Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 4 Aug 1898, p. 8

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*'H.*^iii.^.--i^i •.â- â€ž*--i *â- 'â- -**•â- â€¢*â-  *^ •i.''fc» *»'»^ m AUGUST 4 1898 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE •vwnno nnaiiuiwrMMUi nnnn iMMiiJiUM>W^ ^ D. iWcTavish keeps FJLEBHERTON ON HAND ...REPAIRS For Mas»ey-H»rri<. ^o-o>', ;'le'-<»'» snel Wilkiiwon farm iuiplomcntu. Floury and Verity plo^i^i 011 1' -od rll Ibe iinip, al-.o (ill kinds of repairs for the sftine. \Vb inHiiiti \vtiiid V>': -(oa , B»k •ffn^, Civ«tcr.% SI'ii?hs, etc. Horseshoeing promptly aileiicled to. bp' ij) -ticiilioii to t;*-iier «;•>- [i tr»ct:ed foeL. Lny^'^ing niid Plow C- 1 >, i- . ,.11'Jy on hiind. 31? ,-'*<• WM«p. .J" ''k»" 8 Buggies, Calls. Ws','on3, Hairow*. Plows of the be it kinds aud repairs. BindeiB, Mowers, Horse Rakes and Coru ScufHers and repait^. Cbain? of all kinds. HorVv-.hocing a specialty at {/o/?/7 //. HedLtd & Son's Warerooms ^>"&'". ^? viv' "jj^^i^ Owen Sound, Ontario IS THE VERY BEST PLACE IN CAVADA TO GET A THOROUGH BUSINESS BDUCATIOS. Take a Round Trip S^h^ernrineHi â€" â€" â€" CollufitiS and Coinmeroial Departinenta in Canada, theu Tiiit tho Nortlivrii Iluiiiucaa College ; oxaiiiiiie evorythluB tiioroiijfbly. If we fail to produce tlie inoKt tliorouEli, cornpleM, practiual and • xtonsivo courto ot study ; the best coll«K« pr«mlK«9 and the boHt and most complate aud most auitable furniture and appliances, we will Rive you a full course KBRE. Kor annual •Maouuceuienti, giving full particulars, free Address C. A. FLEMING, Principal W. BARNHOUSE WidlieH t-) draw the attention of tho Public to tho followinjj : FLOUR IN BAGS Of all Hi/.oi niid as Che.-ip an tha chcap- «Nt. Sj)Ocial Barg.kina in 3 and 6 Barrel lot*. Fruit and Confectionery Oyster in Season . . . Groceries and Provisions, DOO and COON MITTS and LEGO- l.VQS m<ule to order and on Shortest Notice. Wn. BARNHOUSE, Flesherton Beaver Planing Mills EUGENIA W« maniirnartiiraiiAHh. iloorn franioi, 4»or-> ins, bttKo. Hit'ii)^. Jolut RtitMtlnR, vrrandab maturiaU. Wo hi vu on hniitl a lari^n utoek of Rtalr tiirniiiKN, Mlair rail, tunisrl corner blocks, baaa bluuku, hUo all ttiu vtanflanl ti/.aiof saHh and dnoi-H nil hikii'l. Wo hayu n Aiii data kilu tor dryiMK Uiiiibur aiul will uu<.rai)t«« our laatoriitN ihoronifbly dry. Klln-diied bard wooi flooring* alwiiyn on hitnd. Itilnu your own Jumbor and have it kiln driudatid planed here. Keui«tnber, yon rnn noiUk; w« will({U&raniou to inakn a purfoot job. Our »{i'Aiiicliop|iin{ rig In iaperfootordertand iuortlorto show yon thai w** apprtfot^te the very tarff'i triide that we do in that Una ire liavo (leciduil to rednco tho pricea of elioppliift grains to to por ba({* A flrnt elaf^i Hhvd for 5uur tMium while waiting. Wa griiii every ay. Mrs. A. Wilson, Prop. T. W. WItSON, MANAOGR ^o J^/es on 9^9 BECAUS EII I USE Moore's Fly Nats, loither «>r Corded Axle U rente l{oor<')intmpnt Bu^'Vy Washers Unrvoa': Mitta Sar^nt Collnra Men'a Lcnthur Tl'nccii Whipa and LaahM Hnrinps<t Oil Polish All k<iids of harness kept on hand and ptada to order. Everythip){ in l-^rnftn •oods and at rijht prices. . IVM. MOORE ^lfealfeJlfc;m'!Mfc:4lfc:Mfe-Mfe:Mfe Photos ^ â€"TAKEN â€"AT THE Flesherton Photograph | Gallery | r.re done in first-cUa.