HBSSHHHWHBWfli ae^W!^ SSSMHfWHSHB! i \ If -f^ I f ^» :\, r THE PAINTER OF PARHA; â€" OR, â€" THE MAGIC OF A MASTERPIECE CHAFJER I. Til ft fn.«oi(m.-4 msrble bailding ever- tooking the grand piazza of Parma, ita wallii sooifwbat. (liiKolored ti; the tourh of tim*, wiui I he wludio of a paia- <*r. His rooma werB on the serond floor, the NtindowH in front commaud- Ibk K vi«w that might have inayired •J> ih beautiful. in Kilken curls, w-os almoet blaok there were certain lights, how- ever, in which a brownish tinge was preceptibie. charm, which no one can eaeape who | bodiea ti«htl; in broad doth bandages In broiight uithin ila influence. Then! when th<:f prejiare for along march. »4iitXu, T never met another so bril- It had aeemed unneueHstiry and ridica- liant and entertnining in conversation, loui when be first begun to speed over In short, Ida very preaentvf han in it ' tim level track, )>ut now, when be got a churm which Is utt«rly iiieHi8til>le' { on the rocky patbii, be understood what Nonv, sir, I know that the princess is | It nieant. Never for an instant was he young and impre.'tsihle, with a deep ' at the sauie ancrle. Backwards, for- touch of romance in ber thouKbts and Awards he uwving, with a tingling jar feelings. Can you not see whul 1 ' at the end of each a\vuy. until be ached dread 7" ' from bis neck to bis knee. It caught h'or the sixice of perbapa three sec- him across the shoulders, it caught him onds th» iluke hud regitrded the young don-n the spine, it gripped him over the mun seriously, and they he burst in- ' loins, it marked the lowrfr line of his to a merry laugh, and laughed heart- ' ribs with one heavy dull throb. He _____ „,„„. ^„.. „,â„¢^ ...^ "y- . . . , ,.,^^ , . ^ clutched hf re and there with bU hand; t^Bj'^'jrifQ 'jn"^'J^jj_o( ^^g;'o;;;"oJ His aBP-ainre w^ know i v. ^^' ^'' ^^ ' ? ^f^ f bugbear you to try and ea«e the strain upon hi. ^,,3 earliest reooUeotlons of the villaga wdl U, ..xiot-was ni^ I ^''T ''?°<*-""'' â- *".'? ^^'"^ I*or fellow s muscles. life drew up his^knees, a Her- i ,^^ ;„ j; ^^^^ ^. ^^^^ g^^ wen IB txttPi was nine gtudio I ^ ou must ti© crazy. The Pnn- ed his seal and set his teeth with a -« r- ._ A Hopeless Invalid. SUCH WAS THE CONDITION OP HISS RODD. OF BROOUJN. Ab Editor Belales tlie llory ef Ber UI>«m aail How • Kenarkable CluinBe tm. Wtm «:ondl«*B Wan Braaglit Abeat. From the Gazfclte, Whitby, Ont. For lotne five years tJte editor ot this Journal ha» made w«ekly visits e may us ' y ;----{; "--i;^7- , b^uoioi lou musi .« crazy me i-rin- e<i, nis seal and set his teetn witn a ^.^^ ^7 ni,, ^^^ ^„ „.^,j entered ul^ his Thirt^^th \ "??? d^.Ja'ooi fa lin^- in ove, like a 1 grim determIna.tion to go through with ^^,,^^_ l^^ ^ ^^^ ^ft^ .^^ek rollwl year So iS "^ in tlTfuTblwrn and i *"' l'"'*^ with a plel*.an p.cure-mak- Jt should it kill h.m. His hea^d was ,.^^„^ ^ ^^^ „^^„„i to ask how sb» I>erfi<lnrss of Ws u.anhood ' *' Zounds I Uont let Ikr mistrust that , apllttlnrf, his flayed face smarting and ; ^^ „.tti„, „„ ;.n.i rh* 1 â- ' he ha<l tU' adorn me ciiy ana consinuie one o» , f,,n„,,u, „-„,, ,„,„.,„,,„ hvihhihii-v i 1 - â€" • -j -.•«...» iU chief attra.-iiuDs; further uway the , [."^^^^ *?" ^;^"'"*,'g"^ "^^""^^^ } attaiit all that you j ready got well abreast of his oompan- i brings. None "of the villagers ttnticl Cr«at cathedral, with its linvo«ing , fi„e.„i,.„t%rf lineu Kcar about the neck | P^^* said concerning him-every word; , ions. But he w*a hardily half-way and 1 p^ted any other ending. Our aston- •rohes and its huge red marble lions, ; ^j^ ;, j j^j^ ^^^ ,j ^ ; Iw b" u' v''^T''*' '? ^t'''**** *f^^,'' 1^ ^.