Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 26 May 1898, p. 8

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MAY td X898 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE ^ Li f* Lt.- â- ) L q<W Wa«UIMUIUMMMMM WU M MI I I W*I W IWMi m MMMyiUMI WUMKHUiUMUMUII fl D. McTavish FLESHERTON KEEPS ON HAND I ...REPAIRS Fur MMaer-Uarris, TXoxon, Fleory and Wilkinton f»rin implementR, Fluury and Verity pluwa on h»nd Ml the timo, Alao bII kiiidn uf repair* fur the tame. We manufacture Wagon*, Buggie*, Cutter*, HleiKln, et«/ H'lrseehneing prou>pll/ attended to. 8peci*l atteutiun to tender ccx- tracted feet. Lu^ipng attd Plow Ohaina outiitantly on hand. drfnHnii Baggies, Carts, Waf^oos, Harrows, Plows of ibe best kinds and repairs. Binders, Moirers, Horse Bakes and Corn Scnfflers and repairs. Cbaius of all kinds. HorBeshoeing a specialty at John H. Heard d Son's W'arerooms Owen Sound, Ontario IS THE VERY BEST PLACE IN CANADA TO GET A TUOKOUOH BUSINESS EDUCATION. Take a Round Trip '^Ll^l^iaHl CollM«t aad Couimerolal Dopartinento la Canada, then *itU the Nortberu llutiuma College ; ezkinlut • vorytliiQi! tburouslily. If wa fall to produce ibe uioAt thorouKD, ootaplete, practical and •xteunire couma of Btndy ; the best college pTBiniMia an J Ibe bent aod uMMt complete aud Boat •iittahle furuiture and appUaocae, w* Will airu you a full oourea niEls. Fat aoDual aaaouaoeiueots, glTing full partieulavi. Ire* IddraM C. A, FLEMING, Principal W. BARNHOUSE WUIiea t) draw Ibe allention uf the Public to tlie fullowiiig : FLOUR IH BAGS Of all size* and aa Cheap aa the cheap Mt. Siwcial Bargaiiia ia 3 Mtd b Barrtl Fruit and Confectionery Oyster in Season . . . Groceries and Provisions. mXi and COON MITTH and LEOO- l!C(}S made to urder and tm Shortnt Notice. Wn. BARNHOUSE, Ft«sh«rtoa Beaver Pianing Mills EUGENIA W* ni«niiru»rtiiro»>h. Soon rramM,a«*r< iaf, boae, lirMnH. Mot •beelias. TaraaAak Materl*le. WnliavHon hand a large etoek e( aialr irui'MiiiKt, metr rnil, lornad comer Mecka, !*>•â-  hlookn, also all Ihit etandard tlaaa •! aaah a«<t doiirnoii liHri'l, We liar* a flrat elaaa kiln ttar drying lumber itnd will fa>rant«* our M«t«rUI> tlioroiiRhly dry. Kilo-ilrUd hard VaO'l Oonriiiffalwityaouhand, Bring your owD ins . luuilmr and have it. kill) dried and planed ber*. Reuieniliar, you rnn n t» ui«ke a porfnot job. rnn noriak ; we d pi wni guarantee uur Kraiii clioppiag tig la In perfoat order ,and ta order to nhow tuu that we apf>r*olat* tb* fer* larv* tradu tbat wa do in that line w* baT* decided Co rednoa the price* of chopping giaiua to 4ii per bag. A flrat elaaa ah*d fer r<>ur taama wlilt* wailing. W* grind nnj iay. Miw. A. Wilson, Prop. T. W. WILSOft, MANAQBR Winter Goods In Vofo* at tht Plof hcrton . . . HARNESS SHOP BBLLS, BLANKETS. SABKATCilBWAN and 00 AT ROBES Whtpa, Ralibei Kn*« Bnm; lined aid wiliued. Curry Coiiiha and Bruake*. CHoioe t Ooods At i^-admiaMa PrlcM. Haciafactim guaranteed ia rvpairiag. MooRh:: • • * rinhirtiii Photo§ â€"TAKEN â€"AT THE Flesherton Photograph Gallery are done in firet-elaai alyle and at ||| loweit ratwa. Special attention, given to eopyins. Babie*' photoi. a apeciakj. Pietarea framed. MRS. BULHER •O VCAII*' txpamanom