Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 11 Aug 1898, p. 7

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i DEATH BY THE GUILLOTDIE AN ITALIAN MURDERER THDS EX- PIATES HIS CRME IN PARIS. Md Xot Kaaw of â- !» Fair IIbUI twrmtj â- iBaten Bclkr* He Mamted the AraA'alil â€" Th»iiiiand« »r Pentau Wllaeu Ibe â- Â»mulrall•p<^rtJ>rl« and Makr Herrr. For the first time since the execution of the AnarehLst Henry ia IBSt the tuiilotine has beeiQ br< ught into use in Paris ; tod, unpoyulur as it may be M a corrective of crime, there can be BO doubt u to its theatric possiliilities with the Parisian public, saya a Paris and threw it Into another long haskpt, T r • /-» which was in readiness. In doing so r \A/ ^51 K ^^f\tYlHCn th.- headless n«ck. 81 outing like a f..un- I 'â-¼V.CI.rv »Ji,\JlHa\^ti S< nsitive to •very little indL'icretioii in eatiof, even to exposure to draughts and toover-pnrspiration â€" thi.i condiiiun U pleasantly positi^-ely and perman- ently overcome by the magic tonic ton h of Hood's S-irsaparilli. v/hich lit- erally "makns weak stoma -hi strong." It also creates an appetite â€" mak°.8 yoa teel real hungry, and drives away all symptoms of dj'spepsLa. Get, cniy Hood's Sarsaparilla Caimdii • GrcH»««t Madlrlne. All dmintlEra. HCOO'S PIUA mire all LlT«r Illa~2i .Tenta." tain wiih blood, remained on the edge ot the bojiket. and ihe executioners be- { came red with it. Then they took the t bead and threw it into the basket with ' the body. It had been cleanly tievered, j and, wbkt Is snid to be very rare, there wad no injury to tb>> chin. I.^snally the vix:tim tries to back hin head at the mo- ment that the knife dsHcends, and in ' consequence the chin is crashed in the lunette. I After Ihe execution the place was' like a shumblpH ; blood was spattered : everyT^rhere within a radius of ten feet | and a great fMx>l ot it collected beneath [ th<! guillotine. Ceibler and his assist- ants looked as If they had just come from a slaughterhoose. During five letter. All bough the execution was, ac- minutes more another lecf^h of red Bording to French law, announced on ly to a chosen fe^v, and although it took place in a driving rain at dawnâ€" which is i o'clock â€" many thousand peo- ple gathered at the Ruquette Prijsun to witness the gruesome sight, and af- terword made merry at the neighbour- tape was tmwoiund, and then tho body was carriiMl to a medical scb ol in a black wagon Tvith an escort of police. There was the sound of a trampet and the troops marched away. The guillo- tine was |)acked into a wagon and the executioners and officials got into their cabs. Finally nobody was l<?/t but some prison servants cleaning up *ho blood lug cafes until far into the morning. | from the paving stones: so the crowd If there were Sunday bull fights in i men, women and rhljdren, dremhed but Paris, as there are in the southern ci- ties of B'rance, doubtless no form of unusement woal<l be found more pop- alar or more profitable. The man who was decapitated was Me Carrara, an Italian, wh), with ihe issistance of hia wife murdered a bank messenger last autumn, and afterward burned his lx)dy. 'Ihe crime vras not Dearly so brutal as fMir or fiv e which have occurred in Paris since that time, the perpetrators of which were duly not dispirited, thrnnged to ihe near, e.st cafes for breakfast and merrymak- ing. HEST IN M ANIIA. Errry Yr-ar Bon I'!9 Uoll<layi»-Tw« Haurs far LaarJiniB-JIiule aad Allartas liraalT. Oat4'ie of the Spanish colony in Mub- Ua titers ia attie core £or the fashions od they change from aeas'.