A- SEPTEMBER 22 1898 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE L*t£l^. ./ t 'jyutnTf wffnffnnnjaiM^nni^w wiBiiw iMuwuiwniMiwooi^^ D. McTavish FLESHKXEON KEEPS ON HAND REPAIRS... For Masaoy-IIarris, Noxon, Fleury and VYilkinton f»rm implemenU Fluury and Vuriby plows on hand all the time, also all kiiidn of repairs for tho aaiiiH. We iimnufacture Wagoni, Buggies, Cattere, Sleighs, etc. Horseshoeing promptly attended to. Special attention to tender ccn- trncted foot. Lodging uud Plow Chains constantly on hand. m^mmmmm0M0i- m^m^^i Bnggic'S, Carts. W»kous, Ilarrowa, Plows of the best kinds and repairs. Binders, Mowers, Horse Kakes and Corn ScutUcrs and repairs. Chaius of ail kiuds. liorseshoeiui; a spccinlty at John H. Heard d Son's Warerooms ^!b W ^iF W f(f WW •»»? '/|F •>!«• ^(«> •iif -it^ 'iti- li^/ti- â- >)*• "Si? ''!«• '/iF ^ w W- •*»;• Owen Sound, Ontario IS THE VERY BEST PLACE IN CANAD.V TO V.KT A THOROUGH BUSINESS EbUOATION. Take a Rouud Trip SltrLTin'^" â€" CoIloKea aud Uoiniiiaroial Depart inciiti in Canada, tbuii Tislt the Northern HiialiiMs CoUorto ; osamiuo • voiythliiK thorouiihly. If we tail to nr<><luco the most thoroueh, oomploto, practiOBl and oxt«njivB cuuiBO of Btiuly ; the buht colhigo prBUiUosaU'l the b«<t aud uio.st coinplettj and luost uultalilo fiirnUiiru anrt appiUuCM. wb iriU Klvo y.>u ^ full courje FHl'.E. For annual â- uuouriooiiiuutB, 8'vlug full particularB, Ireo Addrwu 0. A. FLEMING, Principal W. BARNHOUSE Winlics t ) dniw tlio attuiition o! Iho Pul)lic to tho fi)llowiii;< : FLOUR IN BAGS Of BlUizos and as Chuiip ii;. tlie cheap eHt. Spooiiil BargriiuM in 3 and o Barrel Iut4. Fruit and Confectionery Oyster in Season . . . Groceries and Provisions. DOO and COON MITTS nnil LEOO- INGS lua^lo to ordor and on Shortest Notice. Wn. BARNHOUSE, FIcsherton I Photos ^^ I â€"TAKEN ^ â€"AT THE I Flesh reton I Photograph | I Gallery | ^ are done in first-claas style and nt [T sf; I.'west rates. Special attention iff S Kivoii to cdpyine. Bahiex' photos, j^ M a .ipecinlly. Pictures framed. u, t MRS. BULU R f 80 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks DCSIONS Copyrights Ac. AllTr.no »ondln(» ft nketrh nnil rtpurrlntlnn niBy finli?klr a»»>ertnln rnr iiplnloii free whetlipr nu tnvcnttitn li pri>t>al>l]r pntnalnhle. f'oniniuiilcn. tt'tniRtrlctlycontlOontlal. lUnilbonkon Patent. Bom fri'O. (HdtMt aaonry for mruring itatenl.- I'nlchlii tnkon tlirnuBh Munn A Co. tocelT. fpt.'UU notUf, wtihout o narg o. In thn Scientific ntnerlcan. A ^ivi'Nomclr LUiulrate<1 weekly l-argoat (iiw r:ijitu»n of any bcU ntlflo lournal. T»rm«, |S m ^ttur ; four nujHtbs, |L Bold by all novidPAtam &Co."'»"«*-'- New York Braoob Onoe. m IT Bt.. Waahtogtiw. IK Q, Cash : for : HidesI ^^g^^er Planing Mills Wo ininiifuRnturo Hftnli. rtoorn frumos.door- In- halo. Ki'MnK, jolul nhrotiuR, vmanii.ih uiUoriaU. Wo havuoii liivml a laiKo ntci^k of stair turiiioija. utair rati, tuiun 1 oomar blockn. b««. blocks, also all tho Btand'inl hUuaof sajih »iiil iloor« na han.l. Wo havo a lli«t cla«B Kiln fur dryhiK luinlwr auJ will (,'n.rnnteo onr matarlaU thornuKlily ilry. Kllnililoil huril wool fJooriMK alwav«onh»ii'l. lliiiiK your own lumbar ami hare it kiln rtriod aid phinml hiire. Itdinambar, yon rnn no risk ; wo will ijiiarau'eo to ui.il(« apjifi'ot job. Our Brain choppin.! ri« In In porfnot nrili^r.aii'l lu order