f^mmtmf WSM. jD.A^'v^isr. ^:, M mWTKn XXXVT-Continued. "Oh. AleoJt," »he sainl, aloud to t he <Ii>k hnritsM.'mg as iit wua crunl. 6«org« vmy- lu.U hi'i iivBry wJifliB, hi:i:J twkn ai^tuully ati('<v'«'le(l ;i;i entering: into I'OMvurwUion lUflit •vsa.H sltti-ng by JirT skle wil h hln „ iith lur, Uil <»u l>olh occaHions bhe h/'atl ur.joii luir kne« for he wan now niui 7iif.»<l to encupw from h.tn lefore be brt c™«tant coiniij.ain:«n, "X wondier ''oul.l i)Xo.-<.«d«4^y further. So persistent- . , . „„,, „,„M,,.r I)' <li<< li« h»i'"it- l"-r that a.t last the wh,re y«.r master >»-ym.r """""^ ; ,;,,,u.,h,,, g,,, ,,^.., ,,H,ve,n, t<> hide her- iuhI taiu'e» Ale"Jt. Wouild U> Uod I Hat ^,,,y j^^^.^^y 1,,^ ,^,,, <.,>j.ner8 of Um bouse h/i were bark liere to prote<^t me, for | nitiiil wixjds,. in mrdwr to kc«',> out of his I aiii (rroKviniff ii.fra,ifl, I don't know of way. Thrti lir> Lwuk to wriitJoiK her let- . . ., , , ,., .,„..„ „i„,,^,, i-m<T t^rM, anili sending handsoitue nrcspnls, wh«it, AL^ck «,ul (.hi^r«ar« eleven l«n«, j, ^^ ^.^^.^^ Hhi« r..tuTne.l. iiii:»ai.t montiiB to wa.it." I p\»)t AngieJa.! Jt wm hard borthi to At tihJa nii«n<int th»? <!<)« raiBe<l his !,«(, Jier li<ver «.n«l to .suffer daMy from Iwaa Veteined aivd »iyrunK r<jaind wirU) t.lui-. persacnititnis of l»r hateful cousin iiTi Bfligry .„ , ,. A_„^,'„ rn«« iLii wil.h which wTie m>w puHhed forward so op- woof. Ang«-,.o roHeup with ^^.^ ^^^^ ^^.^,^ j^^^^ ,.ertiu«/ity a» to :i flloahof U^ 11) her eyea. turned, ana (â- ^^^ |i„,j. ,^.j.t^i, yiiguo alarm. What made fnce<l George rarcsfoot. hrPT position woraeh wiis, lluat she had il'i- w.s stilll rale and aluweled fromi no one i»i whian to ronfirtle, for Mr, th' effe»l« of hoH iiJojcwi, li«t otherwise littlK i-ihsiiiged, except tbat the li«ht- Wiun eye» glitterKd with » fie.ne «leter- mlnatiixn. :vnd t,Vi;it tflw featuvros had al- laiowl t.h!it fixity and wtrenjjth which •amHimes <t>me to t.liose wtm iire bent heart and axull u;«>n an enlprpriBe, be it gDoH or fviK "So 1 bjive f<miivd you out at last, Coufai II Aii«r 'h, 'Wiuart., are you not go- vn^ to ohftie fvuiMia -wirth iml" Angela toudhed his fLnKers with her «wnfc "My fntihtT in nt>t Meres" »he san<l. "Th.-mk yt*i, my <J««^r fo-"'". ''"*â- ' did mrt, roaiie to see yomr fat,li*r. of whom 1 have »jen p^Ieiity in the course e< my life, nJ^'l »lio.ll doubtless see ttuJT^; I i-arae to see you, of wihoni I can n»-ver see enouKth." "J <Um't undiTStand you." saiJ Ang- ela, defantly foJdi.i.K her anus across ber Ixiaom anil look.mnf hjan rull in the face w ilth feajleas eyes. f«r lier iaistin^t wvrneil Iker that she was iu danger. Mid aUto Uat. whaU^ver she mi«ht feel, ahoimist ni»t »lio«' th<it she was afraUl. "I HiluiU ^J^J)e ix> moke you do so ))ft- fore lonjfh" lie rejilieJ, vriiAi it meaaiing gilaiM*; "but you are not very polite, you <lo not of f «^ Bifi a seiat ." "1 lieg y<jUT pardnn, 1 di/d not know tbat you waji<«'d to sit down. I »an ooly offer you a dhoif-e of those stones." "Then fuJl that brute away, and I will sit down." "Tb«- <Ujk is not a brute, as you inram It. (Hut 1 shinald not ai>miik of hiimi. like Ihat. if 1 -w^re you. Jte is Heusil»> as a iiuuioja beiim, iin'd nu xlrt resent it" An#f"l» knew tiiat George was a i-ow- •»d alxjut dogs; aud ut that niomejit, M t.h«m«1j to wnfiaim l»er wonl» Aletk giri>wl«d aliKli'tly, "Ail, irndt'iid, wall, h« m lertainly a bamlw-iniiP dog;" an<l lus sat do» n sus- oicitm.fly, "\Voiit yo-.i'come and sit down I" "Thank yUi. I prefer to slund." "Do you know w.iuit you look like, •tanidin« thu-re wijUi, your anus cr<«s- •df \au luok like an. aiitfry goddcns." "If yuu uii'iun tlml ner.ous'.y, I don't unriorstand you. Jf l.t m a. uwnv'.Jinoul , I drvn't Uike I'uiupLiiineals." "Y<«i Hr." not very fricaidJy," sujd C«<)Tgfl, 'wiliose tuimi>er wi»« taal gett.aig (ltK^ better of hiiiui. "I aiii 8«»rry. I d»> not winli to 1* Uiofrifndr.y." "So 1 .h,?