Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 27 Oct 1898, p. 7

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^mmnK i "rlbout the Bouse. LEGEND OP BED ROSEBBDS. When cruel bands the crown did twine Which preaaed the Savior's brow di- vine, Vnconacioufily a rosebiMi white. Was twined among the sharp thorns tight. And lying on His holy hair, It saw where thorns had wounded there. So .gantiy from its place it slips XV) kiss the wound with fragrant lips, AJid ever since, the legend aaid,_ His blood has stained the rosebud red. Fit emblem of His love and grace, Andia 'the; thorns it found a place. Bo every grief that here we win Has some sweet blossom hid within. And every sorrow, without doubt. Borne helpful lesson twines about. Bearqh mid the fingers of each care, You'll find the rosebid hidden there. -, Ci.06ETo AND SHELVES. Many ho»i.'ies are built without milk- ing the proper arrangements for clos- ets and cwboards, and it Incomes ucc- •saafy to Dfovide a place for the cloth- ing, trunks and other things that are very useful but which do not add to - the appearance of the rooms, Lf left ex- posed to view, says a writer". A comer wardrolje or closet Is very convenient In a lied-room or sitting- room and is easily constructed: Two (vlde pieces of board are fastened to two walls whiich meet in a corner At & height of five or six feet from the floor. A. row of hooks placed near the lower edge of the board.s w used to hang the clothing on, and. a three- eornered shelf rests upon the upper •dge. A fo<Jt above thifi is another •belt fastened to thtj wall Ln the .tame ivay, and from the front edge h.ingsa curtain pf prettily figured i-alaen or iretonne. of a color whii-h harmonizes with thi oiher furnishings of the room. The lower shelf is used for hats, and the upper one is a good place for vases tnd pieces of bric-a-briic, if the ceiling at the room is high. A three-cornered Dox with a hinged lid jet ott the floor. Is a convenient receptacle for boots, (hoes and rubbers. A panel door may be substituted for -the curtain if pre- ferred, and the expense will be slight, t( you hivvo some one in j'our family who knows bow to use curpenler's tools. A frieqd of zjiine ha.s a very pi'etty »nd comfortable lounge in her sitting- room, whiih I waa surprised to find was also used as a chest for tbe»xtru comforts and other bed clothes not needed in the summeir. A box six feet long and two feet wide, with castors under the corners and a lid fastened to one aide with bingeo, ia the founda- tion. The top- of the box is padded with 8«!veral thicknesses of old (luilts, that were too badly worn to be used in any other way, then covered with blue denlin, putting -the light side out, and a full ruffle of the denim is placed around' the front and two end^. This reaches tbu floor, and conceals the box from view. A laige pillow, also cov- ered with denim, is placed at the head A. lounge made like this for the dining room would do nicely for table and bed linen. Place a partition across the middle, dividing it in two paits, and use one tor tJibiecloths, napkins, side- board covers,-^ dtfilies, etc.j and the ather for sheets and pillow cases. The window seats and cozy corners- so much in favor now-a-days could be utilized in the same way. A recess or jog in the wall niaybe fitted up as a