me: â- m " TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN." VOL Xvn, NO. 892 Flcsherton, Ont., Ttiursday, April 21, 1898 W. H. THURSTON, ^"VmU: PBtiPHIETOH GO. Euuenia. Fiom our own Corretpondtnt. Suiiar makiUK is about uver aiitl fanuers aru sefdinu, whilu tlie Caaudian crchestra is inuKii.u tliu swamps and woixllaiid ru- Hiiund with music. Mr. iSliian, who waa so severoly injurud at hid mill, is iiiiproviug. Mr. Latiiiifr ia liuving his reaideiice l^emernbcrtliese Prices and our store veneered *itii imck. Ho win the,, have « beaut, tul huMiu. Air. V\ III. Uetts has built a boulevard ^ along the fmnt of hia place, t,iakii„{ it one Tandeleur M:ii.£^£^I>i^IL.£: â- Hrlieri you require anyttiingr in ttie line of From Our Own CorreapondeiU Mr Hugh Glassfor is visiting friends in this neiuhborhdod. Mr. R. G. Warliiig took posseHsion of the farm he has rented near Maxwell laHt week. Mrs. Deviiis of Emery spent Easter wish her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wni, HutchiiiHoii. Mis. Shelton Knight of Chilliwack. B. , is vixitiiii; frieiirig in this viomity. Miss. Sarah .Inlinston of this place, who is teachin'.' school near Meaford, has been ^sacZy ^ J)lfad@ ^ (^lotMna^ Bugeuia, Mr V\ ill Blair of Tormto spent the Easter huliiluys visitiiiij his grnniiparencs, Mr. and Mis. Muldruiu. mr. Wilsuii has couimeiicud building the addition to the schooihouse. . I Ml. tjiiiiuns of Euphrasia has moved to taken advantage of them by placing in stock within the past ti^ ifu„»i„h farm. few weeks TwentV-five hundred («y25U0 ; dollars worth of Mr. Walker Sloan is erecting a fine ready-to-wear clothing. We believe we have the biggest dry kiln in connection wiih his tactory. joftho baiidm.mesB places iu or around ^gry m ,,ri,h tonsilitis, but is recovering. to Our recent improvements have given us the facihtics for doinp' a bigger and better basiness Mr. John Warliag has moved back his farm Miss Gilmy ia visitinz at her parental home for Eastiir holidays. room and and we've t Markdale and best clothing stock in this part of the country. We know our values are unequaled by any. Cent's Navy Sei-ye Suite, well triinmeu, S'>"d filters, serviceable for a knock about iSoit, only Gent'.s Tweed Suits, medium dark color. Fanners' Satin, good fitting, excel- lent value Cient's Tweiid Suits, S>ict{iie Coat, sirictly all wool, ueat pstterns, well triin- ineil aitu perfect Hitting for .... .... Qeiit's Tweed Suits, dark colors, fnniifrii' satin lined, a particularly nobby iSuit for fjent's Navy Serge Suits, double breasted, nice fine quality, a good all year round weiiror, hi .... Q«nt's Tweed Suiiti, very neat patterns, everythiuv; in the make up first class liuht or dark oJorsat Uent's Dark Twetnl Suiu, silk thread interwoven, decidedly dressy, wearing •^uiiliiies satisfHctoiy .... .. . Gent's 'I'weed Suits, 3 nice p-itterns, for medium priced, goods they have no coiiipetitorH anywhere Gent's Tweed Suits, pretty and neat patterns, e(|Ual to a low priced tailor- nmde suite .... .... • Gent's Scotch Tweed Suits, tit, sewing and liiiinu th« very best . _ . Gent's Scoich Tweed Suits, extra line material, tine twilled satin lining, ex- cellent titling .... Gent's Etii;iiHh Tweed Suits, 3 pretty lines to ohoese from, cannot be dis- tinguished fio,u a hue custom made suit for Oeat's Siioich Tweed Suit, very ueat pattern, dark oolois, will give the wear- er pertecti satisfaulioii Black Woi'si-ed Cuata and Vests, at almost any Price. rien's Tweed and Fine Black Worsted Pants E returned home on