SPRING SMILES. Old Grabber ought to b« .sat isned with the money he haa. H« ia satisfiedâ€" •o much 30 that h« wants a lot more of exactly th« Siime kind. Proud Fatherâ€" My daughter ttrikes B and In reaching Cor C. Friendâ€" Ob, but you can't really cum{>lain until abe begin's to strike you for V's and teach tor X's. The Judge â€" You muat stop these in- terruptions! I wcm't allow you to waete the time oC the court ! The" Pris- onerâ€"But, jedge, yo' know I <ioue hab got no lawyer ter do It fer me. Dollie â€" He promised to send Ijack my lock of hair, l)ut he Iktsn't don;' it yet. Mollie â€" That's the way with these hair reatorersâ€" all promise and no perform- ance. How is the young king getting on in bid studies ? inquired one memlier (jf the Spaniiih oaiiinet. Well, replied the other, he doesn't seem to have nearly a« much trouble with geography as we bave. What are you crying for, Bobbie ! Boo-hoo â€" Wiiiie'a broke his arm, an if I litik him all the fellers will say I'm a coward. Why don't" you wait till he's â- well/ Boo-hooâ€" i â€" leant lick him then. Victiia of hiird lurk, of course? ask- ed the sarcastic citizen, in every shape 'an form, answered Ui^iual Dawson. iW'y, my friend. I never git out of jail (but what the weiither turnd cold er {begins to rain. Beef is likely to be very dear, said j the young husljand to his inexperi- enced wife. Never mind, love, replied the latter, whose housekeeping ciperi- enc-e ifi nil. Never mind; we'll live on ' porterhouse steak. | Yal»leyâ€" Tou look as if you muat luvve had a good time last niifbt f JMAinlgeâ€" I hoje not. You hope not I ; WSiiy ? Because if 1 did il w ajs wasted. I don't recollect a, tiring al-vui what â- ort of a time t bad. VVlat was your first thought ? she askefl, as slie seated herself beside his cot. after you realized that you had lost your foot ? H» replieKl : I thought Canada's Greatest Medicine la the Best Spring Medicine. That Hood's Sarsaparilla is Canada's Greatest Medicine is i)roved by its great curesâ€" perfect, permanent, mar- velous and well pigh miraulousâ€" aft- er ail other mudi'iaes have failed. fhat Hood's Sarsaparilla is the besB spring medieiae is proved by its oa- stantly manifested jjower to purify, en- rich and vita ize the blood. rhal you naed to t»ke Hood's Sar- aararilla now anil that it will do youi wonderful good is proved by the im piure coniiition of your blood in spriuif, and the eijjerience of the great ma.=is of the Canadian people who buy Hood's BarsapariUa and take it for all forma of impure blrwd and find that it ab- aoluti'ly and peruianently cures dis- ease and gives good health. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is Can»da'9 OreaCut Medicine. $1 ; six for %b. Prepared only by C.I. Hood ScCciowell, Maae. Hr»nH'« Pi lie act easily, promptly and IIUUU d r"«»o)r«ctlvely. io oenU. ' THE nrCH (.