Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 24 Mar 1898, p. 7

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RAISING MUSHROOMS. â- aw VoH May Hiive TUvm All lta<« Vi-ai- MttlilMl. In France, where the natritive and palatalile quiilili«s of thi; mushroDtn are tally a[jpre<iatea, krtfe quantities are grown in private houses. It in •trange that the cultivation of this excellent fungus has Ijeen bo much neglected in other countries, eapecial- ly when it is considered how easily it can be undertaken. Any family can have fresh mushrooms all the year aj'o\Lnd. All that is needed for the ini- tial equiiiment is placing in the kitchen or an.vwhere around the bouse an old bureau or chest of driiwers, which can be ufied an a cultivating bed. t'ill the drawers to tine depth of 6 or 8 incles with an intimate mixture of good, rich Boil and old, dry, hor.sie or cow dung, in e<iual larts. Having done thus, v>ro<!ure from your seed dealer •orae fresh miishroom spawn (the French is the best), and insert it at various [joints on the' surfa.?e of the soil. Sprinkle tJie surface lightly with water, and the Ijeda are ready, ff the drawers close tightly in front the bark of the stand should be removed, and a curtain tacked up so as to shut out the light. In a few days the mush- jooms will begin to show up plentifully bat it will be a fortnight before any fit to eat can he gathered. The lied will last, with an occasional watering, for many months, and will furnish al- most every day a good yield of cham- lugnons. DRINK MAN NEEDS. An average man requires !J9 ooncea of food per diem. >He needs 37 ounces of water for drinking, and in breath- ing he abaorbes 30 ounces of oxygen. He eats as much water as he drinks, so Educb of that fluid being contained in various foods. In order to supply fuel for running the body nuichine and make up for waste tis.sue he ought to â- wallow daily fihe equivalent of 20 ounces of bread., 3 ounces of potatoes. 1 ounce of butter and 1 quart of water. The body is mostly water. The body of • man weighing 154 pounds contains 96 pounds, or 46 quarts of water. GIRLS IN CICTLT. In some parts of Sicily tlie birth of a girl is looked upon ai .such amis- fortune that ablark flag is hung out of the window to proclaim the sad event. Having to lie supported by tlie family as long as they are unmarried, and l»ing obliged to dower the bride- groom, girls are looked apon as ex- Iieruiive luxuries. Boys, on th« other iiuud, are very soon self-supporting and « ! en the time comes for marry- ing. ' reases the family wealth by liriii,_i home a bride and her dot. The gii'ls lii'e in seclusion, are most; kindly treated, and at the age of four- teen or sixteen they am dlajjosed of in marria^je on a purely financial basis. IAN OLD PAPYRUS. The old saylny that nothing is ev»r lost ia ujipx]ie<-.tttdly verified by the re- cent findinx in a tomb at I. uxor, Egypt where it hail Iain <:oniealed for 1,800 years, of a papyrus contaiulng 20 poereiB by Biu-chylides, a. «freal Creek poet, -whase writings had wholly disap- peared. pnng These two word.s emphasize a neces- sity and indicate a remedy. SPRINGâ€" the season when the blood is most impure as a result of the win- ter's closer confinement, higher liv- ing, slower action of the kidneys and liver; when humors of nil kinds, boils, pimples and eruptions are most liable to appear; when the weak, languid condition of the whole bodily structure demands and wel- comes help. MEDICINEâ€" that to which the millions turn at this season â€" Hood's Sarsapa- rilla. The original and only prep- aration especially adapted to the present needs of the human family; that which makes the blood pure and clean, as shown by its tfanusunds of wonderful cures of dreadful blood diseases ; creates an appetite and cures dyspepsia, as