Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 17 Feb 1898, p. 3

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^^"^ ujfilfewi,.jrji-- â- y?a^3c*- r ^ â-  / THE REWARD OF VALOR. iM lacMcMt IB Ihe Life mt Lc.-d Charlr . B^reafard. Perhaps the moKt dramatic re war, i Lord Charlies Beresford ever got for valor was a few j^ars ago. 0;je bit- ter cold iiig-ist, when hU ship wao off the Faulklajid itilaals, ih«:re was a cry ot "maa overboard," Th« sentry hail disappeared teifalh the floaiin^ ive. Though clad in heavy garoi'enU, Lord CharLes instantly seiied a coil of rope and leap-£d into the sea. â-  "I went down an 1 down and down," said Lord Charles wheal reiatin^ lh« inci- deat, "until I b ..•an to think that the other end of the rope waj n it fastened to anything. At last I grasped my man, the rope became taut, an I I be- gan to ascenl. TisB Bhip'i corporal helped us both out." Fifie<'n years afterwards Lord Charles was spe.iking at a iiolitioal m&atijvg- in support of Lord Folkestone's can iidature. The ball was packed, ajod suddenly there waa a scuffle at the back. "Chuck him out !" cned some one ; but Lord Charles invited the' man to come up to the platform and they would listen to what he had to say Tbi> man â- trugg-led forward in great exriie- ment. He only wanted to shake bands with hii reatuier. He was the sailor who had been save I by Lord Charles from the icy sea off the Faulklaad Is- lands. Wonderful Effect Child Was Not Well a Single Day for Three Vears-A Fath- •r-m Gratel'ui Wcrds for the Cure of His Daughter. "My little girl, whio ia now seven years old, we ghed only three pounds at the t me ot h-?r birth. Fcr three years and a quarter of her life she was not well a single <Ja,y. I was p-Tsuaded to give her Hood's Sarsaparilla, and aliought I wruld give it a tair trial, ilho ih Id began taking it according to direcli na. Tfce r.;salt was a per.'ect cure and her h alth has Leeu go d e.er Since her recovery due. we ieal sure, to the 'gi;«l effe-.s of th s wonderfuL medi<:in«. Tom do not know what a comf' rt Lt is to my wife and myse.f to have her rest red to health. I l:e- lieve tbi cure isperuuineaC andll shall always feel thankful for H od's Sar- eaparlla." George McFarl^ind, Wall- aoeburgh. Ont. Hood's ^p"a7.? GREAT BEER DRIVKERS. "n* greatest beer drinkers in th« â- vorld are tbe Bavariaois. The t)eer 'runk in Bavaria annually is about 5C ri^Icms per hba! of the populatioo. The Bslgiajis conui next. i*4bnJ^4srv4fr48r4^'^ Tbe telling does not aaount g r^ to much, tbcy alnast c--"^ sell tbemsclvrs. ^^ MAGXE-ITC ISLAND. In the Baltic Sea there is an island ot I^nmark called Bt>mholm, whi>h con- idsts almost esatiredy of magnetir>>. ft is mnch droaded by navirators, because it renders ste^rimr a ship by means oC a o^sedle impoesible. .We utter nothing but the â-  bare tmtb when we daia Toronto Cutting School. WOUNG MEN, LeArn cat at. No better tnvdi I 01 ~ . or proX«ulua Write for pamcu.AT., y,2 Vrr.i â-  St. iVr, parilla,^ " Goodrich Res-Fiex SINCU TUBE TIRES Ton otKaiu ftrat of ftU a Ure jt tbe HiGiixsT usjiOK. IrailC of the Man HATEKIAL. and Rbiceted to scrtre twu. Tbne we point! tbat >hauM estabU»h the cuufitUoce the tire de- •rrruL Our eatalc(ue '" T ' Jul!