^NCLE. He (desperately)â€" Tell me the truth. Ib it not my poverty that stands be- tween OB ? Slie (sadly)- T-e-fl. He (with a ray ot hope)â€" I admit that I lun itoor. and so, unfortunateiy, is my father; but I have an aged uncie wlio i,s very rich, and a bachelor. He is an invalid and cannot long survive. She (deliglttediy) â€" How kind and tl^oughtful you are I Will you intro- duce me tot him ? CoU Wm Found In the discovery of .so wonderful a remedy as Nerviliue â€" nerve-p«in cure No remedy in the" luarket affords aui^h prompt relief for toothache neuralgia, ajid rheumatism. Its aciii'n in cr;:mps. colic, etc., is simply marvellous. •THEIR DRHADFUL PATB, 1 -often wonder, said Miss Sprocket, '.vhat become of the popular iongs. Th'y are so soon forgotten. Tliey m<'e* with a dreadful fate, re- plied Mr. 'Spokes. Ho.v is that ? Everybody umrifers them. efmns Hartford & Vim Tires FnEE I a sample packet of delicious MONSOON I â- W â- INOO-CEYLOIN TEA, I wliioe «nt ^o any artirca-. lirop a uo t card I THB iI<)N800>{ TEA CO . i 7 Walltngton 8t. W,. Toronto. { \A/IHn ""-'^-^tce;. Galvanized, Roller 1 yy •"•* uil Ball Be»rlogx Iron Pnmpi. i I • • -p irei-i. Had Grain Grinden. Gould, Wan ay A Mulr 0*.. Umltad, Iraiitfent, OanadaT MIXED FARxMING BEST. Hcati OlEc*â€" 5 .\.iriiiui. ,Hi, W , Toronto. well, this is a fine fix to be in; now CfttJCH'ETIXa TERAIS. For the benefit of those who may not understand the terms used in cro- cheting we gi7e the following : Chain (ch.) ; A straight series of i looi>8, each drawn with the hook i through the one preceding it. S!ip- j stitch (sl-sti : Drop the stitch on hook, I put hook through work, take up drop- ped stitch and draw through. This is used only as a close joining stitch, or for working along a ciiain. dingle cro- chet (8c) : Hook through work, take up thread and draw through work and stitch on hook at samei time. Double crochet (dc) : Hook through work and draw thread through, then take up thread and draw through two stitch- es on the hook. Treble crochet (tc) : Over, draw thread through work, milk- ing three stitches on hook, over, draw through two, over draw through re- maining two. Short treble crochet, or ril not be able to ride the bike any I 1"*'^ ,""*'''* crochet (.stc or htc): Like re. . trel^'e. inpret. drawing through all three -^ . ,. I, • , < I stitches at once. Double treble cro- LKKk-'ies, you «ee. I m in no end of { ^tet (dtc) : Thread over twice, pro- ft fix. I would, never have proposed, if; ceed as in treble crochet, working off I'd had the least iden thit she would' two stitches at a time. Picot (p» : A loop •ccej>t me, but she did. Jack- We, v ^ °L'^^'"°/ ^^''^"'^ ^^ catching in first prtDi)OBe again, as if you had forgotten. , *'"<^Ji o^ cnain. Thai ought ^o make her angry enough { m to refuse you. Did you know, said Miss Cayenne. tb»t the ^'oung man who was trying to propose to yuu writes poetry I On Bpritig? Yes. Well, he ought to be in symjathy with his subject. He in cer- tainly very b^kward. j ___ W1;ftt Is that terrible noise oTprbeadf I l^ncle, a lawyerâ€" Well, my boy, I'm asked »fce staj-tled youth as th' clock â- ""â- y ^° ^^^^ ^^'*^ .>">" are studying struck li. I tjujught; you had l5«en in the navv t answered the lu.iiden und- Cansuta's Col<f«n Heritage Does not c()a.-i.>l iu mines alone. Put- nam's t'ainlejji Corn £xiractor is ti K«on. l! goes right to the root of the trouble and acts quickly add painless- ly. Beware of Suteiitutes. er liier breath. .*:) I have. And don't un- derstan>l tl.it ^ui.