Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 1 Sep 1898, p. 8

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tmrn SEPTEMBER i i8g8 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE N iMtA iiincwJiinnn.nnjirtn nnift! uytiV%iViBn n9tMi^%nixtVtnnniiuvii!tnnfyp D. McTavish i FLKSHERTON i KEEPS ON HAND REPAIRS... For Mftssey-Flanis, Noxon, Fleury mitl Wiftiiison farm inipluiiietits' Kleury and Verity plown on lir.iid »ll the time, aUn »11 kiiidtt of repatr^ for tho Damn. Wn iiiiiDufikcluro \Viigi>n«, l^uggies, Cwtters, Sl«i){hs, etc llorseshiieing promptly attended to. SpccU' Rtteiition to teiidor ct"*' traced foet. l^Jiisjioy Mid Pluw ChninA constantly «« hand. WwwVi^ WViV^vi^'/N-'WW^^WW^W^^ to ^K. v\!i. ..w*. Â¥ Buggies, Carts, \Va^oii3, Harrows, Plows ot the best kinds and rt'pairs. liiuders, Mowers, Horse Rukcs iiiul Corn ScuflSers nnd leporrs, Cbaiua of all kiuds. UorscslioGing a specialty at ^5 John H. Heard d Son's Warerooms I Photos *i I â€"TAKEN ^ - AT THE I Flesherton I Photograph ^ I Gallery ^ aro done in firit-cIuM «tylc and at j. lovruit rates. Special attention |> liivoii t<< oipyiiis. ISnljiea' photos. |s a specialty. Pfctoreg framed. ^ MRS. BULHER | 50 YEARS' EXPERISNCB Owen Sound, Ontario IS THE VEUY UKST H.ACB iN CANADA TO (iET A TllOUOUGH ItfSINESS EDUCATION. Take a Rouiid Trip ir.'LliuT,,;.': â€" - . - - â€" I'ullooDa am) Comiimrcial Oei'r.rtuietin iu ("aiiad*. tlicu fUit Ihu NortUorii ItiisiiifJ* rr>;i.'se ; eaimiino .Varylhliig tli'jrouiihly. H wu fuil to produce tan ii(o«t thoioucu. c>iiil'!'ito, lunitii;.*) aiii axtutikive oonis« of <tu<Iy . the loeitt <i>)le({0 preuiiixMi and tliu lii-it. and utoat oou>|>iet<) auil lUOHt aiiita'olH fuiiiituru and a|>|>llan<:< >>, we will Ki»B you a Ciill cjur.iu I'UI'.r; For annual a;iujjuceiu«uta, i;iv!..g full partlculai!', tne iddru<a C. .\. KLKMTNO, PrincJpal W. BARNH0U5E Wialies t'l drtw tho altoiition <>( Ihe PiiMic to tho fullowiM',' : FLOUR IN BAGS Of all Hizes nnd mi Cheap ivs the chcap- VHt. UiKioiul IVir(;ki;iH in "• ai;J Ti IVirrv! 'l,.t.d. fruit and Confectionery Oyster in Season , . . Groceries and Provisions. DOO and COON MITl'S nnd LEOO- \SCi.i made to ovdur and on S^hottuat N 1)1 ice. Wn. BARNHOUSn, Plesherton Stents Traoc Maiik« DcstaNs COPYRtaHTB Ac. <ItilrlilT tafl-yM-iftiri onr otrtnton freo win'thi-r An liiTenttuct \a ptuiiablf i<Ht«iitAl)lo. CowintMiitoA. lUms^tiiMIrrx-nfldatitUI. HiuiilbiMik Oti VtktmiU »0i\l I f .wv oilin't nuHncr tf>t nurvrum \Hkteutm. tpMiat notUt, Mttlioat CDariie, In ttm r4>uuli Moiii) Jk Cu. r«o«»lr« Scicnflfic JMerlcait. A biwii:M>m«)r t11nitrat«d weeklr. I<«nie«t dr. oa*jiit<f>i f>f nriT •t«lenufl« lonrnal. TarmK, $3 • , IL Stnd bysll newBdeAlen. OeaYsr Planing Mills EUGENIA Wa iiianiifuarliiru HSHli. dnorx (raniux. fl.or- liiij, liitHt', nii'iutt, j»int