>n to season In Europe and America. The same material and cut does in .summer end in winter^-or, more accurately, in the wet season and in tht dry. Thre is never any fruat un^i n«ver ocraaic n for furnaces or open fires. Kzcept for coo!:ing, there is plenty of heat in the atmusphere the year around. Meu wear whitj duck suits, with thin fl.-vnnel or silk undet-wear, no lin*»u HOW 6TEEL BECAllE CHEAP. Bessemer's discovery of a current of air for burning out the impurities of iron furnaces, made poesible the reduc- I shirt or collar, white pith helmets, and tion of the price at steel to its present wiiite canvoa shoes the y>-ar rounl. The reasonable figure. A French paper I Spaaiards an i the Spanish half-castes j records that the price of ste'il fell as | go in for style a little more. I soon ! penments acquitted by complaisant juries. But | was demonst JO* PLEASANT TOOTH EXTRACTIOX. I Dq NOt TakC AnytWll? ElSS Ask for and see that the word MONSOON ISDO CBYLON TEA Is on the packet Monsoon has the tinuous call at all grocers. 25, 40, ^o and 60c per pound. rORESEEDS E3iCinfEj CA5T0U HA€H15ie CfLlNDCR^ CNGDfE PACKOC; and THRESHERS* BELTS, Get cnr prices. We want your trad*. WILLIAM C. WILSON &. CO., UMITEO. •nAMIMT, UILRIMO and HIU (UPPUO^ â- 4 Froat SL East. • • • TOKONTO In Bach practices as those in Soath Africa, the dentist covers a very large area. f>wing to tho distance, the sp- pointmpnts have to be made two or three momhs ahead. Thus, if a native goes up with a racking toothache, say, in December, he may, if he is luolcy, have an appointment for some time in JSIarch. So victims to toothache have to exercise more patience there than civilized man exhibit.s under the same trying circumstanced. The dentist gets aui accumulation of practically three months, ami makes money and disperses teeiii at a rapid rate. He is held in great regard, and, unlike hia brethren in Europe, he ia looked upon aa a kind man. The natives think that to have a tooth drawn in the approved stvie ia almost a pleasure. They have been used to less refined methods. ;Oil A CRITERION. Askins â€" Hoiw old do you suppose MIsa Lingerlong is. Urimshawâ€" Somewhere in the vicinity of SO. 1 should say. You know she in- variably speuka of herself as a "girl." From 8 to 23, girls call themselves " young wcmen ;" after 25. young wo- m'.:n call themaelyes " girls." i KandMine 6o*d Ring i«t WfS flenulnn 99Pnat* and Paarto FH££! our S^mt aa< (hrrara was a foreigner; which makes 830. Thus some ot the greatest revo- that the price of ste'il fell as go in for style a little more. The the success of Bessemer's ex- fe-p^niarja gre haughty and fMid of dis- ,» at Sheffield, forty years ago. 7 • . u • # <>â-  u.. onstrated. from $Mt) a ton to Playmg their uniforms of blue or white no difference in the eye of French law, of course, but nh,.ch, somehow nearly •Ivrays makes a dLfference in the re- â- ult of the trial. Carrara is the seventh person out of OVEH TWO THOUSAND guilty of murder in France in tha last four yvars wh> h is paid the penalty of his crime by luaing bis heard. The others, according to a French statis- tican, are serving terms in prison, which average a little over fi>ur years ind SLZ mouths, except thirty or forty, who hive nut been caught, and sev- •ral hundred who were acquitted un trial. Carara, it is recognijced by many people whose opinion seems to carry weight, was fortunate in his national- ity and in his chuioe of a lawyer. When a man is sentenced in France he tua, of course, the right of appeal, t>oth to a higher court and Co the cle- mency of the Preuiident of the repub- lic ; but w^heu bis appeal fails be