Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 17 Mar 1898, p. 3

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\ 9es WHAT'S THE TIMB » Dliekii aad Ibo hnu Ka <l*t Alwaj-s Agree In Marking Ike llaur. There are tew question* more £re- lueatly put t hau "WbaL time in it!" "Can you tell me tlie true time*" A itlukler for exaotituda inigbt reply ; " What kind of time do you mean ? ,A.ppannt tinje or oiean time ! Local timtt or Btanilard time ?" There are all these kindH ot time, not lo speak o( otbf rii. It iu (mly within th» last two gtvneratLons, within indited, the reign of our Hovereiffn. Queen Victoria, that the Buljject of the differences of moat of these kiads of time has become of preHHlni} importance to any but theor- ists. In one of the public gardens of Paris a little oiuidod is set up with a burning-glaae attached to it in such a maimer that the sun it.sejf fires the cannon as it r<-ucheu the meridian. This of course, m the time of I'aris noonâ€" apiarent noon ; but it would be exceed- ingly impru<{ent of any traveler through Paris, who wished, say, to catch the 1 o'clock «xp»'i'ss. to set hia watch by the gun. for if it liappen- &d to be in February he would find wlK-n he reached the railway station that the station clock v, us faster than the gun by nearly a full quarter of ui hour, and that bis train bail gone ; whilst towards the end of October or the beginning of Novemlwr. he would find himuelf as much too soon. I'ntil macljijif's for accurately measuring time were invented. ap[ arent time â€" time, that i.H to say, giviui by the sun itaelf. as by a sun dial â€" was the only time ahout which men knew or cared. But when reasonably good clocks and watches were made, it was very soon ie«n that at different times in the year there was a marked difference between the sun dial time and that shown by the clockâ€" the reason lielng simply that ibe api arent rale of motion of the sun Kross the sky was not always quite '.he same. whUst the movement of the â- lock was. of course, as regular as it :oul(l be made. March April May Are the months In which to purify Your blood with Hood's Sar»aparill«L The system is now In need of such A medicine and Is most susceptiblo To the beaetlta To be derived From it. Hood's Sarsaparilia is Superior to all Other preparations As a spring medicine Because it is Unequalled for Making pure, Eich, red blood. CARNATIONS. Th« •jvotaan who loves flowers but M^hoise income is 3Uoh that she cB<a not always gratify her taste will be glad to kinow that carnations are high In favor. They are the most satisfying flower in existence and â- â- > r" inexpensive enough to be bought frequently The flaming red carnations are just the things to brighten a dull room. The pink are charming to wear with an evening gown. The sha<ied carnation is a delight to the eye, and the i)ure white are cool, restful and refreshing with their spicy odor. Is it any won- der the carnation is fashionable when one adds to its other oharms its last- ing quality ? Al LOW 08 to IM >- '.« itilte la ooflM toaâ€" f%/;GHSOCN.. H W I INDO-CEYLON Is raoommended as the best. > j^, 30, 40, 30 and 60c. per pound. â-  â- â- â€¢ TEA, SHIP YOUR PRODUCE, Butter, Biga. Apples, Hruit, 6tc., to THE OAWaON OOMMISdON SO., Limited, Oor. ef Wk.it Martlet ana Oatbertie St*., TIMONTOi UVestorn Assurance COMPANY. The omnual meeting of Share- holders was held at the Company's of- f&oes in this city yesterday. The Pro- aideujt, the Hon. Ueo. A. Cox, occupied the chair. The following Annual Report of the Directors, with accompanying finan- ~bta! Statement, was then read by the Secretary., and. on motion, adopted, viz.:- rwKTt-SKtK^IN 4.