',^''i.tiJ*>4 •â- ** ;*•-';:.-. .ij, "'«^-.;,/. ykalrtrtmi Jl&lranti^ TSUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCiPLEb NOT MEN." ^. VOL. XVn, NO 804 Flesh-ertou, Ont., Thursday, May 5, 1898 W. H. THUBSTON, â- Tb'Ji* FBoraiSTOK » flesbertoo iitatioa Frot» Our Oirtt Corrrtpondent. . Mr. Tracry of Toronto Jui<ciii>n had bii hand badly siuaitbed at tbia Siaiiou Ihim WfdnrMlHy wliile coupling car*. Dr : &irrer wa» otUtMl up<>ii to Unsti* the baud.' ; Mr. Tracy weni ti the^4)iireii i><iuhd ha»- jpiial.in<< re uitifd Fiiday to hi; btxue. It is r«!p<irte<l 'Mm he will mit luse bis j tiKgeniiVi wxseiprc'rd. ! Mi^ Sa^aii Fer:^usii-i, who has hnsii ill I (oiia and three daughters, beiidea a large number of ^raadcbildreD and it-veral gnat f^iidcbildten to wuuni bis li>aa. Quite a nuoiber bars Sniabcd «e«<liii( last week Mrs. R. Douslna left for Kiajjara ti> at- taiid the funeral iif her brutbor-m law, ; Mr. J. H. Morreil Mr. and Mrs, Win. Ricbardsoa of Chatiwortb arrived here na Friday last Ci> ai leud the fuof rid nt the Iattttr'..i father, Mr. R. Wsriioff. TRUTHFUL ADVERTISING forsi'iu.- time, t'«k a relapne last week,' ^'^ T Dui<l«p baa built himself a new andai tlie preSfiit >iiue is very low. ' hi-ufte alreaily ibis i-pnng. Mi>s .It-Diii.? Melia reiuniad fi-our Tor- j "*'• 8- J- H'Wiea "Lso intends bnildioK onto IxaCwivK (<• wait oa her oiother, >a the suiumur. mid Mr. Ge<>(Si» Warlii.g * who has iMfU <«v ill with infl.tniBMtion. h»a 'he inateriai on the griund fi.r a new Newspaper .dvertis 114 so far at least as we a»e con- 1 j,^ ^ wimtaker. who b.» been iu. isi hiick wM-dence. corned, IS intended to give reliable int.utnation. That is .,„ the mei.d \ WcMdw»»rw:.-ived hrr».« FinUy ta-t why nothing is printed haphzard in these columas. Our Mrn. Tucker visited friends in Di<wi-««''*»^'' R'"^" L*^!":/.* f""â„¢" fe-"Jenf ©f statements are made with an accurate knowledf^'e of goods Wt w.ek. Uhi« i-l^c. h:.d rvcnved iiyari.-«at «>« arrd pricesâ€" the si nple storv of pfaiaf.ids told in plainest' Mr. c.,le»nd Boyd B»,.i«»-#^">>'*8 Jf-« P-«». •!•«»» resulted in his FnL»ii-h j l-wdiu^' f nun thin merk. idwlh^ U "",,, â- I I- c ..L..1J..' Mr. k. McAuleT hiis moved mto the I ^*'^''* y« *''* We never yet have known a bu^mess ^"-"^ *'^^'- ''"^ ""f ' m »e« m « »e, firm that did not Kometime make a mistake. ^I^ould this ever occur with us we a k as a favor that you acquaint us of it. Will cheerful- ly currect tt aa a sua waa 00a of th« uf tb<i la's Mr: reeva* u( hoiise Ut^ly vac-ii«l by Mr. Biokaw thist-wnslnp Ml. W. T.yl.T IS iiiovMi* into tljej ^*f David Grabaoi ia laid op with bouse vHc«ted hy Mr. McAuUy. ; P'e™™!- y Mr. si.d .Mrs. Burrooahs of Conn visit- Cottonade Pants Shoes 60 ixiir Men'« C>'tt"njide Paits, iiiado out of fie^t }Kiit<'tn8 .lud colors of 10 oz. giKK)». Tii'-S'* g'l'itls h*ve <-e«-ii r-gularty s.-Id at tt.UO i>«r pair hui our cl<-sriiig oui prii:e ouv:ht to tict y"U th;!ikina. Pi-r pair while tbev l.i^t ......... . . . . 