Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 14 Jul 1898, p. 1

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yhslT^rt0n ^iirana. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PEINCIPLEb NOT MEN." VOL. XVm, NO 903 Fleslicrtoii, Ont., Thursday, July 14, 1808 W. H. THUESTON, ^^yk^? PBOPUIETOn ft &Co Priceville a m A s^ m: 15 2^ r.i El These Goods and Prices OWN STORY Listen to what tell their They say Sundries Table. Linenâ€" This represents but ooe In a score â€" it is an extra heavy linen. 6o inches wide, at the small price of 24c Flannelette 3'aji ^yes, Reliable Soodi 30 inch, usual oj for 33 inch, usual loc fur... 36 inch, usual 12 1-2 fcr. Cottons From o'lr otmi CurreiporuUnt. The Dicteor which shot acrosa the 8ky lust n eek was seen by many resideii ttj of this burg„ Some thought at tinit it was a rocket, some a flash <>i n^htniiig, oth- ers fancied it was an electric light, while :i few iin.tgined it was a Hign of aome im- pending calamity, but D. G's opinion I capped the climax. He' was standing at I bin shop door when the phenomeaua oc- Icurred. " \Vh<it was that ? " said some I one. "A shell fniia Saiitiaxo," was iD. G's cool and iiiHtant rejuiner. I One day lately Mr. Samuel UeDderson I didn't tie his hiir«e. [Ie8ult.rr# badly ' smashod bugL'y and a sorry man. Liist week Mr. Archibald McQuaig ' raided the largest bam in this vicinity. It is GO ft. wide and 7<j ft. lonn- Each j bent contains four posts. The two centre ; I>o«e8 are 36 feet hi«h and the other two are 2Z feet. It took two days to raise it. Laat Wednesday and Thursday afternoons there were over 150 men present. Quite a , few acoideiita happened but none resulted V/e have had an un- Igeriouu-y, except to;Mr.W. Bothwell.who f f Ladies' Waists We place on sale this week the balance of our Ladies' Shirt Waists â€" all at reduced price? usually successful S'.aSOn m [had three ribs fractured when engaged tfiese goods and are disposed '•" helping to put up the main plate, to be particulaily generous | *^''"*" ="°'P'«'«'^"»e building will present with the balance. To be i " "^"^ '^°'^ *??"'"""=''• *" ''" "tuated jQ,mcre specific you can nowl*"'"'^"'» f'''^''°^ "^"""^'- '^^^ *"'''â-  ill! â€" jhcive your pick of any Shirt Waist in our storeâ€" those 'that were 85c, 95c, $i,$i.i5 niceiFor onlv 68c 7i; (ids, " by Eev. Mr. Ji^ihnston of South Zorra, was a very intereslin;! and practi- cal one. The C. E. existed because of the spirituality of its methods. Everything in connection with C. E. work is primar. ily and finally for the nlory of Cod. This is]jthe secret of the success and continued growth of the societies. Mr. McVVhinney of Maxwell then led in a discussion on â-  " The advantages and dangers of C. E. work. " This was followed by an address by the Rev. Mr Fleming of Maxwell on " Tha pled:;e. " He called to all Endeavors to stand true to their pledge by carrying out its principles. The lUv. Mr. Campbeli of Drom(>re then dealt with the " Question b<jx. " Some very iiiterestin.