i HE I- L t S II H U T O N A D V A J C K I Sij Triaj ad Bslialils Orqstors, KLC^M liRXON VVe do ni>t rut iiices but sell at our re- gular rates tor cath Biiiu'sioii of C- (1 Liver Oil 25c up h>iu;> of Hyp phosphites 50c up Bii'i.r Col i(fa.i.i>l*- freu) lOi; up S..<)thinj Syru|i .lOa up Wdriii Powd- r to age lOo up C'U.<h Svrup... .10c up l.iviir JMiH .10c up Eit'ttct of Bl^'Uherry .lOcup <v'<iii^<liaii Blood Tonic . . .3r>; Tmjtri ("Juin or drop.i wliicii you likc.lOc Huadache Powdera. 5c And all other gooes as low as any re- liable druggist can supply yoi:. We buy for cash and sell for cash and do a cash bu.-incss. Vicinity Chips C litrat'teri.stics of the Past Week t'art'fully Cuiied fwr thr Carious i Ihitinei* noticti â- imnng loctfts vrill b- f cK\rg:d at the rate of ten c «<.< t jier 'ine for each imertion. A t rt'lHrtion will he made an cou t trai^la for 100 luies or over. Council will meet on Saturday. Buckwiieitâ€" Si'ver Hull »nd Japan viie. at the Medical Hnll. Good aoconil h«fd safe for â- .<ile vcy clu-ap. Apply «>â- R. J. i^proule. T!:e ShulburiK- i}:ix luill will go ont of buiiiiiess fur the present year. Mr Joel \Vurt8 lias a splt-ndid Hol- ^t^•in- Fritsinn dull. See his advert'Ce luer.C eUeK litre. Don't forget- -Ma.-<si'y Harris bicycl--!' 854, Cl. ve'auds «40. Wbite & Lock u.ir.T, Dundiiik. Mr Jacob Tliompso.i of 'he east Viack lino loot a little daughter «ti Thurs day lant from lueuibninous croup. The boniticent ruins of Suod-.y and Moil. lay liavf cause'l ijiu\-k aid luxur- iant proath. Trees are tiudding. Hor»e wanfi-d, g.Tod driver and work.T, ill exc!i!in;;e f.T building iiiiitcr'id. A| ply to T. W. WJjon, i«!ai'iDa nnils. Eu^' pis. Corn, corn .seedâ€" Rd Cob, Rmsl Thorou-hbred, Giant Prolific, L«ii'jfeb low and C..niptoi:s Early, r.t Mcdiial Hail. We draw attci tion to the beauiifa' iiicniorial rerso-t elsewhtru ill this i.suo. Tliey are tiie btat of the class that »e have ever read. EviTy d«y a Iwrgain d<y. You can gtt hHrg.iihs every lime jiu need shots, ut C!;iytoiis For price, 8tylf, :iiid qual- ity second to ii"no F.irin >rs having logs in thd mill yai-d, Fle.sher'oti, slioii'l come and iden'ify them aiid iii»ke airnngcm- nU f<"- getting them sawed. TUCKER PHILLIPS. The bicycle Hcai>oa is now open and >ve are re'idy with a stock of 85 hicych s to sell and tent A full lii.e of bicycle aaiidries iu stock. \\ uitk A I.ockhakt, Dundalk. Tho uniiu^l meeting of the Fleshertun Cenii tesy Trust will be held ii> tho T.wn UjII, FItslortoii, at 8 [i.ni , r)ii Tnesdny, the ICth of May. Gm eral li'.siness and necisKKiv iuiprovenu'iits to be conisid- eretl. Wm. Clavtox. Sc.-. A number of bicycies Imvd hreu sold in town i!nti!is Iho past wink. Master Charley Mufshaw antl ye Adiance imui e'ch ."ports' a new Ma.ssey-H«rris, Mr. Tucker and Mr. T. Buhner a CVlumbus â€" and there are others. White & Lookh.