Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 27 Oct 1898, p. 5

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-^ IM Ilid aij liiUs Irsgstort, FLE.^HERTON ^ A « -M Ta 'S We do not cut prices but sell at our re- gular rates for cash. ICiiiulnnii rff C<>d Lirer Oil 3'OC up Kyrup of iiy]>i>|)li(«i()lut«8 SOc up Ruttvr Coli>r(«»iiipl<^ (vee} 10c up S<M«t)iini{ Syrujj .......^,, M)c up Wi.riii Pttwirtr to ttfo lOc up O .u ;Ii Syrnp^ â€" ...~.... I'ftc up LiYer Pills 10c up E»ti«ct of Bta«1i1nS-Ty Wc up Ci%iiiuli«'ii Blmnl Tonic 35c T<»«th G4ii)<(h: <irap9 vhicli yavi like... 10c h t it di Mlle Puwdct-a . â€" .....So And a!l other gooes as Jew as any re- liable druggist can supply you. We buy for cash nnd sell for cash and do a cash business. Vicinity Chips Cii:ir;irtcrlstics of the Past Week Carrfnlly €hI1c4 f«r tlie THE FLESIIERIOI* ADVANCE OCTOBER 27 1898 BiuiiKeat noticKs nnmitg locnts .toUi hi t th^r<ler^ at t-hr rate of im C:fit» t j<fr 'ine for each tnaej-Kott. A + rednctivti tviU be made on c»u t tracls fvr 100 lines or orer. Stick pin, Flesliertnn. office. lost, g:>ld nnd silvtT, in Fiiidor kindly leave at this It is sitld the prnceeds «f Eliiiviile fniv, iiit:liidin<; gnniiKl piivilBgcs, aiiK)ttiiti'd Wt «1000. Leicester Ram Lmnbs fi>r breedinx puriMMKS fiir sale mi lut 2, cnii. 1, Eujili- rastii, Jas. iSTKWART, lliuilierlay. Oursclw'l teachers thorouaWy enjoy- vA the convei.tioii at Durh.iin Inst »>eeU. The trip there \iid back was «<* so jileMt- Hutioy K* tixui on debentures nt 4. per cent, und on r»rui security in auniH of $400 and upwKi'Uu ai 5. per cent. Ex. pensea yuarantoed low. AppJy to Geo RuTUKKFORO, I3«x 57, Sholburn*. I am authorized to loan money ( on jjiHjd pr(ij{re««ive farm property ) at 4i l>er cent, on 5 ycnr lo«n», interest pay- able snnuaily, renHonable privileues <•( repayraoutof principal. Ghargeenioderate. If y<»« renuire t<> burrow money, now in y«mr chsmce. Apply oarly to A. S. VANDUSEN, Fleshertwi. On Monday iHoruing la»*. Mr. Kdw» rd LoniAB of Artemc"i«, three iniVes from this phce, aged Ot years, <lri>ppeJ deaii in his own stable. I>eoei»ed wos*u»ld Tcaidvnt and much respected citi«e«i. His reinaius were interred at W»one«ir ceme- tery on Wsdnewlay, Rev. T. G. Scott otficiatin^'. â€" dStanord. The poliiits <rf *ll ii«r chucdiBS were occupied by foreis^it ♦-alent on S««»day, Rev. Mr. Slrach*n of Ih-ookholm proacli- ian in the Bapliut church iu the Di:tniinj< uiid in the Presbyterian in tl»e evening. Rev. iMr. Folia of Dindalk oocupiid Rev. Mr. Wui'd's pulpit in the tnorninit aad Itev, Mr. Hunihhri'ys of Pricoviilo ill (iio cveiunK. You can l)uy at McFarlnnd & Son, Markdale, kdits' hii.}h cut croquet ru'j- ber«, 20 cents pair. Men's sandlos, 39 ceutN, regular 00 cout.s ; Q'J paiis wuiiion's pebble button bootn $1.10, reyuhir .^l.i'iO; 17'i pairs Women's cloth slippers 15 cents, worth 20 cents ; 45 inch all wool dress serges, all colore, 27i cents, worth iO ; 25 lbs, yellow su^ar for ?1.00. Be sure and call on MuFailand & Son, Murkdale. The death occurred in Mount Forust •.in Tuosdiy of Robert X. Beabtie, painter, who his been ill all Huninier. lie was forty-eight years <'ld. Deceased came here about a year siuon from Flo«hert.