March 17 1898 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE /MUiU>r«affi>i UVVt/W»IMUMU!UIW»l>l»JWWIUMWM^^ D. McTavish FLEBHKRTON KEEPS ON HAND ...REPAIRS Fur Mas«ey- Harris, .Noxon, Fleury and VVilkiiiHoii faiiii impleinei<ts. Fluiiry Hiid Vurity ploWH uii liaiid All the £iiiit<, also nfl kiiidn- of iu|jairii fur thu sHn««. Wh inanufacturu WMg^DR, Buggies, Cutt-iH, ISiui^lis, «tc. Ilurstwtidi'inx primiptly ntteuded to. Special attention to tentlnr ci;"- trikcti'd feut. - L<>ugi<it{ and Pluw Chaiiiit c>>ristaiiMy on liand. At«. Atv 4ie, ^1^ ^v. Ale, j/e. sit, ju, ^fe- 4i& M- â- fi- '^& •»'<• W- ^!^ ^'&^'j- ^'<- >i'A> -afe, Jjit- w- ^'& 11 m iM Hi Sl{. JIJ, <•% vY w %5 ^ -.''t* •I'V •J'^> Bu!?!<ie8, Carts, Wavroiis, Harrows, Flows of the beat kinds and repaii-s. Hiudtrs, Moweis, Horse Hakort and Corn KciilHers and lopunu. CliHiiis of all Rinda. llorseslioemg a specialty ai John H. Heard d Son's Warerooms •{if Id- ttf %;«= JS',!. •as- •ft^ ^1'^ >!«. ^M^j ^(^ ,»!«. ^t«. ,jl«. *t^ Ati. ,JH, At^ JK, ,Mi. ,M«. v^"- vV'fc Jfj!. -yV^ O t/- ,Jtt. »!«. ,*V* ^^t/, *!«. vkW. <% ^K- '.iJ> '/!«• '/iv •»!«• '/J? %?^i;» ^?%tP ^? ?iP v,^ '/i? '.(^ -/jv'*/i'?''i'? '/t'f ^i? '/if ^i'? w '/iv' "W */i? â- *â- / J â€" - Osven Sound, Ontario 18 THE VI:RY IJUST PLACE IN Canada to ckt a thokouuh bl'hiness education. Take a Ruuud Trip and view all other HuHiiift^B Oolle(/ti8 aiKl (loiiiinercia' Department' In Caiiauu. then vttil tb# Sb'tliAru HusivoHH Cull»f|e ; ttiainiux • VUi'VlifillK tllo.'OII3l>IV. If wit fall to pi'Oiluci' tbe uiOat thiM'oiiBb, co iipl.tB, priictiual an i extoii^ive con/titi of «tti(lv ; th« b«»»t coll«^:e pi'«>iil-aH aihl 'he b«at and most coraplrto anrl <w DiOHt Huitatile furniture and appliancurt, w<^ ~-V>»in ^iv» von H full ouur«« FUIU-'.. For annua • naouuciineum, glviag full particular., froe '' A. FLKvllNG, Pri.icipal il*(l (>TlTV VV . •|5fb5'§ji^"OfcJ-SE nttetition uf I'kiwiiiit : 11 siin"! ami ax Cliunn aiv the cheap Hpocial Unigiiii.8 ill 3 and o ISikir*! Fruit and Confectionery Oyster in Season . . , Groceries and i^rovisions. DOO and COON MITTS .nd LEGO- INtiS inaJo to order aiiii on Shortest Noticti. si/'*- Photos -TAKKN â€"AT THE I Flesherton I Photograph spring Assizes Gallery | i f are >.1niio in h>tit-i'lKKa siylu and at l.iwi'st rHtes. Sjioi-ial Httuiitiiui uivim to copyiiia. Italtioa' plintos. a rfpei'ittlty. I'ictinea frnniod. MRS. BULHER AND r.iucii FLOOR INO At a Bargain, tor the next 30 days. Save yoar orders for I 101 -AT THE- Wn. BARNHfiUSE, Flesherton Planing Mills UGENiA Wo miinufuwtnr»«iish, door. fr«t>i«». fluor- ine. lin.