Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 19 May 1898, p. 4

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â- JiMMttJbl>^ ' â-º<> 1 I .. THB VERY LATEST FROM ALL THE WORLD OVER. diteraftlac turn* About Oor Owa C«ua«ry. Ortat Britain, the United 5UtM, and All Parts •( th* Olobe, Conittt*^ and Auortcd tar Bajy Rcadlog. CA>?AX>A. GaeI|>Vii rate of Uxutlon U 84 mllU. The Stikino Uiver l« oiwn for navi- gation. The Northw.yit elect loan will be held next OctolNir. Over 5,0(X) luimigrniutH arrived at Winnii>eg hu~>t aiuDth. Weatern luiuera Me euiking (or an in- creaaed duty uu Irud tuiiiiortji. The Hatiiiitiia Oiut ConviNinjr has in- enaned Uh iliscourat to 30 iier cent. Tbe London City C'oimoU fixed tba rate uf tazni i.)u (or 18U8 at 21 l-i mills on the dolitii-. A. T. Bryaged, a HHrnilton Elondik er, »bo lt^lt ii,iiout a, ye«t* ago, has r»- turned, poor-T by 9600. Corjioral .McNair u( th<! Northwest M'lUnted t'o i •â-  Jubilee contingent com- mitted auicidf at W»rdAer. Five S|ianiirdd, cigar-makera, hav« arrived in Kttmilton, Ont., from New York, and ^viU live there. it IH rumored wl ICinfi;8toiV that Mr, George H. Ifortram. M.P.. will jiur- oba>se thi* l(i<'omotiv« works there. The entire town o( NortliiiKirt, Brit- bh CoIuini»a^ was wiped oat by fire, bat tbe l.e iC»l sraelter wan uninjured. Andraw P. Scott, former vaabier of the insnlvpnl I''armera' Savings & Loan Comiiafty. h.'ia returned to Toronto. Tlie navlK'.-itlon season has opened at Montreal with a ru!<h. The receipts o( grain were the largest on record. Hamiltuii citizenf have given enven- ty ploU of UuBd (or use aa potato patc-bes. Humill.on t«miier»iio« [i«n(ile are or- gani:tin!7 on th« ae.siiinption that the plebisoit*' will lie t«k«n in .September. l4Lnt m«txt\i the CPR Hold 43,148 •cr«.H of land for •140.270, or (our timns a.H oiuoh a« was sold in Al>ril, 1897 H</n. .''idttecf PUher, Mininl^r of A(r- rlcuUur.-, will Tlsit Qrrat Britain ibis rear iind may attend the Paris Kx[>osi- tion. Thn ri'lebratnd Le Rot mine has \Mn.t- •d inio tha hands of a Briiiiib ayodi- cate. Thn>e million dollars was the eoini-'i<leration, Thp inriui of Americans to Toronto to eHcaiic the inconvenience oconsioned by the .Spaninh-AiDerican war. promis- es to lie lange. Thnmiimleni of the Canadian Marine A>!ti>"iation have' given up all hopes of having tho canalrt oi>ened (or .Sunday tluH season. Mrs. Patrick Cnnovan. on trial tut, Woodstock, N. U,. on a K;harge o( murderip'r hur siHler, Minnie Tucker, has l)epn found not guilty. A ruimtr W current at .Stratford that all Grand Trunk employnen over 50 vears of agn engaged In tbe shops are to b« dinhargnd. U. M. S. Hai'»bip Peliciin. which ar- lived at Hnlifax on .Saturday, in to l)«j fitted out for tbe Newfoundland finh- •ry protection service. C'leamnceH ia the \Vinnip<-g clearing bouse during April aggregated 9(i:H0.- OOU. coini>ar«d with fl.KU.OOU for the Oorresponding napnth of 1807. The Wabash Itailway iieople intend itiit ting u goud servicH <ia tbe .South era tirund I'ruiik Una lielwren Detroit and Du((alo Tlwrewill Iw four trains daily each way. Convict Mctiuire, of Coliourg serv- ioK a life s«nt«noe in Kingston peni- tentiary for attempted murder, has owmjfletnd a large oil jiainting of Chruit'a ascension. On Friday lb« nitvimer W. R. Lynn brought :i32,(MM) lu.MbelH of corn to Ow- en .'^ound lutrlior. This is Ihiiugfat to lie th« largest cargo of corn ever floated in Crnib water. t'yrufl y^ymour, who h«ui .served thr«H. leritKi in iieniteuliary for horse â- tealing and liiganiy, baa lw»u arrested at Kingston with a stulen horse and carriagK in bin iMssession. Prvparutioivi ara being made for the enlargement oi the I'rovim'iul Purlia- ntentary library at 'J'orunto, to admit the Ixwks whii^h havn been |)urcbused from Sir Oliver Woivat. An extensivH si»ow!ilide occurred on the line of t bo C l*. It,, near (Jlacier ! House and limke through °JIKI feet of | •nousheds. I.u.