»^ll^^i^OT^V^M IM I llwk'O -â- »«..:..x: samamm MpantiiMf iiW> ,. i .*w--^ '<M«t flWMalw •♦.^- \ ".*M M I II ^ . ^^ »»..A..â€" J»â€" .»^>*ii»- iW ifclâ€"i * «.^.mJ:^^ â€" t1iiW W »t n i L H H > II II iiw^i ^ ifca um JULY 14 1898 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE fyntvugnjOu^mnjuagngngjU^ D. McTavish kf„^? FLESHERTON ON HAND ...REPAIRS For Mawey-Harris, Noxoti, Fleury «nd Wilkinson farm impletnents. Fleury and Verity plows on hand all the time, also all kinds of repairs for the same. We manufacture NVagoni, Buggies, Cutters, Sleighs, etc. llorsBshueiug promptly attended to. Special attention to tender ct'v- tracted feet. Logging and Plow Chains constantly on hand. tf tniiUU i!n:nIfQi!iiIn!nlri!rui!iiin!nMn!riIn3^^ 3f ^/^ Buggies, Carts, Wagous, Harrows, Plows of the best kinds and repairs. Binders, Mowers, Horse EakcB and Corn ScufHcrs and repairs. Cbaius of all kinds. Horseshoeing a specialty at John H. Heard d Son' 6 Warerooms BPflBsaafS" Owen Sound, Ontario IS THE VERY BEST PLACE IN CANADA TO GET A THOROUGH BUSINESS EDUCATION. Take a Round Trip ;i', d view ail other DuHiDdsB CollofjOB &ik1 Uommoroisl Dopartinonts In Canada, thuu Tltit tlia Nortliurti lliiiiiiuss Collogo ; uxauiiuu ovarythluK t!i.jiouRl]ly. If wo fail to j>roilucu tils lUJDt tlioi'ouuu, couiiiloto, practical an<l extoni4ivo course of t^tudy ; tho be^t collH^e 3>r«mli>aa KUd tlio bcxt and most ooiiipleto and •tnoat auitaljiu furnituru and appliances, we â- Will Kiv. you u full ouursa KUBI'.. Kor annual • uauuaceuiuuta, giving full particulars, free Addrass 0. A. FLEMING, Principal W. BARNHOUSE Wiahos t'l draw the attention of the Public to tho following : FLOUR IN BAGS Of all sizes and as Cheap at Jthe cheap- BHt. Special Bargidns in 3 and 6 Barrel luU. Fruit and Confectionery Oyster in Season . . . Groceries and 'Provisions. DOG and COON MITTS and LEGG- INGS niaJu to order and on Sliortest Nutiue. Wn. BARNHOUSE, Flesherton Beaver Planing Mills EUGENIA Wa inanufuantureHaHli, doors (ranias, fl»or- lug, bsae, Hii'lne. joint â- sheatinR, Terandali Uiaterlals. Wuliaviiuii hand a larKS stock of stair tiirhlnRs, stair riill, liirnvd corner blocka. basil bloiskH, alrio all tlin standard Rixits of RAi*t) and duors on lnuid. Wn havn a first class kiln fur dryiuM lumlior and will eu..rantee our matariala tlioroniihly dry. Kilu-drlud lisrcl wood floorioK always nn han<l. Ilriufi your own luinbnr and liaw it kiln driad a>id pinnad bare Kamaniber, yuii rnn no risk ; we willKuaian'au 10 uako a porfoct job. Uur grain clioppiiiK rig Is in perfect ordar,and Inordurto sliow von that ws appiueiata tiin vary lari,"! trado jhst WB do in tliat Una •« bavadocidod to rudnco tl.o prices of chopping grains to 4c pi>r brig. X first class sbed for your toania wblle wailiag. We grind ovary diy. Mrs. A. Wilson, Prop. T. W, WIUSON, MANAQBR ^o Jtios on 7^0 BECAU5EII I USK Moore's Fly N^ fx, lout her e* Conlod Axle Urcaae lloof Ointmpnt Ihigjy WaHJieri Il-irves'. MitfH awonttJollani Mum's Lejtther Brnooa Wliitw and LvhIim Hnrinens Oil Polixh All kiod* of liarn<>Rg kept on hand and made to order. Kve-y thing in harneas goodi Riid at riglit pricoH. WM. MOORE ^Site.^ii.m.ilte.iili.Sai.'SUSliM^i I Photos %. \ â€"TAKEN % â€"AT THE \ Flesherton I Photograph I Gallery ? are done in first-class style and at j^ % lowest rates. Special attention ^ given to copyinp. Babies' photos. 