Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 28 Jul 1898, p. 4

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MlM NIK**«M^ 1^ / JULY 28 1898 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE i/-- ^ / \ BSTABLI5MED -/S8I- \ r rUBtlSHKD WEEKLY AT THE OFFICE, 8YI>- KMUAM 8TKEKT, FLEHHEKToN, OUT., BY W. H. TUVR«TON. Examinations • I per annam strictly in advance Advertising Rates: Oae Column, I yeiir, •50 ; hnlteol., 1 ve«r, 828 quartor col., one year, tI6. Traniient advertisement charged at the rate o<S cants por line for flret insertion and 3 cent each subsequent iusortion. Lord Minto, or Lord Melgund as he was known during the Reil Rebel, lion, will bo the new Governor Gener- al of Canada. No definite action has yet been taken toward a cesbation of hostilities between the U.S. and Spain, and tiie pjrlo Rican campaign is now in pio- gress. The Araericans have at last discovered that the poor people they wjre figkling for are not worthy of the honor, and a distinct breach lias been made between insurgents and the U. S. forces, the former having entirely withdrawn from the vicinity of Santiago. This war has many things that are humorous about it and of these General Shifter's eye-opener is not the least. Tlie entrance exuminations held at Kimborley was not reported along with the Dthers last week. The successful names for Kiioberley were as follows : ENTBAKCK Paaaedâ€" Black Ellen M., 611 ; Braniff M., 563 ; Conn L. A., 615 ; McAuHlin R. L., 769 ; Baker F., 707 ; Thompson H. H , 623 ; Thompson S., 616. UecomnienJodâ€" Martin Nettie J. r. 8. LEAVING Passedâ€" Dawn Isabel, 710 ; Graham Wellington, 778. Awarded entrance certiBcates â€" Hum- ber»tone Mary, 490 ; Fsthergill Charles, 628 ; McAusla.id A. F ,591. WBAK ilND WRARY WOMBM riNO A MAL PMMND IN aOUTH AMBRIOAN NBRVINB. BRITAFS be was a eyulc, but some one has said that in this age there are no bealtby women. The age has many wo- men, strong and noble pbyslrallj, as thry sre mentally ana morally; but it is true oeTsrtbeless, that a large p«r- centogs of the wo- men of the country auCTrr from nerrous- oeas and general de- bUlty. They drag eat a weary existence, and each day Is â-  day of pain and suffrrinc. Tbis was the case with Miss Annie Patterson, of SackTille. N. n. She suffered terribly from Indigestion snd nrrrousness. Bbe was influenren by some one, somehow, to try South American Nerrlne. Of course, it was like hoping agalnit hopeâ€" another patent medicine, flut she had laaen only one bottle when her system began to take on the health of earliest years, and sftor using three bottles she was ec>mplett'lT eared. No woBder she Is strong In Iter coarictloa that there ta no reaietfy like Bonlh Ameil- MB Hvrriae. ^30. For sale by W. Klobardson It is rather amusing to see tlio Globe and other Liberal newspapeis claiming all the credit for Mr. Mulock i n the securing of penny postage for the empire. Mr. Mulock has no par- ticular right to any credit in the mat- ter further than his vote entitles him to. Mr. Mulock attempted last win- ter to get a three cent postage rate between Canada and Groat Britain and was beautifully called down by the home authorities. The idea of some of the prominent men in Britain was to secure a penny postage and so soon as a convention could be cal- led this wax ftccouiplislicd, with the assistance, of course, of Mr. Mulock's vote. One would think by the tone of the Liberal press that Mr. Mulock had brought Mr. Chamberlain and all the colonies to their knees in this mat- ter, whereas the rather too previous Mr. Mulock was the only one who had anything to his discredit during Ihu whole negotiations. IIis victory is a hollow one indeed, but u big at- tempt is being made to parade it 'as ecmothiug cxtruurdinaiily brilliant. The Cost of Bad Reads Aocoi'th'ni^ to ilio olliue >>f Road iitqiiiiy «)f the I'nitiil titatu.s D.';):irt.iieiit of .\^ii- caltui'd the cx.iU'.ao of iiMvin^ furin pro- ducts and Na;>| Um iii nil the uounlry roida is twuii'y five cents per ton |cr hiilu ; whiTivis in tiio diiitrittK nf thi: Uiiiteil StKtc.