^kily lliHevtiiliig uain i had passed. Tbere uiU tie iic> Uiler- ruptioa of traffic. Mr. ('. RosH. prt'Huleui of the Ottawa ikxird of Trade lias accepted an Invita- tion to the meeting of Ihn Uriti.sh Ahsu- cialion in Httptember next on the occa- sion of the Cal>ol menvorial celelirutiun at Brbitol, ling. The iluuianH fjiciety ba.s awarded the puix'bment of the soiioty to .lobn Meyers, tbe <x»lourBil porter, «b(> braved esc'apin^ stoam and live coals to rescue ilnifineer Ilutcliiu.son and Fireman Cbnk from the ti.T.ll, wrei'k at Muillngtou. UNll'KU aXAlEH. The prii:e of buer hai been advanced at Chicago to 15 a barrel. John Vore, fatber-iu-law of Mlchtel Oavill. tbe Irinb agitator i.t dead at St. .lust'pb. Mi(h. Tbe claim is made that Ihti Ameri- can ruitds are boy coll iu}( the Sou branch of tbe C'.P.R. Wttterwiiouts uBd turnailoes have re- â- ulled in l'.i3N of life an I great deslruo- tion of p upei'ty in Arlvannas. John V. McKane, (he (oniier Coney lalan I political leador, wan released frojii ;<ing .Sinn on .Saturday Large iiuaatitleg of Atiuueupolis flour are Imintf sent to Muutrsal (or 0*port. iilffaul o( the war. The Ogdenaburg an I T.ake Cham- plain rail load ba.i l>r,-n sold under mortgage foreclosure for |2,S0O,OOO. Maus Ilius. and Wolf Bros.. Cincin- oali. shoe factories, each seveu atories, were burued on Friday morning flMM.OOU. At Jericbo, in Ctxl.ir County, Mb., a toip'do killed thiitien {leiaons out- right ami fatally injured (ive or six more. ^lUMMtMMMm/WiHMMMMMMi^ \ trunk and not more than three feet from the ground. The brancliei should | not exceed tbe ro>its in length and quaotlty. Dig a. hole large enough *i ' a/iinit the roots in u.'natural [xwilion, I LoM l^immNmWffWHfmfWfmfffmfm ^n t^* center of the holieidaceaismattl aiu'iunt of earth. On i h> i set tbe tre* I Agricultural BEST TrMK FOR C(X)VER HAY. There b no other hay that is as go<4 (or all kinds uf sUick, eqiecially for A great Catholic demonstration Is be- growing animals and milch cows, a$ ing held in New "iork In celebrotion clover hay, provided tbe clover is cof Corr*** n'''"*' "'"'''''" "' Archbishop ^^ j^,, ^^^^^^ ^j^^ ^^^ properly cured* ,,,'_.. ,,, , , . ' writes C. P. (Joodrich. And yet tt Fire at Chicago on Wednesday de- .. i ^ atroyed Armour's felt works, at a loss great many farmer.s-l am not sure ImO of |Si£JO,0OU. The fire caused a panic I could truthfully way b, majority -^ among the employee. None were killed, faji so completely in one or the other. One hundred and thirty-five passes, or lioth of these jiarticulara, that the t'de as imesible, giving permission for correaiKindents . great p.o,K)rtion of the ' ^Ij'* /' »'"'^'«1," , of ueweiMiiiers to accompany th« army, , ... ; . â-  , slightly toward t clover hay in tlie country is of infer- prevailing v»inds, ior quality, and v%'e often liear men xayl "I do not think mu>'h uf clover bay; il> is tbe poorest hay ibere is." Accord- ing to my erxjerlence, the liest time to cut clover ia wiien it is in full Mildred Brewster, on trial at Mon- 1 '>'<><"»• ^« a'^ »' l»» blossoms do not tpeUar. Vt.. far the murder of Anna come out at the same time, 1 w"<il<l.]t„ grow some cultivated crop among Wheeler, of, whom she wiw jealous, baa i( I were sure the weather would iier- the trees than to allow th« ground to, been a»jquitted on the ground of in-:n,it and if I could cut) it all in one , l-.erome oc^-miied by weeds ajid graas, , n»sstired 8 feet i* l-i inches i Lave been issued at Washing'tou. The Cramp .Shipbuilding Cumpuny of Philadelphia have received an order from tbe Russian Goveraiueut (or the construction' o( two imiwrtant vessels, one a battleship and the other a pro- tected cruitfer. and gently preas it into Lh« earth. 