/ ex- pl&injL Send for it. Dealers (itute^l AMfaiMN TIBS CO., Limttod, 1M aiul 166 X.ng St. W., TOUMTO. !>• Cau^vda's Gr«ate<!t U.idicine. Sold by «!' I'ragglfU. Pric.-, II; six for 5. Get Hood's. MONSOON â-  â- ' â-  INDO-CEYLOPl TEA, to be the most ecunumical in the world. TRY ITT ! r)R. SPROLLB, B. A., igni^aate of DuhllB '-' t-'ii'vei^uT. Ireland). :!p0>.-ialut Chr.no Du*«ees ot the Serrcih Bluod, 0«aatitBSKtti*i Ai^..;< -.;j» Iiiipaued Vital Bb«0. LeMaaaeaddeuiaUjaiiuicmi. 93 C'wlioa St., Tonata. raate^touronevbu vtn kO Ic^L Indeitractibiii Lamp Wicks arnaimtBS)a!>iDacrrleailjetluc:Luch.Wr< »e»»4we»i:!a>«t! »iB ise Wlck«. T>o eril ihei mp wicks , ^ . . _ eril ihea K>*ia4 ctiScuupcruU w«inii mail <v>u the Biea IxllClUJiiCAL Co. Box f3i. CeiUtftitm^ CuS f :f- Ml \|i| I \l| I *• V. tCHXi)S}0 Klondike surriics... ^y^ ^^^^ YOU wt at.K-5>txi: Rtiw. s-'ORii Hoods. MosotnTo ( ' " " HooH'< Pill*''â„¢ DronirU e«cient and • iwu â- = m'^cMy in effect, l-^cents. ^i^^^^^i^^^^^. ENTERTAINING PER^^O.NAGES. Pretty Girlâ€" Haven't you ever met Mr. De Dude? Oh. you sh uld know him, for I'm sure y )u would enjoy his society. He's si amusing. Envious Rivalâ€" That muinds me my uncle who hi.s just returned fr m Eur- o.^j, brought me a present of the mo~t comical little n>inkey you ever saw. Altarked Wltk La Vrippe Wi Kk Left â- !â- > let m« bring him around aum« even- Pepraanectly Cuped. STORY TOLD BY A JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Weak aatl MerH •â- â-  â€" Kldaey TieaMe Ailde4 lis t'oapllealloas aad the humtr- *r Was Vlite«Bracnt. From the Journal, Sammerside, P.E.X. One of the best known men arounl Be.iique and vicinity is Mr. Alfred Schurman. who ba^i recently removed to North (.'arieton ilr. i^churmanwas born in BeJique about seventy years ago. Some twenty-five years ago he was Bworn in as a justice of the peat-e. anl alout twenty one years ago he ing. SIMPLE AT FIRST. II i« rMlUk M Neslect aaj lilad er Pile* â€" I'lire Tk>>M at tke RrflnBlac. Piles ar» simple in the beginning and easily cured. Ttey can be cured even in the worst stag<eis without pain or lusBof blood, quickly, .surely, and com- pletely. There is ooly ^n^* remedy that {eye, EAR, HOSE &^^^^,^^,^ J I •%'%^'%'%^^%'%-%-%'%'%% 8i.a:3>iNn B.108. s-'osjf Boons. MosKtcno Nkts. Sxowshois. Beds. Boots, Mo -caSDia, KlsHt^o Tackle, F.t-:. S-ud for Kloudtke list. The Wightman Sportine Goods CO.. MB St. PAin.ST_ MOMTIUE AU QUIC â€" HAVE YOU - A PIC WITH TWO TAILS f â€" I» So, WklTB - We U. HAnnlS. MIMHAVr, InfeelliKen: :^11e3 and ifeotlenit^n 'labttaa^ pliod wiin K*B â-  1 »ad rery PltOflTABLB •mpioTnaeot. Lal'i^trx U th« •â€" facial VSC- E-^Akt 'Jt »K!ur« GHJP RBVJNXKA TIO.S'. Cangive he ^dr«« <f r'7r««witatlT« whohujas|c:e>rt>d till In 1\ D KX3 %S <m» ba oaadenn; AT ro i- >wn H JM& J. L. NI1-H0L3 t CO.. Si Rlcnmoad Waau Tor«Bt% WlllUBI St. TORONTO. (ML roxt O-D*! LAW MIU*. Mi:ls A Barri-;er>, eii'..