Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 10 Feb 1898, p. 7

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INDESTROCriBLK GON. CiyrlBieBllBc wiik n ttaecr CiuiB*it Thai Can Be Talie â-  l* Plrrn. The exports o(f the Uivited States Ord- nance Deparbm«nt at Washington have onder cc:iEideration a new gun that is expected t o revolutiooiie the gentle trt ol cannoD maJcing. The difficulty encountered by the makers of heavy ordnance ims always been '^hat when ooBstructung a gun to be used for fir- uig the tjvmendousiy p<>werful charges OBe-1 U» these days it has been ioitos- Bible to 'guarantee that the explosion Vril] not dams^ the gtui so aa to In time render it useless. The claim is made for the new gun that it is indestructible and mieets all the needs of heavy ordnance that ex- perts have been seeking in vain for so loBg a time to procurv;. It was Invent- ed by Edwin F. Bowl, of Chicago. The most ititer<«ting feature of the gun to these who are not experts m the matter of the force exerted by exploding powd- er on metal is that the cannon is con- structed in such souUl sections that it can be carried around by the artliiery- â- neti who \iae U. It can be taken to pieces and put together again in aa amaziingly short lime, and whien ready for firing, according to the claims of the Lnventotr. it ia the strongest can- non ever invented. IHero iS what Mr. Blood sA^a about it :â€" "The fan is constructed in sections of moderate weight, each section leiug made out of cast, bat u£ rolled stfel difik^, carbooized to Lbe dt-sired degree. Each sectikjia is ring shaped^ and of a â- Lze to match the ce-utrai steel tube. Troubled Sleep. Nightmares and Dreams Filled the N:g'atB With Terror. Danville, Que., Man Tells Some- thinK ef His Experience. " It is with much pleasure tlat I tes- tify to the value of the me.licina which ha.s caused a remarkable change in my condition. I was troubled with sleep- leiisness and headaches at night. I cool'i not sleep naturally. I had hor- rible nightmares and dreams. My sleep- ing hours were to me times of terror. I decided to take Hood's SsrsaL^arilla. The use of this marvelous pre] aration soon produced the very best results. My health is improved in every respect. I am stronger and sleep better. I am pleased to recommend Hood's Sarsap- arilla to all sick people aS it is the beat medicine in the world." .Alex. Mlnro, Danv'ille, Que. LJ^««%^'a Sarsa- nOOCB S parilla Ii« Canada'* G.vatest Medicine. Sold by Drag- â- mU. Price, f 1 ; aix for SSi Get only Hood's. nOOU S r HIS with Hood'»3ar*aparlll». DWARF LIFE IN AFRICA. Tke NatlTM aad llaHlrni. - Most of thetK people are smaller than tbeix Bakoko and (Mabeya neighbors, but not all, as the dwarf women, are E->met!'uves marrieti into these trifces. Tlit-y deserve tihe name dwarf more , fr,. II the Bimiloxity of t<heir habit.s to which is forced into pLaoe through these the > rue dwarfs further inland. They riags by hydrauli.,; pressure. The sec- 1 ijv,. ^ waadering, Indian-like life, hunt- ing. Tht^y buve nets 120 feet long and ticue are h-ld. Immovably together by means of steel rods, whmh are bolted on cross h^dads at «ach end. The larg- * "r 1 feet hghi a number of 'which est and hta.'iest part oi the gun is the they stretch acroes the bush, and the central tube of th n st^el containing „^e.TL, women and children drin-e the the bore. Th»3 simoUcity and ingenuity .. . ii of this arrangement of steel tSbe fit- «*°* '"^ ""** "*'*' ^^'^^ *" "" ting into steel rings of tapering size perts m trapping too. Th-^y do not wUJ be see*! a* uu-e. Waen the m- stay in cine place lon« endugh to plant, ner tube eipaada with the heat it ia g^ they trade their ^ame to their ag- oniy clasped the closer m the embrace ... , . . u_ , > , .