'Ihli in-iures sufficient .siitl among tbe root) tu {irevi-nt any oiien siuice. It ia tbeaV 0|ien S{>are.4 vthich often cause the death o( th- i hree. Pack the soil alwvi the roots as fast as it is filled in.leav^ ing the u;iper three inches loose to act OS a nuilcb to preserve moisture. It is liest to set tbe tre.es a, little deeiier than, they stood ia the nursery This pl.i'-e may Ije known by the dif- ference in color <rt the tjark. it is C4i»- tomary to set a tree as near ver- bult I have learned that it Hhould lie n>-t ao as to lean be direction of tbe then as the tree grows. It gradtuilly straightens and at maturity Is able to maintain! that ]io- sition. A tree should never .be mnb'll- e>l the first yea.r, as it will cause the roots to grow near the, mtrface. There is nothing letter than frequent and shallow cultivation to conserve mois- i ture and promote growth. It is better WHAT IS OOINQ ON IN THE POUR CORNERS OP THE QLOBB. (Md and New Warld Event* ol lat«r««t Ch ra^i Icled Brieflyâ€" latarMtlag Happaalaga at Recrat Date. in lierlin the firemea wear water Jackets, with a double akin, whick tbey are able to fill with water (roM tbe hose. Tbe income tax of India is levied oa all income.s of £3S and upwards. an4 tlien only one man in 700 comes wittv- in its si'oi-'e. There have been 71.000 deaths frooa plague is India so far. according to a recent report by the ."'ecretary for India to Parliament. Jealousy of ttie first husband of tha willow be h id mirried drove a Frencb- man to kill his wife and then himself recently in Paris. A 130 inund conger eel has bee* caught in Lock Long. Scotland. It """^'y I day, wait till about one-f*»urth of ihej but rH «e»ds shtmid not lie planted Edward Gruen. who is really Baron . , . . ,„,.„„^ i.r.i... »„t in oruv "^'oHer than four f.et to the tree. Care- L'nterre<-.bter. has confe.ssed to the im- I *>«*'*« '^d t"'""'''* '"•"»â- â€¢ ""^ in proo- , ,^, ^,fp„,,„„ „,„^,^ ^ ^j^^^ ,he new migration authorities at N'ew York to ! tice, liecause I cannot cut it all at i growth, rutiing l-nrk any branches having stolen t>7,000 florins from his i once, and to giKtrd against any of it which are growing out of proportion auJit- I becoming too far advanced, I u^ual- to the others, keeping the top as near- ly Iialanced as t'oasilile. f Rub off all Jacob Gramm aged 60 of Morton,, ^^^ ^^ jj ^^ ^-e^ther is good. I ' J '--lanced as jW.Ie. j Rt street. New York, on Tuesflay murder- j ' . , , » u I -ihoot.^ on the trunk which ed two of bis children. morUUy wound- commence rutting liefore any o( the • ^^eded for main branches. ed a third, and th^'.n inflicted fatal ! heads have turned. l\lover is a plant | wuun<is on hlmflelf. TIte murdered children were (ive and one year old The other one ia seven years old. ' Liewifl Warner, president o( tlie Coun- ty National Bank, ot Northampton, Mass.. is wanted for the «ial>ezzlement u( ten to (ifty thousand dollars. Tbe issuance of a warrant was the r«'sult of a meeting of tbe bank examiner and the directors of the institution. The First Nation.il Bunk of Carth- of rapid growth, and iuatures very ra- pidly, 80 that, after it has passed tlie (ull-blossom sta^te, every day is work- ing great damage to it by chang- ing tne soft and digestible stains in- to hard, woody and indigestible (ilier. I find by consulting my record, that the time of lomiuenciug to cut clover for hay on my farm in acnithern Wls- age, N.Y.. had closed its doors. The pre- ] consin (or the lost twenty years or sident of the l-ank, Mr. K II Myers, biM absconded. An investigation of bis accounts revealed the fact that he