198 THE FLESH ERTON aDVANCL 'sms^^^^i^ b.t|^>"«2«> " \ r rVBLIHIIKn WKRKLY AT THE OFriCB, BYlJ KMUAM 8TUEET, FLKNIIEKToN, ONT. , BY W. H. THt'KSTOW. •1 per aunnm Ntrlctly In advance A.dveitising Batee: â- •Uolumu, t year, $'>0 : half col., 1 "ear, $EII quarter ool., one year, tlS Traunlent advertUomont chargsil at the rate • oeiitif por liue for flrHt iiiftflrtloii aod H cout eKch Hu))He<riiont Ui^eitinu. Weather bnllciin from the Pliil lipines (fioin a Siiauish bouici): Buliry weather and very Dewey in tlie moriiitii;. If thJB war can only be kept up until the fourth of July it will lik^ly give the budrtinK orators soroeihinK new to spread tiirnisclvea on. It was badly iK«cl«d. loo, becausn the old thcrars were badly worn and patclitd. Tln:re arc few people in this country wlio dn not wisli that the United UtatcRers bad run np against some- tiling PubHtantial iiiRtead of crunibl iiiR Sain with its effete war vessels and old style >!;nn8. The whole world dnads tlx' alrnttin^ and bombastic nirs which arc likely to be asaumed after Bpain is licked. The one important war item of the past week was the annonncemont that Admiral Dewey, who left Hung Konijon Friday with hia tleet for the Phillipines had eni»iRod the Spanish fleet under the puns of ihc forts at Manilla harbor. The cable is Spani'ih anil no unbiapod account of the afiair as has yet been allowed to passovcr tlie wire, makes it certain the American " iclniy was conjplete and tlmt ^'anilln if> at the mercy nl Admiral Dewey. It is llioueht in many quarters tlmt this in tlio boc;inniti(» of tlio endâ€" that Spninwill consider her "honor"(tbat terrible lliiti«, Spanisli " honor, ") nppeased and will praccfiilly Fuccnmh 10 llie iniAitable. We think it scnrce- ly likely, however, that she will stop Slinrt of another brush with the Aniericnns by lier fli ot which is now crofiHiiiR tlio Atliiiiiic. The move- incnls in and around Cuba for the punt week have been unimportant, c.ipttires of merchant nml coasting veRsela be- ing the most excitiniT incidents Co-operative Agriculture Over twenly dijlit liuiidrej OiitKrio fariiiorii havi- receiiod inateriitl and in- vtrui'tiiins f"r cdiidiicliug teKt« uim.ij tlier own f«iin8 during iliu present ptas'^n Tliene iiicludo yoiini' men who hnvo iif • ti-nded t'iO Ai/ricultutal CoIIhl'o, ruccch^ fill hikI piiiiifi tiikiii'.' fnrnietN wlii> )<avc ux|ii'tiiii.'iit>-'l luivii'u^ly, nnM oiIioih wIm are uiuleitAkinK t4iu work For tliu lirxt tiiiin. .Uxiiit twiilhoiisiiiid experiiiii'iitorH linMi oniiduniod KnUH'iiil'iry ex|ieiiin>Mitnl wurl, wiHiin tho priHt lun yi':irii (^rtliin num- ber, liver two hiindiril Imvo fiiriii.slied gi od ri'p'r's for lit leiist tliiee iliirorunt yiiii> mid .siiiiiu fc.r livii, bix, nnd evun iiiiici yeHiH. Tliesn littlo oxpuriineril- «ru- tiiiim form olijuct Iohhoiim in nearly overv lie'g1ilMirh<>< (1 in iliu province, ilie iiiflu- uni'c iif wliirlieiin never 1h) cmrenily eiti tiiiiteil. To