ahrrtinf!, vtirKodali luKturlalM. \Vr liAVt-Qii liiiii'l a Urge stnck of ]italr tiirnirix I. atair r.til. turiio>l corrmr lilooU' . liana blocka, aNii all thu â- tiin<lni<l >iiohof «u>h «ii'l dnora on hii>i I. SVii likvo a itrat eUta kiln tiir drvhiK UiniUor and will i;ii >ii.n>.co our (uatoriaU thnrotinlily dry. luln-dried hard WtM} I tli>orlnK alwiiyit on hind. Hvliis 3'o:ir own liniitutr and iiavo ii kiln oriuil a-id )ilHii«id liero. Uoin.mlMr, yiin run nu rUli ; <ru will tiiiaraQ uo to niakit a porft-ct joh. Our Krain cUoppiu:^ ri»; i^ in perfurt ordnr.Hnd in order tn ali'>rir you tli hC w<* ap'u'.eial. tliu vtn-y lartt" trodo that wo di> in thai liiiu »e liavti ilttcidtrd to redtioo tl.a prire.iof unoppinR lttn\a»t(t 4c pur IjiiK. A fti't clan shod for your laaiua wiiilo waitlnij. Wo Ki'Ind avary day. Mrs. A. Wilson, Prop. T. W. WILSON MANAOKit 5/o Jv/ffj on -. B E C A U 5 E I I I USE Moore's Viy Neta, loatliar or Corded A<'« (frfa>e KoiiF Otntinvtit lldKiry WadlnirH lUrvvN* Mit'a ,Siro..t (^illrtra Men'l Uemhor IVuSen WMjK and LaahwH Haiiri^Hs Oil PoliKh All kiiidt of hirn^".;. kp^,1 or. Jiand and ntmiiit tu order. Kro.ytliinj i;i harnesa (JModa «ad "l riglit pricua. T»*r ; four muiitliB _ _ _ IIUXNj Co »•»â- Â«-«"' New Yort Cash : for : HidesI 8hoe|»kina and all kinda of fuia pur- ulni'ttd, for which higkett Inarket pric« will be paid. Iloniemadu aniiiagea on hand, alia all kinds nf muAta. W. WILSON FleabertOB NeatEmpoiiam e J. B. Sloan & Son P i:*opplet.orB rSS* GET TOUR »!} Sash, Doors, Flooring, Sheeting, 'Newel Posts, Balusters, Hand Railing, Corner Block!?,thebest of Spruce Latli.No.i and 2 Shingles Veranda and Fittings, Sidinga, etc. Proton CouBCil Ct>unci) met at HoperilK' oi, .'^afurday Aug. C. Manihi-ra »lt ynm:iti ; Ut-uve presiding. On niotiun older* were iasuwJ in pay- nieiil (if tite following road jobs : Div. l-,Johr. Eniia for (trrtvef »I0 6<i, H. Wagner for giave) 91/25, Jolin Di- vine for grarol ?3.W, elohii Coi^gifJF for !{rav«J 8G.86. Vhi. 2 â€" Geo. Wklennan worl* i>ti *on. 13 83.20, Albert FottM work f>ii mm. U/ 87 uO, Jiiniea Deans work on cou. 12 $8.2.5, .las. Shields f.d- gravel fl 7B, John Huick (p'sfel 80* centj, Jolin Scarlett 92.50 for Hso of hoiwe as Court of Revis- ion. Div. ,1â€" Edmuml Palli»tcr for gravel 87.00, Harvey Anderson cnwsnayisi,' i>u 22od a. r. con. 18 8S>.00, Peter RfcMmd.i for i<ravel ?1<>.26, Walter IJroiij^litoji rop. road »crn[)er 25 centu, Dunald Kcri;uao:i </rivvelling 84.(X/, S. Kinnell rep. road 8cra|M;r 36 centi«, John Curbntt work 82.50, Div. 4â€" I'klmund I'ailister* for ifi.'wel 81.7'^, Vet<r Smith culvert 8400, D. P'ul. lertoH rep. bridge on con. 50 cents, A. Muiiro road j"l> 81.50, PcttU' Smith for lumber for bridge 84.20 Kr.int, Jos. bill- inK-** i;radiiiy 81-60 rep. Iiridge on i'thcon. 