-â€"â€"'-^ ;;.•*... JULY 7 1898 .1 K. it- i w n i nn ipii THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE 'i;.liUiUVTODffJMUV>,aiMMMUl*llV*l!t«^^ D. McTavish i^^eps FLKSHERTON ON HAND ...REPAIRS F.)r Massey- Harris, Noxon, Fleury and Wilkinson farm implements. Floury and Verity plows on liaud all the time, also all kinds of repairs for tliB same. We manufacture W8gi)n«, Buggies, Cutters, Sleighs, etc. Horseshoeing promptly attended to. Spocisl attention to tender ccn- tracted foot. Lugging and Plow Chains constantly on hand. (tiiOiiiiiiQiiiii Buggies, Carts, Wagons, Harrows, Plows of the best kinds aud repairs. Binders, Mowers, Horse Bakes and Corn Sonfllors and repairs. Obains of all kmds. HorsoshociDg a specialty at John H. Heard (& Son's Warerooms ^^ W W '/»? W%v" w wW '/^^W^M^W^ w w WfW^^'A^^t*^ %? Tiew all siueHfi Owen Sound, Ontario IS THE VERY BEST PLACE IN CANADA TO GET A THOllOUGU BUSINK.SS EDUCATION. Take a Round Trip Stherl.'u -.*â€" • Colltiuos and Commordlal Dupartnionta in ('aiiana. thuu Tiait tlio Nnrtlipru HusinuiiH Callogo ; exatuino avorythlu;) tlioroiii;hly. If wu tall to )iroiliico the iiioat thoroiiKli, comptolo, iiraotical and .xtuualvo courRO of tttllily : tlio bunt collof^H proiiilaus and tho boat atid nxjHt cotntdstu aud most Huitabltt fiiriilturij and aupliaiicoB, «u will kIto yuu a full coura. FimEf. Fur aunual a'luouiicoinonts, giving full partloulara, frae Addrasa C. A. FLEMING, Priiicipal W. BARNHOUSE WisheH to driivr tho attention of the Public to tho following : FLOUR IN BAGS of all sizus nnd a* Cheap as the cheap- e«t. Special Bargains in 3 and 5 Barrel lota, I ^B.JIfcJlfcJlfaJlt.^tfcJlfcJB..Mfl..aB. I ^" Photos â€"TAKEN â€"AT THE I Flesherton Photograph Gallery are done In first-class style and at [^ SK lowest rates. Special attention a given tn copying. Babies' photos. ji a specialty. Pictures framed. I MRS. BULHER fruit and Confectionery Oyster in Season . . . Groceries and Provisions. DOG and OOON MITTS and LEOO- INGS made to order and on Shortest Notice. Wn. BARNHOUSE, Flesherton Beaver Planing Mills EUGENIA We manufnictnro aanh, doors frtm.a.fl.or* Ins, buHe, Hli'inx. J»iut •iL.tiiiR. T.randata uiatarlali. Wo liavnon hand n larce ituck of â- t«lr ti.rMluKii, Btulr rail, turned corner lilock*. Imau lilockti.alxo nil thu ilaiidiird aiaeaef aaali aud duora on lia:id. Wo hnvii a flrat elaai kiln for drvini! Iiinibur and will curantoe onr inaterlain tliiiroii«lil.v dry. Kiln-dried liarrt w.wl flonriufj alwuya onliaiid. niiuu yournwn wnJ't lliMiiiiiK ui wi^yn UN IIHIMI. J > I 1 UU f UUT OWH lumber and liaro it kiln rtrioda<id nlanad bur.. Itotneinber, yon run uuriak; we will to inalcH a iiurfoct Job. iRuaranke. Oar grain ulioppinK riR la inp.rfootnrdar.and 111 order to allow yo'i Ibat we appraelale (lie vury Inrox trado that wo do In that line wo have duutdad to reduce th. price, ef chopplnn Rralna to 4c iinr iii\n. k Aral claaa ahad for Jnar tuaina while waiting, We ip-lBd .T.rr *y. Mrs. A. Wilson, . Prop. T. W. WII.S0N, MANAQCR ^O Jli i«s oa BEC AUSEII I USE Moore's Ply Nxta, luatlier or Corded Ak'a On-aae Hoof Ointmrnt Biiguy WaHhers Uarveat Mitts Sweat Collars Mon'a Leather Bracoia Whipa and Lnsbofl tlaiinngn Oil Polish All kinds of harneu kept on hand and miutn to order. EveiylhinK in harnuaa Sotxis and at right pricos. WM:. MOORE BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade MaiiKa DCSIONt CoPVfitaHTa Ac Aayona a.ndlng a ak.4ch and dMcrtntlon may qnlekty aaoertatn onr opinion free whathar an invention la pmbably patvatabla. rommunlra- t.'inaBtrtollyiKtnDdantlal. 