f^it'ii Hiiiiiu id II iif llii'< iiidti- <!iico, I quoli! tlie f'llliuviiig from riiportn Kent in by oxperiuiuiiter.i : " I g"t niucli lifiielit fioni my expeii- nirutnnnd my plnta iiro vi ited by most of my iieiglihom every year.'' "Ana ii'Kiil' <f my cxporimonis 1 mine iiiiiro bndieU In the acre :iiid make more money on my furin." " liHiiking «t it from a flnnnoiBl point of view, my I'oii'lihors have received beii- clit frum my ex|ii)iimoiital wi'rk to tlie ftiniiiiiit, of n uoiiil iiinny bDiiilrod d.dliira." Thissyatom ofcn-opora'ivooxperimont- ul Hcirk in aifrionlliire, which ceiifri-s nt t.lio Auriculninil College and iptiraics throu^th the medium of the Eiporimental Union, in being Riilargcd and improved from yMr to year, A study of the fer- tility of ihe 8oil on diiteient fHriiin, and lit ilit< rulativti merits of proni>iiiiit vari- etius of ai.ri.;ulturHl cro|iH fir different soutiona, are tliu inHin nubjeotH under ux- p rimuiit on aliom twelve thousand piuta tliiH yuiir. There are in all iiiiieieuii dmnii' t i-xper'uients. which embrace the cultivated laud uf oiitario. The <leinand hna been i>rciiteNt for experimcnta with oaIh, apring whiat, pean, c<<rn and imiii g.il«. Wecoula still furniah a numbers of ap- plicxiitn with u packaiie of C'lch of aix leading variutiuB of i:urii, which forms h VHluablo teat for firinorx who are anxious to iiHcerliiiii which varieties of Corn are bent adapted to the Boil of their own Jiar- ticular farms. C. A. Zavitz, Director. AKricultural CoHe-.-e, April. 30th, 1398. Guelph. Honor BoIN Standing of Port law school for Apnl. fiih Cl«»*i~Aiinie Tliomp.son 986. 8r. 4th Class-Will. J. Chard O-'H, Fred P.diar, 903. Jr 4' h ClaKS-llohert Blackburn 908, J.lm f;iIl.-8|)ir(K)6, John McKcu 904 3rd CIhki- TiehHy M.-Kee 846, Louisa Tl'oiiipsoi, 84.3, Ida Simmons 843. Sr. 2nd Classâ€" Rokii Pedlar 794, Mina Thompson 7&3, Ed. Wntsoo 780. .Ir. 2iid CliisH â€" Iidin Kerr 7:?4, Rettie Tlmmp^on 714, Uobun WalUoo 694. I't.. 2iid Chiss-Milly Fisher 634, Esrl PiirliHmeiii 523, .JeK.sic Stoik 512. Sr Iht Oi»»8 â€" Miuni- Stock 412, Sadie Th.mpsoii 409, Herb. Stock 406. .Ir. 1st Cla8»- Elbert Cornfield 412, Arthur Cliaid 400. Rob*. Walaou 390. Avorrtgu attendance 65. J. L. Wiion, Teacher Honor Roll of MaxnoU Public School for April. 1898, Son. 4thâ€" W. Ross, 8 Legato W. Leg.lte. Juii. 4th- -David Ferguson, Annie Her- on, H. Kinnear, i^uii. 3ril â€" Kinmn Ulassford, Chester Lmg. A. D DuAvitt Jun. 3i<l â€" Minnie Soott, Ooidon Loa- ato. \. Urownridgo. Sen. 2inl â€" D.iuy Fer^^uson, Beiiuio Sciit. U. McEiichnio. Part 2iid-0. Brownridu-e, C. Pal lister, Clurlitt Heron. Sen. lat â€" Kiitio (ala^sford, Fred Chia- Icti, K. Urowiiridge. .Inn. lst--l)llie Alliston, A. Murriaon, Nelson Scott. W. MuWhinnev, Toacher. Honor Roll for S. S. Nu. 10 Artemesia. f ir the moiilli of April. 