> u I Ishment can Ijetter be imagined thaa from the chisel 1. Bona da B'^-ne. ! .^^/^/^'/^Y^^^ifj^j;^. ^;j^i ^^^" ,; °^^^ Sinoe be has been m Parma. lltt^J | All day long the need es had been j^.^ihed, therefore, when Mrs. Bert Pt.ll further, and to the right, an ex- ^^ ^ , ^ j^^ silk.n-scarf. so loose- I^"'' Ihajif.ve years, he has pamted [ ticking away without intermission in -w'ells bailed us one morning with tensive garden, full of t>loom nnd fra«- jn" ,^ed that thT >% bite throat was I *"*â- .'^"''^'''"'^ "' ^^ '""'"^ beautiful the little corrugated iron butwhich " - it'le .„/. »_„_ I I maide ranee: and tK-ycnd si' this visible j^ft free and ojien. through a vl«ta afforded »>y the Aemel- | jj^^^ j,y r.-< linint U|)on a luxurious Ian Way. were to Ije seen the gre^-n velvet-covertd ottoman, was the paint- ror.-»t of the Taro and the towering ^^.^ moAal for his saint. If she had |ieak of the di.siant Apennines. . ^.t le«>n beautiful she would not have Our painter occupied two a part men ts ^^^ \Yit>rf_ Neither w-ould she have both of goodly size. «ell lighted ann ^^^ (j^^^.^ j^^^^ j^^^. i^^^^y ^een of the ,«an<lsomely and artist iciiUy furniifn- vol^pt^,o^8 oaai, or even verging up- ens w« have among us. At least served as a telegraph station at Sarras. \'t\l, editor, we have some news for you to-day." " AVhat is it V " Why, Miss Rodd has gone on a visit to Col- { umbas friends." "Why. I thought she »d. That In the rear, the viHndowe of irhich overlooked a small garden t>e- longing to the estate, wa« used as a rtcei'tion and waiting-room, the oth- er, in front, l«ing the artist's stu- ilo properâ€" his sanctumQ sanctorum. It was late In the afternoon of a pUviaut day of June. In the rear a sooxe of young iind lovely damsels, With its bare walls and its packing- marriageable, yet unmaj-ried â€" 1 may case seats It was none the leai for the say of them that ihey were the love- i moment one of the vital spots upon the . ^^s a confirmed invalid J" "So she was, Iiest of our lovely women-have sat to 1 earth's surface, and the orisp impurtu- , b^ ^^^ y^^ j^^^ ImpiXAlng so much him have spent hours with bim alone, nate ticking might have come from the 1 ja^t^jy that she is mnr able to help her- while he caught their features and I worldrold cicwk of deetiny. Many au- i g^if ^ ^^ ^^.^^ ^nd it was thought a transferred them U> tmnvas. | gust peo|)l» had been al. the other end pj^j^^g^ ^^, ^..^^^ woiuld do her good." (luiseppe, most of those young la- 1 of those wires and had communed with "Xhat is certainly news," replied the quill-pusher, "and good news too; on it. Hers was most emphatically a j. „ , u ' i •... • 1. - v. ^l . - .• ^ . ._ l>eauty of purltv and truth-a beauty ?'«« '/»'ive conversed with on the sub- the moist-fjoed military clerk. ^_..^ _ of .soul and inteileot. She was twenty \^\9^ lhe.ir cxjienence in the artists trench premUr had demanded u pledge , i,^t what cured her*' "Ihr. Williams' veajTi of ape. with n figure of sur- , *'"""''. '*°*' I Iwve found them unani- 1 and an Knglish marquis bad pas'**'! on pink Pills," replied Mrs. Wells. We ._ _. .. .« .._ inf- I the request to the general in command, I ^h«n .WirtHd to iwk: Miss Hodd udo with a question as to how it wotiM af »l>artm«nt of the p^ilnter'" ((uarters eat j^j^^ j^^ y afro, with a figure then decided to ank Miss Rodd upon â€" ..u.:u .T» «»v iiun. luc ujiiDi. ovuKuv „j 11 .u 1 » 1 X. " " i^ T i 1.."