kOB Marrb OcoiaNt COPVMMHTa Ac Anrnn* Mndina a aketcti and deeerlMlon may antckir aaeertata oar opinion free whether an InTenlloa ta probably f>«Matabl*. CnnDulra- tluaaatrictlyeonadenilaL Handbook o« Pateala aent free. Oldeal agency for eecorlncpatefite. Patent* taken tbroagk Mann k Co. raealra (ptrM aoHM, witbont •aanr*. la lb* Scieniific JUncrfcaie a kandanmely llhntrated weakly. I.ara*sl dr. •u.atlon of any (pKntlSe loonial. T*raia, IS a 2*ar : tear aiontha, IL SoM by all i year : tear aiontha, IL SoM by all m aadaa l a t a. anm3L Sua. bkVtL, WMbl^Hw. R ft Cash : for : Hides! Sheeptkini aad all kinda of fura pur> chaaad, fur which higkaat market prica will be paid. HoaieaMda MtBaagee ea hand, ake all kiade of aieata. W. WILSON FUibartoB MaatEaporiam HHilUS J. B. Sloan &. Son GET TOUR -•% Sash, Doors, Flooring, Sheeting, Newel Posli, Balusters, E^I'ROH US'**, Hand Railing, Corner lilockSfthe best of Spruce Lath,No.i and 2 Shingles Veranda and Fittings, Sidingft, etc. Tirilii i( ill liils liii ti Mir -Vtm Nft wf HlaMa far Ohap^g. liaalâ€" Imapaa s aol n JI Manila'* Prcvknia Capture Manila, the capital i>f tlie Phillipinea, was once befnre captured from Spain. The Eiigliah were it.^ captors, allhoogb they held it only n few nfuntbs. It wa« in 170s, a few weeks after ths English cap- tore of HarariA. Spain bad been raah enough to side with France in the war usually known in thia cimntry as the French aud Indian war, She wa* speedily punished for it. The expediriun agMnst Manila waa the plan of Col. William Draper, afterward a baronotand a lieutenaJit-general. He was made a bri((adier'generHl for the expedi- tion and put in cuninuind with Admiral Corniab as his naval Hlly. The expedi- tion was fitted out and atarted from Ma- dras, India. There w«re trine shipa of of the line and fri',(ates, neveral troop ships, and a land foree of 2,300 men, in- cluding one Eugliah regiment, with Sepoys and mariiifn. On September 24, 1802, these forces were disembaiked just ixiuth of Manila. The Archbishop uf Manila, who was also Governur-Guiieral of the islands, collect- ed and armed loiue lO.OUO natives as a reinforcement to the Hpanish garriaon uf 800. DuriuK the prtrgreaa of the siege sonie daring atteiDptd Wen made by the British to prevent the farther oonstmc- tion of defencus, but the assailants were repulsed with (treat slauj^hter. A desperate sally waa made by a strting body of native* who "ran furiously on the ranks of the be*if);ers and fought with almost incredible fenxiity, and many of them died, lik,p wild beasts, gnawing with their teeth the bayonets by which tbry were traiisKxed." On October 6, a breech was affected in the Spanish works, the English carried the city by storm, aiid gave it up fur several hours to the rnragoa of a merciless auldiery. The Arclibiahop aii-l uliicers had retired to the citadel, but this could not be defended, aud a capitu- lation waa agreed upon by whicb tb« city aud port of Manila, with sevcnl ships and military atores, were sorrendered, while for their private proper -y the Span- ish agicreed tu pay aa a rans-im |2,00O,000 in coin and the sama in bills on the treasury at Madrid. This buit obligatiun was never paid. A day or two after (?