sales for the y«ar 1897 abows the sales to fcave >je«n f 104,700. In 1896 they were f71.79«. The Mioiater of Justice bos fixed the trial of Mrs. Sternamua for the May AssizBa, which will bd held by Judg« Riobertaon. It i» reported at Wlnalpeg that » aofomUtse ot tbe Commoos will be ap- poiintod to enquire into tbe elevator kysitem throughout th« DomJinion. Thb G. T. R. authoritiai deny the re- port that th« railway will shortly take OTer tfae rart-age buaiaesa from tuf Bbedden an'l Hendrle coiupanies. Ttt) steamer Oommunwealth. aban- Aooed a<f tbe coast near Vii;toria. B. C. hu-i been picked up by the coaster WiUapa. Th« prize Is worth flOO.OOO. Sibc« the death of Couniy Clerk Ooumsell at Hamilton no one knows the eovaoiautiMti of tho aaC3 in bis office, Mtd all attMBpta to opea it have fail- •d. Ni'oe-ty appUcati -as have been made to Ui« Itepartmeat of the intnrior for <Lredtr><ng locations on ti,'3 Yukon, Stewart, and otb^r rivers in the Yukon dwtrit. Tbe Wellaod Aqueduct Power Cottt- naiky bail been orgaoizei. wilh a capi- tal attxk of f24,0OO. to supply electricity for U^tht, heat and pow-er. and water- power for oiaoufaoturers. The Qe>rernmeat will plai-v orer 90.- WO.OOO whitefish in LakdS Uolario. Erie. Huron, and .St. CUir n«xt sum- â- ter. The eggs are now being batched in the Sac'lwinh batcbery. The C. P. R. baa just issu.^d a taap ef its roads and coonections. showing n>ut«H to fh« Yukon gold fields, Alas- ka. Klondike and tba northwestern â- wiing territories ot Canada. W. K. McCreary, inunigration C< m- â- aissi4jiu<>r, who W been at Regina. •tatea that the reeurds sbiyw that in IBCT al.out lO.UOO Immigrants came in- to Manitobo and the Torriturlas over thre C.P.R. maiA line. l^l>plication will be m-vde to Parlia- oeot for an act to incorporate a com- patiy t". coftitruct a railway by steam or 'jlBctricity or other motive power belwt^a London and a point in or near Cnuwl Bend on I.ak<e ttiiron. ^^^^ Francis J..«eph ot Austria, will Mr. John Bell, chief toiinstsl for the ] shortly anni>uni"e the betrothal of the Q-raurt Trunk, girea noti. <» tlhat an ap- 'â-  A.rrhd'u/i-hns8 Elizal»th to thn King of were rescued, bat of the other noth- ing baa Leen heard, and it ia feared she has j^ojie down with her crew of seven. A well aatbenti( att'H report baa rea:bed Seattle that tbe steamer Cor- ona, which iaft there January :i5 with paaseogem for Uyea and Skagway, Alaska, baa been sunk. All her pas- sengers and crew were saved. A workman was emi loye 1 on the fifth floor of a new building in New York on Thursday, when he fell down the elevator abaft. He carrie I the scaffold on the fourth floor with him, ani4 two other men also fell to the ground. All will likely die. While agents And lawyers were searching the world over for Edward Obeinstich, one of the beirs to th« mil- lions ot Budapest's greatest banker, tJhe object of their quest occupied a maniac's cell at the county asylum, Chicago. His death is recorded, with a pauper's nutn-bsr opposite it, on the books of the asylum. GLNERAL. The finding of a gold nugget of 74 pounds is reimrtsd in Siberia. Priinue fiisouiirck's condition ia not serious accordimg to his physiciaji. The »onoorshtp at Havana over for- eign newBq;>apera baa been alx>lished. Spaia vriill ask tho o«it Parlia<iiii*nt to vote 940,000,000 for atrengthen-ng the nary. It is »ai<d that Italy will have to im- port 40,000,000 bushelo of wheat before neit harvest. British troops hare (vcupibd Ok- ute, in Bor^u territory. The possession of Borgu IS disputed between Frani-e aad Great Br'.talm. The statements regarding Garmany's ijiitention to oyra tii-^ pen of Kia Chou to the oonaxQerue of the w^orld are prac- tically correct. Russia will make experiments to find meaos of communication bet^veen her bortb couai. and Siberia by croas- Lng the A rotic sea. An Italian warship is about to sail for Uayti. to etiitoroe Italy's decnajida for the treatment to w4i>icb Italiians in Hayti hare tjeen subjected. General Sir Hierbert Kitchener bas telegraphed the officers at Cairo tliat it is oeedlieiss that they should ascend tlie Nilv. as the dervishes are qoiiet. An ice blockade bud agai/n cl'ia.