^ style and at ^ lowest rates, Spocial attention If Kiven to copying. Bahies' photos, jfe a specialty. Pictaren franird. ^ MRS. BULHER | 60 YEARS* Traoc Mark* DcaiaNS COPYRIOHTS Ac. Anrone sending a sketch and description mar â-  ... ^^. ) Ufb Munn AC tidal iiot<««, without c aani e. In the qnlekiT ascertain nnr opinion free whether an • tW " â€" lotly donflderitfid. Handbooli aiencr forseeurlnipatantL. Patent* taken throucb Munn A Co. I'eMtT* I'nTsntlon Is probablf pateHtable. Ounmani tlons strtotly oonndentfid. Handbook on Pat«ita sent free. Oldest afencr for seeurlnii Scientific Htnericait A kandsonieir Illustrated weekly. I,*nreet elr> Terms, tS • euiatlon of any sdentlBo tnarnal. rear : four moBtbs, |L Bold by all nswsdealan. Bnaeii Omea. M r Bt, Waahumtoo, 0. 01 Cash : for : HidesI Sheepalcina and all kinds of furn pur- chased, for which highest market price will be paid. Homemada sausages on hand, also all kinds of meats. M^. AVILSON Flesherton Meal Emporiam I! J. B. Sloan & Son P x'opK'lef'iOi'a 13- GET TOUR tBH Sash, Doors, Flooring, Sheeting, Newel Posts, Balusters, lyFROM US-m Hand Raljirig, Corner BIocka,thebest of Spruce La', h, No. I and 2 Shingles Veranda and Fittings, Sidings, etc. Toriiliii of all lUs II011 ts Oriir ^•"Mow roB •( Strata f*r Ck.ippiog. fiatiafaHsca ia sll ovr Uscsgnaranlved Canada's Oldest Exhibition The Silver JahUee of the Western Fair, London, September 8 to I7,is going to be the beat in Iho Aasociutioo's history and will be forinully opened by Sir Oliver Mowat, Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario, and in all likelihood tho Governor Gener- al and Lady Aberdeen will give the West ern Fair a visit before retiring from oAice. Such are the expectations at present, and will be fully made known on receipt of their acceptance. Applications for space are beio^ made at suuh a rate that several departments are nearly foil alreacfy, aud the general iinpresaion throughout Western Ontario 4(1 that with the l(ood • crops now being harvested, the fariueis and their families will tuin out en masse to get a much needed rest and support the fair, which they have been largely the means of bringing to the proud position it now holds of being the rooet succMsfol in the Dominion to day. Its immense growth baa cauned the di- rectf)r8 no end of trouble in the past, pro- Tiding proper accommodation for the Live Scock and Agricultural Implements in particuLir, and every other depart- ment in general. The additional box stalls, the extension to the carriage baild ing, and the annex to the inuin building for art, will assist them in supplyins; the wants of tbe numerous exhibitors, and giving them bnildings e(|ual to the bust. Tlie eotries close Sept. 7th, but as the space and stabling will be allotted in the order the entries are received, it behoves intending exhibitors to make them as early a» poesible, and secure the choice poeiticms. Write the Secretary, Mr. Thos. A Browne, for information, prize lists, programmes, etc. The attractl'ins, which have always been entertaining, are to be even more HO this y»ia. The Royal Canadian Dra- goons will give exhibition* of fancy drill, sword combats, etc. Prince O'Kabe's Japs ( 10 in n iniber ) have been secured. The Watson Sister's Triangular Electrical Trapeze, Webb and Hassan, tho Marians, Burk and Andrews, with their