1lnn>U><>ok on I'atfnt. aoill rrea. Uldoit a^oiiry for aartituiir [tatenta. Patonta takan turouah Munn A Co. recelT. tptcUti n«tl<4, witbout e narg a. lu the Scientific Jimencdm A liandaonieir lllnatrated WMkly. Ijircwt rtN cnjitlnn of any adentlfle tonmal. Tarma, M a rnar ; four monttaa, tL Bold by all newtdwlnt. MUNN & Co "'•""*"' New York Brauth Oao.. SH r Bt, Woahbictoii, IK OL Cash : for : HidesI Sheepskins and all kinds nf furs pur- chased, far which highest market pric* will be paid. Homemad* saatagM on hand, alio all kinds of meats. W. Vi^ILSON Flesherton Meal Emporium [ J. B. Sloan & Son Px>opx»letox>B tS" GET TOUR -•^ Sish, Doors, Floorin|;, Sheeting, Newel Posts, Bftlosters, Hand Railing, Corner Blocks, the best of Spruce Lath, No. I and a Shingles Veranda and Fittings, Sidings, etc. \m\\\ of all IMs Im \\ Order ^••ITew ra« cf ttMea far tAMppiag. Katiafaotion in al «mr li«M goaraatMsi By Wheel to Hamilton During lh.i past week The Advance mail took a bicycle trip to fJamiltim, a aliort dutcriptiuu of which may liu of in- tiTBHt to our rcadurs. The start waa made Thursday iiKiriiiiig after a htavy thunder Bturni, which left, the roiids in aujthiii); but a nice cunditioii. Only 22 mill's was made before noon acrowi the township of Proton. Aft«:r dinner the run was made by Arthur, Fergus and Ouolph to Berlin, over miroe of the finest roads in Canada. After lo.-iving Guelph for Berlin we [mfscd through some of tho richest farming country that Canada affords. This section is largely settl.id by frugal Germans who have amassed fortunes. Their farms are magiii6cent, tbeir barns large and commodious, their residences are mansions. Seven miles from Berlin a thunder storm made it nucL'jsary to seek shelter for half an hour. Hail stoires fell us largo as good sized hens' eggs, but owing to the nature of tho soil this storm did not affect wheeling and a mile further on the road was com- pariitively dry. In tho little village of Breslau wo saw a typical German village, the architecture of which carried one in imagination to the far away fatherland. Berlin was reached a little after C p. m., a run of 72 miles. Berlin is a btirring town. Its residohU appea? to vjb with each other as to which shall build the costliest and most beautiful residence, and some of the architi*cture shown is superb, while the surroundings of these residences arc bowers of beauty with flowers and shrubbery ^)icturesquely arranged. On Friday morning the route was through the very picturesque village of Preston, noted for its mineral springs, thence through the bu.sy town of Gait, and on through West Flanilxiro to Dundas and Hamilton. A Nliort distance east ot Gait wo raw the first yellow field of wheal. AH crops throughout this route were magnificent and simply enoimous, the hay crop, which was lieing cut, appearing to be )>articularly heavy. The beautiful DundsH valley has had its praises sung by all who have visited it and we need not dwell thereon, but the mad we have in- dicated gives a much better view of it than can bo had from the railway, or in fact from any other point of vantage. The whole valley is spread out before the ch.irmcd eye, including tho town of Duti- da.s and the city of H.«milion, six miles away. Tho run down the mountain is very picturesque in its windincs, with trickling springs of ice cold water to (|uoncli the thirst. The C-mile run from Dundas to Hamilton is ahso charming with hills and hollows, groves, orchards, artiticial str.no work to protect the roads, etc. Hamilton of itself is, to our fancy, the prettiest ciiy in Canada, with its clean and well paved streets, its charming little iMirks, and above all its pictures<|ue environments. Its cablo railway to tho top of the mountain and lookout hotel is Iirobably the chief attraction to tourists. 