txian Xh^antt. & ••TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR. " â€" " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN." VOL. XVIII, NO 904 Klesherton, Ont., Tlnursclay. July 21, 1808 W. fl. THURSTON, ^"\7C *ie I'UOl'EIETOn ill & Co. These Goods and Prices tell their OWN STORY Listen to what They say ! ! Sundries Table. Linenâ€" This represents but one in a score â€" it is an €xtra heavy linenr 60 inches wide, at the small price of 24c Flannelette 30 inch, usual 6c for 33 inch, usual loc for.... 36 inch, usual 12 1-2 for.. .4^ ..10 Cottons We have a very nice bleached cotton, splendid weight though at^ a very light price", per yard 4.^ Better quality at....5,6 3, 7 J b, 10. rien^s Shirts The other day we made a good hit when we bought a big lot of Men 's Fancy Sateen Shirts. '1 he quality and dye of tliese goods are strictly first class and you can have any size from 14 up. While some merchants would h" likely to sell them at goc and be quite content to find one or two customers each day for them, we prefer to sell the whole lot in a hurry and have made the price 6oc Ladies' Waists We place on sale this week the balance of our Ladies' Shirt Waists â€" all at reduced prices. W^e have had an un- usually successful season in these goods and are disposed to be particularly generous with the balance. To be mere specific you can now have your pick of any Shirt Waist in our storeâ€" those that were 85c, 95c, §1, §1.15 For only 68c Ladies' Shoes On Saturday morning we will have ready a table of bargain Shoesâ€" 125 pair all told. Sizes 2^^, 3, 3i. These goods are extra fine Dongola Kid in Laced, Buttoned and Oxford â€" are actually worth from <f 1.25 up to $2.50 per pair. Saturday You may have you choice for 95 Cents We have reason to believe there is not an article or line of goods in our store that can be bought for less money else- where. More than that, we are aware, as also some of you, that there are hundreds of lines and articles on which you can effect a saving of a very snug sum. i Mi 1 IS \l iiSTi IS [J F. T. HILL & CO. i^SfJia J*ol{ gSl<si The Markets. rarm for sale ebeap. 01 aoros, wall waterad 2i niHea east of this village, known as the Fen visk (arm. Apply to M.BiobardBOn, assiKnes «rOOI>*(9 PKOSPHODIVrXQi Tk* Oreat EnsIUk ReaaedT* • Sto PiukaQt Onora w teaJ te promptly, and pamuuieBttf oura all tormi of Nervoitt otorrMa, ImfottKOti and ofl tff»at»of Abtut or M mo mm t Xmital Worry, taoitt** ^u* JB^re and After. ,„,^,,_ ,^^ «»n too* to /•â- ItrmUv, IntanUu, CbiuitmpMoK and an, «arl« grot*. Baa been preacrlbcd oror ae yean In thooaaada o( oaweai la the oniv RtUabla and Boko* JCadMa* hiom. Aakilniggiat for Wood'a Phoiphodlnai It ^ooen aomo worthleta ntediclne In place a< thli, laelaaa price in letter, and we wlU Nnd bjr ivtara aaa Prto^ ooa package, $1; ala, |B. Om «MI yMl%f(«N<S«M<« Pampttlota tnt to aay a rMw n Vh« 'Woe* Oom.vmmr, Windier, Ont., Sulci in VleNhertun »ad everjwliMre ia OwMida ky aU retpootible diugKiota Carefullv Corrected Each Week Following AM Uie market quotations For FluHhertoii for the preHeiit wuok, corrected up to 10.30 of Wediictday : Flour Oats Wheat, white Wheat, red Barley Peas Butt«r Eggs, fresh Potatoes bsg.v* Pork Hay per ton..... Hidea Sheepskins Geese Turkeys Chiok«DS perpsir. D«eka per pair. . . . Weal ...•««*••««• <4 70 to $6 00 25 to 26 95 to 100 1 00 to 105 20 to 36 60 to 50 13 to 13 10 '-0 10 50 to 60 500 to 5 76 6 00 to 6 00 7 00 to 7 00 25 to 60 6 to 6 9 to 30 to 80 40 to •o 10 U 19 Iiiistoee j From Oar Own Correspondent. Mr. Stephens, Dundaik, isuudayed with friends here. I Miss M, ArmHtronir and Miss A. Shear- , down* who have been attending the Owen 8ouud c()llt-;;iat«, are spending their holi- ' diiysat bono. | Mr. F. ond Miss Greer, Bethel, called on friends Sunday. Frank Hutchinson is visiting his grand- , pa at Bolton. i Mrs. J. Winters, Dundaik, visited the . parental home last week. Mr. Stewart and wife of Toronto are guests at the home of Mr. J. Johnston, i The members of the E. L. met last Friday and nominated officers for the en- suing six months : Pres.,H. Hutchinson ; | 1st Vice Pres., Mis* M. Johnston ; 2nd Vice Pres., Mrs. W. Haines ; Sec, Miss Eva Gallagher ; Treas., Mr. G. Hutchin- son ; Organist, Miss M. Graham. Maxwell Wednesday of last week, when his daught- er, Stella, was united in marriusro to Mr. Frank Taylor of Euphrasia. The oore- roony was performed at 7.30, by the llev. Mr. Scott of Markdiilo in tlie presence of about two hundred guests. The bride was supported by Mirs Cora Taylor.aister of the groom, and the groom was sup- ported by Mr. Fred Boland, brother of the bride, with two little^pages, Elsie Boland and Ina Smith, in attendance. We will not attempt to describe the elegant bridal costume or the lar^o num- ber of beautiful and useful presents, or the splendid tea provided by the host and hostess. We join in wishing thorn a happy and prosperous voyage through life. Miss Ella Douglas entertained her Sab- bath School class on Friday afternoon of last week. Miss Libby and Miss Mary Pritcliard visited friends in Kimberley recently. PrlceTiUe From Oiir Oiai CorrespondeiU The village was about entirely desert- ed on the 12th, nearly everyone accom- panying our Orange lodge to oeiebrate tbe day. Miss Lizzie Mclntyro of Mclntyre, and Mr, Albert Thompson, 4th lino, Artemc- sia, were ((uiutly inarriod here at tlio ' Presbyterian manse hu>t Wednesjliiy after- noon by the Rev. Mr. Fleming. The marriBge of Mr. George Burk and Miss Ijillio Bemr<iau took place in Toron- ' to, Wednesday, 13ih in.st. They are ex- | pected home this week. Manyounxralu- larioiiik Ou VVcdnesday evcninK, July 13tli, at tlio Methodist parsonage, by the Rev. | Mr. Douglas, Miss Agi^ie (iainey, youn){- 1 est ditughter of the late Thos. Gainej', Esq., M. P. P., was united in uiiirriage to Mr. W. D. Clinton, 8th lino, Osprey. \ Miss Lizzie Guy assisted tbe bride and Mr. Smith the groom. We wish the young couple much happiness. Mr. and Miss Hall from Toronto were renewing acquaintances in this vicinity last week. Mr. George Preston returned to Win- chester last week. The cheese factory is booming. The proceeds of u sale was made this week and tlie patrons are well pleased. Port Law ^rotn our own Corretpmuknt Haying is pretty well advanced in this section. The crop has been a little above the average and owing to the tine weath- er it has been saved in tlrst class condi- tion. Fall wheat ii nhnobt ready for cut- ting and the prospect for a good yield has never been better than it is this year. The recent frosts have done a great deal of ilainago to peas, po'atoes, corn and other garden stuffs. We understand the Monnonite people intend erecting a ttbernaole near Sum- mer's Creek for tlie purpose of holding speciHl services which they intend to start ou Wednesday evening, July 20th. Mrs. John McNally has returnoil home after alei giliy visit with ftiendsin Bruce Couniy. Mrs. B<1. Montgomery of Sannidale' spent the last two weeks visiting her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs Geo. Thompson. j We are glad to note that Mrs. George ' Thompson, jr. , and Miss Tilly Taylor, j who have been seriously ill, are on a fair way to recovery. Anotlier of our batchelors, Mr. A. j Thumpuon, has oonie to the conclusion that it is not well for man to live alone' and he has taken unto himwelf a wife in ' the person of Miss Lizzie Mclntyre of Oaprey. We tender our congratulations. Bornâ€" At Port Law, on July 7th to Mrs. W. J. White, ( widow of the lata W. J. White,) a son, From our otvn Corrapotideni, A. rather unique load of impromptu excursionists from Toronto, Meti;, Cum- nock, Flosberton and Priceville passed up Kincardine street of our burg one day last week. Their conveyance was a two wheeled vehicle of the farm cart type. The driver occupied a promi.ient position on the back of the horse, while two foot- men were inabilli-d on tlie front corners of the box which contained a bevy of eight beautiful lively ladies. It would be impossible in the small spiice allotted to us to fully describe the different and becoming costumes worn on the occasion but we will content ourselves with a few words about thj head^^ear, which was certainly very .ittnictivo. Olio toque deserves especial mention. It was about the dimensions and shape of an uld (ashioiii'd saucer and resembled very much the crown of a lust year's straw hat. If we wore at all addicted to moralizing we would say " What a great aniouii^ of money is watitcd in head-dress." The night of the lOih of July will be renienibereJ in this county, at least, for many years to come. Just in this vicinity the damage done by the frost on the date mentioned was confined to a few, but the writer took a trip through a neighboring township a few days ago and in a 10-mile