Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 11 Aug 1898, p. 5

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tllE F'LESHHRTON ADVANCE AUGUST n 1S98 iili Trio'i iil Seliaiilg DrngstBrs, -« > , » ' " ' Y - . < > V A » «< a A «• We do not cut prices but sell at our re- gular rates for cash. iCiiiu-Hion of C'kI Lirer Oil 25c up Syrup of HypiphoKpliiteH 50c up Duller Cifliir^fcaiip'.e free) lOo up Soothing Syrup . 10c up Wurm PowJiT to age 10c up Cu^h Syrup 10c up Liver Pills . ... 10c up Extract of Bl.ick berry 10c up C i!i'i(liau Blond Toni'i 3.">c fiMita Gam or drops wbiuU yon like. ..10c hw.J.'iche Po*ders 5c And all other goods as low as -any rc- iiab'e druffijist can supply you. We bny for cash and sell for cash and do a cash business. Vicinity 'Chips C'iir.iotcristlcs of the Past Week t isrvfullj Culled r»r the Curious BiuiiUM notices â- Mnor.^ locals triZ/ I* + ckirgtU at the rate of ten c- nts t per iijie fur each iuiei-tion. A t reduction leiH be made on con t trtivts for 100 lines or onr. OB;.'rey Council will meet at Fevcrsham on Mondny, 15 h inst. .Aricniesiii voters' li.nts are now in the clerk's liaixls. See that your name iu on. Qiiarteily services wen? held in the Methodist church on Sunday. The plebiscite fole will bo fr.ken on iho ucw voter's list just ooinpletcd. The date is !?ept. 29. Public schiHils outHiJo iiicoiporatetl towns will nscpott on Monday next. Fleshrrton comes in that cates;ury. Rer. Mr. Daiioch will exchanKO pul- pits with Mr. O. H. Huriburt of the Blue Mountain ( Cullin^wood )â-  :ippiint- (ueut next ii^.ibVath. Tt srE.vKs WELL. â€" McFiitlaiul A Son, M»rkd;ile, tilled !\ cash onler of $100 for Jry yo ds, croceriis iiiul dothirx lo be sent to Manitoba this week. During the p.wt week we have printetl tiimriciiil st^temeiils fi'r Pricevillc and Eujeiii.A MolIiodLst circii its. The Flesh- erton statement i.s now in hacd. The Bell's L.ike caaipcrB returned to their homes on Mi'nday, nnj the cow is also again browsing in her own juicy pasture tield. Machine knitting dono to onler, fine or course, ribl'ed or plain, and .«atisfac tion guar.jutejd. Mis.s U. Smith, Spring St. Fleshetton Township Council nut in the Town Hall on Saturtlay liut. No Vn.sine.« of extra im(Hirtiiiice was done. The niinut'. s are held over until next week. The Clerk and Councillors Thompson and Kells wjiited iipiii the Euphrasia jouiicil on Monday at Ilooklyii vo the town line statuto labor matter and succeeded in adjusting the affair o!i a basis of 50 cents ptir day as ail equivalent for each extra days work performed by .Vrt- emesia. Those in tbi.o district who were under the impression that proStiUe sirowing of wheat here was a thing of the past have had theirjeyes opened by a phenomenal yield just thieslunl by Mr. Fre<.l Brown, who lives about a mile north of lias vil- lage. That gentleman, off a tield of 7i acres, thresheii 330 bushels of clean wheat and un excellent sample, or over 45 bushels to the acre. The tii'd did not undergo any special treatment. Other farmers also report goi:d yields of wheat, but nothing to conii>are with Mr. Brown's. Mr. Goo. Stewart threshed 80O bushels otf 11 acres, or a yield of nearly 28 bushels to the acre, a paying erop. Oatt will bo a medium <|uality, but the straw uf all .spring crops is very short. Bike for iaie . â€" Gtiidroa No. I'J.Buck. eye tyres, hi If rani's horn handle l)ars. : Will .rell Very cheap. May be seen next door to post office. Money to loan on de'oentures at 4. per cent, .mi on firm security in su!rs of $400 ai: J up A aids at 5. per cent. Ex. peuses ijuaraiifecd low. Apply to G«o- RcTHEEfOl.ri, Box 57, Shelburne. Tile now po.