Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 17 Mar 1898, p. 4

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â- h/ / • ...r % ry^ %. "1^ March 17 1898 THE PLKSHERTON ADVANCE •* "WWW?" ESTABLISH Ett ~/3BI' W VVBLIMIIKI) WKKk't-V XT THE OFFICIE, 8YI) KNIIAM STKKrt, Vl*KllKKT<iN. ONT., BY W. H-, ''i'MVlRKTON. %l pef- AAAVkHI «lf tetky in adTniicc M^WUains RatCB: »ae Oolaiiifr. \ Ij^Ml'r, 150 ; half col., 1 «e»V, »28 qaa'rfui' (;6V, otie voai*. ^1&- 'Traaaient advertiBeinent cliaiged »t tba rit« • cants per lino for fiitt iiii^citicn andSceut eaoli siibH«4uent iuseition. After occupying tlie attpntiou of the House of Comiiions for sonic weeWs tlio Yukiiii railway bar^'»in wiis passed last week by a suhslantiul ma- jority. It now rcuiaiiiB for the Son Bt« to deal with it. Mr. Foster's dc- nnnciatioD of the sclictno was one of the inosi raaslerly ar^'niiieiits we havi; read in a long time, hut eveu that was -of no avail. Tlie battle of the ballois, whicb has now beoD transferred to the law courts, appears to be going Ktrongiy Willi the Conservaiivcs, tliey having gained one meinber in West Huron and bold Ofawa and South Perth, where the Reformers had deinundcd recounts. Hliould Kussel elect a Con servativo tomorrow thore will with- out doubt be another election in the near future. As the IJi,'ur« now stand Mr. Hardy has a probable msjoriiy of only live at the most, and two con- â- stituoncies will liave to be opened when the new cabinet appointmtnts made, with a possibility of the goW&»iai_ losi "Jg P.'W^oi- WitlLjftff^' " * "^/C these. In any event the go\crnineiit cannot be carried on with tiiis iiwijor- ity, as a speaker will have to bo ap- pointed and Bome ate an uiikujwn â- quantity. Mr. Beatty, w/io is really independent, and We. Evantiircl, whose position la uncertain, have been classed as Liberals. The actual ataudiii;^ of llie JiQuse, alionid it now ha called, would, according to this olassificatiuii, probably be 44 Conser- vatives (vod IH LiberalR, not coniiting the speaker, or it niighi be 46 Liberals «nd *<) Conservative.'!. Thif uncer- tainty exists. Altogether Mr. Whii- J" > ^s ciiances appe.vr to be K<Jtliiig hngiiter. lint law is as uncertain as politics, and it is difficult to say where wo will be at wlieu tlio" lawyers get tiirou-^li with the prolilic crop of pro- tists and couiiler protesis which they are now adj^Kifjcatiiijj upon. m il mjij i .j_m i ,j_La-...L^- dertakiug. In this she will have Japan as an ally, and it is thought tUe United Btates would form the third power in a triple alliance against the world iJiii while all these thint!S form grounds for mmusineas it is well to roiueinbei tl<at all scare deHpatclics in the iit'Wspupers are not necessarily facts, and in many instances it is sus- pected that such despatches a^e prompted by interested parlies for mercenary motivesâ€" in plain words, to manipniace the stock markets of the world. ««- A Word for Chica|:o "Tlio pai So past week hnu been one of {»reat -exeilomont in the linaneial world and in diploniaiio circles. The United 8iat<!8 continues to make prcparutions fti war and has pnrcliascd two new war vessels from Biazil. She is mo- bili^in;^ her standing army in the east Slid has ordered