'Vom this point every detail of the city and every public institution can be taken in at a glance. Space forbids a more lengthy attention to the charms of Ham- ilton, »hich aro many and varied. The hemic trip w.is made by train S.itunlay aftcriiotu. Presentation Miss Nicholnoii waa presented with a Bible by the moniliers of her claas of the Fourlli Line Sabha.h School, accoinpan ied by the following addrtss : Afi'jj rtcfort'a Nichol$on Wr, the teachers and officers nnd pupils of yout class, wish to exi>rc«« our grati- tude to you for tho good you have done among us, by prosrntiug you with this BiKik of Books as a small token of our loro for you. Wishing you prosperity in the future. Signtd on behalf of the teachers, oflicer* and Ihti pupils of your class of the fourth line Sabbath School. Hattib Mohkison, AucE McCallum,' Loi'isA Thompson, Lai'ka Holman. Miss Nicholson desires through the Advance to publicly tbank the friends who so kindly nmembcred her. A Port Law Surprise A Pleasant surprise awaited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nicholson on their return home from their trip. Quito a numljer of friend* had asscmMeil on their return home and gave them a warm reception. After all had partaken of a sumptuoua dinurr, the following address was rood : To Mr. and Mrs. F. )V. JVicAo/wn, Wo, the officers, t«aeherH and Bible olassof tho fourth line Union Sabbath School, feel that we cannot allow this most interesting occasion of your marriage to pass without presenting you with some little token of appieoiation. We ask you to accept this lamp and crudt as a slight mark of the esteem we feel for you. Since assuming the duties of iuperiiitend- •nt nnd Bible class teacher,your never fail- iii|{ pmence in our weekly prater circle, tho impartial and truly christian s(ilrit displayed by you on all occasions toward those with whom your duties constantly led you, have only servud to dt*euen our respect and love toward you. Wo sin c< rely hope that you may be long sparud to lalior for the Master among us. Wiah- ing yuu every happinesa, Ma. J. THOMraoN, Aaaiiit. Sup. W. H. Down, Secretary. InrvplyMr. Nicholson thanked the many fri><iida for their extruuie kindness and waa thankful if in the past they had been a bl«s»ing to any, and trusting that our lab<>iii together in the future would be crowned with still greater atioQesa. â€" Com. Give , ONE 5H0RT PUFF OR ii AGNEWS CATARRH-8EED8. is the breath fouU The voice bnakv? Constant drop- ping in the throat ? Pain across the eyea and front of the head? Losing sense of taste and smell ?â€" proof that this all too com- mon malady baa you as its victim â€" Dr. Agoew's Catarrhal Powder has yet to find a case too stubborn to yield to it. Relievea instantly, and a perfect core. This wonderful remedy effected a a{ie«])r aod permanent cure. I am wlliinK to apend the rrat of my d*y» hi apreadinK ibe i^it^jd n»;wi to my (cllow •ufferen. jno. B«owm, C.A.K. Veteran, X444 UaniiaU St, PbiUdelpUa. )6 FuraalebyW BisUardbua FARM for^S ALE For sale, loU 7A aud 76. Ibfc coa, S.D.B., CO acres cleared aud uuder cultivatiou ; baro, t*.vu Btablei, frame huude ; well w«bered. Will bell ou e&«y teriu^. Apuly to B. T. COBSFIELD. Warebam P. 0., JuoeSud Ib'Jtt. BULL FORJERVIGE Holateiii-Friuaiau bull ( i'roton Ciiiof. Ko.'.i7S or atjrvlce ou lot 170. ecu, -J, \V.'V.