-einoT'!d to Wasley Bldifs. R;ch mood St. W.. Torooio. DB. GOODCS rilHESS Pm\ ROYAL P1I.IS i.iM ! A Specific for Female Oomplainta, nUMHIt OTTARIO BCSRESS CO! LEGi Pot Moat widely Att«Dded ia Aoitrciu Plu«tr»ted CUalotfO* t3uth yeaxt. Addrks*â€" ROBINSON Ml JOHNSON, F.OJCt &r* » true boon U3 vwrnj tadj who «afff n -o tbr 9«rfonr | toe* (rf iuUar*'i -ffort. Aey >l oooe •*«» t^« ^*ui %oi : rtator* B&tur^ mdhrtlUu fteticD of th* ovu-iftn v«** ' le.t. For 7<-UQ< ksd ieveioping «• muihu-^ i *r;rf •kc«1 : htij rtm^dj waicn c&n b« a**d. Tboy kn jom^jaudad to'.rlj from '-he a<,n^ir« prociplas ^( *fC«L*bl«su[~»tftiicw^ fcnJ \r* perfectly i&f* &nd r«lt&bl(i. A^k yotir dnt^fUi for them. %a-\ J h« dL>« not kerp 'Jl*ai m MocK h« caa BToonrv •hem f • r yuu. Pr:oc $1.J0 p«r BotUe. otitm TTm Tor«nta nwrmaoai 0«., iJnilta< TartatSk ASK YOUR DEALER FOR Royal Safety BURNING OIL. The Best CANADIAN OIL MANUFACTURED ONLY BY Royal Oil Go. TORONTO. ONT. was aptointed clerk of the county I win do itâ€" •Trask's J4agnetic Oint court, in both of -which offices he has given every satisfaction. Mr. Schur- man »as also a farmer on a large scale an 1 like tuoeit men engaged in that X'cupalion lei a bu.'^y life, being com- Iielled to attend strictly to business, but less than a year ago be retir- es! from farming and now lives in a cottage in North C'arleton. Before his reurement, work such as only a man angage I in that occupation kuuws any- thing about, I'laimei his attention His increa.sing years maie the burden heav- ier, anl the spring »ork of 1,^^93 wore him completely out. Ihid is what he tells aloLilt it, aji I how he was cured. " In Lhe spring of U93 the constant toil and drudgery connected with the work of farming wore tue out complete- ly, anJ the break liow u wa^i tbe more complete because tbe results were cou- ple! with tbe lad effei ts left by an attack of la.grii>{e. I'li- of the results ot La gripi%< was a nasty cough, an- other was tbe complete loss of appe- tite My spirits were greatly depressed an 1 1 felt that 1 ha.i lived out nxy days. 1 always feit coiJ, and consetiu«ntly meat.' It allays the inflammatic^n imoMdi- ately. h^als the irritated surfa^-e. and with ci>nlinued treatment, reduces tbe swelling and puts lisj meinbr.ine,- in good, sound, healthy cunJition. The cure is thorough and i.-?rm«nent. Ifcre are some voluntary anl unso- ld ited testimooials we havo lately re- ceived: â€" JudgQ H«inry D. Barnm. St. Croix Falls, says;â€" "I have suffered severe- ly frcm piles, ai>.l fLHjn I no remedy until I applied "rrusk's Magn tic Oiut- tamt.' It relieved me at < n e. and perminv'Dtly. to thse present time." Daniel John, of I.ilierty, says: â€" "My wife was afflicted with the piles tor tjn years or more anl have tried many eminent phy.