Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 7 Jul 1898, p. 1

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Sfcâ€" -r~-â€" ' â- * .^^m-^i ♦â- # t fltslftxlan Xhijma. EFO TBUTH BEFORE FAVOR. " â€" " PBINCIPLEb NOT MEN. Y}L. Xm, NO 902 Flcshertoii, Ont., Tliursday, July T, 1803 W. H. THURSTON, ^"VX-* PBOPRIETOR :*A. ij V F,T.Hill&Co. \y. I J5. R Ii: I> 2^ L E Vaudelear. While carefully looking after the wants of the men we are not by any means forgetting the boys. There never was a time when dress could boA'S you your for so little money as now and no place more satis- factory than here. The Biggest Clothing Opportunity OF 18 98 ^â€" Within the p?st ten days wehav'.- placed in stock what is unquestionably the best value in Ivoa.lv Made Clothing you have ever had an oi'portunity oi inspei-.tin;^. I'he Lot Includes : 93 Men's Fine Tweed Suits Cleariim lino of a manufacturerâ€" ho't f^T sp^t chrH â€" s«!!lini» at less than former wholesale prices. It'll be woith ynur wliile to emu in and see theui even though you do not intend tu purchase â€" by doini; so you will be in .i pomtinu to do some of your friends a kinduess by inforuiin^ them where clothing can be had at a rery right I'rice. We menn what we say and notliin;; more thnn this â€" just uow you can buy a nobby and serviceable suit for considerable !»"» luniiey than we or any other merchant could have done a month a^o, uo matter wl.at the quautity. You can judge intolligontly our entire lot by these : Hen's Brown Tweed Suits, neat patioms, Htriclly all wool, siivn 36 to 42, bust triiumtn^s throughout and every suit a perpect fitter. You would think it ^ood value were we to ask $6.00, yet we're sell- in<(iheniat ^.66 Men's Tweed Suits I Kuantuceed pure wcHd, ' dark colors, decidedly I neat patterns, coat lined I with extra tine Farmer's Satin, other trimmings I good and every suit a gixxl fitter. We can nive you any size from 36 to 42 breast measure, at this very moderate price $ 4 75 Men's Fine Tweed Suit, very neat, checked pattern, medium light color, Fanner's Satai lined i.» every respect a timl rate suit. W'e have sold this name line earlier in the season thouxh for a gixxl dual more money. The prictf of them in this Ij^t is only $4 85 Aleit's Black Chevi<it Suits, extra tine goods, well tailored and equal ill every respect to a tailor made suit. Whuu yon lice iheiii you'll won- der how so much Koodness c«uld be crowded into these garments fur so little money. Our price which might be fairly reasonable at 9^.00, is only 95 00 In addition to these very special prices we will dur- ing July and Aug. give a special ca.sh discount of 5 per cent, on every line of clothing in our store and those of this list included. During these months when most merchantsare idle we will have a busy good time. We have a t ig lot of broken line* of men's Snita, scarcely enough of any one line to make it wor^h while to specify each, yet sutlicieDt to give a customer a fairly good choice in his siie from eoiiio of tlie lot. The price on any suit of this lot is extra special. Tou may be su'tud at 93.25 to 93 85 We buy all our Clothing right â€" do not oay too much for it â€" you can aasily an- dorstand bow we can afford to mU at leaeer price* than othersk F. T. HILL & CO. Â¥^^}S ^0^ ^&iM The Markets. Parm tor sale cheap. 01 acres, wall watered M mllM saat of this villago, kuowo at tbe Fen wiek (arm. Apply to M. Blahardaoo, aiiiIiiD«« rooivs PROspnooiifXL Bta Paetaoâ€" Oaara nN ed t» prompUj. and permaaenUy etue all tDrnia ot Ntnotu WtaJnum, KmtmtoifJ^irm- atorT)iaa, Impottmctattd oU tfftcttaf ^b m m or I' woa t a aw , ) Mattal Worry, tmn m l w* «m „ «_ . ^.