trip to the Pacitio was pleased to see «1 86 3 26 Tweed Pants at 86c, 90e, *1.00, 81.25, «1 35, $1.50, $1.60,. Woisled Pant.s at $1.60, $2.26, $2.50, 83.26 Mr. J. U. hogg Saturday from his 2<iast. Every one him home again. Mr. Robert Purvis has gone to Toronto on a viHiC to friends there' On Saiuiday evening last Mr. A. S. 4 «>6 Madill, W. M. of L O. L. No. 1118, . g, j with Bro. Walter Williams snd R. Purvis, I on behalf of the lodue prenented Mrs. 6 90 I John Armstrong with her deoeased bus- banu's certificate in a handiion,e frame. Mr. AriustruiiK was a very highly estuem- (j QQ I ed member of Eugenia lodge, and words failed them to express the sorrow they 6 76 I fell at t he I'iss of a much loved brother and of her lu!>s of so dev<ited a huntiand. Mrs. Armstrong was deeply affected on receivinij the presentation and from grief was unable to express her heartfelt thanks to the brcthern for their 'kindness to her, but said she would prize it as a loving lueiuiirial of her deac,i departed husband. Alarue number of Mrs. .Tohn Arm- strong's neighbors assembled on Thursday last with tlieir teams at her place and held a plowtnii bee. The men workitd with a will and a good day's work waa done. It was a pleasant duty. 6 96 7 86' 7 96 1 8 75 9 26 9 75 .1 75 3 45 Boys' Suits Sizes 31 to 35 Here arc six special prices : $3 26, $4.26, $4.65, $5.25, $5.50, $6 75. Boys' 2 Pieced Suits Beginning with the Sailor Suit at 95c. W« have them up to the very finest En'/ lisli Serge Suit at $6.25. From our oipn Correspotwfcnt School reopened on Monday with a good attendance and all the teachern on hand. Mr Jos. Parks of Dundalk is to teach th- Markdale band fhis year. Mr. Parks is a good leader hut we think ho is nearly discouraued alresdy. Thn first night nt pnictice it wa-< about half-past- nine before there was a large enouuh crowd to iru on with, but we expect " Joe " will a>j>m put that to an end. Mr, John Liiwson, employed in Ann- strong's mill, got his fingers too near the rip saw one day last week and got the end of his middle finger taken off. He is now feeding it on siilve and rags. llev. and Mrs. Bumphreys of Price- ville were in town last week. Mrs. and Miss MoFarland are visiting friends in Hamilton. Priceville .from our </«,•« Corrfipondtut Mr. W J. BInkuston received word last wet'k thst his brother, Sydney, had been injured by the falliiig of a bridge on the Crow's Nest railway, on April 7tli. Tho ctiucture, which contuined 3!l lients, was blown .low,, by -he wind while ^bo i pr^g.^ents opposition, they declare thai workmen were layin« on the Ht,i,.i.er8 at j j,,„ ^„,,^i,y ,„ 5,,,^ ,i„^„b ican party will a distance of 60 feet from the ground. 1 ^e . nd.m^'ered The 1 atest War New* The United States Senate Saturday niKh> pnssed a resolution differing entire- ly from I hat which passed the Bouse. ' It has voted to direct the President to drive Spain out of Cubs at once. It added to that a declaration of recngnition of the Republic ul Cuba ^tablished by the in su gents, A deadlock between the two Conuress- ional bodies is probable. The Bouse has put itself on record as opposed to sayinu what form of Koveri>,neut the Cubans shall have. Such a declaration is known •-o be otiii'ixious to the tho Presioent. Leaders declare that a compromise ia iin poHHiliIe, Tlioy believe that Conuros-i is at a orisiit in domestic politics laCher than of f< reign policy. If the Uousti yields, de»pite the Whenever any Alteration in Cloth- Eleven men hur., fo»r imve smce, _. • • J __„.,. 1.....^.^.,.^ Xi- A .,-s.