(tn iiiid Secured euiployinent with Fred Bryant as a p.iuiter. He spent nrarly all NUiunier in the lioKpilal at Quel^h and C'lUie home improved. He ttok a cold vhorlly afterwartiii Hi<d death resulted. Hu IcavM a wife and a family of tivo vfeildrou.â€" Mt. Forest Cuufe,diM;4.t(^ Ws are iiifomicd by the reeve tiiat tlt« «xcavati(ia at tlra honrashoe hill will bo so far «dv»no«d tliia wtjek, probably un Fi4Jay, that vehicles can );o through even when keuvily loadoii. The Dr. also clmms that our item rcferrin;; be Mr. Mc- Intyre's mishap at tliis pirint was mis- krolim?. The Council did wnt agree to |)ay the l*ill »Bs there w«s no niectin'g of tho council, a«Kl what was said in refer- •ofice t» it Wiuj pereonal n»erely. ASh<» tfee >3«itiini{ Was i>nly tcT» feet, not thirteen,** we wore iiii.>ii«fMmiod. There aln those who say, toi«, that Mr ACcIntyraN rii? wa« bttiken before it want into the hole. As to the t-aruer iiuesliou of why This j<>b has not been sooner completed, ire hre sntistied that the blame is ^itachaMu aomewhuna I ut we do not prnpoiKi tn place it. Tiro desitieof the council ban been tn get the work d\)n« as cheaply *i pomi)-le or it aii'iht have been completed liefope now. This, of courso is a laudable motive, but it has operated a^inst the welfare of our businera interests here to a consitlerable extent. However, the worst of the work is now over aud llMtfic will not heiioeforth be deliected or itupeded by tire cnndjfion of (he road. The annwU bruucli UHWiing «f the U|t{)or Canadii Uibto society held iu the MetliwJIst churoli un Monday eveiiiuif, was {Xioriy httiiided, as usually seeius to lie the case in F!esl»eit<in. For »<»«'e peuKon little intersat appears to be taken hero in tfais ItrKiich ot the chutivli work, Perlmps wi> i^re all too busy pmisniiating creed and doctrine a:id speiidiiii; all we can alfttrd in the Ji.-.Hemiuation "f tlie!<« to the dolriniont of the spread of miadult- erated gospel. Is it so, or is it pure care lessnesH and indiSerence that Uestioys our interest. 13e this a* it'niny it appears to be uphill work to perRiiiide Fleshcrtoa pe(i|,U! to take a det-p interest in the wnili «f this society, Rov. U. Simchan of Hrookhiiini was pi-ayent to plend for his sociiity. Rev. Sir. Darroch also s|ioko for a few joinutes, MTr. Stioclian said the C|)per Cailaili society was the largest auxilliiry of the parent Britiih nii-.^-^Sfrr ei;(ii Bible Hoeiety wliijh was iimuijuiated iu l«04. Th<) paienl acK-iely had itself •trannk-itoil ilio Bible into 35) different languajtOK and pulrlishwl it in 381 langimg- «s. The upper Cniiiula biAiich was org- anixfd in 1828 and was then known a« t!io York IJible sotiuty. Under it »er« now 584 branches and last year the in come fixiin all sources was $31,223 ; 2Hi,3W copies «(f the Bible were issued. The folkfvvmg officers were .ippoint- od : Pr.