*tal notes have been re- ceived at th!.s postotiice iu values of 25, 50 and TOcoj.t.s. For remitting purposes these I (.tcs will coat i.n'y fr>:i»i 1 to 3 ceuts for sums up to ^ and wii! prove a convenience. Wedr.jsday, August 17, will be civic holiday in Fl*-.'-!:i,rton when all places of business will l>e cloned. Therefore The \dvaooe will probably be printed on Thursday instead of Wednesday, as is our usual custom. Large crowds of Toronto visitors flood- ed this D'.rth country on Friday and Siturday. The occasion was an excur- sion given by a benevolent society, and Monday beiui; Toronto's civic holiday hosts of people t'X)lc ud van 'age of the cheap rate to get a whiff of pure country air A little 7year old Ia>l of our acquaint- ance who was holidaying in a country vil- lage remarked upon his return home that he " wasn't .,'oing to .spend two weeks next summer in that place." Asked what tiis reaaons were, be said : " Oil. it.^ a stubborn town." When presaed for fuither explanations the astounding; in- formation was received that "I am all the time stubbiii^ my toes 1" That waa what be thouiiht constituted a "stubborn town" The incident actually occurreil last week. A grand excur!^ion will be given under the auspices I'f the .'itith Bate. Bund of Shelburne and the Sons of Scotland uf Orangeville to WLurton ou Wednesday, .\ugust 17th. Spicial fast train le.ives Oraiigeville at 0.45 a. lu., reaching Flesh- erton at 8.10 a. to. and l)\vi>n Sound at 'J. 15. At i>.30 a. ui. the splendid, swift and commodious s'eamer " Pacilic ' will leave her dock, close by the R. R. depot, and excursionists have a lovely tail on I he Georvjian Bay, passing Pre.sque Inle, the Hay, Gritfith ajid noti'.l White Cl..ud i8land.s, and Wiarton is reached at noon. .â- \t 2 p. m. an exciting same of !iicros.se will be playu^l between the Shelburne aiid WiartuD clutM. The day bA.s been deidared civic holiday in Wiarton, Shel- burne aiid Dundalk and the excelleut brass bands of these towns i« well a.-* the tine Markuale ba'id will furnish abun- dance of lii::h class uiu.sic. A superb or- clicstrs will also c'iliv;-n t'.ie K>at rid". Mea!s served on the steamer at 25 cents. .\t 5 p. m. the Ixiat leave* Wi.irton on return joU!U^y, arriving in Owen Sounl 1(1 7.30 and Hi 8.30 p. ni. tram departs f>'r home. T;ek..ts from Flvsheiton foi round trip, adults ^1, chiMren 50c. This is a grand oiring and do mt miss it. Sec large posters. The Wards Abolished Some inisunclerstaiiding exists in refer- ence to municit'a' elections, some assert- ing that the ward system is abidi^hid Bud otiiers th:tt it is not. In onler to si'tllo the ques'.ion ci'rresp.'ndeiico was had with th'j Attorney Ge leral's office, and the answer is as follow s : Tin>nto, 6th Anaust, 1S98. Dear SiK,- I have vours of the 5th inst , w i":)! leferonce to sections 73 and 101 o: U. S. O., Chap. 223. The amend- ineiit niiide by (!1 Viet . Chap. 23, See. 4, docs not aboiiih the divisioniif townships into wirds, but a^ I uiiderst.ind, merely provides that coiu.eillors are not to be elected for separate ward.s, but f<.ir the whole township. Signed, J. R. C.aRTWUIGHT. This iiieans that all councillors, a« well as Ueeve,niust be elected by teneral vote and is as it should be. This to<»iiship has been run :is if there were four town- ships, each councillor lo'^islating entirely too much for his own ward. On Friday last Messrs. V'H". Drake Jr., and Geo. Slevensou were digging a well for Mr. J. K. Loug'ieed of the tenth line. For some time the men had notic- ed that the air in the well w;is stifling and that matches would not burn in it. When at a depth of about thirty feet Mr. Stev euson refused lo .