is exe- cuted at once withufUt more ado. That U why he did not know bis fate until twenty niinntes before be mLrUnled the guillotine that muruing. ITis casu was settled at midnight, and, within an hour afttTWard, tho tweuly-five or thir- ty officials which French redtai-cism prescribes as necessary to oversee tho formalities of the execution were un their way to thj prison where the mur- derer was conflued. Already a guard of cavalry, some municipal guards, and many platoons of poii<:e had been or- dered out ; the chariot conveying the guillotine was ruoibliug lluuugh the deserted streets of the St. Autuine quarter, and M.. Ueibler, the venerable "Monsieur de Paris, was speeding to- ward the same guai in a cab. Other eabs followed with his many assistanis. The condemned man was awakened out uf a suuud sle«p, hustled into his eluthes, and then received the notifica- tion uf his fate in a very long and very flowery oration from the lipe of 'the duly appointed official. His legs were shackled and his arms tied secure- ly behind his back ; then they tried to march hiui uut to the guillutine. The speech, or something, however, had so weakened him that be oould not walk; â- o, after dosing him with half a litre of rum, hf was half carriied, half drag- ged out into tha open space in front of thu prison wh^re the guillutine had already been set \n), and where the executioners, surrounded by Ihe sol- diers and the great crowd of curiosity monger.s. were patiently awaiting in the downpourlng rain. Then followed a sorry sight. Deibler. who is 7o years r>Id and wuuld have been retired at the beginning of the year had ho not been desirous of hold- lutions in the wurld are brought about by the simplest metms. THE VOLGA. Russia is going to abolish the diffi- culties of navigation at the mouth of the Volga by cutting a canal direct- ly from the river to the Caspian sea and their gold trimmings. The half- ca.stes, or ^estiza, are tqually fund of ilLsplay, but their attire is something of a ccmpromise between European and Chiuese modes. iBe'iies the one year out of sev. n that ail foreign employees of the great mer- \ cantUe liouses represented in Manila S.SIP YOUR PRODUCE, Butter. Eijgs, Applea. Fruit, &c.. to TMI OAllirtON COUMIStlOH 00., Umltatl, Osr. «f MWt Market anit CaUMma Its., TOBOHTa Tau par notkinc, 111 ^i» •• (1 Tour Stmt A4<tr««i ;>lainiT wrlltaa. iyvA)<M>.Ai4'»m*c*;i:N<.RA- j«.*:*<»^^wi*.ttitf^ ftud we wiil S0na jovip o*iii;i. a iif.rw dlicovw wh.eh f»r iurpaa««a aaf other ;<r'uinfr:ft for'thn luting auiuillaa jI Ifa â- wart and ;rairrul ador. to mu far ol U â-¼oa can) am'-ni; frianit* at 100. p<-r [ â€" 'â€"ja w"-*! aoid ramit ua tha monev. ind'wa will «ud TOO fT»« for yaur tr <ubla tba alMva <». •'.'^i?*". '^''•' "hlch l» «tamped and wan-aak ad Ooia, ttt w!t!» t<"iul"« a»ra»u and P^ -~^nd addrtaa >t onca, mrntioa tbla paM STATa TR.ir TuD wi.TT (»C«f,«l-''iiad wa will land it No monfy 06116 raaotra^ •caia praaalDma la proportioa to aaoupt sold. *â€" to Ageaay. »4 MeC aal t,. T|^«i^ ;n2i SPAIN'S MILITARY SERVICE. Work on it will begin this summer. 1 i^j^iy^ given tj them ud 'hjme le^ve." theru is a nionth'd vacuti>.n •mch year, a regular bo.idny each moi:th. and all ,, . ... „ „ „, ,Q • I the s: iuts' days, an 1 c;punisb. 1 nn-.-h. Any fcl^nisrd over the age of 19 u , ^,^g^^^^ Uerni:.n and Amtrican hu.i- liable to be calletl into military service ,iayj,. .