i: ALL THE WORLD OVER. lBtere*tlag Itan* About Our Own Country. Qrcat BrIUIn, the United State*, and All Parts of tbe Qlobe, Condensed ami Auortad for Ea5y Reading. Tha CANADA. Galician Bmalliwz (latieat in qoiiraiiline nt Winnipeg, is dead, TUo price of Slinir "a an leilufed 40 ceiiU a barrel at \Viiiiii|>eig yoatorday. iliiiiiiuh Lute, aaed 17, has been ar- ri!>sluil ul UumiltuD, Ont., on a charge of infunlicide. Tli'i Ontario Agricultural CoUi-Ke at Cucl)>h, has bud over Ij.UOU viuitors Bincv J une lal. i'rivute Tlwrnas Kol)i>rUon. R.C.I. , St. John's, Que., bux limoiue iuiiaue tJhniu^h the use of cigarettes. Thi' cu.sLoni collt'ctioiis at Lake Ben- nett sini'B the oiening of the 80u»ou iiavv utuouiited (o »li''..O0O. An addition (.'0:>tiiig a quarter of a miUian will bo mad« to llin C. P. 11. Windsor station, ilontreal. Albert WeliLer, a IlaUiilton streetcar conductor, ffll from a car and in suf- fering from concu.ssiou of the brain. The lx)dy of Jlias Mary llistabli'. who di«;4|>pearcd trom Laohinu laal Noveni- biT, has been found in the 61. Law- rence Iliver at (juubuc. A young sou of M!r. Isaac Jokns>)n of Binbrjok wa.s run ovit by a loaded %v od via^gon. una ann being badly torn and broken. 'i'he Montreal flarlKiur Connnission- ers have accepted the plans of the Minister of i'ulilic Works for the im- provement of the harbor. Miiny of tho Inlla stolen from the Doiuiuion Ixink at Napainn^ have lurn- ed uj) in Montreal, and the delective.s thcie arc hot after thiw \\hu uie passing I hem. The confu-sion of Ameririin and Can- adian railway signals at \iag-.:kra Falls, Ont., re.sulled in a collision and thv death of Kngineer George .lack, of th<! lirie railway. Mr. V. X. Orandimutre, who Btied the Hull Klectrio Comp;iny for 81.51X) damages for the dcalh of hia son, waa awarded judgment iM, Hull on Friday for ?275 .-md costs. The mi'Mlal of the Itoy.il Canadian Bumane .Association has liocn grunt- ed to Conductor ^lIcM^rray, of tho To- ronto .Street Jtailway Company, who Biivcd th'e life of a moiurman named CruL>» on March 16 lusl by cutting a lolephone wire which hud oro.SHe<l the trolley line. T hre«- Klondike e.xploration jiarlie-s wore si'nt from Ottawa on Monday by llie i'ublic Works IMiarlmi-nt. T'«o parties will start from Ivlnionlon to ex|iloro routes Ihrougb to Ihe head wralers of the I'elley Uiver. The ibird parly will Iniuir from the coa.st by the Stikino river. ft li.is been dexndud not to e.vtend tho electric railway system of QucIm-o to Alnniniorency I bus year, but every- thing \iill be, gi>( in readiui^sH during the winter to change the uiutive pow- er from .steam to electricity ne.tt jear of the entire railway from <Jue- Lcc to Ca[ie Tourment, la-low I,a Honne Sto. Anne. At the meeting of the Qunl>eo City Couniil it »va» decided lo guarantee Ixmd.^ of 8'.li);),n;)i) for I Iw tircal .Nor- thern Kul.vay, on condition that, the company eatabli.sh its workshops in QueUio, that 1 h:^ line be coiupleled and that a |ias«<?iiger train Iw run tbroutrh from l.'arry .Sound lo (Juelxn: or vic«i versa. iSIr. J. C. Hoy, division engineer for the Udjninion (iovernnient, has retuin- ed to Viiloiiu from tileiior.i, where he has III en with Cbief llngimer CtHte, of th" PuMii- \\uik.s Di'iKirtment, exam- ining the all-Caiiadiaii' loute to the Yukt).'! .Hr. Hoy reports the Stickeen to Ih) a fine body of water. The trouble this season has bei'n, he says, that S'veral wieamcrs not iKiwertui enough have uttcmi>ted to ascend tho river. GRlCAi; imiTAlN'. Mr. Joseph I'h.iniberliiin einphatl- COlly denies the rum.jr.s id bis conliin- plaled relireiueut from the llriii.sh CVi billet. A .Scotch member of rarliameni is authority for the statement that the dovernor-tjeneralship of Canada is a prmition much too I'.xpi'iisive for a Sculch nobleman of small means to ac- cept. I'rofeasor Hiva, of the University of Brussjia, says the London (Tironicle, has been appointed arbitrator lo fix the amount of indemnity to be paid by Ru.ssia lo Great Uritain for tbe sei/.ure ot Canadian via-iels in Jlussian sealing groundti. UNITIM) STATR.S. (Tlie'lJ. H. Seniilu is debating' the Ha- waiian annexation question. The business i>orlion of INirk City, lUUih haH lM;en desi i\»yed by firo at a lo.ss of 