i> '.â- .â- â- ^7-''Wt.,V THE FLESIIERTON ADVANCE JULY 28 1895 (111 Trieil anil Bdiatle Dmgslors, I'^JvESMERXON * A % u a A â- ? We uo n;.t rut prices but pell at our re- gular rates for cae h. EmiilKioii f(f C'ld Lir«r Oil 25c up 8yiu{> of Hyp'phosphitos 50c up Butter Culi>r(n:uiip!e free) 10c up yootliinj Syrup â€" 10c up Wi.rm Pjwtlfr to age 10c up C .ujli Svrup .10c up Livsr PilU ..10c up Kxtraot of Black )>urry lOc up Caiudiau Uluud Tonic 35c Tootli Gum or ilrops which you like. ..10c hcadnchi! Powders 5c And all other goods as low as any re- liable druggist can supply yoi:. We buy for cash and sell for cash and do a cash business. Vicinity Chips C'i<tr;tct.crt8tirii of the Past Week Cari-riilly Culled for the (Jnrious â- D:iiintaa notitrn t/notij locnla mil 6« f charged at t/t* rale of ten c nls t per line for euch iiuertioii. A t redui-tiim will be made un con t truoU for 100 lines or over. McFarlniid & Son, Msrkdale, are wrdI- iut: 500 11)8. raspburries this week. MoHt of the KiiuHerluy camptirs have returned to their domesticduties. Thoy pro.:ounce tishing as very bud indeed. McFarland & Son, Mnrkdalu, are ijiving their patrxiis special pricuK during July and AugiiHt. 13u sure and call upon McFarland & Sun. Machine knittln;{ dunu to order, fine or course, ribbeil or plain, and .satisfiio- tiuii •{uamnbeud. Miss R. Smith, Spring St. Flesh#t<>n Rev Mr. Ward, the Methodist pastor, preached 20-itiinute sermons the past two hot Sundays, and his congregation takes kindly t^u them. J ick Hamilton, Shelburue, who fled fsom the law recently, jumping hi.s bail, waa arrested last week at Oxb<iw,N.W.T. It will likely un hard with John. Under the tutelage of BaiidinaHter Tucker the band is fust \>m\n welded into shape, and we may soon expect to hear the new " tooters " tooting for public benefit. Our school trustees liavo iidvertisod for an additioi4iiI teacher for the public school A largii iiuuibur of applications have been received but uo selcjtio;; has ; 8 yet b.oii made. Money to loan on debcntuicK at 4. per cent, and on faini security in (â- uh'H of 6400 and upwards a; 5. per cent. Ex. pensei ^{u^iraiitewl low. Apply to Oko RcTHElifuKD, Box 07, Slulburiio. The provincial press Ih now eniplovnl doing its annual .''ree ajiurli^iii^ for the Toronto exliiltitioM mendicaiits. The Advance paper can alw lys lie counted out in this co'inecti'*n. Sury the t^llier.i cnii't sue it in the same liuhc. Mrs. J. Uutiittadlur was suddenly oil- led to her [Kirent il bciiiio nciir Wntry during the past week to atluid the .sick bud of her father, Mr. Mernuior Ej^in. On Monday woid anived that he had passed aw:iy that nioruin,'. tie was be- tween 75 and 80 y.ars of ui;e. The fun- e.'ftl took pi ;ce yo-tenl;iy, Wednooday, to Melaiicihon R C. c. inutery. The following extract, t-iken from Itoad Coniinitsioiier CnniplK-ll's recent ffddress in Oiillia, mny uiterest our rend- ers and especially our villa.o c-'Uiicil : " Planks are lot ociiioniical material for sidewalks. Timber subjected t<» altern- ate moisture from the gr> uiid and rain and heat from the sun, cannot help but decay rapidly, A plank walk properly constructed will last five y«ar« then re- pairs commenoe. At the end of lifteen yean the walk ha.i cost as much for re pairs as it cost in the first placp, there- fore the average life of a plank walk may be seven years The l>est material for â- idewalks is artifieial stone. The first cost of this is nearly three times that of plank. Plank aveiagcs about 5c square fo..t ; artificial stone about 12o a square foot. The latter, when pri'perly laid will last probably for a century ; it haa been on some Toronto streets now ft r thirty years imd is apparently as good as ever." Divd- In Art-emesia, on Tuesday, July 2t}, Air:<. Wiu. Blackburn, in her 80th year. L)icc:iKed was taken suddenly ill on Krid:iy last. Her huxband preceeded her about oi'.<ht years aijo. She leaves a fauiiiy of nix sons and three dauvhr-ers. She was a consistent iuend)er of the Pres- byterian church for over 50 years and died in full assurance of enterinij the jrlaiy land. She has been a resident of Arteraesia since 18<i5 The funeral took place to Fleshcitoii cemetery ou Wetl nesday afternoon. For a week past a gang of telephone men have been hero puttiu'.; in what is known as the metallic circuit. This may be described in short as a double wire, which dues away wi'h induction and makes conversation possible for almost unlimited distances. This system is now complete from Owen Sound to Quebec. We are informed that conversation can now bo carried on with Quebec from this