shown by its "magic touch" in all stomach trou- bles; steadies and streniitbens the nerves, as proved by jjeople for- merly nervous, now calm and self- puesessed, thanks to Only those who have been relieved of great suffering can fully appreciate the gratitude with which the testi- monials overflow written in favor of Hood's Sarsaparilla. Just read this: I "C. I. Hood & Co.. Lowell, Maas^ "Dear Sirs:â€" A few years ago I was taken with fainting fit.4, which the doc- tor saiil was due to heart failure. I waa troubled with sleeplessness and icine had that dreadful tired feeling. I tried quite a number of remedies, but the relief was only for a short time and after ceasing to take the medicine I felt worse. I did not have any ap- petite and what little I did eat dis- tressed me very much. At last I gut a bottle of Hood's Sarsaparllla, and It did wonders for me. That tired feel- ing has left me and MY APPETITE RETURNED after a short time. I was thea able to eat regularly and heartily. Hood's SursapariUa built up my whole system, ami I ana now able to work hard, as well as sleep soundly. I shall always praiiie Hood's Sarsaparllla." Mrs. A. E. Buxton, 24 Cumming street, Toronto, Ont. AS STRONG AS EVER. "My whole sybtem was run down. I was so weak I could scarcely get around to do my work. I finally liegan to take Hood's SarsapariUa, and after using five bottles I found that my strength bad returned and nay appetite waa very much better. In fact, I now feel as strong as ever." Mrs. Kelley, 9 Wellington Avenue, Toronto Ont. H ^^AJ %!%!% s SarsapariUa Canada's Greatest Medicine, because it cures when all otheri fail. Be sure to get Hood's. 6LEN EDEN BEJOICES Over the Recovery of Mv. James Paddon of Mt forest. «!• 0*M wa« a Bev«r« On* af Kldnay OlMaae â-  Oodd't Kidney Pllla Ourad MIm Thora(i«h- ly - Olan Idsn Pespla Rely on Oodd'a KIdngy Pllla and Thalr Fanii la rfustiriad. Glen Eden,â€" The report of the recov- ' •ry of Mr. Jajnes Padden, of Mt. For- est, from a severe attack of Kidney Disease by the use of Dodd's Kidney â-  Piils has caused great rejoicing here, I where Mr. Pa^ldon i« well known. I Mr. Padf'on's case waa a very severe on?. It was well known that he Wiis a i constant sufferer, and he had theaym- pathy of all hiB frjen Is. Consequently It gives iiiil ounded pleasure to all to know thai he has at last conquered bis bitter enemy. Do Id's Kidney Pills are the only me- dicine that the peoiile of this district wUl use for, Bright'^ Disease, Diabetes, Dropsy. Rheumatism, Lumbago, Para- lysis, Heart Failure, Trlnary Diseases, Blood Impuri.tlea, and all other forma of Kidney Disease. They have cured bundreds of cases of these complaints in this neighbouirhood, and the people kave the fullest^ confidence in the m»- dit-inn;. There is onlly one wa.v of curing Kixlnej- Diseases. Thai) is by curing the Kiilnejys. The only way of dfllng this is by using' Do Id's Kidney Pills, They set the Kldnetys in proper cosdition, thus ensuring a suppjy of pure, fresh iilood and thorouehly healtbv organs. Cold's Kidney Pjllls are sold by all druggists at fifty cents a box, six loxes •2..'iO, or will, be sent, on receipt of price, by The Dodds Medicine Co., Limited, Toronto. BAD FOR ENGLISH GENERALS. It has been a bad year for English generals in India. Sir Henry Uavelock- Allen is dead. General Veatinan IJigg.s has succumbed to dista.se, while Gener- al Sir William l.ockhart, the Command- er-in-Chief, will return to Kngland to explain why the frontier campaign was not more successful. Have You Neuralgia ? If you suffer its agonie.s, and fail to gel a remedy, we want you to try Nerviline. Its acti;>n on nerve pain is, simply uiarvellous, Nerviline is the most pleasant and powerful remedy in the market. Try it. It hns recently been claimed that iron ships