Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 7 Jul 1898, p. 4

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JULY 7 i8g8 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE V. BSTABLISHBO -/8S/' i riTBLlSlIBO WEEKLY AT THB OFFICE, SYD- ENHAM 8TBEET, FLESHERTON, OKT., BY W. H. THURSTON. $1 per annum strictly In advance Adrertiaiiig Rates : Oaa Column, 1 yoar, iJO ; hnlf col., 1 yen.i, $98 quarter ool., one year, 815. Translont advortiaoinent charged at the rate of < oeata per line for flrst Inaortlon and 3 cent each Bubaequeut lunertloa. THE WAR'S PROGRESS The Americau operations at San tiago a:e meeting with as gieat a degree of success 43 did those of Admiral Dewey at Manila. Tiie Spauisli fleet under Cervciu attempted to run out of the Larborwhcro it lias been bottled lip on Sunday morning last wlion one of tUe most terrible battles was fought tiiat has over occurred on water and the whole Spanish fleet wa.? destroyed, whilo Cervora and 160O of his marines aro captives to the United Stales lieot. This was effected with the iusiguilicaut loss of one American killed and a few wounded. The land operations, however, have not been so successful and large numbers of United States troops have fallen Ibtouud Santiago before the Spanish fire. Announcement of the fall of this city had not been received ai lime of writing, bat the news was ex'- ptcled at any time. With Corvcra's ships destroyed and Santiago at the mercy of Admiral Sampson's licet it can bo only a matter of a short time until Santiago is taken. And then ? Will Spain give up the fight or in her bllud pride will she continue to daali lu 1 forces against the inexorable rock of -Vii-ciiL-an arms to linr utter ile- Btiuciion '? Tlieao are questions wLicli the immediate future alone will settle. .\ wiao man has said " ?rido gotlli bofore a fill," and llii^ ap^.oa. s U) be again exomp'ifu'd in the caoo of Spain. Tlio piiJo whicli she cailij honor is boconunj; her di'striic- tioii lu ilic mciuiliino the Unitrd buics is pusliiui; forwanl wiiii u<< Dppauiil iilca of an iiuiuciliuti: toiini- Vaiion, and with her lleol again ut ^iborty can without delay dtal a few inoio luintal hh)w.^ atSiwiiisli vilality fr'p. in has now but l-^o :iiin ludcruscis which are said to be on tlioir way t^ Iho Philliphiea, where t!iey will wuh- Oul doubt unet till) fate of ilioir pic- dvCuBsorB. Ihe United Stales ha- bcr tloct intact and is building moiv vesseia. Sue can coiiliune the war iudciimiuly, and only an tieventh lidiu rtpontanLio will save Spain l<m utter mill and di .iiiir.iinii. The Mcnnonites Pio'.alily few nf oiii- foiiiler.s know mil .li lib )Ut tliu sect iijuiiiiiinod in the tile til thin Hiticlo. .\;-i it only nuiiibur.s i»ii.)iii ItiOOiit II Miuiiilier«lii|) in Oiil»rio il IK iixl pokHJIilo tlixt iiir.cli uhoulil be Kiiown nf it.i r.pcratiiins. Tiin loonilitT .ship in U) 111. foui;d piincipally in the vioii.tty of Pott Kl;;!!!, ill llie towii.shi|)«iif Di.i''>y aiiJ NottiiwuHiL'a, lail at liml.ii, wliilu II HiLiiit iiii.isii'ii liiiH b.LMi HlnrtiHl lU Tuiiioti). 'I'liii .Meimimito c!uiri:li is nil ivld one, li.iNiuU iMiefi fiiuihltiil in t!it! lOt'.i eoutiu'y I'V oi'U MtMii.o a ii'ilito of Fnunlniid. I'l. Ill UuBiiia unci O.irniaiiy tlivy umdu Wu'ir way III t!ii.» oi)iiii(iy ii:id lurLio col- i/iii.'H of tl.u ori^iiiul MtiniioiiitcH are to li() foiii.d ill our uhJiiio Noitii Wtst. Tlie McanoiiitfeH t^ kiiiinii in Ontario, liowuvcr, Hi'H not to be oon'ounded wilh ((liu iiri^jinHl .lect nn found eliiuwhere. The Uii'nrio luMiich of ibis o'liiruh was found <;d in 187't A few moil biiidtd tliani- m'l»i.'« t i.etliiT n -ar Po.t Kl^in. Knic« (il.( , i'l 1H72, and in 1874 united with what wiM kiiowii .iH the New Munnoiiitet, mul f<inii'.!(l tlioniiolvea into what is now mm^ ('i« U furiiiyd M(.-nnouit«i, and, this is the body which is goiui; forwMrd so agurexsively in Ontario. Their tenets differ very little from those of the Metliodiat church, excepting in that they iiisiMt on liapti.sni by immer- sion. In the ordinance of the Lord's â- upper they include feet washing, the precedent for which they find in the 12th chapter of John, the sisters wa8hin){ each other's feet, and the bretheren doing like- wise. They also greet each other with a " holy kiss " under extraordinary circuiii- stanccH. The sacraniciii is scmetimes divided into two parts, the feet wiishiiig being done one day and ordinary sacra- ment partaken of on the day followtii!<. The writer of these lines had the pleas- ure of atrending a Meunonito camp meet- inj; in Derby township recently, and was much impressed with the deep religious fervor and intense euriiesiness exhibited. The preaching was vigorous and the audi- ence oxtremc-Iy sympathetic and circum- spectly demonstrative. One could very easily ima;;ino himself, without any effort, to be in an old fashioned Methodist meet- ing. In fact there were elderly and ((rey-headed MethiKlists present who heartily asaistod in these meetings. Such expressions ns " Bless the Lord," "Glory Vie to Ills name, " " Thanks bo to God, " etc., frtqueiitly occurred in response to the preacher's assertions. The iiiidience was extremely sensitive and appeared to carry nerves which vibrated to every tou^h of the npeuker. A simple illustra- tion would cause them to weep freely, and among the women audiblu sobs wore hoard as the spcalter, referring to the attractions in heaven, drew a picture of his two boys whom he expected to meet there. It is a fact that during testimony nieetiiiKS there aro what these enthusias- tic people call " manifestations. " The writer saw one frail little women who had been known, when under this in'lu- ence, to jump up and down on the plat- form a distance of one foot in heinht for half nil hour at a time, a physical iiiipos siltility under ordinal y cirouiustances ; and another 8tron<; man who in the same tnince-liko condition held out liis arms at full length for half an hour, also an iinpoaaibility nmUr ordinary physical conditions. These instances were told us by outside eye witneKsoH. This people believe these t'ltio .supernatural manifest- ations, or as a Mothoiliat would say, " a baptism of the Holy Ghost." After the senium I'lillo^ed a love foasl in the exact manner of Methodism. This was not iiioiiiitonous in any dM.<iee, an'.l was marked by the coiicuriont sinking of several faii.iliar hyiiins, such as "Looking this way," " When Ihe saints are march- ing ill," "Alas nrid did my Saviour ble-'d," Hiiil orliers, siiii); wiili niilili eiicfi;y Thi.i vi-.is foUowoil by tl.u beiiidictioii. Tlii.se pL'' pie are hiokeil ui^ni with ii ueli favor bv thi'se wilh whom they loiiie iii c.>i,Uicl. Thfy are siiiiirh', kind Inaftiil, dress ex- ceedingly |il;iiii, mid are cinsiaorod vitv Niiicuie and l.olle^>t in rverydiiy iiansHc- tiidis. Ill otiier woidi they c<<rry their luligioii w.th tlieiii every day and ir.a'-e it iiitliifiii' /I' their life. No caso so slight you can eflbrd to neglect. No case so deep-seated that Dr. Agnew'a Catarrhal I'owder will not relieve instantly and cure perma- nently. It has made marvelous cures, and enjoy.s the esteem and high en- dorsation of the medical profession. Thrnuqli ftxpofl'ire I contracted thnt die.id dil- eaa'Sâ€" Cil.in'h. My c.-.s-s l>,jcflnie chronlr-in lO CttnuloHHflr.r first Appllcillon I lutfi fell (*f, anil la â- ..iiiuiu^niiiii Ilia. f,,i^.,ii,iii\.,| 1 II. Ill (iJii-Ti, a ahurt wh'lo 1 wascr-rin'Ioirlycuriid. \V, LAVtLLt, G.T.R. Urakeinaa,AnQoniUla,0 cm. U l\n «a:« l>jr W. Uiuhardaou J. F. VanUUSEN t'l.KaHEHTON 1 have just placed iu stock a nice lot of st'\iilii jcwollnry.to bo sold at rock bottom piieoa. Call and examine our watches before bityiug. Re- pairing iu all lines. Agent for Masse v-Harris E:jiceou.tioi?s Notice TO Creditors Sn th» matter of iAo Catate of TJhomas Samoy,late of tho TJownthip of Osprey in ih» County of Srey, fanner, dooeased. Pursuant to B. S. O., 1897, t'»p. 129, Seo. 38, notice is hereby RiveD, that ali peraoos havla^ claims against the eauitc of the SbiJ Thomas tiamey, dsceaard, who died on or abont the 2()ih day of February, 189S, are required to deliver or aend by post prepaid, to the undereigned, to Fleaberton I'. 0., exeentora of ibc laid deceased ou or before the 15th day of July, 1898, a itaie- meut iu wilting of their nameaand addreas- ea with all particulars of their claims and nature of security (if any) held by iLicm. And furthur notice le hereby given that aftar the laat mentioned date the execntora will proceed to diitribute the assets of the deceased , having regard only to the claims of wliicli tbev t)icn have notice ; and ihe executors will cot be liable for the said aaaeti or any part ilioreof to nny person whoao claim notice thereof shall not have been received at the time of such diatribe - tiou, .T0SIAHGAMEY,1 Executors. K. J. SPltOllLE, J Fleahciton, Juoe tilb, 18g£. NOTICE ! tshoreby Riveu tliat a bylaw was passoil by tlio Council of tlio TowuBljip of Aiteiutjsia, oil thoaevunth day of May. IKA^ providing for tlio infltieof dubontinus to iihti amount of CTUO. for purpoftos of thu trustot'B of iMihool soctinn No. 1:1, (KtiKonia publico BchooDaiiil that Hueb b>« law waH ruifiiiturod in thu rt'^intry ofUuo for tUo Routh rtdiug of theCoauty of Orey, on tbe2t^th day of May. A. D. 1A)6. Any uiotioi) to quaKh or Ret aside iho pame or any p.trt tberoof. uiiist t>o tuiide wichiu tbree luoutbs from the datu ot registration and can- not be niado theroattcr. \V. J. nKLLAMV. Clork. Datodat FlosbortoaibUautuay of May, ISOB. NOTICE The public will take notict^ that tlin Township of Attenic-sia will not be responsible for any daiua<;e8 on that portion of the public road known as the horseshoe hill, near Flosliorton, during the time of its being Btraighi- encd. I'leaso govern yourselves ac- cordingly. W. S, CHUISTOE, Juue -28, 1898. Eeeve. M. Richardson & Co Items of Interest for nidsummer •««ie ^IP ^iF W= ^MP '?