«„ of Tobacco, OpiumorSKmu- Before ana After. ^^„^ ^,^^ wo»uadtoi^ ttrmUf, Imanttii, CbMinipMon amd a» carta gram. Has bean presoribedovt* 16 rears la t ho ma nOi ot rasMi Is the eiUk JtaKoM* aa4 Otnat Mcdlcin* kaom. a(k*nw8lMfaiWe«d^riM«»kodUa|U k«oa«naaaMwartkl<aSB«Uet>t*laplae« ot tbim, taieiae pvtca la letter, and wo wUI sand \>T ntum Btaa Prid*, one po^ai*. Sis alx, (A. On* wM fk»n.T'-â€" '" PaaipklatafrwtoanyaddnMa Tk« Waa« Osaapanr, TTIndsar, Ont., Caoad*. Sold in FlMhortoa aad «verywK«r« in Canada b^ aM roapttaiible drv^gi^'s From our own Corretpoiidetit The cro{>H in this vicinity ar* Inoldng excellent . Mrs. Sarah Johnston of St. Vincent is home for the holidays. The Rev. Alex Gilray front Toronto visited his sitter. Miss Polly Gilray, a few days ago. Quite a number from this place took in the sports at Meaford on the Ist. Court Vandeleur I. O. F. picnicked at Eugenia on the 22nd of June. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Flutchinsou spent Sunday week with friends in Duncan. Rumor says there is to be a coupl« of weddings in this vicin soon. T«wnliiK> 4. aod E. j CareftillT Corrected Sack Week Following are the market quotations for FlashertuD h»r the prenent week, corrected up to 10.30 of 'Wodne«day : Flour 94 70 to 96 00 Oatk *5 so 2* Wheat, whit* 96 to 100 Wheal. r«» 1 00 to 106 Barley «0 to 36 Peas 50 to 50 Butter 13 to 13 Bggs, fresh » '.o » Potati>esta| 50 to 50 Pork 600 to 5 76 Haypertoa... 6 00 to « W) Hides 7 00 to 7 00 She«pakin».>.< 86 to 60 Oeese .....«• 6 to » Turkeys » »o » Ohickeps r«' r*^"" SO to 8" Onekk per ^ir 40 to 00 ffoel 10 t* Ct jy..ni Our Own CorrtfpondetU The annual picnic m connection with the Sabbath School was held in Mr. Fitztimnion's buxh on the 2S)th ult. , and was well enjoyed by those praBeol;. The proceeds amounted to somethin*^ like 812. Mr. Robt. Hutchinson returned b^qio last Saturday after puttuift.in two week's drdi with No. (i Company at Niagara. Miss Daiuy Davis spent three ^ days uf laet week attending the cntraass and leaving examinations ia Markdalo. Mr. and Mrs. Lomos viaitad their daughter, Mrs. Irwin of Rocklynon Mon- day last. Mr. lunis of Markdale preached in tha ehucch here on Sunday last for the Rev. Mr. Scott. Haying will be the ordat of the day during the next two weeks. Mr. F. Graham of Markdala spent Dominion Day risitinti at Mr, J.Brodie's. Some of the natives from around hare took in the sp^jrls at Bf esford on Domiu- iuu day. Kinberler From our own Corrtxpondent On Sunday last the Rev. J. V. Plun kett preached an axcelleut seruaon to the Orangeman of this place, t«kinv his text fnun John 8 : 32, " And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free." Mias Utown of Deseroiito ie the guest of her tister, Mrs. J. D. Watson. Miaa Madill of Eugenia was the guest of Mrs. T. B. Carruthera on Sui.day. Miss Mei tie Thurst.<m nf Ftesherlou ia a guest at the home of her grandfather, Mr. Jt M. Thurston. Miss Graham and Ruby are *iaitiui at Mr. S. Walker'a on the ninth line of Euphraaia. Misa Prichard of Vandeleur waa the guest of Miss Rachel Abiircrt>nibie uu Sunday. Mr. and Mra. Sturgeon of Rocklyn were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo Lawrence on Sunday. The Rev. Mr. Madden, Miss Olivo and Master Walter of Meaford were guests at the Traveller's Homo on Satilrday aud Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Faweett of Flether- ton aro visiting friend.t here this week. MisH Nellie and Ivy Bradbury visited friends in Fleahertoii last week. Mrs J. M. Thurston left on Thumdny for an extended trip to Brockvilte, Mont- real Slid other places of