tmmm APRIL 6 1898 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE uviUit.'ioni:ifiiv\i[uvviti|it;iJ Vji^ iitigivvvwu viffiMuwWM>iiui^ . McTavish FLEBHEKTON KEEP5 ON HAND ...REPAIRS FkT MaKDey-Hurria, Noxon, Fleury and Wilkiiiaini farm ini|>lunieiitH. Kloury Hiid Verity pluwo on hand all the tiiiif, also all kiiid.i of repairh for tile saiiiH. Wh luanufacture Wagun*, liuggiKS, CutterB, Sleighs. «tc. I1i)r.<t'shoi-ini< promplly attendud to. SptfciHl aiieiili>ii) to teiidrr cc- trao'fd fuet. L<iu!{iiii; and Plow Chains constantly on hand. 3 a iJR^iJrtiuihlriiKnSrQOZhlJ'iKriKn^^ M, â- ist'^'e,^ .^'(. â- m. â- at- â- tie. -V/!. ^^ m, •s.Vt m- ^1/^ >!t/.. .^ttâ- ^«. .at. â- at. â- at. •.«'«• ^f/t- â- at, sit =*«? W '«? •>!? ^i? ^^^ Vi^ ^i? "?(? W W W* •siS" Wvi?^*?^? ^1? WW •*!? WW Biigtj'ios, Cttrts. WaRons, Harrows. Plows of the best liinila and repairs. Binders, Mowers, Horne hakfis ai)d Corn Kcnfflers and repairs. Cliaius of all kiiiJa. UorsesliooiDg % gpuoialty at II John H. Heard d Son's Warerooms jife v' Vg JiVe iV' jlfe-^lfc j^%:jf«; j!«; ^4 ^C{. ^f j, J to j W--^'«. itffe ij^ttr -att. -at. ^I«. Jl«. .8te AI& â- iV^ â- ^ v\U. Owen Sound, Ontario IS THE VERY BEST PLACE IN CANADA TO (iET A THOUOUOH I5LSINESS EDUCATION. Take a Round Trip sr^erL'srin^-'i â€" â€" ^- . CoUocoa Atxl Couiiiierciitl Dii|>artinf>iiti> in Caiiaua. then viait tliu Northern liimlness College ; oxauiine • VtirytliliiK tlurouKlily. If wo f»tJ to iirodun ttia iiKMt llioroutfli, completa, iirnctfcal and txtcn.'<lvu cjiirui) of study; tliu lient collei;. prs uiiuix anil Ilia bust and most cuiii|il>ta and u:mt siiita'jie fnriiltur* and apiiliiiiceBf w« wUl Kive you a full courau PRKK. For annual • nuouaoemault, (jiving full particulars, fre. A ddru.'ii C. A. FLEMING, Principal W. BARNH0U5E WisliPR t-i dmr (h« attention of tht< Puhl'.c til the followiii|{ : fiOm IN BAGS Of nil bizf« and as Cheap a^ the cheap out. Hpucidl UarKaii:8 in 3 and b Kami lutd. Fru/t and Confectionery Oyster in Season . . . Groceries and Provisions. Df)0 and COON MITTS and LEGfi- ISlj.S niiulti' to (irdcr and on Shortest Nitico. ' Photos ^1 â€"TAKEN â€"AT THE I Flesherton I Photograph I Gallery ^ are done in first-cla*s mylu and at X lowest ratea. Special Httentimi a uivpii til copyinc. Ilahies' photos. ^ a specialty. Pictures framed. I MRS. BULHER W "XF ^dP ^IP ^W "W "WJ" W '^ ^i" •iflt' W ^ Wn. DARNHOUSE, Flesherton Beaver Planing Mills EUGENIA W« i(i>inufiiftrtnrc> HAsli. tliore franmi), fl^or* Inf. httHH, fti'iMK. Joint nbcetinK. rer»ndRb lij»tftri>i1:i. \Vu liiivtriMi luintl n Iiirf^a stot.k of •tan- iu4-iii>i(;t. :,ti:ii \\\\. IuiikkV eoriutr hUtck». Imsu blot-kTi, uIbo nil tho Htaudiint bizennf fta^h %ii(l iU>oi-s on Uftfi ). Wtt ImvA a nrsb olAitii kllii tor d/vliiR uiubnr aid will r^turanton our <nat«riaU thnioor^My tiry. Klln-tlriod hnrrl wool i\iH)xU\\i A.wayn on hand, llriiif> yonv own luiiil)ur and liave it kiln '^riodmid plAiied lioie lieniHiiibur, yi>n rnnnorisk; wo willf^tiAt^niee «u mn-kii n. luirfoct job. Our uimIu i:hoiiptiit{ xi\i U in pvrfect ovderfhud innr<ltii'to hIi iw voii i U:it wj apin'uciato the vurv )*ra" tralu ttnit wu dn In thut lino we hiiva <lnci<lod to r«i>lti.