-s , Rtiv, Jos Ward, B A. ; Vice Pres., Kev. Mr. Darroch ; Sec, Rev. Ml. Th.mt ; Tread., Wm. Hender- son ;Libraiiaa, I>. Triiiiblu. Collectors â€" Mrs. F. Tucker, Miss Kate Bellamy, Miss S, Loueks,MissTli(HnpKOii, MissK Quiug Miss A. Bent ham, Mi-a M. Wright. Mi-s A Tlioin[ison, Miss H«oiphill, Misn L. Thoiii[j(i<ni, Airs. .\. Uerou, Miss McOi!- livray. You Try It If Shiloh's CiiUKh and Consumption Cure, which is sold for the small price of 25 cents, 50 cents and 91.00, does not cure take the iKKtIc back and will refund you your money. S»ild for uvet fifty years on this guar.iatee. Price 35 cents and 50 cents. What is Shiloh A grand old remedy for cough, colds and consumption ; used throught the world for half a century, has cured in- iiuinerablM cases of incipient consumption and relieved many in advanced stages. If you are not satisfied with the results wo will refund four money. Price 26 cents, $0 cents aad $1.00. Clubbing Races OurGlubbin^ list for the presel^t season is nnw pr«ctically complete. Most of the papers ou this list gire the bahinoe <if this year free to now subncribers so it will be to the advantn^ <if all to zet their subscripiious in aa warty na p<i8jible Sat. Mail-Einpireaiid Advance. . .9 1 80 Weekly Mai I -Km pi ra aud Advance 1 45 Farm and FrcsiJe 145 Weekly (3h.be 165 Saturday Gluiio ... 1 45 Daily News and Advance 1 80 Family Herald and Advauod .... 1 80 Farmers' Sun and Advance 1 35 »«•*.» . â€" â€" ^ • A San Francisco man says P. T. Barn- uni undoubtedly went to heaven because l)« had the greatest show on earth. A Bo.ston nmn denies this and vjives tiiese reasons : St. Peter did not recogniise the great showman when ho appearvd at the ^ato, and when informed aa to hia name replied in wonderment, ''P.T.Barn- uinj" This caused some aHperity and the remark, " Yes, P. T. Baruuiu .' You ought tu know uiv, I had the xreateai ahow on eartlt." " That may be, replied St Pvtur, bat jTuu have uu ithow hiite," PERSONALS Rsv. J. Straohan of Brookhohn was the guest of Mr. J. H. Heard while in t«i*n over Sunday. Master Rddio Sloan, son of Mr. W, H. Sloan, left on Saturday to bike a posi- t.ioii in Weaton. Mrs. Jauias Radlny leaves this week tu take np her residence in St. Thomas. Messrs. Walter and Andrew Blakeley, late cf Fte.shertoii, now poMassa flourish- iiiu' jewellery businesa in ll'ortli Dakota, Both y<iung men have ttlwtg waroi friends here who are d»light0«( fo hear of their prosperity. Mr*, h i.WilliMUaon left the forepart of last week to jutu her husband, who is enjoying a good stituatiun in Mexic.i. Mr. Fred Qhihaui of Mt. Clemens, Mich., spent a few day* during the past week visiting his old haunts here. Fre«i is an eniployoA at the mineral bath* in Mt. Clemens. Ibirrle«l. Uoo«Kâ€" $Miri.R--At the reaideuoeof Mrs. I. J. Williamnoii, PlosUurtou.HUter of ttie bridu, nil \V«<tBM<Uy.Oot. S,bv Che Kov Jos. War.l, It A, W J Moure, to .Miss Alary Jaiio, daugli- tar^ Andrew SaLOpla all of .Vrtuni'SgiA N OTKE - TO - CREDITOR s In the mftttero! lhe«»Uite of Donald Mulr. iBtc «t r%t Towmlllp of AKenicsltt> In tho Coucity of Ortfy Parmer, d«cea*Ml. Ptinmantto R. 8. O.. I«t7, Cap. 129. Soc. ;W, notiwi is hm-oby «ivo?i. that