Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 24 Mar 1898, p. 1

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...â- 5. •M^ tshtxinn Aiiratttt. '•TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN." VOL. XVn, NO. 890 Flesherton, Ont., Thursday, April 0, 1898 W. H. THURSTON. '^°Vm"pHi PBCIPBIETOB GO Mil.KLKI>i^I^£: THE LEADING STORE JSlS XJSXJAlu ^eadin^ iri ^oxo prices Our ability to give to the public the best for the least money has lonj^ since been demonstrated. That we poss- ess the i,ood-will and confidence of the public is a.so evid- enced by ever inci easing ales and coustani. growth of busi- ness, and while we are pleased to nff^ all such thinfi;s which aflfect us so favorably, we are awar as are also our custom- ers that worthy {.")ods never could be bought for less money than now and nowhere for less than here. Strong state- ments perhaps but here aie a few of the proofs : Men's Black and C.ilortd Fidora Hiifcei!, all »izf«, ni.-dium or lar«o shapii* silk uJged una bund uiitijiiailetl at these prices, •4.S, 9060, 85, DO, 1.00 up til .... • â-  • • .Lace Curuii.s 1 60iwir, we think wo have aliiios' anythinst y«u could want, coliirs *hiteaiid ecru, (irices fonnu 25c to Cients' fancy Shins, tlionowt-st in ijatterits undinuHt dependable in colon, at 60.60,75.05 LadicViMul Misso.'s Corsets, perfect fitting and durablu at tlieso prices, 25, 40, 01), 75, 00. 1.00 L»di«B' Summer Ciipes, wo want yntt to ace the liue« we are shownu at 1 26, 1.35 and Ouutn' extra lii-uvy Cotton Sox, very spcciiU, 4 jtair for . Houey Conili Tnwls, lUx.30 with frinuud ends, 3 pHir fur Hi-itvy Fianiioletti', 'M iu«. wide, aiiotlicr ciwe ht'.iir special price of per yard Meu'uHiid U.iys' Biaces, to son our stock yoa'd tlii'ik we intuiuli*d supplying ail stoieB ill town. Tlie prices perh.-ips are u»ual but tlie qualities are uiiimu'liy g.od lit 10, 12A, 15, 20 Cotto.iivles, »p« i.il ill pattern-., iiyesaod iiUMlitittsat 16, 17, 20,22 Sh itiiius, i» g â- i.f.'nrl/.iieul lo cho"iie Ironi, at from 5c to. ... • • • • Tweeds, for iii.'ii and boys.rtcar. We bavo the quantity and quality t>> suit evuryltuily ai 24c ti.> ...... .... Table Lineiii, lur new st i.;k is -dl here, we defy competition in any lino we're i-howiiiii, prices aiv tionj 14c to.... Toweliiim 2jO yai<l<"f one line, spuciiil at â-  Old Blown Windsor SiMp, »poci.il 6 cakes fur •â- â€¢ Prunes, besL fnj.th stock, 4 lo« for â€" . Tomaloo.t, ireflh stock, per CHii Biikiiit; Powder, M>iple Leaf Brand, we guarantee ev«ry pound in lb. tins $2 25 5 50 1 00 1 25 1 45 25 25 2d 24 12* 1 26 75 4 5 25 10 15 .. WALL PAPERS .. When you see our stock of papers, you'll think we could easily supply everybody within ten wiiles of Mnrkd.le. W'e have some very special lines at par- ticularly special prices, from 3^ up to - .- - - 25C F.T.Hill&Co. Priceville Fri>m our oitm (^urrfspondcut The iiiductii'n of the Rev. J. Mathe- 8011, B.D., of Chiirlestoii. to the pastor- ate of the Swihtoii P»rk and Priceville oonurejationn lo^.k pi ce in the latter church last Thuisday iifiernoon and was veiy Iniyely attended. A deputatiun from tlie Oranceville presbytery, cmiHist- in.' of the Revs. Mr. Thoin, (t'l^j^henoii ; Mr. Harrison, B. \ , Dundalk ; and Dr. McRolihi ' of Slicltmrnu, took a leadinK part in the induction bervices. In the oviMiini; a very KUcresiaful teiuneeiiiig was held in th - same chui-ch iSpleiidid nd di.HSeHwere given by the llovi. Mr, Thi'in, D Campbell J. S. HumuhreyB, Mr. Mitchell and Dr. McRobbio. Mr. Douyal McLean delivered a very practical address