=Ki the harbour at St. Johnti, Nfl'rf. Absolute- ly the wxjTSt Arctic floes la years are reported frogn Ube northern coast. Political leaJers at Madriil have pes- simistio views of tbe Cuban war. ami tieclare that the insurgents have means. Tht" FrWdPh AmahHBador to tier- many. Marquis <!e Noatlles, is to re- leive the Grand Cross of the Order of the He! Eagle from the Kmperor. It « re-ported tniax Rome th«t out of 490 appl'ratiODS for the annulment oif Uiurr a.gv> duri<nig tihe past year, the Congregait on of Cardinals granted but six. Herr Trojaai fd. lor of the Kladdera- datsch. ot Berlni', htis been sentenced to two kcxinths' iim>rieionm»nt in a for- trass for le^e majestn, ia i-iriouning Kmperor WiiJiam. U m reporled in London that h^- peror Francis J-«epb of THE FARM. THE COBIMON INSECTS ATTACKING t'iliUIT AND FOLIAGE AND HOW TO DESTROY THEM. The annual loss to {rui'b-girowers Uirougtb iinsecta was very great. la Ontario there were 10,000,000 apple tr:ea, 6,000,000 Oif which were la bearing. These produced in 1896, 5(i,000,000 busOiels of apples, buit only a few of theon were akaoliLitely perfect apples. The apples sold iu our stores a<nd put upon Uie tables at our hotels were a disgrace to the coumtry. By spraying with the proper mixture and at the proper cuiie there was no reason why 80 or UO per ceat. ot the fru:.t abouid. not be per- fect. IjL som« cases 100 per cent oZ per- fect fruiit was obtaimed. Spraying has jean dexuonstraied to be a success, and the fnut was larger, cleamer, brighter and poesesaed superior keeping quali- ties. Feople are gradually awakimg to the fact that the aprayimig is indispens- able to th>d up-to-date orchardiat. There had been catalogued. 350 species of i.as«cts whicb feed upon the appio. These were duvided in^tu two classes, ac- cordijitg to the lfurm.aticni of Cheir mouths. Ut, Masticatory imsects, such as cat- erpillars and beetles. 2ad, Suctorial iu^jects, suoh as lice and scales. The first were treated 'by putting poison on their food. The second were treated by usung dotue solution whicb killed by contact. tor Masticatory iinsecta, Paris Green should be used, I lb.- to iW gallons of water for appl*;"- F*>' suctorial insects. Kerosene KmuJsiion ahuuld be applied. X'o make Kerosene ^malsijon take Hard soap, 1-2 pouiid, or soft soap, I qt. Boiling water, aoift, 1 gallon. Coal ad, i gallons. After disaoiving tJ*e soap in the wat- er, add this coal oU and siir well for 5 tt> 10 nLinutee. When properly mix- ad, ut will adhere to glass without oill- neaa. A syr.ngo or pouiii will aid miKih â- ta this work. In u^iug; dilute with (rum 9 to 15 parts of water. Kerosene ' orcfljard of tweinJ:y acrea ia practically all i.niested and many trees have died. In Hriggs and Shmvman's orchard, ot 20,000 acres, t.h<^ scale was discovered. After a critical examliution only fifty trees were foumd infested. On a fur- tJier examuiatiioin wiiLin three months about 1,000 trees were foudul infested. In some cases tihe infested trees have been uprooted and burned. In otJier c.i3i^--> thorou<^ spraying has lieen giv- en them. The resull.s from spray'jig have l>een far from satisfactory and matters are worse than they were a year ago. The Georgia Experimental Station Bulletla ISOT, says: "Two years ago few OTohardista im Georgia bad heard of