inmiiMiso quiiiitiiie'S of tiroaniis and war niutcrial from the jnaiinfaotiirLra. yjiiiu has started Jier war Heet ncross tlio Atlantic, and niHtiituiiiR an ominous silence ns to her iiiteniioiia. Tiiuso things cer- iainly Ibok upon tiie surfiice like war, bill thoro aio ilioso who siiy oven now ihaiit will not ho. Thin paper ilocs »^t here eoimtiiseif among the opliin- *"1i.5i< hiif lidpes ilH ooiicUisioDB' limy lie wrong. The [lossibility lif war unjong OurCDiiiiins to the south, however, has bu'.n soinewhai ovcrshiidowtd by so.iiciliiiig aicre seriuus in the far Ea<jt, wheie thoro i» a possibility of (ire.it Hritaiii and Ititssia coming to blown over the maiiii.eimiice of open ports in China. Great llritatii has is,iued an nlliin;it:iin, and eliould Itnssiii disregard this a war of un- Iii.Mird-(if niagiiiludo might result. Great liriuin has takon upon herself tlie task of gtmraiitoeing to tlio world i(ree po.'ti in that portion of tlie globe »Qd she w.U stim4 or f^ll iu tUe un< To the Editor of The Adeance. Deau 8iu â€" I nui nut It DeiiiMcrat nor am I H Reputilioin. I am not a natural- ized cilizi-n of the Uniled SiHteu, but I AiM H CaiMtdiati-.Aiueiiuaii >»-ho beheieH in â- ' giviiii! the devil tiiB duo." I J« not hold my buxinesH an n ciiiiipliint<iii. of nny pnity. Mild neither do I coiiie under tliM jiirifidietin of tlie civil service coiiilnis- .sion. CuiiNi-(|ueiiily I have no axi; tu i{riiid. ] mil ill coninvt with thu tiuKt element of U. S. citizeim and reflect their ii|iiiiioiib when 1 K'ly thttt Cliicigo in en joying a cleaiiiir foiiii of goveriiiieiit a<' ihu piuii-iit time than it lias in the pa»t. The l>it'tr element it K»iiiin!{ .supreniacy. Tliu Kpiids Kyst' ni him been largely Hii|i pie»"od hy civil suruce lolorm. Ah'ur- iiieii Hie pud a nalary inoie iidet^uale to tlie Hervicu rendered, ihua removing to a great extent thu (fiiiptation for tioiKthng. Mayor llniiiKoii Ik not n liutt for con- Hiant aitjiL'kN of till* Cliiuauo pr-Rii, wl'icli ia a relief. Papon* which were o|ip -sed '11 liiH election have no unfavorable eriticimiiH to inxke. Tlie courts are doing ba'tineas in favor r.f the people rather tlian in favor of ciiiniiiala. Some Nt>il>ing exaiiii>le.i are helore the pnlilic of how money failed to utjiy tlic hand of justice. The city water supply has not been pure for mnuu time, owing to repairs be- in<{ iiiHiIu on the puinpinu -lysrein. I'reHldeiit McKiiiley Iihh won to liiiii Helf the ndiiiirHtion of all irnhur ihinkiiiti men l>y liia huaioeji^-llke luaiia^jenient of atf;<irs,i}ilice his inaifuraiioii, hm good hhown ill thu selection of hib c.ihiiiet^'-Hl^" being choaeii who liiive long been ^tlttrdod an bunineM iiiodeU. Hia aetinim III thu laae of the Mtiiie disantur have been all that could )>« dut4red, except p«rliHps by a few faiiHticH. Ho is a tried Holdier and liia past record on thii field of battle proves that lie does not lack couraiio where ncccMHity deinandfi it, and those who know him well are finn in the faith that wisdom and justice shall be metud out in any emergency that may ariae. What man is there who can Kuidu the sfTaira of men in such a satmfactory way that every one of seventy millioiis of people may lie satistiud ? F. A. Thuehto.n, D. D. 