«u- tliat my ward has Icein â- tayiing ticre whiiut 1 wua ill," "Yee, be was Btayjrujj Iwre." "And 1 Mil a!**) U>ia that tlwiru was â- umi-' »x>y-iiin)il-t(.ii'l lov« alfair lioLween you. I supjHine tihat h« iimlu'.fted iia a fliirl.Ttir»n to w.hil. > aw-a,y llie liiiui." Angi'iu turiiiMl u4k«i li'ia, too oJigry to Hi>.'ak. "WvIJh yoiii mfd not look alt iiio like Fra.He.r had not yet returned. Pigolt. iwdfed, knew more or less wfliat was gif>;ii« <»n, Init slhs rould do notiiing ex- cept >)ewtti4 Arthur's abseinre. and tell hfr "f.Ytl to mind." 'I'lliere remiuned her fath?r, but witih h.inn she had never l>?cn on sufficiently iniiinate terms for (on-fiil 'iniws. Indeed, as tiiiiie went on, tihe suspicion galiKere»l strenKth in her iniml t.hat hi' was priivy to tjeorge's ad- vaiv;v..s. and that LUoo advances had wravlliiiiK 1o <lo w-iitib the harsh terms ianpoHied upon Artikur uud herseJ/. llut at luHt matt ^rs girew so bad that, bav- iaig no otiier n'f/uge, sh» determined to ajipi-ai U> him for protectiAxm "Fa.thiT," she sad, ImUUy, anie day to Phi'lip, as lie was sittinflr writing in his study," "my cousiin Oecjngio is perse- (•ut:in« au> every day. .1 have txirne It as UniK as I cao, Imt I cjiu I'l'ar i* no lougT'r. J have come to ask yow to pro- tect «ife from him. "Why A)ii»f;Ja. 1 siliould bavB thought that y/»u were iM«rf»ict!y ciupalile of pro- t.'ctiiiilK yoiurseU. AVliai is li» jersecut- â- Mg yoiu alxHil » AVliat do.'s he want »" '"I'o iiuirry me, 1 siujuKXie," rjiinwerad Angvl.-i, blush' ng to her eyes. "vVelJ, t,hLt in a very coirplLmentary wiBh «jin Ilia pert, ajii I 'an tcU you "luut it ia. AnipVa, if only you could gi't l,hat yining Helg-boun out of your lifad, y<jiu iu>,j4il do a dea', vsorse" "it :« quU« us«t'l«ait Ut UUk to m« like Uiat, " bhb a/iiMWered coldly. "\V«..ll, l.hiit in your iLffalx; but It is very r rfiinilous of you to come and ask m« to jirotect you. Tive woman must indted, \>r a tool wiho lajinot prote<t iK'rself." And so the interview ended. Next day Ijidy Ifci.lumy culle<l again. "My di'ar rbijil," she saul to Angela, "you at« not lookikiK well; iIub businesa worrifs you. no di.»ibt; iA is l.li« o.d struKuUs Itetweeu duty a«d indijiation (bat wo ba(ve most of us gone through ^V«â- ^1, there is one consolation, nobody «Jio ever did bis or her duty, regard less at imcliinntion. »»ver re»f ret ted it in Ui.:' end." "Vv'Jiat db yi«u mtuiix, Lady Bellamy, wliii-n yfM talk alxiui uiy duty I" "f nieun the p:aai tUily tJ;at lies li'fore yum of luoTryingf your cousin li orgK. and of ttirowimK uy tOia young U'-ghiiAi." "i r.'cogtiii^e no suoh d»ity." "My dtar Aiitfula, dji» look at the niat- ter from a swis J>l.e |ioi:it of view, think wjuit a jjfwl ihiiig it w<ni'.'d 1* for your fatlifT a-i-1 renieBil*.", too, tibat it w<ruld rfun;te all IIm» proi)erly. 11 ever 11 g.Tl liii.d a clear dmty to pertorm. yi»u l)ttv«>." ".S:in»ie. you insist so nuicli upon my t.liat n.u Jn)«ust girl In my position has thr'U drates to cixiisider, and not one, 'duly." T must say Uia.t it s.ems to me as ytni say, l.a-.ly li/OUnny. K.lrst there in h'r diuty to the man she loves, for licr thh greatest <llii''v of luivy iin the world; next her duity to herself, for her liappio^-BS and se.;f-respe,-t are involved im Ji>'T deK'ision; and .a-slly. her dialy toiler famiCy. I paut the fau«i.ly likst.lo- rauH», after a'.l, it is she who gets uiar- r.l-d, iiirt her fajuilty." I.atly Ili-IJainy siniied a little. "You ar((up well; but< there is ome t.hiijilB that you ovir'.ook, though 1 aim that. You suraiy m,ver expect to Bee,,^^^» ^^^ ^J^ ,^^ ^_^,_^ ^ ,^y ^^^^.