^.^D.kl. KKI'«*T. The Directors beg to submit herewith astatement of the results i)f the trans- actions of the Company tor the year 18H7. together with the Assets and Lia- bilititvi at the 31st l)ecem>>er last, and the Auditors' report thereon. The balance at the credit of Revenue Account is *14y.845.l)6, and there has been a gain of |lH,381.1li in the value of .><H:urities. as compared with their market price a year ago. Two half-yearly dividends, at the rate of tea per cent, per annum, have been declarej out of the year's earn- ings, and 9ii8,ii6:il. added to the Ka- aerve Kund. The ambunit of the eailiuui.tad liabil- ity ui)tin risks now on the Compa,ny'8 books is 77.'i,0<il..'jl. and a net surplus ia shbwn over capital and all liabili- tiea of »37».472.9l. GEO. A. COX, President. Toronto, 18th Februarv. 189H. • SUMMARY OF IHE ^•INA^•CIAU STATEMKNr. ToUl caah income. . . . .92,283.632.48 Total Expenditure, includ- ing appropriation for loss- es under adjustment 2.133,787.48 Balance $ 140.845.05 Ipprtsciation in value of securities 18,381.16 Profit (or th« year. . . .9 168.226.21 Dividends on stuck. . . .9 lOO.UUO.OO Total amets 2.41.'i,086.41 Rfserve fund i,l.')5,I34.42 Cash capital. . . \. .. 1.000,01)0.00 Subecrilied capital . â-  . . . l,0;ill.OUO.I)0 Security to policy-holders . 3.135,134.42 The election of Directors for the en- suing year was tlien proceeded with, and resulted in the unanimous re-elec- tion of the following gentlemen, viz: â€" Hon. Ueo. A. Cox. Hon. S. C. Wood, Messrs, Robt. Beaty, G. R. R. Cock- burn Geo. McMuri'ich. H. N. Biiird. W. R. Brock, J. K. Osliorne, and J. J. Kenny. At a meeting of the Board of Direc- tors held sul«equently. Hon. Geo. A. Co.x was re-elected Pre.sident. and Mr, J. J. Kenny V'ice-Preeident, for the en- duing yea,l. BITING rHE NAILS. A simple and very e£fe;tive way to luxe children ot the l>ad habit of bit- ling their nails is bo wet tho fingers with qusMiia tea and allow them t > dry. When tasted it will l)e a bitter reminder bp oeana the practice. If there arc no .sore places on the finger tips, a very little oolooynth powder, which is intensely biiter. may be dust- ed over them. When h'lwover. dipping the finger ends in some bitter tincture fails as it soanetimes will, each finger eind onight to be Incasied in a stall un- til the propensity is eradicated. THE PRUUEN'r COURSE. Updyk( Ls an exceedingly uuick-wit- ted chap. . So? Vros. For Instance, la~<t ni,{li^. at Jammer's party, lio unfortunately .step- ped on Miss Quickfirei's dress and rip- ped in the neighl>orhood of three miles of ruffle off it. I .se*-. He inimediiately molUfipd her by some exceedia^ly witty apology. Not muoh I Ue immediately disai'- peaced. 1 THE POPKS SEAL. The seal worn by the Pope, and used by him on official documenta to which hia signature is attached, has on it the engraving of a fish, with the cipher of the wearer. Since the thirteenth cen- tniry every Pope has worn a ring of this character, and it is shuttered with a hammer wlien the wearer dies, to prevent its use on a forged document. MRS. HUGHES' CASE. i'he Lady Writ««8 /.nether Letter tc The Uodds Wediciae Co. A Con8<-ientious Woman.