Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 1 Sep 1898, p. 5

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THE F L E S H E R T O N A D V A I C E SEPTEMBER i 1898 Hi IM sii Miaiis iiqim, Fl^IiSHERXON ^ V g ./â-  3 Mr. F. W. Jdliiietoii, « st\i(fent c.f CorlH-ttoii !iu<l Riveivii'W, nccupied tli« Prishytermn piiliiit guuday immiiiii^ and evening, Rev. Mr. Tliom tuking hn w'trk, Mr. Jiihnstoi. is hiijhiy Kjxtken of ^nd ounsiituivd a clt-vor student. ^ .* We do not rut iirice-s but ;"cli af o'.ir re- ^alnr rates for cash. Kiii-i'r.inn of CA L-iver Oil 25= uji Syrui) "' Hyi)'ip|i.>}i[.|ii».ea 50c »\> i'littiT â- Ci'lri'sr. hjjK. free) Iflc uji Sndtliip.'^ Syntp Htj u): V.'. irm PuAiJ-r U) agij lOo up C'.ii.ili avnip iOo lip Liver Pills 10c mi K.-ctrxct «f Black hurry Vk up (.'iinadiuii WoiHi Tiiiic Sou Tiif'tU (iani f>r ilrnys wUich yiu liko...lOc hi'ii«*nche fowders 5c And iiU Other goods as l:)w 3.S any re- liable dru.qgist can supply yor,. We bny for cash and sell for cash and do a cnsh !r:.-inc.sr^. Vicinity Chips Mr J..lin'OiiIliraitJ.t, a ri^Bident of tlii» rillnge, who li«s been itl \viU» consuiii;*- tiiii fiir n l«ii'.» tnno, imssod aw»y on Mo. day nnuiiiugnt the age of 27. H« loaves a witV and (Hie chilrl. The foiier.il ti>o!< |i!.ioc toKlesUertonctnnetury oil Tuas'lay atturiiiinii md wan under the HKHimcK .tf ijie Oriii<;.; ordur, ef ivhich Koeiety d.-ctfLn-'d whkh member. Aranui; t!ie»puci.il eveiits nt East. Grey Fall Fnir will l*o an open trot f<ir a purse of ;f75. tlirco ht-ats. Tliif Trill no douht brim; forr.Mp'. s^iuro pieVtj' nnai horses ar.d niuktf ati intmesiiiii; csliihilinn. T)u! rRce will 1)0 iroitv-d in oiiforinity witli t!)« A^ricultur.-il and .â- Vr's Act. Make your arinngements lu he cm hand and 3oe it v. u have here now one of the hi'Kl Jriick.s ill the ciuttity. .Mr Sam Hawkin.s mail carrier hctwoeii Fli-!<heit(in and E|i|iini;, is carrying a handaged liend this week. On Thursday Uiit, wh-n a mil-..' this side of Knnberley his horsn look fri((ht when a lady pa»- xeiiger raised nu umbrella, and ran for si'P.ie distance. .Sam wa-v thrown out of the bu"4'.jy and his head considerably cut .11 (1 hi» lei,' bruiKod. The yomi'.; lady lu ina^i eventually to get the aniniul .^lojipeil. Ciirncteristics of th« Past Ti «'i«Tc Curo'MHj tUtlled for tUc ^ '. ttnniifM imtir^i ft inuwj locnin KiU hn t ch'irtf.d at the rule of tru <; nta t i^r '<<ie for imIi insertimi. A t )^ttctiun u-Ul be muJe on ojii t (riv.U for 100 Unen or •rcr. Butter ISc, hkus lie, iin xrain offeriiiK Township i.'ciuticil will meet on Satur- day neit. A new lot of I'reshyteriBri hynnialK juHt to Iwiid at \V. E. Riohai-dson'M. A i>r<>hihiriou plebiscite meotiii>.' will probably be urratiyed for simie eveninj^ iie.xt week Mr. S. Hawk ino lost a valuable yotinii tnare Inst week fr<»ni fatty degeneration • if the heait. Thi« would ((â- ( to provo that Shhi ih nut a furioua driver. Dik;> â€" At l!ranibii), Ma»i.,inj Thurs- ibiy, Au^. ?f), George .