^ H. Km agaim do yi.iil ,,,^i„i„ .»»"•'« Mr. U'.MgJinau is no better than "If wne Uyt.h U.v«. 1 shall c.rl*iiily!,,„ ^,_^„^,,, ,^, «, ,.^^.^ ^,,^,^ i„<iuiiries »« Km o«.uj.v; indeed, 1 sU.'l, in ''ny,^,^^, ^.^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^ ^^^^^ l„ CAW*. "Ydtii wiU nwver b«'o Nun u«(»in," •'Why iiii|t)" "ll'caiiMH »»< was ojiOy flitrtijif and p!fvy.«iK t.lup fool wiltl» you. lUe is a no- torious flOrt, iimil, to tiiy cerliiin knowl- tiNll y<yu that. " '\ haiti <kt yuiu iman V "I mn'jun t.ho< hi!B lifei, yoauij? at he Is luis not l(cen so crcil'.ftable as it nii^fbt Imve lieeii. II«( Ijin linen the hero of oin» or two I, (tie affairs. I ran tell. rtdgi., has liean engaKe.l to two women |y„^^ ,^,^^, ,,^;^^ .^ ^^^ ,.j^^, bnfoire. "I do not lieJicvB tluit tlilis is Ime, or M it.is true it is nut all tilio truth; but true <i<r untrue, I am not going to discuss Mr. Hi i«'luiim with you, or allow oiyHrtlf to lie iinfluenu'eil by stories to;d beiti.ud his liiicJi." "AnKi'1,1," sail (JcKiTKe., ri-ting and H«iziinB Ihier ImiiwI. HhiB tuTiind quits |m!o, anil a shudder passed over iifr f lajue. "Iy?ave my iiaiid aUiftie and never dara to tinich ine tt^uiii. Tliis is the â- erond lim« lha,t you iiave trieil to in.- «Ui!t me. "i...-Mly Jt'lJaMiy, your storlps are eithr I'r truo or tuitrue. If true, i slumld tak... n. > notice of Lht'm, l.ecause they nuist lia/ve liHtip«<nod liefore he I<jved nu'; if unitpue, tlusy wxm'.J be a mere Wast,' of breath so I ttiinJc wv may dia- IWTise wiH.h the storiesâ€" they wtnuM in- flui-nce me no more t li.'ui the hum of ni'xt suuin.er's (ii;.ls." i.iidy IWlnuiy .'iiihIcU aj-'niin. "Vivu arc a curli..ui- wonian.." aho said; but siippiwing that ttr.re were t,. be a ri-nH'tHiina ot tliese little stories ,i.fter hf' Uw«'<l you. whoit wltuld you say IhfaK' â- Sol" nai»w.red tJcorge, furious w.t.U ,Ji,"{f;'"' ^°"^^^ troul^led, and thought outragiNl pride and Uif 1. 4;d passion, "you I ..iir .â- ,„_,>,â- _-„™ _, j., from ma'! »:.,tuii. your witl ««aim«t mine, do >"" ^ ^1.. Lnm^«-I Viry well. y.m sliall see. I will <-r"sh ''.%;^'j'^;",[^'; . you to powdor. hks.i.lt y.m. indeed I •â- i\. ):„ * n"^ i , • , .w. u.,».J ,.f ^of...!„ did tbat y.H.ngb,acUguan..„I^;;-^^^ jjnsutt yout 1 w;irrant. to did more I ,^, ,.,t ,,„„,„ ^„^^,^^^^. j^,,,^ ^_^.^ ^ „,^ Mum iak<^ y<«ir haa.!. .„„.„!«>. No ot,hpr wom«i.n.. no Kivi.ng for.e, "If" u>nHm^red A"«al.% /""«'««"', am k..»p him fr.Hn mo If 1 .ibr.ise to Mr. Ifi'^ihium, I stwill leav*. y<m to <-on- ; j^.^^, ,i,ijn\,,„np .. «;dl.^r whether that term IS not inore | ..g, , t,,^^ ,„ ,^ ^,, j,,,^, ,,,,„m appirabk- to the person w.od.ms 1'^" | ,,^„ Jf^Tre^ire,., v..u spiAe of just now? iM-st 1o out r«g») an •â- ""â- â- 'â- •'"'*"'• """â- â- "" - i â- â- i j person who d.ms hi- ,. »^'1>f « «'« y«^i »'» ' ' . . J ' tni' Holf-rosnieit v<'u spi L."T?;.'.":.'^l:V-.".'^.':: iOouliI youTar io ta.ke your lover back II ni' â- iitd take advantage of titict alwent. than W thi^ g»ntlrrm4i.ii a.Knlnst whom you luivc used it;" and darting on hinrt one g-lanri' of HniprennB contempt, Hilie swept •may li'k^ *" nnijry <lU"*n. Jj^.'ft to h.:H mediiitaliona, (Jeorge Bho<ik ()ia fist tfAvard wlhere she had vanished. "Vpry we'.l, my fine lady, very well,"- inB said a.'oud. "Yc«i treoJt me as so cnurh dirt, do you* You shm.'