>ie ? No. Well, that's papa riearing for action. * j First Sea Sen »'ntâ€" Say, It looks its if we were going to have a pretty dull j ilme along the coast this summen ' Second ditto dittoâ€" You may have ^ dull lime, but ! expect to scam tuore {people tl.ajtt pver. How are you going • to work it ' I'm going to tiei a yellow | 8i»nieh flag po the tip of my t.'til. j law. 1 can't .see any way that a young lawyer can make monpy now. >iephe%v â€" Where there's a will, there's awav. Those HerrM Pimples Will disiippear afier taking a few- doses of t'elei-y King. .The trial of :i. 25 c-eiit |-ackrige will convince you of the tiuth of this statement. Xo family can afford (o l« without Celery King, as by kee|>ing the system in perfect condition it saves many a doi'tor bill. One month's treatment for 15 cenl.s. Sold by oil druggists or Moodward Med. Co.. Toronto. Can. She â€" Julie and Joe are engaged, but they have decided to keep their en- gagement a secret; Julie told me so. Heâ€" Yes, I know it ; Joe told me. TO CURE A CULD IN ONE DAY. Tkke L«xntiv« Bruuit) <jiliniD« TahtvU. Ail Drug- ti»t6 refund the money if it faili to Cure. IVl VEGErAULKS AS M>;DICINt;. Ilie villus of green food as a pre- servation of health cannot be overes- timated. Nature provides her own remedies, aaid many of her common ve- getables are actually medicinal. The French call spinach "le balai d'esto- ,. •. j t 1 . ^ , , r ,. , I hxcited Ladv. at telephoneâ€" I want mac-, "broom of the stomach." French ^^. hus,>«„rt. pjeose at once. Voice, froiu physicians have for years prescribed it, ^^^^ „ch«nge.-Number. ple^.se f Excii- for patients with indigestion, and there I ej I.ady, snappishlyâ€" Only the fourth, is a French proverb to the effect that ! you Impudent thing. a dish of spinach is equal to a liver' pill. A leading English medical twuthority sdTises lettuce sa'ad as a cure for sleeplessness, recommending that lem- on juice be substituted for vinegar in the plain dressing in cases of dyspepsia. For years the women ot Withers- | ee*'"'-'' to run very well for a (Uiy and field, Coiin., were fauunis for the if ; a luilf. and then it will noit g« at all. Use Vapors of Quiekcure for Throat Troubles. A Woman's Watch.â€" Miss HiltH)rn -It beautiful complexionsâ€" a beauty which aas ascribed to the onions they ate, Withersfield being noted for its trade in those bulbs. Fifty years ago the firl who wished to clearn her skin »as told to eat a large raw onion with salt before goiug to bed at night. Onions »re a well-known preventive of scur- /y. and no ship bound for Arctic reg- .ons fails to in'lude plenty of them am- »ng her stores. Spring onions are oeat of all, and stewed in cream or iliced raw in vinegar will b« found an ixcellent aid to the digestion. Who- iver discovers a means of deodorizing the onion will be a public benefactor. Dandelion salad is a good diuretic, and the good wives do^vn south es- teem it a duty to feed their families on turnip tops in early spring in order to imrify and streuKtlien the blood. The value of celery is well known as a nervine, though its excessive use is iinjurlous in some disea.se8. Airs. Rorer t^ntreats housekeepers wherever il is I'ossible, as it is always In cities, to have at least on- green vegetable for dijini'r every day "for the stomach's sake." Baked ai^ples an<l stewed