>w, hii'ini!, jniiit .hoeling, T(iri>ndiih Biat«iial8. We haveon I'lvnil ft )ivr|4« Blnuk of .tair Iniiifni?.. atair mil, ninml corner lilock', baH(! Iilocka. alsfj uti ttm Ntfljidard hIxqh of SH^ti and doom on liand. W>' hitto a tirat olaKa kiln for drying .umb«r and will U" rantoo our materiiilK tlioioHKhly dry. Kiln-rttiuil linrd wool rtoorln« alwavn on lii ntf Hrinij your own luniliiir and hiivuitjiiln r-iudi'id plannd liere Renionilior. yiu run no ribk ; jjtt will guaran ca to nmke a p«rfuct jij)i. t _"â- , Onr grain choppint jigis liiv ,.'" order, and iuordurto Bhow von iliilj* Jfe'ilbiato tlm v«rv lain" trade ttiiit »» •!_ .a^^hii'h'no â- o havo donidnd i.. ..'dnoo «I)b'^*' S X' ni'llio"'"" grains to 4c piir b.iu. A llK^. C (j-v,!,,. +''"' Sour iiianin whil* Waltli i{. Wi 4( a S"" ^rj ay- ; * i' 2 ^ 'â- "â- Urs. A. WilUn, • £ ^Ml* , T. W, WILSON, MANAGER FLESHERTON ^^laning Beecroft & Talbot 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE mms Winter Qoods. In Vogue at the Flesherton . , . HARNESS SHOP Trade Marks Designs Copyrights A.C- AnTono sonrting n (iketch and rti^scrlptidn mny qiilokly iisf'flrtnln oiir o|>lni»>n fru« wnotlit-r hu fnvetillon Is proliiihly imtuntahlt*. C'onniniiilcA- Itons strictly confitloittltil. Handbook on PiitenU â- ent free. Olflest acoiiry for HecurtiiK piilcntM. I'litmitH tnktm thmiiuh Munn A Co. rccelTtt npeciai notice^ witboiit cliarKe, In tho Scientific American. A hnnrlHOinrly illustrated w*^okly. I.aTReHt dr- cn.allini of Htiv srieritiflc ioiirnftl, TerniB, IS a yuar; four montliH, (L Sold by all newsdpulora. â- "Co.^B'Broaawa,, New York Ico, 626 Ii* Kt. Cash : for : Hides! Sheopakina nnd n!l kinds of furg pur- ohaiml, fur whicli highest mxrktt pric« will bt) paid. Hoianinndo aausui;e8 on h^nd, alie all kiudi of meats. wir.S!^ON Flesherton Moal Etnporium From the 0. S. Paptrs The adjourned sittings of High Court of .luKtice were opened « 2 n'clock Mon- day af ten -Oi in i:i the Court Hi^use by Mr. Justice Mcllahon. Uis Lorduhip, it will be reiiionilietefl, came very pr>niin«ntly buforu the public aa (he pre.siding jtidue at the frtuious Birchall murder trial. Owini^ to ihd death of the Clerk of the Court, Mr. Ueoroe Inijlis, the duties of thooOiueare beinjfperfi dined byhiBdepu- ty Capt. Tait Robertson. Besides '^e iiieinbers of the hical bar, Mr. H. P. O'Connor Q'. C. of Wulkerton was in atli'i. dance. .^fer the tjoirrt h;id been foriniUly openi-d the fol owinii Gmnd Jury were SAert^io ; Ja«. S. Wilson, S. A. Sinelser, '\Vi^. Kyle. Tho.s Hoath, Jsi. Smith, W.diM-A. Gillies. Or... WMjjht, Francis Pole, laic Tmynor, M. Howey, Geo. 'ruitiri, Geo H. Arthur. The jury choH.- Mr. Jm*. Sni tli «.