811. 4i> ;4r«iit. Win. Oordon clea.iiiig out jam frion river 8100 gnuit, John Curbeit for .vork S'.' 50, G. I.«pard i;ravellin^ on COM. 14 85 00. I»iv. 5â€" Thos. McQuay for cc<Iar plank to cover briil;ie on 200 a. r. 83.00 spikes and placiii;^ of plank 81-00 grnnt, H. Ed- gertoii covering bridge «ni 2nd riini»i' 83.25 ^snnit, Oeorj^e Achrooii for pipiiiu on corner of ?o»v range and 5J10 Midu mad 82 <X), Kobttct Ckirk (^avellinu on town line P. and A. SJ'.OO graiit, James Cor- bett for gravel $2 40 undiey of 1897. Ed- mund Faliiater for gnwel fl.70, Oec- Le- IMinl gnivellin;,' on con. 14 85.00. The following grants were given ; CiH>|.i«râ€" Wilson â€" That a grant of 810 be given on townline P. and A. l>etwten con. 9 and 11. E^grunumt t«i aupplemunt. AImi a (.rant of 8t>.00 oppoaite lot 4 con. 12. Cooper -Corbett- That the com. of div. 2 )k! authorized to have sidewalk built in Hopeville from D. K.McArlhiit'H to P. O. Ci*t not to exceed 810.00. WiUnmâ€" Wrightâ€" That a grant of 815 be k'iven on townline 1'jiihI Weal Luther. Luther to aupplenieiit. Corb«tt-Wil»4)nâ€" That a grant of 820 be given on con. 8 and !), op|iosit« lots 10 and II. Cooperâ€" WiUon- -That a gr»Hit of 825 be giveti on 37 s. r. between con. 8 and 12. Corbott â€"Cooper â€" -Tliat this Council .'lUthuriKe 8. Edgeriun (lathmaater to loan Thos. Mi'Kou road scraper. CiH)perâ€" Wilson â€" That John Cosgriff be |mid 812.00 on drain No. 11. Wiighl-Ooibett That Mackenzie, Wilaon and OfNi)>er be a Committee t'> meet at hd i!3con. 8 to examine into the c'diditioii of roiul and breakwater at bridge and rcpvdi at nett meeting of Council and Mackenzie and Wilson to have biid|;e on 12 «. r. placed ui i> proper atat4> of re|mir. Wilsonâ€" Wrightâ€" That the Clerk noti- fy the Council of Went Luther to hare drain on lot 18 con. 14 cleaned uut to its original size. Crbott- Coopwâ€" That Kobt Uusaell be |>aid 85.00 elpennes incorrcd in sale of draiiiagu debenture. lly law for Toirnnhip and County rate, Schtnd Truateia levy and for the appoint- ment of Ci<llvct.or having lieen rt ad the neceHHary number of times were tinally paaied, siiini'd, sealed and engrossed m I he by-law laaik. CortHjtiâ€" Wrghtâ€" That the rate to cor<-r Townahip and County be sevtn (7i) and one-half niilln on the dollar. Wright- CorUttâ€" That John S. Mc- Millan be appointed Collector at a salary of 865.00. Reeve ami Deputy Iteeve be a committee to exatnine Into secaiities prorideil by Collector. Corbettâ€" Wilsonâ€" Thai the Cli rk be authorised to place upon the ('ollector'a roll for l8U8-tlO the .huid* of 9&&.(M being ueneral aehiail rate for V. H. 8. No. 15 for 18f>7 >.nl (42 (>0 Iwing interest on building debenture of 8, S. No. 14 for year 18)Ni of lanife was onntted in yeara a[)e< iHe<l. Corl oil -Wright â€" That this Council d I now adjourn lo meet its a Court of Keviaion on drainatte by-law No. 25 at Ddi dalk on Aug 27. 