^ ii:ul iit'ier c iiii.t; ut;, wli-r.- the roads are u<>i>d, the cont is only libi.ui one- tliird of tliit noxumt. It in e^fni.it- (<1 that tliJH I'xnn c '><t if liiuilauo in t1u> I'nited StiiteH, due to liail lon.lt. n, noun's ill the iiigie.;ate to nion: thnn tliu eiitir<) vxpendiluie of the iintioiinl Oovcntiiiuiil ; iiiid tiikiiig into tioc.iunt ,ill of the InuilinK done "11 the public roiuU ihe Iims is erjunl I'l oiiK foiii-ih of iliti lioiiio vahie of nil tliO farm ](iodiii''.i of llie I'l itcd Ptnk-s. Tliis I08.1 ii HntU>;t(â- 'l^ in a U-w yn.iri to make every A'i'e'iu.iii londnny t(:o vuiy bust, and it wouM l>e h pro' ii able invc.tt- iiieot if thf npro|iriituoii tVt re iiinde for tliitt purjK s . Rut tile ill r, a.-i.- in rlic etiA of liaul:i(?e \i by no iiieois t'lU ohly Iosh i-osiiltii>g fi'uui bad lond.s. The lus of porit-hable priiducts f.ir waiit • f Hct-eKM to market, tlis failure to fi-auh the iiiaikLt when the prices are v, imI, nod tlie fioliire to cult!- T «'e proline's wh;ch woiilil be iroti'ab'o if iiinrkelB were hccush^I le, luhl niilliuiis (o theiietU'il tux of bail load.i. ReHidea the taJ condition of the rou Ih dnriig \<*v^>s p'liti'iiiH of the y nr eniiHes the on- t iiotrd itil iiras of uiinibers of men and ^liHU'.{lit uniiuaN uhieli in il.self in a ser- i.>\n h's.i. In otii.r ways the ci'-t of b:(l roads is largely increHsed, so that they art) really a burden to the people. â€" ITarining. Farni fbx* Sale For sale cboapâ€" IjOt S7, Con. 19, Artemeaia Ai>i>ly to B.J.BrilOULE.yiesliertoD l-'lRi>herton, Nov. 16, 1M>7. BOAR FOR SERVICE T<ii> toi'luiHienod having purchased from Mr. P. Muir that MattniBcent tfiorouiihbred liurk- shiroboar," Mountafn Hlieik." lias now tbe same tor Korvlce on lot l.V'>. R. T., A H. H., Artu- uioala. Tonus f 1. Fodigroe ou ap|iplication. A. BUYU JEBSEIf BULL FOB SEBflCE, For service in Vlosherton, fliue pediBrcod Jurseyoull. TKUUSâ€" M at lluie of servico, J. H. HKAIIU LATHIM^G I am pri'psrc'd to ilo latliin;; in ftrst clain Btylu and tit runHoniiblu ratus. l*ai'tiuu desirtli^' my eurvicuB can ilrop a postal to, J. A. FKLSTEAU. Fleshorton P. 0- IJuly 3 m IVARNIN^O Nnlicn is horuby (jivon tliat auy parly or pAi tius dtiraciiiR, breaking or iii any way injure nigHtruot lauipH, poKts or anv villaffii pronurty will bo proHucutud to tba fullust oxtuiit of tliu law. Uv orJor POLICE TUIIBTEES FI08I10; ton, July S, 'OS VILLAGE PROPERTY FOR SALE Park lots in tli« VillnKi<nf KuHoiilo, (â- oiiii)rli<- inr 'y\ III--. , ,j in twi> bUxkH. On IIuimi mi- i-n-r-^ O'l a r-i-iiic nn<! a lou liouso. Tliuro Ih koo 1 ci'i .1 1,1 ill I :t', .\ I I I II , 1 1> /) ) ;^ t H. Fi:.N\vrCK,liiu«i-uia. Eu^iCi.ia, Die 6,1m NO' II i The pnblio will tiiko notice that the TiiWDship of AilLMiii.si:! will pot be rp-tiponsihie for luiy d.imnijes on that portion ol the public id.nl known as the iKUKPshoo liili, I'pnr I'lci'liciton, duriiig !,lic liino of it.s bciiig Rt,rai<,'lit- enid. rieafr^ govern voni.^elvrs uc- coi.lin-ly, W. S, CliniSTOE. JuooiS, 18U8. Reeve. F. VanOUSKN FLESHERTON I have just placed in stock a nice lot of staple jewellery, to be sold at rock bottom prices. Call and examine our watches before buying, lie- pairing in all lines. Agent for Massey-Harris^<_ ESscectJttoPS Notice TO Creditors M. Richardson & Co Hot Weather Special .. special purchase ot American Muslins at 40 per cent. below usual Canadian jobbing price. Last wtsek ?n American house ofFercd us exceptionally advantageous terms on a clearing line of colore 1 Muslins, comprising light, medium and dark colors in the latest patterns jnd most fashionable shades. We bouf-ht about 25 ol the handsomest pattern-- and shall ofier them to cur customers this week at a trattional advance on actual cost. Get 5haved ! ! ANI>.\ H..