fitted with e.'ectrio plants suffer rapid delerioration of their pipes having direct connection with the sea, due to electrolytic action. Qulckcure heals Sores, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, etc. Berlin pays a salary to a profession- al lird catcher, who keeps scientific institutions supplied with l.iids, nests und eggs. He Ls the only man in the empire permitted to do so. Constipation CURBD â-  T CELERY KINO Pure RooUand Harbs with Celecyâ€" a great dla««- tWe ttloiuluiâ€" sold b; til drug(l»t«. Laraa paok- •(•, IjC WOOOWASD VSOIOtllB CO., TOaoMIO, CAM. Dominion Goal NOTICE TO CANADIAN INVESTORS. I)iliii)|£ the puKt niunths wo harp reveivml iiitiiu'roiti cumuiunicutionH froiu iaretttorR. hitiikeih mid ImiiIis of the Dfiininioii of l.'anaila. Aa they ure nil of thr Mine gi')iiT4l tntiiil and likk thu saniu 'luehttuujt. u u hate ile- <'ii|<><l to pllhtinh ullf, iinil our raply an » Ufliarnl iktihWKr to .til IiicinirerH who iinve been iiiipiMul ou with thil Hcht'iiie. All uiktbiuLiitH iiiiulu ill uu' Ifttai a« iiiibliih- vi\ iMjlow, we herewith coritlnn. "ACe.ssrs. Lawson, W'eidenfeld & Co.â€" (jfnt.lemen : We have cloisely followed your severe atta<:k on tlie Dominion Coal corpora- tion, and have read your pamphlet in- aiU'cd for that purpose. In addressing you for the purpose of securing furth- er information on this .'â- iul)je<-t which, if you will givei by answering those of our queatjuns which you may deem pro- per to ask, we will be thankful, for we have l>een strongly urged by cne of the hi^tb officials of our l>ank to aid In iiIa.-Lng tlie coal shares, Ixitb preference and ordinary, with the in- vesting clients of our firm, and we have liis assurance that the enter- prise is a laudable one, and one that will give all the purchasers of the shares large profiUs with but very small riidf of loss. Our l<ank offiL-ial guarantees u.s tHiut he has strong as- surances of Sonne of tjhe leading finan- ciers of thie United tjtatcs, thai the ooal corporation ha.s purchased all the gas companies of Uoston, Mass., unci have made firm contracts for a lonii term of years with the Massachusetts pipe Gaa Company, a very large, ex- tremely sound and wealthy company, and that by this contract the coal cor- poration will be guaranteed large di- vidends on all cla;>ses of shares for a long term of year.s, and that these con- tracts have \xen firiuly guaranteed by the New England Gaa & Coke Com- pany, a company with a paid in capi- tal of 835,000,000. The questions we ask you to favor us with answers to, are: Does not the Dominion Coal coriiora^ Uon own all thegaa comiianies of Bos- ton? Has not the Coal Corporation enter- ed into a contract with the Massa- chusetts pi|je Gob Company 1 Will not this give permanently large dividends on all the shares f Is not the Massachusetts I'ipe Gas Company a responsible company I Is not this contract guaranteed by the New England Gas & Coke Com- pany, and is not this company a weal- thy corporation whose guarantee is good? We repeat if yoQ will answer the above questions we will consider our- selves in your debt, as we do not wish to put our clients into any hazardous investment, and we are led to believe from a study of your pamphlets that you not only consider this coal en- terprise extremely hazardous but little less than assvindle, whii^h we cannot re- concile with the rcsptH'tability of its sponsors. Again, can you not give us a reason for the effort that is lieing made to float these shares amongst the investors ol Canada, when as we are lujsured thoy are in strong demand in the American stock exchange. Yours respectfully," "Dear Sirs: Your letter received by us, and its contents noted, and herewith we send you the information you ask for. First believe us when we say that we hold ourselves ready