3 a specialty. Pictures framed. I MRS. BULHER 60 YEAR8' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. AsTOne tmidlng a aketoh and dMcrlptlon mar nleklT aac«rtiLtn oar opinion fr««i whctbtr an prohablj pAteatfihle. dinirounlra- tlonj â- tHotiv notiAdantlal. Ilnndbfvnk on I*at«nta . oi'Um Uffl fllMTfoi n4)ti£«, wlthont cnante. In tho fioni fr«n. it AffOHcr for Kactirmif patonia. aUnta tukan throuiili Munn & Co. roootva Scientific JIniericdn. A ^andftomalf lllnfltmt«d weeklf. en»atlon of aiijr •oteotlflo journal. ._ _ Tf^nr t four monthi. 9L Bold by all newtdaalenL Bran ah Office. Co."'"~«*-' New York Ic. 836 r St., WBSlilBgton. D. 0. Cash : for : Hides! Shaepskini and all kind* of furs pur> ohasml, far which hi|{)icst market price will b« paid. Honamad. sausages on hand, alia all kinds of msats. W. WILSON Flesberton Meat Emporium J. B. Sloan & Son P poppietors 13* GET YOUR -«^ Sash, Doors, Flooring, Sheeting, Newel Posts, Balusters, BPFROM UStfc^ Hand Railing, Corner JBlocks.the best of Spruce Lath, No. I and 2 Shingles Veranda and Fittings, Sidings, etc. TDriiny of all M\ Done to Orile: ;P»*llew run of Mtniiea far Okapping. 8*kiB(»o!Hon in aB oar liaaa gnaraataad SILVER JUBILEE Of Th« Western Fair, London This >!reat Live Stock and A^jriculturnl Show is, |)erhHps, the most Buccessful of any in Canada to day. The increase in the number of exhibits has been Hiiiiply inarvuh>ui'. Each year the directors are called upon to extend thu buildin>>t< to accoinm >date the additional demand for space. There has been' 70 box stalls added for the horses this year. The carnage build- ing has been increased by over 6,000 square feet. The main building, having been too small for some years past, is to have a much needed extension to the south, of 50 X CO feet, which will be used af an " art annex, " being specially pre- pared and arranged for the display of oil panitiiigs and decorative art. This will enable the management to rearrange the spaces in the main building proper, to accommodate the demand of the manufac- turers and inventors The ori<nnal in- tention was to increase the machinery hall also, but the directors find it impos- sible to accomplish this, and have laid it over for next year. They feol satisfied that when this is done the Western Fair will be equipped equal to, if not better, than any older association on the contin ent for exhibition purposes. Tho half- mile speeding track is acknowledged to be the best in Canada ( and now holds the Canadian record, ) and the necessary conveniences for exhibitors and the pub- lic ijonerally cannot be surpassed. Several important additions have been made iu the live stock cla«8e8,and a num ber of handsome specials oflfered by Hreedcrs' associations. London the home of the " Western Fair, " being situated in tho heart of an .Agricultural and stock raising district, has always been f*vored by a large atten- dance of the yoemen of Ontiirio, as well as their friends from f.\r and near. This year, owing to tho present agricultural prospi'cta, it is expijcled to bo a record breaker and a decided financial success. Tho prize list to hand prffcluinw this to be their Silver Jubilee. It is thirty years since the first VVustcrn Kail was held, but on five occasions the Provincial Associa- tion demanded the right to hold their show in London, BO this is actually the twenty fifth consecutive exhibition of tin.