.l smart ffior bhia. so »urt> as imy nnsne is (ieorge C«r>.rfoot. <J«ly W»iit t.iill you are in oiy p<mvT. a.n«f youi abaill learn that I wua TOWtsr yet deiled wiitlh iniiwiiiiily. Oh, and ytxu sHiKuIl learn many i^ther ihiinBO alao." Fnan tiia/t titw forward Angela vvas, for a |)«riod of two inonllui or more Mibjected loan or^ai^i zed per,se<utii>ntM fnnin tlw liB.n<lB of another wiraian ? "'Phnt wouild «(iVt;mjly deiionil upon IJu- circuiuHtiMicoa, ami uipon what was just 1o (.he other woman." "Yow woulil not, lli,e.n, tSiTow hilin up wllt.lnmt <i(u>slii(itn f" "I.ndy 'O-'Iiajny, I may bo very i)giinirr- aiit itn«l simjilei Imt I am neitbeir mad nriT a I'ool. 'Wliat do you suipjioae that my Vd'. -wmild lie worth to me if I tihirew Arthur up? If 1 r^wmitned sangile it uou'ld f>e ani achitng vxaid. as it is now, ftinxl if I niaxried any ot.her man whi'st he stVjl Wr/wi. if wtntld l>e<-«mi« a rlaily and slainc-ful huuiiliatUiin su<'h as I had rather die t.1*.n endure." Lady De.Maauy glamwd up fnnn under her UBawy-lidd«d eye*; * thiMiffht )iad evi«lently struck her, but rihe did not express X. "'i'hiMi I ain to tell your cousjn Georgo ttiat you wiM ijaf/v^ alioolutely nothim^r to do wiitJi hi.m ?" ".Yta, a;n<l Ijeg tk'lm to cease jiersecut- ing; m'.-; it is quite iu«.vpas; if there were no Arthur and no othtsr iikui in the worl<l, I would not marry h'm. I ile.- I fc'Si li'luiâ€" I camnot. telil you bow I d&- t/.-flt Rim." "it is annuainiig to farax you ta!k so, and to tihnk t,tla.t you wi.l c rtainly I* Mrs. (jeurge Cureafoot witlltjn nine uionitha." "N<!^'er," anmvered Angela, pass'on- att-ly, 8ta7npi.ng her foot upon the floor. "What makes you say such liorrTWe things r "I reflect," answered Lady Itellafny, witih an ominous smile, "that George Car<?sfoot has ma:te up his miml to mar- ry you, aniri that 1 have made nj>- miiie tohijjp bun to do so, and that your wi.ll 8tro.ng, a« ii certai.n'y is, is as compared w.tJi our uni1f4l wills, what a straw is to a gale. The straw cannot travel against t}i« wind, it must go wiLb it, aiad you must marry George Caresfoot. You will as certainly uoine to the altar ral..s with him as y</u will to your di'iith-lied. It \b wriitteoii in your face. Good-byr." t'ocr th»» first ti.me Angela's courage really gave way as she tueard thesr drt'adful words. Hhe remiemliered how Hh;3 herself had called Lady Uellujny an enilvl.ment of the "Spixil of I'l/w- er," nod now »he fe'jt tJiat the cuuxparir aoiii was just. Tte woman was power inrajnat!', and Jier words, which from anyUidy else alie would bfiive laughed at, woit a co'.d ohill thruuj<b her. "Sh?. ie a fioie cn-ature both in nin<f and'body," p.^flected Lady Bellamy, as she Kte{i]ied into her carriage. "Really, thjr;"jgh I try to hat* her. I ran fisid t m my h^tirt to lie sorry for her. In- (.'red, I a.Tii not sure t.liat I do not I'ike liier; cvrtaJn.l'y I reapect her. But she hiiH ccine itn my path and must he crush- eit â€" tuy own nafety demiaTids lit. At Itast »h« H wort.hr crushing, and the giijiie m fair, for perhaps she will crush me. I sihiMild not lie 8urprlBe<l; there â- « a judgniip'iit Ln t.h<i<ie gray eyes of h/'rsâ€" Qui vivra verra. Hame, Wil- I'lmu." CHAPTER XXXVII. Anigela'8 appeal r<ur protection set Phi'.ip thinking. As th«' rea/ter Is .-vware. bis so'e n.o- tive in nuuiRnting to become, as it were a s'.i etplr.^f jiartner in the shaiieful plr>t <if wKrh his iDinoocnt daughter was tbi5 objei-t, was to obtain posses- s on of hia lunt inlicrilanue, and it now »Ki-urrL'«l t« hlui tlial even should that plot succeixl, which be very (creatly <!oubtfd. tioth.'ng had as yet lieen set- t;'<l as to the terme up«m whirh it waa U> lie re<i»nive:yed to ihllm. The whole affar was excessiiv^ly re;vuigaiint to him; undfed In. regarded the prospect of its sutnx'ss with tittle less tljin ter- ror, only^ his grnetl overmastered hie finr. lint On otio po'nt \m was veory clear; it sihiAuld iiiot Bucoeed except uiion the •rery Lest ttl terms for hmise f hre d:i)mghteir should not lie sacrificed unless tJui pr.te paid for tl.e \i'.