- their foreman. Ills L' rdnhip ii. hiseharyetiitheGraid Jury Wii> hnpiy to be abh to give it the xs.tuiHin-t; tiiirt Its diiiiet on thi.T occafioft Hi'Uld not be at all onerous. Accmdini^ III till cilcnoar whici! the Sin-ritf had pieseliteo to hiir there were only two i.ifsii-s in the jail awHiitng irial for .:i iiui al oft'etices. Coisidei iiiji thf extent ai d lar-je I 0|iula inn of the county thin WHS a reiiiiirkal-ly goial Bhowii.g. The -Ju' gu hi n explniiieil the nature and cir- cuiii-iancen surriiundi.ig the clnugHS Hh c-h would come btfino them, and m- f.irnied the j iry that if ih.y c 'iisidon-d it advia.ible iln-y insp-ct the jnil and other institutions upon which public inon- > y ia t-xpi-nded. In chwiiig his charue HiA Loidiih'p exprcLietl his deep reyret, and I hi- ret: ret, he remarkfd, which every ..In- wh.i Was in the habil of attending the Curt W'.uid feel at the untimely de.ith of the late Clerk. For himself, and he tliougli' he voiced the sontiinentA of the Vast niajority of the citizens of the county, he considered him one of the most etlic- ient and couiie.iuai-Aic als who ever pre sided ma court of justice. Hi»dcath oo-a sinned a great loos to (he Court, and to the i-oinuiunity in which ho lived. Wilkinson vs. TLfKRR.-Ai-tinn for 8."),00O duinancs fur libel. Verdict for the defendant. J ,*^ .Kilbnurii and R. Chiisiie for P.fT. ; f^ "'/i ; 'Connor f . r, Deft. hu^h T«. .Maiphy, for damnces 'or in- jurip. received at the raiaingofa frame of a iiuil'Iing at Murphy's villak;e. Judge- luont lor i)l..intifl <.( UW. W. J. IUtto^^ lot pittiotifr ; 11. 0. Tuoaer for defendant. IU11 vs. (>:iiuiaith,3laiidi'r, waadiamissod, ihe phiictin'a cauu not being proneeut«-l. A. 0. .McKay and 0. E. Stewart, ot Tara.for de tlldalil. i Dicksuc v., Mttir, another slaudar ftotion, ' brought a V(.ri'ict of tllM) for tbe plaiuiif) Ttiu |iluiutilT, D. A, DioaaoD, and the do leoilaui, (i«o. Meir, bs.l liad exieoaive deal- ioi^s with one another iu diSoreat ways, tbe foimtir at uue t:me avlllng .e«rr (ip« ou commisioD tor the Utter. Plaiatiil com- plained that iho dt'f.u.ianl had n.ade*- iimuta to dilfrrent parsons oiiagiuij him witti havniK etolen aiiuantity of the pipe, and that the defkudaiit nad aaid to Con- stable Pearua ihaiplanitilT had aiolnnapouy. .\ M-rdivt as above waa brought iu. A. Q. McKay tor tho pJaiaiiS ; J. W, Frost for me luienditnt. Hegma V6. Cnribtian \Yelt^ of Nonuanby. I'lisoner Was charged with ad offenoe un<)er theCliaiUon Act, but was diuoiiargtd. the ju i(;ts iifti-r the cae« had been partly heaid taking i from the jury add direoiiug a ver- dict of not guiliy to bo ruteio.) Croivu Aiuiiiey McKay for the proatcution ; 11, li. 'I'uclier (ui tho prijouor. 11 cin.* v.s. U\iney Mcliilyre.tbeft Prison- I-: \yn» rhnr^cd with having stolen 17 from Mr. .lohu \\ . llarlm.n, a St. Vitceut fai- nter, iu June lisii. Yordioc of gniity. Seiili'hoeit til fix niotitlis in prison. Crown Aiiirney McKay 'or proeeont on ; VV. J. iiatton tor duf u tant. JoliiiKtou vs S.vdenliam Jdjiiaal Firoliia. t'o., bioiii;lil to reoover $.'150 itiulor a po'ioy of lie dot iiilant Company, for loss jjf oun. tint, of barn, took up toe most of Thursday morning. Iielendant. pleaded fraud, an. I the iapse oi ine polloy