bookcase or closet. If the jog extends f roib' the floor to the ceil- ing, have lattice panels set in at the top and under this place a pole fasten- ed to the 'fetde' pieces of wood, nailed up to secure the lattice transom. From this pole suspended a curtain, which falls before the shelves, prot)ecting' their contents from the du.st and sun- light. This might be fitted up for a clothes press or: wardrobe. A convenient medicine chest is made by fastening a box twelve inches high, sixteen inches long, and seven Ini-hcs deep, near the end of the mantle .shelf. A -strip of moulding is put on around the upper edge. It was divided into two parts, one for tall bottles and one for short, by putting in a shelf (en inche.s froirt ihe bottom. A curtain of momlc. cloth, fini hed- at the lower edge with l>ell fringe, was placed across the front. In these shelves were kept various toilet articles, gly- cerine, cologne, ammonia. tooth pow- der, mueilllge, and other bottles th it arc useful but â- Unsightly. The wood- work should, always be stained or painted to correspond with the other woodwork in the room. - A" friend of min« found, upon mov- ing into a new. home, that one of her up tairs bei-1-rooms was quite long and narrow, both ends being cut off by the sloping roof, until the upright walls were only four feet high. A large double window in one -side where the ceiling was high-ist, furnished light. We have all seen such rooms, and know that th> space where the ceiling is so low is almost useless. This wo- man called a carpenter to her aid, and the space on one side of the room %vas divided into three parts, and drawers made to fit in the spaces. The lower drawers were quite deep, and were nice places tor skirts, oapes and other The FaH ta â-  .Time Whan the Health Mutt â- â€¢ Carefully jiuarded. With its sudden changes, its hot days and chilly nights, dampneu and decaying vegetation, this season is peculiarly trying to the hejilth. A good Fall Medicine is as important and beneficial »» Spring Medicine. Hood's Sarsaparilla is just what is needed when the leaves begin to fall ; it keeps the blood pure, wards off malaria, creates a good appetite, gives refresh- ing sleep and maintains the health tone through this trying season' . HOOCl S parilia I < Caniida'D Qre«te«t Medicine, ft: six for $3. Hraparoil hy C. T. H md * Co.. I.ow'e'.l. Ma»H . Hnnrl'c Oillc itf* I'iver IIIh; eany to I lUUU » fills t!ikB,ea«y Ui operate. 25o. mmm cRusof s isle. THE ISLAND OF JUAN FERNANDEZ ABOUT TO BE COLONIZED. Chill Will Send grttlen to tbe WorM I'niuod H|Mt Whlrli I* Not M Tru|ilciil a Pli(r«- as Drfuc Plrtnreil. Robinson Crusoe's Islajad. is to be colonized. The Governlnent- of Chili has just adopted resolutibn& to that effect and by the time this shall h-ive been published an inspector will have been appointed and in. «i41.. prob- ability a numbe{ of new iDbabitants will have been carried to the Island of Juan Kernanduz. Within the past few weeks the President of Chili hris vis- ited this island on a tour of inspection and both himself and bia official^ re- port t bit it can be made of great valine to the country.. It has been decided tfum DRINK. Iiudella Ceylon Tea You are missing af^reat pleasure if you are not one of the many who enjoy this Tea* LEAD PACKAGES • - 25, 40, 50 and 6o<v Eobinson Crusoe's "Lookout." It was placed about thirty years ago. The in- scription reads as follows:â€" In Mj-mory of Alexander Selkirk, Mariner, A native at Largo, in the County of Fife, Scotland, who lived on this Island in Complete Solitude, Four years ia.nd four months. 