- Wosterr. Fair Association. The dates are September 8lh to 17th, and a general in- vitation is extended to all. The Secretary has been notified by the railway companies that exhibitors must have a certificate from him to get the ad- vantages of the special return freight rates allowed, and at the time of reship- ping later would not bo of any use. Ex- hibitors will therefore require to hear this in mind. The special features will be advertised in this paper later, but it goes without saying they will bo good. » I ia» « â- Eugenia. F\om our ou?)i (7(/rr«span(J«U. Rev. Mr. Plunkett preached a special sermon to Orangemen in the Metho<liat church <m Sunday evoninsj last. The Lhurch was not able to accomniodiite the laruo number who Citme out. It was a nio^t excellent discourse and was adapted t^i all pi-eseiit as well as to Orangenier.. Mr. Rogers of Toronto preached in the I'resbyterian church to a large congrin;s- tion on Sunday afternoon. Ha is stilt a welcome visitor to the people i.f Eugenia. A large number of our Toronto peojde came up to spefld the Twelfth, viz.. Miss Minnie Carr, Miss Miiry Purvis, W. J. Latimer, R. Purvis, W. Williams, and J. Bowerman. There was a severe froat on Sunday night and ice formed in some places. Serious injury has boen done to potatoes and other groon crops in this vicinity The ever glorious Twelfth was cele- brated at Eugenia with great enthusi.\sm. The town was handsomely decorated with beautiful nrchts and gnat pains was taken by the bretheren here to make the day as pleasant as possible to the various lodges I hat came to connnoni morale tho memory of William of Urange. War Items The Sfmnish Philipine fleet is return- ing to Si>ain. Admiral Cervi>ra aiid 800 other prison- era of the destroyed Spauisli tleel have been brouglt to Portsmouth, N.H., on the crui' or St. Louis. A despatch from Madrid says it is the government's intention to sue for peace just as soon as the war situation, accord- ing to Spanish ideas, will permit it. President McKiuley last week signed the papers declaring the aimexation of the Hawaiian islandi to the United States. An action recently brought in the div- iilon court at Toronto by a farmer againat a grain dealer has been attractina a great deal of attenlion. The fanner, it soenis, brought a load of wheat to market. The grain dealer opened a bag, exanuned the oontei.ta and ofTcrod 91.01 per buahel, which the farmer accepted. After the grain I. ad been delivered the buyer refus- ed to p.-\y the price agreed upon, claiming that jwrt of the lood waa inferior to the bag examined. The farmer theraopon brought an «cti(m (or Uiu price of the load. The buyer's defense was that the sale ha/l been made by sample and there was an implied warranty that the con- tents of all the other bags we're equal to the one inspected. The farmer cluiuiod that the sale was in bulk ; that the pur- cliaaer had the opportunity to in^^pect all the bags and that as the buyer hud not exercis'jd his right of inspection l.o could not afterwards complain. The decision of the judge is most important He g.tvc judgement for the farmer, holding that the sale was by bulk and not by sam|>le, Tho pretty little town of Mount Forest is reported to be enjoying a nmanco worthy of the pen of a Hawtlmrue. Seventeen years ago Andrew Crabtree, a well-to-do cattle dealer, left Toronto for England with a conaufnuient of live stock. The arrival of the vessel waa re- corded, but tliat was all. Andrew Crab- tree himself unaccountably dropped com- pletely out of sight, like a pubblu cast in- to the middle of lake Ontario, and for 17 years was not heard of. Mrs. Crabtree, giving her husband up fur dead, removed to Mt. For>;8t with her son, now a buy of 18, and engaged in dressmakiiig. Uur father died not K>ng ago and leit her a large estate, but she never married agJiin. On Sunday last there walked into