• j of the 8te*l rings, which take up the r^'^i'*'^'! neighbors for vegelaule tood. beat. ! These fclayeta bead luen have a cer- "In case tie inner barrel is powder ', tain <ri"«l o€ ownrrsblp over tlteuK burned or iU rifling ioitaired it can be gt^j^timea furnishing ubem Mitb pow- ^uxkly re<jicived and a n-?iw one sui>pli- ed, making practUally a n«Av gun. I*""" ^*"<' fc'""" •""'' "*** »"'* * ^^^y lit- "Th« vast advaaiage 'this gun pus- tie cloth Cot thbir gamo during the •eesjs is the feature which permits it to be quickly krockenl down, shipped in •ections of moderate we'ngiht to any de- lired location, and agiiin quickly as- iembled will be readily seen." AN IMPORTANT CASE- K Pedlar Sent to Prison for Repre- senting: an Imitatio:! Fill to bs the Same as Dr Williams' Plnic Pills - A Fai'-IJeaohini' claiv.. Montreal. .I.in ii. \i^S.â€"A la. time tiiey are in Ihat comuiuoiity "A'ht'u ncft euiH-esaful in thi? hunt they must depend upo>n the wild plants, nut ,. ho-ey, which they know so well how to find. They often buve a feast and more often a famine. Their a>hedB ar- .fpocn 15 to 30 feet locig the lea^ roof touching the ground uBi on«» Bid*.' and l.-'lp? atiout 4 1-2 feet I high <*a the other »i :;. '.Vhere there ar« lar^j troes tJie roofs are made uf tbi' bark l' a tree -I or 5 feet in dia- nOR.SE SENSE. T&a foUowingi ILttle story of h>ow a horsie called his driver to work is only soother itialance of the intelligence of man's mo^ widling and able helper, the horse: "It is on reeord that during the build- ing of the '^Vaierloo bridge, a horse called Jack was employed to draw atoue trucks along a traurway. Near at hand was a 'ueer shop, used by carters and navvies. < Jack's driver, named Tom, was an honest fellow and very kind to Jack, but too fond of spending more time than he ou-rht at the Ijeer shop. Jack, tboug-h a restive animal, got accustomed to I'om's habits and waited patiently till an overlooker started into activity. "On one occasion the superintendent, Ijeing away, TVjm took so long a sped'l at the ale that Jack grew lired^ and the trace fastener being long enough, he put his head Inside the beer house dbor. and seizing the astonished Tom by the collar wi.tb his tes^th dragged him out to his duty at the truck." Canada's CoMan Heritage Do"s not cons.et in mines alone. Put- nam's Painless Corn Extractor is a tx)on. It goes rlpht to the root of the trouble and a;ts quickly and painleasly. Beware of aubetitutes. DIDN'T PROPOSK. Tom-ySo you di 1 not propose to rjiat dear girl last nig'hit, as you intended to. Ah. my frieod, I am afraid you were not fired by the divine spark of Dickâ€" I was fired by her father. CAT.ARHH CANNOT BE CURED with LOCAL APPLICAriO.V*. a- They ena- not rerch the <eat of tbu dl •>»«. Cata rh is a hlood or oiftifltttulional d'.t-ea^e, and in ord«r to cure ;t yon most tak« ii.tt'inal re-nodies. Hsll't Catarrh Core in tak rn inerniiUy and acts dirvctly on t>ie blood und mucou* I'lrfaoea Ha I'j Cacai i b Cure i-i nov a qut.