prunes also take rank with pleasant medicines, and at this season of the year, when fresh fruits are acosllyluxury.it is n com- forting reflection to the ordinary liioueewife that they are really more vkholesome for her faimily. Said a famous jihyslcian once to the writer: "The old women with their herb cures are often wiser than we doc- tors, end most of the succsssful pal- tnt medicines a,re founded on their kaovt'ledge." Watchmakerâ€" Yes ; wwund occasionally. it should be HoWs Tliiii f W» offtr One Hundied Do'lars Reward for «jlT OHM of ( atarrh that cannot he eand by **'''i^.rCUKNKV icCO., Prop. . Toledo. C. We the uni1«r»igoert. havo known F. J. I'heney tor the l&at IS reore, and Ooliere hjni iierfectli honcrtthl* in all liu»lnir«8 IniDnociionf uad nu^Dol»il.v nble tocniry out *ny obligBtiou* m»*;e bT tl»«»ir Arm „ , , \Vk»t* Truat. Wholesale DriggUt!. Toledo, (>. tVAtniNu. K-.NSiN k M.ntviN. Wholesale ri'rug«i»M, Toledo. Ohio, Hall'i Catarrh Lnr» h taken intornally. uot- inc directly uu-on the b'ood and mUTOiis ijur; facet of the system. Price 7.1.' per lottlel Sold bj »'l l)ni«Sl»t» Te»tinionlals free. Hall's Family PIUb are til»» b«iU EFFECTIVE COCNTERFKITIXU. First Ice Magnate, excitedlyâ€" I hear that a cheap substitute for ice has ueen invented. Second Ice Magnate â€" You don't- say sol First Ice Magnate â€" I don't know h«>w- much there may V« in it. but the projectors claim It will lileave a wet 3iw>t on a back doorstep exactly liko that left by a chunk of ice melting, and at halt the cost. HER PlCTtJRR Heâ€" As long as I have known vou.you have never sri^cn me a real good pi-- ture of yourself. ;>heâ€" Why, Harry. I gave you a pht»- togi-a;.h only last -spring that every tne said was beautiful. Yea, so it r\ as. Vaporize Quickcure for Cold in the Head. AX. APOSTATE. Itrs. Goorlfiouilâ€" 1 am told that some of the t.'ersous who are tramping are thoughlfu' and religious men. Are yott a criterion ? Seldom Fe<ld (at a venture)â€" Yes'm; I usetl to be an EpiscoixLl ia n . but .seem de error of me ways an' changed over. ______ HT P C9IT ' With favorable weather, wise mnn- ageuient and a g< o.i raurket tie sr*ri- al'y farmer sometimes makes a grand sboit-ing. However, mjxe.l httsc-and- y is safer, and in t.he long run will usually give best re.^ults. Where a variety of domestic animals are kept. Page fence will be found nor only a luxury bu- almost an necessity. Farm artyles at from 45 to ti5 <'enls per rod. s:end tor iiluelrated advartising mat- Ur. 1 PJG[ llffi fl[ Cflf SNl Limited, W.'XLKERVILLE, ON'T. V^.â€"Seo our "ad ' m next iasus. McBtr-.i ttni! fAst M couver,' ' Dumixil Supsrior acoommJS. ond Cabin j»iid Sf oer DBJiiaae-ririit Cauiortft |3t ; i' eenat Ki '.'J and apw tteamer and berth. For all inferml to Ixcal Atcenta, or Uayid Toaa.- Gen'I A«ent*l7 St.aacnunent at. v.'j CANADA PERMANENT i^Jj SAVINGS MMP/^^F Subscribed Capital f^ J^ Paid-up Capital >,aoo,,4V *••••* 11.400,000 HzAD Officbâ€" TORONTO ST.. TOttONTO Branch Offlcoâ€" WmNu-so, Xmm., ahd â- Vascjctm, B.C The unple resources uf ihis Csmoany .