OCTOBER 27 I 9 8 I THE FLESHEHTON ADVANCE BBC VM^ WAQ u>ffg yy mt lOHr.-ITTTTTlTiniTMrrTTTiriniT-lT â€" I D. McVavish iL^B-f FLKSHEI^TON ON HAND REPAIRS... F..r M»e»ey-Uarrw, Noaon, Fleory and WtiktBaoM farm impIeBieiiU !• leury »aA Verilij' plown o» hwid »n tb« tin*, â- )•• all fciiid* of r«ip»iw for the smrio. We miM»»f»ctur» \V»gur>«, BugglM, Colter*, 8leiK)>«. "te. Ilonashoeing proiiiplly attended to. SpMial altaatkiii to tender ctn- tnvcted foet. L<»st{in({ and Plow Chain* •unttaaMj oa hand. WBtrnvgebi ^1 HEARD'S FOR if^^% IMPLEMENTS It Buggies, Carts, WaRoiiS, Harrows, Plows ol be beat hinds and repairs. Binders, Uowcrs, birM Babes and Com ScniHers and repairs. CbaiDi of a)t kiuds. Hmsesboeini; a speoialtj at John H. Heard d ion's Warerooms \\. Owen Sound, Ontario Jg THE VERY BEST PLACE IN CANADA TO GET A THOROUGH BL'S1N1<M» EDI CATION. Take a Round Trip srh.rT'S:c»' . C'ollegoa tud Cmiioorolal UJi>»riii7Ciit» In <)»ii»<ia. tl uu tiaittua NurtlWO Haalnesi ColUge ; exauinn evnrvthiiii; tii.irO'ir<lily J' "• '•*' '" yioaMev Ilia iiii>«t thoi'ouKb, oomploto. practical iiiii â- xtsiixim CO 11 r« of study; flw !«»» coUoije pramiMX »ii'l ili« be«t sod moat coiin'I»t« tud inifil aiiitaiila (urnltiire and ftpj>lt»Dc«i. *e arm nivB yoa a full courae KIIKE. Kerr aoDual • .HMUacaiuuiidi, glTlDg full partieulai'U, iraa Addri-t,« C. A. FLEMING, Principal W. BARNHOUSE WUIiHM 1 1 Jniw tbu attoiitiun of ilie I'uIjIio to the folIciwiiiK : flOm IN BAGS \H all Hi/.u« »ikI a« Cliuap a> the cheap Kwt. Si>o<;i.it mr)ftini« iu 3 and b BHrrel kiU. Fruit and Confectionery Oyster in Season , . . Groceries and Provisions. 000 aii'l COON MITTS Mid LEtiC- ISCjy luttJe to onler nnd on Shuttesl HuUae. 80 VKARr exraniKNCK TriAMC Manks OcsiaMs COPTRMHTS Ac [â- roo. laafflat â- akMch and d a. u IpUon ny .«lr aaaarlalB o>r ovnUon Ira* wbatlMr an aalioa la rratosbry sataautil.. ComanMa*- tloaa a«rial!rai>eS««Mtlal Haadlioak oai PatanM amt fraa. oMaat mâ€" ay for aa<«rta>p«t«Dla. â- ruaau lata* lbr<o«fk Man) M C», ncthm aaarn. A iDTi Sckntifk JlMcricaii. A %â€" aiBMity ntaati t a a waakly. ni.aa«o« of aay aaMBCXjIonriial. f oar BMftka. $L I by alt I.jnvaat <!«â- Tama, Ha »»•'â€"' Jew Jort r St, Wadrtast«^ii& Cash : for : HidesI Sbeapehiiit »ail all kind* of fnia pur- chased, far irbloh kigkitit ntarket price will be paid. flofncamde «B»eB(e« on hand, alte alt kinda of aieat*. TVI. WILSON Plsifasrton Meat Empoiiam Wn. BARNHOUSE, Flesherton imJIUdUk^UtMkilttMkilk»^ I :s V U Photos ^ â€"TAKEN â€"AT THE Flesh reton Photograph Gallery are doi>e in Arit-elaaa ityle mid at Ixweat rates. Special attention airttn to eiipyitie. Babies' ]ihi>tos. 2 a specialty. I'ictures framed. I MRS. BULHER BECAUSE !I I USE Moore'5 Wtf KrU, leaUter (« Cwrded AaUUr.Aa* Uwif OmriMent IKitrtfy Wskh.ra UarvL-st Mitia .