^ t'^T â€" r. - ,. .- , berreturn for an Interview, butit was no other model-that she afforded ^m, n***^ "," '°* l«BUty tb«y were able to feet the situation. Cipher telegrams I ^,^,tim« before it took place, owin«r in form and feature, all that he could I f^Y*''' "o possible iihurm they could had nearly driven the clerk out of bis ,„ ^^ limited time at ourdisjiOBal be- bring to bear. most exa,lted conception i """'fK to cear, no ami lea. nor admiring | wits, for of all ota«y occupations the i t„«eu trains, and partly owing to „ I and character of the > '""'i'',' i?"' *'^*" ''f."' ^lUhing flattery, j taking of a cipher me.ssage when you ; desire to wait and see If the Improve- themselves was uoucerned. Be sure, | results of it had been whispered into i ^^.^ ^^f^futly cared forher duringtbe my toy, 1 knew wh.it 1 was doing this little corrugated iron hut. Alout i^^g illness. At the request of the when I suffered the dear girl to go j two in the morning an enormous <lis- editor Miss Rodd made the follow lag •. woman, advanced in years- three ^^ ,^^ person »i... .;i«ta«v;tr. «. .^^ , ,, ^ . .. - , I " ' " ^ • -^ , "«â€" - -->.-.â- . -^ â€" r score at leastâ€" wearing a garb as ricn g^jatâ€" when that is said surely we ^" " "'a*^ f^om hini one warm or gal- are without a key to tb.H cipher is the : nieoit waslikeiv to prove permanent. la mat^-rial as any lady in the larid ne«-,t say no more Her garb as well i '""' glance. Had they l*en so many worst. Much high diplomacy had been g^wever. after msny put-offs, we could have defllred. yet shs had noth- »« her lone and liearing plainly signi- | '""tnlese old hags It would have been going on all day in the innermost cham- 1 fin^Uy called at the botoe of Mrs. Ing of the pairiciiin in her appear- ^jp,, ^^^^^ ^j^^ belonged to the patrl- • '?" '*"°*' *" ''^ as hi.s treatment of , liers of Kuiopean chancellories, and the | Uoouttle, o Mister of Miss Rodd's, who »Bce, tieing, on the contrary, really clan class »>let)eian. She was, in truth, but a^ And so' she did. She was the Prin- «hieun«< in attendance upon a mial- c«.s« lsal«l di Vurona. an orphan, and .. . ^ .,, .-...- - . ., â€" - reus who occasionHlW tried her i>a- ^^ relative and ward of the l>ulce of ''"â- '*• And you will remember old Ma- ! patch had colne at last to an end. and gt^temient:â€" "1 am fifty years of age tl»-noe, aw it was certainly l)eing tried pjirma. She had lo«t h.r parents j ''''"" "'ways accompanied her. No! I the weary operator had o|iened the g^aA have lived in Brooklin ten years. now. I when quit« young, her fsihcr having | "'""'dn't forego the pleasure I antict- 1 door and was lighting his pii* In the pjve years ago 1 was taken iU with She had waited in that room, soil- ^^^^^ killed on the battle-field, her I"'t«'i '" ti»* inissession of that picture i cool, fresh air, when he caw a camel, j aoute rhsumM.ti-'m, and have no< donw Ury and alone, she could not tell how n,(,tjup dying shortly thereafter. ^^"'^ ""y ducal crown. Vet you know I plump down in the dust, and a man. | j^ day's work since. The trouble began tong. but it Heemed to her an ag». Had 'phough Prince di Varon.i. had l)een ! ' ""uld give my life sooner than harm ; who seemed to be in the last state of ' with my feet and the swelling extend- Ibe been fond of pictures; had she lov- ^^|j. a\.