^nabis Its Direct .rs to make advinceeor. Real Kslata. wittiont dejay, n low rates at intereit, »nd oa tne moat favoia-le termp of repawn, nt. Loans pa ted on Improved Farms and on i'rodnoUvs Town and Cily Properties. Moj-Waaes and' Unnlcical Debenmrea Purcb^ aed. Applications will be received at the offlces at the campaoT. J. HERBERT MAaON, M aaaging Difector, Toronto. EttabllFfaed 33 3teamert avsreftadiia ALLAN LINE Royiil M\ SteaiDshii> Co., Montreal to Liverpool. 3i««mers sail from Montreal every 3atard»f morning on arrival of traiiu from Toronto ana the West abotitSo'c'ocit. KATKB OF PASSAGX Cabin tei.X and jpw.irdi. : Sscond CaMa %U and and %S6.3i : ijKterage to Liverpool, London. Uia-i;. w. Belfant, Londooderry a* Qisecbtown ta.H) ond $23.30. Aretiaciion of Ave ptnent. l» allowed oa roand trip Ont .mil second oahin :iricets. rot â- ailings of -leamers or oiiier mtormalion appi/ to any authoriaed agent. B. Bonrller. 1 King 8*. W. Toronto or H * A. Allan. Montreal. LAW Mills. Mills a HatiM B.iiTietarn,etc.. n movei to W««leT Bldgr. lUok Bond 8b w., Toronto. I>^ A P iWI Q *"*> ** ''*'''â- > l^uught. told & r#nrilVlj3 cicli.-i.,,{rd. Terms maiUd Noe. H. M. 3!MF?0N-. Re., " rinaiicial Agent, Montreal, Qua. Bitato and yOUNO IMIU make |C9 monihlr workinx era â- inga tor in, • ili.rm-nL. -tcadv. p.eaaant, Srollt.^bie. :foad IV. for tample». Jr** 'nHepen •nl Lotii a Co.. SOS lIcKinnon BIrtg Torontii. "iNERALS TESTED ;j^,°:^,-' MILTON- L. HERSKY. B. A 3c.. 16 St. S:\aramenr. S.. Montreal. Qne. M SHIP YOUR PRODUCE, Butter, Bfi», .Applej. t=rult. dc. te TUB DAWSON OOMMISSION C«., Umltwl, Oor. ef weet Market inii Colbom^ »ta. TORONTa vVvOOn«1>IH>ICVKVCI{ « l\0 ' MUSIC .^«un'» wunted to introduoo our Caulofna and terms. We will â- V.I .. mail preni a -'Darll be aNIgger Jllasin . wuh m;i.i'c-. (orTi ccnra. i<'»:iiaj. rOPULAR MUSIC DtMT, 10 Alexia St. MontrwU. Feno6. F6noeâ€" "" 'â„¢' """ "^* '«»<â- we i,»v» ?1,1 kL ; .. '''â- â- "»"' *" >â- •" W<^ claim earth ^l•„„.^^|â- " """^ """t Pr»ctio,^l f. nee on "•, E"" ""'xo' It in n^e at the Pxi,i.r^ mentnl Farm. G„el-,h Ont. Send'or prk", Ad.ljj,.. Toronto Picket Wipe r«a«* ci S21 Rlvopst. T-jroato. Ont. "â- •• "••• ^AH.MIOUMM,M,l».,Ho.lOoll«K»«t. i TOR ONTO. O nt. »aii««.»i IBIE, fc""l 5PECIAUST# Love Harris Your- Buys self. Scrap. 28-3n»IIIUun8t., Toronto. Ptione 17M. ROOFINGS ^***^ Mttal Works. ttedornrMii. SL.\TE BI..<lKB6.\Rna iWe KtpTj Pnb,i0 4«d U^ih Aho,.t..T.>r-.„r„) ftourt„g F.it. pTtih r.ial T«r, i>t<- Rooriyi;TIt.K â- " -•-.â- -^'"^"• iiig?. Ti pioei, el r.r. ,.t<- ROOMM;TIt.K'S«, .Vow Clir Bulla: Tt.nlo. .loucbr .urflrm). .Metal Oiliini Oor- E !ln. F,stmi»l«« tiirtiifhml for work coiapl..". ur Mr "^^i'.^i^'S*^'" •"' ''"" "' '*'• Monlry. Phone 1938 DinMie AftONS. Adal«lileawiiliirar»i.,Tarmtr FAUVKt:-* .«aveYoiii Money .md 1 are the cointoit* of liio city, with water in hoii.<e and AtHbla. Our ga vnn zc<t wind tnilla and Dumps unl otitflt* will do It, s'eud forcataloKae. Our priceaaro awny down low. Sat- Ufaction ^uaianteed. Til* Salley Donaldson Oe.. Montraai. Dxl $10 Will Buy] 100 Shares, j N'oi'tli HaMtiUKS Miu. ing and UeveUptnonu C<>. Limited. Capitjii , fStio.OUO. Sh.) rc'< !i cte.. tullvpaid -ip. N*on-.is^edasble, Noper'iona; | linbiliiy. 'rhU', o. own< 300 iicrep Mineral I land" In the Weil known Gold bearing district of Hast- ! in^. U has noliabilitiee and nop -^n'Otion stock ; haaboenitiven awiiy. The troaaary stock with I dividend Ctiupons ;\U»ched is now ofTored at ! ttbovc price* for L'evolopinent ptirpoee*. Ex- â- t^maivo gold bearing vein.