Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 22 Sep 1898, p. 5

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THE F L E S II E R T O N ADVA?. CE SEPTEMBER 22 i8g8 J / U Tria*] aaj MMi \n\M, FLESMERTO^^^ ^ A t \- » A â- ? We do not cut j)rice3 but sell at our re- gular rates for cash. Kiiii!si<ui (if C'A Livvr Oil 23c up Syrup of Hyp<iph<is{>hites 00c up Cutler C'»l. r(.s*'iiplt fre«) lOc up Siiotliia-,' Syrup .... 10c up \Vi]rm Powdt-r to »go 10c up Cu'.'li Svrup . 10c up Liver Pills 10c up Extract <ff Blackberry 10= up Canadian Bliwd Tonic 35c Tiiotli Gum or drops which jt)u likc.lOo Eti-ail.'iche Puwders. Sc And all other gooes as low ?tS any re- liable druggist can supply yoi;. We buy for cash and S«ll for cash and do a cash hiiainess. Vicinity Chips C.iaracteristirs or the Past Week Tare fill 5 y lulled for the Cui'iwus 6iutiteM Hoticta amtmg IxaU tcill b< f -ek^rgtd a4 the rate of ten «ni» ♦ j«r tint for each iiuertion. A f rtdnction will 6< iini^< on con t tracts for 100 lines or oter. East Gtvy fall fair to-day and to-mor- row. Division dmrt will be ht-Id in the Town Hall on TliursiUy of next week. Osprvy fiilt fair at Fevershaiu Thurs- day aad Friday, Oct 6 and 7. Arteaacsia fail exiiibibitioa at Price- villc Tuesday and Wednesday Oct. 11 aiiU 12. The towu polling buoth for the plebiscite vote will b« in Claytin's old shop, next door to Lindsay's bakery. Mr. W. H. Walker got a piece of emery in bis eye at Legate'* f'jundry and is now off dutr. Rev. Mr. Diirroch is* away on a two- week's vacation. Hia pulpit will be sup- plied fi>r the next two Sundays. Mr. H. Parker of Durham ic.lvertiisos ' ail auction srIo of tluvrouylibrcJ Durbauis ill this issu?. Look it up. A I'ad of Fleshert inians drove over to tho Clarksburg fair on Fridiiy liiHt, Tliey report a lari;e turnout of pioplc but a rathec meagre show. Mrs Trimbla is iviw placing; on her .shelves the larycsc r^tock of niillinery ^â- oods 'hut she lias ever had at one time. The Udics will have a l»ri;o variety to select from this season. Iii.spector Caiiipbi-ll was iu town fir â- > part of two days las', wvck inRpec!iiig the various deiwrtineut-H of tho public acluKil under the iinw arrKiiienients. We believe he foutul ihia&:s satisfactory. Money to lixiii on do'oeiitutes at 4. per cent, and en fnrni security iu suip.s of $100 and upwanls at 5. per cent. E.x. peiiaes suarau'ec^l h'W. .\pjJy i<> Gko RvTUEKKO!!!), D<i.\ 57, Shslbunie. Mr«. Trimble uud assistants are op-n- inn up laige Hhipnients of elcyant fo I ctiillinery goods, wilt lie ready this week 1 1 receive onlers. Millinery o^euiu^ will b« aunouncod later on. The annivenary sorvioc-s of the Metho- dist church, Flo.sherton, will bo hsld on Sunday and Monday, Oct. 2 and 3. Uev. Mt. Houston of Moafoi-d will occupy the pulpit on Sunday aii<l al.so take part in the program ou Monday evciiin.15. Osprcy Fall Fair will be heW at Fever- sham on Thursday ainl Friilay, Orttiber «) and 7. This show is now beoominj{ rcc ignizetl as one of the very host town- ship shows in tho county. The directors have erected a now hall during the (last HUmmor, the wani of which has been very bikdty felt in the piust. Tha pri7\> 1is^ which has just been printed at this ifli-.