â- i HOW DIfFJtRENT NATIONS EAT. | nte la«crnB« liiliii.]rnenii>lnt «r Varlon* f»o|»<c nhlle at ihr Tiiblr. Til* Englirh are admitte'l by all un- tE-»jadioed forei^'Dera to iie the mt'Kb r«f<i.ned eaters ia tiie world. To see a mrtll-bred iing I whman go through the rarioua .itagcj of liia dinner is t.> ha.H » lesson in the art of graceful e-itinf:- Ve,j- different is th« l)ehavii>r oii the Russiajfi, wh> does mt disdain to (we nature s weuixiuH when h : connid- era Ibe latter luore convenieaU than kaife and fork. The Krenchmua will itse a piece of bread in nearly all cases where be •hould use a Icnife. The CermaD on the other hiind, pluiages bis knife into tuji muu/lh in a way thit is terrifying. The .Sueie inits up .ill his foo 1 intlT tiny I iecea first of all ani then hii\ ing laid aaide bis knife, proceedij. to t^ike ap piece lijr piece with hia f' rk. I3ie Il.alian uses a S|>!<vn quite as often as a fork. He will employ the Canada's Greatest Medicine. Greatest Because in case.'j of r^»r«!>- M& 'v. baa a Unirb like! magic. -.. hi::h ju^t hits tlie spot, brings relief to Ibe suifferor, and gives Lone and strength to the stcmach as no ottwr medicine lias. Could Mot Eat Without Pain. " for many jear.^ I have been a suf- ferer from a oevere case of Dyspepsi:!. tcould not cat without great pain in my ' stoma'^b and \^x>uld be aick and vomit up whot I did eat One day I rend a' a ciKaB cured by Hr,od'.s Sarsapurilla. I told tnj buslja-nd I believed this me-l- iclne would help voe.. He went right away and got a Imttle of Hood's Sar- parllla former for vegetatlefl and •jmetimes i ^pariUa. I took four bottles and 1 was evea for (\ah. The lalter] u»e of the ^,j^j^j .. ^„ AJlen Stivers. Makandi mwon is a<.<ix>ewtiat cujrious. i jnjaoia. The Japanefee .liner uae.s ohop-ati'ks. ^ a torm of impl<'m«nt somewhat <liffi-|| |.^^^^^J7^^ SSirSSl' wilt to manipulate without oonsider- kble practise, while the Chinaman tears hia fioj with hi-i Ipag naiU in a manner thoroughly rei»ulsive. The CJreek swallows his meat in hmre nouthfuls. and would probably de- rour a steak weigibliig haJf a (.ound iu kalf a uiinute. TaJiiag a very sharp knife, he divides the meat, intr> four or five great eections each of which he flings ini.j his mouth in rapid succes- •ion. It is not tl) 1.l wondered at that. the Greeks suffer much from indigest-' ion. When all ia said and done, th« Eng- lish tjeat the other nations in the art of refined eating. The GoIdeQ Klondike. AN ENORMOUS RUSH OF SEEKERS GOING IN. GOLD »• RsBBii 4d>lec rr»m Oae Wko lliw> M>d« the Tiitiauil Ku»w.| »iinrllrlni o. Ike Hardsbipt Ibe t;«ld Scrkcr â- Utt-ii Fadi-rs*. In the ruab towards the golden fields of the Klondike there are th«u»- anda who are ill-fitted to atand the â- train of hardship and extosure, which Are inseparabio from that trip. Ill- ness, disease and death is almcat cer- tain to claim many of the ill-prepared adventurers. 'llie following letter from one whb baa undergone the hard- aihipe of the trip, will prove interesting to those who intend going into the des- olate but gold laden north:â€"' Skagway, Dec. l:ith, 1897.' Deal Sirs.