interest. Misses L. Graham, C. Hurd, A. Scott and Mr. H . Faweett left on Tuesday for Meaford to write on the primary examin- ation, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Scott visited Mn>. SnsU of the 11th li:ie Euphrasia one day last week. Mra. Mundia, who has been the guest of hat brother-in-law, Mr. Geo. Mundle, for 8< me time, left oB Saturday for her home in Torenio. fair weight and no sharper's discount. Mr. and Mra. Wansboro spent their ' holidays in Fersus and other parts. i Mr. and Mrs. Tucker attended the funeral of the furmer's brothor-in-Jaw Monday week at Dromore. I Mr. and Mrs. W, Wright are visiting the latter's brother in Michitran. Mr. J. Nash and tjister. Mis. Hughes of Detroit, met with a sarious accident on Saturday tvening week. They wore go- ing around the new ruad when the hone got frightened and threw them out. Both were seriously hurt. Rev. Mr. Mahan preached his farewell sermon here on Sunday week which sNis listened to by a large and appreciative audience. Wa are sorry to part with Mr Mahan. Mr. and Mrs. Simmuns of Creemoris WUM guests at the Queea'a this week. Hr. B. Piper and family visited his sister, near Meaford. 6Iiss Hopkins of Owen Sound called on tho Cook family this week. Mr. Iiuinphreyii,sr., of Pricaville spent a few days^|«tkMr. H. Tucker. Quite a num her attended the C. E. convention in Priceville on Tueadsy. Mr. J. Aahduwn came ap Wednesday to attend the funeral of Alfred Chislett. Mkxwcll From Our Own Currmpondetit The Rev. E. T. Douijlaa occupied the pulpit ia the Methodist church fur the first time ua Sunday last Mr. George Preston of Winchester is spending hia racatiun at clie parental home. A lawn social is to be held on Thurs- day evening iu connection with the Meth- odist church at the residence of Mr. Bobt. Fenwick. Our teacher, Mr. WcWhinney, left Tuesday for lua home, near Hanover, bo spend the holidays. lie purposed taking in the Christian Endeavor Convention at Priceville on his way. Mr. and Mra. Eiliut from Buffalo spent a few days last week visiting relatives iu this community. \ number of oar young people took in the I.U.F. excursimi from Collingwood to Parry Sound, Dominion Day. Wedding bells are ringing. Particutara next Week. Bev. Mr. Hall, of Barrie is (pending A few days with friends iu the village. Flesbert*B Station Frotn Onr V\en Cortttpotulettt \ The improvenienta upon the ancient Hogg premiset prouifae a now era ia the ' proapcrily of our town. Mr. Cairns of the Queen's Hotel has established a weigh <icale«, and, from the probify of character hitherto enioyod by that gentleman, the public may raly upon Ktvae's ScttlesiCBt From 0<'r Own Correspondettt ;..'. The heaviest thunder aturni of the sea- sou, accompanied by a high wind aud aeon- tinous downpour af rain, commaaoed about midnight on Wednesday and ooo- tiuued until about four a. m. Thursday^ but contrary to eapectationa we have heard of no damage done. On Wednesday last a silent gloom seemed to rest on this line, work waa al- most entirely suspended, houses wero locked up, the occupants of whieb at- tended the fuiieml of tli« lata Alfred Cbialiit. Much symathy is expressed for the family in their sad and sudden bereavement. Our public school closed on Thursilay for the aumraer vacation, and the youngsters gavo vent to their approbation by exhibiting the strength of their lungs. The Misses Edna and Ida M Stone re- turned homo on Thursday afternoon for the holidays. The former teaches school near Owen Sound and the latter neat Holland Centre. Their sister, Misa Flossie, wku has been attending Meafurd high school, spent Dominion Day nt home, returning