1 TKE VERY LATEST PROM ALL THE WORLD OVER. iatoresUag IteoM About Our Own Country, Oreat BrlUIn, the Ualteil Statu, and All Parts of tha Ulobe, CoBdenKd and Aasortad lor Eaay Raadlns. Bailwa.7 traltic la Winnipeg Is seri- /maiy Impeded by aaow atormi). Tilt! liMiil dividend to Commercial lio^x o£ Manitola creditora waa paid mn '""uesday. The Ontario Bplling Mills Comi'any will «rect anew steel buil.ling in Ham- Utuo. i ii.-.-. KiaK^iton Loromotive Works has receuiied aA order to build three loco- motives for tha Intercolonial Kaih\ay. Wm. M. (Jgilvie, aon ot the ex|)lorer, ha* resigned his connection with the Lnter:>>r L«i.ajtiuent to go lu the YuJLon. it ' leporteii ttiat Governor Vallee, ot the Montreal jail, ia to be appointed war I oi oC. V iiicent ub taul peni- tentiary. 'Vim aecreUiry-treaaurer of the muni- cipality of St. Boinifai«, Man., ia short ill hiA accounts, and an inve8,.lgatiuu la being held. ' K. 1'. J<-ou;ng», an expert, han arriv- ed at Sauit Sta. Maria from the Mictii- picot«>D gold (ieldB. Ue t>a,ys that the «)re looks very promiuing. ThuMi perwMiii who wish to proH|i«ct Cor coal must now, accordina to an Or- lar-iA-Councii, paased at Ottawa on iaturciay, |,ay u fee of ten dollars. A settmam, named Adolp'h Carlson, jumred o.erboaril from Uie lumber sbi;) Ungvlitui, in Vancouver Harbor, on Saturday !U>'I was druwn«-d. Sererul Atlantic »l<-ameru are de- ^taio&d at St. Jolm, N.U., unalde to get l)helr cargoes or mails on account of the railways being blocked by soow. Urs. .Iu>bn :>haw, an iu.'^ane woman ot Pusrson. Kabtern Assinil oia. commit- ted uuiriiie tlnre oo Tuewlay. She had previously tried poisun and a rope. Ail Order in-Council has been passed giving effect to Mayor Walsh â- .i order iAcr«a«ing t|ie dues to be paid for per- mits to sell liquor iji t)ie Yukon dis- trict from <i5 ce<attt a gallon to |2 un- der proof A deputation from the northwest waited on the Govemjuent at Utlawa to advocate the opening up of the Kd- monton route to tlie Yukon. Sir Wil- frid Laurinr promised that an explo- ration wouild he made. At Canmore, .Vllx»rla, tire de.':troy- ed the Pullman and Waverley Uotel.t and anumliec of other buildings. Forty Inmates of the I'ullman Hotel es<'a;>ed In their night clotb:s,bat Clara Chria- beuoon, the ten-year-old daughter of thie proprietor, was burned to death. Trade returns .show exixirt^ for Janu- ary lncn'a>*e<l l)y W ,OUO,(X)il over Janu- ary lost year, and lni;ortM increiuted |8,400,UUO. Tmiports fur past seven months have kx-en J7J..i88,599, com- pared with f6o,.')6?,61l avear agu. and uporU $111,274,83:2 against $86,6iiJ,ilU9 a year ago. i Sir George and Lady Klrkpalrick yvere the recipients, at their home, in Toronto, on Tu;'«day, of two handsome )ilv«r punch bow la and an address, by k numlit-r of gentlemen, in apprecialion of the hospitalities and lourtesies of the family during their stay at Gov- ernment House. >Uss Kirkpatrick was rememliered wiLh a bracelet and watch. The Uotario Agricultural Depart- ment have juat IsHued the 23rd annual reiJort of the Ontario Agricultural Col- lege and Experimental Karm. Presi- d*nt Mills says that the past yean htia l»en one of banl work and satisfactory progress. There were 27') students on the roll during the itast year. fiS.. ot these taking a special dairy cojurse,, fn addition to equipping the s<l!.st«iir I bars, with the houflo on the long ends. auul a bugo block of concrete hung ut tim short end«, to balun.