â€" My object iia writing Ihia ;iytte.r im to giro a vmri U advice to thjose wito cotttwnp'iute g» tog to the Yukon gold fipHs. â- For ten yewrs I bav© followed til* occupation of proo- pcct'.iQg. Umber estiniatiDg a.ud min- idDg. and th»; twrdshipe and priiv:i,t ijc,« wh;t* oiw> haa to undergo, are enough to wreck the strongest conatitution. In tins sjir >iB «>f i^'-fJ 1 wi"* strii-ken with pteuriwy, a/i tfae result of exposure. I refwvereJ from, th«, b^ it !eft be- tuUud th».' 9e*ds uf tlistviae which TOa.ni- Cested it:be.m.sei'ves to tUiw f»fl-ui of heart and Itiduey troubiea. 1 auJCBiajd to rca.ih Vaoicouiver, but did iiit I'jjui* n:iJ'.\>« h«ii;>.^s of rcx-over- infe. 1 waa aii'vi«i'd. (however, to give r)r. H'i:lliuim«' Wmk Pills a trial and at first purotuk»."d but two boxef. IJefore t^se were gcmie I foUTiid beyond a doubt that UMi^y were hoi,>aiiiB u:e. BiIkI tlieiir coujiiuued tiae "tut me oo mi- feet ngalJi" to use a cx^aasmom exfxes- a(j.n\ 1 tlhefi engaged to go to tbe Yukon rooBitry a'uU on'<? those -wfcio have made the trip to Cti'wson City can ^rm even the faintest conception ot the kardships tbath»ve tobeliorue in making the trip. Before Htartiag I added to my outfit two dozen bo.xes of Dr. \ViIli;i,mi4' Piaii Pills anil 1 cad houwustly Hiiy nj part of my outfit prov- ed of such invaluable service to me, and I would stroxjgly urge every man who foe6 in to take a supply with him, as ^ will fijMi the Bi^ed of such a tonic ajwl upbuilder of the system on many occasions. ^ wtmt ii> and, returned to this place by the Daltoo tnil, -wbich com ists of 9d>0 mtl«s of old Indian trail, starting at Pyriimid Harbor. In fco- iini?, over the trail ont; has at timed to wade tbrouirh mud more than a foot deep, and ford BtreiunB waist deep in ice cold waters. Whwn I started fur the Yukoti my welg'bt was only 149 pOund.s, an4 I now weig>h 189 poun<U, thanks to Dr, Williams' Pink Pills. X am 8i:oiQ starting for another trip to i;a'.vso«i by the £a<ne route. This time, however, the tra^â- ellLng will he oa enoHTitMues. and you may deiend up- on it Dr. Williaois' Pink Pills* will aga'a fortn {iurt ul my outfit. I wriite this letter for the two fold puriKNK of letting you know what your medicine has done for tue and urging thoee who go in to take asupiily with them. Every tuan, whether ho is sick or well, whb undertakes the trip to the Yukon will require aome- tbing to lira,t« him ajid keep hia con- atitution sound in thikt country. I may Bay that my hDuie i» at Copi'er Cliff, Ont., where, my wife now remdes. \our8 very truly, John Plche. OUT OF SRSHT OF LANTD. Hazelâ€" Wenvn't you awfully afraid e\u\ first timo you crossed the wean? Nutl«^â€" 'VVellâ€" erâ€" for a, time I did teei a sort of grouadless apprehension. Hood's I* Csniinii Greataat MeH jcice. tl ; aix for lA. Bold by .all Pnnr^f'tn. Get only Hood'a. Hnn/1'e Pills are the be-taftar-dinn-r nOOU S fills puU. aid digestion. M». ^VEIGHTED SILK. To allow the manner in whi<:h silk iis adulterated, an> En^liah chemist re- cently analyzed a piece of silk with the followirbZ results : Real silk, 28 ; water, 11 ; ash, mostly tin oiid and silica, 14.30; organic matter, not iiilk, 46. Buoh â- -ilk" bee.