~'-!^Mi^ til- ^*y txian ^hjiana. "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOK." â€" " PRLNCIPLEb NOT MEN.' VOL. XVin, xNO 9(0 Fleslierton, Orit., Tlnursclay. September i, L808 H. THURSTON, KDITQK A PEOPBIETOR /l^/ynr^. ,W., »â- ,«!, „â- n^n-'^^-V' -^ - â- - â- - '- - i - ~ -^^ ti !'i?//' ^^i;i;\'> A LATE sunnER And EARLY r AUTUHN 1^ SELLING 2Sc 10c 15c 5c 50c 7c Our every-day business no»v is made up of the felling oi" last of Summer and first of Autumn goods. What IS left of the former is now being sold regard- less of cost, while those of the latter alreddy in K<l stock are marked at prices unh{ard of other seasons. As the volume of our busines.s has kept increas- '*^\ ing, in like proportion have our profits become lower. We" are resolved that during the Autumn season on wjjich we are now entering no stock in Grey county sliall approach us foi- assortment or values. The following lines wi^l help give you an idea of what we are doing just now; 125 Yanltf Fancv Waist SilJcs, new gooJs, wtXh 40c, speci*! FTud loco Yiu Jd riiiit, ligbt coloi-s, 32 to 36 iuches wide, worth 10c and 12^0, sfiecittl per jard yic Yonr cljoi«e of our best Sliicc Waists witli white collar and cuffs, for 4<?c' 1250 Tarda Sliiiliiigs and <Tin^Mim'8, t(oad weiglit, (%st coloi3, per yard , Sa 978 Yaida \t'iy nice quality Fiaunelettie,6pedal per yard 3c 17C0 Yards extra heavy Flannelette, 36 incites wide.regular price has becu 12Ac, extra special price now Extra value ill Cottunades, a 20c ' liue uiw selling for per yard _ Grey Cotton, the bsst you'll find anywhere at the price, per >a»cl Giey Cottou, extra heavy aud wide, uo better ;s being sold iu most stores at 7c, our price per }ard White Cotton, a special lino at a speciil price 4Jc Geuts' Ties iu knots, bows aud foiu-iii-haud, wore 20c, 25a aud 80c, your choice uow for iJc Gents' Suspenders, good web with mohair ends, only 10 doz. to be sold, per pair 15c 20 Dozeu Meu's Black Sateen Shirts, warranted best analiuo d}e, in all sizes at 8 cakes Toilet Soap So, best While Sloue China Cu^j aal Saucers per doz. 73i.', Lo'.ma ail Vanil la Essence.. Complete ucw stocH of School Bjjks and Stationer; ft'* arr pay/ny hiyhost prio9S for all kin^a of U^o^ue* F. T. HILL & CO. Winter Wheat s^n and Dmv.son s GuIiIbu Chuff wt-ro the , first <ind the Early (iene.see Giant and One niilliiiii %a\^ <.f wintt^r wheat will Pride of Gebesee were the lust to iimture l.kely be s.,wn HI Ontario within the ne.\t Tho Diiw&ou'a Gohl.Mi Chaff and New three weeks. As the vmiety «iwn has a Columbia produce<l the plumpest lUid marked inrtueiioe up<m Ix.th the ijuulity Poole the im.at shrunken araiii. I iiiid (luantity of the crop produ'X'd, it is The following lundiiig v.irietiea of win- I ' very iuiporiiiu that the best kindH he •*'' wheat will be distributed this year for ! used. An nicreiuse in yield of (.ne bushel co-operative experiine:ita : of winter wheat per acre moan-! a total Set 1. Dawson's Gulduii ChjiSr, Eaily ulorease of one million bushi!* for i ha G«''"-'8ee tli""'*. and Early Ked Chiws.m. I province. The average annual yield of Set 2. UaAsona Uo'deu Chaff, Imperi- wiutor wheat per«cre in Ontario f -r the »' Amber and Golden Drop. ! padt fifteen years is ahout twenty .seven ' Set 3. Daveou's Golden Chaff. Beard- , pur cent h.wer than that of Great Britain "^^ Winter Fife and Stewait's ChBnipi.ui. and IreUad , and about thirty cnie per Any pHsou wishiii„' to uoiiduct a care- ;eent higher thiui that of any Of the winter f'd experiinenc with one of these sets \ \ wh.-al i(ruwiQi{ !