to answer for any as- aertions made in the book and news- paper statements bearing our signa- ture, also for those contained in this letter, and we are prepared to defend any action that may be brought against us in the courts of Canada as we have in United States courts. We ask you to bear in mind that we do not make equivocal statements hedged about with technical evasions that may leave loopholejj for escape from legal re- apoBsibility ; that we are a responsfr- ble banking house and stock-exchange members, and that the charge that this entire scheme is one of the most glaring impositiont^ ever altempled on any community we have printed over our signatures scores of times during the past four months in the leading newspapers of the I'niled States, and have repeated it in thousands of copies of pamphlets and books, and orally stated it before the Alasauchusutts BiKird of Gas and Electric Light Com- missioners and the Legislature of Maasai'husetts. We answer your que»li«)ns as follows' 1 â€" H'uZ Dominion Coalâ€" Massachuselts 'Pipe Line Gas â€" New England Gas Ik Coke Company scheme is a glaring im- ' position on the investing and gas cun- sumirig public. \i â€" The common shares of the Domin- ion Coal Company, of which there are over fifteen million dollars, are uoC I worth a dollar a share more than the price tor which l hey were originally sold, namely, nothing. B â€" The Dominion Coal Company is not earning any dividend on its stotrk, i â€" The Dominion Coal Company does nol own any gas companiies in Bus- ton. I !i â€" The Massachusetts Pipe Line Gas Coluipany consims of nothing but a ! worthless charter procured from the i AUisBachiisel ts legislature of 18t)t) by 'means that are n<jiw being investigated by the authorities of MasHiu-husetls. 6 â€" The entire stock of the Miissacbus- etts Pipe Line Gaa Compan.v has just j been declared by the Board of Oa» and I Electric Light Coniniisaioners of Mas- isachusetts illegally issued, and the At- I torney-General of Massachuaetts has ! announced that he will proceed agaln.st ;lhe officers and directors who issued it. This act is pauishable by fine and imprisonment. j 7 â€" The cc^niract between the Domini- ou Coal Comiiany and the Massachus- etts Pipe Line Cainpany is worth no- ' thing. y â€" The New England Gas & Coke Company is a srheinu gotten up for the purp Be of floaung JUS OilO.OO!) otworthr less securities on the public, and its first act was to Ijorrow from a New j â- ^ ork tru«t coHiimny for eight months ' $12,000,000, which, with the Ijalance of i its 9:15, 000,0110 of capital it immediately: paiil out to insiileiH lor proijerty not | worth 37,000,000, thereby causing it- , self to be bankruii>t and making ila ^ guarantee worthless, I '.) â€" The reason the effort is being ! made to float 913,WI0,UUn of slock Ln' Canada is: I'he stock i-ost the promot- ers who created it nothing, for years desiderate efforts have been made to float it on the investing public of New England. To that end trickery und manipulation have been employed, but without avail. Investors and .sjieo. ulators in the United States have re- fosed to have anything to do with it. Some monihls ago when it was aln solutely un.salable and its nomiml price 9.5 iier share, bri>kers were em- ployed to give it the appearance of great activity on the Hoston .Stock V,x-> change. This was done by one broker selling quantities to another in league with him. Ry this means the price was I biil up to from $20 to 92!