in Gaelic. The new pastor also brii-fly addressed tlie audience in Gaelic and English. The Durham choir added very niuterially to the eveninu's eiitor- tainiueiit by thfir very artistic singing, for which they rncuived a very hearty vote of thanks. The chair was occupied by Rev. Mr. Harrison. Proceeds $58. The exodus fr^m our burg and vicinity still continues. Last week and the fore part of this wltnuased the departure of many inure of our stalwart young men for fr>-»b lields and paaturos new. Wo sin earely trust that the far-away field.') uiiiy not only look ureen but prove equally aa lucrative aa they appear. Mrs. Alailait. who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs D McDonaKl, has returnt'd to her Imino in .Shclbune, Mr. N. W Campbell, I. P. S., visited the two departments •â- Â£ our put lie scliool last week and found the machinery of the two depart luunts running Muonthly. "All Funis' Day " bus come and gone. The best ji.ke of the day vma plsyed on D., who works in a store nut 1000 inilua from Durham. Ou reluriiiii!{ home on the evening nf tliu day in question he was priiniisud a •' nice chew of gum " if ' be would dp HiMiic little errand fur some I body's iiister Of course he set to wi ik at once and tlic task was soon cunipleted and the reward claimed. But inn gine bis surprise when upon removing 'he wrapper iosti'sd uf a delicious "stick " there was instead .iti exact ripiesenuit.eu of the same iu card board wilh the wotds "April fiiol" writti-n neatly on one side. The jiiko is the more appreciated when it is reiiii'mbered that D. was kind chuck- ling to himself that uo otto had ''fooled " him that day. Died â€" On Thursiiay after a lingering illness, Archie, tliiro so.i of Mr. Dunuld McAiihur of tins vitln</e, aged 18 yeaia. The luncal took pbwe nii Smuiday after- noon t" the Piicevillo cemetery. The RfV Mr Matlioson l>^.ched a v. ry iiiipres.''ived sermon for tlie occhhioi . The liureaved family have the sympathy uf the community. Vandeleur From Our Own Correspondent Mr. Jos. Coney rtsited frienda here a xhoit tune ago. Vir. Tlios. Dunlup and Mr. Gonrge i-'Uchanaii have secui>d t he contmct of haiiliiL! milk fiom here tu the Markdale cheese factory. Mr. R. Hti nel of Euphraoia spent a f.'W days last week with friends in this vicinity. Mr. J. 0. Buchanan passed away at his Imme here on Tuesday of last week after un iHnesv of several months dura- tii.n. The remains were followed to tlieir laat resting place in the Meaford Road cemetery on Thursday afternoon by a luigu number of friends and neighburr. Town Line A. and E. %: F'arixi for ©ale Farm for sale ohoap. 91 oores, well wntsrfld tutlott eaat rif tliia village, kuuwu a£ the Fan ik (arm. Api>ty to M . Klohardsoo , asiilRna* BOAR F OH SERVICE 9hc u«(lerRtgn9<< having puraliMNtd tram Mr. P.Mulrthat UM' >4*>ot tnoroaatrlnwl Hork- ^tteboar, " Mtonutafa Hbaik," BM uow tba Sktaa tor aorvio* on 1o^ liM), K. T-< * 4. S., Art»> weaia. Xsruis •!. Ped>gr«a w appfllaatiouk A. BUTE*. i«| PROmTT fm SAIifi IMkin th« Vlltkes o( Bui^aoit, «M)U>ri» hi In two bloak^i. On tno^ M« «ra<it> unucand a la« houn*. TU»r« tt t I<m4 k wphard, tiro Mrns, eto. AMMfle Cook's Cotton Root Compound ^B|n^ Is the only safe, reliabl* ^^^HH^monthly medicine on which ^^^PjjZr ladies can depend in th* ^Kf ^\hour and time of need. â-  ^^C if Is prepared in two degree* ^r^^^^ of strength. ' -jT Mo. 1 for ordinary case* ia by far the best dollar medicine known â€" told by druggists, one Dollar per box. Ih^ 8 for special cases â€" lo degree* •l(lig«mi^-aold by druggists. One box, fMM SolUra ; two boxes, Five Dollars. â- |^.lkorKo. 