9t,IIOI),UIIU. AH the coni miners in the .lelliio dis- trict ot Kentuoky will soon be trans- ferred to an Knglish syndicato. Col. R. E. A. Croriont ivtired, died at Washington yi^bterday, aged (ifl years. Be link u prominent part in the sup- pression rif the riots at Chicago during Dvlibs' strike. Lieitl., .f. Kugitti, of the Japanese nnvy has arrived at .Seattle from Yoko- hama. He will watch the ron^sl ruction ot thfi war vossols now being built for Ja^pan at Pbiladolphia and 8an J''ran- eiseo. A Norfolk ikud Wostorn i>aaflenger train was wrus-ked on .Sunday two miles west of Bhawville. Va. Three men were killed and several injured. The de.-id are, the engineer, Al. Horner, Bristol, Va.; Ihe finuuttu. Kdward l:i»t- ler, Bristol, Va ; and the mail clerk, A. S. Krtuicis, M»rioa, Va. The finishing deiiftrtinent of the King Powder Cami>any, lo-iated at liiutr's Mills, near Cincinnati, waa deatrL>>ed TTIC ircnv f Axccx CtmiW S""<'''y night, evidently having been InC VERY LAI EST rKOJ'l^fired by two men. One of them was badly liurned, and was captured. People going to the fire mot a, stranger go- ing toward South Lelxmon. Tlie piis- oner Is apparently a foreigner. Tbe monetary loss is small. GKNJiUAL. Fourteen Ru.s.sian sailors, capsized off Noumea. -N. S. W« were devoured by sharks. A Chinese torpedo destroyer was driven a.shnre at I'ort Arthur and 130 men wore drowned. Austria la likely to take military meiusurea to di'al wi.th tho Alb.mian and Servian disorders near the Au.s- tiiun fix>ntier. The .Sultan of Turkey, it i.i stated, has purchased 18.000 square yards of land near .leru-salem. w luch he will pre.sPiiD, Cw Kmpevor William, of Ger- many. -j"»-(L .\u old temple at Huango, Japan, to- gether with several other valuable buililings, were destroyed by fire on M.ay U2. Anotlker temple at Kyoto was destroyed by the same agent on May :J5. A warelu)use was also dc.ilroyed. 'The Pope's health, according to his physicians, is quite goo<l. His Holiness has quilo recovered from a slight at- tack of rluMunatLsm in tho shoulder, and on Tuesday he tran.saoled Imsiness and iiromenadeil the ganlens as u.suat. The Hi'itish steamer Para, from l>an- kirk tor 'lilt Cove, loaded with copper for 8wanse.a. entered an ice floe off the iiv)uith of Notre Dame Hay, New- foundland, on Saturday. an<l was crusli- ed, Kinking within two hours. The crew arrived at Till Cove all right. During a military review Tuesday at Deutsch ICybiu. near Oslerode, Kast I'riLssia. a soldier in the ranks, whoso identity is not yet established, fired at (ieiieral Voji R.ibe. wounding him in the leg, and killing his horse. A search- ing inve.stigaliou is proceeding. EXECUTION IN MANILA. .1 HIshI Hriilal tu Kui|ll»li I'ljrs-Haw P««r l*rl!«oneni are hhot Uniiu. To wilne.ss an execution in the Phil- ippines is a sight most brutal to Eng- lish eyes. The relmls, taken on Ihe slightest pretext or Huspi<don of revolt . are, after a .summary trial, phot in Imtches ot twenty to thirty, and for years past the mournful sight has l>een familiar to residents in Manila. On .such occasions, at 7 a.m., a pro- ce-ssicm, ooiiHisling ot tho condemned, escorted |)y Spanish regulars and (luardia Civilia, may Ite sein issuing from the Fort S.iuiiago gale. Tho col- umn Ls headed by Ihe mounted guardia a single drummer, then the prisoners in single file, with arms pinioned above the elbow, accompanied by sev- eral prie.sts, flanked on either side by compunieH of Spanish regulars with fixeii Imyonets, from which are drawn the firing parties, for Ihe condemned. It is worthy of note, however, that the firing parties are mostly selected from the nalivi! I roojts, and not from the drafts from Spain. I'ho.sc troops are mostly armed with the Reniingion. while th'< Spanish regulars carry the Mauser maga/ine. LIKE A GALA DAY. To give colour to Spanish character, it may be s<iid that the.sc events al- most a.s.sumo the aspect of a gala day. Groat crowds follow fiom the city. \t hich imdudes numlH-rs of Spatiish wiimen in their carriages. .A hollow .siiuare is formed hy the combined troops, the centre-rear iH'ing oicupied by the colours, yuard and massed bands. An officer preceding a group of drummers, whose purpose it is lo lent the drum on arriving at each cor- ner of the squill e, reads aprcn^lama- t ion announcing t li.it should anybody ask pardon for the condemin'l they woulil l.o dealt with as sympallii/ers, The open side of the .s(iuare. on whii'h line U|) the firing parly, fares the sea, the ground selected lieing tho Lunotl.a, or public promen.ide. HOLt,I.