1 He was landed from tbe Cinque Ports galley, 9(i tons, 18 guns, A. D., 1704, and was takin off in the Duke, privateer, lath February, 1709. 1 things tb;it are injured l)y folding. The other drawers were smaller. On the , to give each settler a hoiree and a-cer- He died Lieutenant of H. M. S. Wey- other side the space was used for clos- ' tain amount of land, and the idea ia cts, and furnished with two panel ; ^^ ^.^^^, .^ i^ fishing colony ther4. doors. The appearance of the room 1 ,., ,. .1 i, ..«„ „t was greatly Unproved, and as closet ; 'fhe codfi.sh caught off the shoies of room was unu.sually .sc;arc8 in this Juan Fernandez, are especially; fine, house. .<hB has often assuriSd me that They swarm al)out its shores, and. in she would not do without the closets ^^^,^p„;, ^^^^^ lobsters and olhefr And drawers for many times what ^^ > i „# shcll-fLsh. might form the basis of t-liey cost. HOME OF THE FLOWERS. The Scilly' Islands are a little group of rocks, islets and barren crags aliout fifty miles off the very southwestern ptlnt of England. There is iiu islei or a rook for every day in tbe year, count- ing those that appear atK)ve high wa- terâ€" twice as many pcrhaiis when the tide is i>ut. Only five of the islands are inhabiteil and the largest is but two and a bulf miles long by one and a half mllefl wide. In Homan days the l8lan<ls were used as a pinoe of banishment ; later they became a refuge for outlaws. These outlaws became smugglers and wreck- ers, the latter not at all removed from a great industry. There are also ihany seal, walrusses and other marine ani- mals in th<' waters near by. and the mainland has in its woo«1b many wild goats, wild sheep and wild mules. There are parts of the island that are very fertile and it is tljf>ught that th'y can reaily be made a valuable propurty. The island of Juan Fernandez lies- just about 400 miles west of Val- parabM>, in the South Pacific ()i!»an It can be reached only by special steam- ers, which make e-xcuisions there ONCE OR TWICE A Y^AR. . The island is bleaker and rx>luer th >n DeKw's picture of it. It is only twelve miles long by about seven miles wide mimtb. A. p., 1723, aged 47 yn^rs. This tablet is â- erected near Selkirk's Lookout', by Commodore Powell and the Officers of â-  M. H. S. Topaze. A. D.. 1868. Striotiy True. In every respect and attested by the testimony of thousands that Putnam's Painlesa-Corn Extractor is a sure a;nd painless cure for corns. Tbe'cliiijxi that it is just as go<id made by those endeavoring to palm off imitations for the genuine only proves tbe superiority of "PutnaiA's." Use only Putnam's Painless Corn- Exlructor. Sure, safe, painless. AN UNPROFITABLE MONTH. President Nickel in Slot Coibpanyâ€" How were the profits this month? Treasurerâ€" Less than usual. The receipts were not much greater than the e,\penuea. Presidentâ€" HumphI Some of tbe ma- chines must have been in order. Dilates, and many a vessel has been , . .. » 1 „. , r ;.. , \, » 1- , «, f but parts of it are the picture of (leso- lured on the nx-ks by false lights for | . . ' ... , ... _« i,„ the sake of the treasures to be cast up by the sea after its destruction, j It U said of the islands that they are " th« moat extensive marine graveyard in the world," and in s'pife of the pow- erful light which now warns the mar- iners to keep awny even when twenty miles distant every winter sees some unfortunate ship dashed to pieces on these dangerous rocks A branch of the gulf streiim sweeps round these Isles and brings them with- in the semi-tropical zone. The climate Is months earlier than on tbe mainland. January in the Scillies is iike April in England, thus spring ' begins at Christmas. These conditions are favorable to the chief, almost, indeed, the only indu.-i- I ry of the islands, the growing of cut flowers, chiefly the <laffodiJ and nar- cissus. II may be said the condition^ lation. .It is a great nuiss of rocks, ] which rises upward from the waters for more than a thousand feet. It is made up of hills and mountains, of little ravines and vall.^ys. Tbe north- ern h;ilf of thL' island is covered wilb a dense vegetation, but the southern 'bilfis as bleak .-ind bare as the -weslei n slopes of the Andes in the rear of the « Book Trucks On Rubber 'Hre Wheele. THi erriei apioiALTV mfq. or, Llmltfe Toronto «n<l Ncwinarket, Qg^. Thlt tranavm mi* vf mf orlalnal dulfn*. E. LIMtN. 7M Vann f,.. â-²II ori«llul dtsltBl. Write (sr prloM. Tar«t|f »t'xA«iM 114 L COFFEE & CO^ GRAIN AND QOMMtSieN MERCHANTI, â- oama 40*-12 e«u^ af Trmea emie TORONTO, ONT. Teoiua Fltnb. Jeai L. Oawrwm, IF you want to •Ither buy or sell Api^lea in car lots, writeua. The 0<iwsoi\ Camm 83ion Oo., LiniltMi, TELEGRAPHY. Shorthand, TTM^rltliif, IlL.u>li»pin( aai all Oall- in«roial Subjt.ot« ar« propftrlr taufht iu tn* OINTRAL OUSIUBMOOLLIOe. klicttpina aaa â-  mV PPoronto. Ton»a aad Of rrard Hta |r»ll Trrm M«mb«f» BpUadld I uii^a aaa urrrara ata ran Trra a«w OMa. JlambMt aUiiiitteid al auT tliaa. El(ht ra«ulai MaaltcC aqulpmaal Wrtu (or natalixua. natal OKU* W. H. aHAtfir, Prlnatpal. Central ^.'-yC^ eniATFOMD, CNT. B«at Oommcrolnl Soh â-  I in iho Prorlnas ; aotar aawi pauluaua 'r»e. W J El.UOTT. ^ripolpar â-  uTSO Qim<kvi/\^ T'> all others. superior u,., •...proof oiouj Four Dollars C >in|iieui. To be hiul uiii.> from â- â€¢ BURKKTlt, 31 giiern 8t. B.. Toron-Qi d*-ui'. Miaiii.i for u'->-iiiJir and sMiupia of cluih Imfoia bujiUK elaewhera. THE TRIUMPH^ ADJUSTABLE H70VRP!Pi||» Khftj put up iu)d tKkeo down. Cun hr clranetl, n«rtcd, utid put awi-.y a a euiull «pacP Ark y.iur aeaici* for tteoQ. Maiiufaoiurud t>y Q. B. BARCLAY, â-  AS AdelaideAt. W., taronto. Most of I he .ihures WASHING IN E«YPT. I In Egypt wd«lling Is done mostly by ' men, who stand naked on the banks of Che Nile, and pound the wet clotbsg on I the smooth stones at tbe river's brink DOninlOfl LinO Steani3i|iP8« till iho dirt is removed from tham. " â-  â- -â-  French women pound the clothes with Peruvian dessert are inaccessible. Th,' Ijest landing] paddles in the same way as the Egyji- place in tbe Cumberffind bay, at which! tians upon the stpnes beside tbe riv- point there is now a fishing settle- nient. which inehnles alnuit «ll the people of tbe island. There are, It is said, orly fifteen people now living there. Back of the settlement on ths bay tb-re are ool'agus, or straw huts, which once formed the hi.mes of a