Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 24 Mar 1898, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVAhCE APRIL 6 1898 I 4 Oil Trieil anii Bslialils Drugstore, FLESHERXON A ".' •)=±X « * A C \l » A â- Â«â€¢ We do not rut jnices but sell at our re- gular rates tor cas-h. EinulMUtn of C"d Liver Oil 25c up JSyriip of HypiphospliituB 50o up buiii-T C()l.r(stt:iiplf free) lOn up Si.otliJn.' Hyrup - .10c; up Worm Powd.T to ngo 10c up Oou^li yvi'up. . . .lOu up Livrer fA'.x ll'c up fixtri.ct of Bl.ioUliorry .lOc up t.'aii.nlitiii Blood Tiujio . . -Suu Tootti Guui or "Iropa wliiuli you liki"...10o Headitche PowUera . . .5c And all Other goods as low as any re- liable druggist can supply yvM. We buy for cash and sell for cash and do a cash business. Vicinity Ciiips «•» irjicleristlcs ef the Past VSeeU Carct'uWy C'lilied for the Bnaiitess notice* aitunwj lociiU toill be + cliitryed at the rate of ten cints + per Hiie for each iiiscrtion. A ' + reduction will be made on con + tracts for 100 lines or over. A Beautiful choice of wall paper at the Mudicnl yall, clii-ap. The pmitwuek hns boeii fine winter wentUer williout the enow. Orchard gTHMt, Golden Millet and tare at the Medical hull. Pomonod wheat for rats ami mice, 12ic per ),:.ckot, at the Medical hull. Little Liver (jrauultiB, 50 in a box, for 15 cents. They ar6 little ((>»"*â- â€¢ Cathartic pills, unsurpasHeJ, for lOe ppr box. Try Lhoin. Ask for Medical Mall pills. Good girl wautoJ â€" Will pay ?8 per month. Apply to Mrs. A. Norton, Uol- ton, Out. Go'd bicycle for Hale cheapâ€" c'vu bo •oeh at RicSardsoii'a h.'ird^raru duriM){ the Ilaster holidays. Now i.s the time to i{ot yonr laco cur- tains oleanud equal to now by the Rnlbtun Liui.dry Co. A. N. LcGard, agent. If you waul to see the busieU store, Iho l»r:/uht btiick and the bunt vnluis in the country, whi^n next in Markdale Call upon JMcFaiUiid >& ifton. Mr. Slauk'litijr, the nu\T principal of our public .school, and wife and child arrived in town on Saturday last and took up liiH dutii'B io fiO'chdol on Monday. Parker'-j Dye Works are the very best for dying all kinds of woruing apparel. C*Btiich plumes and tips cleaiu'd, dyod »tid curled. A.N. LoO.nrd, ag>:ut. Lost â€" Iri.sh tliom walking alick two weeks ago between Lejiard'e ci-rner and the Morey House, valu-.'d as a gift. Finder kindly riiturn to tliiy offi.'e. Your uiKirrst'iiidiiif; and apieainncii will be much iuiprovcd l.y bu3iii<{ a pair of Olaytun's huota or i'h"CS,feveinl hundnd __ll«ir!i to choot't! from. An au.'tion sale of farm i>t('ck and im- |i!enu'i.tH will 1)0 hold on lot 1, ooii. 5, Odprcy, on Thurid.iy, April 7. Sale at l..30p. ni No ronorvo. Soo bills. R. J. Sproulc, Anctioiicor. Spring boots, suninicr boots, ploufjliintt b.'iols, tishiajr boots, ladies' bi ots, •hildron'n i'octs and every other kind «f shoos for everybody atChiyton'.i, Notice â€" All part'M hnving I'gs or lumber in (he mill yard, Fle^horton, aro requested to call .iiid jirove their piopor- ty on or bofoo Tliursdny, April 14. R. N. Henderson, Assignee. A voresc'ipo entertftinniont sliow'n'7 th* Corbott-Fitzsimmons light will be hold in tjio town hall on Monday pvenitig next, llth inst. The shi'W conica uudur th« Ktupicca of the band. Remember the missionary entertain- ment in the Metliodiat ch^jrch to morrow evening. Collecti..n. Good pnigram. P. Bums fell through a large pane of U'Ihbs ill Mitchell's hank the other day- He fscaped without damage, but not so the glass, which was utieily useless after Mr. Burns got thmuiih with it. Mr. W. H. Bunt, the parohaiier of J. E. Moore's furniture business, tuok possfSHioii on Saturday and has also fciken ovur the adveruoing apace occupied I'y Mr. Moore for yeais in this papi-r. hi« annouacen.eut appears therein th's Week. Lot and liouao to lent in Pricevillu Loi lON.DR, Artiuiiesia, also a house and two lots on Colliiigwooil street, Prico- viUu, kuuwu us the Scotr property. Will be rented at once as the present tenant is