>tiite« irf the .American L'nio«. The aitn -.f Outaiio should l)e to .^ppmach the fcird of the former r.ithur than that or the latter. Tlia avcra.;e yield of winter wheat in (i.iiuri fiT the eij^h'- yeara endiim with 181'i! â- va.-i 20.C should apply lo the E.\perimtntiili»r, .\i;- rioultural colle;j;e Guulph, fur the desired set afid (Ki«-!ia.f pound uf each VHriety to- gether wtih iustructiona f<>r tiestin^ aud the blank form on which to report will he furiiisheil free i>t cost to his address. bushels per acre, and that for the ^i^ht "â- "'>« ""PP'r "^ *""" 'jf ""« varieties is years ending ItfOO w.is 18.3 busheU pur '"'"'ted but wa will be enabled Ui fum'sh , .%cre. Hence the cbmige in .iverage yiehl » ''""'-"^ number with thi.s >eud before the I of winter wheat per acre in OnUirio is supply is exhausted. i movinir in the riyht direction. i -^bulletin uiviinf the results of 92 van- The ijrowinij of this imporUnt crop h*« '-'liei of winter wheat i^rowii in the Expuri- niuntal DepartmeBt of the Outaiio .\-^ri- Keep this a Secret We are occaaunidly enjoined (ly a buyer of an eiiijHj^i-iuiul or a weddint; rinn to '• k<'t-(« I his a secret.' We ALWAYS do HO ; we divulge iiothii g ul the kind ; uur interest in such suies being guiige<l not t>y sentiment but by liaid c;ksli, our profit. Strict coafidui.ce is therefore invaluable, Parties buyiii'.; from ui c.ia do so privately if desired. In Eiiijauenieut; Rings we itre o>rryiii){ a large stock mhI *ji greater variety t hail heretufore and at prices ruim ini; fr<jm tlM to ?15.t>0. Wo have recently audml \ now hue of Wedding Rints in 10k. gold, which are 'H>uni to be favorites . r.'^i I ite« Mates, iLiigl r.^1 j and RuHsia are L-'j' I ahin" with those si receive4l a good deal of attention in the Experinieiitid Department of the Oni.irio .\gricul ural College withiu tile past I'm years. Vitneties obtained from the In- V<j I ite4 States, England, Geruuny, Fm:ice, being carefully t'.>»«*d use secured fruin the wheal growing sections uf Canada. .After the varieties have been carefully tested in the ezpeiinieiital plots at the college in each of livo yearn, the leading kinds are select- ed f<ir CO openitive experiments through- uut Ontiirio. It has been found that the varietier which have given the Iwsi aver- age results in the experimeiitj conduct- ed «t the College for a few jcars in succes- sion have nearly Mwajg given good sat- isfactitiu on the fatnis uf the proviucii. Seven varieties of winter wlieat were sent out for co-oi»:raiivo i-xpi-rlmeiits in the autuiun uf )M1. These were divided iiit > three sets with three varieties ui «ad) set, the Dawson'n Golden Chaff bc- iag used in all sets as a basis by wIulIi the results of all the varieties cou'd he compared with one another. We have received 191 full and satisf.-ictory reports of carefully conducttd wiiit»' wheat ex- periulents for 1898. The following table give\ ' lonijiara- live yield of straw and gpiiil per acre of the varieties of winter wheat tested in 1898 on 191 fartas. caltuml Cullege i« no'v in the printer's hands and will be mailed from the De- partment of .\griculture, Toronto, ivssuuii as pritiietl. C, K. Zavitz, Experiiaaiitalist, .Ai^icultural College. Guelph, Auk. 20th. 1898 Priceville Sriin rer *cr« â- Wciglieii bttsbolnl St;aw j»er srcne Dawson'a GuliJmi Cli»fl 1.^ Wl t" Imperial AmV'T 19 im R&rlv 0««ei<ee(Haiit IT â- !«- Now Co4»aibia 10 ''"^-^ Kiuly«»d Clawsoi) L? 'X>.