point OS satisfactorily as with Toronto. The latest instruments have been pUced in the central here, including lighleuiiig arrentors, and everythiiiif is up to date. Duiidalk is enungir u a fourth teacher f- r their public ncho<d and Flesherlon is adding the third. While stnmgly up- holding the action of the trnsrees the Herald has this bu say, and we wish to apply these words to our own case, be- cause our trustee* are equally guilty in respect to i;;iioring the home paper and home talent. Lot them take the lesson to heart which the Herald reads them. " The only mistake we see is that the Board did not advertise in the Herald. Applications would certainly not have been received from all parts of the prov- ince, but what was received would have been frvni teachers that were pers- onally known to the Board or Inspector Campbell. Ten applications from teach- ers known tu the Board is better than a thousand unknown. A certainty has been thrown awny for a blind chance of <mo out of a thousand." A correspondent reiiiinds us that no adequate repot t has been given of the garden party or lawn social held at Max- well just previous to the Rev. Mr. Leg- ate's depsrture for his Stayner charge, and hands in the following facts concern- ing the event : " The Farewell lawn social given the Rev T. Legate and fam- ily just before thoy b-ft Mavwell was a success, thou<.!h rhe evening was so un- favorable. Fiiends gathered from the ditferen*. churches of the circuit and some from quite a diat-ance. Mr. and Mrs. M. Richarilsoii of iilesherton added much to the eveninu's pleasure, also the pres- ence of Mrs. ( Rev. ) Fleming, Presby- terian, and Dr ami Mrs. J; A. Scott, Maxwell, i{iivo tone ;ind spirit to ilioliap- pj' crowd of youtiK people that enjoyed theniselve.s on the beautifirl |iais>>iia!{u grounds. Many said good-bye with a warm shake <jf the hand, and a kind (.iiaycr an^l wish f. ir the fu'ure wtjllfaru of tbe deinrlin'.; minister and his wife on the Stiiyiier circuit, lo which tli.y were appointed ly coii.'orutieu Tliere isa canine Jim Drodio in this U'vvii, and he bi loiig.s to Mr. Frad Tu;k- cr, t.vilor. Uis naiiic; is Sporf, and he is a little white fox teriiv.r. Mr. Tucker haw rooms in tin; second .story of Riclia.d- .sijii's Ijlock, nnd almost any day "Simrt" may be st en ( or at b a;it loiyh* t.e Keen untl Monday of this we.-k ) -sit^iog on the •.vindow sill looking do*n n| on | a<- .sois-by and talking " ch'ii " t.i •â- thi-r low (b'lvii .str> et Joys. On Mood.iy t-.vo cuts i;ot into a " sciap " riyh' under Ins )> r.:!!, aird as Sp >it is.soiiie li If.' of a s i-M|M>er himself he thought it too lad to be out of tile fun. In llie e.xci'einei.t of tl t inonieni ho for;.:o! that there was a s'nii vv.-vy, or else decided tb.it the ex'tfeneies of the case denial. ded liiiste. . At a!. eventn he took a fl) ing leiip of ei-.ihtoeii or tweoty feut out of tlie window anil o\er the sidewalk. He lit on bis fei-t all right I'U* was in no condit.oii lo enlist in the war after .strikiim teria fiima. U.- bad lost all intereH*; in other ib gs. No lasting dam.ige was done, but he rofu.ses to go near the window any more. lie has decided to keep aw.ay from all temp lation in future. There are human be- ings in ihis world who have ili-nu jnst such foolish acts as did Sport, and iiiavri- ably have couie to thu saiDd wiso conclu- sion. A lacrosse match was played at Mark- dale on Wednesday of last week between the Owen Sound and Markdale clubs which, for rough playing, discounted any- thing seen in this league. The refree is charged with allowing " slugging " on the part of the Markdale club and severe- ly treating anything approaching it on the part of Owen Sound. Following is the Times report of the match : " The all-Ontario aggregation which masquer ades under the name of the Markdale La- croiise team, turned dowif the Thistle ye."»terd8y by a score of 2 â€" 1. It is hard- ly necL-asary to say that the game was a hard one an the score tells the story, but a few remarks on the general conduct of the sports to the south might not be out of place. With one or two exceptions the Markdale men played brutal lacrosse, and the crippled condition of the home team this morning shows how they were handled yesterday. No doubt the team from Markdale are anxious to emulate the Simniards, but their game yesterday would have put a Spanish bull-6ght to the blush. In about a week thu locals will have recovered sucitEently from their wounds to commence practise, and when the winners of yesterday's game play the return here no doubt the score will read differently. In the meantime we would advise the Markdale team to cultivate a little true lacrosse spirit and not add to the odium of having a team of ringers that of being the most brutal team in the district ." PERSONALA Miss Teena Smith is visiting friends in Osprey. Mr. Chas. Phillip* of Toronto spent Sunday in town. Mr. M. Richardson attended Masonic grand lodge in Toronto last week. Mrs. F. Tucker and Mrs. R. Pedlar took in the Niagara excursion last week Mr. Geo. Bellamy of Kinmounf visited the parental home during the pa<it week. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Fawcett returned to their home at the Junction on Mon- day. Editor Irwin of the Durham Chronicle and Mr. W. Porter of Toronto Sundayed with The .\dvance. Mr. John Mitchell and Miss A. Din woodie of Nottawasaga visited with friends during the pa&t week . Messrs. G. Sled and Ed. Wiley of Nottawasaga were the guests of Mr. Geo. Wickens on Sunday. Miss Lida Smith, who has been in To- ronto for some time, returned hon^e last week. Mr. R. B. Joy of Toronto Junction is the guest of his son-in-law, Mr. T. J. Sheppard. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Boyd of Cimn spent Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. John Boyd. Miss Lena Large of Listowel was the guest of friends i.i town during the past week. Mr. Frank Barnhouse of Toronto is spending his annual vacation with Ilia paieiits here. ,Mr. Will Dellamy of I'any S..un.i, vi.-iteil with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joi.n L'.e.Iaiiij, during the past week. Mrs. rradioy,wifo of PostiniiKtir l!iad ley, Or.ni)ievil!e, and Mr I'erty lUad'ey, call-id on frii uds in town on Friday. .^iI•. \' . Mooro, harite.ssinakor, pad a vi.sit to friends at VVd un, N. VT., during t!ie [M>-t WCeek, f>.r wll ch purp-'SO ho utilized the NiHHi>>a e:;c irsum. Mrs. W. W. Tri.iil.lo and Mis. Dr. IJieil o: Shidburiie are tliis Week visiiilig iht ii- -sisier, Mrs. (ilev.) S. C Edu.uiids, MonKtuii. Mils .\iiiiie Ricliai'ils n, eiiiCUlioiji.>,t, iia-^g'ineto Listoweli, INiagara (m tlic Lnl.o, and other iMtinio to till Huniiiiur en ga^;. iiKiits. Miss Maud Ri>.hardaoii ao- ooo.;iiiiied her as far as Listowell. T e Fh'slierron Alvai'.'.e publLsbes a vop.. it ill hint week's i--suo 'if the orilina- tioii of Mr. A. .7, DaiToeh in nhieli sor- vioesRev. Mr. rhiilniore of Chesley 101 k part Mr. Daiiooh ih the only son of Mr. Niel Darroch, 4th con., Arian t|>., >v1ui has completed full university and tlietd-mical cour.-res, thus equipping hiin- Helf as thoronuhly as 1 o'si' le for his life's w.iik â€" Chi'.sley Enterprise. I .Aecordiii-.; to the Public Heal h .lonrn- al inoKqitoes cannot abide the touch of purnianuaiiniu of potash. It is instxtntly fatal to the insects in all their stages of development. A handful, it is avoried, will kill all the mosquito onibiyos in a tun acre swamp. It is rrcomincnded to scatter a few crystjils of portnanganate wid ly through marshes in wliich inos- (|uitot's abound. ' SOOTS and SHOES WM. CLAYTON Has a large and complete Stock of Summer Bouts and Shoes in the latest styles. Fiir quality and price wo cannot be undersold, as we sell at the lowest CASH prices. 1^" CALL AND SEE THEM "^f Repairing and Custom Work Promptly Attended to jfyent for dominion ^ffonoy Ort/ar £jepr9ss A SAFE AND CHEAP WAY TO REMIT MONEY 5 ^ â- -yyyjy . jik !^3:;!g^;^ :^s^^^Tjy^!^^ Everything is in full swing now at the new store and as we have placed our orders for fall goods we must now turn our atten- tion to clearing our stock and make preparations to receive them. We do not intend carrying any goods over from one season to an- other if low pric- es will help us. During the month of July we shall of- fer unheard of bar- gains in every depart- -^ ment in our store in ord- , er to be in a position to put in the new stock. A look at some of the many bargains will convince you that our pri- ces are right. Highest price paid for BUTTER and EGGS r i f % ^i'^igwa^Wttlif^^i â- T..?'., -»â- - i^,j:^2!^!:^:s,i^i: Jvnic Barfia-ins- lITFUrtl^ITXJRE mmi : iii : iilS Some of our srasonable goods in stock now at proper pi ices are : DininLC Chairs, Easy Chairs and Chairs of all kinds. Tables. Loinigos. Sofas, Parlor Suits, Dressers, Sideboards in many buautiful pattrons. We claim to have one of the best stocks north of Toronto and at the nio.st reasonable prices. Just allow us to verify this statement. A Costly Hearse in connf ction and good service guaranteed. Undertaking and picture framing in all its branches. 2l/. JIf, !Bunt, ^iesherton. "^^^^^ j^f^-^j^f^^^^i^^JS^r^j^j^^f^ij^i^JS^SJl ^i^fS: