Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 14 Jul 1898, p. 5

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THE TLESIIERTON ADVANCE JULY 14 1898 811 M aal Bsliaih Bmsslore, *i A « '^ w a A â- ? We do net cut prices but PcU at our re- gular rates for c.irh. KmuVidii (if Olid Liver Oil ..... .25c I'.p yyrup "if nyivi;jli<>.s|)hitfcS 50c up !5ui tt".' Col â- r;4.'..iiplf free) lOo up Xciuthin.! SycuiJ .10c up Wi.riu V.)v<d.-r 10 age. 10c up .U'.!h Svrup. . 10c up Livuc Pil'i lOc up Extract of Bl.\c'; berry lOc up Oanadiaii UIuuil Tdiiic o5c 'i'doth Guiii (>7 ilrops which you li!te...lOc Headache Pmvdcis 5c And.rLtl other goodn as low as any re- liable dru;^'>^ist can Supply yo!'.. We buy f^n* cash and sell for casli and do a cash Vicinity Chips Cjlonel's prizu of %% by 17 points, while Private Hucchioaon took the second of SI by the sauie i\un]ber of points. The other scores were : Sergt. W. Clark 16, Pte. W. Smith 16, Capt. Sbroule 16, Lt. Richardson 15, 2ud Lieut. McFarknd 15, Pte. Littlejohu 14, Ser«f. \V. Weber 13, Sergt. J, Weber 13, Col.-SKt, J. H Field 13, PtB McDonald 10. We want our readers to know that Mc^ Farknd it S<in. Markdale, have 60 pairs ladieu' doiigola kid binjts, §1.20, regular, 81 30 ; one case V2 inch twill cotton bheetiuj; worth 25 cents for 15 cents , i);)7i yd«.f;vncy dreFs giKid.'i, newest styles, w.,rth 20 za-ciii for Vl\ ; »41 yds. white satin duck and strips muslin 8i cents, worth 12i cents; 34 only men's white un- laundcred '.hirts, \.\\ to 16J, 25 cents, sold everywhere fi>r 50 cents ; 26 tbs. (Hire cane :;iiii['.r SI ; 20(K) gem jiirs at ttliiilesnle piice. McF.irland & Son, the ^leat one price store, M trkdale. Ciiaracteristivs oT the Fast Week Carefully C'lilled for the Curious â-  hmiusii notke.i amting locaU vnll bi f ch'trgeil at the rate of tun cutt + per liii£ for each iiiMrtion. A + reduction will be made on con t tracts for 100 lines or over. Mr. Leesto hss the frome of his new foundry at the Station erected and ex- pects lo co'.u;neace oporatiuni in about si.\ weeks. Rev. T. Loiiato, recsntly of M.ixwell received s public reception by the mem- Ih-ts of the MetlKAlist church at Stayner upon his arrival there. Binder twine â€" This necessary article is scarce this scnsim, but M. K. & Co. have A full supply in three grades. Get their fpsota:iori». Eaolt CLO>l.saâ€" The niurchanis of Floshettuu have siiieotl to close their iB.--poctive t.lMcc's of bii-tini sa Ht 7 p. ni. each evening exutpt Saturdays. Monuy to loan on deiientures at 4. p >r lent, andi n fnnu socuiity in uu.ns of SlOO and upwards n' 5. por cunt. Ex pcnsoi L;u.iraiitecd lou'. Apply to Geh. Rl"THEKi?oKi>, Box 57, Shelburne. The Owen Sound I. O. F,w;il run their annual excursion to Kiajiaia Falls on Thursday and Friday, July 21 and L'2. For full particular see advcitiseiiient elsewhere in this issue. Dundalk defeated Markdalo at lacrosse on Friday on the jtmunds of the furuicr by a Si;oie of S to 2. At Owoii Sounil uti Thursdny Owen Sound beat Shelburne by « score 'jf 7 to 5. Several dikys of cool weather culniii\nt ed in rjuite a stviro fiost on Sunday iii^'lit. Vegetabli 3 were blackened in many plaooti, and corn and potiitups bad- ly iiijure.l. An occasional tield of v/heat was also more or less damaged. A nieetln;{ of the villagers interested in Kind mat'ers wa< held in the town h.i!l on Wednesday of last week. There wus a largo altendHnce and much