by default in pay- ment of ttiwe-iaincnlB. Judgciuent for plaintiff orSI.'Ouiid lhi> County (Jourtoos-s. M. nrx, Kilhoiirn jr Killiopn for plaintiff ; Meaars. A. O. VciOy aud Jao. Armstrong for del-ndania. (lairison ev at vt. Dannoo, bronght by the (XPCiitots n( ihii late Ai/rcd Ward, of Kbsh- otloo, l(> enforce payiuent ot a nii>rtgaiie niadt by tlie difnndaut •» the jecaafed, was tienrd,aud judgeuent re»«rved. The de- icnd»nt I filed upon bi ine able to snow >ha iha deceased hid given hiiu bnok the mori- gaga in cxpcot.thin of death. Lncai A A Wr^'hl for 1 1 iniii j J.W. Prosi sud A. O.. Mi'.K'vy for defsndajAt, H»r iaou vs, Wuril and Sproule was r . ferr.d tJ Judge OreAanr. It it brought by the czeontora who sought to rteov^r from (.!« urf- ndanti Ike mtate ui the i^id lais Alfred Ward noder a will alleged to be his last will- Detendautf, one cf whoDj is the widow ot the neceaeed, claim under a sub- .iqueiit will, said to have been diacovered a short time ago. Loaus A. Wright for plain- tiff ; J. W. Frost and A. G. McKay for defendants. Hopkins vs. OS., O. &E.,L., «St S. Co., brought by Benjamin HopkluB tu liave a sale under' po^rr of ea'e in a mortgage, of property on the east side of Voulelt street oKhpd l.y plaii.iiff, declared invalid, was settled by tbe partii-a witnoat the aid of tne court, the plaiuiifl rt-eeiving $1(75 »b a eat .(action of his ooniplaint., ,1. MiCul- luugh and TboH. W. Forwood for plaintiff; Armstrong iSt Telford frt» drteDdauta- â€" r ii l i f iiii i i Tiii i i ii r- Broad Tyres on Wagons Some interestiog experiments have been made recent y at tne Agricultural Expert- m-ntal Station,, oompariig itie draugjit ot broad and narrow-yied wagona. In i.eariT all oaaes-it wafl establianed th>t the dra.ii(hi Was tnalerially liglirer wh'io f. res «iX inches wide were Hsed than with ijTonoi aian.iard wilth. On a irrosndaia ruud, the s:>me draughts required t:> naiil a ti.n load wiih narrow tyres hauled ui ra ihsu a ion anil a qiini ter with broad tyr>8. Ou gravel r aus »ne ^rtnight reqnirf-d In haul 2,0. (I Iba, with narrow tyre», had ed 2.(i!L'lbs. ou ilie broad tyre*. Otr ditty ro<ds,><iry and bard lUid free from ruts, the breatt lyies pulle.i more than oHe-Cnird ligh er. On nm.l ioad.o, spi.ngy on the surlttci; uuu iiiidHrneavb, tho brou.1 tyres . re* one-tialf ligbt«r than ibti oarro-.v tyies. Ou mud mads, !=oit and siiuay ou top and tirin uuderueath and where they svire wet to a gita.. uepth and i,i e mud becalue htiffa.ud sticky, the narrow tyres pulii;d lichter limn tne wide ones. Willi ihcae exei-ptitin. tbe wide tyre pulled light- er lu ei.