8. Chicogo, March 16th 'OS Lady Itauk Fr<nn imr oioii torresjxmdent Mr. John Linley, who has been sick for the past two weeka, ia, we are glad lo lienr, on the mend. Mina A. Wliewell and her lirmherH, Walter, Willie and JameH,aii(l Mr. H. Linley, lefi for Dako- la oil Monday. We wish them every suc- cess. M ii*R Ahou Sloan ia vii<itingat Mr. A. Fergunon's. Mias Liz/.ie Fiiidlay spent laat week with her mother. Miss Abie Whuwell WHstho reeiplent of nn addreBS ond presiut picviour to goiii'/ west. Following is a copy ot the aildre.SH and reply : MUs Allif WiiewM : OiiK ni:m sisTiiii in ciikist ; â€" As yii.u am abou. lo depart ifoiii our nn at, we, as membtira ol the Epwortn Le»(jiie,(oel that we cauiiot 1st j'liii go >vit out 111 aomo wi>y show- iDg our appieois.iiin uf y <ar residence among us. in uur licague wurk wo liave always fuuijil ill yuu a Hiiiini; and eurnont he per. Your briijnt tentiinonies wo feel aura nave done good lo iill. We deeply lo- t,rot that jdii luiint leave ns, for wn leel liut your deparlure leaves a vaeai.cy not easily fi led. llul in ihe langiia^u of onr itlos.iod Master, we «'• iil.i say, " Not oi r will but 0'>d a bu liuoe." We pray that us He lias aeen lit tu uall you to labur iu auoiber part uf his vliieyanl, lie m^y open I'p for ynu greater lieMs uf ust fulness and enable you 10 oo a ttraud and noblu Worit for them m the far-off land to whioh you are goinf^. As a â-  i^'hl lolcei) of our eHtnem and well wishes fur }ou <voa8k you to ac«ept ibis book, hoping that as you road it you may brtatliu a prayer to Ood for 3'our dear (liuods at I'rovideDOe. We earnestly pray that Uod's biMSiu may attend you in every way, and that yoa may always be kept steadfast, un- movable, always abnnudiug in the work of youi Lord, tih we all meet in that bliseed country, wiieru pa' tiug s a 1 be no mure Signed uu iieha.f ol t le ui-io er-i, JIattie a. Waujick, MaKT a. KoUKllTB. I'roTidenoe, March.3, 1898. IlKPLY Dbab bistzbb in cuiiiht: A< cepi my lieart- feltthaulis lor your bunk ai.d u.ire tnan kiiot relerenue tu my ci>iii>ectii<ii «l h the Kpworlli l.iea. ue at I'ruvidei.ce. I'lO cuief rrgrrt I feel is thai 1 have been able to nc- cnmplieb B'> little by precept and exanip e lur iiie caus of Clir »t. My cnnneoi ion with yon will be a pleafttnt meinorv. I sba 1 u.wsy.4 rejoice at your sticcu^s and pray tiiai. you mi>y bu iubirinneDt .1 in win- uiog inaiiy .oul.s for Cnri t. Tnnugh suu dered far ny " ino'inia n, strtnm and lea, '^ tUe mercy seat is s near aid aeceBsiidu in ou<! place as another. I will remeiuber you ann hi>p to l>i> remenib red th.re. May we all ti.:d tiually abuu laut eniraoo io th.>t borne where (be sorruHS ol ]Mriini! arx un- known, Alice Wbiwell: AUCTION SALE ot Valuable Parm Properties in tlie Tov/a- shipof UlcnelKandArtemesia.Couaty of Qrey. Uiulm- r.nil by vlriuio of llie power of halo cuniaui4'il iu a etTtain inoitfjuiju made l>y U ojgr K Amtwsinitli to ttio Vfiidor now in Uefutjll and fo be jo-oiluce 1 at the liluu of aaiv Tlieiowi I *j>' iilfuii'd r<»r >>Hle by publiu auction at the Flohhe' ion Hotel In tliu Villane of Fletherton on Saturday, the 9th day of April, 1898 Atttiehouroi ^o'clock Iu the afternrion, II, au'< Bihuular, nn.tl>, lot uiiiul>er twinitj in the filth coiKU'tttilon of inetowiiFtiipof (ileiiolg.uoii- tainiiiK Ue t'Creb more f>r lass, .