<»rt have 23 differeti t makes of iicw bicycles in stock at present. Seo<aid hand wheels from $0 to ^25. Tiien fnni $3 t. ?8.50 per pair. Eipert bicycle repairing iti all its brancho". White A Lockhakt, Dundslk. y-r. Win Larae . f Liatoweil eiilrd on old acfiuAii.taiices here one day lant w>-rk Mi8 W. P. Croasley returned on Fit day fri.iii an rz'ebded ti it »itili itieniis u- bault -Ste Maiie. She hroug- 1 w ih , h r a nuiiibrr of nugniticenc ; bocugr pt.« of I he American 6a<i:t, wsich Tli- A i- viiiicf? hid the plea.sur>- of exaiuiioitg. S •iiii^ forty pt-npip h«ve i^-iin "ur of the public hbraiy ;.nd tiirne musi alS •â- « ri-tti ned niiuieoiaiey ^i il;« 1 irari;it. for ehecki'iu purposes, and if nut le umed i iiineiiiately will havir to tM collec e > at eii.euae of those holdin'.; thiui W Aiiuacroiig, lihranao. Tlie i.HRues of (he V'ou'h's Coiii(>aoii'n for the four we -kii .>f .May will c^n am a nuiiilier of g<n<d D'lTies. Notable a., img them will lie •' Ohri-tino's Way Dp," hy M<ii .Mari^aiet £. San-jHCer It is one of the series of " istorii a of WoikiogGiila " tb.it IS lo run tliiougbtUe four nuiut^eis, a:id will tie publ'shed ia tke israe of May 12' li. Ii sjector Ciinipbell sisiied our poMii- Kch<j<jl ou Tursdey and sees a g'eat iui proveiiieni since his last viiiit. Ue Ii'ot evrr ihiuks it oiiitakeii ecoonuiy to [dace Ml luucli work up<-B tile junior te^tcht-r and thinks another f<>nn sh<iubi be added N" teacher with an ar^r.i'ie of 70 pu.iili can d- hersc'f ertbe pupils justice. The Advance says htar, hear. McFarlaiid & Son, Markdale, sella 72- incli flannel slieetiii',' at 45 ce,if8 yd.; loen's »hite chirts, all siz.-s, 25 centn ea h ; matches 5 cen's box ; 4 prs. men's h' avy cotton son fur 25 ceots ; 2 pairs woiiii u's ribbed caabin* re hose, size 8i. i'lr 32 ceirs ; 32-inth flannelettes 5i â- en's, oorth c^gbt, Wlien :n Markdale u&ll upon .McFarland & Son fur l-argains. Each .'â- p'iiig time a pair cf haudsoiiie Bdt-iiiiore I'riides come and 8:u<{ in the park behind thia offio*i, just aj the trees are spring^n:; into l.-af. Ttns year they \:<X S'>iiiewhat, aliead of time and funnd no leaves, neces-ititing a taking up o! tcnipoiary quaiters in the cedar grove • •ver the hill, where, each uinrning, 'huir ple.-tsiiig nhi>-tlitii; ^ons can be htarl. I'hey are among our handaomeKt visiors tP'ni thos'iuth, and may they never le .iisiurbcd. The Advance is ple'vsed to announro that Mr. D. Shtpherd, merchant of Tot tonham, will reuiovo lo Fleshertun before .luiy 1st .ind open out a large new stock of L'eoerd m -ichai.dise :n Spr u'e's H"ck in the store lately occupied by Mr. T. dill. Mr. ShephtrJ IS s<id to be a first cl.iKs bus:i'.cssuuin. Hf has dune a lar.:e business in Tottenham, tiut tl.inks there .s tin op.ning here for a larger and betiei t ai\,e, and will accrdiigly be with us as -o Ml as ho tan sell oft' the bulk of his pr>8^nt stock and purchasa new. Tho .Mail and Empire has furnicd an I'Xriusive news aoia'fe with the I.01 don Tunes and the New Vmk Ueiald, which will continue duriiiji tlic duration of tl,e Spaoisli-.