\Ii; CTT niul y„u vill fi.fl £0 pur tout bcUer tiiu.ie Imt d-tys At FIrsluTliMi ii tlio j,I,-ici' to L'fl n jreiuTiil L'luiiniiit; tip. If jcu ciiinu to «.i uv<>rytliini{ la new, nont and clt'Aii at his TO.NSORIAL PARLOR yn tfto matter of the £ttat» oi Thomas Samey,/ate of the Ijownship of Osproy in th* County of Srey, farmer, deceased. Pursuaut to K, S. C, 1897, Cap. 129, ?vc. :{8, notice in liereby Riven, that nil persons liaviag claims against the e»lale of tlia s«.id ThomaH Game;, deeesaei), who died on or about the 'JIHh day of February, It^9t), are reqoired to deliver ur aend by poat prepaid, to the uoderaiKoed, to Fleaherton 1'. 0,, executora of the aaid dtceaaed on or before the 15th day of Jnly, •8<,8, a atate- meot in wiiting of ttieir nameaand addreas- oB with all particular* of their claims and naturo of security (if auy) held by tb«m. And fiirlhnr notice i* hereby given that aft«r the laat meiiiionad date the rxecutors will proceed to diitribute ibo asaets of the deoenaed, having regard only to the olaima of wliich thuT then have notice ; and the exeoutiira will Lot be liable for the aaid aaart* or any part thereof to any peraon whoao claim notice tlu'reof shall not liave been received at tb* time of auch diatribe- tinn. ,IOSI.\HOAMHY, 1 Executors. K. J.SI'KODLK, J Fleaherton, Jan« dlh, I8g£. ^uQt TJhree !p2 icea LOT NO. 1 29 inch Cidnred Dimity Muslins ~ 9 8 LOT NO. 2 30 inch colun.ll Kinbruidensd 10 LOT NO. 3 31 inch Fine colored Organdies ...> 12 These goods will si>eak for themselves as soon as display- ed on otr tables. Come and see them. Prints, Muslins, and Wash Goods all selling at reduced prices to ensure a speady clearance and make room for new goods. flLUIE PROPEBTY For Sili For HAle on cany turniR, ono lot hi the villajju of MnXHt-ll coiiHiMtiiiK of i acre on which id a conifortablti hrick venc erml houso and a good franiu atable. Kor further particulars apply to Rev.J. W. JoxK», Trusti'ts Tara.Cu. Hruo©, or J. dlCKLING. Maxwell. FARM for SALE For nalo, lots 7n and 7n, lut cod. B.D.B.. 00 acres cloarud and nndur cultivation ; barn, two stablos.framu house ; wull watered. Will sell ou easy terms. Apply to R. T. CORNFIELD. Wareham P. O., June 2nd 1806. BULL FOR SERVICE IIoliitHinFric'iilnti Inill ( Proton Cliiof, Xo.975 orKervlcH oti li.t Kfl, con. 2. W. T.,% S H. \i t'-ni<!Hia. A tin*' >ouiiK tlioroUKlibrc'l Ahlnial rmlitfruu ou aMiilIcation Terms onu ilnllar. JOKL WLurz. _HARPWARE^PEI>AR TMENT . Special Purcliase of Worcester Gilt Decorated. Porcelain DINNER SETTS- 97 piecei from jW.OO to $0.75 TE.\ SETTSâ€" From 9a.00 to f2 75 TOILET SETTSâ€" From $6.00 to «1 50 Some of the Prettiest goods and best values we have been able to procure. The prices are very special in every line. Binder Twine, Binder Twine II Three grades still in stock. Order before it's all sold A fullassoitment cf Storey's celebrated Binding Mitts and Gloves, The best gcods in Canada. Headquarters for the best Harvest Tools^ Machine Oil, Threshers' supplies and agricultural Sundries. M. Richardson & Co. ! notice: Is hereby Riven that a bylaw was pa!<sod by the Council uf the Township of ArteiuoKia ou llth day o( Juno IHOH, provitltiiK for thti Ihmiu of dnbentures to the amount of #l.'tOO for purposes of the trustees of S.S. No. 14 uf sai<l township and that m\c)i bvlaw was reKistermt in the Keg" istry olllce for the south riding of the County of Grey on the 18th day of June IHOK. Any motion to quath or set aside the same or any parf tbo'"*'of, must liH insdo within thrue months from fhu date of rot^istratiuu andcan- uof he made theioafter. Dncud at FluKherton this 28th day of Jtino 18tH. W.J. RELLAllY, Tp, Clurk FARMS FOR SALE Lot 140 and UJ.eon.s, Jt.K.. T.SK.. 100 seiea, lOcloarulaud .Wbunh. Goodboaseand barn, i luilea (roiu 1^'lea hertou. Lot .')2, con. 4, 100 acres. Good frame barn and suiall lo({ house. About 45 aurcx cleared aod tne balancu wull tinibured. Go<j>l water. TbfiQbovH iirojMtrtics will tn> »olil on cnsy teriiK to }L>>t ;>ur(.-has«r. Fot- ^nrtienlara api'ly to \V. .\ AKUflT110.su Flosberton, J. Fa VANDUSEN, AGENT, FLESHERTON, ONT.

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