-tr^ ^ die.l nud tho roinainiior are in the hoHiiil- ing IS required we nave it done »â- at Lethbndge. Aiberta. sidn.yBL 1 J. i1_„ £^~.^ _..p _T_ _ _„,^,. cRton, who was work iiiL' oil the liriilge at by our own tailor free oi onarge "• ill & Co. cston, wh< tl<e time, hsd his jaw bone broken by (he fall. He was hlfto badly nhak. n up, tut lie expi<ct8 to be able to resume work Hgaiii in throe weeks. i lie resolution, as the Senate made it, Went to the lower lirnnch Moiidny, In Spain a>'gur iigainst tho United I Sat' H IS increasing. Duiini; a ri<>t in ' Mn Hga Friday n\i\\t a mob attiickod the \ Lulled Stales CoiiHiil.ite,tore the nHtmnid I shio o from the "utside of the building, {(Irag^-d it through the streets and About one o'clock on Thursday morn- 1 tramped upon it. ing of last week, tho nisiden. e of Mr.! Spain bus been taking advantajjo of Jaiiie.s McDonnel was destroyed by fire, i J«l".> to send suppli. s it, large quantities : The liie started at tho chimney, and bo- â- t" Cwba and Porto Rico, a,id had been j fore it was discovered hud got beyond j *"i'<i"« "'K^t and day ou the tortilica- control Very little of the household , """s l>"ttinu in modern guns. 'elf. els were saved Thoro is some in j Conuress will pitts tho Army Organiza- I surnnco on the building and contents. , t ion tiill early this week, and tho Pre- ki tho wind was in tho north oast at the sideut will be empowered nt oticn to ' en- 'â- time, a continual stream of mmrks was list n" t'>o Naticnal Guardsinon in the oixriied to the roof of Mr. M. Reiley's country for service in Cuba. rosidonoo hut willing hands kept a streaui Troops from all paits of the couiitty of water pouring over the buildini! until are hurryifto to tlie points on tho Gulf all du'iger was piv^t. Mr. Reiloy very and south- coasts to which thoy have earnestly thanked the iniproniplu fire boon ordered. Supplies are being brigade for their valualdo services. gaiheiod from every direction, and ar- â- Wienndersigned having pmohasoil from Mr. ! , ' ^ . y,"Y'-,^',!^'f'-^^^l!i!!l\^V^ The teachers retwued to their respect- rangeinonts are being made to transport F, Muirtbat Mayi iiioont tboioiiuiibioci iioris - i is by fat the best aollarmeaicine JinowB , , , „ , ^i ^ . .. 1 o 1 ,11 i*lro boar, • MouiiUfii Sbeik." hi.s now tho ; â€"sold by"(haiEgi«t», one Dollar per box. ive Kchools last Saturday. the groster army when it shall bo called. ^^""i^^^T^vl^^l^^^Q:^.] No. 2 for sp«i«l c...^.o degree. The Rov. Mr. Mahan of Flesherton Plans are being made fo* every con- A. HOYIJ i «Jrongei--»o^ld by ^^ will occupy the pulpit of the Methodist that mny arise, and the army â€" I Ko. I, or No. », mailed 'oB receipt .i church next Sunday. oflicials will be askod iu a fow days to I yriM tad two .ycent .tampi. 1 Mr. Alex McLachbin of Michnian i. consider one that is to °oe uiTered by Th« 0«0k Company, visiting friends in this vicinity at preseut. General C*lixto Garcia, who is in aoin Farm for Sale Varni for sail] cbenp. 'JJ aoreB. well ifsterocl % luiliis uiibt uF tbiH village, Iciiowii ae tbe Fen intk (arui. Aiipiv to M. UichardROii, ssslRuee BOAR F OH SERVICE Cook's Cotton Root Compouod Is the only safe, reliabl. 'monthly medicine on which ladies can depead in th. fieur and time of need. Is prepared in two degreM of strength. No. 1 for ordinary ease. VILLAGiS PROPERTY FOR SALE I ^wk lotd iu tho Villafte of RnuauiajCimpriH- | but A Spectacle is not a Watch . . It is a device for [ireserving and ussisttig the .siglit It is a necessity and retjuire. careful tilting to obtiiin good results. Do you need snything of this sort .