^ questi.'OS and annwers were given. The convention then adjourned till T.iSO when the Rev. Mr. Humphrey? of Priceville led in a very enthusiastic , and earnest cunsecralion service. This was followed by an address from the Rev. Mr. Johnston (.n tho '• Di.stinctive feat- ures of C. E.," which brought to a close the O-'Dvention for 1898. ' XOTK8 The farthest away were the first to a»- rtv?, viz., the Holstein and Hampden delegates. The singing of tha combined choir was excellent and was appreciated by all. Keep this a Secret We are occasionally enjoined by a buyer of an enuag'-ment or a wedding ring to " kuet< this a secret." We ALWAYS do so ; we divulge nolhii'g ot tb<3 kind ; c.ur interest in auctr sales being guaged not by sentiment but by hard caah, our profit. Strict contidei.ce is therefore invaluable. Parties buying from us can do so privately if desired. In Engagement Rings we are carrying a large stock and of greater variety Ihaa heretofore and at prices t«Bg- ing from f i.50 to Slo.OO. We have recently added a new line of Wediiini.' Rings in lOk. gold, which are bound to be favorites. .« WII(III[S. We have a very bleached cotton, splendid j •weight though at a very light i - j j , ChnP«5 price, per yard - 4.^|L,clUIca .^nUcS Better quality at....5, 6g, 7 J 8, 10. manship reflects great credit on the con- j ^* '^- ^' P'o^'J"*! ^i" exceUenl dinner tractor. Mr. McDou?al of YcovU. We *""* supper. might add that the plan of the bam was ' "^^^ Executive could not have chosen a better date. It was an ideal convention , day, temperature just right and no dust. > The church. was beautifully decorated with flowers and ferns. The decorating was bo isl drawn by Mr. McQuaig himself, an old franier. Mr. Robt. Conkey had rather a funny experience one day lately. He was wat- ering his horse at the poud on the gravel ; """.'"^"^^_"'"_^ *"'"''"?• ruad just east of tha village, and as he was sitting composedly in his waggon rien's 5hirt5 The other day we made a good hit when we bought a big lot of Men's Fancy Sateen I g-^;';^ and O.xford-are Shirts. The quality and dye ^^j^,^,^ ^^^j^ f^^^ ^ of these goods are strictly - -^ -j r first class and you can have any size from 14 up. While some merchants would be likely to sell them at goc and be quite content to hnd one or two customers each day for them, we prefer to .sell the whole lot in a nuriy and have ma<iB the price 6oc On Saturday morning we will have ready a table (jfi'°^''*''"K""'"""''ancafiair8, the ani- bargain Shoesâ€" 125 pair all !"?'"^""''^_T''°''.":''^ further and farther A convention means lots of hard work, but its re6niiig and inspiring influence is the bountiful reward for all the trouble entailed. 125 pair told. Sizes 2^, 3, 3J. These good.s are extra fine Dongola Kid in Laced, to $2.50 per pair. Saturday You may have you choice for 95 Cents We have reason to believe there is not an article or line of goods in our store that can be bought for less money else- where. More than that, we are aware, as also some of you. that there are hundreds of lines and articles on which you can effect a saving of a very snug sum. R T. HILL & CO. Farm tor sale cheap. U acrwu vol! watarad Si diMm eait of this Tlilag*. knowb M kbe Fen Wiok farm. Avplj to > It.Riohardsoo, auiiuM Owk*S Cottoo Root Compoood ^jta^b^ la the oaW Mfc^ rcliaUto piour ^^^â- H^monthly tnediciac on which q^^ ^V^Iadiea can depead to tlw yf^^^t ^hjt, ^wjTofl'tr'^u.^'"'"*'^'^ ««'"' - y *^ No. 1 for otdinaty c«s«« ^•»" b by far the best dollar medicine known ^*'"*' â€"sold by druggitis. one DoUarpcr box. Euks, freaU Ko. 9 for special caaca â€" 10 dcgreca Potatoea b»({ •tronger â€" sold by draggiat*. Oac box. Pork Three Dollart ; two boxce, Piir* Dollars. Hay per tou No. I, or Na 1, mailed ea receipt of Hidoa (rin aad tw? 3-c«nt atwDipe. < Sheepskina . The OovkOMnpmy, i(ie«se. |Turk»ye ChicH • |T>>««k 'We«l The Markets. Caretallr Corrected Each Week Following are the market quotationa for Fteshertuii fir the presant week, corrected up to 10 30 of Wednesday : into the pond until it was compelled to swim. This aroused Mr. C. from his dreamy attitude. In a short time the horse was unhitched and it managed to < get ashore. The waj^gon was also drag- ged out to the king's hi.;hvrty. i The garden party held on Dominion day on the parsonage lawn was a grand success in every particular. An interest- ' ing progr>nn was rendered in the eveoin,;. The artistic violin and mandolin playing of Mr. W, Jones of Durham, accompanied ' by Miss Large of Durhaui was very much appreciated by the audience. Prcceeds, over §J7. I The Rev. J. S. Huujphreys pnached in Markdalu lust Sund.iy. Mr. R. lunis i of Markdale occupied the Methodist pul- ! pit in this place. , Misses Sarah and Edit h and Mr. Frank Uaney of Toronto are visiting at Mr. D. I McDonald's, 0. D. R j Mis. Dr. Findlay ot Camdm, N. Y. ; is visiting her mother, Mri. J. MoAuley. \ Miss Mciia ^tothart returned to Roch- ester lost Tuesday after a pleasant visit at home. Miss Flossie Thurston of flesheitou is speiidin;; a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Walter. The annual cuiiveutioti of South Grey C. E Union toi)k place in the Presbyter- ian church on Tuesday, Ju!y 5. An excellent program and a very large and enthusiastic audience ii ade it one of the best voitveutioiis in the history of the Uniun Preaidetit Sharp of Uolsteiu callinl the meeting to onler at 11.45. After prayer and Scripture reading thure .Waxwell X^hiciieM per pair.. Bold tti FloshertoB aad everyekere iii[T>it(k« per yeir. ... Canada by »i| re«iKtr.tible liiu^x*"** •4 70 to 25 to 9» to 1 00 to 20 to 50 (o 13 to 9 '.0 80 to 500 to C 00 to 7 00 to 25 to 6 to » tc 90 to 40 to 1« to leoo 100 36 From Our Own Corretpondent .Maxwell L. O. L. held an arch meeting Wednesdiiy evening of last week. They puipose celebrating llie Dal tie of the B'>yue in Eugenia, instead i<f Rob Roy as formerly decided. The lawn social held at the residence of Mr. Robt. Fen\ftck last Thursday even- ing proved a success. Procewd-s $13. The inspector from Toronto dropp»Hl in one day Ust week to inspect our post oflice. Hay is now in full swing. It and scrubbing and cleaning a vacated house is the order of thed^iy. Mr. Stock, sr.. is engaged completing the stone work under tho shop and resi- dence vt Mr. C. M. Field. Mr. John Madden aud his sister re- turne<l last week from Sanlt St. Marie, where they had ^one to try and get tnice of their brother who was drowned some time ago, but were unsuccessful iu re- covering the body. Mayor Campbell aud Adjutant Sproule of Colhngwood were in the rilliige Wtd- uosday of last week. They were on their way til FIcsherton. A large number atleuded the Orange service iu .^Hitter's grove U't Sunday afternoon conducted by Rev. Mr. Fleming. Sunday night's frost did considerable damage iu this section. I am just now m:ikiug ,•< specialty of Watches, aud if you are desiring a tijiiepiec* â€" or even if you dout need one very bad â€" it will pay you to buy now while urices are at the bottom with McCiinly. I have some fresh, new^go'ida in Japanese Stick Pins, Ep- worth League and Oddfellow tiusrdi), Ladies' Skirt and Belt Holders, fancy Hat Puis, etc., the nicest, nobbiest things up to date. Just come iu and look at them, anyway. W. A. Armstrong JEWELLER, FLE5MERT0N. luistioKC Prom our own CorrenpoiidnU was a a<>ng service, followed by stirring Last Sunday night this locality was addresses ou " Mission work in its rela > visited by a sxvere frost, which laid low tioM to C. K. " This ended tho fcrenoon