the Tromont Hotel, Toronto, a big, well dressed, ruddy-faced man, wi h grey beard, who registered as Andrew Ctab- tree. From friends he ascertained his wife's whereabouts in Mt. Forest, and going tremblingly to the telephone he asked if she would receive him. " It de- pends upon how you look, " came the answer. The traveller at once set off for tho town. lie has not returned empty handed from abroad and owns a row of buildings on Strachan Avenue. â€" World. CATARRH s"'"H!" ThU dr«ad malaJr ^^^'^â- ^ lx.hlnd th. most In- elpltnt liead coldv and wken the senJa sf di».M. V. sown tteali away the beauty bloom and makt. lift plaaiurea > drudgory. DB. AQNKWS CATARRHAI. FOWDKB will (IU. th. Incipient culd and the mou ttul)- born and chronic Caiairh casn. It puis baak Ih. bcauljr pink and aheds suntblns la Us trail. " Ut wUs and I ww. both troubled with dlitrea- slnc Catarrh, but wa bava onjoysd frec^lom from lit dittrette. tin.. tb> first application of Dr. Ag- ntw't Catarrhal Powderâ€" It acl« instartanaouslyâ€" (ITM (ral.All relief In lo mtnuim, and we bcUeT. tmr. la no au. too deeply seated to baffl. U la a OUM.*â€" R.V. D. Borkaoi. BuOalo. N.Y.â€" ja For sale by W Klcbu-dson FOR Priceville Roller W\q\xv and SaL^AT IVIills To the Furniers and roHidenta of Price viUeandsurroiinilingc juiitry and villages: Having leased tho above nulls for a term of yenrs, I would respectfully solicit a lair share of your custom iind patron- age. Hoping by fair and h 'nest deal- ing to retain ail i^ld .•tnd new customerss of the mill. tyiiest Brand of FLOUR. OAT MEAL,OUAHAM FLOUU, CIIACKED WHEAT, als<i all kfiuU ot Feed kept constantly on'hand. Uiglio>t Prices p.tid in cash for any quantitic* of .wheat. Planinj, Match- ing and Snwini; done to order also Saw L'gs purchnsiHl. S])ecial nduci-ion on 4 and 5 barrel h.ts of Flour. Farmers bring your grist aiid chopping and give us a fair trial and we will be sure to use you right. Chopping done every day at So Pel? loo lbs. G. H. WALTER Priceville. Jan. 2nth 1898. -J.l-l.JI iu5iuw«3 Olnrdsi MCULLOUGH & YOUNG *"• r'AiikerH, Jialiif'ala Do a Rooorol biuking bns:ne-H. Moooy loaiiiiJ at a roMouaiile tatu. U..1I oii im. A s va:;du.skn, .t v " Clerk 5tb Div Court, Co (Jaey Iseuer of JIanitgo I.iciiifcr, Convpvarfpr Notary, Public, Auctioum;/. Monoi to loancl from o to por cout. cii.»r3'js i:.ofi.j!-s.to. FLESHtKTON P (> rVEHTS COLLECTED rr.j . . ''"'i" ",'"!>â- •' aiRnert in prtpsred (o uuderlnicethBcoilocliou u( fill kints of <!eljt!i. ivotes bouyiit, aceoiiuis ccr.ctid, etc. U S HEN-Dr.ritiOX, FlosLertoii "T CHISLFTT â- *â- Kfesherton Station Postmaster, Coaiiuiasiouir in li c J, Conve- • sneer. IJoedfl, iiiortgm,'oi), Iciascii au<l wills drawn. iVfonej to lend at 5* per cent and iiiw warilo. Dobts collected. ChaitcK modornlo. p J BPnoULB " PoKtiuasttT, Fleaherton CominisHioiic-v in H.C.J., Auctioneer. Cos- H^^art"; /1'1"V»" and Money Lotdcr K.-al Kftato and Iiisuranca Agent. Dei-dt uiortgajies. leasoa and willu earefully drawn up ami valuations made on fhortesi-. nrtioe .. oiK.j to loan at luwuat vatca of intn fct Col locti„u8 attended to witb proujT.ti.ttB ( li»i(!o.s low. Accat for Ocean Doiuimoo btuamkiiip Company. A call Bolicilod. W[A1U1I.\C,E I,ICE.\CK.i-At Govevuuicnt •« tiuce». lioiious ot thev.i ; Now Vorsioii, i lr,t cliiSB : tj. F. and Jnbiloo. For biuclc per- |iaii8oreix at a time. Bon.iu K. McLi:a.n Vlkhi, Uifl R. EfOtM*. MISB SAllAH STKAIN. "* 'Teacher on piano, pianoforte, orsau, etc. Hoia3 ftrnt cla-8 teachera' certificate in iniiaio with honors from Aliuo Collie ; pupil of Prof. ht. John Hyttenrauch of ConenhaEeu, DcDiuark Uesidouco opposite Methodist chuer,u t leshertou o^Ufictiris A U W meets every tii'it Slid third Mondey Chriatoea block, FlesncrtoD, at « ti m. .Ja/ 1 la'toley, W M ; AM Gib.'