number o£ settlers who lived there. Th-se huts are made of cane, -w-atted are the cau.se of the industry. Nearly with straw. I'hL're are gardens al*>ut every available acre of laud in the five ' somfi ot them, and at one -lime'thore inhabited islands is set to flowers. . „,,„_.i „,,i,,_„ k,,,o fin« ^ , ,. , ,, - , - was an agricultut^ii colony - ner^. une Some of tbe largo flower farmers have " â- *" "r â- - â-  from twenty-five to thirty-five acres man attempted to start a stock-rais- in flowers, but from five to seven acres jng plantation, iinl b- bad. it is said, is the average The only-or at least ^^^ ^ „„ 30^,.,) head of cattli*. and lbs chief â€" drawback IS the wind storms i , , , . • that 8.,metimes sweep over the isles | »" equal number of sheep grazing in and bl.isl the l)uds. The bads are plant- 1 the valleys on th^ north of Ijjti isluml. ed in patches of perhaps a third of an | of late, however, this business has al- acre, separated by hedges for protec- ^^^ entirely disappeared, and oaltle er. rnarata mora CaUri-h m ibu asotlon of the cocnfry than ail ihor <llwa««>« pat tocctber. Munlr»al and yuoSrc 1,. I.irt.pool m niaiajw la laat 'WMi iirrw .Ui>io.hii.. • l.abr»dor, couver. Di.miimjn, -feoouinia. - Y nrl< _ _ ..iu««ai«)i. - Ycirlialilra.' Siinerlor «CLon:nioclatlon or flrtt cibin, iau ond Cabin acd iit»«ra«p naaiangir*. HntWjf ta^aaio-Flrat O'abln. HM.O) ; -aroni Oabii nd iintl' the I(u>« fa?, ypum woa auppoiiad to IB nonrnhla. For a era.it qiany year* <1<i promaaced it A local dUaacu. and nr»--c loca ramiidlaa amt ' rajniidlaa amt by conatanll}- fMIlnir to wllh loial 'oantment, pronoiinord It In- anil "ai c» h llaoi eopi.r!tufional treatment H ll'iiC»tiirrb'i:«ri*, aiif. oil ..---. - _ . . rura curable. Sulanc ooiinntiii onal dlaaani) Vin.l tharafora raqairoB Sulanoo hH< i^roven eataTh to- t>a a laaaan an.l tharafora T«qiiir«B ealment H U'nCatiirrb Cura, iianuf.oinrad hy F, J. Cheney .k Oo., Tolario. tion frm tbe wind, The flowers are cut while still in bud and set in trays or pots of water in hot hou.>«s to ripen. As this occurs, hoys and girls put them into bunches and pack them for shipment. They are .sent to London, where every grower has his customers, while the surplus stocks Ihe city's great flower market,' Cov- ent Garden. The grower gels about sixty-three cents for a dozen bunches and the crop from the Scillies, during its three spring months, is worth 9'^(X'>- 000. Some idea of the enormous otliput may be gained from the fact that the yearly output is bltO tons. One hun- dred and sixty bo.\es, eiich of which holds six dozen, bunches, are, ajlowedto a ton. Something like sy.OOO.DOO blbbms then, must l>e'sent to market during .January, B'ebruary and Ma'rch. The Scillic* belong to tbe crown and the revenue goes to the Prince, of Wales. The inhabitants hold their farms under leases. If a man wants to build a house he submits his plans to the governor of the islands, who leases him the land on which to build for ninr ety-nine yeers. At the end of that time the house and nil gn to the crown. . TO CURE A COLD liv ONE PAY. Take taintWe Bromo Qulnfnu Tablots. "All Brruh cl«U refund tha iiionej if it faila to OiirA. Via. BOUI^D TO SdWvBED, ARE ALLOWED TO GO WILD.