Iraviiii;. For particulars apply to Mrs. Oathirinc Seotf, Arthur P O. Out. A wrong date ijot stuck on llioi.ard- son'sniiliiueiy opeiiinu in l»st week's is- â- sue. The date is positivoly Wodiiesday and Thuiaday of this week, Apiil 6 and 7 (ii't your Easter bomiits on, ladies, but before di'iim so be sure and read ilie an- II' unceinent in Riclmidsun's advertise-. inent iu this i8-<ue. Mr. J. B Sloan of Eugoiiia m>-t with n Very serious accident on Thursday of last week. While attempting to change * bi-lt in thii mill his arm wa.s caught and drawn anmr.d alnruo puUy. Mr Sloan was thrown violently upon his back, and wiuMi found by his stm a minute after wards was quite unconscious He was removed to hi.s lesiitence and Dr. Carter called. We understand that the victim [n recovering, but being an eldirly iiinn> 7li years of age, the shock tu his system will :io doubt prov- a serious matter. The Thornbury Standard says : " No Inattl^r how TheAdvance wiaglos or takes advantgo of a coinpositois urror, the balu fact remains that at no time during the past seaHon did the piio'n of oats at b'lesh- erlon reach within from 2 to 4 cents of that paid in Thornlmry market." The above statement is omphatically uiitruo. There has not been a butter market in this county than we have bad right heie during the past winter and wo defy tlio Standaril to prove ot herwmo We have proved from it's own columns and that of another Thornbury |>aper the untruth' fulness of ita cunteniion and yet this blessed prevaricator at tempts to"wiggle" out of it l.y intiniating a " ciniipositor's ' error ! ', It is a little lute in the season to get hoat-i-d over the matter, but it is quite plain that the Thornbury market is away liehind ours or tluir papirs ale totally unreliable in puhlitthing their market reports. Which hoin of the dilouinia will you perch upon, dear boy ? PERGONALS Ex-Principal Timliii.son and fami'y left town on Friday for Weston. MaHtcr Merv. Vanzant, who has been attending Parkdalo high school, retuniid home last week . Mrs. W. J. Blakcston of Pricevillo npont Sunday wi-h lior sister, Mrs Percy Liiwrenco. Mr. W.Bunt, i-f Woodbridgo, who ha.s purcha.scd Mr. J. B. Aloore's stock, arriv Cil in town and took over the business on Friday. Mr. J. E. Monro, Misa Fl ira Moo;e and Mis .1. Gadd lo't on SiUurday for .San .luse Cal., going by way of the Can ada Pacific to Vancmiver, from which point they will tako steanior for San Francisco. It is rninored that .Mrs. G. is g('in« t,o the Golden State under con- tra* t and hopes to Rot t,hi-ou-.;h wi'hout being Ue P>arri< d. Her buccos.s will bu chronicled in tlio imar future. The.-o Were all good cilixeiis and we are sorry to lose lliein, but wi.ih them all manner 01 succca.s in the land to which thoy have gone. Mvj. Chac. Symoiis Mid dau'^hter. Miss Ada, of Vancouver, B C, are thegin-sts of Mr. .and Mr?. W. Bariihouse. Mn Synions is II10 Intlers s'stor. and it is ulev. 11 years fciiicu they ini t. The two hidiei SMi oil tlii'ir way to Eiinland for an exienilcd visit, and « id sail from New York n- x.t week. Mrs. Pymons was a pionoer o.t-zon of the "Cly by the sunset si-n." Address and Presentation A nuinbor of pupils and officials of the Flo.slioiton Station SabVialh School wait- ed on Mr. J. K. Moore at his rosidonco here on the evening previous to his do- iwtr.re for California and prosontod him with a purse ci ntdini.ji^ some gold ac- C'lmpnniid by the following address ; To J. E. Moort E»j. Dbar Sir. â€" It is with feelingf. of re- gret we have ^earned of your puipoM to remove from among us and we fuel that we cannot allow you to go without giving some expression to our appreciation of you as a man and laborer in the vineyard of our Maater, to the valuu we attach to your untinng and faithful labors in the church and Sabbath School, to our esteem for you as a citizen, and our attach- ment to you as a friend. In the capacity of Sabliaih schidl suoerintendeni, your qniel and uii'ditriiaive