has been defrauding the Uink for eight years. The amount of the defalcation is estimated at |U0,IJ00. A fire panic occurred in the Cali- fornia theatre, Saa Francisco, at which Madame Melba was lerforming. on Saturday night. The fire was in the m^xt lAiildinig. but the iieople,' disie- garding the .statement of the manage- ment, starteil! a ru^h for the street. Fortunately no one wo** .severely in- jured. Madame Melba fainted on the stage. Tha contractors enigaged on oorpor more, has varied from the 7th to the 25th of June. Many let it utand long- er l>elare cutting ijecause they get a greater weight of hay. Itui the in- creased quantity is at tbe sacrifice of quality which no farmer can afford. Be- side tnia, th!> quaulity will usually t^e fully made length and i feet 7 inches in girth Ru.-eia's estimated population i« 106 8(X).nilO : tbe oombiaed potsilation a< Oenn;iny .ind Austria is m 400.000, anA that of the United States Is Tl 3«W.0l)«. There are annually killed in Africa are not j a minimum of 65.000 elephants, yield- ing the produ^'liou of a quantity of raw ivory the selling price of whicb ia £»^.0OO. there are in Galioia 6U0 OilO ehildrea who cannot get any schooling -\a many aa 1,173 new school-houaes ara coNTRor.rrNG rot of pmtm and CHERRY. There Is great (»nx|>lnint each year! called for. the cait of which ia estl- about clierrieH and plums rotting on mated at 4,6^2.000 florins. the tree, ffhere Ls no dual>t goo<l: An eJghty-yeju--old elepbaul. whosa cause for the comjibiint. as sometimea life has hiiherto lieen devoted to cruab.- nearly all the crop is spoiled by it, ina? the life out of condeuiued crimimls writes Prof. Platl. Few people seem to j^ Indiu. his been acquired by a Hai». !,„„.„ !,„_ » .u r u I. J burg' dea er for a Berlin menagerie, know how to save them. I have had, •„ . ,. „ , ., „„;i k»« „„„-, ^. ,,, . . ., . A French author. M. de Me-'^uU. haa greati oss with cherries rotting, yet . . ,r ,_., :_ r I » » » n, . I . wrtlt4M a twok oa Madalgascar, iM 1 do not fear the rot nearly so mnrh .... , . .v, . .k., i.i-.nH mum .,....,. . . ^, ' , u I which be claims that that island wa« na I do the block aphis ttiat I have i , . ^ . ,, ,. .j .u... u.^n..^ , , . , . ,. , coloniaed by Greeks, and that Homer f-mnd unmanageable aud the cau* of [ ^^ ^ ^^^ ,i^ ii^„ Ulysses bLmself. the death of luore cherry trees than a great traveller. all other causes put together. My I Tbe Swiss Government is making ef* ouac 01 the first one is up by the increased am- 1 .„.., ,^.. ..^ , ...... ^ second orop when the , treatment for cherries is to spray witb| forts to protect uaeful birds, but no* cut early. Tlieu there is ,' sulpiiate of copper 1 lb to 25 gals of} tblnc cau be done without Italian co- anotber thing. If one wisbej) to get a' water once jujt before the buils open operation, and the Italians, even ia croji of clover »e«d, in parts of the j and once with liordeaax when the cher- coontry where tbe midge is lialde to| rie.s are one-third or one-half grown, do diunage, the crop of seed will standi then idck the cherries ai day or two a chance of getting, to a. certain ex-| before they are fully ripe. If the wea- i tent, ahead of tbe midge when ihej tber is not i«'rsi»tently liad this will first crop is cut early. Another reason | l>e sucoeasful, aA. least it baa been with Switzerland, continue to idaughter birds io tbe most ruthless manner. Tbe town of Dorn-stettin, in Wurt- temburg, has its funds so well invest- ed that the inhabitants instead of iny- iag taxes receive a bonus of $J.'