to »how von that w-j appraciato tliu vorv birgn tiutl.) that wo do in that line w<i have il«!idii(l to rodnco tho pilcceof ohoppini! (iralnnto 4o P"r ba«. ^\ das i'IumI for your tuaiUH while wait' Wo k""" i^vovy day. Mrs. A. Wilson, Prop, T W WILSON. IHANAQKR ^O Jti 'I OS on 'n/o BECAU5 EI I I USE Moore's wm^^^. Fly Neta, lonthur or Cordod »a"iki'" Alia Urease Umif Oiiifmrnt lUigtiy WaHhnm llarvos': .Afif :8 Swo.1t Oiillars Mon'fJ Lentlier llmcji WhipH and I.,<ii.!p':i Ha> 1 ni'-SH otiMh O.l All kind* oF harneas kup*. on iinii'l and mnde ta ord.r. Kvoiyihiii;; in harnues :_{ >o(l« and At right pric'tw. WM. MOORE Sheepskins and all kinds of fuiH pur- cliiifod, fi.r which highest iniirkct price win be paid. Ilomomnda sauiii|gea on hand, aire nil kinds of meats. M. WlLBON riesLcrtcki Meal Emporium t J. B. Sloan & Son P ]::*op:i^ietos?a Cif OKT TOUR -fti^ Sash, DoMS, Flooring, Sheeting, Newel Posts, Balusters, HTFROM us-*^ Hand Kaiiing, Corner LUocks, the best of Spnice Lith.No.i and 2 Shingles Veranda and Fittings, Sidingt, etc. Toning \\ dl Eiids Done to Order SatM k ^ Skeacis for Obopping. ta aXI Mtr Ubq« fciixan W«id Coanty and District For dit>turbing public worjihip and act- ing in a disorderly manner at Maple Grove school house in Amaranth, David Williaois of Amaranth and Fred Haney <A Mulancthon, were each diied $^ and costs. Jos. Small, whose oifunoo wa^ not quite so serious, was lined f 1 and coats. Jack Hamilton, tho alleged Shelburue forgerer and pergurer, now in Brampton goal awaiting trial, is trustee of an estate of $10,000 or $15,000 belonging to oU niece, a minor, and it is said tl>e estate has entirely disappeared. His bondsmen for the honest handling of the estate are said to be worthless, one of them being in penitentiary as an accomplice iu Im periury. â€" O. 8. Advertiser. A man, who ought to know, says that the same man who will laugh at a rooster for making a great noise when the l>ea of hi* boeoiu adds a new egg to the family uest, will go down town the next morn- ing after his wife ha^ made an addition to the family and make just as big a hloomin^ idiot of himself setting 'em up to tho boys. Tliere is not eo very niWh dilference between a rooster aud a man after all. The be«t way to build up a town ip to stand by every man iiitown. When ever a man is doing well do not tear him down- All reaidoiits shoiiKl be pttrtncrs, not op- ponents. Ill all livulihoiiUa ihu more busi- ness your rival does, the more you will do. Every business man who treut.s his cus- tomers honestly, courteously and fair, will get hi* share, and the iii6re buHiue.s.s that can be secured by united etfott, the bet- ter it wdl be for all. When a town cease* to grow it begins to die, and the more |»eople try to kill e»ch other in their busi- iie.'w the more readily will utter ruin come to all. Stand to^ethur for the advance- ment of e.-ery citizen. If a man shows ability to proHpet do not pull him back lhr<jugh jealousy or weigh him down t!irougli a cold iiiditrereiice.