\ot to olnierve a suiiits ciay in for three years. Uy the payment of 1.500 j Manila is sinful, and every on^ holds pesetas, |200, be can escape military duty. TO Cl'RR A COLD It«i ONE DAY. Take Ij>in: •• Br.. 100 yniDinfTiMM*. All Dn>t- liate nhuid Ul« laooey >f ^t fatU toCur«. Ka. FREE PASSES. Tho legislative free pass is still uni- versal in France. Every member of the Chamber of Deputies has free travel- ing on any railroad in the country, and la furnished with a medal of iden- sueh iilafu :ntf»s in esp'-ciai detebtation. I-'iguriug in all the saints' days, Hwa- dii.ys, and general hoiidiiys. th^re are 1;^ day^i in e.ich year wh n th^se peo- ple do not work. Clerk-t earn frum 8:^.500 to fS.UOO a year, he.sid^s haviug lodgings found, a me.^ allowance, medical attcn't:ince and traveling expiates. In m.iny 'Tis- •>s tludr loi'Uia Br>.- over the offioes, Tbey work from daylight to noun, reft fo.- t.vo or three hours, and th n work tiJl 5 cliiek. but they hive much free- dom i.i chtxxsing th^ir boars and are hurried unly on maii days. There are many excel!' nt baad.4 in ral and the churches the music is al- w.iys good, though it is startling to the new-oomer to hoar, a« be will In .some services, a Gloria from "Trova- ti«re, " the Credo with mu,aic from "iBar- I'iere," and the hievatiun from "Traviata." Uig on to his ^L.^OO salary and th rich perquisites of his office, went up to the oon<lemned man and cut off the collar of his shirt so that bis neck would be bare Carrara had nut falter- ed at the si^iht of the guillutine, but when ho felt the cold steel uf the •hears on his flesh be began to strugulf; a no scream, uid it took half a dozen men to hold him, pinioned as ha was. Finally they picked him up bodily uud threw him hat on his stomai'h, on the platform of the machine. It was then seen that his bead was uut far enoui^h to reach the lunette, and Ihey ju.shed hiln along by the feet, he .still kicking and cry- ing out. All this lasted for two or three minutes ; it was the final fight which nearly always takes place when a man is b*" beaded. At last, however, tho eieculloner's a.^sistauts got the con- demned man in the right place, and held him there. Detbler stepped to the head of the machine, touched the lev- er which releases the hnifa, and the 140-pound blade, keen and shining, fell like a trii>-hnmmer. There was a sick- ening slash, a second's silence, and then the crowd broke out Into yella. The man's bead fell into a basket on one side of the knife, and his body, con- vulsively twisting, poMaiise<l on the other. J»« Instantly itihry picked up the body tification to make sure that he gels his privil-ges. In the matter of pay Manila, an I oi.-en-air concerts an giv(>n they are belter off than the Briti.'-h I every evLiiin.i in fair we . ther. 1 beatri- Member of Farliament, though their j cal compani«a, U)th n.itive -.lad fon-ign, indtmaUy of %'> a day is small beside I pl.iy thiough the seu^oo. lb- Me!<ti.<a the g-'nOt* a year of the United States chorus giri is alluring. In the cathad- Congressman. THIBMVI VOLUH IIM Endured the severe manhing of the Northwest cim;>aign -vilh admirable fortitude. The tioveroment should have supplied them with aquantity of the oeiabrated Putnam's Painless Corn hx- traotor. It never fails to remove corns painies.sly, and the volun.e^ri and everylKKly el.o should have it. Beware of sul-ati'utes. Get Putnam 8 bxtrac- tor and take no other. AN UNF.