i ) A VERY DEEP MINING SHAFT. ClrranislaBrM Under WkKk It U BcIbC iaak t* Cat a Vela. The Tamerack Copper Mining Com- Iiany, of MlchLg^an, is sinking a shaft, whli-h when completed will be over SOUO feet deep, making ic the deepest abaft in the world. Tbe shaft is Iwing sank on land adjoiniu){ the Calumet and H^^cla mines, ami* nut Car from it is one 3000 feet deep. These two ahafta will tap the vein o( the Calumet and Hecla comijany at a point off their land. The - land Iwlongin;; to the Cal- umet and Hecla comi^any was original- ly patented under the timl»r act. That was liefore the copper was known to eiUt there. The land once Vieing pat- ented as timber land could not be [ at- ented a« a mineral claim. The result is tiiat the copper company can not follon- the vv'in beyond thi- side lines of the timl)er c';iim. Thai comiany did not purchase all the surrounding' land, not thinking any one wouild sink for the vein at suoh a distanc«\, as it <lii)i'e<l at axich an angle. But the Tameruck company did purchase the surrounding land, and Is sinking for the vein. Their purchuie limits the future operations of the Calumet and He<- a Mining Com- pany, as the op? in sight can lie ex- hausted In a'lout fifty y.ars, and then it will have to suflipend operations, as it can not so leyonl its side lines, as th.? land adjoining -ie owned by oth- er people. Health Lost and Found. ____ I THE STORY OF A YOONO BOY? TRIALS. Wa« Cr*wlas Tee Kapldlr «a4 â- !< Ilrallk Vktc Way - »e»er»l Maallu' DMlortaf • ntd aim to Voad - HU Parcaia Alaaal DUcoarased. From the Napanee Beaver. It is truly pitiable to see boys just beginning to reali.!e the lossibilities of life stricken down with disease, the escape from which Is sometimes thought to be little short of a miracle. Eearing of such a ca.se a reporter call- sd on Mr. J. J. Smith, lining near Fredericksburg Station in Lennox Co., and interviewed him regarding the cure of his son who was in I a I health and regained it by the use of Dr. Wil- liams Knk Pills. Mj. Smith U one of the oidest residents in the locality, of direct U. E. Loyalist descent, and has resided all his life on the farm on which he lives. He is consequently well known throuKhout the district. In reply to the scrilie's query he gave the detail* of the case. "My son, Stan- ley, w;is taken sick aLwut the first of Februiry, I88S. He became rery deaf and lal a dull constjint pain in liis head. He grew very weak, mich a condition l«ing more properly describ- ed by the term "genural muscular weakness." He was troai>led with se- vere pain in the i a-.-k and had no ap- peUU, continuing to steadily grow weaker and finally loit all ambition. He had little more, color in him than a bit of white paper. A physician wa« consulted on the first aupearance of the trouble. He carefully examin- ed the case stating that the hearing wa.H affected by catarrhal deafness, thi? jjaijis in the back origin- atiaK fro*tt muutular rhksumatism and the constant tired feeling and general weakness was caused by over growth, Tbift'e difficulties together with the after effe^tsof !» grippe left him a phy- sical wt«.k. /«« h"'i the bt«nefit of careful niedical