^k modicme. U wits pres cr bed b.. one <f iha beai phjs'eiinii in tbii country tot jenrf, and ie a r:'gular pre-crlp- tlon. It in oompo«od of the be>.t'onicH known, roniblBL-tl wit'i ih» btit bloud puiiHerii, ac*inff dtrecLly on tbemuccU'* siirfacf,'. 'rtio p«rfe<'t combination of thi two Ingredl' n'.i is ^*hat prodtie«a*arh woiula;ful re«ulr« in cur- ing CaUirrb. -^nd .'ui teitimoni N, (rte F. J. I HEXKV Jc CO.. Hioi»., l>oUdJ, U Solilby I rosgi'ti', pric«75c. Ha Is Familr PilU are the best. .\STROyOM3CAL. What is a meteor mamma t Well it's just one (»f your father's excuses for stayiing out late at night. W P € 9itS y y.Vii^VtW^MVtVrtv^'^wvw.vtAwwwwiM jg Five happy nouples were j< ined in marriage one duy !a.%t week by a cler- gyman in Cleveland. The clergyman noticed that in ea< h cav the husband was tall and ttxe wife short in stature. By Lnqairing be learned thai the com- bined height of th-t hridegr. omii was thirty feet, three iri-.-hes. and that of the tir'tdes. twenty-four feet, six | inches. i Q. DUTHIE<iSONS Slat*, StiMt-Matai, nia, and CraÂ¥*l leafara. aiiwtMet*: re iinns, I'erra CoUa TUe. Ked« BUck ivnd Qreeu Roodna Siaie, Meial Cof njcen. Felt. T»r, Rooflt g Pitch. Etc Outten, Downpipes, etc, supplied the trade. Tcleptaooc lOjO. Adelaide A Widacr St*. TOBONTO. mIToI. OTTARIO business COLIEGI Moat widely Atendad ia Araarioa. For ria*trated Caralogue (SOth year). Addr«B8â€" ROBINSON & JOHNSON, F.OJk^ â-  â-  OUT. DONT BE PL'T OFFâ€" MONSOON â-  W â-  INDO..CEYLOM TEA, ia the beat m tha world, Ik cosu nc more than othars-C 30. «0, SO and W eta. per pound. All Graceni kaap it. â€" HAVE YOU â€" Klondike snppi'es. . . Slbxpim; Baos. Storm Hoods, Mewjuire NBTa, 6:«owauocs. Bana Bootb. IfooCAUMs, KisHISG Ta< KLE, Ktc. Send fof Klondike U«», The Wightman Sportine Goods CO.. MS Br. PaULSr. HONTRKAlk QU& A PIG WITH TWO TAILS 7 â€" ly So. WwTB â€" W* Ga HAnnlS| HEMiuaT, VUUUiSt.. ToaoKrOaOnL -wbwantYOU'^"^^^ Intp'Huent ladle* and ^entlemon ran be «t>» >lied wits K-nteol and f;rj PItOriTABI.,1 amutoTmant laJa^rryU thaa-antlal .N'EC- KS.?.VKlr to ••euro GOOl' RKilJN'KRA TIO'^. Can gira ha addroas "f riora^ntativ* who ha* just cle urad »in In il D ^ V3. $1 oaa baiaadarlah: AT ro'i- own II iMS. J. h. NICHOLS * CO.. 33 Richmond Waec emttmamâ€"^tLM; av I •mtturj waub : ^Maniaii aaaTiiaaai { vairaatad 1t« ]p«an . Bqaal as MBakaieaa la aoj OLH vatch . alakal caaa, tn^ visd. pcodaat wt. imtlr tolifcal dial, â- â- ok Moond kaad ; raoa<T*d hlijlul gnIA aedU *wardj at Ameneaa aD4 aarepai a Talaraaticmai Xipot tiuu ; ya t aa l a rf t^ warU avar; ]ttal a vauk vhlaa adia aa^ iliara f r Ot to W . ataau maka Mf oa* ac«ia* â- ot4 9 f bj laUllia :« : . 