-Xinericii wai . This means fa c Itie* and resul's wl.ich are unsurpasse<l 111 the hi^tul•y of news ^atliering. The retordt of the Lond-n Times and tit- New Yoik Herald fur combined tnrer pri-i- and nlial ibtv have had no pefr ui n..'aily a half century of reinarkabi- jour ualMii. Every despatch that is pu' li>h t"d in lhe<e [uiers will appear simultane ously io the Mail aotl Enii.iii'e. Tlius the readers of tl.o Mad ami En.pire will enjoy the privihg" of rtaiiiiig eadi momii g ''•â- â- »p-tchts ..lathereti by ihe leading neivs- pp> r,s of En.;!ai;d, the I'nited States anil Can* a A writer ill 'he Moifurd Monitor, tell- ing of his trip tl.roiisih the Kick'iig Hoisc canyon on the C. P. R., tays : "The n 'lid Ltd had to be made in the si'le of those Ko.ky mountains, tho river .Illy a ."hor! .iistiiute liolow, but the lo.-ks umlretls of tlit-usanus of feet alaive." Let us ex.iiiiine t: i-. luarvetoua slatenunt. Stho.'l i,eograpliies teil us that .Mount Even St is the llig^u^t nnnintjiin in the world, and it is only 29,0<'0 feet aKivo s.a level, or i«J iniKs high. But in this case the niountmiis refeiivd are •' iiuii- divil.s of t!)ou->and3 of feet," and thorefure must Le at leiut thirlp-seveu miles high ! Surely this writer must have gaztd threngh tho wrong end of the telescope mhoii making his o'lSi-rvati .11. If not, our lexicoijraphors should have tiieir at- ttj'iitioii drawn to this iiiarvt'luus spof and the stupendous oversight they have made. • '.' able 10 sell tbe fullowiBg wbcel at these prices: IViaasry Harris $64; Clevelaiida. t40; Co iimbiui, (50; Homers f .8 ; Rangeis, $40; Wsverleyo. *45 > Coiue a. ♦40 ; Sieiini.-.' yell w fellow. f^; Uui.raMiia 9''5 ; Cii-sc i>i«, S;i8 (>th r i>e« wheel-, from $25 t- (1.6, ail fitted wiih any tire you chu. .^e. Church Notss Tl.ere were ei.l t in:-mb«rs received by e;ir<i into the Meth'-i.iaic church on Sun- day eveiiiiiii aat. A' the regular t|uarterly buHinebS me :• in; uf the Methodist chu ch, held on Mu.day, Mr. W. A. Arms mug »asa • p-"iit«-d dele'.a e tu the di trn t meeiiotf t > l« h. 1 1 on May 25 and 26 Re.-. Mr. Thoiu left on I uesday to at- taatl Presoytry in Orangeville. There Was an exfr.»- rdb.aiily la. . turooui at He quaruriy me'ingo. th Methodist chuicti 00 Sui.day morning lilSt, The Baptists are holding aei ricea b<> h iiii.ming an.l evening; loiw. Next Sun d.y. May8. G. V. Hurlbnrt frin .M • M.iKtcr Uiiiveisity wnl btr here agMin.ai d Pastor Darnich, B. A. Tl'., will bavr pel ina'.ently s<-ttled with Lis people l.eie bef. .re Sunday, May 15. Dvine Healing; Fearfully crippled fr<>m intlaoimiiti ry rheuma'isin and spinal disease, an<l . th r wise a total wreck pbyBua'ly, Mr. 1 ea Heslip left Thombury foi St. Louis, Mo.. i>ix months Hg... His trit-idii never ex peeCed tu see him again alive, and in fac the ilucturs gate hiiu but litilc ti'oe t" live, hut Mr. Heslip had nuldmie faith in a p. .wer to heal tl.at was not of this eaitb He was a tirni and coostaiit behev r i. divine healing, and with his faith tirmU innned to thai belief he s'eadf.istly pray e<L One niiiht in St. Lonis, after he li.td Iv eu helpeu home fr.in a pray.^i meeting with U"t enough strength t.-sup purt h.niself on his crutches, he went t. b. d. ULs budy was nicked more (bm usiiai that mgbt with ex crucial in-.; pain. Bearing all with hopt- ful fortitude, he ptayvd fur deliverance, and in the twiok lin:; ot an eye the \>aia left him and hi- iua.scles and jumls resumed tneir normal beid'hy conditluu, ai>d he jumped out <'f hed with as much sprig'itliaess as he ever h;ul, and ha.s sutfcreed neither ache n"i pain s nee. Mr. Heslip returned to ThornSury \a^t week as strai::ht as a reed and as sui<ple .is an athlete. It is inileed a most wonderful case â€" Thornlmry Stan- dard. Burn rri>t.Aaâ€" Ou9S.h Ap~i!. to Mr. sui Jrs. Vi*. C. P?d;ar, bsleiu. s ila'jghtor. Died W.iauNCâ€" .\t VanJeleur. on WedcovJay. Aprl! £7. Robert Warliug. a^e<i ^vtsrv. Tnouk'so.Nâ€" In trCvmo-.-ia, on Thurs<l«y, April 'JStti. Miuuia. dauxtitar u( Mi. Jau-juTliompeou. a^^eU 7 year . Proton Council Agents Not in It White & LockhAi't of Dundalk buy their bycijles f.^-r spot ca-sh in lota 1 f from 30 to 40 at once, aud by so doing Minutes of b(ioculI mcsting of the CoU'Cil of the Township of Priton, held â- t Ho[^H;v,!le on Wcdii.-»d»y afternooii, April 13th. C uiioil met a' the call of tbe Ui-eve. to cuni-iuer the case of one Gould K.«ter, an i.'di;.:eiit now at the home uf uneC.W. iluoker, lot S2, con. 3. Tl.f petition, sigtied by a l;ir/e numb r of the r.sidents of the locility, s-t fo'tli ibtt iliis man Foster had been lyin. I elplessiy ill for several weeks at tl e h- n.e o£ C. W. Uo-'per, who could ill aH'.'rd tlie e.tpeuse of caring f.>r him, ui:U t!i,i- ih" council should take Siinia aotini in the inatitr. .lohii Coo;erâ€" J. Corbott â€" That ih » C'lincil give t.> C. W. Uutiper the sum . f $3 *i«l.ly fir four weeks if foun-l nocia .siiry .i'd ih'it D-mel Wils-.n see aft^ r th*- eXjK-oditure f the Mine ant! at the oxpii- at n of the four w.*ek3 it ha is still uii- a.!o !•• c.iny himself o!l tu p.istures fr<-sh that the R. eve Im eiupowi-rid to take such action ..is he m iv dtoiii best. Orders wi-ro issued in payiuvnt of fol- lowing amounts : Thos Mc.Auley $30 part pay as assessor for '98 ; W J. M r ro.T $3 f.'rgoo'is supidied C.W. Ho.. per ; Dan. Wils.iii ^12 t.) be e.viH-ud.'d f>.r Iho bonefil of Gould Fuslor ; R. and A. Neil- S'ln ?2, for cedar coveiing for lulvert. J. Corbetâ€" G. Wriglitâ€"That the po- tition of Peter McGi-ath and others for the construction of a drain, under the Drainage Aoi, for draining Iota and parts of hits ill the thinl, fourth and fifth con.", bo entertainetl and the Cleik notify the ' tp. engineer. ' Tuoe. IiAvoiuj.N-, Cl-rk. ' ^^fiZo:fiz^^y^:^r£r/:s:>.^}'^i^^^ 'ft fi In order to Ruoply our increased buxiuesa, »e have receiv.da Tery large a.s8.