-« the building. UlNTrKD STATES. Riv. Sum Jotnea is ajn indeiiendent catuldate for Gr>vemor of Georg.a. Kopaiaa McLachlan. ooi of Queen Victoria's pipers is an a visit to his slaber. im Miarqiuelte, Mitib. '^\ . M. ii^ga.. payimg tu-ililer of the First Na.tuilnajl Bank, of Uove-r, Del., has l»een arrestel oia ai flharge of einliezzl'- iing ov r 911 OOU, B'he moit.ou for a nenv trioi in the cas'. of iVtloljjih Luetgert, the Chicago w.'fe-murderer, has been refused ajid th ' sentence ot life-iimprlsonment con- f ; rmed. / Jalui MuiJlg^n. pT^idtent of the Con- nect cut Ri)f(ir Ita inroad and one of iJio best known ral'lToal men of New Eng^ aand, is d*«a at &,,ri4igfield, Mass. TJu! Supreme Court of the United ytatea has tjegnim its hearing; of the, jo.ijil traffic caaj In w.hiiiii' is cancerneJ. 31 oif th« itiiui'Lif rnads of the country. Morris V. Bancroft on Aim«ricau Kx- pr^ss (yyapoduy messeCiger. receined a IniUvit wouojd from h_a own* revolver, w.hivh (.r/ ped from his pouch amd dis- ohargnfl at Xew York on» Tuesday. He WiiU pVoibatoly diis. Tw« j'aas. i.igier trains c'oIliJed in a blinding; snow storm on Saiturday ni^ht at the crousiit; of the Chicago Mi.wao^ k'ee OiDii at. Paul.' ami Bu.rl.ii|g1x>n rotida. near Kacklord. IM., k.lU'nij two liain- me.n anrl injuri/ng about twetfty-flve pussMgers. The Un.o Coal Trust has been perfect- ed under the noime of Central' Coal and Coke Company. It is imorporated unl- er the luws of Obo. a:i>i iits headquart- rs wi'H be Cohumbus. Its capital stock is 9200,001). It is 'uiodersLood thiit p'rices are to be raised. The Teuipie Miugazii:e pul>li«h'3S an in- terview with l:iisbi.)r '.Vbi,)p'e. of Miojie- wd.x. who says hfe once left his things AGRICULTURAL SCUURS IN CALVES. In my boytuiod it was my duty to attend ami feed tha calvtss. At one time wo liad a calf that was thought to be a valuable one, and my instruc- tions were to feed it well. It was kept in it's stall ilay aft-jr <lay, while I tried to carry out tiiis bit of instruc'tion. Pretty soon it took scours, and I put wheat f.'our ia its miik and anythin;; else that wai thought to (» constijat- ing, hut tlm trouble continued, t'ne morning it r^efuied to take its feed of milk and lookcl sick. The attention of the older mt'm'frs of the famiiy was f^al'ed to it. The different au'.iiorit- i^s kept in tlie house were c<in«u'tpd. says a writer, and what seemed to be the proper remedy was pro: ured and 1 ImiuiBt-red. Jt bad the desired ef- fect, and more; it not only iJlopped tile a ours, Ijut also the breath of ih»- calf inside of a few hours. I often think of this, and always conclude it was not so mu^li xhe fault of tha rem- edy as we ^u! [loaed, but mor>' the want of julgmwni in administering. In lat- er years, '.viien my wile anil myself l>e- gan to raise calves, scours co nattn t- ly gave us trouble. Upon innuiPy an i old gentleman told me coffee v as an excel. ent r' uieily, and «e at on':e ad- opted its u«!, I ut nut as a drench. Uf course 1 r^-fer to nand-ftd ralves, as 1 never had any trouble ivb>-n they were aliowed the mother's milk. We mix it in each dfeed of milk, reducing the am- ount of milk to tiie -amount ol coffee added, ' which may be from a j.-int to a quart of strong ccf- near dwellings. Tha [>lBnts stand still for a long time Ln many casfes. It is fre<4uently the catic that the :^oil is poor in such locations. Ezcavaiions for i.lie cellar ha.e l>een placed there, often of sand or ilay.in which no plant can thrive. This must lie made rlnht by digging out a barrowful or two of this rubbish and filiin'o' In with good .soil. Another, and iierhaps a great- reason for tills ixior growth, is tha! the buildings kee;) away the rain from certain iiuarters, i au.inij: the soil to Income so dry that nothing can grow in it. When tliLs Ls the trouble it can l)e remedied to a great extent by pro- curing vines of somo length of stem, that they may l>e p'a.'ed soma distance away from tlie wall. Let it l» a Vir- ginia cn)ei)er, tor iustan::e. Get a vine with a stem two feet or more in length. Plant it t«o feet from ihe wail, open- lug a trencli from it to the wai in \vi j-h ih' .shoiit-i are to he !aid and covered over with earth. This will