-ry ta«i. Un uie>uu» and pastures the reaolts also were SLiikingiy in flivor of the brvad tyic». When mcU'tows are SOI t, from 3i to lO'O lb., may l>« hauled on tbe broad lyrea witn turaamu draugut as that required to haul a It, ad u: 2,1 UO lbs. on the narrow tyres. The beuetical "Cleets of the wide lyra on lirt was ulsn stiiitinglr i-hov n iu tbe tests. The resultaofiliaae uarefully conducted ex- perimeuttt prove aimost oouclusively that tne broaii tyi a is better one for those hav- ing heavy teaiuiug to adopt. It sUouM be of spcoiai advantage to the larnier f-jr u>e iu tue neUlo and 09 tbe foad. Aside from tiiis^ if ah tnuse who do heavy tc'amiig would use broid lyres we woidJ nave belter roads; or at least the roads wou!ii not be cut up BO b.vliy duiing wot weather i\s ihcy are now. â€" fanning. §mM»f (^Htilisi »i|'CL'I.LOUGH * TOUNO •^ Bankers, Markdale Do a geueral banking bu.ineia. Hbuay loaovf at a reasoaabU rate Call on us. ' A 8 VANDUSKN, J P ** Clerk Sth Div Court, Co Grey IsFuer ef Marriage Idcenses. Cnnvevaus Notary, Poblic, Auctioneer. .Mor oy to loaa from 6 to S per cent. Charges n. iderate. FLEferiEltTON Pjff rVEBTS COLLECTEI> " Tbe undersigned is pj-i undertake the coilection ot all kiuda < ^otes bought, accounts corected. etc H a UENDliiBSOM, FlAshertV* prepared |p f debU. •P CHI8LETT fleshorton Station roatuiBstor, Coumiissioncr in H C J, Conve*. aucnr. Diaids, mo. tKuges, leases and wiils i.ittwu. ..Jonoj to itud at .-.J iioi- coiit and UB^ wards, bobti* oolleetod. Ouargos moderats. R J SPKoiri.E PoHtiiiaster, Fli-»!)erton .oniml.>.i.,>mr in H. C. .1, .A,u-tiouM«. Co»- U*a, Knalu „:.„ Insn s,:ce V'-nt. i °^* ••^- -raa-,;.!!. JunBBi, an. wiiis caieluily dinwa Aioiwj to 10.J, m u,y,„n rat,!, ol (12- >^l.a,xes low.. Atcnt for^Uc-an boi ,iui* sieamshiu t;e..,i*uy. A call lulitiled ^ARIU.^UK WCBNCE.^-At Gov.,n,n,.m» i7i o. t""»^' ,,l>>'i!""8 OI rbum ; New Vei>.ioii. l-u.-.tcu»s: U.l. an.i.Jnbil.o. t or i,»nglci..». .-on. in j.ui.eor.six at a liino. h >â- v K. iitljEAN PuKur, Uaura, Eusr.Ni*. MISS SAtun rtTUAlN. *"- Tuacb..r o i piano; pianoforte, orcjg, etc. Hi id.<tl,sccla » toe-.;bHr«' c--"-tificutB iu miiMc WMh lior.orsl-.oin Aluia ijuoil t) 1 ;of. St. Jobn H>tconraiicli of v;opoiinigeH, .,n',',',"'t â- , , "«»'d«iico wpi'osito JiotUodi.S cliuct-.b rlesliertou .^Oti tiV]!! A O U W meets every flrst and third .Minda* ,,7 . '",'"!';â- '' month, in their rccrfi t hristou't. block, l••le^helâ- ton, at B p ui Blakcdey, W M ; A il Qinson, Kei-i,,- liellamy. Final cier. Visiting brethren UI . Ja«. t!er; w invitMl.. pRINCE ARTHTK LOD-.B. Ko a«. A KV- hi.,..!, I- ',""""' '" """ M«9ouichall, Str»i«5. the full moon. U Mctiill, W M â- \t J iloilaiuy. Secretary. " ai , w J Y «.hri«t.>«-sHh.«h.-J,o last Friday eiiiiiig in each mouth. Visit.n.^. i.n,.»..»o.. i". '."'