\G IN AGOVY, Ihe i)ri.soners are marched on, and hailed u.s each arrive alxiut four paces in front of Ins squad. The priests then idliciate and tile pii.soncrs Uneel down with their backs to t be rifles. Tlin fir- ing' of Ihe executioners is usually wretched; fre(iu>'ntly Ihe volleys fail to kill, the condemned creatures roll- ing about on the ground in fearful agonies until some lunnane serBeant. stoops tlo» n and ends I heir suffering with a revolver. When all is still Ihe crowd (shouts "Lonu; Live iSpain I" while the bands thunder forth the national ant bent. Groups of orticers, including many from 'be navy, are now .seen passing along .he dead, apparently from idle lUriosity, All troops now marcb past Mie Ixxlies to a lively quiok step, and then return lo barrac-k.'*. The law of annihilation, which seonut to pervade the offii'ial mind is demon- strated again in the disposal of Ihe trooi>s, as each filing squad, Udng native, is covered by a corre.siK)nding .squad of .Spanish regular.s immediate- ly in their rear. I Agricultural I THE PLUM CURCULIO. This insect is a serious pest to per- srms raising pluiud. as it often destroys half the crop. It niust Ije treated in a different way from tb« apple worm, tut its habits are difterenl. It is re- sponsible for the loss of many thou- sands of dollars each year to the fruit-growers of the state. The curculio is a little beetle, less than half an inch long. It pajsses tbe winter in any protected place it can find, and comes out in the spring alwut the time the leaves first appear. At this time it is a little beetle rather less tlian a quarter of an inch long, and with a snout on its head. It feeds on the leaves of tho plum and also thei apple, ixiur, i>each and cherry. When tbe plums are set the inst;ct cuts a little curved slit in the plum, and close to it, in a little hole, lays un egg. This egg soon batches into a little grub, which eat."* into and around the .stone. When tho grub is full grown (after alwut three weeks) it leaves the plum, which h;ia usually fallen oft by this lime, goes inio the ground, where it remains <iuiet for a time, then comes out as the full-grown insect again, lo go into hiding until Ihe following spring. Thus, there ia only one brood a yeaf. It is not (lossible to re;M:h and kill the grub, as it is inside the 'iruit, but, fortunately, there are other times in the life of the insect when it can be attacked with success. The first of these is before the eggs are laid, when the iuseot is eating me young lea- ves. Before the /lower buds oi)on. therefore, spray the trees with Lon- progresaive, and not rundown appear- ance. Now that must ail luml>er u.sed on the farm must !« purchased, that txjught for buildings 8h:>uld lie of good quality, and that exjioaed to Ihe wea- ther dressed, so that it can be painted. While location and convenience must first Ije considered, appearance must not he ignored. A neat and tidy ap- (learance in tbe buildings adds much to the value of the farm and also to the reputation of the farmer. Such fcuiUlings draw from strangers favor- able comment. Bui when ihey have the appearance of t>eing built for show alone, the comment is against tbe own- er and to his injury. PEACH BORE a. The parent iosect belongs to a fam- ily ot moths known as Algerians.wbich have tran.sparent wings and slender Iwdies. They fly only in day time, and when on wing, resemble certain wasjja and hornets quite closely. The muth apiiears from middle ot .fuly to end of August. The female measures ulMUt one and one-half inches across, when wings axe expanded; the male is .small and .seldom niea.sures more than one inch. Tbe eggs are deposited sing- ly on tlK3 Ixirk of the tree near the surface of the ground. As soon as Ihe larva is hitched it works downward in the l>ark of the root, forming a small wimJing channel which soon l)e- comes filled with gum. It begins to devour the Ixirk and sap wood