>mes shabby in a few weeks, hut so rapid are the chanige of fashion tl:at it i.4 said to be preferred by manor purchasers. SIXTY- FOURTH ANNUAL MEcTINS. T>>e annual meeting of the ahare- boldera of the British American Ai^sur- anoe Company was held in the com- riny's offices, Nos. 18, 20 and 22 rnnt street eaat. Toronto, on Friday, the 18tb I'ebruary. The President. Hon. Geo. A. Cox, oc- cupied the chair. Mr. P. H. Sims was appointed to act as Secretary, and re;>d the following report, wbich, on motion, was adopted : ANNUAL REPORT. In presenting the Sixty-Fourth An- nual Financial Statement of the Com- pany, the Directors have pleasure in calling attention to th? following re- sults of the year's busincM. The balance of income over exi'endl- ture. aa shown by the Beveuue Ac- count, is (100,832.74. There b.is been a net appreciation in the market ralue of Securities of »14,U7.98. The He^rve Fund has been increas- ed from <5.8 883.84 to |01>l,36t.51, af'er prrvidiug (52,500 for two half-yearly dividends, at the rate of seven per cent, per annimi. The ealimateil liability on current po- licies is V6U,9)J2.8(j, an aiaouiit more I ban ample, according to the Com- i.^ny'a past experience, to run off all existing risks, and after providing for this there is a net surplue over capital and all liabilitie.4 of «79,381.G&. In all departments a decrease is shown in loss ratics as compared w'tb tfao«e of the previous year. The Directors express their appre- ciattoo of the efficient services of the Officers, Siecial Agents and Represen tativea of the Company during the past year. All of which is restectfully submit- ted. SUMMARY OF FINANCIAL STATK- MENT. Total cash idcome 91,170^ 40 Total e.xpenditure. includ- ing appropriation fcr loeoes under adjustment... I,3<>9,o0lii>:i Balance . Dividends declared.. Total aasetj! Total liabilities 100,832 74 52.500 GO 1.510,827 ?8 If®, 6! :7 Surplua fo polioyhoWers.. $I,341,?6l 51 The followicg gentlemen were elei'- ed to serve as Director!, for the ensu- ing year , Hon. George A. Cox, J. J. I Kenny. Hon. S. C. Wood, S. F. Mr- ! K'nron, Thomas T ;â- ?. John Hosliiii, , Q.C.. .LL.n., H M. r .\ut, R. Jaffia.v, A. Wl.yeri At a meeting held sub^ec^uently Hon. George A. Cox was eleft'Hl President and Mr. J. J, Kenny. Vice-Pre»idi?nt. CATARRH CANNOT BE CURED with LOCAI, APPLICATIONS. a« they chii â- o» reach the "eat ot the dieixe. Cata'rt la a Wood or oou«tHutionftl di^eaie. antl in order to cure It jou mUtt t(\ke Intcinal ramedles. Hall's fatarrh Cure Is tok- en In'ernnlly tiM acta directly on the blood und moaouii surtacea. Hail s CaUnn Cure is not a quack mediolne. 1» was pr»e cribed b« oam "1 the beet phyilohnu in thl» country to» jeaws and la a w«nlar preocrtp- tloiL It to conipoiied ot tha be* t ! oalca k nown. aemblaed wi»tt tho b«»t blood pwiiHere, aellnc directly oDlhemucoumnrfaw!*. The nerfeotcomblnalteiiof thi two IngredlrBts <• whalproduceaBOch wonderful jMulta in o«r- talCaU'Th. ferd lor teitlroonliln. free ». J. CHENKY & CO.. Piopa, ToUd<\ ft floldkl_lJrn«gisH,Brloo79<% SPARIXvi HIS FEELTNGS. After tie youinig composer hail play- ed f.is piece twi^-e he dried t-e pers- piration off hii brijw an-d expectantly looked toward Rcsini. awaitinj hii i»inmeat. Rcecrini stepped over to the piano aitd a.