- ami tb"re are now on tbe -J.'tbfnT wiW sb-ep. wild go;its and wild miiles. Thi'i-eis no doubt but that Jjian Fer- nandez is a rich island as. r.xr a's th» soil of the noi-ihern psirt .of it.ijvi'on- cerned, and with this new uoloniiiilgi scheme it may support <iuit« «.' large number of people. The hills are cov- ered now With wild oats, add ,tbere is gtiod grass in every Open ,?pot. .Jhe fruit trees planted more than a hiin- dred years ago by Selkirk and ol,b^*s. .have reproduced themselves, and them' are many wild fruits, while the grapes found in th-' woods are as • delirious as' tixixsc wlii'b Robifisun Cnu-soi" diied for raisins, ib^re are peaches, pears, anil iiuinri's growing wild, "Und- disd' wild vegetables. ^ A peculiar. j)J.ant-, is th' panga, â- whic-.h..h»8 leitves forming a- cup a.S- big .IS an, umbrella, .'t'hi^ flU.* with, water when, i I Jrfltn.s, (ini^stftya. full a.s long as it is cloudy. When the sun comes out . it begins tp .wilt; anil th' ^uter flo.ws out. .. ....••- There are -a number of cavason jluitn Fernandez, iind ...s^voial' are pointed. out isi which it is sjlid AleXa,^'!'^ ^l- kirk Uved, One of these, wiiiih Jietir in, a ridge of vg;lciuiic rock, iij aa largo Village Cousin-When £lmer Tutlji Las ih-.- average puilour,; with .a roofc was cros.sed in We and swore he'di.f.'"'" -M'" <" fifteen ff^et jU^jv?,. 1^ commit suicide, erferyirady thought it vfloor: Th.- door to' this cavern, ab«ut was kind of U Ffench duel threttt. | fifteen feet -high and. its e.\tent.t.o the City Cousi»r-But he was in dead^r'^w f-t k'»st thirty feet. It shows earnest, after lall. s'sfis of ha.ving been lived 19. There A'illage Cousin-Yes, siree ! Why, in-; are^little botes or pockets .scp.Hied out^ .stead Of ta.king poison or hanging of the walls such as are mentu)n,ed la himself or trying anything else t^hat [^ Kfl^ilison Crusoe's descnpt;on there was liable to be a hitch in, bo J ... . QF. HIS CAVE-HOMK - ate a mess of toadstools that an ex- 1 ^^j here and there on the walls are rusty nails used by those who have lived here in the past. It is-sa-id' that the cave was the resort of I he buccan- eers who once ravaged tbe ooiust end ships of this part of the world. Other oaves are covered with ferns, and the vegetation Is so lu,\urlant that It is easy to Imagine that Selkirk, like Robinson Cru.soe, might have set out hedges about his caves, which would soon have become walls of trees, and have bidden them from view. Th< re ia a monument to Selkirk on th' Island of Juan Fernandez. It is a mai-ble taiblet set In tbe rooks tat IrORONTO CUTTfNa SCHOOL ollbhi upeotal * " iBdBoamenta to ronng men deslrpos of Uktag up Oattins; Kail parttoulan oo abDil eauSr. lit YONQB ST.. TORONTO. "^ , A.aENT8 CAN MAKE BIO mONEY SBLLINO .|» Ournpoolal book«; IqwrpricoM; gogd voTUp 'iuid-lnrRe oomn>m«iohH.,.TJie HOWBUj BOOK iCo,, Saturday NiKbt Uiiildliig, Toronto, pert had pronounced to be mushrooms and then shot himself with an unloiad- ed gun. AN ENTERPMSINtJ GIRL. lUe, desperately,â€" Tell me the truth. Ia it not my poverty that stands be- tween us? She, sadly â€" Y--e-». He with a ray of hopeâ€" I admit that I am poor, but 1 have an aged uncle who is very rich and a bachelor. lHo» i» an invalid and cannot long sMrvivp.. Bheâ€" How kind and I bdu«liiful. you Are. Will you introduce him lo me? I LTa.if qiany year* dootopi ai ilUaafu. and pra-cribad 'If, D tX aquli b t:« „!,, , â- / K- •!