'd^j . via MBd â- a m pia la au ^djaaa aa racvtpi of anca : I tor 9T. 11 lor CU , • # â- Ota aaal C O. D. if d ts aast viSi aiJaTi tot •> I vUl tea* watch aa4 â- - iJiiMJ ^ raUad plaia otum warrantad ia waar ftv* acd all Moaer wiU b« raturoad if yaa aia BM mUalad with raur bariain. /tad M. Maaaa, kal oK VavTatkiMi. DR. QOODS'S nmm nmimi pills A Specific for Female Complaints, fen ft tni« boon to everr 1»4y ^ho tuSera in '.h- perform* %aoa ot mMtm t riton. They at oac« «u« ^« pua ftoa raitore B»tur»i »n<ifiPutiiT »ctioB of Uj» o»»riin »••- w.L For younf »ml d*T«loi>im womanhood ihry •MC«j ftoT r«ai«dy wUicn c»a (m Ji*d. They vf c^vn^tll<^m •ol*ly froiD *h« Act;»» prudpl«of T«if-tj»M<» -in^tAoc**. »fld iM perfect 1 » <w/« Mid reliable AjtM j. it drufgiM tor tkwB. •nd J h* dom lot keep \htm m •t-«ck ba m procan th«m for jou Pno« «1.(U Mr BotU*. or* far TYM Tm-wiU niarmaoAl to., Umltstf, TarMta. ASK YOUR DEALER FOR Royal Safety BURNING OIL. The Best CANADIAN ML M.^NUF.XCTL'REDONLV BY Royal Oil Go. TORONTO. ONT. 4,000 People oi mctcTi wibiob often tloee not hnvc more Ihua oiuinary intoreU tu tho timv to crack and Ivak ^fore the public cauw Udfore Jud^ Lafonlain-- d-»a.rf8 want to moTC. iL'adir theee her© to-day. the fa.t.sbtmgas follows; v • »>, i. â-  . â-  u b\,r some titnj past one H K. Mi^n.-r *'"'"* ^^ ^^ "**'" **^' «'**'P^'^«'i ^y hae been goinu: slxiut lediing a pill forked sticks 4 or 5 inchee from the which h» r«piesent» asUing the same * gri>uji<l. Thers is a sf ace left for a as Dr. Williams' Pink mils. I'be Or. fire betwten every iwtj beds. Jf they Williata-i AIe.ii ineCo. pla. ed the mat ter in. the han In of Detective Hayne.H. of tiie Can&uian secret service, who •oon haj coUeoteU sufficient evi- dence to warrant the arrest of Migner on a charge of obtaining money have any boxes or small tin triuilu they ke«;p them i HIU L\ THE BUSH. ! thtKTe is nothing to be seen unless they under faltse prelcn^-es.' Meantime have a po* or Uiwl. or basket, a net or Migoer had left M> ntreal, going tu St. gu-n- or a native ax; und no une man JohiuN.B., On his arrival iu that city is rich eiujugih to iKwseas alJ of these. 'be watt at oiu« placed un ler arrest I'hey can move aJi tbi.>ir possessions on and an offuial s«nt to bring bim hai-k fifteen 'm'iinutes notice: tnay he living ' ttere. He was brougiht before Judge here to-day and twenty miles away to- Lafontain-.v this morning on two ! m<»Tn>w. Tlire<» moves do not equal one ' c4iarge«i, ajid. pleaded guilty ;to both, i fire wiith them. j It was p«)«nt©J out that his offi'n e' Vor »Lm^l8ement a man goes through; was agrave one and left h-m lialde t) [violent form of exen-ise. tryinig to move a lengthjr term of impri^inment. as many oif tits mujjcles of bis body. ; Tihe coiln&el for the l>r. VVUIiams' ^ at on«^ time as poeeible, the spectators | ^!(edi:'ine Co. stated that bis clients did clappiiig their fclan^ls and railing, tieat- l not «i*h to press for severe punish- i'lig om sticks and their drums during ment at thi-s time: th»»y only wished' ti the performunce. They seem to l)e- estallisih the fa.t that representing un , leve i« oni' mii; reme Ijeing, who is good ijnitation pill t" !<• the ^tuue a,s> Hr. and kiji<l, Uit ^ course, have no de- Williams" I'ink Pills \\93 a crime whi h finite kuuwU'dg^^ of him. Ttoey fe.i.r the left the jierpetiator liaHle t < a lengthy tenprLsoninent. On «'ne chai-ge the judge then iraiiosed a senten e uf ten day.s. with thj opti >n of a fine of ten dollars, and iu the dher case a sen- tence of two day* in jail without the opti-n of a fine. This <lecision is Hkeiy to have a far- reaching effect, as it seems to establish the principle tl.at nul'slituters