>riment of a;l kinds of fo'.t wear. In LiOie-' wear the latest and ni'.st fashionabl.- siyles In Men's wear tine Duog.ld to heavy uluugh b>M Its. Children's wear in ;<reai vane'y. CAPRICES LOW AND QUALITY GOOD-S^ CLAYTON *5, Flesherton. Repairing md Custom Work Promptly Attended to ^A .' .gH !; ^>C ' ^% 5 i J!!^gg: j^ Z g^. : >a^ ^^^ ^lasAtrton J'umiture and undertakiny "^ ESTABLISHHENT Our new stock consisting of Bedroonn Suits in Dak, Ash -nd Elm ; Sideboanis, t-xien?i(in and Centre Table? in t1ak, Ash and Elm ; l^esks. Bedstead?, chairs. Mattresses-, Cradles, Folding Crihs.et" , is now on exhibiton and w.Il be s .d at L^t)ck: Bottom Priccs-^^^-^ \Vhole.-al>- priofs have none up 10 per cent, since the 20ih iiist.. N- w IS your opp-. nullity to purchase t)ef<.re » coireoponding reiaii piic-- advances. Call and inspect our stitck. No trouble tu show g<M>ds. Particular Care taken in (Jnderfa/dn^ first Cl^ss^ Behf^e. Charges Moderate 2l/, j'Sf, iSuntj J'lesherton, Picture Frarningr and * General I^epairingf J. F. V.iiiUL'SEX FLHSHEHTOX I l.ave juBt placed in stock a nice I<3C of st.ip'.c jewellery to be sold at rock bottom prices. Call and ex-itniuo our watcLes before Dnyiu^;. Be- pairiug in ail linss. A;;eD( for XIcisscy-FIarris^^ Spring Suiis / if [III J Roller* Floui' a,nd Sct-w IVIills To the F.irniers and re> U'-Ut-s ..i I'lice- villeaudsurroiindingc luuny and vilUges: Havin.; le'iSfd the alxive Didls f.-r • term of ye.tis, I w.iuld resjiectfuily s.. licit a fair shaie of y ur cu-ttiu and patron- age. U'.piug l>y fair and honesi deal- ing to regain al: old and new cti-stumers of the Ml ill. f^Be-st Brand of FLOUR. 0.\T meauc.rauam flour, CR.VCKED WHEAT, also ,iil kii.da ot Feed kept cnstai.tly on hand. H'-.'bc-'t Pric>-s pai«l in cash fur ajiy quantities of wheat. Ptanin-.;, .Match- ing and Sawiii-.i done to order also Sa»f L'gs purchxsid. Speed reduction on 4and5b:i-rel 1 ts of Floor. b'armera- lirm-i y..ur urLst and L'h"|.<pii>g and give us a fiir trl-t! and we will tie sure to use yon right. C'liopping done every day at 5o 3?ei:» Xco ll^s. O. H WALTER Prieeville. Jan. 25t!i 1898. Kleslierton Shavinff J^arlor J'. jCeyard - - !Pn>pii»tor Hairdressing in the Latest Stvle SCISSORS SHARPENED and RAZOUS HONED fitst class styk. t;;^ Agent for \ x>!.st'u's Liiind^y and Paikcr's 'lye Wgrks, Toronto. GOOD WOROlANaHlP ! All these thiii!{s are guaranteed by .ME. { Bring in your orders early before the ' the regular sprinsj rush b.-gins. | P .1 1 »: i J « ..tt «..<; The Tailor Clayton's Block, - Flesherton ; STRJIYEU i strayed from the premisesof the ttodersij^ned, about tiio middle or Ma>. lss.17. one 9 vesr-old Hereford heir«r, whiro ati.i rtxl. moro wbite ' ti.an r«d, white face, two pale red ears. ,\ny i'lKvmatioii ts to her wber<vit>ont8 will l>o •iiaok.'ully recsived and luitsblT rewarded by . ^ „ ^ "H. DAVIDSON PcT«rwk«M»i P, 0., f e&. *J, lane Grab's p. Syryp | " of B8 5s.';:'#^ Sprue ckitis, Sers P||m tkrNU, He blllll