>• capture came the news of a rich prize lor Admiral Cor- nish. He had started eastward with a frigate and a ship oCthe line to intercept a treasure ship. Thia he did not find, but fell ill with and rapturvd s Spanish yalleuii, with a cargo valued at 93,0UO,O00. Coaaty aai •Mrlct Evils ot Qossip I have ki)o»n a ctmiitiy society which wiihetod uiany to notluni;, iimltr the iliy rut of t:<»aip only. Friendaliipa, once ^s firm as granite, disaolvrd, and ran awaj t'l waier, because of thi« ;Iuve, th:.t prom- ised a fu' ureas enduring as heaven, and as atnlile a^ truth, evaponited in'o a inotiiii.g mist tlint turned u> a day's loi'g tears only hecau.su of this ; a father ami sun were set foot to fuut with the fie:y breath of an aiikser that winild never o<h>1 again Iwlween them ; and a huebaiul and a young wife, each wtiiiiiiinK at the hated leash which in tha bet-inhing had been the promise of a God blessed love, sat mournfully by the side of a grave where all their lore and all thwir jny lay buried, and all becauia uf this. I have 8e<-n fai'h transformed to mean doubt, jt>y nive place to grim despair, and charily t^kr on itself the feature* of black malevolence, all because of the fell words of scaada], and the.magic niutteringH itf i(o*aip. Great criiiirs woih great wrong, and the deepei tragedies of human life spring from the larger pwwioiiH ; but «»«rfnl and mourn- ful aie the uiicatnlogDed tragedies that i>Hiie fimii gonsip and detraction ; most iiiouriiful the shipwrvck often made of iioblo nainres and lovely lives, by the bitter wiuda aud dead salt waters uf slan- der. ' So easy to *«y, yet so hard to dis- prove â€" thiowing on Ihe innooeut all the burdm attd the strain of denioii8tratii>|( their innocence, and panisbiBi^ tboin aa ^'uilty if unable t<j plock out the alings they never see, and to silence wurda they never hear- -i^oasip and slander are th* d«ntlli':Ht and cruelrst weapons man has ever forged f»r bis brother's heart.â€" Ex. fhm contract for erecting a house of refuge for Bruce connty waa let to a Stratfoid lirui for |-J6,440. There were sboBt n dozen tenders exaaijaed. Tb<». Ferguson of Egremont was frightfully wounded by the tnsks of a vicious Ijoar twi> weeks ago Tuos^y. Blood poisouing sei ii> snd be died tasf week. Dnncan Mstnball, late Patron organ- izer, ha* been appointed Dominion organizer for the Plebiscite Campaign by the Dominion Alliance. Mr. Sfaftbairs speech which, dnrintf the last five years resotinded in so many scbiol houses, will require to be remodelled. The word knot as used to designate thm speed of vessels, ri present* » distance of 6,OS0.27 feet or about one and rme- sixth miles. Thus a steuiuer of 24 knots runs about 28 mites per hoar which is abt>ut e))Unl to the speed of the ordinary railway pnssenger train. W. J. Morre's siiwiiiill at M»(<:«'sbarg, eight miles from Chesley, was stiuck by lightning Wedm-sday of last week and was totally desttroyed, ii<c!wliiig a lot of lumber. The Umt will l>e between 870(XI and $SO00, and tli» iaaurnace is uuly »2000. Mrs A. Campbell of near Durham waa thrown from a rig last week by a runaway team and killed. The accident was caused by a line breakini;. Three years