I ring the point of the vine closp to the wall, up which it will soon run. Thi VICrORIA IS LIMITED IK PCWEB â- ike Ik MU tita^r.ii, bui riirre Ar*- Many I binKH Hbe 4'ann<«t Da. C»n^ide^able as are the powers of tJie(,iinen. t):ey are not unlimited, says London Tid-Bits. There are stm* very ouriou-i restrictions on the royal pre- rogative. The queen cunnut, for in- stanc*'. ciimmunieate with her subjects as can the must menial of her .servants ; nor can -bet receive presents from her people .save through officers of state or friends pers<,nally known to her ma<- jesty. The queen could sell or give away the royal navy or declare war with Russia: bat she could not siend a single farthing of public money with- out the con.-,e4it of parliament. The queen has no power over taxution, and oould not create any new office with fees attached to it. Neither cuuld sUa aiini^x new fet^s to old offices. She could not increa-ie the wages of one of out of roots. I«ing two feet away from the j be^ footmeft'uniess she did iV wall, will meet with more moisture L. , . than if closer to it, and the ..,i,.)ot J °*' P"^*^ "**^ '"'*'*''""* *^'''''"'"'* which h;iva been carried along under! ^•*^" allowance made to her by parlia- ground will make roots in time, push- ing along growth fast. In this way. with the roots in good soil, many a >ine lias Ijeen (riven a good start.whi' h othersvise v/ould have grorwn Imt lit- tle or liave died out completely. It is an ex(;ellent plan, and one not often thought of. fee, according to the a :•• of the calf »catb.red aU^it in an Indian tepee, a^ i ^P^L^ i ' °^ ^^ """, in . ^n :^k.^-i t.h« r.h;-f if th»v »n»r- «. f- always given good re.vu.t8. Xwi in I one case the same results seemed to ; follow mixing the feed of a full grown I cow witli strong i-oftee. We .still resort i to it when necessary. But from ex- { perience we have learned to get at the aaki.^1 the chief If they were safe "Yes," said the cliief, "iierfectl.y sate. Th^re Is nmt ii wlf.\» inan within a hundred miles." GB:NEaAL. Berlin, Germany, is to have an un- derground railway. 'nie Czarina is suffering from a mild attack of measles. I'lre has destroye 1 a plague hu8| it- aJ at Bombay. This patients were saved. Theroast ot Newfoundland continues to ):« blocked witb ica and sbi|)|iing ia helpless. There are, it is said, 14.000 i«oi>Ie a^is'dutelv without food and clothing : within the limits of the city of Ma- ' taJizas, in OiJba. I The iJiilish battleship Victorious, ! wibich was ashore for some tinie off \ Port i^id. necessitiiting her l>eing ' lightered has safely traversed the i Suez canal. t The Zola trial has closed' at Paris. M. Zola was found guilty on all i-ounts and was sentenced to one year's im- ; priiicHiment and fined S.UdO francos. ' PURE KEROSENE FOR SPRAYING. Prof. Smith calls attention to the fact that if proi>erly used pure kero- sene may be applied to apples, peuri. quinces, plums, cherries, peaches and a .arge variety of other trees for kill- ing tile San Jose scale. Ho shows that pear trees vvere sprayed in Kebruary and no s< ales \ver« visible until tie fol- lowing .Septerol)er. These probably came from neigh lx)ring trees. The essential point and the one that must lie observed carefully, is the u.se of the finest s|iray possible that will apply u very thin cmtin- at a time when wea- 1 '*»'«ni""« ther con .itions are favorable for raji- i "P^ ration of the law- id evaporation. Tbe trees them-selves ! majesty issue a prnclHniatiun .should !» dry when the kero.sene i.