the (Hitatoes and corn. We h.ive not seasion. At 1.25 p. in. ihe executive learned what damage has been done to coumiittoe met to nominate officers for advsnce<:l gmin. 26 1 the ensuing year, with tht* following re-: The C. E. Convention nhich took 100 j suit : Pres., Mr TIkidios Allan, Durham ; l>l"Co here a week ago Monday was a Vwe Prea., W. J. Blakvaton, Priceville ; success. ^ j Sec. Treea. Misa Lizzie Campbell, Hope 13 1 ville. Those ooiuinations were after 9: wards at;reed to by the convention, â- hich l»er>» 'Mt week. 50 1 resumed at 2.15 p. m. President Shaip Miss Richardson left here laat Friday then delivennl his address. He dealt >i>^l will atMind hor holidays at h(mie. Qfl j with iM.vor;kl (;ci eral points in C. S work j Mf- »nd Mrs. Howell, Warehain, called ! Mrs. H. McKinnou recently. 60 ' ia a verv practical lu.muor. He struugly on friends here Sunday. | A number of young people visited the 6[«d. Cauda mo. e thorough gn-undingia Misa B. Nicholl., Dund-^lk, was a guest i'"""« "' ^^'- ^"•" McLean Monday Xaple GroT^. Fiom Cur Oicu Vurrtrpoudejii. The following items were intended for last week's issue : \ bridge raising at Tom Long's on Saturtlay afternoon drew a very large crowd ; in fact it may be said that the whole of the Grove was present. After the raising Mr. Donald KlcDooald took an excellent photograph of the frame aud a number of ladies and partici[»nt8 iu the raising. An excellent lunclieon waa served and a very sociable evening spent. Last week the Presbyterian congrega- tion gave their imetor, Rav. Mr. Matth- ewsonof Piicevillu, a kindly reception, which he heartily appreciated as au e»- pression of their gixal will towards him. Mp». Jos. H. McDonald has rented her neat little residence ou Elgin Street to Mr. Dougald Ferguson, sr. Haying h>is beguu iu light earnest and the busy hum of the mower is h^^ard on every side. Clover is a heavy crop this year. The roads will be much improved by stripe of gravel whicli have been l.iiJ. Our little whcelaman does n.it tliiuk so much of a bicycle as he did a .'>hort time ago. Ijast Sunday night he went to see his intended, who lives on the fourth, and after spending a pleasant evening he staitod for hom6. After going a short distance down went the ulieel, sustaining damage to such au extent that he waa compelled to shove and carry it to hia home, a distance of four miles. Two of the Gro.'o youths have been ei.» gaged for some time in trading ej^gs at one of the village stores for jack ki.ives, bauanas, cnndius, itc. Where tlio eg^a came from waa a mystery for soma tune, but it is now known, and iF any more eggs are missed there will be tfjuble for those 76! OOi , Miss Meeoagh, teacher of the Hope- j'^^^v/l^'Sf*"';*' McL. ckhn attended the villo school, vuited her many friends R. C. picnic at Arthur hist ThnrsdHy. Miss Jennie Carson has returned to Cleveland after spending a few weeks with her friends in tho Oruve. Mrs. .)ohn McKae \isited her sister. McLean . ,1, . {«. u .V • . L Uiiuht. Several hours were pleasantly ^ at (he home of her brother last week. ^^.„^ ,j ^^ t,,^ kind h.Mit and hostess, f-' ture rusults in superhcial rcasoiiiiig Tlw The eU'C'-iou of officers in ike E, L.»il I nft<.T which the party returned home de> 19' next subject, "Si^iritmUit}- of (;.li:.ncib Uke place Friday evetun^ of this wevli. lighted with their oveuing's ftmasemeat. 80 Kood literature. Neglect uf hterary ci !• '1 i N â-  >hp m w ^^ â- â-  ^ l l »^â- OP»»^g^«»

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