work, your genial friendxhip, cheering counsel, and kindly Cliri!.tian deportment liuvo uiven help and coinfoit that you little suspect, and have e»er tended to sirengihon your aHsociatos, lioih young Slid old, in the pursuit of virtue, and i|uickeii them 111 the ways of piety and religion. To you the Fleshor- tou Station .Sabbath School owes more than we can express. Always williiiu, and always in your place, the school has lieeii roiintantly huiietittud l>y your pi ud- eut- auvice and earnest te-ichiiig. We cann.'t ade<|uately expro-'S the hinh re spect and ontei-iu in which you are held S'di we wish 10 liid you an afffetionote f.iiewell and tonder you our nii'St ardent «i-.lies for your future prnaperitv , useful iiess and Ijappii.coB in your new home. AsasliLihi nijiiieiito of our esteem and atfectinn w<- prest-nt y<m with this pocket lionk. Tlnmnh of little value, ymi will, we fi-el assured, regard it .as a token of oursinci're res|ioci and broth»-rly love. Sn>'ied on behalf of the school. This Istday of Apiil 1898. Hurried. Parslow- Wilcockâ€" At the rosidouce of the bi'ido'B parents, by Rev. J. Mabaii. uii VVudllUHIiU. ..i.L.cll -.1, -JullU I AiHuW lU SliSB Ma»a;ie. i lilet.t tiaUKtitwr u( Mr. and Mru. Wm Wlloork. In the mountain villaue of F'eversham tlii're lives a farmer and a blacksmith who, until a few »i eks ago were the best off I lends, but a dead collie dog came hetwern ilnni They are now standini; wiih daggers drawn. The facts as relat- eil -IB tollows : The fanner owned a dog which C'litracled ihu bad habit of biting, its niastei'a friends ni't beiin; excepieil. The blacksmithâ€" a victimâ€" not thinking he was intiuiiled for dog's iin-al, jirotest- od and 'galled a Winchi-stcr into action, and in the encounter which followed the Winclii'ster i;ot tliu best of it and collie is now no more. The fanner invoked the strong arm of thb law and dragged tbo lilacksiiiith before a local majistrate. The blacksmith souglit the services of Lawyer Bruce of Collingwood, who siicveeded in s curing a dismibsal of the case. â€" Bullo- ti I The Tliombury bioyclo-riin factory was to'ally destroyed by lire a week ai;o Sat- urday niudit. T o SlandHnl says : The lire started near the boiler and was notic- ol tiist by Mr. Bob TyUr, wl.o slept in the liuildinu'. The loss is estimated at Slo.OliO. The miK-hiiiery wa.s worth a out ;J8(!()0 and tbo stock inside about *I000 of winch 81U00 was tiiii^lied bicycle riiiN, etr., ready to bo sliipptid on Mon- diy. Tho liuililing was a largo four story s ruci lire, and wa- insured for i^liOUO. T ere was no insuianco on the stoik < r pla'ii. Other losers are Ueiiinan Bros, who had all the oak timber feu- their lladmu vessel ill the dry kiln ; and Mr. Bob Tyler, who lost OTerything he pos- SBS.sid, inolU'iin^SlOO ill money. Twenty- live 01 thirty hands aru thrown out of enijiloyinent on .account of the tiro. PROSTRATED, EXHAUSTED. NO SLEEPâ€" NO REST. LL do not appreciate the words of jolin U. Saxe, who sang, "Ooil bless tli« man who lirst luviated Bleep!" Hut apprcclntloii Is not WHiitliii; tn those who have PutTcred as .Mrs. Whiti-, of Mara Township Ont., who bacanie so III n-lih tiervons troubles that, to quote her bio. ther, Mr. Donald Mollne, a woll-known ro- sldent of that llliistrlons section of North Ontario: "My sister had not sh'pt a nli;ht for over Www months. Slip could not hiivs stood this much longor. and It was only when death seemed Imnilnint that .'^ouiu American Nervlup becitnie tho Ko.nl pliy- slclan. After tiiUIng tbc flrst doso of tho Nervine she Hlept all night, nnd nnliicd In flrali mil II pi'rfectly well, nnd hiis now no elcn of uervou.