-tk.-n was posi- t^'.ily princely, suoli guilt was n<rt to '>« i»icuTre<l for a lia^/atelle. If George married Angola the Islewort.lu estates liiUBt iMiHH ba.-k ii;i,to bis haiKls for a i"iry l»*w sum indeed. ttJut would h..s fousM b» willing to acce;it such a sum ? llliat WBM tiiE. rul>, and that, too, was w,b«it must bo male clear v^H.hoiit any furthiT delay. Hrt 'ha<l no wish to fee Angi'ila put to needJe^s suffering, suf- f^rJ'b whi<i}i would not- liring an cqu- I'viil'nt \vi»,\i it. and wil.i-h uiittht, on I bi contrary, enlaX' i-ousequences up- 'n Kims.-ilit Uail he shuddered to thuik of. Curtmsly enough, however. he hnd i^f lat.s lieen sgTially free fr<«u h:B superstitious fears; in- deed, since the night whsn he had so astonialied Arthur Ijy his outbreak alxmt the shadoivs on the wall no fit had come to trouble him. and he was lejrinnlng to look upon the whole thing a« an e.'il dream, a nightmare that he hal at last lived diwn. But still tlie nightmare might return, and he was not going to run the risk un'c-s he was very well paid for it. And so he deteiiiiined to o'fer a price so low for the proji^rty that no man in his senses would n-cepl it and then wrote a mvte to (!eorge asking him to come oyer on the following e/enin;? after dinner, ivs he wishe 1 to s|)eak to hiii> on a matter of bu.Hiness. "There," he s,ii<l to himself, "that will make an end of the affair., and I will get young Ileighum tiack and they can le uiarriol. Ce'irgc can ne' er lake what 1 mein t> offer; if be slvould. t)ie Hltryptioii will tie siioi'ed indeed, and the game will lie worth tbo candle. Not thit I have any res- IHrnxll ility alKiut it. however; I shall put (1(1 jiressure on Angela, slie must -hoo-c 111,- hoiselt. " .\iid I'hilip went to bed, quito feelins: n.s though he had done a virtuous action. Geoi-ge came punctual Iv enoujgt'.i on the following evening, whic-h wiia that of tbo iIb\ of l.ady iielliuuy's con- vciaaliou with Auigela, a (On»ei8:iti<'n which hail sp uiiset the latter tint who had alieidy gone to. her room, not knowing anything of her oousin's pro- piwed visit. V The night wai one of thoee dread- fully ojipressive onei that' sometimes visit us in the ccurne of an Knglish summer. The day hid lieen hit and sultry, and with the lall of the evening the little lueezc tluit stirred in th> thunder-laden air had die 1 away, leav- ing the temperature at much the name |Munt that is to le exi)e<ited ini a tropi- cal valley, and rendering' the heat of the houAe almost unl:earahle. "How do yim do, (Jeorge S" said I'hilip. 'Hot,' isn't it?" "Yes, there will lie a tempest soon." "Not before midnight, I think, .'^hall we go knd walk down by the lake? It will be cooler there, and we shall be quite undisturbed. Walls havei ears sometimea, you know." "Very well; but where is .\ngela I" "I mat her on' the atalrs Just now. and fbti said that she waa going to Ited â€"Rot a tieada<:'be, 1 lelieve. Shall we start »" So soon as they were well awayi from the house Philip In-oke the Ice. "8oiu« looatiliii ti*ok, i Ihud a conv^r' sBtion with Lady Bell imy on the sub- ject of a proposal that you made to mn through her for Ange'a's band. It is aliout tlijit I V ish to .s; eak to you now. FirSit. 