<)u^in. twice removed, of the "hould come to Isabel. But that ran i drunkenness, come rolling toward him. j ed to my anuH. wrist.? and shoulders, pA the lieautiful in art of naturs; had ^uke on the maternal side, they had | ""' '*• Aha! 1 must try and see if I| ••What's the time!" he cried lo a i ^nd (innlly .settled in my neck. I hud â- he Ijeen able to trace out thought and j,^^^ mji,(e(| together in youth, and had \ "^an fancy /unoni in love with mortal | tvoit-e that apjieared to be the only i such pain that I was obliged to use a feeling and grand conception in the loved one another deepiv and truly to • ^*'"â„¢an. There I away you go. tton't let ^ sober thing about him. I walking stick to ease me in moving bold strokes and more gentle iiasses <ije end; hence the mouther when dy- a"y mtire such goblins arise to f right- { It was on the clerk's lips to say that ^ about, and two and a half years ago the Sf the sculptor's chisel upon the in- lug railed upon the dear friend of her i *'n you." jit was time that the questioner was in stick had t(» make way for a crutch, ftnimatn marbleâ€" could she have done husband to be a father to her child. | "** yoong count had it on bis tongue his bed, but It is not safe ui»n a cam- At this time I used to get this Khe might have 8i>ent hours In jj^ had promised, and most faithfully ' "'''*'" 'l** iluke sinke of Madelon. to tell i paign to be ironicAl at the ex[>ense of mi a little each day, tut it was not that place and never thought of lone- had his prumise been kept. The or- j '*'â„¢ ""•"'* 8"»xi olil woman was never M'meness or fatigue, fur it "as ft re- phan girl, inheriiiog the title with the 1 "''f*''*'^ *" *'* '" '^''*' studio while the iiository of rare paintings and choice large estate, hud come to him a weal- *'"'''*i "'*» P«inting ;. twit iwrhaiis his bits of statuiry and bas-relief, gat h- thy ward, her po^seHsicn!. in fact, 18'*^ already know it and bad ready •red through years of earnest search, rivaling his own in value. And this!*"""'* f<" '*• At all events he had at that dismissal, turned away with- out saying more. This has Ijeen a digression, but it will the better enable us to under- stand the situation uliout to transpire. (To b« Continued.) with discrlminaiing taste and jud«-' wealth he bad cared for with a faith Bt«'nt, from many lands. ' that know no swen-lng. He could not Oi:c»sionilly the dmnna would go to have guanled his life with a more on'- of the two Hindo«« â€" iierhapa step stmpult»u.s fidelity. out upon the baliony, and ga/e down If jou ask ho» the princess ch^moed »:ion the garden underneiiih. or away to l« heje. serving >bnoni as a model, Uj on other windows, with a natural we answer: The St. Cecilia was kieing curioKity to .we, if possible, wliat the painted for the iluke. a he subject had neighbors were doing. When she re- i>riRinute<l with him. He bad read ThP ThrPP rftrrPCnnndf^lltC t-jrned to the room and resumsd her the louvhinK story of tlw young and I •*"*' »U»^W UUI J WOjJUJlUVlllO Hat, she fixed her e.yeH ujion Hi' lofty beautiful Roman «ife. who hud of- a.c;, within which «»« 't"',''''"'^'"'r"- [•"â- ''. h" life u,.w the altar of her n „aa j,u. first experience of a trot- ing into the KWi.tum •>"'»;^"'^"°' *' 'fltg^-n-pre erring d.alh to a re- Jn^ ,„j^,i, ^^j ^ t^^^ the motion, al- yond and once or t""^- '! "'*^'> '" ' nunciatloii of her blessed faith in her though irregular and abrupt was not fit of forg.t fulness, while pretend- Loid and Savious Jesus Chnsl-he had I unpleasant Haviuir no- stirrui. or fix- ing to pa^« to and fro, .he stepped read, and it Ucame ivith him a sort of j ed ,H>ikt „f anvk^LL could nol r We *ear the cl,«ed passage and t*n. Ler infatuation th..t he should not only to 'r.Tut h^ grip,^^ liS'ira/be tar as one does who listens, ' poasfjig a picture of the saint, but that could with his Vnrt, and hr- tried lo Anon she ta|.,K.d the rich mosaic o his l^autiful ward should sit for the l^^"^';' backwards Tnd forwards us he the floor with hci foot, winked and portrait, that he might thus possess h^^^^^^W^^^'f^b^X t wis a larire blinked her sharp gray •J-^; P»|^»«;* . ^*, »;'7''>''> •»>«< -uld .