and those who sell imitations representing them to lie "the same as" Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills, are liable uuter the ;'riniinial co:le. which is in force all over the Duminion, and it will no ('oubt, to a considerable extent, put an en <llo this nefarious business, as it is evi'lent from the fact that the Dr. Williams Melicine Co. went to the e.xpense of bringine this man back from so gT«&(. a distance as St. John that they intend spaiinn no cxj ense to prolev't both the public and theiu.selves in such cases. \ I r de and gro -ju .started on their spirits of the deported, and are said to uu>w> at ont-*' from a pla^x- where one of their number died. They fear and try to appcius..' many evi! spirits, one of wbicih taj».s a dreadful form for be |M»ui.!ihiment. Aiuoiig the Mabeyas near here I know of iHit one blind man; yet it Is the ruti? to find one blind man in a ^-ommunity of fr.)m fifteen to fifty diwarts aiui sometimes a.s many as thri'*' blind on^.'s made blind some aight Tjy the agent of this evil spirit a» a puuishment for somr" offense. WsM MavClt-air. a lady ixt Glasgow, has feirvein the funds for th:> work tor these ptK^ple. It it> the purpose to es- tablish a station MlxHit ninety uiilea from th« bcuoh. doimg regular station work with the YMabeyi^-speaking peo- ple thcr..'.. ami at tb« same t me doing tvery thing |;o8SLble for tlie s|>eely ev- angeli/atiow of these wauderiug i^eo- ple. But the workers are needed, men wiitb good constitutions ;u\d a real love for itinerating busb travel. If a tuiui has a love for plants and i^nscots and birds so miivh the better. Thesft Kootenay Cure What? AMBERINE i^ Over 300 are lialiig H Ii| Haqiii^oii. Over lOOO ii| Toronto an<t l.oi)iloi|. Removes Dandruff in One Week. Cures Itching of the Scalp. Prevents Breaking of Hair. Stops Falling Outa POSITIVELY CROWS HAIR. W0~ SWORN TESTIMOMIAU SENT mi. •I.OO 9ir B«Ule tntm Drunists. vr •â-  receipt •( prie* f Job Cook Iff Co., London, Orst./^o*' ^ SURE! y^S^^"'* tt =^/=-C=;/^-^i?=. wedding tour fniui Lansing Mi h.. on | p*«>plR> miight be able to show him a thv way to Chi ag '. \t Jackson the ' 0!edicai pnH>erty of some of the plants gro m left the tra-n to buy B pajier, and on hi.s ivturn g I i>n thei wrong train. H«v was vvUiriiiig bak to Lans- ing before he disc veied his niist-'ike. while sh«" was rolling .Vistward t>- ward Chi. ago. Kle\eii h ui.s elapsed bt.''or« thi,"" c uple «eiB reunited. Cold Was Found In the d'Bcovery of so wonderful a rem- edy «8 Nervi'IJiie â€" nervg-j ain cure. No re.iiiedy inv â- Ui.'> m-irket affords su-h orouipl rel.'ef for ioot'^'i;'h'. itetiralg'a.- ind rbevwjiat'Sm. U* a t'on in rrumja. x>!w, <tc., ia ainiiply marvelous. they know that would he helpful to all. The power to shoot a parrot out ! of a high trtv with a WlnclM'ster ought not to be lightly overlooked in a cimn- ; try where everything is eaten, from 'a snake to a monkey. Apples, Poultry, Eg^;^ The Dawson CommlMion Co., '-'"â- *•* ••r. t WMt Mariiat ami OotDome It^ • TVaONm r\R. SPkOULB, B. A,, (graduate of Dnhlln " I'liiveiTilv, Ireland). SpeciiilNt Chronic l)i««.isf« III tha Strtes, Hli»Mt, I'onaliliitiiMi.l Ailnuiita, Impaiti'd Vikil Kiiumj. Ult«rac-uaaeutialljran»wt«J. W Carlton St, Toioolo. ^m^ TIRES TO TIF rO--oI15c?rAro8i'«%x*paoi.why we ^ff 4t Goodricli ites-Flex single tube ♦ J^^ won it« reputation ent.reiv ..n its mkrit. The choico of all rxi-BBT RJDKR.S ^^b vHF bt'ing more ?i* ry, .