nv«9l -t£<ty.i i >.> c r^ THE FLESIIERTON ADVAhCE JULY 7 1898 M JM li Esllslih DmjslarS; FLBSMERTOX ^ , V « " » V ^ ^ A t Li 9 A ^ We do not cut j. rices but sell at our re- gular rates for cas-h. KmuUiixi of C' J Liver Oil 20c up Syrup of llyi)-.[i!wj6phites ')0c up Butrer C<)li.r(s;k'iip;e frtic) I'i.: up Si)Ot!iinii Syni.i ... 10c up Winn Po*<lt"r to ngc 10c up C'U^h Svrup 1«>^ lip Liv«r PiIU ,. 10c up Ext:act of Black Herry .t'Jcnp CinHdiaa Dloo'i Tonic 36c Tioth Gum or Jn>p» which yott l;k<>...10c headache Powders . oc And all other goo(!s as low as any re- liable dru:^qist can supply yoi:. We buy for cash and sell for cp.sh r.r:d do a cash bi:>ines?. Vicinity Chips characteristics or the Past Week farffiiUy Called for the Carious BitMHtts uoticfs among locals tcUl 6* + ehirgtd at the rate of ten ctitj t per Hue for each inMrtion. A f reduction icitl lie mtule on con t tracts for 100 lines or uter. Pur« parts green at Richanlaoa's drug store. 15«.'«t roller flour only f4."5 per bhl. at R. PedUr's. The Western F.>ir prize list, Loudon, has bten recoived. New g<H>d3 ill sailor hats, uiSfereot styles, and every thing ii»ing cheap at Mrs. Trimbles oiitUuery rooms. Twenty-live to fifty cents jier bundled paid for iisod j iiSt.'i(;e Htaiiip.*, prvseiit â- "SJo and jubilue4. This ufiice. C<>mr>rt«b!o hmis.-, t'anU'ii and good orchard torviit in Fleslier'oii. App'y to R. J. SpRoriE, Fli.'shtriton. RrT. Mr. Fleiiiiu:; will jntkch to tie Orangtnicn if 0-pr.y Di irict in il.e jjr. ve at Feieislutiii ')u Sonrtiiy nixt at 2 p.ai. All urinatemjn a!id friends are in- vit««l. A grand raliy is auticipr^teU. Money to loan on deoeiiture« at 4. per cci t. and 1 u farm security in sui.s of ?10<) and upwards ar 5. per cent. Ex peii.-'os j;uarantceil luw. Apply to Geo. RlTHBRFOKD. Ikn 57, Shelbumo. Nv>. C Co., 31.<it IJatt., are shoftinif l!>cJr aiiiual rifle match in the retjitnontal wrics hero ai wo go to pre-jn. Li'-ut.- C. 1. Telford Is in 11' tendance, Tith Lent. Richards.in in chaigt». McFarlnnd & S»n are wivinij special piice« duiiiii! July. Thi'y cmitenipUte urv-at'y enlarging their o»'r.blishnnnt in the near future, their l.u ines-s having out-giow'.i t'leir pre.-*enr. preuiisca. Call on tlieia when in JfarkJale. Tlie do^^pois'incr i!< still a r«>idetit ol KKblie- ton, in tn;t!'.»t.iiiding the li:"ty dollar ,Htai:d;ng rewnnl which h»8 bceu offcre*l for bia capture. Vn Sund.-»y ev- cniui{ Mr. Fred Hunt lost a valuable NowfouudUnl do^' by poison. Pity the wretch could not lx> run to earth. We ueglcctetl to uiiticelast week that Mr. J. D. Chirk, editor of the London Advertiser, and sou iu-law of Mrs. J. \V, AruistroDg of this place, had bet'u advauo ed'a p«g. He has recevied the position of privato secretary to the Minister of Justice. If not tiKi late we would like to add our c<'ngrutulatioos to those of his otlnr friends. Tlie brave soldior boys returned home from Camp Niairara on Saturday after- iiwai, and after arrival had luncheon at the arai'Ty. The boys s;iy they never hiid » more enjoyable outing. On arrival at Niagara they wore »war\le<l a salute ftoua the U. S. fort across the river and again when they were leaving. The fra- ternal feeling was very marked this year and thoae who paid a visit acroa* the lioM were banqueted and h«^ he fr<>f- jJoaioitJbe country. Rev. D. C. McDowell, weU known in Fleahertoo, where he waa stationed tome years ago, died at his home in Buwman- ville on Sunday after a brief illness, aged 75 years. Hia w:dow and seven children survive him. The children are Dr. E. C. McDow. 