•5»r««tOipllnra Mod's Lotrlicr TiracM \Vlii|ii and Lai-hrs llaMlieaa Oil Polinh All kind* of hsrnuBH kel)t on band aad iumit t* order. Everythini; in harnesa 0(M^ sad et rijhc prices, WiM. MOOKE J. B. Sloan & Son P x*opx»ieto]?s la* OBT TOUR -B^ 8uk, Do«rt, riooriof , Slieeting, Nfwel Posts, Balnsters, lyrROM Ug-H^ Hand Railing, Corner Block«,tha best of Spruce Lath.No.i and a Shingles Yeranda and Fittings, Sidiaga, etc. TiriiififiD liilsliiitiOriir â- ea far Oheppin|. iaea fiawttataeH Younjr Ladies I I DON'T Like to Walk itsl Battalion Rifia MaUhe« The annna) competition of the Slut Bnttalion KiHe Aasuciatiijn wa»ci>n*pletod at the Owen iVjond K-kive on llutllth. With the exception of No, Tcmnpan/ ^CiiirkHhor);) all the cnmponios cmnpetcd nt thfir own company headqunitcrs. The alteiidii»«« abowed a erofiB:der«bIo in- i-rrapc orer that of kat yeMr, mid nil tbv c(/mpanius were fortminie in baring mrMt fa/iirahte weather eace^ fbe tbr,-* comp- anies, NiiB. 3, 0aud 8, who fired lattt in the competition od Oct. lltb, when it Mra!> almost iatpossible to nrake good slKH^iii^ on account of tbe rain and wind Morm irhieh came on shortly after the firhij; be- gan, In the team coR>p«:tttion K<i,l oi>mp«ny, Owen 8o*»d, succeeded in taking tirst prixe with a score of 2il fa>iiit», No. 6 com|siny, Kleahcrtcw, beinj; second with a score of IV7. No. ) company, Caen Scnud, and No. 4, company Doranm lied for the prize awarded to tKe company having the lan;- eat nninber of etmipditofs preaent at the maidi. The scurea are aa K>IIows ; â€" Rhdw ea 200, 40O and SOO yards ; 200 atandinff ; 400 and 600 any poeitiuii with head to tarifct ; Sr.ider rrnes ; a handicap of four poiiita on alt rifles other thnn Qmrerniiient jsaae ; five shot* at each range. rRize C€n*r. 85 Staff Srnr. Jno Web^J.^MT *4 Stritt, mt^ Carrie ... '' Capt. Frrst 1 Capt. Cleknd 2 StaiT S<-rk!t. Rantage Sergt. Fields « Corp. Lcdiard 1 PI. Hcntty J Pt, Smith 6 Servl. Clark C Bugki Major Grant Staff Scint, Hill 2 Lieut, Camp(>eit.».~ 1 Ker)it. ypence 3 With a man wtion he is (lilt shared and faiirr- ally elearied tip. Bu- tore yu think of vnlng trith a girl •oine •» A. N. LEQARD at>d net this clean- ing np. kXaCNT FOR Kolaton Lauiadry AND roiNis 54 M S4 48 44 44 43 43 40 40 40 40 .39 38 37 37 .W 3I> 86 .16 .% 36 3a 33 33 32 account Sergt W. Weber ... .6 Corp. Hainmuiid ... .7 Pt. Lipaett Z •• R A F««€h 2 " McNab ,...4 " Seai;riat 1 " Wriirht 1 •' Thomson 2 Bugler Fields 6 Seritt. Penny 5 Scrgt. Currie 1 Statf »ergt. Forhan .. ^aff Pt. Bmc* 1 Major Rorkv * 4 points to be dcdnctod on o4 rifles. nXSHCKTUM eXTKA SXUE* MATCH No <i C<w>p«ny, rangK 20Q yardu, pox- ition, kneeling, Snidur rifles, tire shuts ; a handicap of oue po<nt <>u all rifles other lliaii those of giirerumci.t issae. rSIZS COM!-. ruL-iTs Notcl'd. Cnpt.Hfironle 6 17 «'i 00 Unyler Field 6 17 1 25 Fr. HutchiuMxi 6 17 75 Bvr^t. Clark C It! 76 Pu »roith C 16 Not cl'd. Lieut. Ricbardsoii.C 15 50 8en;t. Ijttlejr>bn 5 14 '60 8ergt Webber 6 13 50 Sergt. FieldH S l.H 50 StaffSerijt. Tnitter... .6 13 2.') Pt. McU.nald « 10 IH'RBAM EXTHA !«»UR!I MATCH No. 4 Coin)nny, Ran(^ 200 yaril*, \m» ition, knueiiiig, 8iiid«r rifleH, bve shots, a linn(lica|> of one (ioii>t on all rifles other than Ibuae of guremnicitt issue. FKIZt coMr. i>oi:«TS #2 25 BtaffBergt. RaUMge...4 1 2b Pt. McNabb 4 I 00 Bugler Uuidim ..mm... . 4 1 00 It. Whilmsse .4 8b Pt. Bourne .4 Nut cl'd. Capt. UalUaitb... 4 70 iitirgt Snider 4 CO IH. O. Willianw 4 56 Pt. McFa«)deii....M . . 4 55 Pt. Kalkingham. .. 4 60 11. Filth. 