-i,ians. but rei-eiv- ed no beae:it until 1 was indui-ed by yi<ur agent l.»re, Ur. (le.-ner, to u.-e "Traak's Magnetic Ointment,' and I can n-.'w say .sh* is entirely cur«dwitb three bottles." C. L. Hoot, Monroeviilts savs:â€" "I have been usiog yi>ur 'Trask's Magnet- ic Ointment' for bl^-eJing piles, and Apples, Poultry, 1:?s^s, The Dawson Commission Co.,'-'"''^ Mr.el «Mt MarkM aa« Ooatoraa at.. â-  TMaan^ G. DUTHIE & SONS Slat*, SlM«t-M«tal, Tlla, and CravM Roofers. Sh'et M»ta re Hng*. Terr* c'otti Tt;«. Hod, Bl'ick and Greeo Roofliu S.*.e. Meial Cor* DicfM. r»lt. Tar, Koofli g P-toh, Etc Uuttera Downpipea. ate. supplwd the 'rade Telephooe I9J«- AdeUida A Wiaaiar Sta. TOKOMTOl MBH| â-  ^Z.A.XC17Z"^XC>^ dingle tube V^lB^_ ^H^ ^^ ^^ aiid '^T'XZMC pebble tread tires come ^1 ^m ^K^K^k^^U from the hands of experienced wi<rk- ^M H H H|fl ^^ men, not lacking in one ^ood thin^ ^M H H H â-  a^^ that goes to at once make a tire easy mp ^^ fp ^^^ ^^ riding', wear resisting and perfect id finish. We !u!lv guarantee everv pair of road tires, and repair them FREE OF COST. Write' for prices. TORONTO TIRE CO., Limited, 9 Adelaide St. WesL MONTREAL Windsor Hotel Block. WIHNIPiC Winnipeg RubberWorfcs. HALIFAX Offkie open* Ut ApnI. the stove and I were great friends, | (ind it helps me more than anything but the cold efl'e.ted more esjiecially else I have tried." my feet and caused me great annoy- .^U druggists sell Trasks Magn>?tic ance. Added to this complication was OintzniiOt. It is 25 and 40 cents for a serious kivlney trouble whii-h threa- 1 fulUsized pockagvti. and is put up»>nly tened to pro>e the worst euemy of | by Fratii.n» U. Kahite, 127 Bay strvet, all. I was unable to do auy work, Torooto. had no amiitionand less strength, and was not a lat the bettei o( all tbe doctor's medicine 1 had taken It waa my wife who advi>4«d uie at last to try Dr. Williams' link I'llKs. I Ivught aix boxes and Ijegan taking thtui. My hoi/'e revived lieiMuse a ^ l.auge for the lietter was soon taking place, and be- fore they wvre doue 1 was cured The Bi.<i lio.xes Irojght back my appetite, strength, and ami ition, in short, all that T liad lost in the way of strength and h«ialth. The next spring, howev- er, my hea.lth again gave way and I immediatetly l«^un u^ing the Hnk Pills again, and 1 am happy to say that they effected that time a permanent cure and to-dtvy 1 am w«sll and hearty as if 1 rtere only forty, I strongly recom- mend Dr 'CV'iliiams' Pink Piils to all who are suffering as I was. Dr Williams' Pink Pills oure by ^o- ing to the root of the disease. Th^y renew and l>u»ld up tbe blood, and strengtlie'n the nerves, thus driving disease from the system Avoid imita- tions by in-isting that every box you l>urchasi> Ls enclosed in a wrapping liearing the full trade mark, Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills fur Pale People. SEEDS