^.kad: Are yoa thronisrti? Yes, replied the youitlg musician. What was that you have just play- ed ? It was a fune-rJil march which. 1 ccm- pused after ilejcrbeer's death. How doeH it plea.iie you ? "Well, replied Ro-Bii.>u, it will d«>, but I ran oaaure you of ooe thing â€" itwoald have be«a far better had you uied and Meyerbeer n-iupoeied the muaic. The ProbalHliti«s Are, that your t«m')er will improve, and you will enjoy walking and skatin?' in real earneat oni-e t'at a<jre corn i:- reinuwed. Pitnam's FainleHs Com Ei- traLtor never fails, gives no i ain an' will relieve you in twenty-four hours Give Futnam'.s Corn Extra-tor a trial and be b.appy. A r.EGENKRATIO.V. It atemed very strange and cnriou.s toBennie that his little sisterwas born without aaiy teeth. A few days after I the („-l)y'B birth the cook v ^^ obi:;- I e<itogoto the den.(L>,t to have her teeth eitra^teil. Oh my ! exclaimed Bennie '•n her return,, what fo you think ? Cook's 'eea to the dentiat to yet re- boraed. nMES HAVE CHAXGBD. Wh4t is that old saying about jurrv- -laiming the truth from the house- tops? Don't know, exactly, but it vnould he a p<ior meth/od in thesei days of sky scrapers. ivOU RUN NO RISKâ€" MONSOON...... I W I INDO•CEVJLp.^ TE.A. WHAT IS YOUR TRADE ? SaohTnd* or u«*ai>mtlua Has IM S n ' iila . OIlMAA*. It Is "ell known 'aiJiong' ni<?i"ral men that cei-taln diseases are more^ipldly developed In certain occupaftons than in others. Thar each occupation haa ita attei.dant phisical wcakncaa-. En- gineers, r%llr«ad men, and similar, oc- ciipationa suffer mostlv from kuiney troubles, and men who are often ex- posed to the weather suiter from rheu- matism, while clerks aiid professional men. In fret the army of people whose business keeia thera Indoors, are of- tentlniee isreat aufterers fr<om piles and couatloatlcn. In this connection the fullowlnc letter la of interest to people whose occupation will not allow miOlclent outdoor exercise. A prominent Grand Trunk railroad man taya: â€" " Having suffered Intenea- ly for veara with nlles Inot being able to Bleep for nights), and having tried different otctmenta with only tempor- ary relief, X waa advised to give Traak's Ua#netla Ointment a trial, which 1 did. and feel thankful. After vaiiig three bottlca. I feel that I am completely cured. I consider Ita as- tonishing efBcacy truly marvel'.oua. Wherever 1 have recommended thle ointment, the results proved aa satis- factory as 4b mv case. Any sufferer ah/>u]d rive thla wonderful remedv a trial, and I feel certain they will say as I do, that it cannot be spoken of itoo hlfhly."â€" J. C. Fraaler, Toronto. Traak's Majmetic Ointment Is not only these-fest and surest remedy for Ipilee. but It la the beat known and meat popuItLT. Every phvilclan and druggist In the country knows It. and what It will Ao. Sold or all drutKlsts at Z& an-l 40c per bottle. Francis \. Kahle, 127 Bay street. Toronto. Croup, Courhs. and Colds cured by Panaom's Hive Sliu» and Toiu. J'c all druKSbita. HENS HATCH FI5II EGGS. In COiina hii<a» are employed to batch lash eggs. These are sealed in an egg .