1, mailed on receipt ti â- jjBSlA two 3-ceiit stainps. Hesltertuu Station Oaaa^Hby Flaabertox aad avaryw) are ki »1I reapoDsibla dramiats* From Our < )u~u Correnpondent. A nuiiiliur ol young people uf our Sab- bath school met at the h mo of Ml J H. Mo.iie on Fridiy evfinng la.st and pre Scuted him witii »ii address, pixiket book and ){ol(i Coin as a slight token of their ap pieciation of his services as auperintoud. ent. Mr Mooro replied in a few brief words, stating his grutitude tu the people for ihoii kindness tu hint. Mr. Moure. has the best wishes of his many friends. Mias Uarn.soii of Durham vis'ted M^iss Cushnie Inst week. Inspector Campbell of Durham visited our school last week and found every- thing in good order. Miss Cameron of Durham is the guest uf Misii .J. CairiM. Miss Ella Wilcock returned from To- ronto on Saturday week to attend her sister Maggie's wedding. We wish Mr. and Mm. Paralow much joy and bsppinoss, Mr. M. Molntyre, assistant boss of the timbar men, has been oonfined to his bad for the paat t«» ^p^ with broDohitia. Dra. JanasoB ot tfvA»m and HuMoii of Prioevilta ar« in ailwndance. Prom Onr Oum Corrt^p ndent Mr. C. Bellamy, Assessor for Art- einenia, gave us a call hero a short time ago on his otUcial duties. Mr. Wm. IlutchinKon has started out in the impluinent business. He Las taken uii agency from the Nnxon firm of Iiigersoll. Mr. D. Johnston had a successful wood bee the week before lust with a dunce at night. Uow will this tally with the j prufeaaion of snine ol the inemhers nf the . Epwurth League, wlio were pres«nt V^ Mr. Walter Richardson had the mis- furtunu to lose a valuable brood sow a sh.irt time axo. Mrs. Lomas is, we arc pleased to re- port, improving in health and will soon be nil riuht again. We are having a few dying kicks from ulil winter at prc-ent. The sorrel cnit still goes to the bill on Sundays. L'luk out for a wedding in the near future. â€" â-  a I i»i I â-  â€" i New Postal Rates III the House of Cunimons on Friday Mr. Mulock introduced a bill to reduce the postage on letters fr.iin three to two cents per ounce, and to impose a rate of Ipdf u cent per pnuiid on iicwt>papurs. In I'Xplaiumg the bill Mr Mulock aniiuuticed that the first clause provides that liouks fur the use uf the blind shall be carried free. At present the pustaue on these liooks is 04 great as their cost. Postaye on a Biblo is $4 80. The bill provides next for the decentralization >'f the dead letter ofhce and the ostabii.'shm. lit of dead letter oHices In Si^veral pans of the Do mininiK This is the practice in Great Britain, The third suctimi prnpoaes a reduction nf the h'tter late from tbivo cents tu two cunti', and the loiiilh pro- pones » rate of liaif acenta pouud on newspapers. Under the bdl newspapers may bo delivered free within ten miles of lilt' pliice of publicaiinii Papeis deliv- ered at the place of pubdcatinii, ol cnur>e, are delivered rft a disomce nf more than ten miles from the place nf publication a rate uf Imlf a cent a pi'Und will Im im- posed. The provision will not go into eir ct at o.ice ; a quaitor oen' will be im- [Xised on Jan. 1 next, and the reiiiainder on July 1, 18U0. â€"^ t .