^on, Lecordur; W Hellamy, Financier. Vialtim; hrsthreL luviteil piUNCE .\BTHTK LODGE. Ko. .133, A. Ki , AM, meets in the Masonic ball. Strain's Block, I'loshertou, every Friday on or betoio the full moon. K McGlll, W M ; W J Bellamy, Secretary. noURT FLESHERTON. I. O. F. meets in y Christoe's Block the last Fridav cveninu in each month. Visitinn Foro.tors heartily welcome. T. Henry, Chief Ranger, W. A. Aim. strone. Secretary. e . " -"m i^ttttjiiitVji fJR. A, E. LITTLE " Doutlat, Oraduate Uuiversity of Toronto and Boya) College of Dental Surgeons. Flesherton- Monday and Tuesday of each week. 6a?h°weik7^'"'"^'''' '"'""'^ ""* Saturday el T P MARSHALL " MDS, DD8, LD8 Visits Flesherton the 1st and 3rd Friday oJ each mouth. T G CAMPllETL â- " L D .s. U D S, Dental Surgeon, Markdale Ho ns-ST. »''=<;•''.<>"«»' •*, Voung's bank, noursâ€" «.dO a m to (, j) ni. V sit» FloNhertoii the "ceond aud fourth TliurRdav ol c.icb tuouth. oaioo at Muusbaw e hotil "f HENDERSON * D D 8, M D 8, Dentist of Toronto (Gold Medalist) will visit Fleeherton pro. fosaioually tlie ttrnt Wuduesdty ot oacL- uio^n and Dundalk tha following da/ (Thursda^.^ f^pl JOHN W FROST, L L H Harriatcr, Solicitor Conveyancer, ete Offlcoâ€" Next to pORtoaice, Kpicul.'a block Fleahertou, aver, SatnrWy ami cSmt u^.; Poa"7tV\'t.'U':«.', "*""' *â- â- "•"â- » '"-" â- ^» T UCA8 A WRIGHT -" Karriat.rs Solicitor Conveyancers, et» w ;?TAf«?s^' '^'" • ^'^'Tir-i.rcAs ».eryVia7daT°" ""'"' M"^"^'"-- «â- ""> ft-'CKER A PATTERSON B»rri»ter«, Solicitors, etc Molson's Bank, Ow«t Sound HABBY G TUCKER GEO W PATTtKoON A O. MACKAY. M. A. ^' Barrister, Solioltor, Notary Con- v.yancar, etc. Crowu Attoruuvfor Gtoy. Offloes-SO Pculett i,tn-«t, Owen Sound : and Mam street, Dundalk, SatnrdayB Ir^m i> lu toBii.m., aud on Division Court i/avs. PROVINCE OFONTAI^IO CiAiHiij nfOrty, VUlaye uf Flf^hirton. I, A. N. I EQARD. Barber, do hereby snmmous you to appear before me in my Itarber shop, on or Iwfore the last day of each week, or oftener, in t).i< year and I hero to get your face cleanly shaved and your hair cli gantly cut and dressed ( for which we have Her Majes ty's permission t») demand a fee ) and shall do all matters and things to your hair as »hall be there and then declared. Herein fail not at the pord of a bald head. All parties not attending Ici the shove will he liable to lr>8e their hair and be chargetl a sum not exceeding $20 for a new wiif. ftiivn «»i<i«r my hand and ical, thii 19tK iJUiy ff Jvne, 189S, (SIGNEV) e^. y. XoSani, 9^p. §lf(Ural TVR BUTTON V MDCM, MCP* 8 Out, Priceville Office next 'loor to Brown's stoi.; rcsid.uf. opposite at the old post oflloe, residence of lats Alex Browu. OUloe daysâ€" TuesdayB and Satur- days. nn CARTER ^ M CP AS Out. Physician, Snraeon, etc Flesheiton offlce-Straiu's block. Roi-idauco- Uuualiaw's Hotel. JOHN A SCOTT, M B « Member Collei;. Physic. & 8nrg»on» Oukano Graduate iu Medicine of Toioiita Univorfity, Fellowship Diploma. Popt Gradn- at« Medical School and Hospital, Chicago' Diseases of eve, ear, nose and throat epccIaJly treated. KoalduLoa, Maxwell, visits FovenlioD> Thursdyas 1â€"2 JP OrTKWBLL V.tBrinai-y Surgrnn Oradnnte of Oatarlo Voteriiisrv cv>l)lii« wood Rmidoncoâ€" Reooiid door Eau^.h rw wtvt from Marr street. Thl» atraets run. south .id. rr..byt«ri»D (harsh. " W.. >:S h