and cau-ses a copious exudation of gum. which often torm.s a thick mass at the l)ase of the tree, intermingled with tb" L-alincfs of Ihe worm. When full grown tho larva meiusure.s over half an inch in length, and nearly half an inch in diameter. Different si^es of larvae may lie found all through th- fall and winter months. (K->'asionally it attacks the trunk furllier up, ami WHAT IS QOI.Na ON IN THE FOUR CORNERS OF THE GLOBE. Old and New World Events ol Interest Cbron* Icled Brieflyâ€" Inlrrestlng Happenings ol . Recant Data. Two small vessels equipped with Par- sons turbine engines, with a guaran- tee<l speed of 3o knots, have been ord- ered by tbe British Admiralty. At a recent English inquest it camo out that ot five persons who bad re- ceived legacies of $500 each two years ago four bad already drunk them.selvea to death. • Holland has jast established compuls- ory services for all Dutch citizens in the army. Tbe only persons exempted are priests, ministers and divinity stu- dents. Bohemia's German towns have form- ed an alliance to resist the spread of the Czt«,-h movement, it Ls ex|>ecled that the liohemitw towns will furut a counter-alliaiiicav. France's new Chamber of Deputies includes a ct.al black negro from Guad- e!(«up.'. iL LegitimuB, elected by acoctl- iii';ii of llacks a,nd whiles against the mulattoefi on the island. Bryant & May. the matchmakera, httve been fined tbe highest sum allow- ed by law for p<Mslstently neglecting to ret Oi t coses of phosphorus poison- ing among their employees. Microsi'opio diamonds have been found in worn street rails of the Northea-stern Railway Company in England that weie being experimented upon lo find out how much strength the steel had lost. Great Britain's June wa.s ushered in sometimes the fork of Ihe limbs. The . . • „ w j i.- i exuding gum always imints out the l"'"' snowstorms in Bedfordshire. Lan- .sixjl where i' i.s at work. When. aUiut ensbire at Kilinburgh and in county to become a pupa, tbe larva crawls I'meri'-k. Tbe rest of tbe kingdom en- don Purple. To m.ike this, mix a pound ! upward to tho surface of the ground, 'joyed heavy thunderstorms with haU a nase of leathery ! and sleet. I Oriental steamer ashore on Azalea Pi>int near Peiiin. recently, when she landed on the old wre»!k of another steamer and had her bottom torn out 01 the London Purple with a pound of { and here for fresh lime and add water al the rate structure made from its castings mix- The Peninau'ar an>i ot one pouml of the Purple to 150 ed with the gum and silken threads. I ru^na waa driven gallons of water. Add enough of this Sometimes it is found s«"veral inches „ ." ... BKNRVOT.KNCE. Citizenâ€" Say. Hill, can't you do some- thing fi>r my friend, .\o,j(o nl » He's been a hard ilrinker ho Long that now he's deal, blind a.nd lame. City Officialâ€" Does he know many voters in his district ? Yesâ€" a good uuuiy. All right. Tell him to oall at my office, and I'll appoint him a sanitary inspector. water first to slake the lime, after- ward t lie rest. If ptach trees are sprayed, 2.50 giiUons of water should Iw u-}ed. Do not spray while the trees are in blossom, but when tbe blos.soms have fallen, spray again, choosing ra- ther a cool day, if possible. It any of the loave."* turn brown anil die utter spraying, it means that the spray was too strong. In such cases, add more waier to the mixiure next time. A tecond way ot treating this insect is by spreading a laige. white cloth lacked on a liabt fr.iuie, under the tree al morning or evening, and jar- ring the tree suddenly. Iho insects al these times do not fly readily, but drop into the cloth and can l>e kilbd. 'this will disiKise of many and it should le tSone ftb(.ti(t the Siuue time iis the .-.praying. A third way lo handle the curculio is by picking up and burn- ing: the tallou plums every day, Im'- ginning al>oul a weok after spiiiying for the la-st time. This will calch th" young grubs in the pliuiis, which ihe other luelhoils misse<l and will reduce the uuiulier of insecls ihe following year. These methods have ail been tried an I woric well, the frequent re- sult U'lng that instead of saving one plum ot every twiiiiy-fivo that form about twenty ani siived. FARM FENCES AND nriLDINGS. Kvery fence a farmer I uilds should lie u good one of its kind, built in neat workmanlike order, and an.swer the I'.urpo.se for which it i.s built perfectly. | Considering the cost of fencing as it relates to other improvements of the farm, it Is a heavy drain on the re- sourctis ot the farmer. Hence it should lie curtiiilcd as much as inissible. To do this, the lo<;atiun of Ihe l.uililim;s and most convenient /'onus of the fields must have careful consi.lora- liou. 