a^o Mrs. Campbell's husband died from the efiects of an accident and ten years ago a sun waa drowned in Toronto bay. Twenty-three years ago a farm on the 9lh line. Amaranth, belonging to Jaires Be>wes, was sold by the twwnship authori- ties for arrears of taxes, and it cint Bowes fl60 to get his property back. He claium to hnve since dijoovcred a receipt fur the taxes allesed to have been unpaid and threateiiB an action against the muni- cipality for damages. The council is not inclined to settle aud a prmniaiug suit is in prospect. Coan. Thoa Ferguson of Egremont was frightfully injiued by a vicioua boar on hia farm, con. 17, Tuesday of last week. The boar used his tusks on Mr. Ferguson with such eflect before he could get away froas the animal that bis life ha* been simost despaired of ever since. Terrible wounds were iuflicted in the man's leg* and it was thuught amputa- tion of one uf them would be necessary at one time, but wo learned yeaterday that Ihe leg wuuld be left on and that the in- jured uutn aiut improving. It is expect- ed he will be lame for life, however. The boar bita b<M!U killud. â€" Mt. Forest Kepi. An ingenious machine for making sand- wiches is used by many ooran line ateam- ship*. It outs and batters 60 alicas of breud'n miiiute. One movement iA ihe hand outs and huttera thx bread, and the machine can be arranged so that the broad need not be buttered if the operator does not want it be so. In making 1000 saiidwichea, three haaia and eleven lbs. of butler are saved it ia said on aoeuout vf lb* accuracjf with wUicb both m« vitt, PILES CURED IN 3^5 NIGHTS mi««i, whafthar Hahlns, blind f blaaclInK ara rallavad by onm app l laaflosi mt Dr. Aff now"* Olntm«nt as OBNT8. awa •â- re4 la S to • algkia. Or. M. larkmaa. B<agbaBi«% IIT„ wrilaa i aaad at* 1 1 4o**b aioi* ef Af â- aw'e Otaiaeat. I Mwaarlbe large i«aa« title* «r lu Ii la â-  #ea4*r worker la skla mm aaA a areas Mir* tar yUeat-S. for sal* by W M*bardkeB \!!B^ J. K. VanDUSEN Fl.K»I*JEKTOX I have JQSt plaead in stock a uie» lot 01 »iai> j«wellm7,to be aold at rook )x>ttom prices. Call and examine onr watcbes before bnyiug. Ke- pairing in all lines. Agant for Masaey-HarrisvL. §Vifhm <SllV(Itf M •CtlitiOV0H at tOUNO bankers, lUarMal* Do a general bankiog businc**. IloB*y loaosd at a naaoaaM* rat*. Uall on o*. AB VASDTJBBN. } P CJerk fcb Div Court, Co Grey C*rii*r of Marriag* LiceB»B«, Conrevaneer wolury, Public, Auotlooewr. Monov to Ioan«d troni 6 to S p*T emit. Cbsrgea modarat*. FLEBHEBTON P y TkEBTB GOU.ECTED â- *' The uaderaiHced Is prepared ttf undertake the colleotioii of all kinds of debt*. Notes boagbt, accounts curected, eto. K K U£!NX>EBSON, risabertoo T CH1W>ETT * Pl^»Si»rton Station PCTtmeator, Co:niniaaiouer in R C J. Couw>^< auc«r. iJoeila, iiiortgawns, lease* sud willij draw;,, tlouu} to tend iit ;5i p«i'ctiiI HUd di.- wacdt, l/L'tHa eoSWttaU. eifUiTics Juo.lci*iM; D i BPB(>n{,K " PontmSKtir, Reshorttra CouiiiiisBjoner in H.C.J., Am tjoneer Cfl#. vejautcr, Appiaietr and ».or.