-c, can be obtained from t!io secretary, X!r. J. A. Kernagban, FevershnW' The Ladies' Aid society of Wesley Church, Meafotri Koud, will hold a ha- vest home f««tival ou Tuesday evuo- iiig, 27th Sept Dinner served from 8 to 8 o'clock, A g-jod program will ba fumiahe<l. Admission, adults 25c cents, children 15 centi". Don't nHss the Ladies' Coinfoit Soap RjiCtf at Flea!iarti.ii show fair, Friday of this Week. Tile Secretary .says entrit-s are pouring ia. A huge piece of »p.irt is looked for. All lovers of amusement -should attend. E:itra4ice t<> siki^) r<ice free. Ensrt Gr. y Agricultural society'.s show fair at Flesheit .11 on Thursday and Fri- day of this werk is b<wuol to be a i-ecord breaker, as the entries Jjjr^urin:,' in at an unprcce.lented rar^r'*4ji<j s^'cifty's Krpunds, hall anil tiack ire . all lu !i:sr- class Conditiixi. In adaitioii to the m.ii.y 'ra; •« at the show fair <n» FiiJay cf tiiii week in Fleshertirti,' the directors haio aid.' 1 au- other cliis.-j of sinyto drivm;; h«r.ie^ to carriages, judged by .sjieeil and ::eiieral appearance, 1st 8.5, 2nd §2, 3rd f 1. Xo ijntrance fee,so c.>iueoi: with your blo<«l-. .John Ki'ii Irick Bin^ja's newest stories »Ve to Bpp-w m The Ladies' Bonie .Liuznal. Tlioy are cnllod " Stories of a SuhurUin Town." There are 8ever.il,and e»cr. will relate .some 'Jrull incidents in the life of a small town which every " suliurban" will iii-.tindy ai>ureuiate and ehjoy laugliin-.; over. Mr, Audrcw Wiokens of this place treated our fiuit td.tor to a rec>i\l brcak- iu-.: pear the r.ther d.iy. It was a beauty, weiiihin;; 17 ounces and ni«B.surin!i 14j inches by XIJ inches iu circumfereiicc. If -Anybody has anythin-4 to beat this the F. E. will be most h.ippy to adjudicate upon itjijuaniity and iptalicy. Notice to Borrowersâ€" I am authi-rized to lend on farm security, private funds at live per cent , payable aQiiu.ally. Ex- pense* very low and tcniis of repiynient to suit borrower. It will be to your interest to see me before goin'/ elsewhere. A. S. VANDLSE.N. have Uken it sure. Outdide the cattle Wi-rK 8U[)«rior and a large number were showm. Hornea were scarcely up to for- mer yean, aiihoup^ some very line colts, etc., were shown. On the first day of the fair .some good speeding waj) given, but the secretary has not fulfilled his promise to us bv supplying a list of the winners. We understand that the total pro- ceeds of the show, including a 890 con- cert, aniouuted to the handsome sum of S240. PERSONALS Mr. Walton Williams of Eugenia was in town Monday evening searching for an oxpnrt finger drescer. This had been rendered necessary owing to the fact that one of his 6n-,'ers had become too inti- mate with the large lathe knife at the hoop and veneec mill, k piece was taken oif tho end and the nail torn out. Dr. Carter fixed it up. The treat of I he season will be the Agricultural Society's Concert in the town hall. Flcshertoii, Friday evening of this week, •vlieri- in ad lit'on to the large iimiv of hivh clai,s mnsical talent which will appear is added the world's famed violinist and Piauint, PMfessor Heinick and daughter of IVr'in, Germany, who will play a Ivading role cu same. Dnn't miss it, or you'll rue it. During a thnnderst rni abturt 2 o'clock a. 111. on Sunday the Uirn of Mr. Ge) Paliistet near Maxwell w;i.s struck by lightning and totdly destroyed. The barn contained this seastm's L-rnin and si.«me implements. S. valuable h'-rs-; w.-ws hI.so bunievl. Mr. Pallisicr h:id all.'Wed his insurance t-i lapse, thinking it h.'id another year to run. The loss will be a serious blow to Mr. Paliister, who is the recipient of much synipa'hy. It is said to be al out SluO() of a loss. Rev. Mr. Ward nave an earno.»t temper ance di.