THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE f^ J MUVM MMU MMMtliWWMWMWJiuniUMW W^ ». McTavish k FLESHERTON V EEPS ON HAND ...REPAIRS For Mauey-H«rri8, Niixmi, Fleury and Wilkiiiaun fariii iniplemeiitn. floury and Yurit)' pluWH uri liaiid all the tiiiiu, sino all kiiidn of repairs for the saiiiD. V\'«j luanuPacture Wugmiii, Buggiea, Cuttern, HleiKha, etc. HorxusliMoink; promptly attfiided to. Special ntleiiti<'ii to tender CL'>- tracti'd fuel. Luitgiiiif and PImw Chains conHtiiiitly on liAiid. tf irirMiJiiiiiiiiirliOiiitiiiiipliiiiiii^^ •fie. ^â- ^ IJiifigies. Carta. Wauons, Harrows, Plows of the ^^ host kinila hiiiI n-pairs. BiiiderH, MowerB, lIorRe %P lUkfH and Corn Hcnfflpra and repairs. Ciiaius of f^-^ all KiiidH. llorsoslioeiiit; a specialty at ^ John H. Heard d Son's Warerooms %'P ciPw Jit' ^i«- -Ji? '/i V- ^i«" ^?^if vif ^;?^iF^? w^i? W '/iP-ilv ^(F'?!? w%- -xF'wF '/J? Owen Sound, Ontario 18 THE VEUY HE6T I'LaCE IN CAIJADA TO GET A THOROUGH 1U:SINESS EDUCATION. Taico a Ruund frip sr^ m'",.,«i _ . Col]fC«ii aiKi •oinMiarc;.' UnparniK-iitf in I'aiiaSi. then vUit iW) Sortli.>rn lluiiiiiea. C<>ll«i;a : uxainine • »ir,-t. il.iH llo.oiMhly. H wo fall lu proitucn tba 111 )<t UrirouBh, coiiiplote, iiractlcal aii'l • xcs'iovi) cijiirio nf ntu'lv ; tliu buat college urn iii.«< a'i>l '.\\9 lii>'<t and DioHt cam|>l>t» and m'lit i!>l. fiirililuro .nil appllanCBi, we Will •ii'x >'â- I a full cii'irKO KItKK. Par annual #<ia juuoutiiauc^. givldg full particular!, (r.^ /d Irusi C. A. FLEMING. Piiiicii»I W. BARNHOUSE \Vi«lu'B t> inw ihrt attention of ih« Piililic t'> tlio foUowini; : » FLOUR IM BAGS t)f :ill Ki/x" Mild n* Clioap ft» the cheap on*. KiiOk-ial lS;ii>;ai:iH in 3 and 5 Hikiivl IjU. ^lk^kSlt:^liSiet-!>liiSS/k^iiS!t':)!'.trS:Vt^ili-Slle i i Photos *i â€"TAKEN -AT THE Flesherton Photograph Gallery are done in lirit-clnrs aiylu and at l.iwest ralo!i. Spei^ial nltentiini iiivi'ii to copyiim. Bahien' ptiotos. a specialty. I'ietnrt'B finnicd. ^ MRS. BULHOR 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Fruit and Confectionery Oyster in Season . , . Groceries and Provisions. DOC, .tnd COON MITT.S and LEGO- IS' )S iniKlu to ordur and on Shortesi Xutiou. Wn. BARNHOUSE, Flesherton Boaver Planing Mills EUGENIA Wii rimniifnar'tiiro snsli. (l(M>r« framos.fl'-nr- lu;, )tA^n, si'iiii!. Jait.t KtipeltDR, vovi^niltilt Ui tt* 1 lU. \V\t litivfoti tiAiirl II laigcHit'uk hi hCaii i<i iit)|{-i Hiair rull. tin iinil uorr.or blofltii. llArtll )lt-'tik4. kHo III) lllJ Ktlliul ll't H|('.<f8 of KllKit MiKl <t.) >.rt n.i hvi I. W>i >i>iVH a HtaI da^H kiln r>r tlri'liift iiiiilHr an<l will f:-.i riitiien our iiiAri:ri:il'* llntrnii^'hlv t!r>\ Kiln-rliiod hum W'Ki I 1i I Tint{ ti')vv I ,H nn huiiil. HrtiiK xom* own Ultll'i'ti a hi imve it, kiln nrted A'li) |tlntii«l hoiu l^uiii -ni'j<)>, y 'tt I nil iic rUk ; wu will Kn&rnii tit to 111 ik 1 iL ]>u\ (vv.i i'll), ill 4.' liM tti '*!i.»w '»•! 'hil w* nniitMifttu til* TCi'v .iir-i • t»A It) (hat M.I do ill Ihitt linu • havo -i'-.M.M'l t'Mt Iiif:o tl.