<i l>ri,t« ol Gonweo -15 2.'i5 Foolo 1.5 «•(! Vm tabl« Fhoald be of great I Fiuin uiir oir/» ('inientxmileiit. \ A very enthusiaatic temperance meet- ing was held ill the Mothudisc church last i<^iiday eveiiiiii; under tlio auspices , uf the E. L. and C. K The Revs. Mr. , Iluuipbreys and Mr. Mathewui i^ave I short, Out pt'inl«xt and elosr cut addresses lou ikj evils uf the liquor traffic The speech of the evening huwever was de> Uvered by the Rev. Mr. Darroch. His nia.sterly and inspiring address will not soon be forgottoii by those present. Aft<;r dwelling on some uf the awful etfects of t!ie tralhc he touched bi iofly on the revenue question. He prov«;d cou- clusively that if the lK|Uor traffic was debited wilh every dollar of expense that I it has Cost our country and credited with , every dollar it has paid with the revenue, there would be no mora wailing niid howling about direct taxatiun in the event , of a pndiibitury law being enacted. I The Rov. )Ir. and Mrs. Matliusoit and Mastt-r Donald left this week to vixit fiioiuU at Niagara Falls They intend ivisitih'z Turontu during the second week i«f exhil-ition. Mr. Cailykj of Knox cid- ilin^ will iiociipy tbo Presliyteriun pulpit I aiu just now making a specialty of Watches, and it you ai'e desiring a tiiuepie.o â€" or oven if you don't iietd one very bad â€" it will pay yu« to buy now while prices are at tile Ixjttom wilh Mctiiiity. I hiive some fresh, new uuodl in .lapaiiese Stiuk Pins. £p- worth Leaitue and Oddfelh/W Guvrds, Lulies' Skirt a:. 4 iielt Holders, fancy Hat Pins, etc., the nicest, nobbiest thiii^'i up to date. Just come in aiiU took at them, anyway, W. A. Armstrong FevcrshaM. value fo f"r tho ni xt two Sundays the whwit aruwers «f Oatan.i !is none ex- ! One day last weok a younj; boy nnnud cept the 101 good lepoits are included in Mc Arthur had a narrow escape from a the summary. .Much credit is due to the serious accideiK. He was in the grisi careful experimenters who sent us the ">•" "»J wandered Um) near one of the reports of '.he tests made (m their farms, rolluis, the c..gs of which canxht his :neiv foundry AND SjS J^acAinc S^^f Having equipped uur shop with the niott appiovid inachiiiery, at d engaged the servict.s of a thoroughly ] tactical man to take ohurue of same, we are in a p si'vion tu do a gunuial Foundry biisimss in all its liranchps, supply our cui^tomois with ni.a.<hineiy of all kindii, make all sorts of Castings, and do all suits of machinery lopainng on short 4ioticp and at moderate prices. ^y BOILER and ENGINE work a SPECIALTY -^^ 1'^ j In the average yie'd of winter wli.at t>i Ipcr acre, the Dawson's Golden Cli.iB" stood ' hi«lieat atnong 11 varieties tested ovi r Ontario in tho year 1893, amonu 9 vnrie- ties ill each of the years 1894, ^'^».) ai.d 189*5, and ann.ng 7 varieties '.i*â„¢^ "f the yea- 8 1897 and 1898. /'I^p^- Tliree of tho varieties ot 'C'^^.-w? ' have been tested over Ontario for live years in saccesaiou with the following Average yields of grain {leracr--: Dawsoi.'s Golden chatr 32 bushels ; Early C»eiie- R. P. LEGATE & CO. Fio-horfon StAiwa, Augwt 4, 1893. FARM for^SALE Yor «ih'. lotfi TA knd 76, ist cou, 8.D.K., tX) noifK cli'»re'l Slid ninlor oiiltlvatiou : bftir, two â-ºtiib'»ii.