1 nuiat ask you i' you still wirfi to go on with the huBiui; 8 ?" "(.'ertainlx; I wiiih it more than ever." "Well, ae I intimated to Lady Tell- amyi, I do not at all aiJiirove of ynur its arma. In another atiyond fcbat waa gone too, and the' place waa totally dark. "Wait till tlie mcon oomes out and we shall see what It is." whiai^ered George, and. as he siioke, ihsre came from the direction of the figuytia rust-, liner B(7und as of falling garmeats. "What can it I* *" whisperei Pbi'ip. fPhey were not left long in <l|>-u1.t suit. Angela is already, subject I > i for at that iiist.int a vivid flash from my consent, very auitaUy engaged to the thunder-cloud turned the darkness your late ward, a youns; fellow whom, ; into the must brilliant day, and re- whatever you may think atout him, vcaled a woman standing up to her I like very mu<7bi; and I can assure 1 knees in the water, with her arms lift- you that it v*ill reiuire the very i ftdw knotting her long hair. It waa s:tfi«inigc«t Ini'lucement.s to make me even allow such a thinfl In anv ca e, I will have nothin.? to d» with' influn eocint; Angela: ahe ia a (crfectly free I agent." "Which moana. 1 BUTi<|iofle, that you Intend to screw down the price?" "fm â- wjun'.i.ng to ninrry /Ans?©'o„" went on Philip, 'lyou must reii.emler that you fly high. She is a very love- Angela f-'or one iMJme'nl the fierce lighlt tlione upon the stately Sorm that gleamed whiter than ivory â€" white as snow a)/uin»i the dense background of the bruwb.voBd, and, as it passed, they beard b«r sink, int-) the watiir Bt»ftly as a swan, and strike out wltl* steady stroikus toward the» centre ol the lake. 'Jt is only Angela." siiid Philiw ly woman, and, what ia more, will siime i w-faea the sound of, the strokes grew day or other be exceidingly well off, , faint. "Phew ! what a start she gave whilst youâ€" ^you must excuse my 'eiug j oie." i-andid, Imt this ia a mere matter of I "Is Ae safe ?" asked, George, in a 1/u^iness, and I am only talking of ; hueky voice. 'Hadn't I better get a you in the li.'^ht of a p^jssible sou-in- boot?" lowâ€" you are a middle-ugei man. not' "She needs no help' from you. ste prepi svofcsinjr in appearance, broken in i is quite canable of looking after her- bealth and. i^.iwever well you may, self, e.speoiully in tibe water. I oaB have k.-pi up your reputation in these | tell ymi." Philip answered, sharply, parts, as you' anrl I 'well know.' witM'Ut I INothing more wiaa said till theyi a singio shred of character left ; iilto- • reai^hed the h'>ufle, wh'-D, on entering gether not a mnn to whom a father ' the lighted study, Philip noticed thai would m.irry his daughter of his own i bis cousin's face was flushed, and hit free will or me with wh>>TO a young , hands shaking like aspen leaves, girl is likely to find hapiiness." "Why. whot is the matter with yotf, "You draw a flattering, picture of man ?" he asked. m«\ I mvBt say." "Not at all onlv a 'trie one." "Well, if I ari all you say, how is it that yoa are pre-iare 1 to allow your daughter to marry me ut all ? ' ' lN<)tibiin« â€" nothing. I adoi only rather cold. Give me some brandy." "Cold on micb a night as thi.s | That's uurioua." said Pliilip, a-i be got the ! spirit from a cujifcoard. 1 will tell yoa; t-e.