by nuirber. Buy wbat tou want 12 VARIETIES FOR 25 Cts. This U a BO.NA FIUE atftr made to intr jjuce uur Vrt«Ublc and Flo»cr 5cedB to new cuacoaier» anJ whi,:h «c (uaraolac to picaac you or the amouoc paid rctuoUatf and th« i**\is given a* a preacnC. .Vt thaw) pric«< we oas om.y olTer ths variatlaa nuiuad below. OrAer They are Mnt by atail post paid. Saloci rnim tka follawiag hat :â€" VEaETABLES. (Ontor bf Xiunbvr I 1. B««t, Rciipfw. nMin<l 1 Bc^-t. Kjiyptt.vn. tjrit nmttti 3 i*»bli««r. WuiuiiifcUtlt 4. rabba^. Fottlar • Bnuifviek 5 OuTi>e. b.tlf lone, Mntrivi 7. Cucumbw, Chioac>i Pieklioc i. Oucumbar. Looc Orw>B 9. C«\mrf, 0«>klea8*lf-BUachii« 10 Ht rbe. S*c« U Hrrbft, H««oi7 13. Hmâ- bl^ MirjorftiB 13 Lcttucv. NtinpM^il fOftbbAVp) K I^ttnoe, D«nver MuknC (ctirlvd) IS. Mu»k Melon, axtn •*rlr, Niitei«g 16. WUvr Melxn. Etftr <'ftnik<]» 17 OniuD. !*«»; red WeU>«w^e!4 U, Onioo. YftUiiw Glub* I>Mi«rra 19. P»nuiip. Holtow Crovn V Rulifth. French BrwhkfM* n Ki*Uah. Koeyi;** H Squ*»h. HubbaM A Tnmkio. eitn mtif Attutit Ml TMMto. Pwff Cbampioo PL0WER5. S&. AKt4-nK mixvtl !7. pMitijr. oBtiM 3& P« iini*» mis«d 9 Naittur«iuuM, tmXl mix* 1 30l S»«ei Vt», rio* miivd SI. WiM Klowvr, Gard«D miz«4 core WITH EVERY rilLC QROER Pn»idiat tkli OovBoa i> L IT OIT aadiLt to iS^ •« 'rTlar tor U naiaMa »• wUI tII««<MaMt-1>i|. Inalnda I |iMket I ••D SalMlaMia. pr of norm TO sr. or THIS PAFKR. .. Fr«« 'B!k:ribes8 Roiv Cltm Radiib. W« will NOT ACCEPT AN ORDER at thcur price.t wh«f« the packat.1 ar« NaT sclcctad (ram the at>ov« list. -^- WM. RENNIE. TORONTO. SOME PROGRI':SS REPORTED. Have you caught that murderer yet! No, repl;cd^,?hi§ detective; we haven't raugbt h:ui. but we've got him so Hcaied that he doesn't dare tj show himself when we're around- CATARRH CANNOT BE CURED with I OCAl. APPLICATIONS, a^ they oaa- not rciich tbe â- >«!«> of the dl'aiso. Cata'rh ta H blood or oon^tltutional dtveaM, and in order to ciure it you must take Intuioal remodlas Hall'* Catarrh Cure la tuk. •n iniern.illy and acta directly on tho blood nnd moeoiia aurfacea. Ilall'.H Catarrh Cure ix no' » qaack inadioine. It was prea cribed b.v one "( the b«at phrn'cmnn In thi.< ooiintry for .veiirn, and l.i a roRidar pto^crlp- tiOD. It la comiH'std ofthe bett:onios k-.iown, romblni-<l wit i thi> brat blood puiitlers, R.'iiiig directly on tbemueou» •ur(ncf«. Tiia perfact combinatton of ih' two ingr^ll at9 ia what producca such wo -Jsiful resuli.H in cur- ing Caturrh. Send fo. laitimonUK fr«e K, J. (.HKNKY * CO., Ptoia. ToUdoi, O, SoldbT lirui{gl-(K p-loaT.V. Hall'a Family PlUa ar« tbe best. VrXVH VARIATIO.NS â-  Mrs. Peckâ€" Before we were married you vowed you would die for me. Poor Henry Peck (with surprising: spirit) â€" Well, this i.s a living death ! i To Utdias. I The face receives the record of daily eilierieni'e. (.