« doubly pre- J^^.-to^nca^^'Ma^li^fa IdX and "he ber thin lips, and nuilded mysteriously. ciou,s to him ' Madelon Sandoz wa.s of a verity be- No fear of .scandal had entered the coming weary and imi>atient ; but it duke's thoughts, /anoni was noted for | lesion I Wits conscious that be was bouncing about on it with as little power of u,d- kharkl-clad men. He contented him self therefore %vith the bald statement that it was after two. But no retort that be could have de- vised could have had a more crushing effect. Th» voice turned drunken also, and the mun caught at the door [loat to uphold bim. '• T'wo o'clock ! I'm done after all I" said he. His htiud was tied up in a bloody baD<lkerch'uef. and hi.s fane was crimson, and he stood with his legs crooked as if the pith had all gone out of his hack. The cleHjc began to real- ize that something out of the ordinary was in the wind. •• How loDb does it take to get a wire to lioiidon f" • Aliout two hours," " And it's tw onow. I could not get it before four." " Before three." " Four ."' ••No. three." •â- But you said twio hours." " Yes. but there's more than an hour's difference in longitude.'' By heavens. I'll do it yet ! long before I was denied even this privilege, and the next six months I was i>erfectly helpless and k)ed-ridden. I could not even turn my head or put a cup of tea to my u<<utb. I got com- pletely discouraged after ineffectual- ly i>eiu,f treat »d by two physicians and trying the different medicines re- commended for ruy ailment. While I was in this helpless condition my niece came in one day and prevailed \xv on me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. After taking two boxes i fell: aalight change fur the lietter so 1 continujed to lake them, with the effect that I continued to improve slowly eversince^ 1 now sleep well, have a good appe- tite and huve gained in flesh. I can stand now. walk alKJUl anil even got In and out of the buggy upon the oo- ca^sion of my la-te visit to Colum-us. Since that time, too, I feel stronger and my rcisun for still using a crutch is on account of my knees lin- ing weoji and a desire to nut over- tax my strength. Jubilee L)»y I was the first time in twenty-one cried months that) I was able to put my foot Anerley. and staggering to a packing out-side the door and lam satisfied had â- "â- ' â- ' the medi- spii red from tlie wait iug-riiom, wnd different ly iest, oldest, and most noldo families BccuvU'd. On the «all« were paici inipi, in the duchy, who bad sought Isaljel's â- ketches and eicliiiigs of variou,s de- hand in loflrriageâ€" wlu-n he. with sad- vrees of excellence, several studies by ly drawn and lugubrious visage, of- forregglo. two jiiciures by Murillo, fered olijet-tions to the arrangement, which the nrtist liiid broiytht from thedutte bad laughed at him o"il right. I^i&in l)eKi<l«« works from the pencils "in mercy's ntuae. of what are you of other masters, « hose niiin''s liiul *>«- afriiidf the latter exclaimed. "i)»» «™i-i;„„ i . .t ii i _ b. eome imi*ti«halde. Ih-re «eie ch.d.s -you fancy the populuce. would dare to i ^,^V^« *'""" •""»nK«i <»>e black ro^-ks pie.es of 8.