stretch he di.l not see a patch of potatoes that, from present appearance, would be worth the digging. In many places also the peas were badly frozen, but with one or two exceptions uats and barley seemed to have come through safely. Quite a number of our young men left last week for the old settlement, where the most of them secured work at fair Wflges. At the time of writing everyone is wishing for rain and yet a great many are hoping it will keep off for "just one day longer." One day last week as Mr. John Mo- Lachlan (Gravel Road ) was leading a colt to water, the animal kicked him so severely that he was unconscious for some time. He is under the doctor's care at proaont. Miss Leila Uobinsou of Palmorstou spent last week with her friend. Miss Anna Janius. Miss Edith Hartley of " The Can- adian Tencliers' " staff of Toronto was the guesit of Mrs, W, J. BUkeston last week. Mr. J^iel JlcKinnon arrived home from Arkansas lust week after an absence of eight years, Miss M. Hardy of Swinton Park, Miss Prituhard of Hawick and Mr. Alfred Hanly of Dehjiiune, Man., paid a brief visit to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Blakeston this week. â€" ^ â- I la n â- â€" â€" â€" Flesncrton Station Vandcleor From Our Gum CtwTMpoiident A very pretty wedding took place at tb9 Nl^nce of lAt, John BoUnd oa From Our Cmn Con^espmidtnt Mr. and Mrs. W. Wright returned from Michigan Tuesday- Mr, and Mrs. Cuahnie of Dromore are visiting at Mr H. Tucker's. Miss Bella Harrow and Miss Annie Hawk left Monday morning to spend a Keep this a Secret We are occasionally enjoined by a buyer of an engagement or a wedding ring to " keep this a secret." Wo ALWAYS do so ; we divulge nothing of the kind ; our interest in such sales being guaged not by sentiment but by hard cash, our profit. Strict confidotice ia therefore invalaable. Parties buying from us can do so privately if desired. In Engagement Rings we are carrying a Urge stock and of greater variety than heretofore and at prices rang* ing from 81.50 to $15.00. Wo have recently added a new line of Wedding Rings in 10k. gold, which are bound to be favorites. WIIICi[S I am just now making a specialty of Watches, and if you aro desiring a tiine]iieca â€" or oven if you don't need one very bad â€" it will pay you to buy now while prices aro at the bottom with McGinty. I have some fresh, new*goo<ls ill Japanese Stick Pins, Ep- worth League and Oddfellow Guards, Ladies' Skirt and Belt Holders, fancy Qat Pins, etc., the nicest, uoUbicil things np to date. Just come in and look at them, anyway, W. A. Armstrong JEWELLER, FLESHERTON. month with friends in Gait and other (wrta. Mr. J. Hemphill is visiting friends in Toronto. Miss Bertha Whittaker of Guelph i« visiting old acquaintances here. The Rev. Mr. Ward preached his first sermon in the Oninge Hall on Sunday morning and was listened to by a large .ind appreciative audience, A vote of thanks was tendered to Rev. Mr, Ward on the 12th morning by tbe members of L. O. L. No. 883 for his very eloquent sermcn. This was proposed by Bro. J. McMullen and seconded by Bro. J. Hemphill. Eugenia. Ftom our own Correspondetit. Miss Nnllie Duokett of St. Catherines is visiting her uncle, Mr. J. W. Duckett, at present. Mr. Goo. Brydon of Toronto was the guext of Mr. and Mrs. Hogg the past week. Miss Nellie Merry of .Stratford was a visitor at the Falls the past week. Mrs. Mitchell of AUiston was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Hogg recently. The welcome showers of Monday have been a blessing, as crops were sufTerin)] from drought and the intense boat. Mr. Davidson of the veneer factory ia rushing business, The men are workin){ over time every night and the outlook is bright. The many friends of Willie Bell ar« pleased to welcome him home from Cal. gary, where he has boon spending some time for hi.s health, The climate there was rather cold for liiin. The severe frost has almost ruined tha psa crop in this lucitlity, as the young peas are destroyed inside the pods. Guests at Eugenia House : Mr. and Mrs. Moffat, Mr. Doano and Mr. Veral, Toronto ; R. Tawoett and H. Lainon, Dundaik. The town of Owen Sound has purohaa* ed a steam roller to keep the streets in re- paiir, Telfer Bro's. woolen mills at Clarka< burg took fire on Friday morning last| but the fire was extinguished after about 1600 worth o( damage was done. ajMun imii iiHiii Um aum ^ as M. m