-ause the rights I George drank alxiut a winegluasful of jrtoiicrty shouid take pre'edence ot i neat, and seemed to recover himself. tihc interests of a single inili iJual. Be- "I accept your offer for the land, cause niy father and you letween you | PhTlip, " he «i.iil, presently. C'/enel me ujlt ofi my lawful own. | Uis cousin lo'.ihed at him curiously, and t4iis is the only way thati I see of ^ and a luilliant idea struck him. coming t>y it attain." | "Y"ou sigree. then, to take fltty "What does it matter? In any cawa i thousand (ounds for the IslewortB after your death the land v.ill como , estates in the event of your marrying . tack to Angela and her children." ; my daughter, the sale to Le completed "No, George, il will nut; if e^er tbo before the mairia^e takes place?" Isleworth estates come into my ham's, they shall not yaan again to any child of yours." "W}iat «TitiJd you do with (thetu Uien?" "Marry, and get children of my own." George V. histled. "\Vell, I ^uHt say that your inten- tions are ami'ible. bult yuu have n(>t got the estates yet. my dear coiwin. ' "No, and never sh:ill have most like* ly ; but let us c<Mne to the lyiint. Al- Lhiiiui.^h 1 do not ainjirove o' your ad- vance..^, I am willlTiig to waive my oV Jections and accept yo'i, as a son in- law, -if you can win Angela's iH>nsent, lirovided that liefore the uiarriage you consent to give mo a cear transfer, at a price, of all, tiie Isle.vortb e.-it'ttes, with the exception ot the inanaion and the pleasure ground-t." "Very gi;o I ; liut now about the price. Tlial is the -eal point." They ha 1 taken a p<.th that ran down through the shrubberies to the tide of the lake, and then turned uptowardl Curesfi ot's iltaff. r>efore answeringi Gb )rges remark. Pbili.i i.roposoJ that they sh.>uld sit down and, suiting the ai'liou to the word placed hinu.>lf U(on the trunk od a fallen t.ee thnt lay by the water's e Ige, justi out ide the siireal of the branche I of the greiit cak, and couriianding a view^ of the aiea hei>e:itb them. '"Hie iiicori will (S>aie out presently." ho said, when lie "ge had followed bis nvample. "She has got lehind th.it thunder-cloud. "Ah 1" as d I right fla^'b of lightning |ias-<e I froo^ heaven t» earth, "1 thought that we should get a storm: it will lie here in. half ad hour." All this Philip sail' to gain time; he had not quite made up his mind what price to offer. "Never mind the lightning. What do you offer for tiie ?i'ro;erty, inclus- ive of tim'ier, and. with all impro.e- meuts â€" just as it '"tands in short." "One Hundred th U.-!and pounds roidi." said 1 hilip, deli erafely. George .'i|vruing fro-n bis teat and eat' dmwn again l>e'"ore he answered. "IX> you think that I lun ('Jrunk. or a fciol that y««i come to ine with such Kifty thriusacid I No, a hundred thousandâ€" you said a hundred thooa- aud just now." I "You must have misunderstood me. CKT I mudt have made a mistake ; whJLJt I I meant and mean> is fifty tbousaii<L j and ynu to put a thousand down aa earnest moneyâ€" to le fcrftited wbet.h- er the affair comes off or not." George ground his teeth and clutf-b- ed at bis red hair, proceedings that bis cousin watched with a great <!eU of quiet enjoyment.^ W'ben at liDgth be s|M>ke. it was in a' low, btoarse- voice, qui'c unlike ULs usual bard toue't: "1 anui you!" fae said, "you have me (It your mercy. Take the land for the money, U you like, though it will nearly ruin me. That woman hjia turn- ed my bead ; I mu»l marry her. or 1 abnll go m.id." "V'ery gtod ; that is your affair. Rememter tbat I have no reai^Misl- liility in the matter, and that I am not going to pub auy lutvwu.e on Angela If you, want to marry her. ytnn must win her within the ue.tll eight months, 'rhen that is settled. I sur^iwe tbat you will pav in- the tihi.'U«i5id toiu«rro^. Tte ytorm in oiming tit> faeit. sd I won't keiit' yciu. Good-ni«bt." a'nJ they sefl«iat- ed. Geoirge Ut ilrivel hJ»ineâ€" iwith fe- ver in hi* bea-1,. and the thunier- Rlmrnt of whli^h het heard nhthinK, rattling rcuhd blim â€" and Fliilipi lu> make li«i.s tva^v to bed. with the dr«au> uf his life a Ivanned a step nearer realization. "That was a lucky swim of Angela's totnistht " he thought "Fiirty thou» and p<junds for the est'ite. He is ricbt ; he nxuat lie p Are.; inal. . Bkit wi'l be get her t • marry bim I woader. li^ be dims. I shall cry quits with hinn indeed," (Tp be Continued.) TO «ENU YOUR BICYCLE TIRES. tia«<l Pat I* Novrl line bv an la~PMl«it» aad PrarllrnI Hike KM'r. A simple method ot making pneuma- tic tires self-heallug when punctured « a riili.