-tecuuilly ^ Ljot nuiubi-rouo In the llfth oniiC'3i>ioii of tUu township of lirtunioaia, cuotainiiiK 100 acres nioio uv less. ot tliu property flmtlyilennriboi W acres are said tubucluaredaud wall ^:ultiv«tud and erect ed tliei-uoh are uaid to ho a log hoime in fair htate of repaii, fiauit! ban; and ahed on stone f uudation Willi kooO etablluf<, all said tu be 'u gocd Ktatu of repair. On piopurty Bxeoudly deseril>ed are »nid to lie a arm house and outbuildioi;* iu fair iitstu uf repaii. Tlie properties arv situ 't^d about Ave inlleH from l-lealiarioii ann convenient Vj church and schoola. Tb« soil consists of litrlit clay loam and wel adapied for iiKrieultu at purpoiteH. 'I here ia alvo upon each of tlie properties a small oicliaid. I ho piupcrlies will be oCfored for sale supartlbly and al«u en bloc subject to re serve bid. 'I'l-.UMH :â€" 10 per cent of the purchase money will require to be paid at time of asle (anil the baiaiicu accurdiiiK to favorable terms ami conditions to be then niaile known. For fiirtler particular), app y to BMtty. Blackstock.NesbItt Chadwick. Rlddell 58 Woliiiigton St. K , Toronto, Solicitor for Vendor, Dated at Toronto this Stb day of Marcb, 1 W8. V^^ SF.AIiF.D TF.Nni'.US addrasaod to the under- Hixned, and «ndori>ed -Tsinler for Pile Work at lleafoiilHHrlinr.will ber<'c«<ivnd until Mon- day. 4th day of April, ISW. inrluBivuly, tor tho conHtruotion or pilework in the harbour of .Meaford, Orev Co,. Ontario, aocordlnit to plana and KpooiQoatioiiM to bo Roau at tho otUoe of H. A. Oroy, K«q., Kncineor iu char , e Harbour and lliv r WorltH, (intarin, Oonfeiieratlon l.ito llniidlnn, Toronto, at tho otnce of the P..Ht» nniRter at Meaford. anil at the Uupartmeut of Public WorkR, (Ittawa Tundern will not be couMidered unlnxa made on tnc prhi'.od f oni Hupplied and alcuod with the actual KiRnatiirea ot tuiidarers. An aeceiiied bank elnuiue , payable to the order of llni MiniHter of Public \Voik» for â- uv.ni hiindruil and Hfty dollars) (T.VI I must accuinpaiiy each tender. Tbo cbeipie will be (orfeitud ii tlio party doclino the contract or tail tocomplnto the work contracH-d for, and will be returiieJ In case of nou^aoceptance of teniler. Thit Dnpartnient does not bliid itaelf to ac- cept tbo lowest or any tender. by order. K. F. E.Roy. Hecretary. Department of PuDllo Works,"! Ottawa. l'.!tn March, IKM j NiWbpapirs iiisttrtinK this ndvertlnement wi'hiuit aiiMiority from the departnieut will not be paid for It. AUCTION SALE 0/ ualuabte properti/ in iho township ef jfrfemesia. TliH fnllriwiiiK propmty will lie offered for Hale by public aiK-tion uu Tuesday the iQthday oiriarch 1898 At two o'clock p. ni., at MutiHliaw'H liotnl In tho villaiju (if Kioeherton, under the power of Hale containe,! in a curtain iuorti,'a|^e which will then ho priiducud. Ijot M*2 ill t'liuOLli coiicOBi^iou of the tOWIIHllip of .\rtt!n.<'Hia In tho couiitv uf (Iroy, oootatiiiiiR one huudroil auios innruor io-<>4, now or lately in the oiMiupatltm of on« Arcbtb.ihl McIauii. " TI'.HMSâ€" Pen pur Clint cash at time of sale. Lilttial ttf.irni'j f r f-HVluent of balanco. For ft I'tliur paiticnlaia an i eoiiditions of sale apply to U. J. BPHOl' IjE, Ksij., l''let<lu;it''ii, or to oniiiiiN, aiit.iov A iM'.Fiiins, V. ndoiB' Soli' itor, 74 Church st , Toronto. X^ice^ntso I>^otbice Notleu in hereby fiivan »ln{ I liavs ni.