attenti. n for four montli*. Th» doctor h;id carefully treated him for the deafueas and suc- ceedel in restoring his hearing, but in other respects was ru> better. He ordered that be should be carefully â- ursed which was about all that could be done. To make- things more clearly ilflHer.sLooillmlgiht say he was at this timie past twelve years of age, having grown very fast, was large enough for OB9 six years his senior. ITie doctor •aid medicine coald not Ijenefit him and all that could be di ne must come by nursing. We naturally felt greatly discouraged at the prospect, not know- ing what course to pursue in the future. At this juncture one of the druggists of Napsnee who hail pr«- nouf^ly comiwunded many prest'rip- btooK, recommended a trial of Dr. Williams' Pink P>"«- It was then the first oif June when we purchased three boxies and commenced the treatment. When he had fiiniAhed the second liox his appetite, previously fickle a.nd un- ateady, bad wonderfully iimproved. Ho continued taking l';e i ills until MVMi b«x«8 had been used. His strength returned with renewed vig- or and all signs of muscular rheuma- tism had vanished and he steadily re- gained a strong healthy color, and was able to do considerable light work in the harvest field .such as ri<ling the mower, reaper or liorse-iake. He has slaoe attended school regularly and though a year hai «!aj»<«(l. he has had no symiitoms." Mrs. Smith sjiokeu to about the matter readily concurred in all that had been said iclalive to her son's case, and was very decided in her views regarding tbe health giving pro- perties contained in Dr. Williaiu.s' Pink Pills. Or. Williams' Pink Pills are a blood builder and nerve restorer. They su|i- ply the blood with its lite and health- giving pvopcrlics, thus driving ilisen.se from the .system There are numerou^i pink colore 1 imitations, against which the public is varne.1. 'ITie genuine Pink Pills can lie ba'I only in boxes the wrapper around whioh vars the full trade mark, "Dr. Willia.ns' Pink Piil.'i (or Pal* People." Refuse all others. The World's Great Blood Purifier ia Hood's Sarsaparilla, Which absointely Cures every form of [mpure blood, from The pimple on your Face to the great Scrofula sore which Drains your system. Thousands of people Testify that Hood's Sarsaparilia cures Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Dyb'^psia, Malaria, Catarrh, Eheuniatism, And That Tired Feeling. Remember this And get Hootl's, And only Hood's. HEll FIFTY YEARS' KEKP On the occasion of his golden wed- ding a method teal English husband figured up from his carefully-kept ac- counts what his wife had cost him. He ha<l an assure)! income of $2,301) a year throughout his life. Winning his wife, what with pre..^nts. engagement ring, an I extra expenditure on his own I>ers«)inal adornn»ent, cost him 9500; her .