68c Canned Apples 10 oases fresh pretwr^ed iVpplea 1 lia:li'ii caii.v, special e.-u.-h. . . . 15c 60 pair Lniiies' Gluve Grain Laced Slioe*, wiirran'ed so^d lea'her throughout, nxiled !<ole8,worthtl 1S| s|.i«cial |ier puir 60 pair Men's Heavy Plouuh Bu<'ts, i i{UAraiit«ed wlid ieathtr, belloua | â- oiiituei, a first ulaas weurt-r, special 932 j â€" eii Mr. H. TucWt-r Sunday i Rev Mr. Mahaii is lM>I<Ii^ prayer- I uieetiDg« eVf ry Wvdaesday rveninj in • the Orange Hall. j Rev. Mr Tlioia iaal^o holdiug oi>ttaee 90^ prayer Mi'et.iii.-8 every Tue->ibty evenin^r. i Enseoia. Kitnberley Fresh Prunes I Miplo Loif Bi*nd Hires a Bakiiin Powder that has c.tu rrci'iiiuieiid, in lb. Tins, eath fa«en teated â€" oue Fiom our mm CorreauotuienL Mr. and Mrs. Jos ph Slifrwood are : iBi'viotc tbia wet-k to their fiiiia on the gravel. All are sorry (hut they are lear. 5 lH).\es extra fine nualiiy Prunes, _ | lug Eugenia, as tliey were kind and sv«)ciar. bib*, for .... ^.....- 25c a^j„^i,i^ ^.^^^j^^, ^.^ ^^ ^^ W^tty massed. Howrwr. we siali them pro.s- ; peri'y and suoce^s in their new home. I The new addition to the school house ia . ^finished and prenents a Very creditable I appearance. j Mr. Will. Wilson baa improved his , bolide with a coat of white paiiit. While wo l.ave had aluiwst a uian-.p-ly of the tine tra<le iu these ifoo-is at 37«. | jj, ^ jj ij..^e„„^ (^, erec*ea a •llV 75c 85i- »5c *1 00. Silo, a.l selecu-d «•• d% prettily made, Uumlned , ; „ , u , . 7 , S^A^W.itlbse^tofBuUoua Wespeotaly luenti.m a line'placud m st.<k this >» »*»';^-l> '" '•""' "f his hand-me ^ ^ : new res.dcnce aud is having his bouse Thesi' aro made out of the very prettiest, f»i>cy touslins and Linens aewest piuuted, unking it aa pretty a plaoB as white cutis nnd clUrs, the swellest giH»i* in th« market. We challengb iheii e.iual j,,^ »(vund Kuaeuia. auywhere ..t 11.00 aud our jTice is ooly T5c ; j^^,^^^ __^ ^^^^^^ ^^.^^^ .^ ^^.^ ^^^^ Baking Powder Miplo Li if Biiind Hires a B wo c.tu rrci'iiiuieiid, in lb. Tins, eatl; Ladies' Shirt Waists 15e -ai*. Ladies' Parasols P^!"^^ 480 Paratols, every one imported direct ! y '11. We pi>sitively guarun-' tec you a saving of ai leiwt 30%, al- mt«t all kinos of pretty bandies, s^eel or wood rotia, from $^.95 down 10...... ......... ..... 780 viinU, 32-inch Prints, color* : wairaiiii-d fast, very pretty psttvias, I worth 10c and lie per yard, special 'at i j 500 yanis, heavy, Giu'Iish Print, a ' splenrtid ranite of patierus, worth 26c 9Jc, special per yard S^<: A Word or two about Wool 1. ity and ibe country is now i(«tttng beau- tiful in its garb of leree^ and various colored fiowuro. W« are sorry to hear that Mr. Sloan ia still in a [.recaiious condition. B> rnâ€" AlS;iIeiu fariu, on April 88, to Mr. and Mrs. Wiu. Pe«ilar, adaughter. Urs. Baniierman (jf Staynur is the guest of Mr«, Mclvin. Mrs. Knitfht of British Columtna ia visiting at