•ibell and placed unler the unsuspect- itax hen for»few days until the spawn tas warmed into liCe. The ccntents of the shell are the/ii emptied into a sbal- U>w pool, where they can bask in the sunshiuiJ antil the minnows are strou;; en<'Ufeiti to be turned into a lake or river. I G.Ri^ AND BOYS. THE LIMIT. li«l>«ssioaed Loverâ€" Tell me, my aa- gej, what tl do to prove my love.. Oh. that I might, like some knight of old, battle* for you, suffer for you, die for I you. Sweet Girl â€" I wish you would give up amt>kin|g. / ImpacKioned Loverâ€" Oh, come, now, that's asking too nmch. PROBABLY. HBJrg reavesâ€" What are yott Ictokiiig so a1 sent about ? I'erryâ€"^I-â€" I was trying to collect mji tbougfata. Find thiit sort of «oUeotiotf pretty- dull don't ynu ? Old Frie<ndâ€" I s'pose girls 'are a good deal more esiensive to re,-ir than boys, aijj t they f Old Family Ma«â€" Wall, they is fer a while, bull mo' genera, ly ao scon a" a girl marries the expense is thruugh wa,h; but juat a±> quicwi as a son get's nuirried h© wositii to Inrrrer all you've got. N'othluef I'tiuals "Quickcure" as a dre^iog for Bu ns. Scalds, Cuts or Wounil.4. My snowshoe strings out right into the flesh across my toes, ausl I was qiut» lame, uiatil I u>e<l "Quickcure," which removed the paia at once, and healed the sore completely, in two days. . â- "W. H. FtrrKY, Quebec Bamk. NATl'RAL GAS I.N ENGLAND. A natural ga.s well luis been bored in Su««iex County. Kngland. It was be- ing driven for wiit«ir. TBe odor of gas was notied during the sinking ojera- tiooa by the workiii»n. but no atten- tion was paid to it until thie< gas was lighted. It has buruedfor a long time. .Jt ia a dfcidied novelty in England. Indis:estion CURED Q£|_£|SY ^^^^ StTcnstliens (be Momacb; aids dieestlo.,; ic*s tleas4.nt!? on the bowels. Large pa<^ag?, s'jviq. ol'l by (11 dragglat*, or wooowasd mkouiwb co^ TOKOKTO, CAMAI>A. rvB SPROULB, B. A., (graduate of DnhM« LnjaWersliy, Ireland) Specialist CIiP)d>o TNiuuun of tb« S«rT«, Blood, Ooii«IWOot«1 AilnwoU, iSSIh^'f.uJ Emtm. l^a o<..i«<l«uU.U, umorad. « CMltoaBt., 'ToioBto. You Have 'probably r?ad this advertise- ment many times, and thought no more about it. This time make up your mind to try I.UDELLA Cbylon Tba without delay. It will do the rest- In lead packages. 35. 40. v> and 60c. Prom leading g^roccf s- ANOTHER VICTORY WON \A GREY COUNTY BY D00D8 KIDNEY PILLS. Wn. Thaaas nnakrs tr\U Her (llerT, PI. <.eaar, J. I> . < airmburaieii Itâ€" Doil4'i KIdnry rilU. and Thry Alsar. Care tn Kidney Itlseasen. Morley, Ont., â€" ITiis little town is «x<:ited over an o«;curren"e thut would, la early days, have been looked upon as a m'icifestatiun of magic. fhe cir- cu,m>taacea are clearly detailed in the following letter sent by Mrs. Thomas H'lghetr of this place to The Dodds Me- .ii^ino Co., Limited. Toronto: â€" ' "I cheerfully testify to the wow'er- ftil work done by Dodd's Kidney Pills, believinc; that too much praise cannot be given thetn. I was for four ye::rs a great sufferer frnm pains ir\ my back, aloiiif my splni. in my bead, especially er tK>' eye.i, in my left, and occasion- illy &a my right side, "Five doctors treated me, and I also had the care and advice of an American specialist. All failed to help me. I trie<l nearly all the patent medicines I could get, but none of theju did me any giiid. " For 'â- wu ac'l three nigbta at a time r cx)uld not cl(.