\VORABLE SYMPTOM. Father-in-lawâ€" Look here, young man don't vou think it's about time you were going to work, or do yoi' eiiiect m'> to support yo« the rest of your lifet Son-in-Law-U wrtuld be no more than jaat. after what I have done foj- Fathcr-in-Lawâ€" I'd like to know what you ever did for me. Hon-in-Lawâ€" Why, didn't I take your daughter off your bunds f I suffereil for dlays from a very severe attack of rheumatism, and tried various ri-meilies; several lotions, ele-'- tricily, etc., wilU little, if anjy relief; but after applying " Quickcurc," as directed, the pain was much relieved, and in a few hours had disappenred al- together. I can t herefore conscient- iously recouimeiul this remedy. W. No- ble Camplell, Notary. Quebec. LOSING irS POPULATION. The population of New South Wales continues to decline, the inhabitants on March 31, last being 1.170,934, again.st 1.176,248 at the beginning of the year. There was thus a lo.ss of 5,314, though tho natural increase was 2.292. The loss was mainly attributed to emigra- tion. 7,6<N> more persons having left the colony than entere<l it. The major- ity of those who left were men. T HIS MAX.ADT. Klondike Rickshawâ€" What eansed that newcomer's death f . Walrus Billâ€" Emotional insanity. He didn't have his gun along when he call- ed Three-Fingarad Slade a liar. PIUDE. Now, George, di'ut ask me. leant go do-.v-n the fire escape with all those people looking. You must. You'll he burned to death if you stay here. "1 can't Ij^lp it, George. I wouldn't go down that ladder (or all the world. These shoes I hava on are t»o sizes too big fod me I" Hoivs This? Wo offer Ol"! Hundn'd Ojllara Heward fo« any ca^o cf .a jirrh that cannot ha .urKd by H.ili'K Coiirr'i 1 uro. K. J. fItKNKYftCO. Pr.pa.. Tnlclo. O. Wo. tti*. ii't li*r^ff"ed, h.ive k^own W. J. Ch«?nov for t II' In^t 15 X' ar<, antl bnii«vtf him perfectly bonorahI« in nil tu.'in*sd t^an^Ac• ion-', mil ttn.in' lal'T ihln to carry out nai ot.i f<aH0D inada by t.hcir rtriu. Wicsr* I'ui'ix. Wh.)lci«ile llro glHfji, Tolado. \V\r,i)iMi) Ki>.SA.s Jt Makvi.-«, Whuuaaln 1 r.i ,gi-'t*, Toiedo. O. HmJi-OiiIii rh Cure in taken internally, aot> ind diroc'Iy n'>on the blood an^! Tnnroiis hon fnco« or h i/Alem. I'rioo 7 «. pe liolllo . 8old b.v'ili ))ra;i{l"t~. ro>timoni«lH lie* UaII's lamily Ft: Is are tbe b»*t. WAR TAX IN SPAIN. Spain is so much in need of funds tbil any person entering her limits wearing gloves or boots nearly new, must pay a tax on th'm. This rule also applies to a hat or necktie which â- ieeias new. •» P C 931 .â- .Mi«ni<M,iia„Ba.«Mt«v»4t. i LOSSGS TOUOMTO, ttat. vunAav # â€" â- ^»*^*^»**- i u=-r-i-^. THROAT 5 S" TAWiafERERS. FIDELITY BOMor Through dishonesty, embezzle- ment, etc., of employees are nsured against by securing th« Oclj lu»titution txi •'ftavdftfiir :hr 0*it« o^ CTor* piift*- 'jt i*p«*cii .1. feel. ^ "i** lehej ^LW iQ T<>rt>ulo. UW. Cure k'U«rKate*4 ^^CHCBxJHB AfTO-TfH.E I>-.T:TLT1% • famliralM at., Taroata, nineâ€" â-  OF TUB â€" THE TRIUMPH^ A.'. rT:HTABL/s*Tovjiprrirs Ka*j put up ftDd CkkMi -1 wo. t'mn \:YT^f- ft 9m,til tpfto*. K*k f '<w j«*i«,! r<:.r * tba^ MiAmfftcuirari ttj C. 1. lARCLAY, iM A4ataul«3t.W.. taraata. KjTi.1». ,, Ol uiiiiuuii Uii'ji ICCilil IllS'JlCfi CSilDllI. RO F I N C â- "" '"<'"* M*^' Works. Ila4 ar Oreoii. .SI.^TE BLACK UoaRaH iWe luppij l»al>'1eina I! fh "••ho"]. Tir-^nt i Ri.u.ijFell, IMci, L"o«l T»r. etc ROOriNO Til E ;S-« .\,« <:,i, Build- !nc«. Tortnto, done by eiirflrm). .MfHel •.'I'lliiMia, Car n!0ee.etc- fMn't** ^inli.^e,| for ^,.rk ".-im; b,ie or or satertelnthlpned teen» p.'l .,f -h.-ecunfrv. riiuaelSM SriuTMitAtorn, â- " â-  •• - , MaUlrieJlWi*iMrlts.Tar«ito. Head Offlee - - - . TORONTO Je E. Roberts, General .Manager. ALLAN LINE Bojal Mail Steamship Co.« Montreal to Livorpool. Staameni ^ail fro'n Moncreal artrj ThnradaS mamtnK on .irnr«| at trstoa from Tor>>oia atl (ba West aboat 9 o'clock. RATKS or FASSAOB lf'%*e Tou written fin the ENTRANCE or P S. LEAVING KxAiiiiniF-i n *.hi» e*r? IfMevnit n .ro,-. ;.il r*.