>y I,«u<.»r Jteal Batatw and Iniuranea i\«(Kut. Urn;* inortKauea, leases aud ws>l» ««: ,!ull« dru»« up umf v*lH»tiou« tuade on rliortei urti,* Moucjr to loaa »t toweet rstea of ii:tMei-t. ( ol lecti..Da atteuded to witli uioDU'Dit* Clla^^oe low. Agent f»j Oc*»). boruiniow Btoatuabip Coupauy. A. call solicited. jUTAKBUGB l.lCEnCKS-A* eo«*rnmeor "» nncoii. DozoDs or tbem ; Sow Verelon, Firat claes : U. K. nuJ Jubil««, Forsiuala Ber- sou.in pairs or eta a»a liiue. n. Mt'i.i. *» Pc»B<r, laser a, EvexMia. UlSe SABAH STBAHr. "k Taacbsr oo piano, eianoforta, onaai, etc. Holds aret cl«-» leacli*r*' eor»iflc*«*i» inasie witb bonorsfreia Alua CoUeoe : punH of Prof. HI. Jobu UytSenraueb of Cepeuliuea. Ucuuiark. BMldcuce cpposit* M*tbo«likk cbucr.b Pl**b«rtoa J^mtiitii A O U W meets av*rr bist aart tbiid Sniday *a in each moDtb, In .mir loitga raou>< Lbriatoe'a block, FlenaertoB, at B » M. j«k, BlaKeley, W M , A J* Gicwo, Kecorder; W. nellamy.Fiaaaeier. Vteitiog bratbres invit«l. pBIKCK ABTHTR LODUE, No. .sag. A. * , AM, meeta in the Masonic ball, attain'* R!** .• *.'**berton, eTery Friday on or btttoiw lb* fttU moon. B MoGUl, W M; W J Ballaaty. Bacntary. noVST FXfHiBXTOK. I. O. T. meet* in y Cbrt**ae'»Blo*kth« laatFridaj *v*niDe ia *aeb mpMlr. TMktog Kor**ter* b*artily weleom*. T. Ueory, Gblsf Bangar, W. A. lum^ atroQg, Beeratary. ^^ SrntijStyii A. K UTtVB Oeotlat, Qraduat* Univerelty of Toronto and Boyai Colleg* of Dantal Burgeon*. Fleaberton â€" Mouday and Tuesday ot eaeta week. ^".^J^-Thmrsday, Friday and BatiDday af r P MABBHALIi " M U K. D D 8, L D 8, Vk>ito Flesbartoa lb* tot aud Jrd Friday i e*eh luoukh. 1 6 C.lMPItU-l *• L U S, 1>D 8, CvBlal Surgaoii, Msrkdato Omee ov*r WaCullouKh * Youiic's bafb. the atooiM aud fourth Tbiw«r«y of «a<b luoutb. Ufflce at klunbbaw * hotel f HSKOF.KSON * B D S, M D !», Dentist of Toroato £"'2 *J."'''i'''*J â- "'" *'•" Kloaberton pro- feaaleually the flrat Weduoaday ol aacli tnoute and Uuudalk the following day ITbuMrtaTT f'Oal JOH.N W FMOBT, L L » w Barriatar, Solicitor CoDveyaarar. *<• 215'^"?"* â-  *» Pos'uaioe, Uproulca block. Fi*rt.rtou. *TOTV Uatorlay and coi.tt d*).. T UCA8 A WBIGHT *• «arri*t*ra, Bolicitox CoBT*yaoear». *|« w ^TBte"' °"* ""S^'ir- £i:i.AB TUCXKB * PATTKKBON a UarrUtara, Bolivitor*, ate klolaon'a Bank, Owen 8oDi>d BABKT O TUCKEk OKO W BATTLUdUN A O. UACKAT. M. A. •»• Uarriater, SolicMac, Notary Uas- v*yaae*r, *«o. C'rowuAMorn*y for Grey. Oflieea-.SO Pculett Btrtet, Oweu Bouud : »u<l klalu street, Uuudalk, Satiirrtaya fr-jui 5 u. ai. tu y p. U).. and on Uivisiuu Court uava. I9)^ital DH BUTTON MDOM, MCPAS OdI, Pricovill* Offle* next door to Brown's store ; rssideiH'* oppoalte at tbs old poit olliett, rcairtonua ntlnf Alex Blown. Oflieo daysâ€" i'ueailays and itattM- da)S. DK CABTKH M O P A 8 Oat. Pbyslelaa, SargeoD, *t« Fleaberton ofil**â€" Strain'* bluek. BeddeiMiaâ€" Mousbaw's Hotel. JOBH A BCOTT. M B kleiubvr Colirr* Fbvsie. A Snrs«ot» Uatarlo flradnat* in Medloin* ot ToroDM Uoiv*r*Hy, yelloarship Ihnlonia. I'unt CraAa- at* MaiUnsI Hghooland Bo»|>ital, Uhlaaoi' tHssas** 6f •T*. ear, no** and ibroat apMiaJly treatad. Bealdau**, Uaaw*il, visit* F*v*t«aa» Tbiu*dya* Iâ€" S Jr 0-«TBWRLL Tstarlaary Snrgeoa Oiadsal* el Ontario Veminarv ._ waod H**id*»**~l>**ond door Miatb •* Iron Mar* *tre**. TbI* *ti*ai* taas •14* fr**b|ta(laa *biMF*b. â- MMMi

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