>ae my eyes in sleep. I ..an Uoated so terribly that I could neither sit nor waik. My agony was imply inLilejjcribable. For nearly three years I was bed-fast. " Finxliy I tried Limld's Kidney Pills. From the first dose I beg:in to mend., I have used fourteen I'oxee. end am' :»mpletely cured, and as strong as I ever was, and can do a big day's work. tiianks tl Uodd's Ki4ney PiLs."â€" Mrs. L'bvmas Uugties. "\ bave'kniiwn Mrs. P. Hnigiiea for li number of years, and I can trnth'ul- ly state, that the foregoing statements are strictly true."â€" N. Leflar. JJ.'. Dodd's Kidne>y Pills, the only cure <n earth tor Brigbt's Disease, Diabetes, Rheumatiam. Lum ajo, 1 i.seaaes of Wo- men. anla:lottier Kiiiney Dl e.ises. are ^d by all drugg/-i.s, at fifty cents a l«>x, SIX boxes, $i.5i>, ur will be se-nt n rer jipt of price bj: The Dodds U»>.i- -•ine Co., Limited. Toronto. is packed in lead and carirtei^be ad- lulterated. 25, jo, 40, 50 atiJ-6ocw .per poand: All ^ocets keep it.. ^^ . ^i>y\r __ â€" , Dominion LjmrSteamshipa Monh-oiil and Q;ie8^a to Mverpiiol In sumiiioA 1-ort and to Liverpool )n winter. Ijir^e in« fa»L ' win jiTew aiearnchip' *l.abriid«Sf *V«a conver,' ' Dominion.' 'Scctonianj' ' Yorf5|lilreJ Siipfrior aocoiiimiKlatlua or Flrft Cabitt, Seo ond <'Kbin a'!d'St'<era||f' Dai»ani(ora. Rate* M pa»simB,^ g^f St Cabin. $50 ; .-»< opd Cabin. tM| Siei-nta? tli'M and up"»i da ncoordlnK ta stenmur and berth. :''or iiU iotorinullon apply to Local Aaenta, or DAvrt) Torr,i!<cb k. t^o., Gen'l AiteDta. 17 at. Sacrouirni ti'.. .Moatreal. KSfTOf p Agea't wanted to Intradaea oua nfll^ll Cataloguo and i»rmii. w« will I i<l«Jk7a\> ^j^( prepa.d "Hot Time In Old I Town ' witn m'islc. Uit 5 cenn. ^â- »lnp•. I PflPULAB MUaiO DCPOT, M *la<«iP«t. Mmtrmih I iBtelllarat ladles luid ^ant rin«n nan be aa^ I alied witn K«n'ael and very PROriTAHf.J I employnent. Ia lostry t' th»S'iMiniUi NEO- ! EHSA.KY to aaoan 0(X)l> RE.MJ.SEHA TIOV Can ^iTs hd addniM "rrnDreHaDttUra wbo baa ju'i. oletri 1 till la 21 D VTS tl aaa bamadsrlgiit A.T .">'- o^rn H iVfU. J. U NIfHOLd * CO.. as Kiciimoad West, la -e(;eive«l ' hehiKb' 0.1 awar,'- at ! ii« World'- rairlSya. cjNBava FATiirT •OLLia Tim hHTQ met with aucb unlvervial (»- â-¼or. Uiat oUier DianiifitctBrHra am now making inferior imitaU- on a. laairt on harlnij thi; Cootiuj mniie aa ImltAtionM 1 rs aevar wt Kuod as thf) ganaiae. ac3 HOUGH ON AUNTIE. Tommyâ€" Tbat^ church ii> over years old. i Oracleâ€" My aurt'e says it's only 100. Tommyâ€" Oh. well, I s'pose tuat.