180M, at the l.our of 10 a. n>.â€" Hemld. TorBig; ef ill Mi Im ti Order '"â-  *""%^«oketi In twit plaooM and I lie diHloi'ate( unit was Eiiltus Hiii-ll of Bldiralie, had hia righjA-ni auiglit by a belt of a atwnu thnKiig machine ono day last week, â- "••li^e iimchino could be stopped the was ahouUler dfalocated. G. Ileum nh ia uenriiij^ a discolored peefwr and T. Lock hart a gaah aliovo the eye, the result of a col.iaion. They wore mounted on bicyelea, pumping for all they Were worth, going in opposite direc tions and it wa.s datk ; tliuy saw each other .{u.st in time to twervu their wheels to tho fightâ€" but their beada. T'onra wa> the hardest ! Ilcainiah was knocked acnselesa into the dileli. After iinuginary stars hml ditapptared, thiy joumeyeil, each on his aolithry way, thankful, like every true kniitht of the wheul,that it wai their heads and not their «he«lM that Were injured. â€" Herald. It i« not generally known that peiaona 6nding lost articles are legally bound to restore thorn to the owner if they know him . Tu hold them or to teorete t heni ia under the new criiuinal oode regarded as theft i.nd puniahabte Lceoidingly. A r«- #ard caraiot wucce.Hsfully be deiiModed. If any liouble or espeaaes ia ntctajiarily jncuired if> connection with the f.nnm ar- ticles, such eifii n.-i» can l>e rtco»cr.;i'. The ncw.spayer is tlie piojier medium by wIikIi to djscovBr ilie oivner aiiJ the find er ia exivjte^i tn attvcrtise at once. Major Wnu'i, wh.'> baa arrived at ' e- .fttle, estini.ite.'i tlie Kloi.dike jzu'd ou.-* put at 811.000,000. Heart Spasms OR, AGNEW'S CURE FOR THE HEART A WOND ERFUL LIFE-SA V£a. No organ til t'r.i'liMnnii anatomy to-day whtvie di-ieaaf.i cai. tju more re.iilily ilc^ tected thiwi tbaxe o< iLe Ueurtâ€" auil medical di.'icovfry hat mwlo thciQ aniemible to proper treatmeur. If you Lavo palp-iittilon or fluttering, sL'ort- uefc, of breath, weiik or IvrtgnfiU' pulse, swelling of feet or ankles, pain tu tbs teftaidp, f.i^-.ting spells, lirop.slcal teo- denc}', any of theae indicate heart rils- eaae. No m.itterof how long sMnding Dr. Aifne-.<'.s Cure for the lleiirt will cure â€" It's a lic.irt s[»8clfleâ€" acta lutckly -^-acfs aiiruly â€" iict-i safely. "1 waa K;von up ti dlu'by physician* and fricn.l.i. Dm- loaj of Rr. .Vgnew's Curo for the !l»«rl gave mo ea», acd II.X h'}ttl«a Circl ray caso of rifteaa v.ir's.itandlnK MKS. J.L, HELLElC W'hitewo'id.N.WT a) <Huriuituea relief In 30 mluatas. ForaalobyW Hichardaun Summer Clothing Get It Made by "proctor - - The Tailor Suits Cut to Order 5atistacti < n Garanteed 9 â€" i-^i5-%.