> iter share, I an<l is now held there by the same 1 means, and whenever genuine orders from Canadian ipvestors are worked up in Canada, the stock is purchased from the insiders through the medium of ; bhe Boston Ptock Kxchange at a fioti- j tiouB price. The daily sales on the Hoston Stock Exchange are, with the exception of i the Canadian orders and on a rare oc- | casion a genuine Inited States order, fictitious. We advise you strongly not to allow your clients to invest in this worthless stock, for lis .soon as your Canadian investors, becoming tired of holding it and waiting for the misrep- resentatinns that have been made to be fulfilled, attempt to sell, the aii- IMiront market price of $20 will di»- »Ptie-ar and they will lose their Invest- ment. If you heme, doubtj of the cor- rectness of our deductions, come or send to Boeton and investigation am- ongst our reputable bunkers and brok- ers cmd banks will aliow you that all w ho invest in this worthless stuck will love the amount invested. Lo closing we would call your at- tention to that portion of our first book, " Boston Gas and Dominion Coal," wherein we explain why we feel cglled upon to denounce this imposition, and wherein we show that liecaiiae of our senior partner's official connection wijth the Fioston gas c/impanies, vice president of the five leading compan- ian. we can treat this subject intelli- g»'ntly. Trusting our amswers wUl give you the required i.nforination, we beg to remain. Yours truly. LAWSON, WEIDENFELD & CO." Wo nilvife eii owtirr,^ ot Dnniiiiioii Coal (toclc nr nil vrhtt liitifiiil to lici'.iiiiu uwiifiT.^ (VI write to Uli lor aur two luiokn. "ttdhtori Ha* und Doniiiiion ''anl' end "Hr)btoii Ohh ttiiilXew UiiKlnntl C'riki',"twoG4.paaf. larvf liurtoa* and our tw . Ura.. qimrto pittiiiihlrtti. '' I,ljiht ^ui (;•*" And «trnogninhio "K*'iH>rt <if U«arii u Uaforn thr lloi.rd of fi*** lint KIrctrIc Light r^tiimlmTotier.." ItcijiirHtt. should III, ;iil(lr«j,M».l t,: ,1111 Tloitcii, Muck , nlllr... LAWSON, WEIDENFELD & CO., Nawvork-BANKERS&BROKERS-tMton Memberi ol New York Stock Exchanfe. > MADiR HIM SICK. Doctor, on ocean .steamer â€" Your turn ha-s come, I see. sir. All(r\v me to Sea-Sick Paasenger, an old bachelor â€" N-o. n-o, doctor. Itâ€" it will soon paan off. It isn't seaâ€" ssa-sicknesa. I look- eil too lona" iit thoseâ€" those bridal cou- ples. TO CURn A COM) IN ONE DAY. Take taiullto Broino (Quinine Tabletk. All Dnis- tl»U reriinil the incmi-y if II ftila to Cure. XIa. Recent investigations by Dr. Linden- Kohl have shown that the principal aoarce of the gulf strenm is not the Florida rbanncl, 1ml the region be- t-ween and beside the islands of Ihe West Indies. At Hinioni the volume of t his warm water is sixty times its great as the combined volume of all the rivers in the world at their mouths. Quickcure cures Tooth Ache. Stops all Pain. It has iieen calculated Ih it if a pound of thread inatle from .spiders' webii \vere reiiuired it would occupy nearly 28,000 sjiiders a full year to furnisJi it. Magnetic Ointment. The vorrt Sores, Braltes, Cult, Bsmi. BprnlRfi, aklii Ulaurileni, Itore Throat, Group. Bneuaadsm. LameicWi Piles, an<l nil mtgrnal and inlamal nffeotioni oharaotcrired by INPtAM* SATIONi jiolil to its influ(!Ti(.e na if by in»(pc. It a purely Trfrotiiblo pre;)aMvtioii by a rfguliir pbyaiolan of eminence, and ite auof^tia has Men marreUous in the moit obstinttta canea. Bold by Dnigiita and Daalera at 1)5 aad 40 Mota, The only teay to bu nUftbil your trt beiuKgoad i» to buy MONSOON â-  W I INDO-CEYLOIN TEA. UouH farthor than any othi r and is aliuilutelr unrM and dfltciou<i. ii. % 40, .y» and 80 cents Send for iain pie. MON.