'The only fence a tanner should think ot buildiiitT now, is a wire fence of -some kind. Their numl>er and var- iety is legion and th.> farmer should buy whatâ€" after a careful considora- tionâ€" will suit his cin'umstauces boat. Woven wire fences ot safe strength and durability, are desirable. If the farm has a jiermanent pasture, tlie cultivated area ran Ihi handled with- out feul^e8. If tbe farm has a highway Iiassing one side or end. the buildings .should lie l(KMited near it, and near the central part ot the aides or end oC tho farm. L'very farmer .should have a iinufortablo and convenient lioust", large enough to meet bis waiit.s; neat in ap()earaiice; built for u.se and not for (show. When ii farmer builds Cor show, and a larger house than he needs, it nearly always liecomes a burden. Hut we do not hear of farmers buildinijr barns that bring with them overwork and misfortune, unless the Imilder.s have lieen lacking entirely in Judgment when t h;'y built. A common error in building barns, ia to cover too much land with root for the am ount of .spfice obtained. In short, they are not higli enough. Had we iMirnii to build, all tower fUwirs xvould be made of cement, and put «lown .so the rats could not get under them. Ily this plan much spare that is usually lost under iilank floors would lie saved. With. the stables floored with cement all manure could l>e .saved, both liquid and sol ill. The house and liarns shoubl lie only a sutficient distance ai>art lo prevent lo.'w of Ixilh by fire in" (vise of accident. Whenever Hwlne are kept on farms, comfortable shelter should l<e provided for them. Whether they are portalde or stationary hog houses, they should >» well and neatly made; •uob aa will give the farm a n'.>at. Ijelow Ihe .surface- in recently stirred, loose »(nl. Karly in the spring or late in the autumn, the larva may be dug out of the tree and destroyed. To prevent the moths ^rom deiKisiling tlieir e;fgs. the crown Of the roots where the Ixirk is soft ami tender and really offers the only point of en- tram-e. may lie covered with a mound of con I ashes or .soil, packed firmly around it. Washing the lower part of the trunk with iilkaliiie niixtures. .strong soap huiIs (esjiecially if hot), to- bacco tei. lime water, etc., will serve to prevent rnmdi injury. SinCLTKH iOH CA'CTLK. The London Parmer thinks lh.it "in Knglaod few subjects of equal im|iort- am-e to the farmer have iK-cui'ied less attention that the provision of prop- er shelter for live slwk in the fields. The average English farmer has a great deal to l-arn. If he could but appreciate the enormous loss which is caused every year on this score alone we are sure it would hasten a lietter era in live sto^-k management out of dixirs. Not a liitle of tbe .success which has allon<led the rearing and feeding of S(!otch cattle U due lo the infinite care which is taken lo pre- vent lo.s« of flesh. o>'inj to th' mis- erable conditions which .so frequcally l*rtain during the pa.slutage season. The motto of every feeder who desires to turn a good profit yearly. mu.st lie to keep all the flesh wilh which food h.ts clad the stoi^k of the farm, and, alHjve everytliin'.r. always keep the animals growing. Kvery ixiurid of flesh lost durinj; cold weather goes lo tlie debii side of Ihe cash-book, and every iKiund saved is so much gained." LORD WOLSELEY. .lITrrlloa GxltllHs; Belwern lllm and Hit lliiualtler. One of the prettiest si^'hls in Lon- don is Lord Wolw^ley and his daui^htrr. Frances Garnet Wols-dey. If there are a pa'i' of lovers in all London more devoted to each other they are not known in iMdile society. Cienerul \Vola«!ley has no .son, and Ibis daughter lias in a gl-eat |iie«sure taken the place which wciuld have lieen given to iiim hid he Iven