*, te^rh- .•r«u.l-chi...l. t..thefnD0iii»l..f •hrCSNTBAL BUSI- ' NESS COLLEGE, yo>oe t gi-.kkakd hts.. to- I I:O.STo uid r«-«iTe full p«n.cul»r. elxiut thclTra I Cabin ISiSO aad apwardi : Seoond CaWt i<Jiol.r^_htl,.mivKh â- olw.n.re-oMicoee.t.ile.n.l.daU. 134 ,nd an.t tJt.U: S;««ra«a t- UT^rouoJ I London, Ulai<« 'W. Ualfaat, Loadonderrr m \ QufMnitown tll.Slliuiita.SO. I Araduo'ioa of Stc percent, la allowed €â-  round trip flmtanl eeoond cabin llokatA. Fit •alllngH of -t««nia:-a or other Informatiea apfly (o aB7 aatjiorized atfent. fur Um Fell Beeeion b.'g'iiiKn^ on P..p<- Ut iint. Adtiriw W. H. SNAIf, PlinelpaL BiteklbMlM L COFFEE & CO., GRAIN AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, lleoaM 409-11 »*ar* ut Tratfa tuIMb^ TtJllONlO. ONT. TUOHia FtTIIK. Joi» L, Coi Oominion Line Steamships. Muutr,-.! ea4 Quphrc U, l.if,>riHM>i fo .ummcr. Larlf intl tMt iwtii Kirw .teein/h.^ ' Labriidor.' ' Vaji couTer.' 'Ouniiaon,' 'bctUnian. ' Yurkahire Siiperliir aoconiDindelion or Ftrrt Cabin. Sac- ond Cabin and :^K>erag« piifi-aniiere. H«ta« ot p«M<aga- Firnt Cabin, l.Ti.iO : ^acond Cabin, |34 ; ^^letTHtf^ 9.^.6U and up«.ard8 uccordlnK to ileaniiT ana bortb. Fur all Informnlinn ntpl; Co Lt.cal .\i.'eaia, or Oatiu I'ohradi'k tt Co.. GsB'l AntutM. 17 Sk. Sacrament He. Uoatra^l. BoorUar. 1 Kins St. W. w â- ,* A AUmm. LAW Mint, Mills A Httia* Brtfi^ltTs e*r.,reiiioÂ¥(»" to W'c-ley iiUlKK.. Rich- moml St. \V'., "Toronto. F(.a SALI- NIghly Imiwovad tarm new Wlnnl|iaK; 3i" rtt^re^ : No. 1 «oIi ; Improvomonis Mlone c'"t $9. out) ; piiue IS.tKW, my two ihonMind <'««h, balance in ten rwu-ly pnymintw ; Intere-t fi per cent. : will rail ii>>piemont<ic»^ting m.3Sn for «.'0I, RAV five huD<lr-~d CA8h, balnnce 3 yearly pRynieDt'<; interest li per cent. Address, b'rank S Nugent, Barri'-ter, Winnipeg. TORONTO CUTTtNO 5CI100L offte* tpwial ' indqoomenta to /oang men dot^iroiu nt Caklns np Cuillntc. J'ull partxul::ra ob apali catioa. iij YONOB ST.. TOKONTO. For 5ale.... Iron Turning Lathe, sixteen inch >wmg, â- ix foot bed, rod and fj;ear full, counter- â- hafl complete, good as new, VERY CHEAP. Applv. ThB WILSON PUBLISHING CO., UMITA n ta n AiMalda St. « ., Torontck CflSiOrSlfiiMfflCSRSIlIOPS re<:«iT»<l lbs high- •ki, awacds at ;ns Worl't-FairlSOS, MNCOVt MTCtn â- SLLii nn hare met with such unlTcraal fa- var, ihat ocbat manafactarora am now mnklaa Inforlar Imltati- •n*. Inalit on having tho Conboy tanks aa Iniitatioaa HVa BSTer as good a* the gSBuiae. A GREAT EVENT Canada's Great... ^^Jxposition Industrial Fair Toronto. . , Aug. 29th to Sspt 10th, 1SGS New and Wondorful Attractions Exoellinc Ail Previous Year* The Cuba-American War Exolting Haval and Mllltarv Olaoiays The Latest Inventions and Novelties from all parts of tho world Entries of Exhibits Close Aiif. 6th. Cheap Excursions from Everywherow For Prize Lists, Entry Forms, ProgrammeO and all particulars, address J. J, WITHROW H. J. H!LL President. Manager, Toronto. PAINT M CHcAP •hinJUI rvorVsr JSL ti baiMingm.- Vied tS^ara. W'lli . ^ocl tvmjtr foa eaa Mint a team III htlf a di\y. Writn ui for oirve'.ers eod Infenoaiion kboulpeinrlni. Th. Finch Wood Preeerva. Ure 4 Faint OoijiveDr. !t7U Queen Weefc, Torgatfk r!r^ A Word to the VVise^^ 15 Sufficient. . . RECOMMEND Ludella Ceylon Tea. L£AO PACKAGES, JIS, 40, 50 and 60a. THEjN|pNEyj^AKEfl( RiBBfNG KNITTING MACHINES. IM â-  m» OLD AND RELIABLI â- MaMM««« U71 r» §1 jJ§l ta Ami witk aw ^ MONEY MAKER PriOM only Sis, t20 $30. CHEEUUI BROS., Georgetown, Got.

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