&^Ht â€" « Clayton's Block, - Flesherton FOR ~ Priceville Roller Flovtr and Sanv IMEills To tho KuniK-rs ami residents of I'rico vilteandsurroiindiiigcnintry and villages; tlariiio leaard the alxive uiilla for a term of yeara, 1 would respectfully solicit a lair .share of your euatoin and palrun- age. Hojiiug by fair mid honest deal- ing to retain all old and new cu»t<>nu'rs.s of the mill. Cyi'est Brand of FLOUR, OAT MKAL, GRAHAM FLOUR, CRACKED WHEAT, alaoall kinds »t Feed kept coiiHtantly on liaiid. Highckt Pncea (xiid in caah for nny ipiantitiea of .wheat. Planini;, Match- ing and Sawing done to order, alao S.iw Ligs purcliaaed. 8|H;cial rtdiieliou on 4 and 5 Ukrivl lots of Flour. Fai-im-ra bring your grist and chopping and give ua a fair trial and wn will be auie to use you right. Chopping done every day at So Pox* loo lbs. G. H. WALTER Piioeville. Jan. 25th 1898. i! WANTED At the Flesherton Wiadlen Mill; any ipiantity of good wiail, for wliich the highcat mi.iket piioe will be paid in cash or good.s. y JSfavf on â- Jtanci-^^^^"^ A .large (lusntity if conrso and line Tweeds, Hwkvy Fiillclotb, wliito and gray Flannel.s, .'Sheetings, Cotton- i.des and lilankei.s. Also a large (luantiiy of Ynni.i of the very best ipiality, siiaranteed pure stock, to exchaiiue for wool or Hell cheap for caah. Roll caidiU'.', spinning and iiianufao- tnriiig done on ahorleat notice and in the Ileal possible niaiin' r. I will pay a good price f ir Hue wool for my own inaiiufactuti». I return my sincere ihiiiikH 1 1 my numeruui custoinera for the liberal tmtronago extended to me while in Flesherton and I hope by attict ,it- tention to business to merit a share iu the future. iLrccLi,oron * rct'NG "* Ilanlicia, Maiit'.als IX- a nenerul ^.,|.-::,g â- ouKiirCTe. Manej. IcnuwJ at » leasojiablu rotu. Cllouna. A S "VArJtll'WIX, J p "â-  Clerk .itlj L-.'v (•••,n t, Co Oy-y (s>uc-r of rorriago liiBC^f, loav.-vsntcr Notary. PnVhc, Anctioiw,r. M^i-v to ijaiiw^ from i'.o Opor t-uet. cl,.»rK.:» in.xloi-»te nEBTS COLLEOTED , . . '^'"" •"iiUt>-i(;n<>d !• )iiiija-i,i t- i::i.Ioi-tal.e tl.meoUw.tiMi rt «.!> k.'uds of d«fj •Nutee bought, ucccauta coiatt.-il, «t<.. K N Hi;Xr)Ki;,V).s-, l-lu,In.rJ«, T Ciridl.F.TT t-";«oh,a-tOTi Sralloa 1'ostiOBi.Jer. C03iu>i»n>,.u,.r in H C J, Con-.-cv 't''';';;.» Z • !"»'«""««•. l<a«-* aud w.ll.- w-iv' n 'i^l""?, *"'"' 'â- ^ SJ I>« c, nt and up- W..105. UbPts collucttd. fhiuKSs nJo.ierate D .t SJi'lUiULi: l'06t,}i»3t( 1-, i'TBKberCfrs ' o,.-,miHi.ir.nt:r )n M. i:. J . .*„„tioi«cr Con- I..il F.-s«tB ,uid |.:»«rauoo /tynt L-.w^ n,-j>Va««». le.s*, .n-i vM^ ..•., Orally d.u- !-i-:!wna aitnidwl te t>iiIi ^irn,'. ^ ^•.ur,;,s ,o«. Afiu-4t to. !;..»;,' 'Loii.«r. !-.tcu..-wI»,i, Coaijiafl,. AoalUali^Ke.! l^blXM r v'"'", ,«''<=••'•: Now Version, Mil, lu pBira or m:; ut a time. !>. >I.LB.».>i PcBsy, fcitrn. trc-Kxi*. M LIS S.MIAII BTBAiN, "* TuBchjr on piaao, pi»u«f«ile. oriiau ,, 'â- 'â-  ?'