-ulptur«, loo. l«stow«d in breathe the breath of sc^undal against >t"f^' .»^'' ,"'""""«'• "' /»"' "'"'" various nooks and corners, together , thuL pure l«ing. Surely, you can not l f,f"\r„ ^^.u«'".''''' '^^ ,''''!'\?'''' ""^ with chaste and valuable bric-a-brac, doubt that her dignitv an.l «.-lf-re«pect ' ''''"« "^ the -insects h.id all ceased which we need not particularize. I will bear her safely through the ordeal. . '.T!^ ^ i'!"'" "' *"f ^^'f^ ^'" A i».culiar charm of softness - of And. my lx.y, you can not know Juan ;V"*V''> ^l""'*' ^''r <".";»"'< f"' I'"" and rc'-lfulne.sKâ€" was cusi upon /jiiuoni if you fear on his uccounl." pbysix.'al joy as the swift creature lie- Xhe End. th.- room and ujion all it conh.iiied l.y "You mi.slake me. sir. Mv thoughts ' ^l"")^ *"?" "*" â- ''''"« "'.'»> *"'.°v. '*l!.""^'' • • . "^ 'hat cool invigorating air, with the vir lie north wind sooiliiug his priiigling AUSTRALIAN HORSES. 8o PlenlirsI In Tkat t'oaatry That a Be«- aar Nay KIde. The land of the kangaroo and the wombat, where the mammal wa.s no- ess i>ivg who still Ciontlinues to improve and w ho hopes to ugikin be able to do her full day's work at no distant date. Ur. \VilliiimH' Pink Pills cure by going to the root of the di-sease. They renew and build up the blood, and stienglhen the nerves, thus driving dl.sea.se from the system. .Wold imita- .tions, by insisting that every box yovt pure base is enclosed in a wrapping l«ariiig the full trade mark. l>r. Wil- t hi' richly stained glass of t lie windo-ws lay not in that dire<;tion and tile ju<lii'ious arrangemeni of <e- Ilefore the young man could speak f!^, ° licatelv tinted screens and curtains, fiullier the duke started under the i n' i, j , , , . . . . . »»,!„„ i„ „„„._.. .:„i .m tv.„ i,-.,..,...«un â- Near the center of the slulio stood touch of a quick, de«p anger. i . "** '^f'' ''*''*<' «*- ^'•'' «'''."^»'' ""d.""^" '»»"»8 les« mai-supial, till the turoi^an ^.^^^^^^. j.j^^ p,,,, ,„j p^,^ y^^^y^ An eiiHil, Ku .porting a cunviui, on which "t'ount l>enu,ro I Dare you hint at ~ f" ."'f:^ " ^"''^ calculation of times arrive^l ut\ the .s<>ene, may now be call- was being createil a life-size picture of sui'-h a thing'* B.v Kan Marco! the mun hLif ,"{!?"' â- , ,, '*'"' •^'A *'*, "J*" *>^ ^^e land of horses. In New .South 6t. Cecilia, the .young and iK-auliful who has not confidence In the imma- : â„¢ J'„^;,' ./*5_tf^,J;amp.^ <^w J'-^^^^^^^ ,he sight of a beggar on horse- Christian martyr of Home. 'I he ure of «>u-.ha thing 'f B.v Kan Marco! the man ".""'.'"fjij*"-,. " ^as past six when^ the land of horses. In J uliful whohaa not confidence In the imma- â„¢ >'^'l l«Ct the camp <>ver liioken; of a betfwar 1 body PUlate purity ofâ€"" | ground it was impossible that he could; "»'«« 'ne signt oi a oeggar ay tf^- "Oh, Kir I air I ' the oount had Implor- < 5"'* 'f ''" '''"'* '^*'' ^"^^ '"''*'* ^° \ ^'^^ «»''^''« no surprise. T n.s re- ed. orasping the dukes hand as he i """*â- ": *'**•"' "" '""' pa>t3. more on the settler has a nag or two of of tlie picture was well on lhi> way ward completion. The figure wn.s re- tA. grasidng „. „ .,„„,. „„ "" m, o,ih presented a.s lemiing on a harp; the siwike. •'How could you give such " The poorest dukes hand as he """*^~ *'**•"' "" '""' pa>t3. more on the settler has a nag or two of his own, â- His recollect ion of the track THROUGH RATE WARS. Patron, in a Western railroad sta- tion â€" CUmme a ticket to