\ o ap- plicalioii to tho l.icencu hoard of Coiitr.) tirev for a traunfiii from .(oiin Ouuiior lo Unoiije Hawk for the (I loDu hotel at I'lonliei ti'i H^iition, (JKolitili; HAWK. Floshortoii Btetion, March \S. It-.dH. Fc&rm. fox* Sale For nalo cheapâ€" Lot a7. Con 12, Artoinenia Apply to K,.I. SPKOUL.!':, fleahoitou Fleahertun, Nov. 16, ItlUT. VILLAGii PROPERTY FOR SALE I'll I k Idlfi ill tho Villaiiuof Ku;;onia, ooaipi Is^ in^ iKt^iuufts til two blocks. On thti^e aiu erect-* el IV Irainoaii'l a loj; hu!ifi(i. Thevj is a nood cotlar, oi'uhaiil, two l))Lnin, oto. Anply to ll.FKNWIUK.WutibUia. Eugenia, Doo A, 1897 ~boaYfoh serJicF The undorsiimed baring purchased from Mr. P.Muirthst Msgniliceat thorouKhbred Herk- shlroboar," Mountafn tiheik," h .s now tiie same for service on lot l.'ia, K, T., A ,S. U., \rte- mesla, XeraiS 41. Vedigree uu appplieatinn. A. ilOTU. M. Richardson & Co. f Spring Dress Goods *J «^ As already inti...atecl in a iirevious adverfisement we have made special prepirations tor spriiii^ bu-iness, and- in conseciuence are receiving Kii ge consignments of new goods of every description III ni department is ihe leMilt of forethought more strikingly shown than in our Dress Goods section. We have just received and pas.sed int > sti-ck large shipments ot direct imports fr<m British, French, Germm and Swiss manufac'urers, and it u no exaggeration to slate our spring display of ^- -^' ""i^^jKciiii^^ia^^ ''mT''»\rm^MTi^'';^-m'^fm^hi'>}m^ Is the best we have ever r.h.)wn and will ct)mpare most favorably with any between Owjn Sound and Toronto As usual we have madea sp' cia! feature ol Dress Lengths and our sehctions comprise .some ot the most handsom*:, tylsh and artistic designs procurable â€" no two dresses alike A Few New Imported Lines Blstck I>r*ess Goods ^"^ -" Plain Soleils, Satin Cloths, Cashmeres, Alpacas, Grena- dines, Lustres, French Crepons, Poplins, P^igured Soleils, Henriettas, Serges. -COLORED DR£:S:5 GOODS Fancy German Plaids, Fancy Checks. Fancy Shot Etfecis, Mat<ln?ise Plaid*, Ciivert Cloths, H I'lit Suiring.n, Fancy TwewN, Fancy Kuuolus, Silk mid Wool Mixiurm, Bradford Fnucius, Fancy Silk Mixtures, Colored St-igcs, CmIi- merfsand Hniriutias, A FEW PRICES Colored Wool Mixtures durmiii Pliiida. ... Fancy Figure' I eoo'U ..• 40 inch .K^\ Wool Semes . 46 iticli Colored Cuslimorei Silk and Wool Tarlans 18.- Silk Warp Heiirioiias .. S6c 20c Silk and Wool Fii/ure<l Goods... ...66« 25c Silk and WimiI Creponii ...«8« 'â- 'Tc 46 inch Habit Clo'h ...TOc 2rtc Fancy Dress Twocds ^ .. 37« 60c A SPECIAL PRINT PRICE 1815 yards Print special at '7 l-2c., new patterns, latest designs, good colors, wide cloth, good value at lo cents. HAI^DWARE r>EI>ARTIVIEJ^T I^Kat about ^ugar malliTLg ^his Reason ? ? Don't Forget We are Headquarters for Sap i/iuckeia Oap Opi/es Sap J^ettles i\.ll tlie up-to-date. vSug-ar makers l)uy tlicir Supplies frorq Us M. Richardson & Co. s ^6 WIMI ill; Ml hi<

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