interes' was manifested. A citizen's comnn'ltco was ppiiointed and it was decid- ed to invito suVsciiptions towartls placing the band on a solid foundati6n. Every citizen who enjoys biii:d luiisie should add his iniie. The foUowit.g utisoliciteil note fn.m F. T. Hill A Co., Markdalo, eanies with it its own moral, Hhich evoiy busi- ness man should try to discover : " We tind results from our ',-.d.' in your paper, as usra', satisfactory. Business lia« shown a m.ukcd inert ase when cnupared month and month with other years, and your locality has helped." Su\y 13 at Eijcrcnla The " Twelfth of oukl Ireland " was uuco more right loyally colebmted by the Orangemen of this distritit, this time at Kii-.vnia, and a more popular sput could uut have beeu selectetl. There were ei^ht loJijos present, viz.. Maxwell, Fevershanh Orange Valley, Markdalo, Vandolour, ['â- 'esherton Station, Fourth Line and E'J|^i'ni;i. The vill>ig(! was nicely dcco- raieJ and po.wcssss ono of the haudeoui. est groves ftJr sue!) 5 gathering that can be fcund anywhere. Bro. Allison, County Master, presidi-d over the gathering. Vaudelcur string band discoursed sweet mu'iic betwceu speeches. The siieakera of the day were : Dr. Christoe, Ra\ a. Plunkett, Defoe and Thorn, and Dr. Scott of Sla.xwell. The day was all that could be desired and everyone present seemed to thnroughly enjoy theuiselvt-s Tiie ladies <if both churches supplied dinners for hungry cr>'Wds, each adding theieby to their church funds about .^0, this exclusive of suppers. Ordainins^ a Minisiter The ordination of Rev. A. J. Darroeh took place iu the Baptist Chapel, Flesh- ton, as announced, on Wednesday of lust week, when the folhiwing ministers from a distance were present ; Rev. C. 11. Philmore, Chesley ; Rev. W. McGregor, Durham ; Rev. O. I. Burns and Elder Burns, Gloneig ; Rev. J. McKiiinnu, K'.'ttdy; Rev. W. E. Norton, Owen .Sound; Kev. O. F, Uurlbait, Blue Mountain ; Uev. W. H. Stevens, Paisley ; Rev. J. M. Mc.tJ:a!rio,Si'utli Sydeiihim ; Rev. Mr. D^ssio, D.iyivo'id : and Kev. J. O. Brown I f Owngevillo. Added 10 thcfe a !.ir;;e nunilwr of lay dele»;ates was presunr. The afternoon .service uas an exaniinatifiu "f the cai'didate as to his conversion, call to the uiinstiy and views if d'lctiin". These were four.d to be satisfactuiy. At 8 p.m. the ordina- tion service was opened by Rev J. G Brown «rf Oiangtvdle, who is a returmd missionary from India. Mr. Brmvu preachf<l a vijjorous and interesting iiidinalioa .sermon. This was followed by the impressive ceremony of laying on of hands by the clorgjmeu present. Eider Burns then delivered the address to the candidate, and Uev. W. E. Norton of Owm Sound »ddreB.si-d the church, after which the Rev. Mr. Philmore of Chcsehy ctfercd the riifht hand of felh.wship to the mini.stry. After singing, this niterestiiig ceremony was brought to a close 1^ the newly ordained pastor pniiiooiicnig the benediction. Rev. Mr. Darnwh's chariie includes Fleaherion, the 4th line and Piioeville. No. C Co. shot oif the annual battalion rifle match at the rsnL'es here on Wednts day of last week. Wo understand that SQWe preU/ ^^d tthuutinit wm donn. kt<<< have been unable to get the score, which will be published in conjunction with the other scores when the series is compelete. | ""^ RO^ cord, and the bride oarried a In the eitra series Bugler FieU won the [ »>o<l«»» "' *•»»*• "'^ ^^^ bridcsnmid. Wciidcd at Maxwell On VVe<i:iesday,July 6,at 11.30 o'clock, at St. Mary.s Chmch. Maxwell, by the Rov. E. .