^- Scare at Owen Sound Owen Sound, April 4,â€" At 10 o'clock this morning the Police Court was crowd Oil to the doors in order to hear the bun;- larly case against Allan Fox and Ray Urquhart, who are charged with having broken into Christie's hardware store and stolen knives, razors, etc. The crowd was densely packed together, and the weight upon the floor, which is support ed only by the outaide walls, must have been something enormous. Suddenly there was a loud cracking noise and the floor reeled, dropped, and then settled abont two feet' at the rear end of the ball. It would undoubtedly have gone down oompletely oacqring those upon it to death had the orowd not rushed for Mm alairway and tha Mb st tke firal ladtdatfon of an aoeldM^ tbos saptdly aleatiag that portion of Mf fao* vhidi wAsainbitif, ffailwahtly mo one *r»» A Spectacle is not a Watch . . It is a device for preserving and uHsistiiig the siglit It isunecessiiy and requires caietul fitting t«> obtaib g»i"d results. Do ynu need anything oi this sort { Are yon not ati'uiiiing ynur eyes to avoid wearing <<lH8«es ? If an ilien yi'U need our services, OURS because we tit )nu scieiitificaHy, not merely by chance. We can ar. range glasses t<.i suit ynur poeker hook by givini; the best lenses in Steel, G>T- nisn Silver, 6nld Filled or Sold G<dd fr.im»s Over 200 pu'rs of glasses to choose from. but A Watch is some» times a Spectacle. especially so when it is neKl«cte<l and allowed te run till it slops. The dust gatbem, dries up the oil and buiiiu of a grtUy nature wears on the jewels and pivots and destroys their exactness of Ht and also the time koepini; qualities. The watch is spoiled when a niuhII outlay would have pro'«orved it for yeai s. Bring yuur rejisiring to us j We will do the work pro- perly and as n'osuiiably as pnssible. Watches ex- amined and reported on free of cliarHC W. A. Armstrong JEWELLER and OPTICIAN hurt, though great excitement prevailed for a short time. The two priinuurs disappeared in the panic, but immediately afterwards surrendered themselves to ths poliue. Fox was found guilty and was senteno- ad to the Central Piisioii for one yeaiw Urquhart plead d not guilty, and will be tried by the County Judno. Honor Roll^ Honor Roll of Port Law Public Sclinol fnr Miirch. V Clawsâ€" Annie Thompson 842. IV Class Sr.- Fred Pedlar 8<iSt, Win. Chard 804, Wm. English 5»3. IV Class Jr.â€" J.diii McKeo 849. E. L. Thompson 841, .Susiu Tho'iipson 810. Ill Ola'Miâ€" Tr ,s8y McKee .854, Ida SlminoiiH 852, i'nin Chard 849, Leslie, Cliard 840 II A.-Ueka I'edlurSia, Mabel Clis d 809, Clint Pedlat 809, Edward VVatsnn 803 Herb Thompson 803. II B â€" llnbvi't Wallace 800, John Kerr 798. Rettie Thompson 785. 11 C â€" bVed Taylor 423. Jennie Parlia- ment 349, Hpurvi^in McNevm 249. II Pait-Milly Fisher 324, Jessie Stock 294 Eail Parliament 292. Pt. I Sr â€"Sadie Thomps.u 249, Min- nie Stock 213, Ray Pedlar 200. Pt. I Jr. Elbert Curnfiild. A. Cliaid, Frank Holinan Average attondanoe, 52. J. L. Wood A despatch frnm Chesley of date April 3 Bsys : Mrs. Milue, relict nf the late George Milne nf the townshipof Bentinck was found early this morning lyine in an unconscious state in a field snnie dislunca from her home. It is supposed she start- ed lato Saturday evening to go to a s| r ng creek, a short distance from the house, for a pail of water, and as the eveiiinf was cold and stormy shebeoanieconfimd and lost her way in the dark. The rest of the family were all away from home, and on their return they supposed she had gone to some neighbor's house, but towarda midnight they bscame alarmed at ber abaenee, and began searching for her all over tha faim, bat failed to iind htt Mil 3 o'olock in thn morning. 8b* was la- aaorad to haa hamo and died two bouaa •flas Imt anrlaaV aMUkiainc nneoiuaiwa. totbeltBft. 1*.

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