<» pi icet* o( cboppiiu |fiaL.'it> '1:^ ii'tr{. A nritt i:Iiimh i^hud fi> yrur frtin.H whilo wKitiiig* W« |{iiiul cvur Mrs. A. Wilson, Prop T. \V, WILSON, MANAOHR Stents Trade Marks DCSIGNS Copyrights Ac- Anrntin KonrllnK n nkelch mid Ut-orrliitloii ninr quIrklT iiit'erinlii our optnlon freu wficthiT an InTfMitliiii in i.mhnhly luUeiiUhip. <'nninnwitrA- tli)niinlrt<'t)r(^'>'itttl«iittiil. Ilundtiixih on rMeiiU Botii tTfH*. olit)»Bt BtfiMKT ffir BiMiiniiu palrnu. I'nl<-iitM )<tk<Mi ttiniiiirti Munii A tu. rec«lT6 tprcinl mtfi-r, without chHUtv. Ill tha Scientific Hnterlcdtt. A Sfui'lftcMi.Iv tMiiitriilod wnokiT- I.ftrtfMt rlr- rii.Htioii of rttiv rf'liMit itip loiirnnl. I'tTiiiB, 93 a ynitr ; four nionthn. fl. Hold by ull ncwsdmlor*. MUNNJCo.""^-''-' New York Branch Omce, «» F St.. WaihliiKtoo, D. & Cash : for : HidesI Sliei'pKkiiis ami a!l kindfi of fuia pur- cliH«nd, fur wliu-li liiglit'st luitrkat prii'f will be paid. Wintei* Goods- In Vogue at the Flesherton . . . HARNESS SHOP DELLS, IlLANKiiT.S. SA.SKATCIIEWAN nnd (iOAT llOhKS Wliipa, Uiibliur Kneo Hiiua, lined nnd iinliiied. Curry OombHand ISruthos. CHolce : Goocis At rRaaonablu Prices. Satisfaction guaraafcMid in repairing. W^M. MOORK BarnMsmiker • • - Flesherton Iliiiiieinadii 8nu»ai;i'8 un hand, alio iill kiiuU r>f iiient.H. M. A/VILSON Flesherton Meal Emporium u J. B. Sloan & Son I^ropr'iet.oips tSt' OKT YOUR t»n. Sash, Doors, Flooring;, Shcetinp, r.ewel Posb, Balusters, tn^KUOM US'tS;?, Hand KailirifT, Corner Blocks, the best of Spruce Lath, No. I and ? Shinf^ks Veranda and I'ittings, Sidings, etc. 8 Tomiiid cf all lliiiils Bone to Drfa fiSfffew ninaf Stonoa fur Chopping. R»tisf.i«tiott in «)loui line. ^^Haronteut The Spanish Phillipine Fleet De- stroyed rianllla In PofMMlon ol the American.â€" A Terrible N.viri BatUe on Sunday-All Quiet at ttavanna A Madrid special, dated May 2. sayH : Fuller details are ci)iiiini{ about th baule at Mnnila. 81 fur ai can nov lie learned, Commaniler Dewey piis-ed ti e f'.rtn al the eniranL'e of the buy jus" I e- fore da*n, under tire from the forts, to which he did not rnply. At da.vbreik Fort Cavite opened Hro with her heani-si 1; i"s himI a' o,,cu the Olympin fired he 8-inch forward can on m reply. The tiring no» became gemrHl. Ad- min! Moinejo III the Reiia Christina went boldly to meet (he foe, eoita'iu With the Olyiiipia H>' intl cted ui i' h injury, but liit itliip wii~ aet on lire "inl b' it'll to Hink, wlicii Admiral Aloi.tejo ,eft the flagship for tt-e M- D- Cuba. As the Adini'al was leavinfj the cap a 1 w.iH nhot by his nnd dev.'iod m n wi're fallnii! all aiound liiin. 'I h transfer of the flag was a deed ofd S|ieMe doioi.', U.4 hII tliu KliiiM of the fleet werr under a te riblu tiio, .viitHoiimo the lire "f the f. ris fonc the AmcricHii phips, including the Oly n pis (id Baltiinure, 10 »ith<:ra« lu t.i west of ilio liay, wh>.re the w .iinded nn- Were rent aslioro out of rmigu ot ih' S,iitiii!)h tiro. Tlien the Ani'-ricans le lurt-d to the attack, ninkio:: straight lor the crippled S{iaiiiHh ship. Tlie KimiiikIi gtinnt-rs Htoud bruvidy liy tlifir guns aiio aiii>*ereil atiot for shot. Tlie lari>i wi.ialen crui-er Casnlla caus/hi tire. Tln- .