> eacfc bei-au»« they say it is so very difficult | As to plums. I baire never sprayed ; annually, be^i'lea free firewood au4 to cure. They have tried cutting it | the Ja(i»ni<.se varieties except in asmall free use of land (or niLiing vegetalilea. early, and could not get it dry enough w ithoot leaving it out ai long t ime. at the ri.ik of having it wet with rain, and OS a conseqtiicniX!, hauled it into the iMtrn or stiusk witbso much mois- ture In it that it was hi,'ated and m<in l>urned and nearly worthle.ss. I b>d]l hav» found th- foliage of the Ja- bos lei-eive I not a single apt li>ation. alion work for the city of New York | „.jjy niany do not cut clover early is; me for several years, have dotiideil in j-ielf-defeuce to sua- " â-  pend o[iorations owing to the decision of the' comptroller that the city has largely eix)-eodf»d it.s debt limit, and that no funds will be available for tlie conipleliou of much work under con- tract. Forty tboiL-und men are thus tbrowq out of work OENWIIAI.. illread riain ciintiiiiLe at Piaenga, lUly. I'rince Kouug. President of the Chinese F|ireigi\ Oftice. is dead at Pekia. .Mr.; and .Mrs. Cain and tlie Misses Anher, Hatfield aud ts-henck Ameri- can iniiKsionaries. were murdered in Sierra I.eoiie. t'ourteen escaped prisoners from New Muuaniaoca. New Guinea, aro reported U) have attacked u neit{hlioring vil- lage, killing and eating 18 men. The Transvaal Government waut^ a loan, aud it is said that ueitlier Ger- many nor Kuglaiiil will uegoliate until more concessions have lieen granted. way as a test, but have deiiended on' .I»rd Bate iiuji tri»d Co eiuMirage puking off the decaying (niit by hand. ^j^rrLige at Cardiff, Wales, by offerin* They might lie .siira^ed with hor-; ^ . ._ „„„:„_ deaux or sulphate o( copper mixture! a «lowy •â- >«« * y**"" '" * deserving while dormant. which w.niM kill spores girl The Mayor o( the town report*, of rot then existing on tbe tiark, but however, that during a whole year he THUMBSCREWS. ju-it sucn an exin-rtence forty years ago and believed then that clover was"po<ir stuff for hay." But I learned better than to do that way, aud also learned Letter than to leave the cloverâ€" if I cut It greenâ€" siireod out on the ground for two or three days, acratching it over with th" tedder once or twice ev- ery day till the leaves and fine jiarts were nearly all knoi^-ked off and the .stems were dry like sticks so (hey would not heat. For many years I have practiced cutting in the foreno'in after the dew was off. or, what is fully as good, cutting it late in the afternoon, and, if the min shines bright, let it wilt during th' middle of the day, tmit not have it dry enou»;h to have the leavew crumble off. Then rake and jnDt up in small piles, narrow at the bottom. Clover put up in this wilted stage, will jiock together, if the piles are topiied out good, so that A IM..-, K.IKrleaee Wllk lb, l..lr.»e.l ^''^X " ')' f "f ,7'." K'*'"' " T*'" »»>""''* ar Torlare come. It Is left in thesei piles twi. or I three days, or longer, according 'â-  lane.se varieties uniformly too sensi- 1 Liverpool's Chamber of Commerce ia tive to admit of Upraying with bor- ' ^jj^j^^ring the plan of bridging tha deaux while in leaf. The European i „,„,.»„«:.„. hri.tire l»l • 1 - I. i I'L . 1. M«rHav by a sustensiou oriage n^ varieties, however, seem t.j like the â-  f**;'^-; ' ^- J^ ,^.. „;ih»<«nirHl , . ' ,j.t ^ ,. . ^. 1 feet above hiirh wjitei, witn a tenirai least nvlee the new grow es long and tb.. r.c:v.wuu t. u^-u ..ut. ..u.v, . ... .-i u _ Is half grown. Applied at this time Karl Marx's daughter Kleanor baa Tney aniKild i>e .sprayed . it j two side siwaa with it.tbe first time when »P^^ - J^ .