* cxi8l on ditferent port!' ot ihe property. a»(a>inK913 to J4* per ; ton. It in usual to oapitiilixo a .50 acre claim for ; one luiriou doUam, here am Itl such cUiiinn capitaliKOil for JSOO.ntW. The director* contl- dcat'y expoci thalinveetore wi 1 reap a hand- tomo pi-otlt. owing to the amnll cupiialisalioD anil the large anil valuablo n.aiure of tke pro pcrty. The unitcclgnedcfll broker-" tor the Co , will take licrip of other u 1 ling companies in exchange at prices agreed upon. J. K. THOMISON" ft CO.. 34 Adelaide 3;. East, Toronto, Ont, DON'T HESITATE In Kiving LUDELLA Oeyloo Tea a trial. Its iri«|> ^iid peculiar flavor is sure to suit your taste. Lead packa^s. tj, 40, jo ood 6oo» TH£^N|pNEY|vlAKER FOBBING ACHiNE KNITTING ^..^^MACHINES, OLD AND RELIABLE THIS IS rOM vovâ€" Clolba your family from head to toot with our MONEY MAKER Prices only SIS, S20 t30. CREELSi^i BROS., Georgetown, Out. F«a TTPCWaiTCM miTi us. ,r=^KtlriSi,i=J/ii.'-= '>«W=Mftglga^ What ? N^*;>^ "AMBERINE'*^^* Over 300 ar« ^Biiff H ii| Haififlioq. OV«r K>00 iq Toroi|io aqil l_oq<loi|. Removes Dandruff in One Week. Cures Itching of the Scalp. Prevents Breaking of Hair. ^ Stops Falling Out. POSITIVELY CROWS HAIR. â- •- SWORN TISTIMONUVLS SCNT FKEL $I.4N» yer Bottle ftroa »raKgiiit«. w «• receipt «f yriee t« '^^J^oXjobCook iff Co., London, Ont X^^'^o^ SURE ! ^-inaVi^gfa rn^7=u=i SEEDS OVarieties For, 25 This l» a B().N.\ HIDE nffcr made to Introduce oar Vegetable and Plower .^•eda to new cuntumer.^ and which we guarantee to plca^a yoa or tli« anount paid refunded and the :^eed» given aa a preaenC. At these prices we can 0.'<ly offer the variables nanjed below, prder by auicl Buy wbar yon'want. f hey are Kant by maU poiit paid, delecl from tie following liat i VBaET.ABLES. (Order liy Numtwr.l I. B.t>t, S-.-'.ipM>. round J. Be»l, Fi»{iti«u. a.it mimd 3. ("ftbbimf. WnningstaUt 4. C.bbacr. Fott'.tt » Uruotwio* ."< Carrol, h.ilt li>ua, .iciiri.i 5. C»rr.)t. Uuwaui. warlot â- Cucumbfir. OhioM" Ptcklin* $. l^curabM. L.'n| Orwo li. IVicry. Oulileu Salt-Blaaohtaw ;0 Hrrbn. .S«« M, Herbs, ^ftfury I'J. (tori)?, M-ir'nram M Water .M.loii, Su'r Canada I" Onion. Lint, red Wpth"-r»fleld IS OutviD, Yoil'iw 1^1. 'b^ DanvMt IP Parsnip. Hollow Crown 90 Radtslv, t^'rf.Dcta Br«aK(ast )1 Ruliiib. Rosy Gun K. SflUMh, Hubbard 33. Tomato, extra wrly Atiiintio 1i. T«ma^-). Pwarf Ch4iupii.a PL0WGR5. » As««r», ialx«l S$ Mianon«t«. swei* 17. P»ii»y. nilisd 34 K.unia. mixiMl Nastuniiinii, till nUXM 13. Lettuce. .NoOP^rvil iC»bb»i. g. ^»"'"a"""'j, ,'" "S" 14 Lettiioc. Utuior Market 'sv'i^l » 3wwt Peas, Fill, niiiwl 5 Mu;k S.I0U. Mitr. .«lj. rfulmsg 31. Wild Flower, tiaidau m. FREE WITH IVERY ORDER ProrliluK this Cr>ui>0B is (7tn[' OUT uad iiMt to us with aa nrder (or 13 pacliela, w« will iucluJ. t psokrl Srw Giant Chll. ian ^Rlt)i«I"'»'s. pr'ce".'^. f^*** at Chira. TO .SUBSf'RIBKB..^ or THIB P.U'EB. We will NOT ACCEPT AN ORDER at IJeaa ftlcfj where the packets at« Nor (elected from the abov* lUt. Address all order* to No. t Carrot, Half Long Dan vera. WM. RENNIE, TORONTO. Don't sen<:i Pi.wtage Stannn. r