**= V.v ^iP •JS^ â- â€¢i»' iif TWO : CLOTHING : SPECIALS^| (1/ |VT ^ tiTcn's P.ubber Coats, diagonal (f^ il^ 1 lO» I ^ eftects. ciouble stitched seams, (i^ iif '%/%'%%'%^'%/%'%.^ ^^^'â- ^ ^'*''" capes, fancy check (!> iljl linings, thoroughly watcip. oof. Our price i.s special (f^ \|if â€" lower than the lowest. (f^ t No. 2 \ â-  ! ii ! ii ! WANTED .\t the Flesherton WiiollfU Mill, any (jumitity of giHid wind', fur « hich the highe.st ni&iltct piiue will be p.iiJ in cash or (jonds. S JIfave on j^and'^^^^'^'^ A lar^o quantity if coar^io and ti n' Tweod.s, IK'HVy Fullcliith. wliite aid gray FlaniieU, Sheetiiii;s, Cott'ii- ade.s and l'>iui.ko's. Ali'i h hri^c ipiantily nf Yains of the very best i|ua!ity, ifuaraiiiecd pure stoci,, to exchange fur wi ul or KuU cl'.ea|i ha' ' cash. Uoll cardin.', !>pinninK and inanufae- turinj? doiio mi si ortest notice and in the heal p'iK.Hilili- nianiu'r. I will piy « !,' "Ill price fir lino »vo. 1 for my o.vii iiiaiii.factuie, 1 return my .sii lero tlmnlfM t'l my numur 'US ciistoii era for the liberal iuttronaite cMiin ed to nie while in i'leshort'^n and 1 hope by strict at- tentiiiu to liii.siness to merit a shurr in tho future. Woollen Mills, - - Fleshert^n. Summer iothing Get it Made by The Tailor Suits Cut to Order Satigtaction Quaranteed Men'.s Tweed Suits to oidcr, j|^ fit and cut guaranteed, fir.^t /|) _ quality- trimming and woikman- /|\ S sh7pT~ Vour'choice of a variety of west (-f England if\ iiy Tweeds in the latest colorings â€" oi r own direct im- ^^ ^ portation. The Suit to order, special. f^ I $11.50 = -mil ^^ ^^•^•^â- ^â- ^â- ^â- '^'^â- ^â- ^â- ^â- ^â- ^â- ^^^â- ^â- ^â- ^'^^ 7/fidsummer Tlfiliinerj/ ^f educed / A short time sees tho close of one of the most successful Millinery seasons on record. We don't intend to carry over any of the stock to next season but have reduced prices in every line to clear. Sailors Panamas Leghorns Straws Shapes Ribbons Laces Flowers Feathers Wings Chiffons etc. Everything ReduoedL ^?tQ,\kl FIGURES for LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS and Summer Underwear this week M, Richardson & Co. Rain Storm Your Chiiir will not Tighten and sciu-jak If you ate mounted on a HASSEY = = HARRIS It is STROiNQ and will stand the Rough Riding im- IMS co'i i. J. F. VANDUSEN, AGENT, FLESHERTON, ONT. UlB}toii's Block, Fleslier to VILLAGI PROPISRTY FOR SALE Park lots in tile Villattoot Knueula.ooiiipriii' Incaniavroi Intwrv blooki. On tiu'ia are orevt- el a frniuu and a log houie. Thera ti a good Mllar, orchard, two barm, ate. Ain>l; to H. rJKMTICIi.ligenla. (CngenU, Dao. S, 18)7 FArm fbx* Sale BOAR FOHJERVIGE The underaigneO harlng purohaosd from Mr. P..Utilrtbat MaKi'inceut tborouabhred Herk- Kliiio boar, " Muuutalii Sholk," has now tU* aaiue lor aarvtco on lot IU, K. T., AS. K., ArtB- monia. Tarma #1. Tudlcra* on apvpUi-atiou. A. Bwru JElSn BilU FOl SEI11CE. For. aaU cheapâ€" Lot 3*,Cou. 1* ArtamaaU For lerfloe io Floiherton, Sine iw,iujr Am>ly to R. J. BPRO Cl«. Fl«ata«rto« Jteraaronll. TOSJiS^tS at Usoa of lervi VUsbertoSi Mot, t^ 18*!. J.H,a^A. IV" U«H-*

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