<itay in the well, but Mr. Drake stuck to it »<> as to finish the work. Suddenly Mr Diake fell over, unconsci- ous, smothered by the hydro carbons which had generated from the mud and water at the bottom of the well. Steven- son wa^ at the time working at the wind- lass and b;ifore he could g've assistance ho had to run for other men, as someone had to go down in the bucket. In a few minutes the uaconscioits man was broui;bt to the surface and Dr. Large was immedi- ately sent for. However, before the dijctor arrived the effects of the gas had passed away and Mr. Drake was soon on bid feet.â€" Clarksburg Redector. PEKS0NAL3 Mrs W. H. Flesher ia visiting har mother in Barrie. MLsH Minnie LeGard returned with Mv>H Ida to Toronto. Missus Maud and Rita Irwin are guests of their little friends in town. Miss Mamie McLean of Priceville ia the guest of Mias Flossie Thurston. Mrs. J. D. Clark of London is visiting her mother, Mrs. J. \V. Armstrong. Missus ILittiu and Ida LeGard of To- ronto visited with their mother over Sun- day. Mr. Albert and Will Poulter and WUl Parker uf Toronto speut Sunday and Monday at Mrs. J . LeGartl's. Mr. Joe Armstrong of Toronto is visit- ina reUlives in this vicinity and ^aveTlie Advance a friendly call on Monday. Miss Russell of Duntroon and Misa Stephen of St Paul, Minn., are guests of Misa Bella McKenzie uf the McKenzie farm. Miss Emma Wright of Toronto June tion and Miss Lena Wright of Detroit are paying a summer visit to eld friends in town. Mr. Chas. W. Bunt and wife of To ronto were guets of the former's. brother, Mr. W. H. Bunt, for a few days during the post week. Miss Sterling of Toronto spent Sunday with her friend. Miss Belle Henderstm. the latter accompauyino her to the city Monday evening. Mrs. Thomas Boland of Markdale, dis- trict orgauizer of the Woman's Mission- ary Society, visited the FWherton .Aux- iliary hut Thursday. A. D. Thurston of the Leader aod Re- corder, Toronto Junction, spent two or three days of the past week with relii- tivea here and it KiiuWrley. Mrs. W. .A. Armstrong this week en- tertained her sisters, Mrs. Honeywell of Stitlinit and Mrs. Xeilson of Proton Sta tiou. and her father, Mr. John Bannon of Dundalk. Miss May Damude of Toronto was a guest at the Flesherton Hotel this week. Sirs. J. W. Henderson of Toronto is paying her annual summer visit to frieuds iu town. .Mr. Roht. Martin, Arthur, county Councillor fur the county tf Wellington, Mrs Martin and little daughter drove over on Saturday and spent Sunday with Rev Mr. Thoiu. Mr. Martin returned Mondiy, and Mrs. Martin remains fi'r a visit. AUCtlONSALE Slttmt.- in the Township uf l:upbr«5la In the County of Orcy I'lidcr and by rirtuo of ibopowerof <»alfCOD- taiii«*i IU aocrCuu mort^A^^e to the vcutor^i, whioti will bti producetl tit th') time of sale, tlioiu lifiil be offuradfor salo by pablio auotiou O.i WEDNESDAY, AUGDSr 17th 1898, ut 2 O'clock p.m. at Ibd la'GKNI.V HOTHL. I.uge:itti. chu folluwiu;^ valuabltifrcsQold t>rop- t-rty, that ixto sayâ€" Tbe t'O.iib balf of tot Duuibt)rsi.\ in the third coucosj*;'»u ot Uto Towusbip of Euphrasia in the Cou'.ty of Grey. Oq saiii propei'ty i* i^ftid to btf ereoctHl a barti and ^u uuQui^be'I fraujti dwulling house. 99 TERM5 AND CONDITI0N3 OF SALE «• Tb > vroi'iTtv will bo i.>:Tcic I To.- -alo in oiio (•aii-tfl 9ubjt«ct t0 4 Ptjaerro I i-.l. rbi» iiurobascr at the tiino of sale shall pay ten per cout of liis purchacio OJouov iu caah. Tovui ; of payuicnl (.â- r the b.ilance au.lall other con Utiu;id uf sale will be iiifido kiiowu ut tho tiipv of ^aJe or on u^pli aUoa tol-'obort J. t^proulij, t'leahoitoiif or to tbo uudorfiifined. AruoMi A ,lobn«ifon, Vend6rd' <k.>1icltora loa bay Stjroot. Toronto. VOTERS' LIST Mi'.MClPALITY of iRTE.^ESl A 1898 Ndtldc i» beroby ^ivon that I have trauanJt^ tv«1 or deiivuroil to the persous mentioned in :«L'vti us 5 and 6 of the Ontario Votvni' List .Act, lft<i). the copies reqiiiie»l hv said s-etioni to bo 80 traneuiitwd or iieliverad of tbtj list uiatls, piirsiiant to the said .