^OON TEA and foraainple. r Wrbingtuu 3t. EA 00., W.. Toronto. The largest gasometer In the worldl is at Kast Greenwich. When fujl it contains 12,000,01)0 oubic feet of gas. Bt weigliB 2 liOO tons, is 18() foet high. 30(1 feut in diauieter, requires 1,1!00 lona of coal to fill ik witbi gas, and cost nearly £40,000. " A Man's a Man for a' That " Cven if he has corns on hotb feet. BaU he is a stronger, hapiiior und wiser man. If he uses Putnam's Painleaa Corn Kjm tractor and gets rid of the unsighlljr cornis, iiainlessly and al once. Impaling was used as a puniabment in Tu;rkey up to IK>5. The last) men ao executed were four Arab .sheikha wihio had ret>elled. They were inyialedi at the four corners of the H«gda«% bridge, Ons of them lived tor nln« days. MYRETA'KORA ORVSTALS. TBADB MAftJC ipoMiiaLB To DCTEcT fwm Dlamonda. itrranteatareteiii their luilro. Wewtlt d te Aar addteea oiie of tbM. merrel. otu atooM, let m a aubatuntlal (iold filled goutitlng, RlnjTPI". S'i"l <" Knrringe. for It 00 A.tn tlole not aatltfaoton eiohauad. Bena for »Ulofu«l. '. POWBLl HARVBV £cO. si Kln« W.Toront* Tibere are au4p|x>sed to bs nearly 50,-< 000 dentists practising upon people's teeth In the world. A. dentist's case ot instruments nowadays contains bei t-w«en 300 emd 40U instruments, W P C »I8 »«ftf<IP .\aenta wimtart to introiluoe oar n*! I ^H Catuloguo aad terraa. We will 1T1UC>1V> mail pfeimia ' liar 11 be a>}lgB«ir Miasin'." with mviHic, fori ceniB, aianip". popuui Muiir -'^ * "-- ilO OIPOT, 20 Alexia St. Montreal. BeNQOUnH SHORTHAND SCHOOL, Prao Ileal Itcportina MntliodN ; Inilvldual In- i-t-nctlon, i^pecinl faoiUtli a for adtancetl stn- denta. Term - on application for Kaeter .enalon^ Munar«r,A. C. BROCK,U King St W.TorontOi. iVninc Hartford & Vim Tires Heail office â€" • AilalaMe Mt. W . Torenlu r«ilU0| rWnOBâ€" aocnunt in h.l/. W,. olailZ WH huvii the bi.-t iiuii moat pruotigal t. aoe on earth. Fou mil a of It in uhs at th<> Rinert- menttil Fi\rm. tJni^lDh Ont. Send for prlcoa. Add I nan Tarcnto Plokat Wire renoo Oo SaiBlverSt. Toronto. Out. Nave Vou S««n It 1 1 1 Can You Oo It 1 1 1 1 The New 0. K. Puzzja 1 1 1 1 1 Themaitfaulnaaioi puttie of the dar, ifinuitwB#a HOW TO itEAcH KLUNQTKI avorywhore. Aiijnia wmitod. Hen! 20a Iraamille. t. MNNI, â- M Caniialaalaaers 5t., - Montreal, Qua. Bold, forut id Hybridsâ€" beat Queensl 1 upjillcs best quallly I i I Weed Faleni Prooeaa I ' Poundatioa. | ^ Wanted Ouhor WE HAVE NO AOKNTS. W* Mlldirscl al raolory pricea and dillver< d frnn MO iBi'na from Muuireal. uur 6 years K'larao- teeil 'flwinR mHobiiiaa with all at,taoiiit)nnt% NotbinK bafccev Smde. r Ice.^ •IS.H to 123.00. end fnrc)t<tl02iie. THI BAILBV aSnALOION 00.. MONTKBAI. Dominion Line Steamships. Montreal and Qnabeo lo Ltvnrpool In luramen Fortlaad to Liverpool in winter. l,.ursa aac faettntin anraw aieamahlpH 'Labrailpr ' 'Va» couver.' ' Uominloii,' 'Hcotainan,' ' Torkablrai Bunrrlor itocoinmodatton for Ffral Cabin. So* ond Cabin at:d Stuei'KKe paaeengore. Ratoa ol pa»«ii;»-irir«k Cabin, »50 ; f-acond Cabin, tMj t^teertife 921. &U nnd iipwatda 'iooordinif to ateaniiT and berth. For alMnfornmllon apnlj to Luoal A(eDie. or David Toh^ancc ft Co., Qen'I Aftanta. 17 Ht. Sacranirnt St.. Moatreal. HiBhMt Market Vahi* TA'D FOU RAW rURft and SKINSi •«••* WftXi Qinit.-igf ctab OoDilfforattoU waal«tl. K» pravpAld. Rlottdlke Mom* HOOOA&ina, l^lr Oo»t«, tlo^e* ftwl 3iM>w Hhoet ft iipc«ikitv« H. JONHtON, Wholaaola 40* St. Paul et. Msntmm,! "Do Yon See That Hump r Not on "The Page," it never haa eim, but on that dead wire fence. It v^-aa caused by an animal running in- to it. The amimal " didn't mean to." The (piuce "couldn't help it;" hut the hump la there and it is an eyesore to the owner. Ha looks across the road at his -neighbor's non-bumpable, nnti- sagaMe Page fence, and admits that elasticity "is in it" after all. Price list and illustrated printed matter on application to the local Fag* Fence dp.a,ler or to 1 PAGE Wi \mi MP ANY, Limited, WALKERVILLE, ONT. P. S. See our "ad" in next issue. Unmatchable , >. and always the .same, LUDBLeieA. Ceylon Tba will satisfy the most partitiular tea driiikers. ,,^^^^;Lead packages. -;•! 25, 40, 5© jinct 6oc. .e'

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