Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 24 Mar 1898, p. 4

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â- mvHiPBwi APRIL 6 i«98 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE r f V [* :>8, BSTABLI5HBD -/<y<y/- ^ rVBLIMlIKU WBKKLY AT THE OFFICK, 8VD ENUAM STHEKT, FLEKHKUTON, ONT., BY W. H. THUK8T0W. $1 per annum strictly in advance AdvortiBinf Rates: •• Ualama, 1 yoar, 950 : half col., 1 vear, t28 i|u:irter out., one year, tlS. ^raasiont advertitioiueut charged at the rate S oaiiti i-erline for first insert iou and 3 cent eai-h sulibuijueut inHertioD. F )rty-tliree ele 'liou protests Lad beeiieiiturcd up ta Monday last, ' Tuesday's drsputclies would make it appear that war betwceu tipuin and tho United States is inevitable, and tbaf a few lionis would tell tlio tale. Ill conversation with a lady who ariivt'd on Saturday from British Columbia, we learned that the Klon- diku travel via Vancouver is reaching largo proportions and crowds of ad- Tenlures, of all uatious and dressed iu all manner of costumes, are daily seen on tlie streets, creating a lively schiie. The prevailing feeling amoiifj Van couvcrians is one of coinisseratiou for the wiyfarers, not hulfof whom, it is feared will ever return, or return with health destroyed. The lady also in- ioim^ us that when she left Vaiicovor last week all the Briiisli waiships in the Esciuiuiuiiit naval stationâ€" some five in number â€" woie preparing to sail under scaled orders, but presuni ably for the China seas. The Yukon Bill was slain in the Senate on Wtdiifsday of last week b) a vote of 52 to 1-1 Wo do not think th» country at largo will muiirn iu doatii, but the Globe, poor old girl, ta c<>s it I'Xtretiiely hard and demands Toiigeaiicc upon tiie Senate. It i.s bluud for blood with the Globe, this old exponent of political righteous- ness apparently having forgotton the golden rule. In this era of l^efomi govenimcnta from Atlantic to Pacific, tho Senate is the only safe-guard that the country has against pornicious legislation, and under tho circum- stances it will bo difUcult indeed tn create n sentiment in favour of abolish- ing this lime- honored institutiou. Plant Sugar Haples a quarter of an acre, and betides the BUftar product would be of value as afford- ing ahades fur stuck, as a windbreak and shelter, and at an equalizBr of tempera- ture and moisture. While maple irces do V«'st in a grove, they will also do well planted in rone along the fences. There are many vncant places and corre r^ in the woodland and on the farm that could be profilahle set out with forest trees again. Nearly nvery woodlot will iiu| j'ly the necesRHry tn-es, or thi-y can be ob- tained from fonio neighbor's wo< dlot. Why not plant a gmve tliio sprinsj ? Why not till U|) thii vacant corners and op»n places of the wooiilot ? â€" Farniinfj Cuunly uiid Uistrict The first ttttli'rs found tho land heavily tinibi^rtd. To thi-iu a tree was boinu- thin<4 that stoml in the way of roiurns from the land and it had to Come do^i . Cut dov/n the tree was their motto, ami of c< urso the children ^row up with thu SBMie iilea. Hence the great disrespect for treo life whu'h prevails throughout thu country. We have over-cleared the land, and on many a farm there is waste land that should never have hceii cleared. Now th.'tt it is cleared, it t<houlu bo plant ed with forest trees again. The youth of the coiiiitiy must bo taught to takohcltir oaro of tho tivtis, to preserve tlioni from deiitiiK tiun and to plant a tree for every one that is cut down. There has hieii a great deal written just now aliout „'iuwiny sugar heels. If Hie farnioi:) wou!d ytow sugar maples on thu waste places of the farm, in gi-oves for shade for thu stock, and in windbreaks lo Rer\e as piotcction for thu house nud barns, I hey would noon have a source of supply for sugar I hat would nearly nicei (he (leinands of the farm I'oiiie for sugar, nr if the product hu,s inaiketnl hs sjiup tho |.roon«ds would buys very hugeshnie of the sugar needed. Most farmers culd niako the larger | art of this sugar supply jii^t as easily as they laisu thtir ii»ii potatoes Where maple trees stand in a grote in the op>'ii they lun much bettor tl:an tho.^n in ihe forest. I'lfty st;ch trees should pri.duco from 200 to 250 pounds of niaplo sugar. This would he about tialf an ordinary fiimi'y'.') lo iiiircin^nt of sugar. .If the proluci IS 8<ild tis tyrup the returns wi 1 ho scniowlial larger. Such a glove at thn adjoining cornors osf four tji'lds would uottakenp moie thau Crcemore also has a dog poisoner. The perjury charges against .lohn Huiniltoii, .las.Sniall and Samuel Lfiudon are being investiL'ated at the Dutferin Spring; Assizes, this week. J. C. David.soo, late treasurer of Urace- briilge, was arrainged before Judge MalialFy at that place on Friday, charged with einbczzlini; nearly $^<,oOO. He ums found guilty and seiitenci'd to one year in jail at liarrie without hard labor. Sam White, a youni; farmer of Amar- anth, Ivarded the evenlnu train on the C. P. U. at W.ildemar on Tuesday to see a friend who was I ound for the West. White jumped from the train at the 8ih line of Ainsr.inth, the point nearest his hoMie. Hu lost his equilibrium and was dragtred some diatance, sustaining injuries that resulted in his death. He was about 30 yiars of uve and unmarried. W"nutd the Stayner Sun kindly give to the world the nai^es composing that auuust, large-hearted, curpuluni souled I'ody known as thi- Sunnidalu Council ! There ia a wideripred curiosity abroad to learn the names of thest brilliant n^un icipal fjiianciers, and alinKeriog suHpicion that they are trying to nisnufacture in- digents for the new poor house now in course of construction. Turn on the bulls eye, Mr. jSun, and let us all take a look at them. The American civil war cost 308,000 lives, of tins number !)8,000 were killed in battle, 184,3.')1 siiecumbed to deseuse and ihe reinaiiiiok! 20,000 of wounds re e.ived In the Ixittle of Waterloo, of the 14''',*K)0 soldiers in the yreat struugle, Bl, 000 were kilhd. At Borodino, when the French and llussians fought, 78,000 were loft on the buttle held. Since the birth of Christ 4.0011,000.000 men have died ill battle. Ueforu the hej/iniiing of the Christian era the losses cannot be es- timated. In the event of war between Spain and the Ciiitoil Stales it will be a #ater tiidit, and whilo the life loss may not he (jreat, coinpBreil with other wars, the cost in iloUars will ho immense. The largest guns in the American navy are torty-iiine ffet long. Tho American navy has practically houn built since A Shulhunio man who is not l)y any moans a regular attendant at church was visiling his wife's relatives in Oranceville recently. SVhilu there he attended church. He did not want tu go, but his wife thouttht it would do him good. Tliu sermon was long and proity, and the man wont to slfep. As he did not snore, his wife did not notice that he was in thr arms of Morpheus. She was busy taking note of a bonnet worn by a lady fiom the city who occupioil the pew just in front of them. The sermon camo to an end at last, hut the tnan slept peacefully on. The deacoin began to take up the collection. When the hat wiis pn.sHod to the man, his wifo was surpriKed to nno that he did not riBpond. She nudged him to his sen.'ios. Ho eat up with a start. Then t;aziiig in a bewildered manner at the vxicnded hat and the deacon, he shook hi.s head sleepily and Raid, " That isn't my hat. Mine had a blue lining.'