*u tho piict^n of olioppInK graiut to 4o pnr Im^'. A AtHi clann blied fur your >«hinft f\hilo wulllnu. Wo grind ovory day, Mrs, A. Wilson, Prop. T. W. WILSON, MANAGER Winter Goods in Vogue at the Flesherton . , . HARNESS SHOP U3LL?, HLANKETS, SASKATCHEWAN and OOAT UOf.RS Wbipn, RuhlHir Kntin Russ. lined and unlini'd. Curry t'oniha and Bruikei. Cli^oloe : OoodLa Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac AnTonp sending a Bkcti'li ami (Uttcrlnti'm mir rutrkly iwt-«ruln our opiiilitn tree wliethpr an rnv«»uH»tn u prnl'nbly pntenliiMo. t'oninmiilra- tlona.trlctlyiHiMMdontlal. ll«n(lbi<ili on I'lilenta .«iil free. tlMttJit Htfenc-y for seciirtnir patonta. ritt(>rita takon ttinHii:ti Munii & Co. receive «p^<-l4it ruiflcr, wtthnut c lmrg e. In the Scientific JItncncdn. A ^inndnnnirtlT llhi^rftteil weekly. Xjirir«Bt clr- cti.ritlni) of fttiT wrtiMitlHo tournal. TorniB, |3 » Tonr: fonr inohthB, |L tiuld byull newsd«>Hlen. MUNN&Co."»«--'- New York UraBCh omcv. (S6 F Rt., Waabtngtoo, O- & Cash : for : Hides! Sheeprkina himI al! l>iii(!Hof fiiiH pur- chased, f.rr which lii^'liust market price will be paid. Hoineniailr saussKJU ua hand, alee oil kinds of iiicatii. M. WILSON PleBlicrtoii Meat Etnporiiuu iffi 4» rvaeonahU PricM. 8a:isfactiaa («ar»ute«d in rtpairing. mif' MOOHl'.- J. B. Sloan & Son Px*opx*iotoa:*s r^s- GET YOUR -ift^ Sasii, Doors, Flooring, Sheeting, Newel Posts, Balusters, Hand Railing, Corner Blocks, the best of Spruce Lalh.No.i and 2 Shingles Veranda and Fittings, Sidings, etc. iigrf ilU'iifcto ti All About Es:gs ,»o^ New ran of SionsH Ux ni*|>pi>g. ftkCiisrvction bt all i>«i h«u« giMuaklMi p. OUKN. BH0THKR8 & CO. The importance of the ei/g trndti is not aufflcitinily appreciated. Aiin-rican utiit- i^ticiann placa tlie total value of the ejkis produced in the Unitfd State* in e»cv;."»8 of ttuit of dairy prmiuct-i, , cotton, wheat, tile iiiiiierul uutjiut or other staple iuilus- tries of the country. The same m^iy bo Had of Canarla, although the iii>^utiirv ia here curried on without the detniied pub- licity wliicli characti-rizeu other braiicln-s (jf the trade. As an' article of foU, es pecinlly for workiiiK peopie, the use of eggs could with advaniag» be exteniteU. No othtr pr.'Ouci Call h« a« im-ip naive- ly ii'i quickly prepared for ihi- tsbl", while frw table pioduota are ca{iai>le of being Kcrved in Bucli a vaiieiy ul wuya, and nolle oiler mure nouriahmeni to the coiiouiner. Tht nihabiiants of the British lales ap- reciar.e more than .iiiy other peoide the value of eooa us food In ad.iliiouto the enuriiiiiUK consumption of duiuJMjj^ laid «>;gK, nearly «15.0tiO,ijOO is^i^t each year in puruiiasii.g torei.n auppliea. trance, B< l.iiiin and Ueiiiiiaik coninuuie niort! lliiin t«M- tliiros of thia lupply. the monies rectivedin the trade rvprrst-iit a gruatdeal tu the faruieia and peasania of thobe countries Altli.