& B. ii.. Artomeala. A flueyounij tborougbbibd auiuiul. PedigrM ou aiitillcatlOQ. Terma oue duUar. JOEL wuiirz. FOR Priceville Roller* Floui? and Sainr mills To the Fariiu-rs and residents of Price villoaiidaurroiindiiigountry and villages: Having leased the above mills for a term of yetiri), I would rvspcctfully solicit a lair share of your custom and patron- age. Hoping by fair and honest deal- ing to retain all old and new customorss of the mill. i^-Best Brand of FLOUR, OAT MEAL, GRAHAM FLOUR, CRACKED WHEAT, aUu) all kinds ot Feed kept constantly on hand. Highest Prices paid in cash for any quantities of 'wheat. Planing, Match- ing and Sawing done to order, also Saw Logi purchased. Special reduction on 4 and barrel lots of Flour. Farmers brinij your grist and chopping and give us a fair trial and we will bo sure to use you right. Chopping done every day at 5o Per loo lbs. G. H. WALTER Priceville, Jan. 2r.th 1898. PI^OVI^s'CE OFONXAI^IO Count;/ of Orel/, VilUi(jf of t'te»liftUm. I, A. N. L EQARD. Barber, do hereby numnions you to Hpp<-ar before mo in my Bartwr aliop, on or liufore the last day of each week, or oftenrr, in tl.is year and there to get your fact cleanly ahnvcd and your hsir tU-gxiitlv cut aud dressed ( for »hich wp linvc Her Majcs ty's pcniiiasiuii to demaiid a fue ) and sliall do all matters and tliinics to your hair as ah.ill be there aiitl then declared. Herein fail not at the perd of a bald head. AH parties not Mtlciidiiig )o the above will l>e liable to {•**: tliKir hair and be charijed a sum not exoeeding S20 for a new wig. Oireii uiiifer my hunJ and seal, thia 19th day ^fJvue, 1S9/I, (SIGNED) J(. ^. X»Sar€l, SProp. yiniiilo 21307 ny Antoao S IS), ooe of the sreat Hlo«tlon«er'a l>afi aona. Dam Iiailv C. (rial aw. also tha dam i>( Kiai! Warlock %U\. Lady (\ i> by Car- bin's llailinw I7t'.j, It ^,««rniid dam Pollr Grey, data o( Clara Clavelanda.lE) and uthora' In tlio SOIIal. Tlia RIcetinniier'rara atill iu tho front ranka aa raca horbvr and raeohorve produuera. Dur- ing tha raciite RcaittD uf lS*.r7. tba Rlectiooeera (uriiiabcd the faat.«iit yparliitg of tho year, Tho M«rvhantll3t>4; the laatoat two yoar old, .'aula T. 2.M : tlio fastest tbr«e yuar old lllly, Amerl- oau Hall VIS) : tlie fa4te»t four year old, The Moukfll^^.wuo ia thti laateat ^reou trotter that ever appeared. AIho tlio |ilieiiou.enal eiylib year old Stallion Electric with 22 now atandard purformera and the leadiiiR aire of 16U7. ANTII.Iil '» »B"'«nd typo of tho t'.lBction> aKiiiiUU eor poasfBiiing iua marked rte- Droe tlielr aitioothfrictloiileHavatu, niul la very faH. standi 16 haiiils,\v<!lglia over IJCiO, an I in rtylu and conformation i« perfection. Ho won first prlie, SiUer Medal and SweepHtakea at tba lndu>tvial Pair iu Toronto iu 1H95. His oolta are all lar«,e, liaudaonio and game. He la aoknowUdnoil by alltii be tbe bc«t Htixik tiorae In thiH coiiiitiy. HIa c.ldeat oolta rUing two that ware brokou thii winter show gieat apeed and beanttfiil action. Thia Kood hoiae ptoducea the Ti.ry beat ('ar- rlaga Colta frnui our coinnion rough msrea aud fast trottora from iiiaraa witlj a li.tlu breeding. Kvory one of .Vutillu'a Colta are largi'. strong and matohlraa in buantv. Ha will make the season ot Itwe at bisown atable. TBRnS "â- ""•^ â€" J. B. MAR5H. Proprietor. MARKDALE, ONT. â- ?»• fjj'CL'Li.oinH & Youra -^ r.aukera, Uaikdala Do K Kcuural bankln,} b.w.'u.wa. Motiey loanei) at a iv&aonablu la.a c il a;, ua. A S VAXDVSE.V, J p "• Clerk iHh Dlv Court, Co Cr«y I««uor of Manlaj,-, I.i;,ui.if>, C.iivevann .