- -^Economist. Louis 1'. Kribs, tho well known news- paper man, who died recently, was a man with a laruo heiirt. " Don, " of S.iturd.iy Nght, who wus intiinatoly ao ipniiuted wilh him, pays liim Hie follow- in.' tribute : Ho was a man of unusnal ability and viL.'or of style, yot hi.s kindness of heart kept him from being a harth critic, and lo day he is reniomheicd by prditioal friend mid onpoiient tdike with sincere all'cci ion. In lii.s family life ho Ha.'* the ecntlest of men, aiid tlioueh childloHt to the extent nf having no off- spiinu of Ins own, hismoat big hoait in clixlcd in its loving kindness a numhtrof a iiipud childton â€" six I think â€" wlio were to hini as dear as if they had boen his own. With a cert lin instinct that ani lords havo, r'ogs and hordes hived Kriln, and he always had around him a bated of l'<iinele>.H osninos. It wus alino.st humor- out to sue thi'iu somotimes ti^ in a row »ad gsie at biin with unutterable affeo- ' tion. The world has too feT such men, I attd it seems sad beyond expression that j one of the brightest and best of them should have passed away iu the prime of I life. It seems cold and useless to offer condolence to the bereaved, but certainly the newspaper fraternity, appreciating the woith of Mrs. Kribs, will not be misrepresented if their sympathy is offer- ed to her in thu loss of so fond and faith- ful a hu.iband." The peuple of Owen Sound and Derby were shocked this morning tu le.irn that Tiionias Caiiipboll, an intelligent and prosperous larmer who lived on a purk lot near the town line, had hung himself. Mr. Campbell was a highly respectable useful member of this community being a man of intelligence, of upright moral character and of good standing. He was a zuhloUD presbyteriao and a inember of Knox church. Theie ia absolutely no way of accounting for his terrible deed except on the supposition that he was the victim of » leuiporary atwrruiion of the iiUt'lect. For u couple of days he had been Hufi'eriiiu from billiousiiesa, which doubtless l)rought on melancholia. Early this morning lie got up, went out to tho ham and hung himself witli i\ plough lino friiinabeaiu. When found l)y his sons, hie woo extinct. Dr. Caoieron, coroner, vi.-iited the seme and decided that no in- qiie-t W'ts necessary. Deceased was well coijiiected and leaves a wife and grown up family for whom gretit sympathy is felt.â€" (). S. Sun. â- W-t." jinii7/o 2/307 Dy Aiiteeo 2 164. otiu of the great Kla-tioneer'a btibt s<m9. Oiiiu L'idv C. trial 2^, also Ibe «laui of Kiug Warlock 3 14^ I.ailv ('. la by Car- bln'H iUuiiaw 176:2. If.'Xf.Kicoiid Uaiu Dolly (>roy, liaui of Cimra Ci> veiifcUU 2.2i) aud utbm'i tu tU« '1 he Kicctioceer'nare stiU iu tho front rank** as iac» horse- aiul racohoise produrtr». Diir- iiiK tliA cauiiig neasoD of 18U7, tbu KleotioDeeiii furiiiHhud thu rastt'ht yciiiline uT thu ye«r, Th« Mvrchatit 'J2Di ; tho fasteBt two >eiir old, -'auio T. '2.U , thi* fiihtebt thrte yuar olU tilly. Ameri- can llullfil'Ji; the faotetit four yoar oM, The Muuk2ut^,wuu is thu laRtvht fcrvoii trotter that uvt-r appture'l. AUo thr ]>lien"U.eiia) eight yuuruM Btailioii KIrotric nith ^2 new i>lau<lard t>erforiiifirit and the IvadiD^ nire of lttU7. ANTTT T n ^'^ "^ KraiiU type of thu Kluction- Al^iiUiiV 4.4,r