•Viin.'drotij;. iiged 1 year, tt tnoa. luul 2o dayti, yimn^eW sun <>f Uei.r^e and Ada Hiuianbutlmiu. The Council ciiiiunittee on the iKjine- Mlioe hill pnr{.M ISO pull itix en a ^any of men on Monday next and conipl-tin^ the job wilhout fui'her delay. Kev. Mr. Uouglius of Maxwell occupied the Methodiat pulpit here, niortiin:,' and eveniiit;, mi Sunday. Rev. Mr. \Vur<l 1 teaeliedanniveisMiry .s luionHat Al;ixwell. .Mnuey to loan on debentures at 4. p.'r cent, and HI farm security in sums of 8400 and iipwaids it^ 5. per cent. Kx. (tense* yniraiiteed low. .V|iiily to (jto- liiTHKKyoKu, H< X 57, Shelburiiu. Mr. JuhnWuberof the Valley is the proud possessor of the liiiesl pKar tircliard we know <'f in this coiuitry. It cou'a'iiH 17ri tree« and conipii.''i:9 27 vjiriet i-s. Thit year the majority of liis tree^ are well loaded. It in a lut:ciiiU'<Hight. Notic ' to Borrowei'sâ€" I ain authoriacJ to lend on farm Kecurity. private funds at live ]>er cent , payable annualJy. K\- lienseK very low and lernin of ivpayinent to .':uit b kroner. It will Iw to your iiiterest to see me before i{oiii<j elHewheic. A. S. VASDUSE.N A loiul of Kleslierti :i people drove over to Ma>:v.ell on .Monday evening t<i attend the Methodist aiiuiver.sary festivity there, end rojiwt having had a ninil enjoyable tiiiu'. Mr. litiJ Mrs. Sliop[iii<l san;^ a duet which WB.s liijily appiecia'ed. Dr. SSeott occujmd ihu cliair. The proceeds Were over W. Hut. no doubt yir re jKirter wi!li(ive full puticulars next week. Late trains anrl niiile will ba in o.der this iind nest week, and Toronto w,!! lope in the liard CHined country c'olIa:a ly wholesale. M' n who wmnot pay (lieii .•'toio di'bts will tii;d sntticiont funds to tnko iheni to I'le.'ihow, and will "slatid off " the storekeeper for aiiotber few weeks. Vy the way, do you owe a sub- •criptiou to this pa;i"r I If so better pay it before you K" The tirsi person who does .-So after ihii item appears will re- ceive a free tiikgt for Jeriisaleinâ€" -at ihc tvoloraMU, Toronto. ' O^sneral satisfaciiou is expressed in this distiietover the ^inin and fruit yield, which is considered much above the av- er«:;e. I'.'tatoeu will bu the one sonrce conniiodity in ih ti vicuiity. and the proii- pecta are thai tuber.-i will have to be ini- poi-'rud from other aecliona where the frt>st « as lews destructive. Many f-irtners in Ait'-mesio, Proton and (ileiielg will not have enough potatoes for tieed next year. A ViLUABiB Lot. â€" McFarlaiid & Son, Markdale, have sold and shipped to Liv- erpool this week (J47 tulw of butter, being upwatdu of 33,(HiO poun<(s, the cash value of which is about 85000. This us un- doubtedly the largest single shipment of butter ever made fr'im Markdale, and speaks volumes for the very Inr^e busi- ue84 the liim of McFarland <.^ Sun dues. VVb are told they .st 11 have 50 tubs choice dairy tubs in their cellar aiid that all this butter has been taken over their oounteiH for };'iods in alMint IK) dayH. If yon have any but'er to sell, either for cash or trade, yuu would do well to call upon MoFarlaod & Son. Fail Fairs Kast Greiy at Flesliortim, Hvpt. 22-2S. .Simth (Jrey at Durham, .Sept. 27 28. North Grey at Oweii Sound, Sept, 39x0 22, Ulonely nt Markdale, Sept. 15-16. Pr(*<tn at DundaJk, Oct. 4 6. \Vai*oi'» Fttlla, Sept.. 27-28. i>eitaDNAi.s A new feature of this year's £a8t Grey fair in a ladies Comfort S<i*p race, open to any Iwdy over six'eon years of ago, coinjietiriii t.' run ten y^nls I'ick up a bar of Comfort »oap. run another ten yaid«, pijk up au-itlier l»ir, nnd so on un- td one bundled yards is run. The first lady iu with the ten bars of Comfort soap in lier ttjiron win^' a lady a ijohl watch. the second a hinidaouie clock, the third a pair of (.pera 1(1 inses, the fonrt'i <ine-half do:',, silver plated knives, tlie Ullii a lady's le.iilier purse and the sixth a souvenir spoon. Each cmnpvtitor gets an apn n and all the so'.p .'^lio picks up. Entries fre<!. ami close second day of the fair. LadieM, get in practice. I'.s the prize is worih wiiming. Durham has a peculiar hotel license mudd!e on hand. The upper town has tv;o hotels, the l.^ritish and Central, but it appears that iii'y one litvnse can bu ;irai".ted ligal'y. Last spiing the commis- sioners instructed the owner of the Brit- ish to nmlie certain improvements. This was d'ue and a licen«o grjvnled. There was sciAliiregnl'irity in iho license and tl:e ii)n;ti.T was taken before .Jud.;e C'ea- sor, who f|lmi>heil the ljiiii.s!i license. This left the upper town wiiin ut a li cun.sod hotel. The Central pioprit.t<r ti.fii eircula'ed « petition ai.d secured a very large propoT til n of ratepayers' sijn i- tures asking the coninii.ssiiiners to grant a li..ense to the Ciutral. This the com- niisbioiiers t'.'fustd point blank to I'o and adjourned in order that the owner of ll e Brisish might Bccure signatures. The Ci.nuni-i'^ioneis met a^'a'n at lluistein on Ml ndny last to receive t!:i:f petition but found ilmt it contained but .sixtcin I auies, not neaily the required number, and a furthur adjournnunt for n week has been madtt. The pcp'o ae largely ill fnv<>r of the Central It is hinted that the cominiasioiiets fear they will lo iiiuloted in damage.* if they heed the will of the psople by cranting the Central a' liienfe. ll is liaud to foret' II what the outcotne will be, but we w<.iu!d not bo snrpti.sed to hear of the res'gimt.ion of tho tli-ee lic-nsii comnii.'si'.uers for t'oiiih | Grey. Mrs. Dr. Sheppird. rooentlv of ^ Kimberley, '» owner of tl-.e British it lei Mt«. R. N. Uendurstin is visiting with frieitds in London. Mrs. Brets of Shelburne spent Sunday with friends in town. Miss .luuuie Stewart of Gait is the guest of Mr. w.d Mrs. Goo. Stewart. .Mr J. R. Stevenson of Buffalo spent a few days visiting at Mr. D. McKienzie's. Mrs. D. R. Hammond, Dundalk, was tho guest^ of Mra. Thurston <hi Tuesday. Dr. Scott of Maxwell and Mr, T. Scott of Port Hope were irelcoine callerd on Friday. Miss Edna Flusher of Parry Sound is the guest of her Grandma, Mrs. W. K. Fletiher. Mr. And Mrs. F. Defoe visited Elm wood friends for a few d*ys during the past week. Councillor D. McMillan left on Tues- day niormng to visit the wheatiields of the northwest. Mrs. Alien and Miss Cassey Blakuloy of Toledo are visiting with their mother, Mrs. Geo. Best. Mrs. J. Allen and Miss M. MoCoiikey <if Churchill, Sinicoe county, are guifstj of Mr, .J. Weber of the Valley. .Mr. and .Htn. W. Hamliouae visited friends at Dobbiiiton, Bruce county, for a uoupio of d«ys during the past week . Mrs. IMniels of Michigan is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Gu i. Stewart. Mrs. Daniels is Mr, .Stewart's only si.ster. Miss JesNc McKcoEie of the Station has returnod home after « three weukH* »isit to her sister, Mrs Deadniaii of Rich moud Uili, Unt. We nejjiocsed mentioning; liiat week that Mr. and Mi-s Wm. Strain hml re- turned from an extended visit with their children at iiieat Falls, Montana. The Adv.'uiee is glad t<» announce that Mr. Gio. .Stewart, who has been serious- y ill fur Bonie week?, is Nhowing decided evidences of iniprovemeut. Mr. Thos. Mattin and wife and Mrs. Ford of Sarnia have been the guests <»f Mr. .Arthur Jidinston of