born. Hut th' Kng- lish Government has miule Ihe tlaufh- ter tlie hi-'ir to the viscounty under what is called a "siiecial remin>ler." which is just one. more honor added to all those which hive l»een heaiied upon the old warrior. HEALTH JVKI'ORE BEAUTY. Two Irishmen Avho had not met for years r.a.n acriwa each other in Derby, and, after a period of handshaking, ad- jimined tor some moist congralular lions. Long time since we met. Pat, isn't it? Gn>a.t lot tot things have bappeued since then. Yea, UMleed. Liiok at mesilf. Sure, it's marrie<l I am I replied Pat. You don't Hell me ? Faith, and Give got a fine healthy bhoy, anil Ihe neighbors says he ia Ihe very picture Oif me. O'Grady looked lat Pat. who wasn't built ou the line.s of a prize beauty. Och, well, what's the barrum so long oa tbe (Child's healthy? POSITIONS FOR HK'ROKS. Rolxton â€" Street car conductors .should ell lie luircx^s. HoUsonâ€" And why lieroes? Uolwou-^-lteeause noi,.' but Ihe brave deserve the fare. by its engines. Cuiie Grisnois, on the I'rench coast op- poMite Pover, ts to have a new electrie light that wilt be visible forty-eight miles off. It will be of 3000.000 candle IK>wer, anil is expected to piercB ton tor a dLstauee of sixteen miles. It will give out a white flash ome a second. From JIadri<l comes a strange story of a row in the catbetlral chapter of 'loledo during whieh high words were e.xclumged between Cardinal Archbish- op Sancha and the dean of the' chapter, resulting in h cb.'illHiige. The duel baa not j-el taken place, as thrt seconds ar» unwilling to im|>ose the bloodthirsty conilitiou demanded by lioth princip- als. A Berlin civil court, in a suit brought by u di-essmaker for tbe payment of an expensive dre.sa. to which the defenca »a.s that the dress did ni>t fit. afler making Ihe defendant wear the garm- ent in ci-urt. decided thiH she should not pay on tbe gioiind thai when a dressmaker asks as much aa ;!>'i1 marks or $61 for a dre.ss the price implies that the fit shall lie peifoi't. Smolensk in Ilus.-<ia has a peculiar lottery four times a year. A young girl is raffled for in 5.000 one ruble shares. The winner marries the girl and receives the money from the lot- tery as her dowry. If he prefers he may assign her and the dow ry lo touto one else. Soinel Lines the girl refuses lo marry the winner, in whi.-h casn the money fiom the iottery is divided ba- tween them. A Fri'n.b eea Captain living in the rue d'A'esia in Paris kept a savage oraug oulang as a [>et in his rooms and refu.s«'d lo chain him up. During bis alisenee recently a burglar entered the Iw.'use. was t.i/ekled by the aiie, which bit him horrilily and tried to strangle him. lul was resi'ued by petiple who heard his cries tor help. On I einir tak- en to the hospital the burglar went mad. ' Neu Wied on the Rhine, near Col>- lentz, the birthplace ot Ihe Queen of Itoutnania has a rx'inarkable exhiiiition of dolls this month, ll is culled "Krom Cainiien .Sylva's Ri'.ilra." and cimlains tloUs sent to the (Jueeu from all [varts ot Euiope Itoumania sent three car- loads showing all Ihe Oriental national costumes; Paris .sent a ejirUxul of tbe latest fashions; nuiiiy dolls were colleo- led for tlie .show by th(";iiueen of Italy, the Crowu Princess of Sweden, I bo King of Sorvia and by moit of the rul- ing itnd princely houses of Kurope. Taianlulas do not dance to tha sound cxf tlie violin, but let the people they bite <lo Ihe dancing; scorpions, howev- er enjoy fiddling, a;'i-ording lo the Quarterly Review and lizard.s go crazy for music of any kind. As for ,s,>rp- euts, the boa cortstriclor and python are aen.selcss to melo;ly. but the coiira is fascinated by the t!ui:.e and siill more by the fiddle. I\dar bears enjoy the violin; .so do o.s< riches; wolves vv'ill stop in the chase lo listen lo a cornet; elephants are fond of Ihe flute, cspoei- ally I lu> upper notes; tigers, whild a((- prev-iating violin and flute. cannot stand the harmonium while th'A music- al se«l shows no enioiiim on hearing any insti-ument, not even the liass drum. I C The ink-plant of New Granada is a curiosity. The .juice of it cttn lie used as ink without any preparation. At first tbe writing is red. but after a few hmrs it chun^fes to black. a ^m^m