poHitfiKin^ in a marked ile- ?rne thuir Kmooth fiictioiilcHH Rate, and in vory ant . Htunds IG hatids, wei^ha OTur I'JOO, ana in i-t>ieaiid coitfuriiiatiori i« perfeutiou. il« won tlritt prito, SiiTui Medal and hweepntakea at It u IiidiiMtrial Fair in Toronto in IHBd. Hiu coltH aiu all lar , i*. handitoLue and ganiu. He t-* at-knowlud^Ad by all tu bi* the bunt stock hurHe IU (his country. HIh oldest c<iUs rit^ing two tliiit wsre brukun this wiutur show gieat speed atiti btiHutiful action. Thii K<>u ' horae producer the very best Car riag*i ColtH froiu our comujon rouKU uiareH aud r«ir.t ir t e > f om luaroswlth a little biuediuM- rvrn out of AutilloN (.'olts arti large, Ktrong end mat > Im iu biauty. He will make the HL-asouof IbUM at biBOwn Htablu. TRRaS pi/iMT ^ J. E. MARSH, Proprietor. MAUKDALE, ONT. SHINGLES FOR SALE A fjimntity of fthinf,*len for sale at tuy mill, lot'tH, con. U. Artonumia. AUo ahin^leHCUt on Hhui«K, would exchaiiKea wpau uf hniBea for Hhlngle timber. J. UICKLING. Maxwell P.O. mil FOR SERVICE Tboronghbred DHrlisni bull for serrice on lot 137, T. .It 8. K , .\rtonio>iA. Terui. tl fur tbe â- ea.ien. itaron Cainporduwu :iril. No. i!6e^ij; JAS. f KAUBON. Kloilierton, Uaroh KBtb, W. BULL FOR SERVICE I hsvn a well bred Uurbvn bull for cervjce ou lot l.M). aid oaxt T. Jk 8.R.. .\rt«rii«8is. Tenii^. onnili.lliir. .lOHNSTO.N CULLBN. KUsburtuD, Marcb mh, IbUB. M. Richardson & Co. SPKINCJ MILLINEllY â- %â- Â¥ 7ho does not welci me a new season ? At thi.i period especially our eyes and thoughts are toward the com- ing season. J here is a brightness and fascinarionin Sprin^^ Millinery that no other time can give and imagination i5 active in picturing new combinations in colirs and ma'erials. One longs " to be off with the old and on with the new." Where our customers are concerned we are never con- tent wilh what we do, hence every effort we make to please or benefit them is in advance of previous attempts. This season we have been again successful in securing the popular services ot Miss Kline m this Department and are making special preparations to render our initial Millinery Opening particularly attractive. Our selections of the Newest Shapes, the Latest Ribbons, the Loveliest Flowers anti the Han isomjst Laces procur- able will he tound more com[irehen^ive than ever, and popular prices will rule the day. The display ot Shirt Waists will be the most complete and extensive ever shown in any housi in the County. Prices to suit everybody, Ladies are cordially invited to attend the - nillinery Opening = dt Jj/iursdai/ AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Parm Propcrtlea In the Town ship of Uleaelff and Artcine&la. County of Ore> Under and by virturo of tho power of salo cuntalnrd iu a uuilain niortKa^'e Made by U oi({H K. .\rrowsii)itli to thu vendor now in dijfiuilt \\\\k\ to bu produced at tho tituo of nalu 'I'liet t) wi I ^>e ulTiTod for sale by public auction tit the Kli'sherton Hotel iu tho Vttlazc of Flcaherton on Saturday, the 9th day of April, 1898 At the ho.u- or So'cloi^k in tho aftoriioon, 11, and Hlnuuhir, ilrtstly. lot uuiitbur twont) in ihe ftfth u^mcoshfon of iiio towuFtiip of (ilunely.oou- taininrt Idl) hureH niotuor Iuhh. Secondly : liOt tiuuiber ono in tho fourth otniOJH-tioTt of thu towiiHliipof Arlokiitmia, containiuK lUU aoroB uioiu or loss. (H tho jnoporty ftrBtlydescribo'l 80 acres aro HHtd to l>eotnar^d and weil uUltlvatedand oroot- oil th.reon arc Baid to boa log hoiiiiu Iu fair htate oiropait, frauku tiarii atul sliefl on Htotiu foundation with t^ood Et.tb!iu;<, all uaid to be 'ti got.d Kt'ito of lepHtr. DupiDpcrty hocoudly doncriborl nroHald to bo a aim liouto aiul outbuildit'tfs in fair state uf The pvopavties aro Hitu itod about livo uiilos from HeHhortoii an. i con von iont to church and »;ci)0nU, Tlio soil ron.ditrt of linlit clay loaiu »iid wtd aoapttd fdv n;;rHnUnial purpOHUH. Thi'iu is also upon euuh uf tjie proportioii a hinall oichik' d. 