â€" Norah had l)een told to say at th<» front door thai her mistress was not at home when Certain callers appeared upon the s-ene. It evidently went luurh again- st the groin for her to luake herself responi>ible for even so small a white Ue, but ahe promised to do so, and, with certain modifications, .she kept her word. Is Mrs. Blank, at bome^quer- ies the caller. For this wan toime. Mrs. SmitJiers, she ain't! .said the maid: but Hivin help her if yez ashk me again ! I'll not loi twoice for anny- txidy livin', upon me sowl I Cure Yourself of Rheumatism, The applicaticn of Nerviline â€" nerve- pain cure â€" which possesses such mar- vellous power over all nerve pain, has proved a remarkable success in rheu- matism and neuralgia. Nerviline .icts on the nerves, soothes chcm, drives pain out and so gives relief. Try it and be convinced. AN INUBATEFUL PATIENT. The Medical Recttrd tells of a, man who was culled of bliudiiess by a surg- eon remarkable for hia unprepossess- ing appn-a rajice. When vision w^aa fujr ly reet/ireil, the patient looked at his lyf-netactox «uul .said: "Lucky for you, j-».uug lutin. 1 did not see you before you o)ivratedt or X would never have given my consent." Highest Market Value RAW FURS and SKINS, BtM* Wax, Qlni^^g, cto. (JoiiDitnincnli wauted. El- urrsfjiAid. Klpiidike Moos« MoocMini. Fur C<>ata, Kobei ftud riuow Hbr>«ii m f^peoi^tjr. H. JOHNSON, WhotMale Purrler 4*4 St. Paul St. Montreal, Qua. t A f l^n MtU-l-Stcel. reHanla^d, RoIlM lAf '***' ••'< B .11 BMriee*. IrOB Pnmpe, w T tjBr&)»t«. >Bd raiu Oriaden. Oe«H| ' thnaey . M iCO*.. Umltea, Irantf eri, Oaaada. WINTER RBSORT. ST. CHARLES, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. OPEN ALL THE YEAR. FlNJiST HOTEL ON THE COAST. Sun parlor 800 feet long overlooking ocean and Ijeach esplanade. Vacuum steam heating nyFtem. Elevator Ut strret level. Hot and oold. fresh and salt water in all hatha. Rooms ea suite, butha attached. JA1ME8 B. REILLY. Owner and Prop^ n«a Sector* and a fpeolBllet Said (he Had Rtieumetlam They Oould Net Help Her - Her Trouble Wa* Kidney Dleeaae-Our- e I By Oodd'e Kidney mia. Morley. O^it. :â€" Interest m Um wond- erful recoivery of ilxs. 'I'. UutfUai ia atiJI uuaJiaii^l ihiere. and ItM case la the pri'ncipaJ bopii- of conTersa-' ion. Mrs. H'uglifjs hns received ai lletier froin The DoJds Mtd,ii-i'.i»' Co., Toronto, askin4^ what ha.m« hter doiMors gave her du- ease. Replyiugi. Mrs. Hughes writes thus: "I'n n<piy to yotuirs of tihe Ttji inst.. ' wouibl say that Ub> doctors sa <1 I had HJwuinatiBm. Tbiey saiiil 1 hat my age, 48 yeujs went Uigainat my recovery, that I wou.W be better Wiheii I get over til.ie obangB of liife. and ,t!Lai noithing but time would cure me. { "I believe I .hhi-i kiid'ney and bladder dispase. I gre'v worse anul worse daiily; ooulid eat nothijig Imb i»>rnKtaroht or ' 0ouii>, until 1 t>j,giain to use Uold's Kid- ney Pills. Wheji I was ill I weig^»d 147 pouni.ls; now 1 ^wei.gih 11- pounds â€" my woTiuaJ weig.bt. I l)eg to state agin that Utold's KidTn^y Piillu saved my life. " Anyone wishing further informa- tion iua;y write to me, and I'll glailly j give it. " Mrs. T Hnghes." ' In the face of the emphatic evidence . t^iat is coming to light daily, no man . 4«n say that Dodd's Kidn«y Pills won't ^ cure Bright's Disease. Diabetes. Rheu- matism. Lumbago. nisea.>»es of Women, and all other Kidney Diaca.ses. Dodd's Kidney Pills are sold by all druggists at fifty c«>nts a box. six boxes 12,50, or will liei seot, on receipt of price, by The Dodda Medicine Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. A Query AnsiMerecL Anxious questioners ask. "Is there no .sure cure for corns /" We are glad to be able to tell thase sufferers that Putnam's Painless Corn Kxtrac- tor will relieve thenn in a day. and e.x- tract corns without pain. It never fails. zoLAS Mono. Over Zola"s study is the motto, "No day without something accomplished." which rule he has followed all bis life. He does next believe in the work