â€" Ex. A well known youni; man io town who holds a (ta'iitioii in one of ihu leading storen, aud who is faultlessly fastidious regirdiiig bin persoivil H|>pe<irauce, in it with a liuiniliRtiug mislmp a few evening ago. At a late hour he was whooling home and ran over what ho supposed was a little dog. His humane feelini'H I'l-uiiipted him to stop and if possible adeviate the eutferings of the poor animal which he a[ipn>ached almost tear- fully ill his remorse for havliv.; ctusbd such suirurng. '• Poor fellow" ho said as ho picked U|> the animal and then ho discovered that it wasn't a dog, it was a p>lccat, but that ycmiig man will nlwnys remember the experience and what it coct him for soap and perfume. Wiarton Eo'pi. Mrs. Kathleen Bluko Waikius, f.-imil- iaily known as " Kit, " of the Mail and Empire, was married recently to Dr. TliecKlore Coleman, in Washington, D.C. Mr. and Mni. Coleman have taken up rusHeiice in Toioiito and " Kit " will continue her journalistic woik, a fact that all readers of the Muil will be glad to hoar, a« she is the bvst woman uewsjwper writer in Cinada. Mrs. Watkins, prior to her late marriage, has for several yeai-s lived in Toronto with her two children, a boy and a girl, apait from her husband. The luulKind Is tine looking, and is siill liviug, or was (|ulte recently. Presum- ably Mrs. Watkins hiui sucuretl a divorce. This bit of gossip will no doubt prove in- teresting to thoao who cany ihoir domes- tic tionblea for solution to "Kit in her currespiindencu in ihe Mail and Empire. â€" Sttyner Sun. O.vcn Sound had a distiiiguinhod trav- eller in town on Saturday. Ho was M-, Charles 8. P. Brouard, a Fienuh journa- list, who, for a wager of 83,000, is walk- ing from Paris to Klondyke. Of o .line he couldn't walk over the Atlantic, and ho t(K)k the steamship to New Yoik. His agreement also permiltttd him ti go by the Great L>»kc8, anil from Vancouver to some Alaskan [lort, but bo nuHt not pay any fares. He reached town by the Str, Parry Scmiid from Collini^wood on Friday nigiit. On Satuidoy he called upim Mr. W. Tito Robertson, American Consular agent, and was leferred ty that gont'u man to tho O. P. \\. steamship agent, but {tilled t<i secure an oppurtui.ity to work l.ii way west ou tho sieamcrs of that line. He w.w suocossfnl, hiwover, in becomiag one of the crew on the .Str. Miijestie, and he departed In gieat uleo fi'r Fori WiUmin on that vesa-,1. Wiiilo in town ho regia- tjred at iho Paters in-lnnijie,Mr.Mathows giviiv him the bjinjlit of his (irst class lioa'chy. M. Brouar-.l is an iiitoivaing charaotcc, and is vjuiii; ikt.oniiiiied in his task, aiid inevilLUtJy will 8<i'i.sliod w;;h tho progvctsa lie iii luakiiig fruiu the centre of culture in old France to the gold min- ing centre in Cinada'a newly discovered El Dorado.â€" U. S. Times. On Saturday " ahuiids-ime wedding " took f.hvce in St. ^jinds' church, Giielph, which was tf)pped oft* so to speak, with a very curious invocation to the Dieiy,TeTy proper, no doubt, on many such occiu; ioDs ; fur, as we read, ''After the young couple were pronounced man and wife by Rev. Mr. Belt, thi; choir sang the anthem, "Gud be Merciful," «ith beautt- fol effect." Haku HstiiTKD RELAnvM.â€" There i» a respectable and venerable widow near GlencrosH who ap{>earsto bo experiencina tilial ingratitude in the iikost catreme form. The wiiumii worked hard in her day and tenderly raiK> J a large family, but she or her dfc;>art»-d husband seems to have trusted too luiic'i to reciprocal hive and eoliciiude, for she Is now iu her old age without any means of her own. Her sons arc well o!f, one of them being the owner of iiOO acres of land, but they re- fuse to do aaythiiii< to n-aintain her and are at prciunt applying to the Oraii<;eville Police Magi.straie t â- li.