</«â- < / an " (^iiruWr, unii " icofi'f tf«t jh'i?/' ^^ INU,' ^^^ Z^ Send voir addreM f ir T catAloKue. Ddl' ra (jnoto '. ^k At a ERICAH Tir£ CO., Limited, 164 and 166 King St. W., Toronto, "fff LAW MCllla, Mills * HalM Buni^KTS, el«..rt>nii')V0d to Wesley Bldifs.. Rich mond St. W.. Toronto. Toronto Cutting Sohool. WOUNQ MBN, Learn to ' ut. No letter tradi * or Drol«««ion, Write for uartlouiiiri. 1)! Yonde St, Toronto. KLONDIKE AND ALL ABOUT IT By â-  Praotieal Minlna Enginsar â-  â- â-  s J.l lONIVl NC.l" : SATISFACTION IS A PRACTICE 1j 17 D !Ei Es Lb ilb .NOT A TIIKORV WITH YOli buy a i^ack -Ke. .ind if not siitisfiiclory yonr grocer ' will roiurn ) our luoDuy. Ltuul v>-iv.'!i-;,aiL CEYLON TEA. as, i^\ 40 iM>a suo lONTAlNING truthfi^l Information of ^taakaiuid ItsMoardae Traaaures, Hew tu (et to the Klondlka, Ouiitt, Clotlica, Food, Eipcnaea, How the Oold Oet There. How to Oct the Qol«J, 51t>«r)an .Method.^ of .vtlnlnif, La^s ol Canada and the C'nlted Stales, eod Color,.J .Mapa of Alaska, Tuakiu^ in all a ) compendium of neoa.i-Hry instruction for those who are trolng to Klomlike. and vKluakle intormatioa for tboie at borne. Tbia book will tencb you to ore- apeoc, and bow to locate a .MIdIuk Claim. Yon iinoutd studr and become acquainted with lbs klininK Laws of both Canada and tha United t^tatea. Further, yoti can atuily tha dlffer«B» methods of Mining, and how to set the (old out of the gravel. You should stuay vbe methoda they use In Siberia, whero tbi'y have mlnrJ 'or years In frosen (frouud. Artioles on all thcsa suhjocts are wr't'oij by experieiu' .i .Mining E;i^inecrs. KLONDIKE AND ALL ABOUT I 7 contAitis e^crvthindr known, both (rtiotfrapJiiojiUy and j;i>oloijio«l!y. of .M»ska and the Nortb-West Territories. It you want to be up t oblate, be well Infurniod and well read. Y'ou shunld kno^v t^e (rncral tacts concern Inx one of tbe(reatcatii>>lua> tries of both ancient and muderu timas. (.tot po.iied on ^iiat thousands wfao are mshinv to Klondike will bare to underira. Head the thrill- luif account of the trip overland, from D^ea throufb the Chllkoet Pass to Klondike, by one vbo p*4« It AdTentnre, hardship and sutrerings are so Br»phio»lly de.«cribed that one'» interest is Intense. You should be Informed as to thegeourarhy and ecoloKy of the Yukon Sountrr. One map shows all tha routes to Klondike, and bx^ation of tho minins caiups. llondlk* la bound to be one of tho great toiiies of convcrsstinu and of mutual Intcrc t, not only this winter but tho coming Spring, when the excitement is bound »o bo uuparallrllod. eaased by tha stamtiede of thousands tor the Gold Fields. Liesrn what to believe anil H'l.'il not to believe. l!et posted. b« up to date, know what you are talking about. KLONCIKI AND ALL ABOUT IT Is t^ rth its weight In gold to all, and Is i3<>\i<<il ti< meet the demnnd for a reliable guide to the Klondike anil tiold Ktelds of llsjska. Th" book comprise.* lU beautifully printed ^ages. strongly bound.. Ppio* only ?Se., postpaid. .Address WILSON PUB. CO., Limited. 73 Adelaide St. W.. Torot /

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