•»hiire of the household expenses was $623 a year; her clotliing and linen coiit $260 yearly; presents, medical at- tendance, amu.sements ami summer ex- (Tursioas amounted for her share to 1150 aantially. He therefore spent for her in fifty years 96ti.75U. CO-OPERATION. It Is Praclieed WItk »acre« Mj a Seelely af Ba»k«« Makera. In Garoi>e, as in v^-eU known, the prin- ciple co-operation baa Ijeen incorporat- ed in man/ forms as yet untried in this country. A late num)«r of tl;.i Economic Journal furnishes interesting particulars concerning a French society of basket makers, which has flourished at Villaines for aliout 45 years. Tbts worksrs, aliout I.tO in numtor, work at their own boujKis, and supply themsel- ves with osiers at their own cost. The society exists for the purpose of find- ing a market, and is so successful that the demand ia greater than the supply. The soi'iety does not concern itself with the delivery of goods. Customers must make their own arrangements to .send for them. The society is managed by acommittee,but the actual work devol- ves on the President and on the Sec- retary, who ar© the only paid mem- l)ers. The society is rei orted to be suc- cessful and popular and its meml>ers prosperous. In instances such as this we may see an indication of the form of co-operation which ia sure to become popular among utt in the near future IMPOSSIBLE to adulterate MONSOON â- W I INDO-CEYLON TEA, It beinff packed in sealed lead pack- sts. â€" Black and mixed. All grocers. Avo<>i>\ l>iK)i<xt >iir.R;i\i<c • ;; l.lJOMrVl «»»€..(<* NIL DESPERA.VDUM. "Things in general," said the pess- imistic Tiieosuphist, "are very, very bad." "Oh, well," replied the ojrtimiilic Theos<iph st, cheerfully, "it's all in a lifetime, and Iwsides, there will be other lifetimes." I • 70U w»iit to bay or M I a suioad of POTATORY â- VwriUiu. Ship >u sroiir lliiKcr. Skks. P-mltrr A? â- I firt. B«iu>. .M»ple.4;rjp, Uitg^ or other urfjciuofc sdJ wa will z«( yiju all it la wi.rtb on Lha markaa Qatok aal-a and rrtumfl- Corrs«p',Dil|.n(M in»it*-,i TNI DAW80N OOMMIttlOM 00., Umlted. lor. of WMt MarkstaneOolL.. 19 ats., TOIONTV, Baff n o Doguaiou U&mM. Um^JlaA Bnaik* SPEEMIMG^40 1;«0KOU6tftRn,lABU aMaaotrlamtBI) vnonf frleaila »( lOeu. MiM «• vtllm*ll roa tn* WlaJu. Ta« Mil â- â- I IntelllKeBt ladlM &nd gaQtlaineii -tan be ra» piled with «en'-Ml and rerr PnoFITABLl smplDymont. Inluslrjr !< rhsewntlii SSG- jaS.VKVr to Mour« QOOD HK.Mi.SBH* TIOV. Can giro he idJr»«» itr-BrssentaMte who haa just cleirsd tlK In Jl D ^.73 M aaa \ htiaad* rlglit A.T roiir iwa H <.MS. J. L. NirHOLS » CO., 8 KlcbmOBd Wesi^ Toreatk Klondike S"pp'ics... 8!.EEPI!<0 BaOH. 9TOKM HOUDS. MosyuiTO Nkts. snow-shoes. Beds, Boots. MOcCAaiNa< Fi.smNO Tacki^. Ktc. d^^ndfor KlondlaelU*. The WIghtman Sportine Goods CO.. «B ar. PADLar, mo.streal. quk. Fact, Prncy and Fab's Have convinced pe'>j)le that Putnam's Painless Corn Extract r should I* given the preferen e Get rid of y ur corns: get rid of them without jaiin ; use Putnam's Extra.tor and no other. A FLAOVB OF THE XIGHT, lIcklBs ril« nt* «tker Kmal TreuMet Ibulljr litres %r a Safe Mrlkadâ€" A Me- â- uarkakla ^BBtkar ••' t'erca Maaia kj Truh'a Naaiaella wlBlnifat. About one person In every r>ar suffers (rum 4ui)i.' (urm at r»>.