the Meaford Road, returning honio last week. Mr. Arlliur Jtdniston of the .Muaford Road leaves this week for i'lckuiing township where he will look at some thoroughbred stock with a view of buy ing. Mr. .Johnston believes in the bent. Dr. .Malmtfy, of Bolton, well known in in this vicinity, n thus spoken .if by the Enterpiise ; " One of the (ddesii, if not tile oldubt, Oraii^cmeu in Canada to-day i< Dr, .lolui Miihafly, of L. t>. L. N'o.7;Mi, Schomberg. The Dr.was born in County Cavun, lielnnd, June Utb, 18^3, and initiateil into Hreakey L. (). L No. 50 (Ireland) in March, IS.'U, and lias been in Connection wiih tho Orange oul-r ever si.iCe that 'ime, « .nseijiienlly was a nieni- bui- f. r over tU \c.Ht<. He walked in tie prc«cK.MiMi lit ilie celeliratioii in Tottei.- ham on th.r l:ilh .lu'y la»t, which walk wasliisGjth Hi- in the Medical Exam. i ler of the Orau,.u .Mutual Beno'it Soj'oly f ir North York, ami i.>«lill eoj-.ying good lied'li." A eo-.v Udoiigiiig i(t Thoniiuf f.at^ntiell of St ^'inieitl L'ave biit'i to tlir.-e calves reocii ly. All a e liviiiL'. J. F. \^inDL:SE>s^ I liavo just placed in stock a nice lot of ataple jowclliiiy.to be soltl at rock bottom prices. Call and ox^jinine onr watches brforc buying. Ue- pairiug in all liues. Agent for Massey-Harris^^ l^-^.^!^.-^^:^!^:;^^^^ >g i :^ Wn. CLAYTON m M id ELO€>rrS and SHOSS Has a laf^ and complete 8t4iok of SHnnner B(Mit8 ai»d Shoos in the latest atyles. Fur 'piality and price wo cannot bo under;j<jld, as we sell at the lowest CASH prices. I^r CALL -\!7D SEE THEM "^2 Repairing and Custom Work Promptly Att«nded to J^ytni for dominion Tlfoney Ore/or Cxpr«s,i A SAFE AND CHEAT WAV T<.) REMIT MONEY i New Goods T T T T I New Prices P%^ We have now received the large part of our Fall importations and are prepared to give 3'ou s?ma extra \'alues in all lines. We have just placed in stock the finest assortment of • Boys' and Men's Ready-to-wear Clothing 1 1 Ever sfen in this country and they will be sold at very close pi ices. Also a very fine line of Scotch and Eng:lisli Tweeds To make up. We can suit anybody that wantti a nobby suit. Our MEN'S and LADIES' UNDERWEAR are something special. We would have to whisper the price for fear it would scare you. We have not much room in th's space to teli you all. but '.ve have the stock and can give you the prices. ^or Suiter and u^^a hepp MAKE HOME ATTRACTIVE I ! t 'I'lie reason wliy boys and girls forsake tho liouio is ficpiently on ^ a<-i'ouii( of us iiniibasinil surroundings. AJ Se^in ^ATitH. the Parlox*. 'k tii't a nice SUITE or *t least some tjdd Chairs, a Cciitro Table, a *'jj few piitnros. etc. f^id. Ovit tHe Dining Rooxn. ^^i That old Cupboard will (fo nicely for the kitchon or down cellar, ul Put in » nL« SJduljoard, aa Extensiory Table, and sonio Hiuli-Uick S Cliiiirs. E^l overliaul tfaiG 6ecl- Putthe old one in mollier's t-JI ,) ^\ N-ext y^ Get a neiv tSotl for the Spare Room. L--" room. Ddu't >Iee;i on that old straw bed all your life or oven on fojithors tf^' I tliuse hot aigbiH. Get a nice Spring and Mattresi, they are wonderfully ^^^^ Tij oool and refreshiiit;. r,^ These with a few UliiiiJts and other fixings which only the Laditis ^^ c.-vii supply Hill niiike your yt»ur home much more cmiforlablu and at- f)i I riiot i ve TliByG3!ialli)6pmursil at the LOWEST PltCES 11 : it : H mm {

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