« applied. Any departure from these .suggestions m.iy i:rove injurious. At present there is no I'.erfect sprayer or atomizer on the market. If this is secured the kerosene can lie applied without much danger of bad results. CARE OF THE DAIRY HEIFER. The young ilairy heifer ought to root of the matter. We feed young calves on skim mi.k (!1 don't think but- termilk fit), and when tbe crr^-m is removed we have a ration that the doc- tor would say ' i.s not I a anued," and we must tr) to balance it with the best milistitute wc can get, and I have found none l>etter than oil meal, or bsan, or Ixith. Sitim milk a one has a tendency to constii ale, an 1 when tbe bowehj becom" s.u,'gish everything goes wrong, and if nature did nut come to its re.lief and rid the system, a dead calf wou d iw tbe result. But the or- ganism of a young calf is so tender- that care mf >t I e observed, or this rid- ding of tbe system will a.ssure a chronic nature before we are aware, aud when scours become chronic 1 have no faith in a cure. Hen.e the imjiort- ance of keeping the bowels active. And wlien con.sti|;ation is noticed no lime should 1)6 lost in regulating it. l-'or a very young calf we have found Cr- I'he JOU fishermen who were carried | l^-ans mo aises good; but l>ettur is a intu the Gulf of Finland by the break- i feed sr •• i of wliule milk from the cow. ing loose of ice have all been saved/ it is i .*j.orUnt to make the skim milk according to raporU from St. Peters- , alwut the same te^nperature as when burg. I drawn from the cow. Too cold or : much care ia feeding and just as suf- In the German Reichstag i>n I'ues- ' too hot is very injurious. Sine* we flcient shelter from inclement weather. day General Von Gossler, iJIinister o| ; have learned to give more attention War. a'.'cuied Herr Beliel, the .Scocia'-i to little details we Jiave had less trou- ist, of appealing; to revolution, and | ble from scours among calves. A therefore of being a national enemy, safe rule for a farmer when an animal "Should these Socialists euemies," said ' 's sick is to inquire wluit he would Genet al Von Gos8ler/>»".some day pro- ! do for himself under like circumstan- ceed to action %e.'4#uuld advance | ces, whether dieting, a simple aid to agaimiC them wjth the 3.amet sang i nature, or the doctor would lie best. fruid as we woitld tugainst a foreign ' But witlkil if we think to lie success- foe." ful ever time we are doomed to disa|>- pointment. meat. A curious curtailment of tha royal prerogative is effected by an act of Iiarliameut passiMl in tbe reign ot George III. Tan's act deahj with Sul>- bath breaking, una in it is distinctly stated that the muourch cannot pardon offenders who have bee'U convicted of a (XiXtala form of Sabbatli breaking'. Yet her majesty oould pardon 99 per c«»iit of all the prisoners in the land. Tliough no act at parliament is com- plete until it has lieen signed by the queen, her majesty is subject to tiie laws that she signs, and cannot issue a proclamation contrttry to law. If, for i'm>tamM«, it were the law of Enghmd that no train should liiivel av u rate exceeding fifty miles an hour, the queea could not issue a proclamation a c<Ttain train from tbe Nor can her which would injure the community, such aa, for example, a pr:jclumatioa exempt- ing a whole town or neighborhood fro-n 6EKVING ON A JURY. Though tbe queen cuuld recall any »ubj<M;t from abroad, she cannot com- pel a subject to leave this country. This disability does uol cease to oper- ate eviMi iu time of war and, though at such a timu the queen could call upon every able miin to take up anna« as well fed and cared for as tbe milk | sb» could not force a .sm/le clviliun to cow, Iweause her future usefulne.ss de- , l»ave the coumtry. even to carry on a iwn.ls on her con.Ution prior to ber i °*^-''"^"'''' """ r condition prior first preu-iiancy. She doe« not need food either for milk, production nor for fat, but ougut to l>e kept in strong growing condition l>y food that makes l.one and muscu ar tissue ami gives vigor of constitution. Tlit* heifer shoulil have a more a live life than the cow kept for milk, but requires just OP AND DOWN. The force whicb men call tbe law o( SUMMER PRUNING UF THE PEAR Some years ago I cCme into posses- igravilation draws things downward to sion of a (tear orchard of alwut five- the earth. But a higher law forces eights of an acre , .says a writer. It everythijig into which life entors to extend upward and away from the earth. had Ijeen badly neglected, and I took it in hand to make it produce an in- come. My knowledge of the subject was gained from ix>oks, and I made -^-Tbe p!aat grows; its leaves extend with ejitra s?.\l*y^thou.sand-i^onSj|?»"*'''"*^' "* fo***" stand upright. The i gome blunders. Amonjr other things freight cars, the Graiid Trunk aulhui- tree grows, its trunk, with its great \ i pruned the trees heavily and inan- ities arc making arrangements* to have burden ot branches and leaves and \ ared them, not wisely, but to.i well theiT roadbed, locomotives, etc., t>e- frua, standing there i FOR .5PRAY(N'G PEACH TREES. Prof, St*'dman re<-ommend« the fol- lowing mixlure: Four oz ar.scnite ot soda, It oz a<vtate of lead. 1 gal of glucose, thoroughly mixed ami added to 100 gals of water. Pva3li growers have found ♦'his valuable .ind it may lie used much stronger than the above Her majesty irould not set up courts suoh as the star chamber, th- child of H'-nry VII. s misguirled genius, nor could she invest a spiritual court with temporal |>ower. Though her decis- ion i.> al>solut» lifter :t prisoner has liee.'i sentenced, sbn coulil not inlerifre with the cour'ie of justice before the MMtteiice has i>eeii passed, nor ciiuld she exert ainy influence over her judges. Neither could .-vhe interfere in ii case of private as opposed to public wrong. The queen is the only person who I'annot arrest n suspected felon. No acioii can l>e taken aguin.st hur for breaking the law, and therefore, she is pri-cluded from making .'in arrest, as. supposinK th*' pri.sduei' were innocent, no action for-fal.se iiupri.Hmmeat could Im) taken iiguin-t her majesty. The law. indeed, ;i.ssumes that the queen can do no wrong, Htiich seems about with no harmful results. The one great ' a-i absurd ;i.<r the legal ussumption that ndvanatge over Paris Green is that { the queeo cannot be under age, and this |K>ison remains suspended in the cannot die. water with very little motion. ! The queen cannot exclude a m< inlter [ from parliamenit after he ha-* been duly I elected, nor can she delegate the duly TURNED OUT WELL Tkr iia<Ml 014 Lad) Wan <iriiiine4 by Her .Nephrw'% Pr(iKr< **. \fter th-.i g«MMl old lady li id laid aside of ^ignia.if laws to anyone. The queen's power of dis|R>siag of ter- ritory i'n lime of peace has been disput- ed. U\ a time ui war her majesty could hand over London to France to bri/iig tJie. war to an end, but it .seems tween Toronto and Portland, put in in direct oppo- ; As a consequence, they were thrown condition to haul thirty-five' cars to I ""-t"^ '<• 'â- ''• ^^^ ^ which all bodies [ strongly into wood growth. Several An a train-lood from thie former to the latter city, without having to cut the train. GREAT BRITAIN. Robert StapIeton^Cotton, Viscount tVlmWrmere, is dead, at Loudon. Why' jou trees alx)ut nine inches in diamt: are drawn and fall to the earth dnen ut do that? i t<.r took ou a temendous wood grow- Because here another law comes into ! th, but yielded very few pears, hard- operation. The laws of life begin here t jy ^ fraction of a 1 u«hel each, to act and shuw themselves, even in | Casting al>out for her glasses, wiped the mist from her i "'•"'*•â- '^'"''^ '" *'™« "^ I'^''<"eher majesty cannot subject any part of the empire to the sway of a foreign power. this tiny peeking 8i«ar of grass, to j across an account of 'Pwo Government cutters have been, be far superior to the laws ot natter. • methoil of promoting eapslzcjl m a gule off Wells, Norfolk, ! ~,.. _ i tu i j " ' â- .o, . u «, , ,j,j^ grass grows, and the longer and I eye»* ami carefully folded the letter she had been reading, .