^neas." This Is a wonder- ful medicine In the serereHt caiies of iier- »0ii3nes8, nnd th* crfstest flesh hiillrtcr to lie i'suqU anywhere In tlio world. â€" -25. For Bftloby W. Richirdson The Markets. Ctircfiillv Corrected Each Week Following are tho market iiuotations for l''K'Hherloii for tho prcBent week, correctud up to 10 'M of VVudiie^day ; li'lour Oats Wheat, white Wheal, led Barley P.S13 Butter E:!i;s, fresh Potatoes bag Polk Hay per ton Hides .Sheepskins ' GoesH Turkeys. , Chickens per pair.. . , Ducks per pair Wool H 70 to $0 00 1:7 '.o 2," 80 to 80 H to 81) 20 to ;iu nn to 53 U to 15 9 '.o 9 50 (o 50 b'M to 5 73 5 00 to r. 00 7 00 to 7 00 •iO t,o 50 fl. to 6 9 to '9 20 to 80 40 to CO ^^^^ III order to supply our increased business, we have received a very large assortment of all kinds of foot wear. In Ladies' wear the latest and most fashionable styles In Men's wear line Doiigola to heavy olough bouts. Children's wuar in threat variety. ^^PRICES LOW AND QUALITY G00D-1S^ CLAYTON'S, - - Flesherton. I % I Repairing and Custom Work Promptly Attended to '. ^ â-  j^T->;% T .^i^^.^ r ^ ? / ^'?T:^ .^^^^ J y?2[i^!:^[^i^2:!&J{^ii^£SsSi^t^^^uZi^ >£2£ V'. Furniture Announcement Having purchased the furniture business from Mr. J. E. Moore, I wish to state, by way of introduction, to tbo pei'ple of Fleshei- ton and viciniiy, that I tind in tnu slock a lari/e numlier of articles which t am specially desirous to dispose nf without delay and to that end will otl'er them at very close prices. Let iiie enumerate a few things : •^ 9^100 Sofa from ^5 up iSedsteads from S2 tip jjL TiUinclow S/iades and y^i'x/nys from 25o up Dining Chairs, Common Chairs, Hall Chairs, Parlor Suiis, Baby Car- Chairs, Common Chairs, Hall Chairs, Parlor Suiis, riages. Hall Backs, and odd pieces of furniture. These thiiius will all l'o at very close prices during April. I want to make the ac<iuaintance of every person who buys furni- ture This is the seoson of housecleanini.' and many tilings will be required in my lino. Let me serve you. The Uiidertakim; business, which was so sati.ifiiccorily carried on by Mr. Moore, will lie continued by me, and with. I trust, as laige a degree of success. Awaiting yours usteeinod orders. Furniture Dealer \jL' ! i »;« !P r »?-«» " "'» . » "k » u » 'i'»i iw 'v »' ". '* . '' , "' .yj' 'â-  ^ '" 'l * A ! !J ^S M !!! /'A''g/^ j n 'A I i % J. F. VanDUSEN FLESH EKTOM Dealer in Walches, Clocks, .lowcllery. All kinds of repairing done at lowest rates. Agent fur Massey-Ha,rris-<^ _^^.13IC YCI-E S Call iu 1111(1 see this favorite wheal before yon buy your mount. Nice New i^b Nobby NEW YORK . . Patterns in gent's suits, LATEST STYLES, Just to hand. Order yonr spring suit n iide by S^rocior The Tailor Rollea? Flovir a.2».<cl S£s.^»r IVIills To the Farmers nnd residents of Price- villeandsurroiindingc luntry and villages: liaviiii; lortSi-d the above nulls for a term of yeai.s, 1 would lespectliilly Solicit a fair shaio of y^iur custom and patron- age. Hoping liy fair .and honusi deal- ing to reiiiin all old and new cu^ttuiiers of th.- 11. ill. tr^Best Brand of FLOtUl, OAT MEAL, GRAHAM FLOL'lt, CRACKED WHEAT, also all kinds ot l''eed kept constantly on hand. HiithcKt Pric«-s paid in cash for any quaiitiiie< of ^wlioiit. Planint!, Match- ing and SawiiiK done to order also Saw Logs piircbnsi'd. Sfiecial reduciioo on 4 anil 5 barrel li.t« of Flour. Farmers brinn your grist and chopping and give us a fair trial and we will be sure to use you right. ('lio[jping done every ilay at 5c Pex* loo libs. G. M. WALTER Piiceville. Jan. 2nih 18;i8. FLESHERTON SHAVING J", jCsi^ard - - S^ropttator Hairdressing in the Latest Style SCISSORS SHARPENED an.l RAZUllS HOiNED first eln-ss styl*. C^ Agent for I .olst'n's Laundry nnd Paikor's Dye Work.s, Toronto. Nice - New Nobby STRAYED Stravfid fro'ji tboprt'miBoaof the underrii^iKMl, about tho nii'Mlo of Mfty, 1H07. ono tJ ymir-oUi Hereford liditur. whit(< nnrt reii, inoro whito th:^n rwl, whit.o fuc^, two >ialfl ro^l onrn. Any inf»>:-tnattfm ak to Inn* wliiironboiils will bo ihAuKttiHy rm-wivod liml suitabK mwir-ilfid bv . n. UAVIDSOS. ytveTsiiftm P. o..r»i». SI, taw Grai's c-^. Spruce B. Sore AiiMA For Cold chitifi, Sore throat, etc. bum HCMftY, WATRON * OO., m,»,m MMrritKAL.

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