'J'lio pioperties will bo off.nod for saM fioparit(dy and also cii bloo subjuct to n» aoi've tdd. TloliMS :â€" 10 per c#nt of ibo lurcliRBO money wilt ro(]uiro to be paid at time of Hale and the ha'iihce acnordlu;^ t<i fa^nrahht terir>R and condi'^ionu tu bo ibon niado know.i. for fnrtl"er panlfinlar.; app-v ti Bentty, Blackstock.Nesbltt. Chadwick. Rlddell fia Wellingtou St. K , To'*oi.to, Holiidtor for Vi'udor, l>aUd Kt Toronto thl« .Hb day of Sf»ruh. IhflH. Vax «»le ch«»pâ€" lilt 37. Co>) U. ArtninAila AitW to K.J S»HO U1.U, Kloahottou VloabortOD, Hot. 19, lt«T. 6 and 7 Speci.Tl exhibition of Spring Styles eachevening from 8 to lo **Spring Dress Goods ** Our importations and purchases of Spring Dress Goods are larger than ever this season, and the completeness ot o.ur stock warrants us in expres^-ing the idea that nowhere else in this district will be found such an excellent variety of seasrnahle goods. Whether your intend purchasing simple or elaborate cfltcts in Black or v^olored weaves, you v/ill find in our stock a sufficient assortment to give you a wide choice in all grades ot prices. As usual we have made a special feature of costume lengths and ourselections comprise some most handsome and scyh h lines â€" all at reasonable figures â€" no two dresses alik^. Prints die I/VasK Goods 2o inch Kasi color Cunatliaa PriuM, btuus, rods and fancy colored piitterns D iiiiJ 6jo .27 incti Fast color PriiitR, heavy and close, full ran|;e uf patterii(i..7i« 30 inch An^erictin Prints in spotii, stripes and fancy designs, close wearo lOc 31 inch Eiiktlish Prints, extra heavy and fast, Pinks, Bluos, GrecnB, Lilacs, llfda. Heliotropes \,%i '31 inch Oruandie Dress Muslins, betutiful colon ani patt3rns...l53 Figured Sateens and Pevians, dark grounds, pretty designs 10c Oxford Blouse Cluths, warranted fast colors, extra wide and heavy 13« House FurnishingSjBteEaB-^ When thinking about Carpets, Curtains or Houso I'^urnishings you will find it most advantageou.s to get acquainted with our showings. We offer an unequalled assortment, correct colorings and rock bottom prices in every line. ijapestrj/ Carpets Tjhree Quarte?- (Jolil Brown, flowond pattirn .. 55c Fhv n :.;iiiiin(', ft â-  wired du-iinn 55c Ftiwn gi-j 111 I, (li.ik llowornd dpsiKiis 53c l.ii;'it:;iiiiin'l, 'argo tlciwHr, very arlintic 7oc Cre!\ 11 ^rmniii, k.ii.iU piiitern ...55c Kiiwii (^Mdiii'l, liirgu H'lr il design ... (JOj Wool Carpets &arci Wide Ci cam ground. colored lliiw.'ra 55^ Mixid gioiiii'l, f:iwii :iml gTocn desjiirn 76)j Kemp C5»a?pe-ts__iaEa>w Kiiicy Sni,)"d rattim.s, y.ird widj jgu Prrity Km -v I'li'Uirni, y.iid widi' 20c Fawn and ll'il Stri|)Bd Patturn-*, yurd wide 22« F.'iwn iirouiid. Rid ami 'Irooii lljweri, yard wiJo, reversibio 40t! Dark I'Tnuid. U.'d (l..riil do-<i>4ii 37ic D.irk een Gronhd, l\r(>,i ftoral (Usi^Mi .%>c Duik Red .11(1 I'.rowii S'lips, twoyjird wido 30j Very pn tty Curtains, 4y.\id.s km? 25c yx-r Ilandt'inie Patterns, yards loiia . . . 6O0 p.-iil- Artisticiluiigiis uxtra width, o yiidn l>in;< OOo p:ii4- Beautiful floral p.itternH, 6 y irds loiifj Iba i>»ip Special and Attractive Values in New Wall Papers, New Window Shades, New Cqrtain Poles

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