4ili t'!Il^sâ€" (loiiloii McMulleti, Carrie il;Mleik'e, '.Vm. Hiitledi^e. .'Irtl C1hbs--Ami:i Cliislett, Euart Waiis- liroiigh. Myrtle Tlio'iipion. Sr. 2ml â€" l!e;itiico Luwr.'ncp, Laura I'ip.r, Kvii Laurence. .Ir. 2i d-Ediiie S:ir';eiii, Kre.ldio Chis let>, K..y Piper, O.lio Tucker. Sr I't. 2nd -Win Ha«ki<, Stanley McMullun. Jr. Pt 2mlâ€" Jcnsio Me.Vulcy, Lizzie K.ii'Kei.t, Jill) Mt.Vnli^-. Pt. 1st -5l,iudo Hemphill, Cecil Le..;- lite, Freddie McMiillen. Annie Ci'sunie, Teacher. PrircTille From onr "iivi Crrc«)inti(fnit. A iiiimboi of our fishei uien turned ou' biigh' and enrly Momlay morning mid a coi'd •'ciitcli" was the result. Mc'^srn. D McLean ami Itoburt Pdnkeston accurrd Hoiii." I'm.! rpeekled lienuties. A large choir, composed of mumhera of the E. L. and 0. E . lias heeii oryniiizi-d to iBsiii in the singing at the c.iiiiiiii; C. E. uiiiim eoiivuiition, which is to hu he'd II thii village n>xt .Inly The eiioir is iii.d r tlirt lemlorsliip of Mrs. .1, S. IIii â- pliii'yK. Mr. 1''. Wile reoiivod anotlu-r very Revere landylic stroke last week audits cndi ion nt luu^eiit in vt ry sfriam. Ili.s leecnery U dmilitfol. Till! iiiiiuid imv ting of the Priceville Meih"disi jSimdHy school took placu on MoiidHy I'veiiiiig of lii«t week. The fid - loniiiu oflieeis were ehvilftd fo' I ho cii suing yoiir ; Siipt., W. J. Dhiki'ston ; S.c.-Tre:iM., W. O. Watnon ; Lib., William VViit'ers A iiKMiiiiii; of the Executive coiuinittee of the Soiilli (!rey C. E Union will iske plice on Saiiird'iy, May I4th, at 2 P. M., ill tliti I'lN'sliylei inn ilmioli. The Biinuid iiieetiiii; of the ICpworth L 'i^gilo wai held liiil Kriday ev.ning Tim followini; ..m.iers for 18(18 '99 are as follows : Pivs., W. J. Ulrtkeston ; Ist Vio>, W J. Watson ; 2nd Vice. Miss.M. Del by ; Roo. Sec, John McLeod ; Trea^., Mies Norma Pstton. Tlio Rev. Mr. Walker, mlNnionary from nritlsh Colmiiba, who is ngiiei>t at the mitnse, occupied the pulpit of the Proa, b Ut an church last Sundiiy. Mr. Jamei Huniett, who loft for Alaska ftbm' Hixweika k"<''' uinio''. •! m ri I o ta >''y dull tim a in ".'" | Mra. Geo. Rutherford of She burne is viaitiiig her p.rei ta, Air aid vlrs. W Fertfusoii, Hi present. Mrs. Msrtiiiier and Mr Oliaa. McLean nf Sliel nrae visitud friend* in thi« inul- mil iiy !>«•' w»'o . W . didn't finish the plow story of last week Wv shoul.i haw ml , o t i i • th'rH sloire was brokHn, hut the ' con sai nod" old mpleiiient had to do its wori sft r thai with a fractured nose. Soma w eked pe sons mivdit n si na <- tha ii w 1 lest, liut the fact of tne matt r iaihnt i rmaierlalwsi d the Ixitloin .1 ihe miic'iirf . It ishiired t>ar.iniho excireiiifiii 'ver the fir- i-.!; tio' mes- senger who WH*- sent fur repairs fcgoi to tind out 'he imk. h d nuiiiou' of th'- p ovr before he Htarted. What followed IK easily iiU'iuiDed. Wo weicome your new cor. from Stone's Settlemt-nt His spic and cil'-p items are very acc>-ptable, and we iiusl be liaa come t" a' ay While you iiri< tdkiiu; about markt-ta it reminds us that PriCHviil« haa one of the bi'st whea in^irkuis in