^^^ e-timited cost rowth is three to five inch- . «,., "ihViuki 1 the second when the fruit, >s •'-â- ""•"*â-  . ,. .., . ... it will not show when fruit is riiie. to ORIGIN OF LONDON BRIDGE. â- l< •Mlldlagit Trare^ la Ike â- aiidlworH af â- aatan Kaglni>rr« When was the briilge built t It ia impossible to aay. It was not there A. U. 61. wh<m Que<'n Itooilicea's troo|>s sacked the city, .and murdered the |i«o- pl«i. It was lliere when Allectus led his tro<i|i8 out to fight the Kom.i4> le- William Carstairs. tbe Sc<itch divine who for fourteen years served William III as c<4lfidenlial secretary aud advis- er-in-C'hief. lia« lieen implicaind iu the Uyvhouae Plol,. a couspirocy to assas- sinate Charles II. ami place Mim- niouth on tbe thioue. lDi> wa.H (lut to the B.xiruciating torture of the Ibuuib- klii.i ur tbiiiiib.ic.rewH. which he endured beroLcally, wi^tbout confessing or im- plicating others. After Carstairs became the private adviser of \\ illiam. he w.as presented with the instrument l>y which he bu»l been lorturtxl. Tlie king, wishing to a«!e I he measure of fortitiule uei-essary to endure tbe to.rrllile torture without making a confession of Hume .soft pliiixid hiM thumb.s in the uuu-biiie and told Carstairs to turn tbe si-rew. life turned slowly and cautiously. â-  It is unpleasaul.," said King Wil- liam, "yet it might t>e eniluriHl. You are triiling with me; tuiu the ai'iew so that 1 may really (eel pain similar to that you felt." Caisliujs tutnenl th« si-rew sharply. The king cri«wl out and wlwu released said that ur.ilcr such pain he would have c<.nfe.HS(«l to anything, true or Jalse. the weather. Before the hay Is haul-;*'""^- '^ *»* th^re very early in the Roman occu|Mtion. as is provod by the quiuiliiies of Kuman coins of the four centuries uf their tenure found in the bed of tbe rivmr ou tbe side uf tbe old brLdtfo. It is also proved by the fort that i^uthwark wa.s aset- ..,,,., . . tl«<uHSit of the wealthier clans, who uu in the plies and will not heat again. , , .. v i- â-  • . in the I*rn, Init will com-< out in the '»"'<' »»« have lived in a plac^e abeo- winfer the finest of hay. .Some object lutely without supplies, hiwl Iherelieen to (Ills way of luakimj clover hay t>o- 1 no bridge. We may take any time we cawe it takes moriB work than it d.K«sj ,^,^ ^^^ ^^ nmstruction <•( the ef it lie Kiineadi mill on the ground ed to the l>arn iti is usually nece.s-sary to ofien the piles ami spread them out some so that the sun aud air will take out .some of the moisiure. but do not think to get it i>erf<vtly dry. If may seem quite damp ami soggy after this, when it is drawn tj the barn, but it lias had a time of heatin* and sweat CORUFX?!'. to le until it Is thoroughtv dry l:efore rati invi. It may !» a. little more work, t»\it that is c<»mii>enHited for manr liiiie.M over by th« great improvement in quality. I now TO .SET KUt'lT TRKE.S. A\"hen any kind of :«. plant has its j roots exiMWPil. it is sure to suffer Irws ot vitality by evaiM>ration. These should lie kept covered with damp straw or elotb. nnd If to lie kept several days liefore netting, plived in a. cool place, writes one who knows. Trees some- times arrive in a shriveled condition, cauweil l>y delay in shipment or tran- sportation. These sh >uld I* imuiedi.i- tely rlared horizontiilly iu a. i rench aud covered with puddled earth and allowed to remain for .s«^veral days. If the hranihes are still shriveled, they 'I'hnt h<v^>ltal, s.tid the guide, was built and ondoweil by a. deaf mule. IndeiHl, said the lo<iua«-ious luii.itic. i are worthless. They should lie plump Then it Is the first aiuthentic case of being dumb-founded that I ever en coimt)>reil. WHiAT rr LS FOR. Tbe Furopcan nations aianifest an Inclination to sit down on Turkey. said Siiykes It Is the Ottomaa Knudro, you know, replied Spokaa. when removed. Remove all bruised anil injured roots with a sharp knife or pruning shears. Also out of( all fibrous rootlets, aa new growth starts from the large roots. Out lia>^k the tinp quite severe- ly, the iieaoh to a. whip and the iiear and a{>ple to three or four short bran- ches equally distributed around the completed a ron.4.steut SocialUlic car- eer by ending her own life with pruNsie acid. She lived with tlie Soiiali.l l>r. Aveliug and l>ore his nau:e. I>ut at the inquest he ojjserted that they had nev- er gone Ihrought tbe loriu of mar- '.iage. Briti-h trade ethics are .iIkmU to s[>- ply to the Klondike. LiveriMiol his sent out on the ste.tmrr Manuense. Ixiund for St. Mich lel. the largest car- go ot liquor ever .