-tai dls^'Ase. Ttie moat cooiiuon tad annojrlng Is ItctabiK piles, Indicated by wariBtb, allitit luulstiire and luteiisf. uncuntrollBbU Ucnlag lu the parti afffiTeii. The uaiial treatmiHit kaa bien some simple oistmeai or -ijilve, wklcb nijint'flmes givea temporary rvllrf, but BOthlo^ Ilk* a perma- DPiic cun* .'au be expecied {rum auch super flclal trpatmeat, Tbe unly penuanaat cure for llchlng piles yet dUcovered la Traak's Magnerio Olnc- meat, not only for lt«blDg plica, but for every other f(»rui of pltea. blind, bleeding or protrudlug. The Irac application five* loatunt relief and tb<- coatluiiad u»e ror a short tluiK cauae« a pi>rmaafiit remorai uf tile tuoiura ur th.. tuiaii paraalte« whiob cauae tBr lateQse itcbing and dlacimfort .)f Itvhiog piles, Uany phyirtclaaa for a long Unu «upp.i«i'J tbat th^ reoiarkable teller nffDrUed by Tiask's Uagartic OiDtaivDI waa beoaiiar U «as 8uppoaM t« contain cocalno, ophmi ••( aiinilar drun, but atich la not the case. A reuvnt can-nil iiiialysls of the remedy show- ed it to l)e ttbaolulely free fr.>in any co- oalue, opium or lu (act Auy polsoiioua, W- jurlous drugs whatever. For this reanon Trnak'a MajTietlc Olut- ojent la prob«Wy the onJy plii' cure <x- t<roalT«ly rvc«fl»a>euded by phyrti.'laua. be- cause it U ae safe, su pninpt In rbe i-ellcl atorded and aa (ar a« known the only post live cure (or pilea cx' >pt a aurglcal operH ttou. If .<uir»rlB( toom aay (orm of piles ask your druggist rot a IV or Wc package o' Traak -• Mugnetla Olntniaat and try It to night. rHAXOIB KAHI.H. 127 Bay stn-ot. nroato, IN THE ASYLUM. First Patient (scornfully) â€" Uo on I You have wheels ia your head. Second Patient (proudlylâ€" Of course I have ! and they'rs chainless wheels at tbat. Man m Dtsti-M*. A whole fwuily Hufferin4r. A dull ai'binig of ni'rve ;ir muscle, or the acuter |«ngs of neuraligia, I .lothache, or liunbo^o laakes life a misery. But NervilifiBâ€" nerve-pain cureâ€" will re- lieve all Uw'iHe Nerviliiie is pi^verful, penetrating, and effectual. "OKb" THKIR NUTS." Fir.st >rtitâ€" We shall l» eaten so n I Tlbe thought's en >ugb to drive us mad I Seicond rHtto (hrokenly>â€" Yes; I'm 'cracked' already I CATARRH CANNOT BE CURED with LOCAb APPLICATIONS, a-* ihey oan- not reach the "eat of the dl-eii««. Catarrh la a )>lood or ouustltutionnl dixesra. and in order to euro tl you muHt take int\}inAt ramediea. Hall's Catarrh Cur* ia '.uk- en Intornnlly and act.a directly on the blood and maooua aurfscea, Hall'a Catarrh Cure N not a quark iiiediolna- lH was prea crit>ed by OB* rf ihe beat phyriloima in this country for i%<^T^ and Is a regular prn-^crlp- tion. It ia ootnpaced of the boi't'onlca known, coinbinoU with tba brat, blood puilflera, acting diractly on th*mucouH surfacea. Tti* perfect cotiiDlnatlon o( Tho two IngreiltiaCi ia < what; pro<liicos such wonder(ul ranuits in cur- [ inK<'»t»rrh. f^ond foi te<t.imonUl«, (re* I F. J. I HKNKY & ( O., Props.. Toledo. O, i Sold by Uriifglitii. prima 75c. ! Hall's ramily PIUk nro the b*au I DISCARDKD. ; See here, yoti infernal youngster,' what dill you swat me in the neck with tlia t apple for ? I It wasn't any good, ."ir. Constipation CURED ocLERY Kime Piira Rooia and Hatha with Celerrâ€" a iraai dlge^ live atirouiant â€" aold by all dmg^lsta. Carsa pack* ag*,a30. wu*i>wA»» MaDiciNt CO., ToaoHTo, bam. C05IP.