>lie followed the hab- it of many old people and talked to herself. "I've often heanl," she said, '*'tbat tbe wildest colts make the best horses. When r took Hobby a^ iin orphan, and my owji nepliew, he was as wild as a a remedy, .1 ran ! March hare. That boy wa« never still drowning sixteen persons. A receiver h(is beea appointed for tbe pstate of Sir Robert Peel, whose lia- hilitleA are estimated at £100.000. Thb British Board of ."Vgriculture is taki'og »t*ps to prevent the intro<liic- Utna of Soai Jobtt scale into Great Hri- tarn. Mr. Gladstone will shortly undergo an operation to alleviate the pain caus- ed by necrosis of the bone ot the nose. stronger it grows the further up it reaches. The tree trunk grows larger and higher each year, and each year liolds upward more and more of its burden oif fruit and flowers. Only wh«n the life is taken from theseâ€" whien the flower is broken or the tree is cutâ€" does it fall liaok into obedience to the laNVB of matter. So long as Its the growth of bloom hu<l8 and adopted it. It consist- ed in breaking off, early in July.alwut tw(>-thir 1". of each newly grow n shoot of all trees that were making too much wood growth. The method «as very successful. I recollect that iwo trees which never yielded more than a I'UShel each of pears, after three years of this treatment produced 1,-e' Frencluuau's I a minute while he was awake. «n<l he Prague, Bohemia, correspondent. TAMES THE LION. Klerlrlrllj Iskr* Ike rinre arike i.ai>h anal Hrorrklag lioa. .Science has come to aid the liun tam- er in suixluiug the wild beast, .-.ays a Ihe useil to thrash around a good deal in ' red hot iron will in future, l,f i-ist hw sleep, for that matter. I really aside aa unnecessary, and out oi ilate. despaired of getting him trained down Live wires, surcharged with nicci ri- to the requirenieat* of civilizaiiim. But city that I'affle the lion's fierc-sl a<- look at him now. I'hat lelter'.s a re- j s-xults, and burn and maim bim bad v. velation to me. I feel like telling my ^ have taken the jilace oi the la.sh and friendii, but I suppose it's wiser to | 8<-orcliing iron. A lion tamer of \u-s- wait ojul let them see for themselve.s. ; ,^i^_ ,^„„i, Koemmenidi. bus been th» tweeu six and seven bushels each of I Some of them showed pretty plainly!.. pears ot tlie highesi quality. I by their miuiiier that they thought he i •"^' *â- " "^^I' life vi intact it grotvs up; when its â- Tudgtment was rendered iu London, life is destroyed it falls down. i Enigland, on Tuesday in a gambling Now these laws ot "up and down" ' oaee Ini favor of the defe>ndant. who had reach everywhere, and are fit symbols pears of tlie highest quality. i by their majiocr that they thought he i \"^' y° '='^" '" ^''^ a^'''stance of the In 1S77 Iliad between thirty and would never make a success at col- j lightning to sulniue «ild l)ea'<ts. forty tusliels ot Anjous. which was an . lege. | Koemmenich h.is invent fd what Ho overage crop. The quantity steadily 'But thai letter tJiows that they are ,.„ii„ <â- „ i * • , , â- . ..,,• • increa^d till 1H84, when I had oveV â- mistaken. He says he's in ,,he pink i '"^''f .' 'f-'"''*'"'''' •'"'!J"'^*'°''- ""'^ "» 130 bushels of first quality Anjous. ; of condition. I can remember when my j * shi'.