\iiu'iicans conlinuud tu piiur shot into her, and 10 prtvent the niauiizine from expiiKling the Spiiuiaid.) scuttl>-d tier and the crew inadu for shore in boats and oii pieces of Mhaiieied ap-iis". Suddenly th. Doll Ju4n of Auatiia's ina,iaz:iie explo«hd under a ahot iroiu the Americans, in a giuat burst of Haiiu-, and the ship sank The Spaoisli i:uii'<)uai Mendiiiao uiid tht- crumer Dun Antonio UUo sustained lieiivy Grf for aw hour und then withdrew iiiuhr lliH forts, aeriouH y injuied. The crows of the Sp<iiiiHli gunboatN showed great heroism Seeing th.-y Woie to fall into the liaii'li of the enemy thr> sunk or act lire to their vetwds aim jumped into theses. All this tune the fiirta were tiring at the American wai i,liip.«. The niarkKinanHliip waa )>ad. The Amrricui winadron rfMwm lu th haib ir uf .Manilla, but il is heliuVL-d the} are i^ui in coinlitioii tu ivnew the atiack to morrow, und inusi retiri-. Tiie Spanish ll'.'it h.-u been practicall wip.'d out of exiKtun..-e. The vea.Huls that liiivu nut been auiik or burneil h.iv <-ii'ii r been CKpiured or driven to ate* shelter close under the Krup|) auns ot li.e Munilla Ixitiuries, where tl'.ey will h. taken hiter, Fiom all accounts two battles wen fought, the tirHt n<-ar the m>>uth of tlit- bay and ihe second insidu It is pro balde ilint Coniiiodnm Dewey attacktd the Siiaiiish fleet in column for illation anil that thoy |.r.'|>ared to meet him 111 lino .1 bslile. Dewey cut the enemy 'a line i the iniddlo and then turned all hiii at- tenii Ml to the wiiiyt. The Spanmh win not cut (iff in ihe tiiat cncou'iter areii.^' the di'Struction wrouuhl Ujinn .hs.r con suriH, made otr up the Isty niidor a hot tie fr..m th«i Amtricana, who, by thi< iiiii.. wi-re ready t.> deal witli Ihuin. In In goc'li'l oooouiitkir tlo- Oav.'n f. rts miiln :a 1.1 d a stendier and sti'.iUL' r lir^ on t'lu .\nioiicaii8 than in the ftr<; en^a^tnu 111. |)nr >oa.<ols then had wriio clos •- to t'ei' in ord.-r to dosiroy t!ie ri'iir ants of tha â- ^pa'ii.^h s.iuidron. 'i'he Spinish nliip.i not ciptured are 'ither sunk or oground. ANoTMKR I>BSI'AT(!II Mnni l.'» Mkj 2 ( Mondny iiiDiiiiog. )â€" ( Special ) â€" The American flo-t, under tho c ininiuid of Oiniiinodore Dewey, aneh.ivd in the hay lieic at B o'clock on ."^ir day moiniiiv lit a diKtanco from the Civite foils Tho lat'cr, iicitnithstniid in,' iho long raniiB, opeiud tiro on the .Xioe. leans and were fupiior'ed by the SpMiiaii warshii s which were ntiohorcd iiiul. r the fiiita. Comiiinhi'O Dewey lluvi oidfitd hm »()iiHdi<in to cloao in and ilolivorcd nil awful cnnnoiiado, udiiii; his uuiiH of nil ca'ihroa fo,- thiity minutes. He thou wiihdicw his Ti-siels beyond the raiigrt (if the siiiulkr ):uiis and pouicd tliells from his b^g guns upon the S niiiards, inflirtiui: hideous dnmaur. Thi> Uro lusted for a iitllu more than a qu«riir of an hour. Tho Sjianiiirds, 1 hough grcstly weakened, continued to