%o:ary, rubllc, Auciioiitor. .'l.iuov lo loairtd from 5 to 6 por cent. dJn.goa J:iodi;<atc. fLEaifEliTO.N P O TJVyiTa COLLECTED •" Tha under. isDod la prrpartd to uuiU-i take the collecnoi, ot all I m-.a of debts. Notca bucsbt, occcuiits tullectrd, ew. K N HEXDEKSt-.N, FlciberMo T CBI3LETT *• t'teahertou Statfun Postmaattr, Coaiaiiasiouer in n C J, Coti»e>> anoer. Doeda, inortijagea, loaaea aud wilU drawn. Monej to lend at M per cent and ui- wards. Debts collected. Chargea iuoti«iate. D J SPUOULE " Postmaster, Fluliertoo Commia^ionir iu H. C. J., Auctiouuor Ccn- Keal Estate and Inaurauce Ageut. Dee.l« mortgatCK leftica and nilla caieful'v dr.»u up »n.l valuations mado ou i.lioi-te». uf.tiiu. Money to loan ai loweat rat«a ^i i..t.,rH. ( ul cctUna attended to »itb v,ioBipiL..ii C, largoa low. Agent for Ocean l«>iLiUi«« faleaiuBhip Company. A callKiliuitcu. JjARBLAtiE MOENCEi}-At Ooveruuieut "* Piicijs. Dozou;! otthem.Nuw Ve.,iou, First c!a«a : U. F. aud Jubilee, t or »iu^e per- sou, ID pairs or six at a time. R. McLxA-i FliiDT, Isaura. Ecoc.mj. MI.SS SAllAH STKAIX. *•* Teacher on piano, pianoforte, organ, etc. Uoldi first cla-s teachers' certitlcale iu inuaie with honors from Alma College ; pupil of i'rof. 8t. Jobu Hyttenrauch of CopMubaKuI^ Ucnuiark. Keaideuce bupoaitu iletlivdiat cbucr.b Flusbenou c^onctir^ A O C W meeta every but and third Monday ** in each month, in ,u^ir lodge rooui, Lhristoe's block. Fleaberton, at 8 p m. Jat lllakoley, WM : A M Oioion, Uecoider ; W. llellaniy.Finacciar. Visiting brethreo iuviled pRlNCK ABTHTB LCDUE, No. S33, A. fi ,.â- *l.^'• ,"">•«<' in 'he Uasonic hall. Strain's block. Jlosliorton, every Friday ou or belo.u the full luoou. R ilcCiill, W M: W J Bellamy, Secretary. POUBT FLESHERTON, I. O. F. meeta In Y Cbristoe's Block the last Fridaj evening In each month. Visiting Foreatei a hoaitlly welcome. T. Henry, Cliief Banger, W. A. Arm- strong. Secretary. icntiistrii nR. A. B. UTTLE " Deiitist, Graduate Unlveralty of Toronto and lioyal College of Dental Surgeons, Fleshertonâ€" Uouday and Tuoaday of eacb week. Dundalk-Thursday. Friday and Saturday of eacti week. T P MARSHALIi ~ " MDS. DD8, LD8 Vialts Fleshartou tbs 1st and 3rd Friday ol each mouth. I O CAMPBELL A* I. D S, D D 8, Ecnt&l Surgeon. Markdal* OfUee over McCallongh A young's bank. UourK-S.a) a Ul to p m. Vi,ita Fle.hert.u tho aeoond and lourlh Thursday of eaih uioutb. Omceat Mimabaw a hotel "P BBNDKRSON ^ U D S, M D S. Dentiat of Toronto (Ool.l ilndalist) will vi.lt Flesherton pro- fesaioDally the flrat Wednesday ol eacb inoutu and Uundalk tho following day (Thuraday ) %m\ JOHN W FROBT. L L B " Barrister, Solicitor Conruyancor. etc Offlcoâ€" Next to poatofEca, Sproule's bloek. PleBherton, ovory Saturiay and conit .1^" ron!7tVre.?°.'i«. ""'"• *'^"'' "'-^ -^ T UCAS & WRIGHT A' Barristera, Solicitor ConTe>aucers. ete W H''wamH"T • "°* Maik.!ale, Oat W H WRIGHT 1 B LiCAS N n_Fio,herton office, Mitchells ISaLk every Saturday. •TUCKER A PATTERSON * Uartistera, Solicitore, etc Molsou's Dank, Owen Sound HARRY TUCKER GEO W PATTERSON A G. MAOKAY, M. A. "• liarrister. 8plicitor, Notary Con- veyancer, etc. Crowu Attorney for Uroy. Omoea-.)0 Pcnlett street, Owen fiodnd;ar.» Main atreut. Dnudalk , Saturdaya from 8 p. Ul. to 9 p. m., aud ou Divisiou Court days. ^HfiUcal T\R BUTTON ^ UDOM,UCr&S Out. PrietTiUe Ofllco next door to Brown's store ; reBi<en(>« orii>o»ite at tha old post office, reaidenre <.f iste Alex llrowc. Offloo daysâ€" 'I'uesdaya aad Satur^ days. / -h TkB CARTKR ' « Af ^ M0P*aOnt. rhyFlcian^Snrgcon, »♦« Flesherton nfflcoâ€" Strain's block. Beaideoceâ€" Manshaw s Hotal. JOHN A SCOTT, M B Member Culleiie Pbvale. 4t Barveoca Ontario Graduate in Medletue of Toroat* I'niveralty, Fellowahip Dii'loira. Poat (itadn- Kto Mudlciil School aud Hospital, Chlcaoo' DiaesMoa of aye, ear, nose and throat apeeiaiW treated. Heai4euoe,]iaiitv«ll,Tietta Peversbam Tburadyaa 1â€"9 JP OrTBWBLI. 'Vetorluary Surgeon Gradvata ol Ontario Teteriaarv Oolltaii wo^mI Reaideace â€" Hecond door aonih 00 west from Marr street. Thia street* looe soiMli a^e, PteabftattaD oburch. Mta itm^