that is dashed off. but his method of composi- tion is lainstaking in the extreme. When he has to descriln; a place he al- ways visits it first. Dr. Henry levers, Quebec, writes:â€" "()n» of my children >>p'-ained her ankJe : which Ijecame much swollen .ind diicolouretl. Some "Quickcure" was spread nn linen, and applied; the pain ceased atunce. the swelling was gone the next day, and on the fourth day she walked to aobool as usual." IRISH SHIPBIILDERS. Irish shipliuilders have been benefit- ed by the Kogliah engineering strike, OS, whiie the Clyde output showed a falling off last year of SO.OOO tons, one Uelfadt firm tumwl out 84,000 tons or more than any other individual firm in the three kingdoms. !!!VE syruJG The iDost sneMMfnl and B«U»M« pneeriptlea of a diitu);;uiiliad pbyticUo lor OOUGHS, COLDS AffU UX Bronchial and Lnng AfTectioas. Oontaint Honer. n«.]v,, Skunk Cubba^e Hoot, I.JticUa, Tolii *u(i oth"r mo»t effetiiTs lu^rnli* ruts, l^lea ant to the ;aate, it ii» reudiljr t*k«a CroHTD & Whooping Cough. rrioeltalBOcu. Bold l>y PruggiiUand JD^olcrn. 1 â€" 3 -M- .S'"^ ^=ai m s i 3 s ^^fe M Photographs of Fences. If you don't know, but; wish U> saa bow Page fence looks in actual usa, and get some good pictures of fence, let us send you some of our illustrated adveiiising matter containing eugrar- in^s made direct from pbotorraptaa of Pa^e fence on Canadian farms. Ycm will not regret it. If there ia a Page dealer near you, apply to blm. If not apply to us. ii[ m m m wmy. Limited. WALKERVILLE, ONT. P. S. See our "ad" in the next issue. State or Ohio. City or Toledo. \_ Lucas (,'ooNTV / KiiANK J. CuKNi V iiiAkm oaih that ha I* the eenlor pnrtnerottlie firm of F .1 CnaMv k Co.. doiDK buhlneks in the C ty of Tulcdo. County iiad Stale nlorei.n Id. inu that sal, I llrm will iia» the i4nni ..I ONE HfNDRKD DDL- UAHSt'r each and every oaeo of Catmikii that cannol) ba cured by the ufte of Ham.'S Catahrii Cure. rRANK J. (^HKNKY. :jworn to botore me no'l ^uhiorilMd In my preHODOe, thinUth day of U ceniber A. i>, X'iii, I '~'~^ \ A. W. OI.EASO.N, I S^ ' Notary Pablio HaH'e Catarrh Cure i» taknn internally, nnd eote directly on the dIo d and miiroua rurtacen of the lystem. Send for teflJiiionia'e Free. r. J. CHKNKY Sl CO,, Toledo, 9ald by DrugKixu, T.'ki. Hall'a Family HiUe are the beeU CHINKSK LAINDHYMKN. It is said that a good Chinese Inun- drymaai can clear Ji'i a week, although he pays from $14 to S'i5 a month rent, and sometimes as high as 840, and hires two or three men a* wages ranging from 80 to flO a »eek. when their very economical habits of living are considered it is probaUe that they save a large share ot their earnings, W P C 910 ^ Built in One Grade Cniy- )^ ^ And tliat the BEST, j^ ^W The BE.ST is ibc one that is^T J^ tORRRCT in every point. M^ ^Goodrich tiDC^ ^ 7 Res -Flex * are constructed of the lincst - DiMterials and skilled work-/|^ manship, and are free from l«p laultti. tt^ SINGLE OR DOUBLE TUBES. I^T Not expensive because '''^yj^^ are the BKST. Send lor "T 'W^ cataloffue, it will interest you. 2, Dealers quoted. Mj^ AMIRIOAN TIRI 00., Limited, ^ 1«« and 106 King St. W., - TORONTO, ^k t Skin Sores CELERY Kima tS".".Sop And nevor fails to bctl and onrs skin diMaMiiâ€" Sold by all druMl»9, ^s cents a lar|e paoUaga. WOOOWAEO UIOIklMS CO., TORONTa, CAnaBA ]l*f TOir' AgentR wanted to Introduce our ItIU^IL. LatalOKU" and loriiiB. W„ will mail prepaid "Hot Time In Old Town ' with miiaiu. tori cenii. h ampe. POPULAR MUSIO DIPOT, M Aleile St. Montreal. Have Vou Seen It 1 1! Can You Oo It 1 1 1 1 The New 0. K. Puzzle I II 1 1 Thcino«trascilialliig|m//.l«,>f thii'ln), ,,| naanwa#a HOW TO HKAi'ii KLUNUTKI Solii everywhere. Aiontn wiintod. Send 2O0, foroamplc. T. SONNE, 193 Comiaisslunera St., - Montreal, Que, Wa win glTO one baU^aai Slna 18k KoUed Sold Plate* waS raoted, to enyonawtao wtlf ten 1 doi. IndeatructlblelAmp WloS OMeeaetrlmmtailttnonsfrlradiatiOo la, each. Write MaaTwe will mall yon tbe Wloka, Ton lell thea Oominion Line Steamships Afoiili'oal mid Qiiohec Lo Liverpool in rttiiiimcr Vort a'ni to Ltvfirpool in winter. Large antl fa-.! I win screw aicaniahips 'Lnbrailor.' 