the San JoBe waJe. To-day fruit growers there are aghast at the pro*. pect, for the power of the scale to de- vastate Is better Uttulerstood." It is at last realized that not only are OUT ocrharils In danger, but the ex- isteince of all dieclduous vegetation is threatened, aliould the pest once he- axne dlstriljuted g«aierally tihroughout our forests: for ijj that case ail hope ot its final extinction would be lost, and it would remain a atiuiding menaoe forever. By far Che beat remedy is the axe and the matchbox. Where the trees are badly in/ested their loss is Inevitable, even should remedial treat- ment auifceed In ridding them of the pest, for their vitality will be found to hanre been sapped to sucih an extent that they will never prove profitable. Time, money aitd future trouble will be saved by aduptijig heroic treat- nuent. Mbrfover It is almost aa im- poBsi.biUty to absolutely extinguish the 31- lie when' onoe fully entrenched with- out the di'strui'tion of the wood on which it niMrlshea. Otur first ad/vioe, therefore, is under any and all ctrciun- stances to GRLS UP AND BURN INFESTED TRJiES. It will pay in the end. The latest bulletin published by the Ohio Agri- cultural Experimental Station, dated July. 1897, says: "The pr'Sunce of this Insect on any one's prwuises is a calamity, and uni'ontrulled becomes a public danger that should not be toler- ated. Against this oixwt inaiduoua pe.»t boti nurserymen and fruit grow- ers are alike practically helpless in detecting its presence, until it has i-eiised to \k liie insignificaut atom that it at first appeara and bus Ije- come master. Heretofore orchards and nurseries were tvnsidered aa the only places In special dang.T, but recent di.<»T>veries of the pest on forest and orname-ntal trees shows that this was mistake. Ii has been fuumt on the lit can eveiT be stamped out where lit has been thoroughly established. It ia, therefore, impossible to say that the scale ia completely exterminated from any or«^hard or nuxsery until a ntunber of years have elapsed." We Icnow that many American uuraerues are infested, and for our prote<-tion we should have Legislation authorizing tbe thorough iiiapection, and, if necessary, the treat- i<ng and quarantining of aU nursery stiM-k ivnd fruif ix>mi>ng inU. the coun- try â€" whether accx>ai,]xiaied by '- cer- tificate of iiiupection or not. We h*ve been receiving from, the United States fruit infested with the scale for the past ten years, and nursery st.>ck for four or fi-ve years. We found Call^- fornia pears this sea.vju in Toronto and London infested wi^th tbe scalar which blight easily have beea com- municated to some tree or plsjit. The San Juse Act recently passed by the I^egislative Assembly of Ontario provides for the i<ii^>ection of ausiiected otrchards. and the destnu-tioa of in- fested trees. It aiao provides for comr penaation to the extent of 1-4 the va>- lue of the trees. The Sun Jose scale can be identified as follows: lat. It ia round. ^nd. It is armoured. <ird. The bark or fruit ariMind tha scale is discolored rr^ddish or jurple. Every fruit-grower should have a pocket lees which can l>e had at about SOr.. and shnuld examine bis trees, es- pecially th<«a which are not duing well. Only by ro-operatiun can tJiis pest be dealt with. Mr. Orr showed specimens '>f wood i:n!ft«ted with t\w scale, and it was ex- auiinml by a large lumiber at people. -J. E. ORH. tuiuisjv^n may Ije p^rspared wit-h sour i black walnut, mountain ash. bass-wood. pllcaliou will be mads to I'arliantent ilbis .sessiun, for an a*ot to incor- K>rart:e tb? Wlmtoor &. I>»'troit Union Bridge Coinpauy for tbe purpoae of con- •trui.'ting a brklga over tbe Detroit River. Tbe Department of Agriculture, Ot- tawa ha^ been gjiving oonsiderati n to tbe question of tuq^rovements iu tbe aaid storage arrangements for next â- eaaon. and will, it is predicted, giva a weekly aervioe to b ,th l.iveriwol aad Gla^ow such aa wo now have to Bris- tol. The acoommodatiou in many of tbe Iwttta will also be iuiiiruved. GREA r BRITAIN Tihe engineers io Great Britain bavs Spain Tbe appeal of dipt. B<iit<-beff form- erly aide-de-camp to Prince Ferdinand of iliilgaria. trcoi the senten • of death for th,« uiurder :>f his mLstrene »ncl; the appeal of hi.t acciuiplice Novelitch. have been refu<<ed. Ruwla is a!«ut to present a not** to Turkey demanding i«yment for the whole liMlamv of tb-* iiideiunity of the Russo-Turkish war, ani< uriting to £,li,- OOOOOO, with a view of uiakirj the ."^ul- tan more doolie in tbe settlement of the Cretan questiion. While Lord Krassey, Governor of Vic- toria, was attempting to l>oard his yacht in Mellourne harbor from a milk, 1 gallon, and coal i»l, 'i gallons, uo soap be.'.ig required. This will not keep long. for Scale, Bordeaux mixtuire according lo the tollouing for- mula : â€" Copper Sulphate, 4 Da, LUne 4 lbs.. Water 4U galls. U is usual to add the Par.B Green to the Uorde«ux mix- tura, thus mak.>iig a (ombtned insect i- c.Je xad fungicid-e. The first applica- tion ahould oe madiO j'uit before the buds beg.n to swell, the seoond, just before tbe bluesuma o^oa, the third just aiter lh» blujaoms hare fallen. the fourth and suL-sequeut sprayuig at in- . t.he vari'pty affected ia not satisfactory ter.aid tit 12 to 14 tiays. as long as , ,>r if the trees have pa-ised their best, there was danger oC scale. 75 per cent. ;,>r the iuu.-r bark bas l>eeu disix>lored. of the 8o-call«<l s;iray!Uig »a» not sprny- i t would lie far lielter to end the uvat- ijig at all, the tr-es were only drenoh- | t»r at oiice. and save expense iind ed, the s;iray Sihould l>e broken like a i trouble by bum iing the tr.-es. The only fag. and when the sun was shi.uing you ;»cale to Iw truwled is the dead si»le. As mjipla, willow, poplar, birch, elm and â- .htatun*. It is usually the case that a« we becunie more familiar with a spe- !'4*t«.'^^*J^''"'''K ri°' '^ '"""^'ied herself, "and filled with 'T a stage during which it can he luan- aged with gr-ater ease than at other t sufB. It must be confessed that in the case of the San J'jse scale, the better we coma to be acqua itted wiih :t. the more w» see to fear of its rav- ages aiul of the great labor involved iin Its eradication. No one who bas not seen tho work of this i>est where it has had full sway can ujidersland uts fearfully destructijve nature. If then could se^< a raialxjw around Ihv) nozzle Don't tlreuch the trees, spray them. A great dial of care should Iw taken In sel'ecting a pump, tbe piAnts to be looked to are : 1, Eade of ofteratioo. 2. KveuJiH'tw of d.stributioa. y Compactness. 4, DurabLbty. 5. P!»»er. C, Agitator. far aa a;iy priM-tical service is i-oncern- od fnsa natural eneuiie.*. this subjec-t luig-ht be dismissed wii h these words: 'There are mwie.' After making ex- |)er line nit s- th^'re is nothiiig to indi<-,ite thill either the fun>;iui '>r the insect enpm.pa have had. any influence even in hulding the pest in check. We have iriti FRENCH WIDOWS. Some interesting details concerning the lives of s«>me dozen eminent French willows have come to light. It appears that Mme. MacMabuu. tbe widow of the Marshal and President of that name, decline'i bu^ accept a state pen- .sion when offered to her She la, hiowever, well provided) for, and dur- ing the winter is bo be found in her mansion, situated in the RuedeBella- chasse, Init during the summer montha ahe retires Uf her chateau in the Loi- r«t. The royalist circles in which sha moves are of