all perBoiis bavinu claiiiiK B;Ka'inst tlM cfntato -Qf tlio Bald Doualtl Muir, (lu<-.tiHHti(t, aro r«^niro(l to (lu)iTar oi-st'iul liy imiit preiiiiifi, t<3 iliu tiMtlursiRnod. to K1et>h- mtor Station P. 0^«»««r b*ifoi« the 'ASiifl day of Oct«>btM-. it^jH. a Htatmimtii in writiitK ^f tliuir hnuiuH aud addreoHtis %itk ail jiaiUculara of llu'ir claims ttL.d iiatiiro of security ( if any ) held by M;om, And if»ilth<r notice is bnrehy RiVon that after tho Ubi nivtitioiKMl daOn the uudurMeiiud xvil) pruci-ttd Ut distribute tlitj asFotcof tho (loc^AH• ud. tiKVliic lOKnrd oalv to the clainifi of which Mho tliiin MAS hot) Hottcu : and will not ba Uablu for tho .-laid anuots or aiiy part thureof to any |H.'nt(iii wUoiwvlBiin uoticu thoruuf huilJI iio^ havo bueu ixjcjirud at thu time of such diittri- htition. MAKY McUAE. KlvsJi^rtou Hwation, Sept. 1st. 'W. Kotide to Â¥l|e f^ublid ! Nottcn iB hni^y fiivun that t will not ho KpoiiHihlufor any debts contracted in inv name All sntali dubt^owiiii* nioinuHt be paid to invHi'If Mithoiit fnrthor dulay, urthov will ho oulU«t("1 * O OUll ArtuintibiA,0«t:f2iid, 1808 BOAh' FoYsWmE Tho underMsnod has a woU bred boar» Tarn* worth'CIujstor ciosh, for Horvico ou^^ot 17.*. T & 8 U, Artt'uiuH\ii Tonus 7.% coutnifimid at ttino of Mjrvit-c f 1 if not ho paid I have also the old I5«r4ct4iiro boar for MrTiue G. OUU. ArtGnMriia.OctfJnd IflOtl ^ gtrxie Astra y' Camo tn th« ftroiiiiMH of tbo iindorsiRn^'l , abiiut Oct uilii, two lambs. Owner is ri:- qiutntiiil to prove IMro|i(irty pay ux|i*n8cs ami take thcni aw«v. B J COLQOETT Kevcrsliam AtA-aS,^ Boar for Service Tbo uttAerrif^wad has a Arie thoroiiFttibriMl Iloikiiliiroboar â- â€¢ ArtiMOeaia C'liiof, " No. .5111, foraaivice on lo<,St,coii. 8 .\rtemoBia. TKIl.MS, 75 caiiti oaali , M H ImutcmU JCHN J.nENSO.N. Pnor. fiTB !br Sals or to Rent A *»(u*bl<o f . rm if "210 acrcn, 140 acren ulonraJ, lit &ci«s piiHtui'u land paitly oioATud, 9<i ibri'es antler Ri'aas, 13 acrea (all wiM'at, U Msras plouRlied, in good atate (if cuIUvfkUnii, w«ll watbrO'l \«ittl spiiiic cr«* nnd two (fooil wells, Kou<l orclmrd, finmo liiu'ii Virx4.\ slon« t^aBuuionti also lar^O' briuk liousu. Kttu»t««<l «u wavC back line, :H inilea (roiu KleaUgrtian and ."il from Mai kdalu. Aiiply to S. A. rBO.MetjON, Markdalp I'.O. STRAYEI) Front the itioniison of tUo |itnderHtgaod on Friddv. ITtiu iiitit. ono ntl cow. tnodiiini sire, rupture cttt ri^'lit side. Anv infMrination as to hor wlteocabouts will be thankfully recoived, JA3> FKLSTKAD. Flesborton, Oct 10. 98. - STRAYED - Strnyod fioiii l,lio iironilaoaot tUo unileraiKn- od, about tliroe woi'IIb a^o. oilo .Ayarahira grade lieKor, two yoara ud, white .st«r on forehead, horna peculiar Kliapo. lofoninitioii au to hor whui'oabouta will be iliaiikfiilly r«:<.civod liv A. M. UIBUUN, Flasliorton. FloBhorton, Out. t'lth 'M. Si'RAYB^ Frnmtbn prou.iResof Mr..TarviB Henry.better knoua aa tuu Itoburt JMair farm, want back iiiio,.