'Van couvor,' 'Dominion,' 'iScotemnn.' ' Yorkehlre. Superior nccnnimndntlon lor Firat Cabin, Seo Olid Cabin and Staerage pa»FenK(ira. Rnlea ol PBBAaKe-Flr<» CaMn. »*0 ; second •''abln. fSi : 9teeraKe $22- jO and tipwaids dcoordlng t« eteaniir and t>erth. For all inrorinaMon nppl.v to Local AKcnta, or David Tukrancr * to, Oen'l Agents, 17 St. Sn(^r«nipntHt., Mon'-i>.il For the average pe''son, ridintf the average dig. tance, over the average roads, HARTFORD and VIM Tires are perfection aad ^land lor comfort, safely, durability and lo:igevily. Wo ra- pair every pair of our road tiies FREE OK CHARGE. Write for Catalogues. Montreal, Windsor Hotal Block. [TORONTO TIRE CO., Winnii)«g, Winoipet; Hubber Co. j" umiteb. Halifax, (.iflim oiiens Ist April. 1 s AdatMda St. W., torsnto 1 Florida of the North Rest from snow and the Cold North. Hotel Traxpaore Atlantic City, N. J. ,(ffr' Rates the Very Lowest Consistent With First Class ^w. -^^ The TRAYIMORE is one of the longest established beach front hotelsVy^ , in Atlantic City. Homelike and cheerful and enjoys the continued pat- ronage of a quiet and refined class of visitors. Write for all informntion. D. S. WhITE, Jr., Owner & Proprietor. i- .-I*" It Tell5 Its Own Story. LiUDEIiLA Tit a package, aad latliry yoareelf, «2b i\ M aad 6O0, le Load Paekagei. CEYLON TEA. From Leading grocwi. SEEDS OVarieties For, 25' ThlilAaUONAHIDB 3«cds to new cuttomer» •mount paid refunded and AL these prico« we « na oni Buy whAl yon wanL Thoy are i VBOIilAKLES. (f>rrte«rby XumlMr.) I. hft^t, Eol!t)«i. round 3. B«<»t. Kgyi'Miiii. Il.-tt round .1. (.'MhbiHfe, W'ii]iiiig,^tiidt 4. (Jftbbuff, Knlt>r> Hnmtwick 5 Oarrnt, hnlf Una, hcatJet 6. Oflfrot. Ou?ri»inl« wmrlet 7. (Jucumber, Chicago Pickling 8. CucUinber, Ij.mij (Irreo 9. (^«lery, tioldeii Relf-BUuohinf 2!S, 10, Ilwrlis, titkgv 26 11, Hprbi, MaTory 27. 13 licrbs, Mftrjornm '•»> 13 litttucc, Nimiuvrcil |0ftbb%8«) 2? 14. liCttiiM, I»eu»er Market '«url»dl 30. 1& Miuk Melon, eiira early. Nutmeg 31. offer made to Introduce our Vegetable and Kluwer and which we guarantee to ^lca«e you ur the the 5oeds given aft a present. .Y offer the vartotios named bflow. Order by nnnbtr, oent by mall post paid. fStileot from the followiofc liat : Wftter Milon. Karly 0:mftda Onion. Urge ml Wi tht^rftfleld Onion. Y<r!K)W Ulobf Danren Paraoip, Hollow Orown Kiitlitih. Kraucb Hr^akfast Ra.linh. Rosy Oem Squafth. Hubbartl Totuulo, extra aarly Atlantic Tomato, Utrarf Chantpi* â-  FLOWtHS. Aftteni, mixed MiKnonetto, sweet PriUHy, mizeil I**'' anta, mtx^d N'^rturtiuiiiB. till inixetl .Sweet Peas, Fine mixed Wild Flower, iiarden mixed FREE WITH EVERY ORDER Proviiing this Oiupoii ll Ct'T OUT knd wnt to lu vith an order for 12 pKok«t^ we will liidn.le 1 p»ckrt\(ir(lT»iiHhl|. Inn .M.li,if],,-*i», price 20p. Free nl Oh.rge TO St.'llSC.IUBKRS OK TIII.S I'APBB. We will NOT ACCEPT AN ORDBR at theM price* where the packet* ere NUT Micctcd Iroai the abeve llet. Addreea ail ordere te No. i Uarrot, Hnlf Coiir Dan/vrn WM. RENNIE, TORONTO. ^ 1 It

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