-ld ot elMlric wires thai fasten issited I.O.U.'s to the exteat of £1,838, aot only of oitr lodUy life, but of our The Anjous were the only frees I sya- | brothers had to be conditioned l>efore ' on the imck of the lion tamer and are while playing at baccaiat. .soul life as well. Our Iwdies stand tematically treated to this summer- , they could even enter college. He's| coiine,l"d «ilh a dyuatiio l.y a wiic coil Snow continues falling in the s«julh- upright while they are alive, vital with pruning, and the increase in their pro- i a full back, and I noticed in the paper of sufficient length to allow Keoiii- ern and western districts of England, the lite of nature. They fall when duct was very much greater than that, the other day that Mrs. Smiler's son nonidi lo ni.nf around the cage. Many roads and railroads are bloi'k- that life is destroyed. » of varieties not so treated. There j was omJy a quarter back. 'riiere's not Jn liis hand hi will <arry a clia rg mI ed iNOowpIouglis are working at drifts Our souls, when love, the gi^at prin- 1 were Bartletts, Clajips, ClairgpausShel-| a young man in tbe in.-tilui ion that can metal tail on a« instiJaled hniille. u, froDk three to twelve feet deep, and oiplo ot soul life as of all life, is present ' dons. Duchess, Lawrence, and Seek- : stand l)efore Robby with the gloves on. l>e used a» the red hot iron was in commuinication is inter- grow upward ever stronger and : els in the orchard. They received the Just think what he would be if he | former days. greater, toward perfection. When that same care as the Aujous, but got very \ hajndjed them without gloves. He must' The dynamo is 0!^erate<l by an »s- . ,.,. , ,._,. 1 !_ iu- 1 :i_ i>.,^i_ : â€" 1, _ â€" . I !_•._. 1. ,. yp ijgiped f„ haze .sl.stant outside the loge. ust like him. My I .SlmuM a lion shoA a di.s|,>o<ilioM to telegraphic rupted. _ ... The. carpenters in the larire ihio great life Is destroyed in the aoul. its little summer-pruning: they made ai have a kiind heart, nl SiiniWrb.nH woT-oCl.H » ay thereafter Ls down, and it falls satisfactory gain in product, but it the freshmen. J building yard „v v,„„v^..,.u,. „.,.ct.uu- . - .. . , . ..u 1. 1 <> 1 . 1 . » .1. • . .,. de.nly railed upon to defend the most inevitably under the control of loiver , w.as not nearly equal to that of the saortKl prerogative of the British work- !*;*^' "^''^'» *'^*» '"^ '**"'•'â- â- ***"' "P*''" iimgiman last week. The boss a.skea "*"**• ^ some of them to "hurry up," and all the carpenters went on "strike at once, j VNDOUBTEDLY. to fiirmiiogham a valvable piece 08 Jasperâ€" What do you thiiok Howells trouiod is over a railway tunnel, wbiob nueaAt when he spoke about one of Mrlll iMot bear tbe weight uf a building, hiti characters being a " hen-minded'* Kia af\'3i(tect has devised a house which womao ( project civer the tunnel on cantllevern, ' Jumpuppeâ€"Uh, 1 guess he meant that kald ih htUd utii by sa apparatus like a 1 she never thought about anrthijiK e\- butolwr'* â- teal-yard. It ooosists of steal i cept her ow« sat. Anjous. Not all varieties were equal- ly suited to this treatment, notably the Serkel, Lawrence, and Sheldon Some did not need it, as they set more pears than they could carry proper- ly, and needed to have tha crop thin- tted. VINES NKAR DWKLLINGS. It is often a difficult t«A to get started which hava been planted owa opioion is that if hazing had to ^ leap on Koeminenidi. he inviii'S altn-'k be done the faculty should attend loiby delil>erately turning bis lack Iu it. Robby shall have every cent of ! the lion and a|i|arontly encouraging my fortune. He .says be is to lie rusti- 1 an onslaught, ceted. I veutture to stiy that there is: W"hen I he l>east springs his paws c^iue mot another boy in the country that has the same prospects. I will increase hJM allowance and I will send a little additional so that he can do his share ia that poker club. He says that a full band would have saved bim a great deal the other oiniit, He shall hnve it. ' in contact with (h«>^ electric .shield, and lie receives a .shock "f l.'iOO volts iroin the dyuanio. The o(ierator can. if naa^^^j, in- crease the voltage .so as t|J||^^p> 1 he animal io death. ThiM far the cUvice b^^M^^^g^xk* magic. ' V mmt^km