-ive iheir aged and innrm mother committed to the county goal ai 8 pauper. It ij to be hoped that Mr. PattoUo will be able to see his way to refu.i^e this application and tc do some- thing to compel these heartless children tu support their mother. Nature teaches even beasts to care fi>r their kind, but in what is called the higher order of nature we are sotuetimes bruught face to face with exhibitioii.s ftliich sliame the very face of heaven, and this Glencross appli- cition is one of them.â€" Dufferin Post. A Dyspeptic ? SOUTH AMERICAN NERVINE IS THERAIH BQW OF PRO MISE. Emaclatwlâ€" wearyâ€" Kloomy. No one can ailcquately dencribe the abjeot mi»- ery of the sufferer from Dyspep^l.t and lhdi«e»tion. South Amei-lcan Nerviae Is the greatest discovery In medical science for the cure of all chronic stomach troubles. It acts diroccjy through the nerves â€" the seat of all dis- caxe. Tbousands imtKy of cures made. Keliof from the flrat doao. **I was a ^ea.S BUffurer from ;loiBach and iverre troublu. Tried a score of romedle*. No relief. lUlf a t^ittl. of Sookb Amorlcan NurTlne worked wotfr- d«r«. 8ix bottles made a new man of me." â€" W. II. Sheruiiin, IXorrlsbur^, Ont. Ji Don't esperlment wl(h new and doul'tful mcdk'lue.'Take the tried and t«sCed. For sole by W BicbardkOD Autumn Clothing Get It Made by "proctor " " The Tailor Suits Cut to Order Satistaction Guaranteed Clayton's Block, Flesherton FOi? Priceville RoIIgx* Foiii* and Sa.vr IMLilla To tho Farmers and residents of IVice v'lleandsurronndiiigc mntry and villages: Having leased tho above nulls for a term of years, I would respectfully sobcit a lair share of your cu.^tom and patron- age. Hoping by fair and honest deal- ing to retain all old and new custonu-rss of the mill. C^i^Best Brand of FLOUR, OAT MEAL, tJRAHAM FLOUR, CRACKED WHEAT, also all kinds *t Feed kept Constantly on hand. Highest Prices paid iu cash for any qii.iiititie.-« of .wheat. Planiii;,', Match- ing and Sa\vi;ig done (o order, also Saw L"gs purchaseil. Special reduction on 4 and 5 btrrel h^ts ol Flour. Farmer* 1)1 in',' your gri.it and chopping and give us a fiiir tri.-il .ind we will be sure to use yuu right. C'lopping done every day at So 2?eE» ."Roo Ifos. Frioevill e, Jun. SO' gujJirtCiJ? ^iuilj |iii'cru/)t'Gn k Yorrra "*• l-.ankers, MarL-daJe I>o a Reoera) txokiug bubiueaa. Mcme* loacad at a riasouable rate. Call ou m. A e VASffTcsE.v. .r p "â- Clerk 6tli Drr Court, Co Grey Issuer of »!arriag. Licemten, CoDteTanrrr Rotary, I'nblic, Auctioaeer. M!m«v to J.*uiJ from 5 to 6 per cent. Cbargea moderate. FtESHEBTON P O nElJTS tbLLECTED . 1 . . ''"J" under»i(iiied is preptred to B:jdertake the collection of all tiads of debts. >ote6 bought, aoecmitk collestcd. etc. J* N HE.MJKBSOX, Flosberton 'p CniSLETT *â- yisukwrtoc Stitior* Fojtuwster, Co:»aiissioBi.T in Tt C 3, Conve^ aiiCiT. Heeds, luortflaijoa, leasiw and will* drawn. Moiiej to lend at 5* per cont aud uy- w«ru5. Debts collected. Chsj-gn* nioilerato h;^ D J SPBOLLK , ^» PostiuaEUr, rieehcrtoft foniuiis.ioncr iu H.C.J., Anctitmeer Coi> iuJ\°V": /J"*"""" »»â- « I'ftexy I-enrter Ileal Ei,:ute acu Iiisurai.ee Ag.nt. L't-< <.» ijxxtnaiios, lease-, and willa caivlclly ii>aw o up aul valuRticDS made oit rboitei,-. nr.tlcr- jM«;ie> to lonu at loweM rates of iLt«reH «.o» ovtuus atttmlvid to witU prmipittaw l.barsoB low. Agent for Oceau Duuiiuioi* btenmiuip Coajpany. A call b»lleii«J. Jf.VKltlAGR UCF.NCE:5-Jl OoTemaieBl "* wices. DoieiiB ol th.iu ; Sew Veraioi*. Hrjtclaae: L. F. and Jubile«. For siniele Des- son, in pairs or six at a time. »'•â- H" U. UcLea-v Pl-hdt, U»ui b. Kcukm*, MISS SAJUH STRAIN. , Toaeher ou piano, plaijoforte, organ, et<:. Holtl.» first cIsm teachers' c»rtiflcat« In music with bouors from AUua College ; pupil of I'rof. St. Joau Hvttonrauch of luifoubaKei.. Ucnuiark. Keeidouco (.pposite iietboaifci chucr.b Fleeburton â€" »."vuj». .^0«:ticsi A O y W meets every tiist and tbirdUoctttiW â- ^ in each aioutb, in .i.iii lo<lse leoftr. Ibristoos block, Fle>lierton. at b p m Jan ma<iBley, W U ; A il Oloson. Hecorder; W. Iiellamy.Finauctar. Visiting brutbrec iavitcti ' DBIXCK AKTHTK LODUK, No. .<as, A. 7, .A M. meets in tho Masonic bali. Sireiu'k block lloaberton, e-.-ery Friday oji .r kefoitf the full moon. K MeOUl. W U: W 3 rellamy. Secretary. fjOtUT FLESHKRTOX. I. o. F. a:eets lo y CbristooK Block the last Fridaj eveuiuB in each uioutb. Vititinic Forestors beartllr wolcouio. T. Heory. Chief Kanser, \V. A. Ariu- strottg.Secrttary. > Scnti^tvij T\R. A. E. LrTTLE " Deiitiat, Qradaate Uaircrsity of Toronto aad Rcyt,} College of iJeutal Hurgeoiis. Flvsbertouâ€" Monday aud Tuuldtfy of Mob week, ^^^•jn^a^- Thursday, Friday and Satorday oJ [ P MAKSHALL ~ ' " «* M US, ODB, LDB Honor Ora-luata Toronto Uaivoi-sitvandlto.al Colleiiu of Oeutal HurgeoQs. Visits Flfshertou every Friday afternoon. 1 O CAMPBEI I, " L D S, D D 8, Cenlal 8m geoo, Msrk.laJ* Office over UcCallguijh A \ouua. baofc.. Houi «-s^« a hi to 5 pm. Vi.its Flesher^o till. »,,eond and fourth Thurwlay .of each mouth. Office a', Muushaw a hotel â- p HENDERSON * D 1) 3, M D 8, Dentkit •( Toronto (Hold ModalUt) will visit Fle.hejtMi pre. fes.ionallv the first Wedne.d.y or wrtTaiouto aud Dundalk the followtug day (ThurSay ) §m ]OHN W FHOST, L L » " Itarrlstei . Holicltor OooT.yaDcer. *to omce-Next to voatofllee, Spioale's block. Hesbortou, every Saturluy an4 court dit* N H-Owou Sound oltlc.. Frosts bibek I'uulett »tio.t east.-.- . T UCA3 A WRIGHT •" lianlstcrs SolicltM Owen Sound, Out W II WRIOHT N IIâ€" Meshoitou office overy Saturday. CoBTeyaa«n«, et» klarkdale, Ont I U Ll,'C.^» Uitcbellt Bai.k TCCKKK A PATTERRO.N * llarrL^turs, Solluitora. ate Uoisou's llauk, Owen Sound • HAUUY O TUCKKR OKO \V PATTKKSON \1ACKAY A 5AnPSOn. n.rristem, &o. Ua, k M^i ''i*''''?!:":?"''" HcuMd. lierobant-s ... iJ°*''' ^ '*' I'att.irsou Rouse. Unudal*. Mai., btio.t.every Saturday. "â- "••». A.a. M.^CKAY, M A , H.E. SAMPSON, LX D Crowu Attorney Jor Orey. itriiknl TkU HUTTON if MDCM.MCPAS Cnt, Prioevine Omre noxt door to livown's store; residcat. opixwito at th.«>Mp(.«t oWee, ntsidonee of hite Al«» Itruwn. Offioudaysâ€" 'i;ut>Mlay« audSatas- DR CAUTKR M (TAB Out, Phvsi.ini-. SnrpooD He irieshwrton oMce-StoaiU's bloclk. Cesldtnct â€" Muushaw's Kotol ' TOUN A SCOTT, M H •» Meniher CoUepe Thyaic. A Fnrceri h Ontario Urnduato iu Morlicliio of Toronto Unlvorsity, b>l!owslrip !)i)ilou)n , Post lirndii- nte MuUcal Sehool and I'os'i'ilal, Cliicitcf,- Dixeatt.'S of eve, <ar, unsoand throst specially tveatc"! Ri'Sldefoo, Maxwell, viiiit>,PcV6r8b!.m Thmsdvas l~B â- r OrTRM'FI.L V,.?. ,..,.,.., S'-: i.ary Collinv >uth on w«^ vuut sotols % 'v /