\RATIVELY HONE.ST â- Miss Sharpâ€" (iefore I gave you that pie you said mj' sidewalk needed shoveling. Hungry Uoby â€" Yes, lady I reiterate my statement â€" it duz need shorelin'. An" ef I 'wuz juu r4 keep me eye peel- ed for s:.'ine iainjrer and giv him da job. 'il' rnin'. lady. SKED6 GIVEN AWAY. There never wa« such a bargain of- fered in seetis a.s ti'iat set forth in Hennie's alvertisemenl in this paper. T'aers are offered seeds in i5c. pack- ages at less than wholesale rates. This is no faJce liargain, but something gilt- edgied : in fact the pricM at which seeds are offered speak for themselves. More- over in dealiu.B uith Mr. Rennie peo- ple are dealing with a man whose natue ba.s lieen a household word in Canada for probity and honor for a genera- tion pa.st. We have no hesitation in recommending our readers to order freely at the prices offered. Do not uait until the offer is withdrawn, but order no« TIMK FOR J.-VNK TO BRACE I'P. Jane, said th.^ newly-married lady of Uj«> hotwe, I want you to flute each slice of bread we hajve for dlnnre. Fluted, is it f I'm not the sewin' wo- man, mum Jane, you are not keeping up with your l>u.sine88. Wliat did I get you tbat saw-edged l>read knife forf W F C 0«1 nlTo'u. Ofr.\RI0 BISOESS COlLEfil Moat wldBly Attended in ATtienca. rag riu»trat«d CatiiUigiie «'"> yeRfl, Addre»- ROBINSQN & JOHNSON, r.aA.« yai.T.g 'PTLlJ. . - • ON» and Sheet Mgtal Worfca. RMDlINf; SLATE. In Bluk, KaJ .r i;r=,n SL.\TF. Bl..Vl.'KBOAKD8 I W„ .uiiajf Pub Ic aud High Scilouit. TonmU)) BooBn* r«it. rilcn, CoU Tar. etc R0<)Fia<;TIl.Bi8~."«o" ' â- •» Bull* Inst. T.r .nU>, .ion. by ..urdtm). Maul Leilmga. Cop n;cf». ett Batimatas furuuhod for WLrk (>,mpl«t« ortos â- *' ItoaO) li»rt of the c-juic.ry ROOFING C. DOTmi A sous, T.)*pho«* iwa. AdeiaM* and Widmer St3., Toronto. Outs â€" HAVE YOU â€" A PIG WITH TWO TAILS t â€" If So, Writb â€" W* Ga HARRISi MCROHAKT, WlUUaSt, - - TOHOM rO. OBt. ^OXK CIX73 Our Motto j;,:^ fj"^ The Best Goods at Lowest Possible Prices and consequently our low priced niacbines have always given extra gocd service ano better results than many inachlnes bring ing $,15 hi|{hei prices. FeEE FROM DlSEIiSL THI DOCTOB SATS SO. KK. FISHER SWBAtS SO. KOOTESA? DID IT. Every Cycle Fully Guaranteed Good Business Men, insurwioe Agents or others, wanted In each town or willage as Agents. ^ BUILT TO WEAR a> wall aa to uti, anil it p<» < to buy kh« h««k a« a looit tovaatiueni and anafo return ia th« JOY OF THE , BUSINESS MAX. Goodrloh ^ Res-Flex SINOie TtlBI are a iiAt« r«;urii fur >i)iir monaj . be •^ oauM iJliij «r» «i.natruol«.l in .oiantitio SB^ prinoiplM iiii'l ire aw.i tb»fAj>< Jhii ^ oldUm«4 tiro Tha* duut OKT uLT ^^ or WISD Our '"^T oataloaii.- »« M^ ;:alu< »hy. 'Wild for it. D««lar« MT quotail . ^r AMERICAN TIKE CO., Limited, |||^ ^^ 1M and ISA King it. W., Tor«ito ^^ r\R. SPR9ULB, B. A., (Kradiiat* of Diihlla *.' UnlT«i-»\tT, Ireland). Speclallat Chnnio DiMiiau of Uie Nerra*. BIwxl, Constitutlnnal Ailiniula, ImpalrMl Vital Kiieray. L«Uer< a .aUdentiall} auiwored. 