-.ujous'orfer ? Why. the j r**' ate has lieen latcnted by Joseph G. Moo- valuatiun vfna two hundred thousand. | my, of Krie, Pa. The scheme is simple, an 1 the inventor claims that it is ef- fective. He proposes to put a Kiuall quantity of sand inside the tire, w here it wiH be free to move atiout. lie will aliM put a liquid, preferably water, inaidt preposterous." ' TTthe tire. When a puncture occurs tht njid that was very lc»w. "I offer one huiidre I thvusand and am willing; to settle thirty thou.ni.iid a'siilutely on the girl sU^iuld she marry you and tweniy thouearui more on my death Thai is my offerâ€" take it, or leave it." ^! "Talk sense, man; youti teriu-s l^j^ I tell you that. prfitiste.Tous or ! method of c]o« ng will le to turn Ihi nMt., I win" not go leyond them, well tire so that the puncture is at the and good, leiive them alone, and 1 11 j Iwttom. The san.l and water will thu« put myself in coiumuuicatiun with ! lie brought into dire<'.t contact witfc young Heigham to-morro.v, and le 1 | the pun<tu e. When the tire is inflat- bim Ihat he can come and marry the i ed. there will be a current of air pass- 1 girl as Hot>n as he likes. For my p<irt, 1 iag through the puncture. This aii I am very glad to have the buainesj .settled." "You ask me to sacrifice half any iui(i<;ie>rt>-." gnoianed George. "My property, you mean., that you stole. But I don't a.s'c you to do artytiiinu <me way or tlie other. I am '" uiiileistiiud tbat you refuse my offer f ' "Give me a mlnate'to think." and lic.rge hid his ta'e in his hand, and Pb'Jip. looking at hiia with hatred gleaming in trw daiki eyes, muttered between his tei Ih: i "I believe that my turn has come at 1 lest." I When some thirty imconds had pass- ed in silence, the attentiun of the pair wna attra<'tod hy th* crackiinB of dead leaves that scvunded quite start- I ling in the intense stillness of the night, and next seuon I a tall figure in white glided up to the water's edge, and stood still within half a dozen (laces ot them. i ovoiuiiTaniy Ptiillp gfiptied his oousin'B arm, but nelt'h«(r of them moved. Tbe sky bad rapidly doui'e 1 up, and the faint light that struggled from the niouu only served to show tbiftt tbe fiffure ap;>eared to be lifting will, cauae particles of sanl to entei the hole. Particlea that are too smaU will pa«M through the hole, hut when a particle the right size i.s foun 1 the hole will lif filled, and the ewai^e ol the air will cease. Mr. Moomy cla'ims that tires < an be supplied with the sand before tbey are put on the wheel, aaitk that no further trouble will be necessary, as puiu;- tures will lie quiokly and automatie- allT plugged. WAWT.ED ro BE HEADY. Servantâ€" J've come to give notice,! ma'am, aa I am going to get ouirried. Mistress â€" Intfeed, K'aiy ! Uow long! have you been engaged 1 '" Servantâ€" I ain't engaged at all; ma'am. Mistresaâ€" Well, 'who is the happy man f Servantâ€" You know the big shpp dnwB tbe read. Well, the shop walker looked at me tbe day teiore yeoterday, and yesterday be smiled, aii<t to-iUiy he Bald Good mf>ruTng. and I guess to- morrow he'll prt.>poHe, anck, yoiti we, nta'aok. I want to be readj^. 1. if.