\. Hail of Bervie, the marriage was cel'.-brated of Rev. James Carlton Feriier, Hector of St. Jude's church, Fea'-oii, Mich , and Miss Irene Strnchan, thiiil daughter of Mr. James Stracl'.an of Maxwell. The church, of which the Rev. J. C. Ferrier was fiT sometime rector, was prettily decotated with hyd- rangeas and geraniuuis and larjje bi'quets of cut flowi-rs and was tillod with an in- terested g»lheiin;< 1 f fiieuds. While the weddaig march was being played the liridal party entered amid loud murmurs of admiration, a pivtly and attractive group«", while the sun never shone on a sweeter-looking bride or happier bride L'l'ooiii. The wedding dress wiw very beautiful iit its simplicity and most be- It wits a travelling dress of pearl ripple cloth, decorated with desit<u8 in green Miss Mabel Strachan, sister of the bride, was dressed in organdie muslin, and car^- ried a boquet of pink roses. Mr. James Strachati escorted his daughter. Mr. James A. Miller of Trinity College, To- ronto, was best man, and the ushers were Mr. Jack Strachan of AUiston, Mr. Harry White, London, Mr. Archie Campbell, Detroit. The wedding party consisted of the immediate reltitives of the bride and grotjm and the bride received many well chosen and valuable presents. After the ceremony the party partook of a delicate but substantial wedding breakfast, to which all did ample justice. After break- fist Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Ferrier, smiling and happy, drove away amidst a shower of flowers and followed by many wishes for future happiness, not only from the wedding guests, but from a host of friends at home and abroad with whom they are most popular. PERSONAL5 Mi.ss Watt of Stratfort is visiting relatives here. Miss Mabel Stevens of Paisley la the guest of the Misses Florrie and Jo.sio Richuixlson. Mr. A. M. Gibson, with M.Richardson itjCo., and Mrs. Gibson left Wednesday luiirniig for a trip down the St. Lawrence Mis. Ed. Whitten is the most courag- eous whuelsludy in this district. She tflweijjd tu StKft^vjU^ likat week, and the luu! i»'a liiljy oiui. Mr. Harry Pearson of Artemetia spent Friday and Saturday hero visiting his ctiusius, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Blyth. â€" Chat.sworth News. Messrs. G. Mitchell, W. Armstrong and Mr. Soutligate of Toronto are camping and ti.'ihing on the Beaver below Kim' berley. Mr. John Carson and Mr. Fred Wurts of Proton, spent Sunday at Mr. Wm. Dickies', Cherry Grove, Euphnisia. Mrs. R. GeU'U returned fiom the de^i I h bed of her mother, Mrs. Sypts of Gait, at one time of this township, last Week. Tho funeral occurred <jn Thursday, Jiuie 30. Miss Annie Richard3<in, elocutionist, h.is just returned from Toronto, having conipluted arrangements with hernianagur, Mr. U. C. Arnold, for the coming sea- son's work in concert and lecital. Dr. R. LI. Hendtrsi u, dentist, To- ronto, and Mr. Ed. W. I'aul, denial sUiiieiit, were uallei sat The Advance of- tice on Monday. Thoy were un 'i wheel- ing trip. Iwving como up from the city on Saiurday and purposed re'uining by way "f Co lingwooil, Si.iyncr, Aliiston. etc. Mr. Alt L^. Thurston, the eflicionC and popu'nr superintendent }f the me<?hanic4l department of T!ie Leader und Rucordei ottice here, has gone east un a we 1 uarii- ud holiday trip. Ho was acco;;ipaiiii-d by his mother, .Mis. J.M. Thuistoii of Kiiii- berley, Groy Co . and they left by Mon diiy evening's boat.