Texas mule, the Gregory Combination, and oth- ers to be supplied by Sio Hassan Ben Ali, who is now in Morocco selecting some- thing of n very high order. Each «vdn- iiig there will be the grandest pyrotech- nic display ever given in London, togeth- er with the realistic representation of tho " Blowing up of the Maine," assisted by all of the ring and stage attractions. As special excursion trains leaving Lon- don after 10 o'clock each evening are be- ing Ai-ntnged with the railway companies, it is expected that a very large numbers will remain for the tirewurks. On Friilay the barn of o«un. Patrick •haw, of Proton, on tho 10th con. of that township, cauttht firo from a spark from the chimney of the house and was de- stroyed. We understand tliere was no insurance on account of the house and barn bein^ so close together, no company would take the risk. â€" Representative. S. L. M. Luke, tho journalistic tourist, struck Sbelburno about noon on Satur- day. Hu had no sooner got iusidu tho oiir)ioration limits than he was spotted by a constable and *|ui'Ntit>iie(l clotwly about his connection with tho WcK>dbiidgo and Orangeville burglary. Luke satisfied the minion of the law that he had not yet dcNcendtHl so low as to rob grocery stores and hotels and was allowed to go. He left in the afternoon for Proton town- ship.â€" Sbelburno Free Press. Breeders and dealers say that high class horses are as high now as thoy have ever been because of their scarcity. The Americiin Govornmenc pays #126 for cavalry and artillery horses, and export- ers pay about the same price. Choice to fancy coachers and drivers sell in tho United Slates for $200 to 9&00 and extra drafters up ti> IK500, but common, small horses are cheaper than ever before. Thus, while the pr»orer horses are cheaper than ever before, the horse of superior (lunllty commands a high price. Breed good hor«es and the price will be good. A horse with a terrible injury is to bo aoen in Dr. Tanner's infirmary. A great hole, which would probably hold four or five pounds of flesh and bone, has in some way been gouged out of the poor brute's beatl from Iretwuen tho oyoi wel] down to the nostrils. The animal eats well and ia doing all right, but whether the monster wound will heal up or not is doubtfnl. The horao belongs to Ed. Robinson of Luther, and was found tu the pasture Geld in its ]kresent condition, but how the wound was inflkted is hanl to say, it being surmised that the animal ran against a stake,lin)b of a tree^or som e •ttoh object.â€" Repreaentatita. The toad is beneliciid to the farmer and itardener. Eleven per cent, of its fuod Is coin pose J iif insects and spiders, benoti- cial or indirectly helpful to in.-in, and eighty por cent, ot insects and ocht-r ani- mals directly injurious tocultivatod crops, or in other ways obnoxious to man, The enemies of the toad are hawks, owls niid, woret of all, small boys, who litone and kill many of them. There have been ei- celleiit ksWH enacted to protect insectivor- ous birds. Why should there not be tm strin^iit leglslatiun against the Ao% true- tiot> of toads 7 CURES THE WORLD Rheumatism Banish- ed Like IMasfic. A Marvelloua 8tatam«nt â€" Ra- llaf from On* Dose. Mr. B. W. Sherman, proprietor of tht BhernMn House, Morrlsburg, Ont. Is known tj tboasaoda of Canadians, hence the tol- lowing