reply. Coinmodore Dewey thnrefo-t closed in a;^am and runo^cd n ceaae.'css eanniinsde. After the fight had onn- tinaed for an hour and a half the Spanish xjuartrun was practically annihilated and all the fo*t4 Were silenoi'd. Three of the Spaniih ships were on lire, one had sunk, an.t :he others were riddled and helpless. After iho lap'.c of a few hoursCommodore Dewey, who had withdrawn to the west side of the bay when the Spsniardsceaaed tu reply to his fire, returned to Cavite. Ho wax received with a<ime shots from the land forfa, whereuiion he atfairv npen- ei on them with a furious torrent of projectile. In a nhort time he had silencd them, appearontly rendering them totally useh-as. Then Conimo<l(ire D wov demandet tht cotuplete surrender of he ci'v. f' rtiticalions, munitions and sto es. The Governor refused to sur- re d r Wh>" in'^ormation of the re'u.sal, C i'mdkkI' r De ey not<6ed the Governor t'lat he would ive liira twenty 'tmr hours loc'ear out, aft>*r the expirntion of wlii. h lime ho wi.u'd t.ombsrd the city Thi* no'i.-e exp res a' ll.SOu'clock ti»-ra"rr..w (Tuesday) m'.rning. Sttsiufjsi €im\$ jU'CULLOUOH A yoUNO *U MaukexB, Maikdale Do a Riineral bankiii!; buniiiPHs. Uouey loaned at a reakooable rai.. Uuil on us. A Voice From Heaven IN HEMORT nv HRK.TBrs. PICL CF LUIT DiXX. I Biiine in tbn liRlit of Qod, >Ils HkeUttrtH stamps may brow ; Through he shadows of destli mv feet hav. trod, .^nd I rcieu in glory now 1 Ko brenkiiig heart is here, N'l ki^en anl th: illing pain. No w .!ite<l r:ic"^iiH, wlierethc frequent tear Hath roiled and loft its Btaia. I have found the joy of beaveii, I am one of the angol band, Tomv heari a crown of gold is given. And a haip is in my baud. I have learned the aongtbejr sing. Whom Jesiis liatli set free : Anrl the glorious walls of huaveo shall rioff With my new-born melody No sio, no Krief, no pain, Rafu in my happy home I My fears all Be I, my doubtiall slain. My hour ol triumph counrt '^ friends of mortal years, The trusted aud Che true, Y. are walking sr ill in the valoot tears, llu. I wsit to Welcome you. Ou I forget ? Oh no ! Kor u'emury's gotdou chain Shall hind my hi art to tha hearts below, Till they meet aud (ouch again Kacli link is strong and bright. Ami lovu's electric flame tluws (leulv down, like a river of light 'I'u tne world from which I came. Do you mourn wticn another star bhine.i out from the glilteriii;; bky ? Do yuu Weep whou tho raging voiee of war And thu Htuims of cootllct diu ? Thau w;i. should your tear. riiu d >wn, Auii your heartu bj i-orely rivcu, i'Oi anuiuc'r gcai lu the Savioiii's oiowu, Aua another suul in heaven ? Hattik Waixacb. A B VANDUSEN, .T P Clerk Sth Div Court, Co Orey laruer of Marriage IJcourcfi, Conveyancer Notary, Public, Auclloueer. Money to loauad from 5 to 9 per cent. Charges moderate. FLEbHEBTON P4> TVEBTS COLLECTED ^ The undersigned is prepared to undertake the collection ot all kincs ot debt.. Notes bought, acconDlB col'ccted, etc. Now that the bicycle season i.s u.sherei' in the folluwin,.' extract from the law governing the rights uf cyclists and tliuse in • hir.e of vehiclea will be opportune : ( .-1. ) In ca>e a person travtUinj or beinu upon a liiuhwiiy in charge of a vehicle lUxets a person travelling up<iii a bicycle or ti icyele, he shall, whore praeticable, allow the person travellini; upon a bioycle or tricycle suilicient room on tho travelled jiortion of the highway to paai to the light, (ii.) Ill case a person traviliii g upon a highway on a bicycle or tiiey.-ls overtakes any vehicle or horscmiin travel iiig at less s(K'ed, or a jwnon tr.ive liii on foot, the person travellini,; 00 a biiyelu sh.ill give to tho other person iiudiUL warning <if his approach l>efoic alteuipt- iiig to ia.«». (('. ) In case a person tiavel- liiiu Of bciig upon a street or highway on . b C4cle or iric^cle is overtaken by any Tehio I! as aforeaaid, or horr.eii.aii travel- ling at a gi eater speed, the person so overtaken shall quietly turn out to the light, ind ailoiv the s.tid Vihiel«< orh'.r«e- m in to p^Ks, and tho person s-.ov- r-akii g the IncyelH or tricycle shall turn out to the lef;, no far as is ncc.-ssary to avid the ciilluion. Catarrh Shaclcles Broken in 60 Minutaa |aa It's un atarmin;; f.ict, bnt \JV*-^ statistics bc-ir i: out . thut J V \ St Irasl 80 in eveiy hen- 4 ^W>v |V> drcd pt'rsoi.s I u this \ H^ii fa v^"^ oountry are tainted in a \ \ 'â- '*L(U lesser or Rrca'cr dcxrc. V^^'^v H I by that diMKn'^ting, ofl'i il- -*"^ * a â- Uvc and (tingerous dls- e.i*.!-- Cul.:trh. If symp. touis appear, such us cold ^^^ in tho n*!rid. dixziiicss, ">J"?*^ p.iins In the forehead, •â- *^^ â€" ' fiUadiiche, droppinp In the throat. oyi.n!.ive bir.Tth, o( caste and inicll, the Catarrh shackles m.*y bet'cbicningatv-M'iyniiâ€"- UK. AWNEWS CATARBnAl, POtTltKR Is the most potent Catarrh cure known to-d-iy-â€" P.oconimendod by eminent none andibrontspoclal- Istsâ€" gives relief In frc«i 10 to 60 minutes. *' For years I was a victim of chronic Catarrh ; the fir^t ^ppUcati'in of Dr. Agncw'sCataithal pow- der gsva uie luManl relief, and In an Inerrdibly short while 1 was permaocnlly sutcd,"â€" James HMdlsi, Dundee, N.Y,~jj for sale by W Itichardou K N UENDKBSUN, Flesherton p CHISLETT ^ flpsberton Station Postmaster, Commissiouer in H C J, ttonvey- aucir. Deeds, nioitgages, leases ,and will, arawn. Money to lend at 5J per cent and up- wards. Debts collected. Charyus moderate. D J SPIOULB "* fo master, Flesherton ominis^ioner in H. C J., Anctioneer Co«- veyaiievr, Apprais.r ^nd ».oney ietner Keal Kstata a. n InBu;ai>ce ;«reiit. 1 >ed. uio.'iKSKes, Irastib aiii wilo. caietuliy lirewo up au valuations made on Fboitea U'-iia.. Muue} to lo.ii at luaest rates el lutero t. 1 ol lei ii.,iis attended to with picn pices* â- lia I..