â-  •''*'"' Hy«*eina.icli of Cn>unt;«i;iii .cliui:i.h hlualicrtun ^uxxXm A 1.1 U W Lictth avtry bist and third Monflav rr ^ ."'•'-'?f' J'^ '."","'• '*^ .'-•'»â-  I»dse icui. .,,.U.aa l.loc.'i. H«>uerton. at a p «.i .(«/ .l,.;u-loy, W .M . .\ M (iioi.m, KocG. te. ; W I.i; .uuiy.tiuancwr. Vhiictog N-eliree j!,-*.l,(» pitlNlK AXTHTR LODGE. No. -js k I , . \^' ,=^'«'"« in the Ma.ni.ic hall. StraluV block, lloaheitoii, every fiiday oii or befoi, t!.« lull moon. K MeUJIl, V/ .M ; W ,1 l.ollauiy. Secretary. " * briatue a Bloeli tiiB JuKt Kri.lav cveuiiin Oi inch uiontb. Vi,itiu« KoreMura UeariUy v.lcoiiie. T. Hsnry, Chief Uaauer, W. .%. Ann' atiohjj. s«critaiy. * irnti^tva HR. A. B. LrrTLE " D.usist, liradimW) t;uinniity of Toronto .n^l M ya( tollopu ol I^cntal buiceouii. I'k-H.'iartoc- Monday aix) Tuaaday cit u iglj wc-ek .acl"'**itr''''""'''^' *'''"•' ""^ Batarday ol T 1- M.\a»HAUi ~ " -M U S, D D 8, L D S lienor Or».Ii.at« Toronto LuivorsityaaJ U.j,ttl \i^its flMsborton every Friday afteraooii. I OCAMJ'MKIL "^^ •" I- D 8. D 1> 8, t.nitaJ .Snrrteen, .MarkJaU ?,â„¢" er" McC.llouiih ut YouuK'a bank .^*^"?>i, ""' '""'th 'tbuihday of ea«l< month, oaicaat ilMusljawa hotel â- r HE.SDEHSON 1) D 8, Jl D 8. Dentiat uf Teronto (Hold -Vodaliatl T.i'l visit Kl.-ab.rtoi. n,c^ fosMonallv tb« flr-t Weduoaday ol u.ct mouln and Uuudalk Ihu foilowiuK -Jay (TBGmSay ) %m JOHN W FHOST, 1, L H " Harriater, Solicitor Convevaucur. el" ()mc,-N>xi to roi.»oUico. iipioulea blotk Mu»l,«rtou. every S.tnrtiiy aT,d court dSf- Piui, ," J'''""" "'""' *''^'«'" block W l oulett etvuet east. T UCAS ,& WRIGHT â- â€¢-' iiioilators KoUritOi- Owvn Hound, Oik W II V. IttGHT N H- I'leaburton pflloo, every S.ttiuday. ConTayanceiB, elt lUaildalu, Ont I 11 LUCAH Mitchell's l-ieiik riJCKKR A PATTEltSOJf liarrihtera, SolifSitom, etc MolaouaJ'.iiuli, Owuu Sound H.UtKY O TUCKEUJ^ GEO .W I'A TTEltSO.N M'^'^''-t,\-,.^.,.^'*'^''SO'^' l!«r,i,tcr-T'ie. M J ;.."'*• ^- ^' I'attorson Hoi.30. Duudalli Mam >,t. out, every Sktnrdav. A.Cl. M.-wCKAY, M A , H.k! SA.MrU0N' , L f. 1) Crowu Attorney for Orey, i^-.'.JJ . ^ttnliral D K HUTTON MDOII, M01'.t 801,1, Pricevillii Offlca r^uxt door to Hrown'.i atrtie- residing omioHiU at the old post olltco, rci.lonce of lati Alex Hrowu. Olbce days- Aicdavs and Hatiir late day*. rvK OAKTKR vf , i^"^ â„¢* *• ^'"'' 'â- ''vaiciai.. Sureeon. etc Hoshert.Tn offlce-blraiu's block. Luridiiitc-- Munahaw a Hotel l-OMOiMic- Tonx A srOTT, M U <* Member Ciillei-e rbvaio. * SniBi o.in Ontario CJradnate in Meflieiio of Toi< nto Uuivorsity, Felloaahip Di)ilouii.. Post (Irndu- ato Medical hcbiol and Hoaiital ChirBpo' DiveaBosi ni evp, i iir, nnso and tliioot piuclalW Wated. n.sid...i.oo,MMWolI,TiBitf FeTerahali) TbiiiBdyaa 1â€"2

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