<ugh the coti- HuuiptioD of rgi^H in Caiiuua 18 capalde of vaat rxpHiiaioii, thei-- will always lie, a» there IS to d.iv, a surplus avaiUlilu for exportation. In ci>iiiputii>g for the ei^u trade uf the United Kio^rdoni it Ima al w.iyn to be borne in iiiiiid tliiit KCrupulotis ciire niid paiiiH must bo exeiciaed if the trade IS to succeed. A fast ntramship eervicu and cold »t(/riii{e carrying facilities will ilo iiiUcll to oS.'.el the adviinia(!U which Continental pioduceia have over Caiiailiaiis Hut Homelhing more is re- ((uiruil to win a uuod pi ce for Canadian cgiis ill Uritiah luarkL-ta. viz â€" tlie uioini- iiious eo-operaii .11 of producers, mer- chants and exporiera ill marketing the eggs lu the best po..silile condition, It In the little lhini>s that often make or uiiiiuke great iudwsines. We do not Intel, (1 t4i otter anv advice as to the best breedi of poultry, further than to say that faimera du not, aaa rule, look after their poultry with thai lote ligence ai>d ia Oestow.d on other live ttock of the farm. Etpirla tell us that by Kuleciiiii! only the best layers for bieid- era. and niatin>; them 10 .uitable pure breds, the aveiaje egg production of of wliole flocka has in a few years been raised fruiii 150 10 250 et'gs per ainiuin. In addition the si/,e of the eg^^a has been increa-ed, a very iiiipoiiunt item, as in the export trade it ii easeiitial that the -i.'i:s should nvemge 1| Ibi. per doiieD. When It is (akuii ioto ace miit that coui- peteiit authorities place the avciage yield it hells for a aensoii in the Province of Oniario at letia than 100 egi;s, it will bo readily acun how much is to be gained by P'lying mure attention to the hoiin<Ty. In tills ci>niieeti(.n it i.) interest ng to Hole that on Much 18th. wh.-n aconimit t e was in session consid' t itiga bill to aiiitndthe \Vt;i(;l-.t< »ii(l Meaaures Act, Mr. McMillan, of Huron, rave notice that when tlio bill caino tp MKain he would move inaniun.lmeiit that et;gs be sold li> MO'glit, and that tlie aaiiiluiil »i'i|;ht of a dozen eggs lie IJ lbs It la expected 'ha- il<e Bill will so< n ci me up again for jo'.isidi'ranion The loss in the value of e^ga offered in Toionto and olhur iiiark-ts through care- 1 hunitling, is eaoli juir consideralde. I lio slightest cratk reiideta the ifg value- less fir pickling or Cold »tornge purjioiea, toil when sold as ' checks ' or crucku<l ojgs, from two to three CKiits per do7.;.n less than standard pi ice.- tuns be accept e<l. Collected from the nests in a ha - liHzard «ay and currieil ovui rough roads t an ordinary basket, there is usually oin^'derable breakage before the eggs roach the Rtore, where they run the chaiiCtuif further losa by the handiini; of the merchant ur hi* jaBi::itan I a. Loss in this way is inevil:ible so long as pr<iper egg cnriiera are n it used. These ovg cisei can be purchased at a very nominal figure, siiy twonty-tivo cents for a thirty- dozen case, and by atrtful usage will last for years. " Ktcp the og,;a dean," is the advice whiidi every merchant would impress ujion the owners of poultry. An abundance of straw in the beu house is not a heavy ex- pense, and it is essential to a profitaUle market. If in s;iite of euro the egg.s should bocoinu dirty, thuit by no means wa»h lliom, im this process remove* a glutinous coverini; from tho shell and ini pairs their keepiii;; qualities. Wedn not pretend to be able U> pro- phesy as to the course of tbe w/, trade in Hr>at nritain'this uoniiog scskoh. It, h.j«ev»r, do9'i liiit rapiiro any prtipbdic 1 gvfttgtuHkvtt foii'iKiiit of la>(;« fece)t>i« and comparatively low values the se.taon through. The prospects are th.nt in the British Isles the production of egL'S will be laruer than eTer, while in addition to iheu.ual supplies from Fiance, Belgium atidDeiiiiiark, a phenomenal inoicnieni of eggs from new sources in Russia is predicted. Althouv;li these egK are in- ferior ti? those of Canada be shipped to Great Brit.-vin uiidei as ad- vatilageouscoiid tioi.s.they niu«t be count- ed as ei.tering into C'liipotition with our pioduct mid wilt, be;, oiul doubt, have ar adverse e!i'<i<t upon niaiket values. I^as!- jear, it w ill be reiiiembertd, the Ameii cans made a sutiicw at spirited bid fur the export tia>le, and it is estimated ihey Sent more than a tnillioii dozen eggs to (ire-ii Britain This year it ii reiwon aide t.i expect veiy large Mhipmeuts fii ni the United Stales, as last year'* opera tious Were 111 t e nature of an exp-'ii Hiin Egif dealers in that country hine siitiVred seiious losses for a Lumber o' seasons by the cold storage of e^g-, and now prefer to divert a portion of their HtocKs to British markets. Neither the Privincial nor tho Doniin ion ijoveriiiiieiit has provided ataliatics ac to the production of njsjfj in Canada, and it in impossible t<i compare, with accuracy the pradeiit siiuation with that of past years. t>tir goveruiiient agricultuiHl othcia s might render great service to the trade if they would ttiin the present or- ganization for the collection of fiirtii sta- tistics to sticure more complete and better claji>iifie*l returns as t'> poultry and pro- ducts. Our own o!«ervatio!)8 lead u.-< to ijeiieve ihut there will be material in crea»e in the output of eggs this year, and ottcriiigH are now much laiger than at the eaiue dale in previous years. M hat are the lessons to be drawn from the experiences of past seasons and the prispecta for the present season t In ad- dition to care, intelligence and p'ompt- ness III luarketiiig on the part uf pro- ducers and ineichaiita, eg'4s should be purchased at a rea.'-onable biisis of priceH, In the hiroe centres of production in the United States dealers are now I>nyiiig seven cents per duzen for eggs, and couiii on purchasiou the bulk of I heir supplies at six cents per dozen. The low price of corn in tho western Stati'S hus enabled poultry men to feed it with good results. The iiiieresis of producers and merchants in Canada will bo best cuoscrved l>y an alisoiice of exaggerated values at the ofieuing of the season, which must lead litter in the summer to a reaction and consequent deiuotalizatiuu uf the uiar- ke s. The following table will show ihe puces of eggs al New York and Toronto at the end of Match, during tho past .