a very select and excltia- ive nature. Mma- Carnot livaa an ex- tremely retired life, Ijut atill re- ceives tbe .Isits of Princea and utha* distinguished peo|>le who come to con- dole with her. In her house she baa a little chapel, which she has arraag- souvenira of her late husland She also, like Mme. MacMahon, has declined a state pension. The widow of the Grand Francais, M. De Lesseps, siiends the greater part of the year at La Chea- nage, where her huslwnd died. Sha receives a pension of twenty-four, thousand dollars a year from the.Suas Canal Comjiany. M. Pasteur's widow has taken up her residence at the in- .stitute liearing her husl>and's name, and is in receipt uf a pension of five thousand dollars a year. One of the mo»t active of titese ladies Is the wife of tlie historian Micheler. who lives quite alone and occupies her time in bringing out ne'^v editions of her lata husband's works, and editing the man- uscripts he left Ivhind, including his memoirs Mailamei .Alexandre Dum.is, too. is busily engaged, but in a dif- ferent way, with her husband's manu- scripts, for her object is to prevent present, al least from the aid ot na- tural enemies." , ., . J.I , .u. •Vheui the Hbm. J. Drydien learned of A lance should be used to elevate the . ^^e existence oJ tbe San Jose s.ale at nozzle mto the tree and a.!oul,le or tri- 1 yi„^^„ j^ ^^.^ ^^ p^^^^ ^^^ ,^. ,ple discharge should 1* u«ea as in this | ji orr to inireetigiute. They soon as- I way work could be done much faster. certained that It hads l»en imported I THE SAN JOSE SCALE I »n nursery stock from .Vw Jersey, and I ,, . ,^, ..^ , . 1 Mr. Orr wrote to all the nurserymen e.l beinir crushed l«tween the vacht and ^^'^•'.«*'"y ">* ^'•''^"' f' â- ?« '"»«^" I'!'' ' '"> Ontario for lists of stock invported r..._.. * lielween tbe yacnt and l„juae<l iuch wi<le spreatl alarm in thut i f r,«u N. J. nur.cries during the past e. if anything. ti> expei^t for the any of the numerous works or frag- Toted in favor of accet>tit^ Iha am- j launch a wave carried the gangway ployers' terms away with Lord Hraasey an I the Gen. Sir Fred JUddleton. wb. com- '""'"""in on it. The, narrowly escap- nanded tha forces of Canada during tbe last Northwest rebellion, is dead. Mr. Johln laird, the shipbuilder of Birkenhead. Is dead. He built the Ala- bama, the famous aoutheru blockade nouiaer. The 8-tion of Richard Croker's l>ro â-  tber. manager of the Ci rk and South Coast railway, in arbitrarily dismiss Ing a «igna1-man. has provoked a •trike vvliich thrwitens ti> .spread Hiirough'iut all Irish railwuyB. Jabez Spenoer Balfour, now â-ºerring ; ^ i original infestation was rapid,, its area U years tm fraud in ct>nneotion with I .,,..„„ , cl.o «•.- ci lvo-bioii v- I increasing in « very direnlioii. In 1S73 Uberator Group, was examined in the I M'->t»R I ShS Ot W.M FRICl I \. ^^ j^.^,, ,^.„u,p ,i serious jest. In 1880 Uand'on Bankruptcy Court on Thur<»- ; In the realm of hygiene, electricity ! proifessor Cuinstock said ii was the day. The convict wan in ill-health. HP j ha.s l>een applie<l to curing ileafness by j m(»l pernicious si-ale insect known aaiid be bad left tbe «x>uutry in 1882 | prulucing vibrations of any desired i a u<l that he had never seen any other owing t'> the advice of th<i.se who oiifrht I rate of frequency, which are found, upt-viea si> aljunidaut and so injurious. to have kn/mn better. it is claimed, to lie efficacious in im- [t was not discovertsl east of the UNITED ST ATliSS. | proving the hearing |>a>\er of the par- i lUnky Mountains until 1895. .Now it '•""eh. I country. a« has unal ot the San Jose The capture of the steamer italuchis- scale. Ian. loa led with arms and munitions I It is uiii«rtain where Obe San Jose of tvar in