\>n^t;»nl suffering frtna corns will mar -your beauty. Do not lo k anxious and discontented, but i tise Putnam's Painless Corn Kxtract ir, j which will extract that Etore corn iiii a I day without pain. MEDICAL ..Scien ce Sta rtled. THE NEW IRGRBDIBNT IN BEATEN FOR ONCE.; Druggistâ€" See here I Why didn't you tell that cust(Hner that we had some- thing jut«t as Kood 1 New Clerkâ€" Heciwne he was after soiiie pOMtagv stamps. SOMETKINO ^X)K NOTHING. Persons suffering fro«n Rbeumatism. Salt Rihieum, Piles, I'etter, Chilblains, tVzeuia, Skin Dis.asr's, etc., whti -send a two ce«t stamp < for postage only) with na^ne and address, we will send a tree aemiiple of Trask's Magnetic Oint- ment witi a KauRoiu's Cook Rook fre«^, Francis U. Ka.hle. \2X Bay St., Toron- to. THE SITUATION. "What has China done to tbe Euro- pean powers f" "She hiiau't done anything, and tbey won't do a thing to China" Suooess In business comes when thirough sat- isfaction is given tbe public. Tliat'9 why Nerviline sells so rapidly. Ti>oth- aj'he is cured as if by magic. Paiu. in- t^-riial or external finds a pn«Ujpt an- tidote in Nerviliue. "Tiy it. CUTTINC; ICE. Does h« cut any ice in the townf Well. I KUet« yea! H* is a coal dealer, W P C 9«« Two Hundred and Seventy-Five Cups In each pound of 40c. LUDELLA Ceylon Tea. Do you realize the value this cont.tinsâ€" seven cups for one cent. Try it, ai, 40, M and Mo. In leatl Paolui(M. 9nm LMuHns gnown. 'S Cures Rheuniollsm. Kidney and Skin Diseases 4000 Canadians testify to its Merits. Pbysiciar^s use it daily in tKoir practice ClergynQen of all denominations endorse it. The general publio svuear by it. King's Daughters, Hamilton, say : "No hesitation iu reconi mending it. Know it has ciur«<i a terrible case of Sciatica, and other cases ot RheuniatiHm." Rev. ThoB. Geochegan, St.^Pbter's Mission. Hamilton : "From persons intorviewad I recaivad the same hearty testimony of pain removed and health restored. Twenty five paople." Rev. Eugene Groulx. Archbishop's Palace. Ottawa: "Marvellous cures aflwoted in Rbuematic and Skin Diseases which came directly to my notice. Twenty-six people." Patrick Ryder, London, Ont. : "Had Rheumatism thirty-six years but "Kootenay Cure" drove it all out of my system. " Mrs. Maggie McMartiu. Radsnhurst St., Toronto: "Left side completely paralysed. "Koote- nay Cure" and nothing else, restored my health." HE WHO HESITATES IS LOST. The longer you wait the worse you become, but as long as you have waited we can Miifl yoo. Just think, 4000 people cured in Canada alone. afiAIXl£Kf , aiHl if Copy of above testimonials and others (sworn to) sent free on afmlkuioB. There is no substitute for "Rooteu&y Care" which oootains the n£W 1N< your druggist does not sell it send direct to THE S. S. RYCKiUN miClNB CO, Lifflited, BAMILTON, ONT. PRICI 91.00 PKR BOTTLIi e BOTTLI8 PO^ S5.CO "KOOTENAY PILLS", which contain tk» N<rw Injitedteni. »re mn« cuje foi- Headache, BMlott*- ^ess and Conttipatioa. Insist upon Kootinay Pllla. Price Mk, BMUIed to Wtjr addi-e«».

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