11, Norway, Mich. ; F. M. Mc- Dowell, Tomato ; Mrs. Rev. J. J. Hare of Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby ; Mrs. T. B Hizginbothiini and Miss k. Mc- D.wtil, Bownianviile ; Mrs. Dr. Leitch, TofMuto ; .Mrs. T. C. NichoU, Uibrid^ie. Pv.-r. Joseph VVard, M.A.. B.D., occu- pied his pulpi: in the .MetLodist church, FWsh.Tton, on Sunday morning last, for the first time. Hi.n 3 rnion was founded on Ifit C'Tinrhians, ujil chapter and 21st and 22ad Ti-rsis, aud partook more of the i«-.ture of a talk fpim p.iator to pefiple, dralins with th-s relationships which should t-xLst l)Miwuen ifaetn. His remarks were very riiiifly and to g ixl taste We p; etlicc for .Mr. Ward a .successful pas- ta-rate and publicly w.lconie him auiobg na. The eveniuij Si-rvice »a* withdrawn owii.^ to ttia Prcsl-ytonau anniversary services Ijeii.g held at that time. Binder twine, it Is said, will be enor luously hi^b this year 00 account of the war. The famine in this article prevails ill C.mada and the United States. The World of a rec-nt date said tbrre will ke a sl'ortoge A at least 10.000 tons. The lital consumption in Canada is about 80,000 tuns, and the shortage for Mani toba and Ontario will be at least 2,000 ton.s. .^>;ents from the United States are said to have been through Canada picking up all they citn in tons and car-loads, and it i] more than likely that the price will go t» 25 or 30 cents in a few days. The Advance has much pleasure this week in welcoruirg Mr. T. J, Sbeppwrd aud family, recently of Tottenham, to town. Mr. Shcppard wU! be an acquisi- tion to our village both socially and in a business sense Mr. and Mrs. Sheppard, before leaving Tottenham, were made the reci[)ieni.s of an address and a well filled purse by the Presbyterians of that place, with which church they had been intimately aasoci^itcd for four years, Mr. S. in the capacity of choir leader aud treasurer. The Tottenham Sentinel speaks very highly of this talented family and says : '"We wish Mr. and Mrs Sheppard success in their new home, and hope they may be long spared to exercise their talents as they have done here." Full particular :ire tj hand re'^ardin^ the sad aud untimely cod of Alfie<l Chis- lett, son of the postmaster at Fieshert< n Station, aud whose remains were inter- red :n Flcshe.' ton cemetery on Wednes- day of la^t sveek. Thes.j are as foiloas ; On We-lnesday .June 20. lie obtained eui ployiuent »i(h the Stoiis Nurs(.ry C 'j-i pauy of Paiiusvi le, O.iiu. On the folluw- ing Sunday he volunteered to a.^sist the mrty wh><6c tuiu it was r.) remain on duty that day, aud was g>>tni( to his toar<.Uiig houje for dinner on his bicycle. To avoid going up a steep hill and to shorten the disiiuice alniut a quarter of a mile he rode along the railroad between the two tracks. A freight train wa,-» af proachiig him in front and to avfid til is he g"t to<i iK'ur the other track and was Htruck from behind by an express which be apparently did not hear. Ue lived fur abviut three quarters of an boui inau unooucioiis condition. He sp. 