(">m«boai« ; woll watered. Willsell on ^y *.rm.. A^pl, to ^ ^ COKNFIBLD, ^fftptt/P f- 9-> iun«tDi law. YIIUGE PBIPEETY Fn Salt Kur sitle on •*<<; t<-m)H, one lot io tlu< village ot Mit:(«cll eoni.istl>i« ol) aero on wliicb is a comfortiilils buck 7«r«or«(l hf>u»c and a Rood framo atabl*. l«er Turtlior partiCTihrs ipply to Kb». J. W.JoHXS, Truntco, T»r(i.Ct>. Hnice, or )f which c'otho.s. Fortunately for the lad Mr. Waller was standiir^ eloio by at the lime and s on rescued him fium his perilous jjasiti'iii nothiax the wiirse except a deserved tore and », toiii shiit. There wire ((uit<; a few Mtxioim faces aiiionu the farmers last Monday morning, but wlifn tho don la cleared away and t!ie sun cniue out bright and shinini; a more hopeful expression appeared. Con- sidorable (|uautity of grain is stiil in the (ielJs ut present ( Monday) but 2 or 3 Frmnonr uitrn CurrespoiuUnt The maijniticeut wedding of Mias K'nv of Honeywoud to Mr Wallace S. W.g- mi>re of Flint, Michigan, was perforiiieil by the Rev. Jfr. Bruwn of the Engiihti church, Huneywood, last Wednesday, Aug 24, at the Inmie uf her mother. .A. bout 325 partook of the wedding supper, which was a splandid array. The br,dB was supported by her sister. Miss MiiiaiA Itiiiii. and the gruuiu by Dr. Park of Feversliani. Mr. R S'nith haa taken the contract of liuildin^ a new bridge ou the 10th line of Osprey. Miss Alice Hales is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. I. U. Perigo at present. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Hutchinson nvre visiting friends ia Markdale on Sunday last. Mr. Hairy Ueathcote has goae ti ei.> gntio in the engineering buaiiiess with Mr. ,1. Lever's threshing machine a'. Flesbertuu. see Giant, 28 9 bushels ; and Eaily Rid '^'4'' "f clear weather will rind it ready Clawsou, 28.7 bushels. In the co-operative experiments for 1898, the Dawson's Golden Chaff and the Early Genesee Giant came throuuh the winter tho bi-st, and the New Columbia the poorest. In tho cooperative expeiinienta of each of the past live years, the Dawson's Golden Chaff w««i one uf the leiuAand the Early (Joiieseo tiiant w«* one of the iiiort affi.cted 1 y rust. In 1898 all varieties were prncliod'y free from Huiut, which if nearly always the caao wlieu iio smut is sown wilh the wheat. The Sew CoJuwlin, Early Red Claw- lust week. for threshing. We were uiucti interested in the b'.'eer.y description given by the Editor of his pleasant trip up to Penetaiig nnd elsewhere. Wo almost felt that we weia on a "bike" ourselves when reading it. Our tolisorial artist, Mr. William Nelson, moved to C>raiigevillo last Mon- day, where he has rented a slwip near the sthtion. We wish him success. Mr. and Mre <teo. Ifaitkorford uf ^helburiie spimt a day or «u ni la.-.t week with the laiter's paieutf, Mr. aiul .Mrs. Ferguson Mrs. Yhos. FerKua->n and Mrs. J. Sic- Inii .t returiitd to Ckf^latvgan, ^,.h |;eu ./ Deputy Sheriff Moore took Richard Kurwin, a ten-year-old iiicorrigiV>le from Normanby, to tho Miniico Ii.dustiini Seh'iol <m Munday. The boy was given I four years torni on thedtM-je i;f iiiali- ciius destructio.t «f propertj'. The coun- ty will have lo pky at tlic rate of 82 fit.) a week or StiOO for thia boy's keep ac Minii- co. â€" O. S. Times. We ore alwaj's {iloaaed to record tlie procress of old friends, who have worked their way up socially or politically. W. H. Campaign, a former resident of Shel- burne, is now known as "His Honor' Judno Campaign, «f Tower City, Minn. We will guaranteti His Honor an enthusi- astic roftoptjon if be ever revisits his old huntiii|{ nr^iMtids m the vicinity of Sliel- bui-M«. â€" lihelb«rii« Free Press. .Job*) l}ice» all old and respected resi- dent of Pmtod, Mjot nith a fatal accidtlit on Mondajr wIums he fell fMiu a sciiridii in his barn, a distniioe of 16 feet and sus- tained iiijuiies, including a fiactuio of several t\\>», tntut which he died the f<*K hiwirtg day. He «aa in his 70th year ai 4 .â- c,.^e« a'^iiJuw aid grown up fomily we* ^piovide'J tor. v- ^.^