tu Meaford oh Saturday to attend the examinations. We hope aha will be saoceasful. A very pleasant nflkir in the form of an annual family gathering took place at the residence of Mrs, R. Stuua oh Friday last, when nearly forty relatives assembl ad and were ri^ht Myally entettaiiied by the hostess. The following is a partial list of the KUf sta ; Rev. W. Williams, D. D., and wife, Listowel ; Mr. Robert Williams and wife, Meafurd ; Mr. M. Q. Williams, wife and two children, Oorbet- toD ; Mr. K. WiUiains, wife and two Keep this a Secret We are occasionally enjoined' by a buyer uf an eni;agi-ment or a wedding ring tn "keep this a secret. ' Wu ALWAYS do so ; we divulge ni>thing uf the kind ; our interottt in such sales being guaged not by sentiment but by hard cjuh, our profit. Strict c<mfidei:.ee is therefore invaluable. Parties buyiii<; from as out do so privately if desired. In EiigaKemeut Kings we are carrying a large stock and of greater variety that> heretofore and at price.s ramm- ing from fl.50 to 915. (X). We have ivcuutly added a new line of Weddin:; Rinea in 10k. gold, which are bound to be favorites. I am jusfc BOW making a specialty of Watches, and if you are desiring a timepiece ^ms â€" or even if you don't need ^roao very bad â€" it will pay you to buy now while prices are at the bottom with McGinty. I have some frtjsh, new'ijoods in Japanese Stick Pins, Ep- worth League aud Oddfellow Guards, Ladies' Skirt and" Belt Holders, fancy Hat Pins, etc., the nicest, nobbiest things lip to date. Just come in and look at them, anyway. W. A. Armstrong JEWELLER, FLE3MERT0N. FARMS FOR SALE Lot IMand 14T.con.3, N.B.. T.SU.. lOOaeiea, lOcIutru 1 auit ^ bufth. GooU boute and barn, i iniiMM from Flentidrtou. Lot 170, eon. 4. N.K., T..SJt.93 aorei. Al>oat TO cUareit. and 18 acma tf«w lanil. Will be ready (01 (all wbuat. Qood house aod water. 1) tuiteHfroin nvliool. Tba almvo propurtiat will be told on ernnf teinii to suit purcbaaer. For particulan apply to W. A AKMSTRO.SG Plefbartoa. ILiATHIIYO I am proparod to do laUiine In tint clrcoa nt^la and at raatouabls ratua. Parties dealriiag my Mrvioaa can drop a uoatal to. J. A. FKLSTEAD. Fleibarton P. O- t JUI73 m children, Holland Centre ; Mrs. (Rev.) De Long.son and daughter, Beachburgh, P.Q. (The above gentlemou are brothers, the last aamed lady, a sistjr of the hostess ) Dr. Daynard, wife and children, Rocklyn ; Mrs Taylor and two daughters, Meaford ; Mr. John McCartney and wife, St. 'Vincent ; Mr. Henry Stone, Btrs. H. Spiccr and othet% The two raoaain- ing brothers of Mrs. Stone, viz : Mr. A. Williams and Mr. Warwick 'Williams were unavoidably absent, the former ba- ing a resident of Rat Portage, and the latter resides in British Columbia. After spending a very pleasant day, the youn^ people enjoying themselves to their heart's content, the party separated, a» part of the guests could not possibly re* main, while others remained till Saturday ' morning. The last of th« visitors, Mr. ftlcCartney and wife, left for homo on Monday monday bavins spent the inter- vening time with the latter's grand- mother, Mrs. W. Stone. It has been custon*ary for a great many years for this family to meet together every year, and we hope that all who took part iu the gathering this year will live to enjoy many more meetings of the same pleasant character. Wa understand that our Sabbath School picnic will be held at Kugenia on Friday next. Misa NeUy 'V. Stone ia visiting friauda in St .Vincent. Harried. Ri!ioi.iia-CR*w»oB'>-Ou June JS-^T^-^ I • ato. Mr. D. Slnolalr to Miss A. M. Ciawtord. ali otOspray. r

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