South On-y Depart iiK-iilal st'-res in Ediuontoii, Aberta, N.W.T., leave similar iiistiiu- t'oiiB ill Oi.tario conipleiely in the shmle. Your cor hia ju-t receiied a very inti-r- es'ioo letter troni a irnnd in that 'ai-- aua. town ill which Ik* snys ihai sudi •torei supply eteiyhinu tliai a beithr i>r K ondikei needs, from a |>in to a m'.ile. Edmoiitoti is eompli'teiy fiiied with god -eikers, and all hough there are 800 car lienters at wi rk every day i-ucb a thing as a house to ri-nt ta hs hard to tind as the proverbial nufdb- in a havstack. The only clit-ap ai tide i.s co^d, which may lie had at ilie jii's for $1 a ion There i» only 1,1, e m w»papor priited in Edmoiitiin vliieli oui friemi describes as no l.etitr tha I an Mlmatiac. A uood opening for a l.ve, wide-awake editor Rev. C. E. Stafford in one of two ex- ceUfiit seimons which he preached hist Sunduv parfiitheiieally touched upon tli*- gro.t influence which our niinda excn u])oii our physical conditions, uxiiresaiug til" ojiinioii that in many cxsos persons seem physically indisposed when the real Cause may be traced to iiiiiigination or a worierd or p-rvertcd miid. Mr. StaHotd cited several inataiices of iieraonH who for years had luin on invalulB couchitt aid who under the cry ot tiro or som.- stadm-j exciiemeni put 'orili a great effort and were instaiitl restored lo the full use of the bodily puwera which had laiii dormant for yeais. Mr. Statford dooa not by any- meaim deprecia'e "'Iho effectual fervent lirayerM â- •! the rigl.ieouH man" but ho is evident'y of the opinion that iimiiy of ttn- so called "faith curea" are the reKult of a combination of surioundtiica which have led the patienr to concentia'e the whole force of their mind in tlic lio| • and con lideiit belief that they are bi-inu ro'tm i' lo hfalth. (iim of t!ie mot sue e'^ ful physicians in (.'ntario bald : I or ' years, to a oertaiu imaginative, de*p«ndtnt claais of my patients, my piisci pti i.s rt, conluiiieil little if unylhinj poKsc-Kirj; medicinal quality. 1 give iheiii the !ortn of intdicii.e, and in addition uoiiU ol cheer and kind.KH", which diverts the mind, while inturo performs th- cure. Ill dia^'asui! A'hore active medicine is re ipiiied a patiriit's ^oihI spuiis and determined hope of bucc ss in ti^litiiu ih'- disease are a docciir b best mils. \^nti7/o 2/307 lly Aiitotio 2 IC), uue uttlie fiieat i:ie ttuiioiT's titist htiiis. Daul fj'til^ C I) is] fi 2*.*, a S't tliti • iHiii of Kiilit V.'arluttli i \\\ i.ailv I*. U l>) fur- bin's Kasliaw ITIii, lit'JC.J.iii'i'iiiiil <lain Imllj (iot, (luni ofOtaraCI voiaml a.li;i aiiil otlie>>. In tli» ;iOlii,t. Tim I'l pctlonocrV ai'o Btill iu tlio front r»iik> a- race horsijh aiul race horse Iiroili.cisrs, oui- ln|! tll« raelii!(Kt'a.<on of IS',17. the Kltelloiimis liiriiinhcil thu rs8t'»>t vi'ailinKol tin. .xsr. 'Il:i V erclinnt Ij'iti^; the fa>tut,t two xear oid, .fsuii. 