-<cour8c from the Me'ho.list pul pit on Sunday evening, basing his theme on Esther 8 »>: "For liow can I endure to see the evil that shall conie upon my people t or how ctm I endure to see the destruction of my kindred." The ser- mon was a stroi g appeal for intyrferencc ill the liipior initiic and .showin;; tho jns- tice of such interference Tlie rev. g>ii.tlcman purposes giving another teni- p-jrance discourse on Sunday evening next. Mrs. V\'m. Burton of Woodbridge is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. W. H.Bunt. Mrs. E. Paul of Eugenia is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. R. Bentham . Uev. Mr. Emory of Shelburne was the guesr. of Rev. Mr. Thom over Monday. Miss Laura and Master Hartley Faw- cett of Ueathcot« visited friends in town this week. Mrs. D B:a:r of Proton Station is via;ti;u her [Jiicnt.i, Mr. and Mr». J. H. Ueanl Mr. and Mi-s. R. N. Henderson re- turned last week fioiu a two-weeks' visit ti relatives and frivuds in Toronto and LuuJiMt. Mr. W. H. Bunt, undi-rtaker, attended the Undertaker's Cuovention in Torjuto recently and put 111 five kessiuns at the school of embalming. Miss S. Rankin of Barrie, who has been en;;ai',ed :is miltiuer by M. Richard- son ^ Co., arrived on Monday to take her position with that firm. Mr. Wm. Lavers, building contractor, and two dau:;hters, and Mr. John Mock j and two children, all of Montreal, were the guests this week of Mr and Mrs W.Bam- house. Miss .Vuuie. Richardsou, our popular young lady elocutionist, is securing a large uumber of eug^i^einents this fall. She recited at the concert in Markdale on the second evening of the fair, and will shortly app<uir before an audience at Massie Hall, Toronto. She has also been enaaged for a aiiicert at Fevershara on Oct. 7, the evening of Osprey fall fair. Mk. EnrroR,â€" It is only within the last d;ky or two chat our artenti<'n has been drawn to an advertisement in your pa^'r iu which we see that our neighbor and business competitor devotps a large por- tion of it to our business, in an attempt to discredit a starcment which appeared iu the .Advance respecting a recent ship- ment of butter frmn .lur est^ablishment, and assumes to k no V a great deal more about our bu.<iness than he has any means or opportunity of knowing. We let him and his business methods ahine, having been taught early in lifp t« mind our own business. If cmstant and u'lhiushing m. iidacity can coimnand the tride of this section, he is welcome to all he can get by such means. "Whom tho guds would do.'trojr tlit-y first make mad.'' We would advise him to keep his temper and mind his own businefs. W. J. McF;u;aDd * Son, vnvT. ilarkdale. Markdale Fair Maikdale fall fair, held on Thursilay and Fi-iday of last wc^ik, was the most siiccefsful in point of uttendtmce that the directors have ever Ivid, but the cxhitiits, ••IS heretofore, were slim. Had the fruit b«en tskon from the hall the inside «x - hibit would havo been dreary indeed. Roots and vegetables were csmspicious by their absence. The usual araauiit of ladies work w;is shown, h-iwcver, and three ad vcrtisiug exhibits tended to make the hall look cheerful mul fairly well filled. Fruit was plentiful and of good ciuality, but »o heard it whispered that had there been a l>«oby piize for judges the individuals who placed tho tickets on fruit woul4 \N ni. Es|>len, a (amier in Arraii town- ship, has H breedinu sow that uave birth to 24 voLog pis.'s iit one litter. LS of them living .*ome time and 14 have done wvli. The same so-.» h;i»< iuul ',1 pigi during the past two years. Marrit^d. Wu.xrasosâ€" oiuiNiiKK- .