stattment fr»m Mr. Sherman will be read with ereat Interest and pleasare. "I have been cured of rbeuoatlsm of ten 7*ars' standing In three dajrs. One bottle or SOUTH AMERICAN BHEUMATIC CDBB performed thta most remarkable cure. Th* effects of the first dose of South Ameri- can Hhenmatlc Cure were truly wonderful. I have only taken one bottle of the rem- edy, and now haven't inr sign of rheuma- tism Ia my system. It did me more good than alt the doctoring I cvei did in my JM*." â€" as. For sale by W Blcbaidooa â- e^^w Summer Clothing Get it Made by The Tailor Suits Cut to Order Satistaction Qiiarpnteed Clayton's Block, Flesherton FOR Priceville Rollex* Flou]^ a.nd. Sa.iv IMLills To tha Ffcroiers and residents of Price ville and burroiindiiig country and villages: Having leased the above nulls for a term of years, I would respectiully solicit a fair share of your custom and patron- age. Hoping by fair and hone<<t deal- ing to retain all o.M and new customorss of the mill. ^^Bost Brand of T-LOUB. OAT MEAL,GRAHAMFLOUR, CRACKED WHEAT, also all kinds ot Feed kept constantly on bund. Highest Prices paiil in cash f.>i- p^.y quantities of ^whcat. Plnnin;;, Matt''- ing and Sawing dune to order, also Saw Logs purchased. Siiecinl redunion ou •t and 5 barrel lots of Flour. Fi'i-aieu bring your grist and chopping and give us a fair trial and we will be sure to use you right. Chopping done every day at So Pex* loo lbs. G. H. WALTER Priceville, Jan. 25th 1898. i I! WANTED At tho Flesherton Wo«jllen Mill, any quantity of good wool, for which the highest market price will be paid in cash or goods. f Jf* a»» on J^a/ttl' A large quantity of coarse and fine Tweeds, Heavy Fulloloth, white and gray Flannels, Sheetings, CoUon- ades and Blanket a. Also a large quantity of Yarns of tho very boat quality, guaranteed pure stock, to exchange fur wool or sell cheap for cash, Roll carding, spinning and manufac- turing done on shortest notice and in tho boat posaiblo wanner. I will pay a good price f >r fine wool for my own manufacture. I return my sincere thanks to my nuiDorous custon>eri for the Ilheral pntr«n<«xe extended to mewliilu in Flesherton and I hope by strict al. tention to business to merit a share in tho future. Woolkn Hills, • - Flesherton. guuiufjis Crttti? M'CULLOUGH & YOUKG »"â-  Bankers, Markdale Do a fteoeral banking business. Money loaned at a reaaonabie ratts. Uuil «i us. A » TA:<DU8E!t, J P **• Clerk 5tb IHr Court, Co Grey vl".S3L S' , ^f »"''â- Â«'. Li^cn.c, Conveysiicer No«arry, Public, AuctioiitPi-. Money to loaned Iroao a to per cent. Cbarge;- uiodcrate. I-'IiESHUBTON P (/ TVEBTS COLLl.CTED rf, . ... . ''"Jj® under: igned i prcpsred to undertake the colltctiou ot all ;.iQ,;» of debts. ^ote'â-  bought, aciouuts tolH.t-f1, etc. K S HESDKRStJN. Flaabertou T CHISLETT ••• Flesherton Station Postma ter, Coajroi .iouer in H C J, Conve]- aucer. Deed-, niortgu-ea. let es and wills drawn. Monej to lend at S» per cent and up- wards. Debts collected. Charges modenit* P J SPBOOIiE "• Poet master, Flesherton Commissioner in H.C.J, Au.i.ooccr CoB- ve.vaucey, An'iaiser and Money Lender Keal Estate and In. o :..,<â- Â« Ae«nt. Deed. uiortKuges, loai e« au'l will-; c«. "fully diswa lip au.l valuations made on f lio.