1. ;i.tl. Llni fusti>st tlirf u >uiu old All v, .aiiutI- lan 11.01 ll 121 : tlni fa^Uwl Imir y.ar "ol.l, Tin. Miink -.^ I'K^.wliu is tliu nKtvul Kreeli tri'lter tlisc uvur aiip.'iiri'il. Also tli» )>h>'noii t-nal I'lijlii Villi li.l Sulliiin Kl.H'trle wllli ti new Miili'iiiol I'L'if.o iiit.i H aii.l tiiu li'a.iintt hiin of lay? ANTII,I.n i«n«'aii'liM"'':ibe lil.'ciimi- AimUUU „„,. p,,si.fH„h.K Ilia niaikoc! iW Kr- o tlluir s tio.-ttii f> li:ttu(ili*s!i r*ate. ao'l m y-.i fiiKt . SI .nils 16 tiaii'lH, wMittliH o\ui' 1-JeO, :iii in >-tilii iiinl iiuiifuinnituni i^ |)0^fnii.ion ilii wiui Dist pi'ir.i-, M vor Miilal loin sweepi-inkus il t; i- luiliistrial Kali in r.n'oiito in iW> nis e'>lt-> ai'ti all lar .0, liaititHoine and Maiiti'. Ho i^ sckiiKwIi'M^H't liy all to tip tliii Oiwl htiH'K hiioii' 111 tills louiillv. Ills i.iclii.t VI 1 111 iilri; two tint, worn >>roki'ii tlii.. wiiitorsliuw u laiHiiuu.t hikI tixallbifal Hiitlun. Tliis (I u I liorsu vr.iiliit-estlii' vir\ bi'sl Cur- liaij'. I'olts from our ouiiiiniiii ioei.b loaii-i nml iiHt tioitursfi'oiu maiiswitli s il tie l> tHuiuii. Kvio\ (liHof Alitillo'srcllsurti larRi . sIroiiK an I nmlulili'SB in ln-aiitv. Hu will imiko tliu ^easotl ut IHim at h sown stsblti TnHnS RIGHT _-». J. E. MAU5H, Proprietor. MAUKDALE, ONT. Cook's Cotton Root Compound Is ttic only safe, reliable monthly medicine on which ladies cau depend in the hour and time of nerd. Is prrpaicd in two degrees of strength. No. 1 for ordinary cases is by far the best dollar modicin; known â€" sold by dniggis's, one Dollar per box. No. S for special cases â€" lo dtgrtee strongerâ€" sold by druggists. One box, Three Dollars ; two boies. Five Dollsrs. No. I, or No. •, mailed on receipt ti. pric* snd two 3-cent stamps. The Oook campany, WI<B4«or. Oalartn Sold in Pleshsrton aud oviiywhurt; ia Canada by all rssponiibla druggists' yvi. Richardson & Co. MAY MILL We have just opened up two large special shipments of the Latest Mill.nery Novelties, Ribbons, Ciiiffons, Flowers, E-'eathers, Hhape.'^, Sailors, Panamas and 'Straws. Come and see the assortment of the newest ane prett- iest Shirt Waists, Bells and Parasols on ttxhibition in the Mil'inery Sh'iw R<>omâ€" ita vveli worth seeiiic;. Special Hay Bargains Special lines of l)'i,'aiidii-8 in very fine dcli.^ta patterns, iiew..«t shades, spi'cial lot of sainide piecis. KeuularSfic por yard. Our |>rice C"li red Ui'ion Cashmere, 4G ms. wide in all tlie leading colois. Rei/ular 30 c-nt goods, only Ill Ulack Divss (ioods we sh'iwa great range in jr'aln .ind fancy weaves, but call sp.-cml attention to a New S.itin Fini-slied Goods. R;- oiil.il 66rteiit line which is avlliiig at .... Fancy Blouse Oonds â€" four different pattterus, nil good colors. Regular 16 cent uootls, our price Ladies' Shirt Waists â€" Our ningo is simply ininiciiHe, The newest desi.'hsat popular prices. Uur special id the regular 75c lino, nicely iiiiidu, liandBoiiic and stylish for Grey Cotton. We have them at 3 cents and 4 r-i'its, but ne Rp<>cialiy recoiiiiiienil an t-xtra leavy 34 inch Cotton, tine even thrt-ad, good value at 8c and Kood cnougli for any purpose White Cotton. We start tlistn at 4^, I-ut our special line i.s a 6iie Eniflish Cotton 36 inciiea wide FiannelettH. fiood aasortmeni of stripes at 5| cents, and a i>ice r iiige of Dark Fancy I'liuda and Checks at 6J cents, qui the bent value is a line of Uuavy 32 incli goods. Fancy strip at .. Lace Curtain. You can't afford to buy Lace CuitHins niihout see- ing ou> slock and the prices are aWay down. We sell an eitra wide, 3 yartl Curtain at pff ptir 15c 25c 55c 8 5c 50c 6c 10c 7 5c 50c M. Richardson & Co. Larriagc aoid ^L orae This ilrr.iil uial.i<ly krks bthind th« most In- ciplcnl li.-jil colds, and wkcn Ihc scfds i.( dljMso ara sown «lc»l> a»ay tho beautjr blooul »nU make* life iilfwures a drudncry. l>n. AONEWS C.ITAKRHAI. POWDER will curt ihe Incipient cold and ibe most stub- born iuid chronic Caunh cases. It pulJ back tkt beauty pink and sheds sunshine ia its IraiL " M» wife and I were both troublrd with dUlrMl. ains Caurih. but we have enjoyed frLfilom (roai Its dislrtssM since the hist ••.plication o( Dr. Ag- nrw's Catarrhal Powder-It acts instantsue. usly â€" gives gratfM relief In id minutes, and we bilicTS there is no case too deepiy seated to l>alB« ll in a cure.'-Kav. D. Dc'iom. Uuflalo, N.Y.-ji I iir aaleky W. Uiotiardaou Farm foi? Sa.le Kor sale eheapâ€" Lot :I7. Con 13. Artonieaia. Apiily to It. J SI-KI) U1..K, Flmiherton Fl!>sh«rtOD, Nov. IC, Itili;. Hou^e to Rent or Sell G'^oA rlwi'MnK lif^m* *iif* half ah acre nf laiiil ut Kitwlinrtoa Skation. Will eiUiur rcut or â- *n\\ on HitKv toriti •• KlaftkHituu Station. April lOth, "96 It. COOK. SHINGLES FOR SALE \ qiutntlty of RhinKfos for t-ale at mv nnM, lotW.con. U Artemt'sttt. Also »hiti(;If:srut on ffhai'CH, woiiUI oxcliatiKOK it*>ai) of Imisevfor Hhiii^te timber. J lUCKMNO.MaxweiU'.O. Notice to Creditors In the matter ol the estate of WlllU>m J While, late of the Tawnahip of Osprcy In the County of drey, farmer, deceased rursiiant to It. S. 0. IS'.IT fin. la. Si'c. ;18, notice is liorpby Kiviiii that all poniiMis liavmt: I'lainiHiifjtiiDHt tlio estatti uf tliu 8aiil WtUiain .1. Whitii, diu'i.asoil, wliii ilioil on or aliinit tlit* llftli davot Feb' uary. ISIW. art" rt>(|uliDil to ilc- livin'toor Boii'l by |)o^C lii'L>)mi't to the liinior' Hiniio I nxcentors of saiildncnan-il at ArtonicslA- Tiirt liaw I'. t>., on or I'croro tJio iXJth litiy of May, IH'JS. a statoinoiit in writlm; ol liio.r nniniia mid adilresti«H will) ull |iartloiil>\rs of thiiiriVuiniB anil n.ituâ„¢of tbo suciirliy (if any) li.