\t t;ie ro»i Jenccoftho orida's parents. .M-ilui i--. on Wmlnes'lav isupt. I4.bv tat) Kuv. \V..i. Ciillaalier. ,Mr. Harvey Wijif, ,1-401] ,,; \rtuumsiifc vs Miss Laura UrsiiiKorof Malinar. McMiLLKNâ€" McKiNSosâ€" .\t the r»«i'»nc<i of Mr. lioo. K. .\rrowsmith. G1i>i.ei!(. b. tha Hev. J. H'Oitu -. .\rtbiOnM M- Mn^lvu ot t'lc-herti'ii Stalitjii t(i Cas.^is M.-ivii.uu.i. ?i*^:t-'r of .>£r9. Air-.'A^iuitll. ^Oi'^^clitfcSaU"-!^''^ SHORTHORNS I I AT DLUli.AH .... -ox - Wednesday, Odt>cer 12tb, IS38. At One o'clock p. m., sharp THIRTY SEVEN HF\D. indudrng Cows. Heifers and yi'Uiig Bulls. Tkk'i.s or sals:â€" Ten ir.o.itl.s credit on approved joint n^tes, or discount at the rate of 6 p.-r cent, per annum for ca-h. Cataloain-a will bo n-ady a''ou^ the 20th Sept. Lnnchat the Contr.il f om 11 a.m. H. PAKKEK Durham, Sept. 13th, 'US. NOTICE ! ~^ Sstico is hereby civ;»n t'mt a Court will b« heh^ |itirsuatit to tUii Ootario Voters' List .\ct, l>y his honor, th© jnilco of the county c<Hirt of the County of Orev. •? tho Town Il«il. KK-Bboi- ton.on riiesday. tl;e ilVih diiy cf Sopii'!-.:t»8r, 1806. St 9 JO o'cloQk A. ni. 10 hoar and tU'tL-nuiue the Sttvoriil coiuiil&inMi of orrors ainl niut.i- iutis in th« Tutors' list, uf the Moniciiialitv of .\rt- euiosift forlSCS All porsona hnvinf: bnsiuoss at the court are reqnir-.* ) to atteu'l at the said tiiu<* fin.l jiiace. Uated at Ploshertou the 1.1th day of Sept , isoe. W. JU BBI.LAUY, Clenkor .Vrtosicsia. F^N^^;:^::g=;?;:^?rC?;s«y::^?:^^^^ fegl BOOTS and SHOES I Wn. CLAYTON Hxs a larg- Rod ctimplote St'<k of SitmKier BoiiU and Sh «» in the latest styk-a. F^r quality nnd price we canoi^t 'ue ui dersold., as we sell at the I-iwe^ CA.SH prices. ^ CALL ANT) SEE THEM '^^^ Repairing and Gusloar Work Promptly Attended to .-«! jiyent for Z^eminion ^^oney Order Oxpisss (< A ::AFE A'.DCJJEAF WAV T..' EE31IT MOM v:^ New Goods : T T T T New Prices We have now received the large part of our Fall importacions and are prepared to give you seme extra values in all Hnes. We have just placed ia stock the finest assortment of Boys' and Men's Ready =to- wear Cothing ! ! Ever seen in this country and they will be sold at very close pi ices. A.lso a very fine line of 5cotch and English Tweeds To make up. We can suit an v body that wants a nobby suit. Our .MEN'S and LADIES' UNDER W AR are something special. We would have to whisper the price for fear it would scare you. We have not much room in th's space to tell you all, but ".ve have the stock and can give you the prices, ^or i/Siitier and ^SfSf^ eppard , â€" .^ â€" ,,,^_ V^ HAKR HOMF ATTRACTIVP f \\h 1 i ^\ r *' i I i^ HAKE HOME ATTRACTIVE 1 1 W The ri'S.-^ciu why boys and sjirls f.rs:Uie the hi-me i.s fre^juently on t^ aoctoint of i's uriplea-sant suriMUndings. jA Be^in. vritli tlie Pa,r>lox>. % Git a nice SUITE or at least some odd Chairs, a Centre Table, a -^ fi^w pictiiiYs. etc. [V RidL Out tlxe I>iziins^ flooin That old Cupboard will <io nicely f<-r tho kitch'Hi or down cellar. Put in a uew Sideboa^^.^, an E»ten«i"ry Table, and some Hiuh-back Chairs. ^ext o'vepli.aiXi.l r*ooms« Get a new Sett for the Sj>*re Ruoiu. tHe Bed- i Put the old one in mother's room. Don't sleep on that idd straw bed all your life or even on feathers these hot nights. Get a uic« Spring and Mattress, they are wonderfully Jlj cool and refreshing. These with a few Bliiula and other fixings which only the Ladies can supply will make your your home much more conifortahlo and at- Thy G3a all lie \m\\i at lie ID?EST PSICES i 7l/. JV, !Buni, J^lesherton, â- ^ . ^..â- â- IM|l I » .T.

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