Mr. Robert Graham's of the V:ilWy. Miss Smith of Flesherton ia visiting from our uif» VarrtxpuHdtmt The followers of Isaac Walton «ere out < in fuU force uu Monday. A uuat^er of yi.ong uiea frviu Mertford caiMu in the eary aioininj and " laitb jiauetit au^le trlle<rthe finay deep " Mlvj A. McKeiisie is the guont of Mrs. Pr"«tor this week Mrs. Baker of Bay View has arrrveU in town. ., One day last week while Mr. Scuit was dminv to MaikJa e with a span of colts tile latter t>>ok fri(;b* and raa away, bretkiii'4 the tougae of the democrat Mi»< Ethel w<s thrown uudenhe horses' feet but WM not severely hurt. Mr. 8 came oil' " Scott free." Mr. McOowau uf Oakville spent a few da> a with his son, Mr. J. UcGuwau, of this placsi Mr. aud Mia. T. Kelts uf Taudeleur gpt-nt Suiid.<y with their daiuihter, Mia. A. Myles of 8prui;;bruok Farm. ' Miss M. Thurston nturned oa Satur- day from au extended visit with friends in Pricev:lle und Fiesberton. ^Ir V. KeAter of the Markd.ile Stand- ard and Mr. W. B. Thurston of The Ad- vance -vere i^Qe^^ at the Travell^^rs' Uorav < on Sund.-»y las'. Tliis season wo are prepared to purchase 50,000 lbs. of Wool. We did a l>ig , husineM a yoir avo in this puriicuUr ar'i. le imd he'ievoour cU.itoin.rs >rere very ! her sister, Mrs. WutL-liaw well aatisliud. We iutwnd r.s a.*utl to pay the. very hiiihest CASH PUlCEsi wbile i Miss .McKee of Portlaw Fpent the past tho.<<e who may wish to trade theirs will tind our store atul atoclt secoiKl to none iu ' week with her "randmotber Mra Ped.'ar Grey County. tS" SAMPLBS OF GOODS SENT ON .\PPUCATION -«V F.T.Hiil&Co. Yandflcar Karni tar sale ch«at>. 91 acres. w«ll watsred 2> oi'los oaat of ttit^ villafls, kuowb as >h« Pod wick (artu. Api>iy to H. KicbariUoD, assbtcsw BOARFO^ SERVICT The uiiitotsiiitte^ tnviug putchaso^l from Mr. r Jinirtt.al »a«- illccDM-horougtil > (.horoiij;)ibr9>l Hork- r •kiiebcir," N.ouiit«fn Sheik." bfcs Bow tttB I Butter aamr for >»rvlco i.n int IM. K. T., & a B An«. r ~ \ ai«sia. Tonus St. I'cihgroe ou api^lirati'^n. .V. 1 lilt) VILLiGS PROPERTY FOR SALE Jark lots hi tho Vi)I«8oof T':iiin<»ia,co3>Di-is~ iiei»oro»l!H.w.il.ii..cks. dii thnas ar»«out~ lUar. oi-cbard, two l.aru-. %â- . .\ppl» to The Markers. Frod* OurOtPM Corrrtpotvitiii I Another pioneer of Arteinesin is i.-ono. \ Mr. Rtibert Warliuir, on«» of the first : settlers of this plaoe, paaited away tist \ Weilnesday night at the ie.xidence of bis ' son, "'•iHit^e He was a^ouad as n»tial ' the d:iy before and relin-d to bed at his u.siial time. His son, (leorve, or, xoiiiK I to his hetlioom the next nioroinv fi-ond that be h.nd quietly )-a.ised away during the night. Mr. Warlinu was a native of Stoac's Settleneat From Chv UM»t Car rm ffOHdent The Bne, cool weather of i:h>' past week bos been nti>st favwrvble to farmers. A few more ^ys of line weather will 6nish seetlii'ir. Wha' little fa^i wheat there is ill this section looks wU at present, with prospects of an average crop. Miss S , principal of :be Irish Lake academy, iii the i osKeesor of what appears to be a new spinning wheL-K Judifiiig by the lU'inner iti which she was observed to Hiiin along the rod laot Friday evening "we would .say tlie i* as exoert as well as a sraccful n<<er..f the rubber tire. Mrs. .Joht. MiLeodre'umo't hnme last week from Essa, when- she had been at- teudinic ehe funeral of tier brother. Mr. John VI.L>'in i»f Du'nth is visi'tng old frioiids and it-i.'hlxirs in t.he-»e parts a' pieaeiit. Ho is the guest of Mr. aud Mrs. Jo'in McLo-hL Miss Susie Gee Rjient i day last week but A Spectacle is not a Watch . . Ii is a device for preserving and aasistii-g the sight It ia a aecwsity aud ttM^niraa careful fitting Im oiitai* iCK^i ret-tt'ts. Do ju>«i Deed anything of this Sort f Are you not straining your eye* to avoi4 wearing i^nsaes 7 Ifaothen yi-o B«e<l our servieea, OURii hecaoaa we lit y<>a scieniifically. not merely by chance We can ar- raoge glasses to suit your p<H-ker b>itik Sy giviuit th« beat lenses m Steel, G^r- mna Silver. G"Id Filleil or Sold Gold fmines" Oe* SOO pars af glanawi ti» •li<i<)St! from, . A Watch is some- times a Spectacle. •specially •â- whaa It ia nextecetl and allowed t« run till it Slope. The doat fptttirrs, driea op the oil aod. beiiM! uf â- gn^ty natuni wears on the jewels aid * pilots and deaimys their •â- •ctoeHB <tf' fit Slid also ttie time keeiiMi'.' qualities. The watch IK spoile<l wheik kran.dl oailay would bav« prer«rved it ijg yea 8. Briiijj your repairing to as ; wi- will do th« w.irk pr>»- V perlyand a» reaaoilHbly a* p- aaible. Watches ex- Binitird and reporisd oa free of change. W. A. Armstrong JEWELLER and OPTICIAN gond health for one of her aea. Th« old ladyatill does her own h<jaMhot4 w<>rk« besides attcodiu'.; to her little iM'den. We hope that a nuui'>er of years of good health and happiness may be added t* her long life. _^ a.^ . a^ East Qrey Tbs License coiamiasioiutrs for Centre ijrey met at Boyd's bott-l, Rocklyo, on the 2ist lust., and granted tavern Iiceuss* to th« following tweuly-fefaree hotel kisp^ ers m this Riiiing : â€" ^^ ArteioQsia â€" .^amn MulMhaw, Fleehdi^ ton; Arch. Buttor.Priceville;..l'>.«. Cairns, FIe«herioD Station ; Gen. W. Hawk, FleehertoD Station ; Peter Muuabav, Eitaienia ; Patrick Bolger, Pricevil e. UuHand â€" Eludi» Banbury, Walters Falls ; Joan Campbi-Il, Chntswurth; Geo. Leitoli, Hulliut't Cetitre ; Dennis Sween- ey, Berkley; Allan McDi'Ugald, Wdliam*' fotd. Sullivan â€" John Mathewson, Chats- worth ;A. F. Shumacher, Dwaboro. Markdaleâ€" J £. .Marsh, .\adrew Fog^ arty, Jas. Kelly. T!)Bptey â€" Kdwarti Bbickstoek, S ng- bainpion ; O. R. Gla&sford, Maxwel ; John Cobeaii, Bidgeros. Tbornl>uryâ€" Tlioiuss Low, Lsah l.«nacs. C lltniiwoodâ€" Mia. S. Muller, Chirk». b»tu Supltrssiik-^os. N. Boyd, Rocklyn. - Mr. Th'is. J:»c'ii8on, near G dt, who i.ss breeder of 6no Lricenter sheep, baa « laiati that weisihol .tt birl'.j IGJ (>oU' >'a. Mild when two weeks oUl lipped ilieocale.