the Gulf of Oman by a Krit- I scale originated. It is known to exist i.sh gunt'oat is thought lo throw % i;(m) I in Australia. Chili, tlhe United States (leal of light on the mysterious manner and Canada. rh«> first reliable infor- in which the Afri-lis were supplied wilh 'mation that we Irave of it is thai it anus during the liMlian frontier nul-|was found in the San Joee Valley, break. It is awumed the seized cargo i CaliXorniia in 1870. It was al ouoe re- was inlemled for tlm use of the insur- ' cugnize*! as a serious nietiuce to tlie gentA of Baluchistan. | fruit-growiug interest utf Ih-^ State. Tbe 5 years. Many of the trees had been tracetl and alaiut 20 onurrencea of the scale found. Thr««were principally in- ^ls«ex. Kent and l.iiocoln Counli*s. Kight or ten tre>>s had Iwen found in Wenitworth Co. The governinient ia actiing prtHnptly and wisely iu I his matter anil fruit-growers and farmers should assist them iii their effort to stanup tAiit the peet. Although it was thought two years mrents of works left behind from l>e- ing (lublished. The wife of the illus- trious composer of "Faust." .Mme. Gounod, goes a ste|i further tlian this, and refuses to allow tlie |ier- formance of some of Gounod's earlier con^Kwitions, on tlie ground that the reputation of the deceased musician might suffer from the crilicisms pass- ed upon them. There is no change in the .New Kng- I ' "f ".''•. f"^ '? '">*""'".' '•?":;«, 'h- | bas been found ,u n.arly every stale j,,„|„t«. If umh.^-ked ilwre is land cotton mills strike San Francisco grain opeislors substitution of an electric light bath ^and quite extensively distribute<l spread of tlie scale from the point of a^,, tbat tMa scale cmild i.ot exist in our country ami that we bait nothing to fear from it. it now a,;i>ears that the climialic cutiditinns are favorable. Tliet we are iii its life zone Ls proved b.v the rapidity with wbiib it has mul- tii;jlie<l in infested secliims. Not only are our onhariU and our vi'oeyards in danger of ilest ruction lint our forests als«>. e.vejit only conifers, pines and no qiies- li'jui. but that it would WX)X OVERKI'N TUK COrNTRY, this for » sun bath, ant the production of , gjmip (,f them. Trees from New Jersey ♦K.-.. ..-Ill !.» "i • â-  . ^y ill/one for inhalation by means of the I nurseries have l*en the si«urce of ihe "•year " **"â- "â- " ^^â- '""^^ ' "'?" potential discbarge. For the in- ' i^estation iu tlve Ka.Heru States and 1 d,^ir,.v:i„« all d«.idu.«a trees and A t.rriVi. fh,.„ . f .,..â- â-  !'*'â- 'â- '•»'«'•'"'• f'f '."••«n"''";^''"\!"""P"': Canada. : plants and .-ausiug a loss of millions A terrific thunderstorm al M. i.i.m.s. , suggesteiil as a bait or attraction fori The source of their i.nfe«ttitioii was „r dollars Vs to live natural eneiires Mo., on Tuesday killed a man. «onian, ] no-turnal lepiiloptera and other in-j,Japan plum slock imiK>rle<l from the of the scale as already uole<L Professor sects It IS proi«.«e.l to surround the s„n Joee Valley. California, in IWW or j Welvst. r suvs i li. le "are none of any lamps with a globe coated with a sticky '87. H,,,, b»» I A?m effectual iu every case and a 1 oy A ihipliMul of cattle arrived at New York on Monday from Texasâ€" the first by the \vater route. It is reporte<i tbat Italy baa pre- SMl'ed to the, United States a proposal for a treaty of commerce It la r««>ortecl i^n New York tbat tbe Nle«w York Ceutral and the Lake Shore! tod Michignn Southern railyvsys will ' Miiite. I Eugene E. Burl was reprieveil while I Ml his wngr to the scaff'il.l at Dallas. | Texs.s. on Sttturday. He inurdereH his I wife »n<\ thjve ohiblren. but Ihey .s,iy ka is insane. It is ix^itorted at Bay City. Miuh., Myat the United Alkali Company, of LlyeriK*-!. Kng., will