-test nctic-e Monej to roan at lowt t raieF of ji.ipre-t Col lections aSteuded to with piompttiCRS Cb&rces low. Agenl lor Ocean Douiuiok> bteawsbip Company. A eall solicited. l||j.*RKIAGR L.CRNCK.^-At CoVLrnmcM »» P'kct'. Dozei', ot th u) ; Nu„ Versiou. tirot class: U. K. aud Jnbilee. I or single per- son, in pairs or 8,x at a time. K. McLean Pcbdt, Issur a. Ei. k.\ii. tfflSS SABAH STRAIN. •"* Teacher ou piano, pianoforte, organ, etc. Hold3 first cU-b teacliers' cettittcate in "J'i? "."'"' honors from Alma College; pnpil of rrof. St. John Hytteuraucb of Copeubageu Denmark. Residence opposite Methodist chucrji Flesheiion .^Dtietirisi A O U W meets every c ^t e n ' third Uonday " . in each moULU, !.• .uiir lodge room. Christoes block, Fle,oe ion. at 8 p m. Ja? Blaveloy, WM ; A M (;.'.-o". KeeorOer ; w! Iiellamy.I'inaociar. Visicijt bi .ureB t>rvit<.d pRINCB ARTHTB LODGE, No. .ti3, A , , . \,?*',"e«*» in the Makonie ball. Strain's block. Flesherton, every hi-idiiy on or before the full moon. B McOtll, W M; W J Lellaiuv, Secretary. nOU'^T FLESHERTON, I. O. F. meets in y Chnstoe's Block the la- 1 1'rida) eveuina in each month. Vi<,itinK Fore, tcrs heartily wolcoaie. T. Henry, Chief Ranger, W. A. Aim- strong, Secretary. Srttti$li]| rjR. A. B. LITTLE '^ Dentist, Graduate University of Toronto and Royal College of Dental Suiueous. Fleshertonâ€" Monday aud Tutjday e( eacb week. gJ^^^^J^k-Thursday. Ftlday aud Saturday ol JP MARSHAUi M D S, D D S, L D Visits Flesherton the Ist and Sid FrMay nl each month. ] O CAMPBELL -" L D S, D D S, Dental Surgeon, Markdal* OfBce over McCallough ft Youngs bank Houis-H.;« a m too p m. Visits fleshertoti the second and fourth Thursday of eacb month, omce at Muushaws hotel •p HENDERSON * D D 8, M D S, Dentist of Toronto (Gold Medalist) will visit Flesherton pro- LnH'n''"i^,'i.''?.'''?' Wednesday ot each monto and Dundalk the following day (Thursday ) 9m JOHN W FROST, L L B " Barrister, Solicitor Conveyaacer. eto pSfr*"?*"* '" PO'tofflce, Spronles block. poSrtV^uUt'r^'. """â-  *'°""* "»«» » T UCAS * WRIGHT •" Barristers Solicitor Convevancers, etc W n'wRml'iT'' • "^"' Markdale. Out *v H wmoHT I J, LUCAS evMy^ia^urik'y.'"" °*""' """»"'• Bank "PUCKER * PATTERSON * Barristers, Solicitors, etc Molson's Bank, Owen Sound HARRY Q TUCKER GEO W PATTEBflON A O. MACKAY. M. A. ^' Br.rriste., Solictor, Notary Con- veyancer, eto. CownA- omeyforGrey. Omoei--;iO Peulett bt.-eet, Owt > Sound â-  and Main street, Di.nda.i. . 8»l,- ,1« vs (??„ 5 p m toOp. m.. andou DivUiou Ccu t oavs. glfdifal D HCTTON MDOM, UCP&S Out, Prlceyille Rice next door to Browns sore ,- residence omiosUeat the old post oOice lesidenceof late Ale.t Brown. Oaioeday^-TiH,. days aud Satur- days. rVR OAKTRB if V " CP* 8 Ont, Physician. Pnrfeon.ste Flesherton oflleeâ€" Strain's block. Be.<idenc«â€" Mnushaw's Hotel JOHN A SCOTT, M B Member Co'lere Physio, ft fin<Yrons Ontario Graduate in Meoicitie of Torcnta Univer-;|ty, Fol'owslilp Dii'louir , Post Gradn- ato Sloilio al Schcnlnnd Ho.-.plfal. Cbletgo* Di^eases ot eve, tar , nore ni d >1,i osl speeliul* tri ated. R(3i('.eno«,Maxwe'I.vii,it» Fsversliam Thursdyas 1â€"8 â-  P OTTEWBLI, Teterttary Surgeon Oradnate ot Ontario Veterinary Colllai wood Besldenoe â€" Second door souih on wsss from Mary street. This stve«H lOM MQI^ side PrMbjteriaa chti^ek. *-» f- r- \ '^â- mMiMSiliAiM:' i ^

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