'ke twice, snyi' g, " let go my fi<it. " Every- thing that (k<ssilily could be d'-ne for him WHS done. His uncle, Alfred Down, was phoiitd for and reached the place shortly afttr h» death. Theyoun^ man left home t«o years ago to learn the &>t- ist business in Cleveland, Ohio, an J was shoitly oxpectctl home OH a visit. The fuiiei al, as we have said, took pl.tce to Flesherton cemetery on Wednesday of last wook. He was an estimable young man, and the tlora! tributes placed upon his OLskct testified to the high esteem in which he was held. Anniversary Services berriea and refreshments were served in the basement, and we unhesitatingly pronounce this one of the very best collations we haire ever had the pleasure of sampling. The ladies bad provided an abundance of the very best things that culinary art can produce. An id- joarnment wai then made to the body of the church where a very choice program was rendered. This consisted of an openins anthem by the choir, a duet by Mr. Kouera and Mrs. Black bam, another by Mr. Sheppard and Miss Joy, given by special request, and a quartet by Mr. Sheppard, Mr». Shepparri, Miss Joy and Mrs. Blackburn. These pieces were 11 of more rbaa ordinary merit and were very highly appreciated indeed. Added to this, which was of itself extraordiiuiry value for the money, was a lar^e series of limelight pictures of foreign scenes iu- cluduig some lovely scenes of Scottish scenery, with scenes in London, Windsor, etc , interspersed with humoroas ricws to to please the little people. .Altogether this was, iu fact, a double feast for a single admission. Rev. Mr. Matthewson spoke for a few minacea on mission work, but could not iu the rime at his disposal do any justice to the theme and did not attempt to do to. This entertaiament is an annual affair and the funds are devoted to wiping off the church debt, which still amoauts to eleven hundred dollars, but is gradually being cleared away. A very brilliant meteor exploded in the nurthem sky on Tuesday evening, the noise of which was distinctly audible. In all probability it exploded from fifteen to twenty mUes north of Flesherton and half a mile al'ove the earth. We gather this from the altitude and position in which it was seen at varioas points throughout the county. PERSON .\LS The Presbyterian anniversary service held on Sunday evening last was well at- tended. Mr. Rjgers, of the Bible Training Institute, Toronto, preached from Mark 1st chapter and 17 ;h vi-rse, which, as is always the easo with Mr. Rogers' seruious, was listened to with deep atton ion and prolit. The choir, which has receiuly been augmetited by three splendid voices, was iu excellent form and added much t.> the pleasure of the service. .-V duet between Mr. T. J. Sheppard and Miss Joy was a particular- ly pleasing feature. Mr. Sheppard has a line tenor voice, and al.«> sings bass, and his sister-in law, Mis* Joy, has a marvel- ous tenor-bantoiie voioe. On Monday eveoiOff the annual social eveoiiiK *•* I h^ and wM largely attended. 3tn«w- Mias Ivy Moute of Orangeville is the guest of MLss Uattie Sullivan. Miss Cleinina Arm.9trong of Toronto is the guest of reUtives here. Miss Miibel Cexsar of Maikdale spent Sunday with Mrs. Gjerdrum. . Miss Lizzie Halleran of Hallding Hill is Tuiting her cousin, Miss Ella Stewart. Miss May Sargent and Miss Ina Lamb of Markdatj; Sundikyed with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan of Arthur town- ship spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Boyd. Miss Edith Bell^iy of Ton nt.