ere«t at Ray City % million-() liar plant for Ihe munu- taoture of alkulies. Two tow boats foundered off New XtKk in a heavy gale. Cj^w of oae comiKisition. The liwiht attract.s them and once they touch the globe, the are secured. HIIKJIN'S WISDOM. When I was in tbe country summer, remarked Hunker, I discover od that a cow is always milked oil side. And I know whicb side thai is, pliind H'iggina who was never In c<>untrv in bis life. Whi<^h ? The outside. Prof. P. H. Holts reports bhat the practical servitv. Th,- only treatment orchard where the scale was fin-st found „ burning. Whale oil soup "solution has ia now prnctically kille<l. lees tihan 5 ' failed in some <ii.s.s. Ilydrocvanic icid per cent, of the trees being olin.e. . g,u, has not lieeii altogetlwr satisfac- The scale is uew ui Caiiaihi. and as j turv. Si»me have riiporled .satisfactory we have little experience wilh it. ihc results from Ihe use of pure kerosene last lojilnions of those who li;>,ve known itiothers buve uw'd it with partial! suc- for years are valuable. Piofeswor J. M. ,ce«e, but killed umiiWrs of Ijieir dees one i-Aldoriicu. of Idaiho .says thai ii ia the ini(«t dreuled of all iiu.siect pests, and •'*-; earliest effort i.s made to prevent its tbe Vetting a fooUiold in new Imalitia. In ! Mas.sac.husetls frequent ot'curreiices I have Ijeen fiHiJui. aiuiong them being fi>ur jiolii.ts near IJoston. '' Tihis is of 'B(>ec.ial un.teri'St in view irf its lieingi Uie nuiet. m»rl,hi'rly occorrem-e of the s<ale. In Tall»>t county, Maryland, J. H. Hei<r8 oirch«rd of fourteen acres. No, said hi.i wife as she opened the icuiisistiiiig of a.inibv cherry, pluiin anil iinvelo(« and » t^iilor's bill fluttered j poaoh from one to eight years old, are 10 the floor Not aa eiiistle; a collect, [all infested. At lUverside. K. IXiw's THKOI.OGICAL. Ah. be aaid, ns the iKwtnuu hi»Bde<l him a letter, an epistlet Our e.xiHTience is limited, and reih.rls of results ot bhe different treatments in other localiti s are conf lieting. There appears to be differeuit results In ilit- tereiit lorolities troni similar i reat- ment. l'n>teesor I.. O. Howard, of the I'nii- ed .States IVpartiuent of .Ajrriciilture Washington says: "The f«al*« siill ex- ists* in uurseri -s and oroharils in near- ly all the Siatea where it has lieeo ^Kiiteil. and there is little i>r no doubt I'ut that ita ilisSMiiin.ation is <-on- _ _ Htandy going on. and It is dou/tit/ul if | rela liad salted it MIXED MAXIIV'S. A man is known by the .t_^rumpery be kee(is. Never put a 'ifilt cigar in your mouth. Tbe laok uf tuoney is the rout of all evil. Where wisiuni is lilis. . lis folly tu l>e iguoraht. Chain up a chill iiotl Hv,ay he will go. Virtue is its only reward. I'he course of free love never did run sm«»oth .\ liird in ihe hand lays no eggs All that a man hath will he give o his wife. Many hau'ls like lighl work It's a wise child tlat owes bis ijw n father. The rolling stone ciilrhes tl;e i\(.»rin- OMculatiiin is the thief of time. LV thirsty man will catch at a»ita\v Straws show which way the gin goea. â-  Ue«iven lies ».l oiiH urt in our infan- cy." an I this worlil lies .a>iout us when we aiv grown up. i It is rfit gool for man lo rfive a loan. , L'lie \\a,{e« of si'n is <lebt. j Every <:uigiult must have its day. i A GENTLE HINT. Titefisiâ€" My w if*' is juet the finesx, i-ook on tup of grouind. she is. Mrs. l.'s motherâ€" And I sufipose j that's Ihe reiisuai yim don't think it u^ ; nessary to hire one. is it f ' • SADl'ED. Juneau likeâ€" How al out thai uii| of salt some ot tlie Iwvs found up^ gulch the other day? Silka Samâ€"Turned ow*: •» lnjjJUiin' bul a gold raiuie. The tide'' ia^^iPbund- ♦ ». ^Mrita

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