\ct, of nil putHons appear* iti^ by tbc last reviiieil assussuiont ntll of the said tuutuci|>a1itv tu be entitled to vote in the said tunniciuality at elections foi aioinbem of the Le^it^latlve Assembly and at uinuicipal KloctionR, and that said list was flr«t posted up St luy olUce at Klusberton on the 9tb day of Anuust. 18tlK and remains there for inapecttou. Lleotors are callod upon to exaniiae the said lint, and if any omUtifons or any other errors are found therein to take hnmodiate prooeeil- iugsto have the said errors corrected aooordlng to law' W.I. HHLLAnV. Clerk Mnuictp^^lity of Al'tcmcsia. â-ºyC^/^^^rrwl^-^^-lS^^r^A>,^^ ^,^r.v-i,^:rw^^,CT-A,\ m BOOTS and SHOES WM. CLAYTON Has a large and complete Stuck of Summer Bo<:)ts and Shoes in the latest styles. Fur quality snd price we cannot be undersold, as we sell at the lowest CASH prices. KF" CALL AND SEE THEM -^ Repairing and Custom Work Promptly Attended to JX^ent for 'Dominion A^oney Orc/ar Ctxpress A SAFE AND CHEAP WAY TO REMIT MONEY ^!^S^r!?g^g^^'^^'^^g ^'^ ' '^iSg g g = g 5 gggg 5 fl^^ T.J. THE NTEIV STORE Between the seasons is a good time to buy, because there are a large number of lines which no storekeeper will keep over if h'- can possibly get rid of them. We have some of these things which we will be only too glad to show intend- ing buyers. We carry a very large stock of ail linei of dry goods â€" larger probably than you are aware of â€" and we want to show them to you. Believing that our interests are identical â€" ours to sell good goods at low prices, and yours to buy good goods at low prices, we have determined to stake our prosperity on this, and invite your co-operation. 2W? 2lfani Tfew Customers As well as the old to call in and examine our figures and the quality of goods ; compare them with others and we do not fear the consequences. 2/oun^ Ufen r / r We have just placed in stock some of the prettiest goods in English tweeds for suitings that it has ever been our fortune to secure, and we would like to fit you out with them. Come and see them, anyway. jCacii'es We have a very special line ol tweed dress goods, double fold, which we sell at laj- cents per yard. We feel confident you will be delighted with them. Just to give you a general idea of what we carry a full stock of, let us enumerate a few things. Cut out the list and paste it in your almanac. Dress Goods ""^ Tweeds Underwear Cottonades Shirtiuaa Tickings Cretonnes Hosiery Gl' ves White ShiiU . . Overalls Bars Si Caps Ready Made Clu'hing Blankets Groceries, all kinds Crockery Glassware Boots ifc Shoes Rubbera Coal ( )il Machine Oil Wall Paper Corsets Ribbons Thre«d Lace Curtains Carpets Oil Ch.ihs Tablecloths Window Blind All = New = Stock .^w^. ^ *:^.^^/^.^^??^r^c^^::^l^^ MAKE HOME ATTRACTIVE I ! The rea.'^on why boys and girls f>rsake the home is frequently on account of its unpleasant surrounding*. Se^in ^vitl:! tla.e Pci.]?lox*. Gel a nice SUITE or at K'ii.-*t some â-  dd t^'liairs. ;i Centre Table, a f>-iv I'ittures. eic. RidL Out tlie Dining Room That old Cupboard will 1(0 nicely for the kitchen or down cellar. Put in a now Sideboard, an Eitensiory Table, and some High-back Chsirs. INTexLt overlnci.vil tire Bed- poonos. Get a now Sett for the Spare Room. Put the old one in mother's room. Doiit sleep on that old straw V>ed all your life or even on feathers these hot nights. Get a nice Spring and Mattress, they aro wonderfully cool and refreshing. These with a few Blinds and other fixings which uidy the Lailiss can .tu|>p!y will make your your borne much more comfortable and at- tractive Tts}[inallli8pGiir8ilattli8lOIBTPBI[ES I [ W, JV* iBunt, ^iesherton. f^ _ ^ â- ^__ -^^ _^_ ±_.^,.*^_*:. ^"^ InyMvi^ ^MMifel ^- ^

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