•ij;lit years : ISOl 1802 18113 1M)4 IBaO \fX t8i7 1^98 I'oronto ISc Mo 17c IBo ISc ICo lie Ilk; .New York i*\ Ui IH 14^ 15 11) 10^ lu fu^irtesj iSavti^ \,i'Cl;LLOUOH 4 TCUKa ^"' Ilunkara, UsrkdaU Do a ((unenil baiiainK buainsHS. Monoy lo«ai<.«1 at a reasonable tau. (Jail on us. A 8 VA^•DC»K^', j r ** Clork Sth DIv Cotnt, Co Orey !s,-uer of Slairinfjo Liceupea, <;onvevane .^otttry. 1 Bblio, Aimjioneer Mou<iv to luau Horn 5 to per cent. Charuos iji( fLEbHERTOW P O rVEBTS COLLECTED ^ The nuilcraisund ... ,., midert»lietheoolle«tuniof all kiu... of debi^ «0«e. buugUt. aaeounta coleoted, etc. U M IIENUESSUN, FloBbarton pri.i>ar#»d tf? I CHISLETT Flnshcrtot) Station PostmaetBr, t;o:iiiinBsimiei- in H C J, Convey- ancer. Lleeds, liiort«ni;B8, Ibafoii anil wil& Jrawn. Mf)i,..j to Itnil ut .^J per cent iind tii». wards. Debts eoliected. Cuoisbb niotierKVe. D J SPB()U!/B "• Poatniaettr, tluahorton oinuii vejf Keai uiortKn(i«j, Lissos an'l wills caiilallv il' up an valuatiiiUB luadiMHi iboit.-N " :.< tiS? .uoney to i.ihn a.\. loweht ratsa of ii.tniit Of. lecti„ii« iittuude.l to viiih {.icn l ecrA. i.!ra:K0H low. AsetU for (iceaii ioiriii.ieS^ .iteamaUip Company. A call aollclted . -" l-oatniaettr, t.uahorton oinuiis.'^iyiii-r in H, 'J. J , Aeclionror Cctir 'ejanc.-r, .â- *ypinii,tr afil »;i,l:ey ],ei oJl, leal hbtute Insurance .Agent Luia iiortKntjej, Lissos ant wills caulallv il'-aiA iWAKKIAGR LICENCEd-At CJovtmoienl « pricua DoSffni. or tlitiu ; New V.,rsi.,i, 1' iril; clahH : L'. K. anilJubiioe, For ainiiiu uer- pulisor»is at a tiui.). U. Mei.EA.1 PcBDy, laser a. Ewoenh. MISa 8AKAH BTKAIN. *•* TKiiihor on piano, pianoforte, orgaa, ot«i. IKldJ flrst cia-B tcsclieis' celtitlcato in music with honora from Alma Collutje ; pniill olProf. St. John Hyttunraiich of Copuiiliaifea Douiuark. lle.iiaeuoB cjipoaite Al.tlioUist uhuur.b Klesbertuo ^mt\m A O I W meets every flrnt suit third UoniVy "• in each mouth, in their ioiico rcriC (â- iristoe'a block, Kle>herton. at 8 p in. Jn- lllaiieley, WM ; A M Ciibaon,; tf Kellaray.Kiuancier. VisltiDr '<retbr«B iiiviuJ pitlNCB ABTHTB LODGB, No 3C3. i» ^ AM, uieelB in the .Masonic bn .,tia ;i'4 block. Klchhertou, averj hrtu" ^r <..- bu oi« thu full moon. K McUlll. U i. ; \« J JJellamy, Secretary. POCKT FLi;HHh,BTONTT'a~l-T"'i;-c,.»," In " ChnaiiH) » Mioek tbe last FriUaj evenli.a in each month. Visitius forestoia beatiil, wulcoiue. T. Henry, Ohiaf Hautjoi-, W. A. Aru/- atrouK, Secretary. ^twW^ns OR A E. LITTLE " Doutist, OraUuato t;niv«r»ity o» Toronto and BovaJ«o of Uental SuiKooiia. Flosheitoi. -Monday, Tuesday aud Wednes- day of each weuk each'woik"^''"'"'*^' *^''''** *"'' Saturday of Recently Mr H. F. Hoover, of North Bruce, left at the Times iiffice,Port Eigin, two or ihres samples of iho eggs of soaUes. When they were â- petied the young inake was fuutid to lie well ileveIoi,ed, aVi. ut six inches long, undt^uite natural hiokmg in cv. ry leHpocl. The ci;gs were found in a low, uiaishy piece of ground on the farm of Adam Maas. They won the Hrsi of the kind that many whe raw tlieu. iiadeer seen and were a study to an atuateur naturahst if there were any ol of uch. One