> is pay- 'v\:\!, a vi-,it to her i»rent3, Mr. and Mr-. J. Bellamy. Mr. Emerson Henders^m, deut-U sta- de li of Toronto, is sjjending a summt-r vacation with friends here. Jir. aud Mrs. Runslauler returned !a.-<t week from tiieir weddinit trip and h^ve t.aken up their residence on Collitigwonl street, opposite the Presbyterian church Mr ai-d M1.S8 Poulter of Toron'o, Mr^. H. J. Le'Janl of Holland Centie aid .Messrs. J no Kerr and Win. Green of Heathcole More vi-ltors al Mrs. J «. Le- Gaid's last week. Sirs. D. Taylor of Owen Sound has been rlie '.iuesf of her br-lher and .sister, Mr. K. and .Miss S. .McKenzie of this toiriiihip tor the j-ast throe weeks. The Misjtes llnpUiii.s and Mr. E. .Vii- lerson of 0*en Sound spent D- aiin on Diy wiili f: enls i.i t •vri. The E'd'.r .M1S.S H •u'iiii.s tk-.ul.t .sch'-ol ii Flo'her- ton a . lit â- Uiai' ye-.u-3 ug •. ! ISfOTICS ! Ubd^'eb.- i;iv<»o chat % bvUw was pAmed by thoCcunc.J . f the Tnwy<blp o( Arteore^ia o« nth day o' Juutf IHJK proviJiiiij f »r thw i^sne of Jfbonturiii \o tht» aiti->uiit of %\.\\M for purfo*** of tbe ttustf«fi« * t SS No. 14 <-t saH towusltip ao'l th^t uoh bv aw w\s roj^is&Qrtrt Iu fiiie Uttg* iBtrt orllce for th» south ri.Uiifi of »ho County ot (Jrty on tlie lS«h day of juu« l*as. Auy uio&tori tu 'taa-'b or set anide tb« sa.ito or any ;*>iir. thw-»cf. )cnf*t b« i08<Ie within thnM Mioncbs from the ki:it<? of registratiou anU caa- uot bt) lua-lt* ti!er\*fcor. Pawd at KI««<beitoii this 2&th day of June. 18G8. W.J. BELLAMY. Tp. Clerk. WARN IN O Notice i<hr br given Uiat any party or l>aibiet» H«fa(.iii|;, Sroaking or iii any way iujur^ fiieflireet latDvn, pobts or any vDlasce property viil l<« i>ro8»cutM to the (uJ'est extent of th« Uw. Hv orJer POLICE TRUSTEES flosho %in, July 5. •« ♦♦•♦♦♦♦»»»»♦♦»»»»»»»»♦♦» Baby vJiVe The only food ; I **• that will build ;! up a weak cons- \ \ , titution gradu- 1 ; Chance aUy but surely is ; Martin's Cardinal Foodj > a simple, scientific and highly < \ \ nutrkire preparation for infimts, \ < \ deli«au children am) invalids. \ ?^:^^i WM. CLAYTON Has a large and complete Stock of Summer Boots and Shoes in the latest styles. Fur quality and price we cannot be undersold, as we sell at the lowest CASH prices. EF" CALL AND SEE THEM -^ Repairing and Castom Work Promptly Attended to jfffgnt /or 'DomimioM ^onay Ordar Ojcprtss A SAFE AND CHE.\P \VA> TO REMIT Mn>rEY M - Opening Mr. J. Sheppard begs leave to an- nounce that he has opened out in R. J. Sproule's block with a full line of General Dry Goods, G-rocenes, Boots aud Shoes, Crockery and Ready Made Clothing and would be pleased to welcome all who will favor him T?vith a call and will also be pleased to show goods and quote prices Highest Price Paid for -^ Butter and Eggs T. J. SHEPPARD [\-t June Barcrams-^^B^.^^ ti '^>. IN FURNITURE [JMi : [Jili ; iilS Some of our ^rnsonable goods iu stock now at proper prices are : Dining Chairs, Easy Chairs vlivX Chairs of all kinds. Tables. Lounges. Sofas, Parlor Suits, Dressers Sideboards in many beautiful [jattrons. We claim to have one of the best stocks north of Tort<nto and at the moxt reasonable prices. Just allow us to verify this statement. A Costly Hearse in connfction and good service guaranteed. Undertaking and picturj framing in all its branches. W. JK Sunt, Jies/i^on. I i \\