~hii>ped. ll includes UOtW cases aud 1,IXI.I luiriels of s. iriis. chiefly whiskey, aud '3.000 l«rr«t.s of beer. though only sixteen murders of cbil- dreu have teen traced ceitiiinly to the murderer Vacher. aud eighteen mora were probably his work it >eems that ia the three years after bis release from i> madbou.-e there wei-e no lens than ninety-eight murders aud at- tempts to uMurder and outrage in France, where the police were unalde to find any clue co the |ieri>elralor». At rehearsal Sir Henry Irviug will sit upon the stage among his players, watching every movement and listea- ing to every word, and constant If brid(jpe, so long OS it is quite early â€" say, li^ fore the .second century j stopping any oneâ€" Miss Terry as The Britons themselves were quite i readily as the messengerâ€" who doea unable to construct a liridge of any ; not do exactly righ' Mr. Irving ri.so.s, kind unle.Hs in th« primitive methods explains the fault, and gives ihe pr»- ol«erved at Post Bridge and Two l*' £""â- "». ''".'' ^^'*- P*." .'^ .^^'^. â- *â- *"• Bridges, on Dartmoor, by a slab of stone laid across two liowlders. The work, theivfore. was wrtainly under- taken by Kunyiu engineers. We have, in the next pla(^e, to inquire wlvit kind of bridge' was built At that time by the Kouuius. They built bridges of wo<id and stone ; m iny of theiM; stone bridges still remain, in ottter casett the pieces of h<-wn stone still remain. The bridge ov<>r the Thames, however, was of wood. I'his is proved by tbe fact that had it boen of the solid Roman construction in stone, the piers would lie stilt r»- uuiining; also by tbe fact that Lon- don hod to lie contented with a wooden bridge till tbe y«^ar 1176. when the first bri<.ig« of stone whs coumM>no««d. Con- sid<^rations as to tbe comi>arative in- signLficance of Ixmdon in tbe first cen- tury, as to tbe abeenoe of stone in the neighborhood, and as to tbe plen- tiful 8upi>ly of tbe best woo<l in the Nvxirld from tbe (orents north of the city, confirm tbe theory that the bridge was built of wood. \W» have only, therefore, to lenrn how Rouum engi- neers built brid|(»s of wood el.sewhere in order to know bow tJitoy built a brid|^ of wood over tbe Thames. is immediately roiieate<l. As he iii very e.xact us to every detail, and requiraai its elaloratiouj to a nicely, you can reiidily imagine that the scene doea not quickly reach i«rfection. Hut hia patieni-e holds out against every test it lectiives. Over and over again lb« line is re<'iled. or the liit of action (hme. \mtiji all is perfect. At tha Lyceum one sees Ihe perfection of stage discipline, aud in Mr. Irving the peirfevttiuu at stnge patience SPAIN'S ."^I'ATE RELIGION. T'he stale religion ot Spain is the Roman Catholic, which is maintained by the Governmsnt. Ihe constitution liermits uon-('ttth<ilics to worship aa they please, but they must do so pri- vately and without making any putK lic announcement of their religion". .scr> vices. SITE RHOUr.l) BE SATlSFlKD. ln<Ugnnnt Womanâ€" This dog 1 btiught of you came niar eating my little girl the other day. l)g«alerâ€" WeU. you saivl you wanted a dog that was food of children, didn't yott. / sc

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