> Cheney .k Oo., Tola» "nlo, la Iho only cnnitiroMrfnal iira o« th« . markflt. It Is taki-n InlTnally n loaaa from u v*'",'"* t-o^'POonfuL II aoia dlractiT on |ba biood and mucdu. aiittiia.< uf tlia ay^tara. Thay offer one hiiiiilred ilolli^rs for any case It fails to euro, Sonit for cir nliira and taatl- monlala. Addie^a, K. .1. CHF.N KY ft CO., Toledo. O. -jnld^fDruifKlsbi. T:<i HiiUiFftmilyTPillii are the beet. WARM» Alwut tbe hottest thing I have seen lately, Asbury l'ep|>ers rejnarked as he^spea-red the flS.st sl'ice of melon, was an old salt with a peppery, tem- per who had just been mustered out. The Raid Bros. Mfg;. Co., .ll'S^XililB rAHLBeand UOM/UHa ALLBY8. Pho». JoT.X.d iJrCato.oma i»7 King SL Waal, TOROUTOr STAMMERERS. Oaly InaMlulloo to Oaaada tar tka mm rt mry phaaa yf^qxMii dafaak "-l-Ttliiil OBukoVB AUm-VCHJM TlfsTlTOTK, • ^wnferriM.M., T»rMN% ' SAUa*0B'0*8IMC8--.\,w importation. fln„. E„g;i.h Mneep uQil AniorioMi Hijit W;ifcinff», rfilf«*il».»J.,Uâ€" a" iKlUprlM.. PARlt. BJLA(ifcwKil »fco.'-l?ffi?' B.V/rH RICSTOBBD WITHOUT MBDI- |>U K.XCSNdKlohe .MO T 018- . aiU.lrtACU, l.t'NO-'. NKHVK8, 1,1 VKU.. lll.UOXI, HL.VUIJElt, KID.VKYS. BUAIN and illlK.XTH by MB.\J/rH CINKi lEUKU 1,1 VKU.. Ill, BUAIN and DU HAftRVS RKVALENTA Al^ABIOA FOOD, Whieh SAVKk INVALIDS and UlllLliltK.N'. itnd aiao U< a • raci • afully In- fantfi whnso Allninnta ancV-Debilltr have re- alnted iill otbftr tioii nienis. It dlveatt wbon all other Kooi} Ih rojooied, rtavo<4 50 timca it* ; j^ - |:romln raediolno. K/^ YEAIIS' INVARIABl.K .SL7(;CH:88. sUU KKl.tHU ANNUAL CUIIKS of Con-Mp. lun, Klulu euiy, llyap^pila. IndiKsatioii, 0>n. â- iiiinptiaii. IMabeioi, lironoliltiri, Infliii'Dza Coughs. Axihma, C-itiirrh, Phloem. DlaVrliiea' Neuralgia,; Haadaoha, Faoa-aoha, A all jipTerfl inUBcular paid., '** *-» inttanlly 'rclia^d Ry Orea- aent Neuralnia.'Oiira.'Tri^ 25o. Bnalnla Wo.itatop. for trial paokaga TKa.HutiKjug. Mt»ilciua Uu.. Toroaia. Mille. Mill* * H«lM BarriKf'erB.eio'.. remoreJ to Wanloy Bl(iir».. Rloh- mond^t. W,. Toronto. iamptioii. inHOeioi, Hronolittlri, IndiicDza ' Roughs. Axihma, C-itiirrh, Phloem. DlaVrliiea' Nurvuua Uebtliiy. Slauplaaanoi'. Uonponilenoyl |\U KAUUY and Co. (Liniitadl. 77 Rogent- t/ .Htroet, t,oniton,-W.7iiliio In Paiia, 14 Bus no CasMKllono. and 'nt all QroMM,- Chdoiista, and ^tnrtiH every wliere. in-'ta9 28*. .3a., Hd.. tV", Alb., U><. Sum. oitfciiigo: fcea. Also UU BARRY'S RBVAl.BWTi BISOUtTd. In tina, 3». GO. and 6a. Maniifacturers .VBrittiih I,>t<i Mirrom. *o. lH to 23 AllOB SI , 'To'viJiaB ^ GOMUIC TO TORONTO Mai!ii*f»etvfrtsr0 n(!fttio\f- â- ' ' WAMTIMC PnEMIoc8| tflMN, office. Htcrf, BaiiM e'le!,"u'i«'«7T-w'l'ieanbeaccomrnodated with .almost kliiilf of lutiTior.Fitttn^ .' AMY SIZE FLAT XHK .MOST NLTRITIOUS. EPPS'S GiiATi- Ft'L-COMFOfrt-INb. G O C O A 8REAKK.\ST- -SUPfER. • I I â-  â-  J i .i. ' Ui ivith elevator, heated, water â€" all . conveniences and any amount of STEAM POWER by applying- to " IHE WILSON RUSHING wmiy.Liiefl 73 ADELAIDE W., TORONTO. SEND FOR PRICE LIST IrMM Loading Shftfluna 14. ODurwftrtft. Rtvolverc, H.U^ tt.M ta I t.QO, wp po^^r'-'r r«-y'>t'^nrt H t tt>lH price. "Brncti ami 8)ii ^Ical Augw ffltn f'Hl'M^i.fti- floi>ft*inu nnvwhfre In the T>oniiuion for ^! 00. WiPkins & Co„ '•'IT'^}'"' Toronto

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