99 Carlton St, Toronla. r. Toronto Cutting Sohool. UNO MEN. Learn lo Cut Nu b*tt«r iradi or profaailoa. Write (or partlciii&ra, lit Yongaat, ToroBto. LAW Mill*, Mills A Hal**, Barrators 9U'..iemoveil to Wfeiley Hldics., Rich nioiirt 9r. W.. Toroiiin Mr. Jacob Fiahcr, who is etnploya*! by the Niagara Falls Paper Co., of Niagara Falls, N. v., suflTered for a long time from Rheumatism, Scrolula and mood dl»- order. He look Kootenay Cure, and now is p«rfectly free from disease. H« ha* Wea examined by Dr. J. H. Sutherland, who declares him in "a perfect state of health, and free from any disease." Mr. Fisher himself made a sworn declaration as follows : " I am the same person ex- amined by Dr. J. H. Sutherland. For over a year I was a sufferer from Rheu- matism, Scrofula and blood disorder, I commenced taking Ryckman's Kootenay Cure, and now I am ft ee from all blo.^d disorder, Rlit-umatism, Scrofula and skin disL-ases, .tnd my cura was effected soldjr by the use of the .ibove named ren- -|j. ' Chart Book mailed free on applic<ation to The S. S. Ryckman ^^•^ilciIlo Co., Limited, Hainilt.-iii, Ont. H X*,*' ♦"^oO What? "AMBERINE OV«r 300 •!*• Iialiif II in HaiftiHon- OV«r 1000 Iq Toroqio «i|^ L.oi|«loi|. Removes Dandruff in One Week. Cures Itching of the Scalp. Prevents Breaking: of Hair. Stops Falling Out. POSITIVELY GROWS HAIH. Wm- SWORN TESTtM0NII\L8 StHT FRCL ♦i:v SlaSO p«r Bottle tfm Drncgfatta, w •• r«<««i|»t vf i>rir«> t* Vfc.'^^ Job Cook Iff Co., London, Ont. y^^ ©♦* SURE ! / ^Y r^mss^j^'^ • -r-rsr Two Hundred and Seventy-Five Cups in each pound of 40c. tUDELLA Ceylon Te*, Do you realize the value this contains â€" seven cups for one cent. Try It, M, 49, N ami M«. M IMMI PmImcm. from iMMNnc (raoarti SEEDS by nuti-'ber. Buy what joii wnnt Tiioy are «nt by mail post paid, 12 VARIETIES FOR 25 Cts. Thii is • BONA FIOE oHer made to IntroJucc our Vegetable nod Flower 5eetf» to new i:u«t<incr.. .nil which we guarantee to plea.u you or tho amount piiil rclundcj and the jeeds given as a prtsent. .Vt thc^io urir..- w« can â- i.ni.y uilar the varlKiM named bolow. Orner Select from lb* follow ibk list :â€" VEQETABLBS. (Onlcrhir yumbw.) 1. Bni't. EolipM>, I'.iund S. B««t, KsjptiAn, Hat round & Ci.bhi««, WinitiufNtndl «. Oahba*". I'ottter « Rrimiwlok 3 Ouroi, hittr tiMif. K.rl.k S. Onrro*. (i;ifr.nTo soi.rl.4 7. rM(mwh«r. itiic^fi. P.oliUaf »^'.-J 9. Qf>ri. Ooldvn Sf lf.m»n.illlBg 10. Ui.'rl». A>|i. 11. H.."bH, R«T»ry U. H«rh«, M«r)oriiin U. Lcttuc Xmipwiid IC.bkM*) 14. Lottao*. BuTw lf.rk«« (anrltdl M, Mwk Mcloa, Mlr» Hity, Muthnc 1*. Witter Melun. Ksrly Uaiirulk IT I'fnh-m. :.iri« rrd Wf thwitel* !«. Ouwn. V.1I.)W Oliil..' DanTW* I* Pw.iiip, JJMlow Crown »i RudiiJi. Ii'rencll HrciktiMt II R.'lish, Katf i>.ni ia. Smua^, Hiibbar-I 1.1 Txmatn. «ilr» »m\i AlUntl* S4. TnoiAto, l>wfu-t Chaotpio. PLOWBH5. 95 Ajit<'r», mir#d M Mgnnoffite. %wmA ?*. F^n.y. Wiled 2'*. F»!il«K mliad 0. "S^V.rVwnit. Ull nitxl SO. .4wo«t P*J*, fill, mitwl .11. wild ri.otr. aarilen mlud FREE WITH EVERY ORDER Pr.i»HlJin this r.mp.n n i.'1'T iit'T iMid sent to m« with ui '.rlnr f.if W pMlcnin, we will inolii la I v.eket Nbw limit ( h'l l«n .'ilnij. ...i^ iM-u-u JCc. Fro. ^J-^i.'V 'â- '* -StriV-ti'RIBKRS 0» THIS PApgR. R*«.v a*m Kadltk. W* will NOT ACCEPT AN 0RD8R at lh«H price* wkM. Ik* packet* aro NOT MlKte4 frooi the above list. -^- WM. RENNIE, TORONTO. \