\rluiauMu, tuti Ultur part of AuKiiat, a red ntuuv and ono ujuut whitu with more rml than nbitM on nook, both riHiiit;! tno yuara old. Any puu.ou uLviUfjKHcti iiirorhiutlon to Jarvin Houry Uuikilale, ur thti tuidt^iHi(,'i)ed. aa will load tu taur rvcuvory, will bu suitably rewardsd NOBL.K I/AWUKNCK Klo&hertuu Stt^tioa STIlii.YEI> strayed from tie iiruniians of the under- signed, lot ai^ con. It, .\rteiiie. in. about .\114uHk Ist.oiie uwu ami Unib, the nwe iniiikuii T. It. Anvtiii- kiiuwiuK uf their wheruabuuts will •biii;«l)y uumuiuuiuadkii with TBUtf. UXtAUaLKX KniKDla r. O. BOOTS and SHOES Wn- CLAYTON Has a laT^ veA ooaipivte Stock <of Summer BooU and Shrnn in the latest Myk«. For quality and pHee w« oanuot be undersold, •a w« sell at the luWMt CASH prices. i^- CALL AND SEK THEM "^1 Stpaiiiiif kA Gastom Work Promptlj Attended to A 8AFK AND CHEAP WAY TO RBMIT MONEY How to make the best OF Your - Dollar ^Tist call aud Bee u?, take h look at oai Btock, exaojiiMJ it, corai;ai<a onr prices, take tlw â- qoality of goods into coiisider- ttou, aud ywt will be couviuccii tlmt ywt liave been losing money byoot doing buBiiiess liei«. NV-e tiRvo roo^ivcd and placed in sto-k anotlier shijiineut of tliofie noted â- â€¢ " SCOTCH SUITINGS and it alTonis us <rrcat pleasure to direct your attention to oiu" orderetl clothing Jeparlmeut for this season. .This is one of 0111° inaiti de|>«i'tiuanta and bound to jjiow because we deal in onFy tliorouglily reliable goods which' %vo ticU at the lowest possible piicea. Why is it that so many careful dresseis wend their wny to this store for ready-to-wear clothing ? Why is it tliut they continue to coino in iiicrearing Hunibeivs, not only after â- :lothing, btU clothing needs of^vevy des- cription ? There must be good reasotts forit, and if cheso rea- sons «!« not evident to you we would advise you to make in- vesligatAoiifl jnst (or your own satisficttou and subsequent pro- fit. GROCERIES As usual, new and fresh ani a full hue always on baud. BOOTS and SHOES Our Boots and Shoes depart- ment is well assorted with goods that will wear. Give us a call and you will be satisfied what wa say is right, jf(igh»»t !Prie»s iPattl ^or Gutter jind €yjs T.J.Sheppard HAKE HOME ATTRACTIVE ! ^ frequently on â- < % h % \ % i The reason why boys and Kirln forsake the home is account of its unplcaeatil sur^0Ulldin^'<. Be^ln. mrltli. tbe Pa.x*lox*. Gut a nice SUITS or at Uoet sonic odd Chairs, a Centre Table, a few pictures, etc. Rid. Out tli.« Dixxingf Room That old Cupboard will «lo nicely for the kitchen or down cellar. Put in a new Sideboard, an Bxbansiory Table, and sumo High-back Chairs, M^ext ovoac*l:ia.ul tKe Bed- x*oonxai« Get .•» new Ssit for Umj 8|mr« Roon». Put the old one in mother s \^ room. Don't sleep on tlutt old slrmw bed all your life or even on feather.s "' these hot nights. Get a nioa Spring and Matbruss, they are wonderfully cool and refreshing. These with a f< can supply will maks your tractive, Tke;Giinallb8|tKiirehUli8llVEST PUCES ^' â€" Jit Ua*â€" i Blinds and other lixiiii{s which only the Ladies M lur your home much more comfortable luid at- \fi .â- <•' â-  i W. X. iBunt, J/esAerton. i I i )

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