â€" Tor nto Junctii.n Lcitdei . BULL FOR SERVICE HolPtein-b'rieaiftn bull ( Proton Cliiuf, No.D7."j uv sorvico t< : Jut 17t). c-n. 2, NV T.it S. I*. AituiuuHia. .\ I'.iii) yrtiir:^ iho. tut^IibrtKl aaiMhil JOKL WL'ltrZ. FARMS FOR SALE Lot UOtiiitl M7.cop..;J N.R.. T.SU,. lOOaotcs. lO(:t()Mi't) i aiul ,'<U buth. (toou LoiiHtt ami b&iii, i luiJi H fiui:i i''lu*h>.'ttoii» Lot :»2, con. 4, 100 ncros. Good frame barn ami nmplM* ;^ h UBe. About -t3 aci'vs cleared uiii1 the buiuitc*^ woll timbered. G<»0'1 wator. Tha abovM proportioB wijl bu sold r>M eaay tcvina to aiiifc purobaser. For ii«,:ticuhirs apply to W. A AHMliTUONa KloPboiton. LiiTMII^G I lun propai-P'l to do latbiiiR in flrst class Btylu and at rcasoiiublu rato^. I'artioa dositing my Hurvii:uu can ilrop a vovtal to, J. A. tnCLSTBAD* Fiothortou V. 0' iJuiy :( m t NOTICE ! Is hereby Riven tlmt a I>ylnw was passed by the Council of tho Township of Artviiiesia on lltli (tav oi .June 1898, pi ovidiui; (or t.he ipsno o( doboiiturea to thn ftuHtinitof di.'UO fur puipoiieB of tlie trusti-es of S.S. No. 14 of paid towimbip und lliAt ^uctJ bylaw wsu ro^intoriid iu tliu IttiK-- istry otnoo (or tiiu south ridin;^ of tbo County of Orey ou llle 18th dny q( June tS^JS. Any motion to i)iia.-h or set asido tbo Rome or nuy par' tbureof, iiiiiRt liA innde witbiii tbreo iiionbUR from tbo dnto of rui,'i8lratiou and oau- not iHi made thiiroaftor. Dated at Flusbprtoii tbis SSth dav of Juno 1808. W.J. UELLAMV, Tp. Clerfc 2>^iI5rI2^I?i?;353^3»; ^/swgtfSwaawTm'rwyit^wy. ^ BOOTS and SJEIOES WiVl. CLAYTON Has a large and complete Stock of Summer Boots and Shoes in the latest styles. Fur quality and price we cannot be undersold, as we sell at the lowest CASH prices. ^r CALL AND SEE THEM "^^ Repairing and Custom Work Promptly Attended to jfyent for 'Dominion T^onoj/ Order Cxpross A SAFE AND CHEAP WAY TO REMIT MON EV \ '^^j^i^^^j^:s^^i^^^f^^^^ ' ^'^^^ ' ^ ^ ^^^ ^ ^^. NEW tore Everything is in fall swing now at the new store and as we have placed our orders for fall goods we must now turn our atten- tion to clearing our stock and make preparations to receive them. We do not intend carrying any goods over from one season to an- other if low pric- es will help us. During the month ' ofJulyweshaliof- • fer unheard of bar- gains in every depart- ment in our store in ord- der to be in a position to put in the new stock A look ..^^ at some of the many bargains will convince you that our pric- ces are rigfht. Highest price paid for BUTTER and EGGS. T I a SI IVARNINO Nollce if hor<ib» givdn tbat auy party or partinH dHfuiini.', hrvitkiiiK or in any way injnr-' iiiB Ktroet Inmpii, iMiW or any ri U«.. nroiimy will bo proKooiitetl to tbu fnilnKt cxtout of thj law. Hv or.lor POUCBTiasTi:;:^ Flosba.tsii, July t,^ % Jane IBarg-ains. in-:furniture fl 111 Some of our seasonable goods in stock now at proper prices are : Dining Chairs, Easy Chairs and Chairs of all kinds. Tables, Lounges, Sofas, ParJor Suits, Dressers, Sideboaids in many beautiful paltrons. W^e claim to have one of the best stocks north of Toronto and at the most reasonable prices. Ju&t allow us to verify this statement. A Costly Hearse in connfction antl goofl service guaranteed. Undertaking picture framing in all it? bratichM. and P 2l/» Jt, ^unt, yhsherton, ^ ^r^

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