Gulchtown. Ticket; Clerkâ€" Yeasir. Seven an' a half. bilitles of the conception, Hy the side of his ivurk stood the pointer, Juan /nnoni. He was of me- dium height anil Ht:^e. possesuing >i well-knit, inii-culiir frame, the thews and sinews of which had lieen tough- ened and st lengthened by long con town. Ticket Clerk. brLsklyâ€" Here you arsb sir. Five dollws. plied, with deepest feeling, "you will '^'''â- * '" ^^c morning. It was possible idly increiksing scale. In 1895 the col- pardon me for what I am aiiout to , ""''â- *"* m'iighl manage it, but the onv exported 1063 horses, of the esti- aay. True. Isaliel luia not yet given ' 'â- ''""'^'' seiuiied enormtmsly against mated value of £12,745; in 1896 the a«aeul to Uiy Hiirno.Ht suit; nor yet , '>""• About three thi; morning edition numl^r woa 8138, value £123,500; and ha-s she promised me her hand; still "'"ulil If. maile up, fuiil his chance gone i«3t, year there was a further increase I am sure she likes me, and 1 had hop- f"r«ver. 'The onething idear was that Jndia being the leading customer. Aua- ed that slu-. might, ere long, speak the i ""ly tt>e first mun at the wires would traliun horses being found admirably - . â- . tinu»'d manly .ind alholetic eierclse ' wo'-fi that would make me the happiest , *""'« any chance at all. and Anerley adapted for milit.iry purposes In that thus was the jimited express. The lieauty of his face was siartling! . "f «n««- And now. my dear duke, I "J^ant to bto first if hard riding could i part of the British Kmpire. Horses I Conductorâ€" That s what its called. - •" '" " to it. So he tapiwd away ut the bird- i are exi>orted also from New tkiuth ""' like neck. »nd the creature's long, loose | Walew to Victoria. New Zealand, Wes- limbs went taster and faster at every j tern AuHtralia, Fiji, the Straits Set- tap. Where the rocky spurs ran down ; tiements, Java and the Philippine la- A WESTEHN "LIMIT." Di.sgusted Passenger^â€" I thought The skin in its imrily and whiienoss ^^'H tell y^"-^ the thought that has glv- was like unspoiled njiirlile. There «! ">« tronible; and 1 shams not to was a glow of (lerfect health without twnifesa it." He paused here a few tk particle of a flush, though t bore "">n«'nt«. with his head »»ent and his were times and occasions when sud- ' ''""'I pre-sfted on his brow. Presently ien and strong emotion would send the j ''" resumed; , 'richeet carmine to cheek iind brow-.' "•'•'''â- p. the painter Zanoni is, with- The features were of 'be pui e ' ""' «'"'''Pti"n. •''« handsomest man I Ttallan tyiie. the eyes, large, dreamy and tustroue, were of a golden brown In color, though XikVi hair clust- •rtaui aiiout the motfaificent head ever saw ; and in his lieauty there is weird, spiritual quality â€" a quality I huve at times thought not of earth â€"which ifives It a depth and power lo to the river, boise-s would! have to go round, while camels might gel across BO that Anerley felt that he was always gaining upon his companions. But there was a |>TU;n tc| lie paid tor the feeiing. He haid heard itf men who had bur^t when on camel journeys, and he kiuew that the Aralia swathe their lands. CONSTANCY. Does Mrs. Marrby always agree with ber hiisliandt Ag^reef She'd fall in with bim if be was to walk into a ci«t«rn. Ptassengerâ€" Hixh ! What is there lim- ited about it 1 Conductor, after refleot»o«â€" Tbetim» for meats. ABSENT MWUED. Toothache, old man? ^^shaw ! When I have it I just go horn* to my wife, she kisses m«â€" 4nd it's gone I isâ€" is you wife bouMt sow i \^' '> /