..? welcome. T. Hen strong. Seen tary. --^"- -w .»ou c iiuiiV evi:ujt!g „ , mouth. Visiting loresteia htartilv welcome. T. Henry, Chief Hanger. W A Arm- JJfUtijsitVil J P MARSHALL " MD8, DDS. LDS, Visits Kleaborton each mouth. the 1st aad 3ra Frldaj •/ T Q CAMPBELL â- •-' L D S, D 1) 8, Dental Sargcon, MarlJaf. Offlce over McCiUioush A Young's bank J onr» a ai bo ,» ,,\,. VisHs^K^e.hefia tho second and fourth Tburadav ol each mouth. Offlci) at tlunshaws hotel. The Markets. rarelullv Corrected Ench Week Following lire the market (|iiotaiioiis for Flesherton for tho pn'senb wueg, corri-ctod Up to 10.30 of SVuiliie^day : Flour J4 70 to Se (lO Oats .... 28 -.o 29 Wheat, white 80 to 82 When , leit 84 to 80 Barley 20 to 30 I'eas . 56 to 60 Butter 14 to 15 EiKR, fresh 12 "o 12 bag ,60 to 60 Pnrk 500 to 5 Vo Hay purton ... D 00 to fl 00 Hides 7 00 to 7 00 iSheelwkiiis 25 to 50 (leeae to Turkey.* 9 to 9 Chickens per pair.. . . 20 to 80 Ducks per pair 40 to 60 Wool . ... 17 t« 20 \ J. B. Sloan & Son l-^:s' (iET y ( )UR -63^ Sash, Doors, Fl (>ri»g, Sheeting, Newel Posts, Balusters, Hand Railing, Corner Blocks, the best of Spruce Lath, No, I and 2 Shingles Veranda and Fittings, Sidinfjs, etc. TnriiiD; of all tinils Done to Order ^SS'New run uf Stones for Chopping. Sa.ti«irat(i(ia in all bur (iuM guarAntMd •p HENDERSON D D 8, M D B, Dentist of Toronto (Oold • Medaiibti will visit Flesherton vt» (ess.onally th. Ursl Wednesday ol each djbISK aud Uundalk the following .Jaj (Xhursdav ) ffpl JOHN W FROST, L L B Barrister, Solicitor , Conveyancer, et. OIUcoâ€" Next to postolBcc. Bproule'a block. I-lesIertou, every Saturlay aud court daya. ?:..,"â- /.":"' Bt"""l oflice, Frosta block sS loulett street east. LVCAS * WRIGHT Barristers, Solicitor Owen hound. Out W H WKKlHT N Uâ€" I'losberton office, every Wednesday. Conveyancers, eSe llarkdale, tint 1 B lUCAS Mitchellu Bsirii, rUCKtB A PATTERSON â- •• Banisters, solicitors, etc Uolscu a Bank, Owou Sound HABUY Q TUCKJb.K GlsO W p4TTIi.8Se» A G. mackaY, N. a. Uaiiibttirs, Solicitors, Notary, Oen- vej ancer, tic. Uiown altori.Oj for Grey, llu.cebâ€" ,10 I'cniett stieet, owou hound ; aert Alaui street, Injudalk, Saturnajs Ir->m 6p «»» to9 p. lu, anuon Uivisiou Couiluays. '^ §inVm\ D^ liUTlON M UO M, M C P & S Out, rricevIBs. OUlce next door to Brown's .tore ; roHideSte opposite at tbii old post olUoii, roBidouce of lajt Alux Brown. Olilco uayaâ€" iugsdaye audSatiJ- days. r\R CARTER " M C P & 8 Out. Physician, Surgeon, etc Flushortou nfllcoâ€" Strain's block. Kcsideaeeâ€" Muushaw'a Hotel. JOHN A SCOTT, M B Member College Pbvslc. Ontario Orndua^'e iu Meilii;ino of TorouJ. Univorsity, Fellowship Dii.lunia, Post tiracia- A Bnrgeonii , »nr» ate Medical School and liosiiital, Chica«i. Diseanesof eye, oaf, nooo and throat tipecluiy treatad. RcHidoi.ce, 'Maxwell, visits Fever.bsfe Tliui.idyas 1-2 ' . ' • â- '•â- *â- • r orTRWKi.L " Veterinary Sutg^n •.' Gradnate of Oiita'Tfn^ V(!if?-in»(| Reside *Qeâ€" Second d<^ liiaidk on loigr jumUx Marv street. Thiir atrdoTi aot PTeabytarUu chur«J|». % CoDeffi. on we.l .^ 'us aoblh lk>i«ri ^* <^^a«^