•â- .Ale yoi, not atruiiiiiig your cies to .'.void Wearing glasses ? Ifsoilicii you neeil our services, OURS liecause we Ht you sctomiticnlly, not merely by chance Wo ou, ar- range gliiM-e-H to suit your poeket liook '>y givinu the best lonseB in Si eel, (j.-r- niun Silvei-. Gold Filled or Sold Gold fr.imeK Over 200 [la'rs of glasses to clioose from. A Watch is some- times a Spectacle. especially so wlien it ia neitlecied and allowed to run till it stops. The ilust gathers, dries up the ojL and boinu of a gn'ty nature- wears im the jewels aid pivotK and dcHiroy.s their exactness of Ht nod also the time kuepini.' ipialities. The wslcb is spoiloil when a N,nHll oiiilay would have pre->erve<l it foryoais. Bring your repiiritig to us ; we will di> the work pro- perly and as reasonably a. piiHsible. Watches ox- ainitiid and reported oB free of charge. W. A. Armstrong JEWELLER and OPTICIAN IjlltlllUsoruB In tWiibmokH _.. ..„„.„„.,, •9 » IrsnieAMd a Iij)j huiiBu. Tbniu in a good Mflkr, oiouard, two bSiuH, oto. AuuVr to Siilil in Flesh.rlvs asd evsrywkart ||| ♦^-^^.i wand of the iiisergenta iu Kastern Csba, Colin Beston of Owen ^ound, who ha. for eo-opera'ing with United 8t*l« beon in Vancouver a week, fell uudas • aoldiwcat that end of tk« island, train •bd<li«d W the hospital,, 4, cortMpendeuk writing tr<M» MadiM •%*>*ia«>' s.\vs there will be no real war in the ordinary sense of the word. Hoxtilities will end almost ss soon as they b-gin, because Europe will mediate between the beligerents under Runditions which will tend to be extremely favoiably to pence with hfinor for both sides. It is then- t^at tlio ninrked moderation of the Spanish Government will bear fruit. Ti,e!>day morning's news was warlike. The Senate and House at ''Vashington have agreed on a resolution by wbich tho President is ordered by Congress to t»k» â- iciion to free Culm imd drivo Spain f,-(iin the Island. No time is slii.uliiied, but Mr. McKiiiley is reported to have said that the decree of Congrovm would be siuned by bin, within an hour after it was preseiitcd. That must mean iminediate hoMtilities. THE L.tTEST DBSPATCn Wishing'oii, April 19. â€" President Mo- Kiuley's nltimntuin to Spain, transmit- ting the demand by Congress that Cuba's oppressors tpiit the i.ilatid forth- witli will be cabled to Madrid to-night. Spain will refuse to yield. Then the I're- Kideiit will issue his proclniuaiion and hostilities will begin by Satuidiiy. Pre- sident McKinlcy will not roeoive the joint resolutions uniil shortly after noon. They will be signed promptly. Spain's refusal will leave open to tlin President no oonrso of aciioii, savo the use of the United States forces Otbuials at thti Spanish legation refuse t.11 cninmit them- selves to-day concerning the time of tlieir departure from Washington. It is said that tho house is now protected by an additlo,ial guard. Our farmers .thould note the following regarding hog laisiiig, which a|ip-aiud a few days ago. If they want tlio higliei'l pi ices they must supply theaiticlc tlml is most in demand : â€" " Too many think fat hogs are coming forward. Fiirmers will get better prices ond help tho trade if- tliey will give their hoits more exercivit- by lettinu' thorn out, instead of keepin)^ ihcm punned up. It is not fat but meat that (he English ttado reipiires, and, while inuny hogs are ju^t about tho right weight, they are too fat. This is cnused \f faedluf two mmJn Ka*in and ttei liU^jt \ .(' / ^ <. .r< â- ^^.