- I,jw. AKent for nceai . < minioD Steamship Company. A call solicitod. .UAHlilAUM LUtENCK.iâ€" At GorornmcDt ^ micoe Uojf.iia 01 them ; .Nuw Visiaion, FirKtelaM,: U. t and Jubilee. Forsii,Kle pel- «uu,lu iial.sort.ix at a time. H. AJCLSA.N PCHDY, l„t.v: a. ECGEMIA. aill.SS KAllAH Ml U.M.N. '"â- Teacher on piano. piauofoi.te, organ. etc. Ilcidj first cla-s teachers' certificate la music wiita nonoislrum Aiuia Cuiirgn ; nupil ut J^rof. bt. JoUii Hyttuiirauch of Copeolmgeu, uciiiuaik Itesidauce eppusiiu Aletljouibt chiicr.h r leshertoL >oti tifs A O U W meets every In-- aud third Monday ** In each month, in .i.irloiKo iwm. Christoes block. F!c^Uellon, at S p ni. Jaa. Bla^eloy, W M ; AM Giosou, Uecoicrr; W. Iiellamy.Kinatcier. VisitiDg b>-ethrec invited. pKINCE AKTHTR LOUtiH, No. Saa. A. A A M, meeta in the Masonic ha;i. Stiaia'a block. Hesherton, every 1 1 i.lay ou or be;or* the full moon. H McUill, W M ; W J lieilau'j, Sneretary. PuUItT FI.KSHtKTON, I. O. F. meete lit ^ christoe-'s m.jek the last eveiiin* in each month. Visiting Koresteis heartily welcome. V. Henry, CbierBanEwr, W. A. Ami. ..tioiig, Bocrttary. SrntijiitiJ) rjR. A. E. LITTLE '^ Dentist, Graduate Uuiv.r«ity of Toronto aud Koyal College of Dental Burgeocs, Flesherton- Monday and TuMday of each week Duiidalkâ€" Thursday, Friday and SMurday of eacli week. f P ilAKSHALL " M D S, D D S. L D 8, V isits Flesherton the 1st aud 3rd Friday of nach mouth. I O CAMPBELL A-« L D .-., D D 8, Dental Surgeon, Markdal. â- JlUce over McCullouKh & Youngs Lark 1 ours-8 30 a m too y m. Visits Flesheitou he sicond aud fouith Thursday of each uioutb. urn ce at Mui, haws hotel •n HENDF.KSON * D D S, M D S, Dentist of Toronto (Cold Medalist) will visit Flesherton nro- fe»«iouallv the first WoJuesday ot eacc mcnti. and Duudalk the follo*iu« day (Thursoav ) ^fOal -ODveyancer. etc I OHN W FH08T, 1. I, B '•' Harristcr, Bolicitor Co Offlec-Xext to postofflce. Sproules block tlr-Mierton. every Saturday and court day.; •N H-Oweu Bonud oUico, Floats bloek SU I oulett street east. T UC.W * WKIQHT .•J ilarrihters, Hulicitor Convcj sneers, et« W H "w Itn'-HM.'- ^"' Mark.lal.., o„t N ll-i lejheiton office, Mitchells bank iivory Woduoadoy. "»"•. |iLCKl.;K & PATTERSON * Dartisturn, Solicitors, etc Molsou s Dank, Owen Sound H.lllUY G TUCKEh OKO W PATTKItSON A O. MACK AY, MA, ."• Barrister. Solioit-jr, Notary, Con- vejaucer, etc. Ciown Attorney for Uroy.»-JO Pculelt street. Owen hound ; and ..iiMi street, Dumialk, Satuniays Ir^m Sum toU p. m.. anil ou Division Ceuitoave auifdiral D U UCTTtlN M D C M, U C P A 8 Out, Prioevill. Oirico noxt door to Urown's store ; reeideni. opliositu .It, tho i>Ul post ofllco, residence of lal% Alex iirown. Ollice,U>s- »'i;csUay8 aud Halut- rvB CAKTKR «•' M C P 4 K Ont, Pbysirlan. Surgoon. «te H'lenhertou â- .iMco-Stibiu's liuik, ICotidetiie â€" Maiitihaw'B Hotel. JUIN A KCOTT, M B Mt.nUier iL'oHt.^'e Phv^Ic. * SM*'>rf."* I Oiitaiio Oraduate in Medlci'ie of Toronto ' University, Fellownhip Dinloiiia, Post (iradn- I all) ^It. Ileal Schoni and llo.ipitat, ethi.^g<^- 1 of eve, ear, nose and throat Fiuoiajly treated, Uusid^Lce,UaAVCell>visitsF«v«rtbim I Tlursdyas 1â€" il i T P OrTKWELL I w Veterinary Surgaon Graduate ot Ontario Vctorinary ColliBa« W(>od IteHidenov.â€"Secoud door south on WMS from Mary stieeb. Thia streets runs tOUMt Bide Prosbyteriau chorsh. '