<Ul by Ihi'in. And fintliiir notion is herobv siven t'lat after tbo liiKt invntioiiKd dalo ttio KxiuMitors will juoouuil to disbributn tlio assets ol ilio ile- i-oiiKiul, haviiiK venatd only to tbo cloinis ot wbiolitboy sbiill thou have notice, and tlio UxocutorH will not beliablo for the nail nusits or any|is t tlieroof to any iiorsou ol wlioae I'laini uotli'o sball not have booD rocelToo at the tlinonf salil diutrlbutiou. (iHOBllH THOUPROr*. J. W. FnoRT FiiANeis TiiovpaoN. Bolioltor fv.r Kxuoutors. Kseoutora. Flediortoti, April )ath,lW8, YOUNQ GOLD t.FIAK U a be iitiful hav witb black I'Oliit.s. stands IK^ lian'ls iiigi and woiuIiH nearly HOO lbs* Hvbus v aoo.i rouii<l b<3-.lv and allui)ii..'t' of limbs. He is fru 'It'oiu btt-nilsli«s. aound lu win.l and iiuib, has a splomlid Katt a:>di'>cellent kiioH action. He has a centto 'liBpocit'on. yet posse.-sus Bu;t»rrior eiiergv. H© is an I xcolti-iit nalktr.i! ml loailstoi' au<] also has tbo ire and voitilit for fatni work. YOI;NO liol.U LK.AI'" bia been a succenatvil nrizo iTiiiuor wlirrever shown, takltiu 1st »• Krainpton and Wood' ridi:e whon ii cilt, aud isl kt Walii IS Kails In ISil I over a 11. Id of thir • turn hoi'tt's Aftxr coming to initcinity Ub b.is , 111 aion thai famous hooie, Olii Gold Leaf, at I Markdale. YOUNU GOLD I.F.AF has proven hiin«oU a Dooil stock Kottur.Uis colts taking 1st priice an.l siMjcial prizf ai ilitrkdalo from t'.ioso of Olrt (iuldLeaf. (iold Lent liorsos are lii-.;b sel era, )iOB8ii»8inK vi-ry ftne nniiioaauil tails indciossy coats -foatMi es adiitirod t>v any Keittiein:in. FarniorB wishini! to raise horses lor I'.iitjlish. Amuiican '»r borne markets, or for tbeir own UBO should r.ut fail to -i e an;1 use this borso aa bo can har.l y fail to iilea.>e. For roatu ^.tju Csixt isSUd. Sole/ U^eaf's Siouta Momlay â- Wilt iriic.'eil to Noriuan Mc- CHlluin's U X noon, ibruce to Eiigcuia Fall* for nlRlit. Tmsdayâ€" Wi'l jrocee I lo H'i 1 am Ls.ws*, 2nil I ne, Kast Osiirey. lor uoen, llien^>e to Msxiseil for nifiii. WeilneMliiyâ€" Will pnicee.l to W Hiatn Duuo:in"« 10' h line, Osprey .iotuoi'ii, Inence t(i t^imnel Park's lor lonlit. Thiirailiiyâ€" VViil be at Cook's Uotol Cel- ling* ouil for nit'lit. IrLlay - Wll piTceeil to Cra^Rleith for nooD. M.eiice to I-uac's Hotel, Tlio.- borr lor n Kilt. Siiuidiiv â€" \> ill priiecul to Rnvn.l Hotel, ilealord, or noon. tii»i.ce to liis I wn ttablr. JOHN CONN Jr., Propiletor. Lot 36. Con. 3, Eu^^hraala. ' FARMSFORSALE Tiot HCaiul 147. con.n N.K.. M cloaii'l and iV bush, (iixjj ))inilim from Fiosherton, T SK.. 100 aoi en, buu.sti and barn. Lot 17(1. c..n 8. N I'., TS.R.SWaorcs. Al'out 70 clearwl, an. i in acres i.iw land. Will bo roadv foi fall wboat. Oood bouse aud miles from -.idiool. liter. 1) The above i>ropertio9 will bo nold ou eauy tonus to S'lit iniiTliasur. Kor i>artioulaia apiily to W. A A3tMSIl;i)N0, Klofibcrton. BULL FOR SERVICE Iliavo a woU brel Durliam bull for servica on lotl.'iO. :iril caatT.A S K , Artouie.sia. Terma Olio dollar. .JOHNSTON CULL.RN. FUshertou. March SOth, 189«». BULL FORJERVIGE HoIstain.Frieslan hull ( Protou Chief. N0.9TS « lor sprTieo on lot 178, con. 2, \V. T.& S » Arteiiieaia. A fluovoum,. tUoronfihhreil animat" radigra* on a;ipiicatiou Toruis nu»aoll.-\r. JOKIi WUV.'fl. }