> ajs far back as she cudt rrmeoiber. A Corn Photoerapited by X lays Shows a small ijard keni.'l, covered ky layers cf Lard skin." This tiny corn rautsss k«en pain. The only nuv ini-ans of extr'a*t- in^; it. wit' uut pain, in a day. ifvPut- nam's Pain, ess Com Kxtra tor"! Suret Yes. rainless/ Yes. Chea.i f Yes, in- deed I Trj- it. THEIP OW.V TAILORS. Di>rothy (npti- \vn the brass knobs i>u the bjrns o." (jran 1; • s o.veu)â€" il' 1 e a the oxen do their o , n xewin' l»y the look* of their ti.ijal.lcs wr p €»(»» . WhatandVhy? ^y It is WliAT T.IB ^Goodrich Res-Flex ^ SINCU TUB2 jni ISTMATOrvBS Tin R«isoJf WHY ITISTIIB nE-«T. The WAT ills mad«, tba iistertal OMd. the tc>t* It la •objected to. the personal in- spcc.lon, it« aclentifl â- oxictnoaa. and baiov aa true in^Me ,-i.s mil. Kill". OOMT FACTt UKt THEM OONVINOI TOU? UuriaiUoKueUi tu.l of incereat send fcr oatalo- goe " T." Ueslera ^aotad. AMERICAN TIRi CO., Umitad, 134 and ia« aing it. W., Toronto N CONTAINS THE EW INGREDfENT -iro» 1 BACKAClir. 'Dlbl C /aiLiOtlS.NtSJr. ~I Kkw / ccmstipation PRICE, 25 CENTS. FROn VOLR DKLUUIST. OR BV HAIL f-'ROn The S. S. RYCKMAN MED. CO., LIMIIU HAMILTON, ONT. Sw! Pa^'eFming is Cheap ! (J"r dealers can aupply yon with tb^ reliable, time tried, thorou^rbly tes>i ted l'u<7e woven wire fencing, in dif- ferent styles for general farm purs ipoeas. at from/ Vi to 85 cei>ts per rudi (These iiri -es for eU'-h fenciuK ^* Page lare very low. And when comparinci with the cost of other kinds of fencei the difference in favcjr of Page is ^till greater, as so many leu-< posts are used with it. A receut railroad order for 2'I0 miles is g.~>o>l evidence that Pi F. is in the lead. Send to us or apply '" pers»n or hj, «ard to any Pu^fe Fen e dealer. T!i[ m\ m m npflm, Limlui^ WALKERVILLE, ONT. P. S.â€" .See our "ad" noxt week. SEEDS ^Varieties For, Thin Is a BONA HIDE ofler made to Introduce our Vexetable and Flower 5a«da 10 new cu^tomcrA and whlcb we Kuarantc« to picaae yiu or tba amount prtid refunded anil the 5eeda given as a preaent. At thOBO ptliie.1 wu • no only offer the varle'iaa n;iin«d below. Order by nan'ber. Buy what too want. Tbey ari- sriit by ninli pjst paiil. £!t:lcct from i! u c lowlBii liat ; VEJETABLBS. (OrOrr l>y Nmubtrl 1. Bf », B';U|)aa, round 2. H.3<.t, Eni|itlan, 8 .t ronod 3. C'Abbtmi^ W niiinf$Htn4li 1 0«hbii«», CottliT 5 Hnimwloli ? ''vnt, h.iK luiltf, ecax , 6 K t'Aj,,.;, Ciifrnutla •Oi.rlwt 7, l.'>icuiti'*f i\ Ohianao Piohiioa S. C-iiivuiiiber. \^'HnQ wn X t.V'..>ry,0' Itit.rj SHU-Blanehtns IJ. ilfrlH, .S-j.' 11. H«rl)». -".rurj U. H-tb^ M'rjunun ,4 L* 'u.. s'lnJcr MarkBt'^^rM) 30. S"c*t Paaa, Pliie tpued l^. Miuk MiluD, aaar. e«l>, Kuuneg 3\. WuJ Klower, Gaidci. >ali«l 16 Wjter M.-'.i(D. B»i Ij i.'»iiim1» 17. Union. Iar«» r««l W»tli«r»aelJ la Onion, Y.n.w OI,>b<' Duivew 19. Panuiip. Uullow Orown W. Rwlish. KrencU KrviUfaat tl. KmIMi, H»«; (irni K. Squ:ull, H<ibbar<l t*". T'inii*to, ntra a^irly Atlantis 5*. Tom,itu, D«»r( CTiajupioa FLOWER5. 3ft. Alters, mixed a»t Miguonelt*, sweat S7. Piiimy. miied 1*. K» miia. mixed y*. N tFtnrtiuiQB, |.all mixt.a FREE WITH EVERY ORDER PmTidioa i.hiB (.^poD is Cl'T OI'T an,! wnf. t^i o> witli an -rnler f'tr \i \} .ok«t«, w,i will include I paokrt.NVw QiaulChU- t. II S.llnia'l,«fii^ nr o« lOc. Kree or <1i^,r(e TO RUBSCEIBEBS or TUn PAPBR. Wa wlU NOT ACCEPT AN ORDER at tlwac priceawbcr* «h« packcto are NOT acltctcal Iraai tba abeve llat. Aa4r«a* all arttr* t* No. S Carrot, Half \j09H Danvem. WMa RENNIE, TORONTO. â- IHiiftQH i i I iiii-1[i iiiiiWlli iHttiMilit'