day lately, when the river was lin- d with ice, a dog beti>nging to Mr. J R. McCtac fell into the water in the rear of the Cockliurn block, and was unable to get OU'. It HMatti up mid down the sticatn a lew tiinen, trying at diHennt phtces to get upon tho ice only to tall back a am lotii too water. At length a rescuer ap- p^roil upon the ice. It was a little dig Ol longing to the boy, Solomon Collins, who lit Well known ii> the village The dog se'^iiied to take in thu situ ition ai once, and going to the eiioe of the 'ce, it grabbed the siruij gliiig dog by the {back of the neck ano pulled hiin out. â€" t.,"aiopbelford Hur- ald. r I' IL^ttSHALL ~~" " M D 8, D D S, L D 8, Visits Flesherton tba lat aud Jrd Friday of each moQCh. 1 a CAMPBELL •" L D K, U D S, Dental Surgeon, Mai kdaU omcu over McCullouKh " 4 Youiiit'a bank Hom8-«.J0 a m to o p ni. Vi.its Kl,.Mi!;,t<-s t.iH seoond and fourth Thnraday of en«l> mouth. Oiacu at Uuiisbaw 8 hotel * D D 8, U D S, Dontlat of Toronto Uiol.l MedaliFt) will vinit Flehbeiton dm- !o» ibo ftrat Wedi,„Ed»y of uacl; m,,aS> 1 ud Uundalk the following day (Thuradav ) S'Sal |OHN W FKOBT, I, L B Karristtr, Solicitor .Conveyancer, eto cT:ic.t- N. xt to postofllce, SpreuU'a b!o<*. (•.â- •sliertoii. ev.. . SatnrJay aud court days. Pn-^LV^."" ."""!' 'â- '""• Frost's block SO ecuJett street east. UCAH & WKIGHT Owen Souuil, Out W H V\ KIGHT N lj--rloBliertou every Wednesday, Conveyanors, .te Usrkdalc, Ont 1 11 J.UCA.'* office, Mitchell's Dank, •*v«« Thousands mt Uveai. I^ut rears if* laeoh Dewttta, of IU7 Iihod, was dngfvd te th« Terg* of dsatk br dr*t4ftil heart Oisease. He was «lT«n *9 to die. Prom Tigoroot naDhood t kad foae te a htekea dCkpoadeat wrtok. Be DreooMd Dr. Araew'e Cor* tcr tb* Beert, aecd It MtMsM>, tii<t t»-itar welfht 218 iKitind.i, aad H««s to Mchk the 4»,v Um cr««t ri'medr wan fMnni:<>e(<d«il te btoK >< E«Uev«ji ki 30 utuet«>.^ FOk tal4 1'> W . ll.^liar-!.»lu rUCKtK A PATTEKSCN *â- Barrist'irs, holioltois, eto UoKou'a Dank, Uwcn Sonnd UAKEY O OEO W PATTtliSOK A Q. MACK AT. M. A. "• Barristers, Solicitors, Notary, Cos- ve.vaacor. etc. Ciowu Attorney for Grey. O.ocesâ€" ao Pculott street, Owen bound ; aad llaiu Btioot, Dunilalk, HaturiiavH troui S p. si. til '.. p. m., and 011 Divibluu Court uava. §UiUral DK IILTTON MDCM, MCP&8 Cnt, FricevfiJe. OlDoe next door to Brown's store : residcnse opposito ul the old poat ofDce, residence uf laS Alex Brown. Oflloedajsâ€" Tuesdays aud 8Ktar~ days. DR CABTKIl M CI> <& 8 Out, Phypician, Siirgeon, •»« FInshertou ofllco â€" Strain's block, Bosideneeâ€" UuuHhaw's Hotel. TOHN A SCOTT, M B Member College Pbyaio. ft Surffaelw , â- ~ roB% Ontario Graduate I11 Medioine of ToroB' I'uivorsity, FoIIowship Diploma, Poet Uradn ate Medical School and Hosiiital. 'Jbloi DlBiases of eye, ear, noes and throat specl trsLtod. BesideBoe, Maxwell, visits Vavusk* Tbursdya* Vâ€" » oaa». tlall^ ikaili Jp {^rrEWKUf Veterlnery Menses (4radi):itt) of Ontario VnUrluafy Itenido/ooâ€" SeooiiH floor eoith on wi' Uarv clrottt. This sttaata rtnt liORtil Frosbytsriau otaerali. cswaa. i«t tmi til.MtM 1