^ at tb»t;iest wciijht of ^S pounds. €arerullv Corrected Each Wee* Following are the market mioUiiotis Ireland and came to Canada whrn a among frieinU on thia lin*. We wer«i Joseph Bailny. a farmer residin!, n presi-nt week, young man, living for some time in the glad to see you, Sus'e, but t<<Try that you Beminek Township, was killed Saturo y "BdneHday: j,,^, ,|,i|, „f j^,,,^. Leaving there in C'l'd nt remain longer. Come ogain. j night by ahorse he »iv» driving ru'»ii « Flour ;J4 70 to $6 I'** 1856, he settled on the farm on which l>e i Me-»srs. B. Stone and K. Piinly, who for Kleshertou for the C'lrrtctod up to 10 3.) of Oats... Wheat, whits. . Wheat, red . . Bnrloy . Peas Eifus, fioah . . . . Po!.-»to«a bag Pork ... U;»y per ton . *, . . Hides ....... ,.-,•, Sheepskins GtSeso Turkeys Chickens per pair.. Ducks per pair. . . . Wool 31 5H) to 94 10 80 to 61 o 14 to !> -o 50 to 500 to <\00 to 7 00 to 25 t^ 6 to » to SO to 40 to 17 t* died At the time of his doalh he was loft these parts some weeks asjo to K-tter inhis80<h year. Ia pontics he • «ay and throwing him out of Win, r :f^ He was a m»i> about 40 yeai-» of aips. H.is son, who w.vi with him, jumped cut <if WAS a their fortui^o^ ill the Northwest, are em- the rig and broke his lee g5 iife-loug r*n.sorv,-,tivo, aiKl in teliaioi a ployed « the vicinitv of Bat Portage st , Tir»-d of bfe, Gilb-r. Mallov bung h « - C8 Methoilist. He h.is gono from amoMirst very fair wn^ea. Tl> ^y find that f.inni'.g^ ^.]f i„ ^ swamp ne«r HilUburg «o I'ri. sy 15 uslike a rii'esho.'jf r*aJv f.ir the Iiarvest, in that part of the i>r«>viiice is very differ- moniim;. Jii.stas the grey dawn wa^i ^ .'xi.d no one who k;i«w liim has any ro- ent from wlat if is here. Ronnie thinks â- 'creaking, he slippel out of the boiis^tp^' - ^2 gret that he has liv«l vi itli us. He l.as that to harrow forty a.«res a day is a tall V"^ ly-" ""y **» *^!-* '«"'; ««' » ^'P^ *M - 0«o" , 1.1VU ..••ni... , IP Iv't sn h.'ur his bi^ly was hiui- iir 6 00 gone t" his rewaid, a-jd may his memory d.-»v s work. Well, so it is, Ben, b.it ya j^oni a swauip tree." The dwieas.-d a- 7 00 Umg rvmain green iu the aflfection of all are a nrotty tall f«llo-,v, nad y u ire g.ni4 well liked by the vtlhwors. He w«s w^H 60 who knew him. The funeial took place t>r it every time. j to do. tvnd no one appear* to ond<rst«i,B I I on Saturday to Meafoni R...^ cemetery Notwitb.^amlin, the four scoro.od five reij..irJr;;l. f fannly. ''Thl^y ^ 30 a..d was attcnled by a fcry large number ye^s that has p.«scd over the head of not fminJ till Saturdav aftemooi. at « 60 of neighbors am! »ymt»ai hiz-ug friends. Mrs. William Sti>ne, we »n> Bl:>d to 5tate o'clock. U was iocate^i by a se*iij;;i«<i{ SO The licccased leaves behind him f.-ur |bst she yet e»}«ys a Mlerabie sbar* of patty.â€" Grand V.'O'ey Star, ,V- ^ '-n: i^^ ..^â- •aJT •^^-