4 00 Corp. Andrews 4 26 Corp McOidl 4 25 Pt. McDi.nald 4 25 Pt. Davis 4 85 Pt. Williania 4 26 Pt. Dean 4 â€"as. Ifl 17 15 15 13 1 10 » 8 8 ft 6 2 3 2 2 Times EagcBla. Tiom OUT oim Corm^Midrxl. Mis. Luey Hloaa of Meafnid was a wel- eoiun llaller at Engaaia the past weak. Mrs. Taekabarry aaU dangblrr ot Oweu 8aand were vtaiting f nnds bare for a iWw Jays. Sir. M.OiDDis ef tbe tenser laolory has goas to Toroaleoo a bnslnms trip. Miss Listis IWy, aoeampaolad by MaHtar Oaorge Wright, has ratamsi to Vionlolair. \Va arc sorry le laaru that Mr. Wilha Ball Is vary low. Mr. >lai>i.8 Wbhs, aged 24 years, died at the rasiilei ee et bis parania, ColllaHWood graral ruad, en Momlay last. Tbe groacesl ajmpsthy ia sxprtssed lor Mr. and Mrs. Ei.gliah In ihait rteent sad bereaveuauta. Tlia daceasad yoODg ataa eras bflorej by all who kn*w blm. A large anmber of aynipa- tliixing tritntta followed bis reniaios u> Flrwliertvn eemetart, where Ihe Kar. Mr. Thorn offieinted. He died rsjoioiug in bis Sarionr's lore. " Safe in the arms ut Joaus, sale oa bis gaatle breaat, there by Ilia love u'eisbaded sweetly his soul doth rest." The folIawlng[addrees wai prcseulad by iliu mcmUrs of the I'roal yterian Indies' Aid : Ukau Fhikrds,â€" It is with deep 8<irrow that ws aincaiely sym]iathis4 with yoii in your recent acre bereuTemenis. Wiihiu « few mom hH death has three liiue^t eniered your home and has each time tuken a deitr one Irom yon. These trials are hard te Uuai, 411(1 aiini'UKli we weep wiih you uud I mourn «iih you over iha btnvy iv.bbi!8 yuu I iiavti euKUiufd, wo know ihao 11 is i.ur Uuuvuui}' I'ktUui sloue wU.< euu uiur yuu threugh ibese afHtrtiona. Then-fore we kindly iKy, look to him iliroagh eoi; bl">sed SHVii'Or, CSS log «l) your eares ttpou him, snd lie will auiely giro yoB graee suffi^imt for nil }orr wanli". Our prayer ie ibat uJor you tats doDB with all earti.Iy mnetiu«B an 1 partings yon will all meet la ibal bright bnoo ubiive where there shall be no mnru tears, uor )>srttnxs, nor death. We hnratilj ask yoii to oceept our hearlfeit »ympntky »ud remain yonr sbMsere fricDd*. Tbz hAwtta,' An>. . Bogi:liia,24th October, I0j>8k Mr, J, Liiitoit, of 79 OssJngton arciioe, has raised iu hiitgnrden some caciroibsni nbich ux)Krt» say are the big^iiM ercr grown ill Ootario, if n->t i» Canada. Ths two lariiKst arc foor ieet lom: am) eii:htee» inches through at the rliivk port, and hi spite of their size present all tb« fra-ores common to the cucuniis saliva as deaciib' eU \ff liiinieiM. Tbe seed ijriijiuirtlly came frmn JfMiMHcm, L;r>^ Island, wherr they bare bees bm^wn trv otraiii the leni^h of 57 iftclies. The Itaiian lirmera h) that section iimm) thenv for the iiwrket, and they are re^ardw) as u gre(«t ilflio:>cy by thoii'conntryiivsn. For tbe finM mx weeks the speciinenr planted by Mr. I.,iutMi grew rrry slowly, bui afor thai they ran ov'.T the !a\}»r at a arcat late, Krowniit" an niu«h as uix indies in n night. The cucOmhers themselves urew during tbnt tiirw at (he ;»te of itn iiidi a nigbt. TW vines blotKotned wiOi large flowers like a lily. -Toiouto new*. ^^mt^^ (tavil MTtajxnroH * vouko "^ Hankcrr, HmMaU Do» ftaoaral baiikint! tvaimnii. Uc«Mryloeft<a at « ineoBBbt* rata. VsU ou as. A 8 V.\»DU»F,K, i T CfcrJf Uh J3il Conrt, Co Gny larOCT a* Itarriaii. Lt««pr», CorrnsirreT .'otar/, rMhc AuctioBasr. M'.!X»»y to (oaueil froai iXO Oi-m cant> Cba rgsv oaatferst.. FUrMrEKTfliX 7 O TySBTft COLLECTED ORdntskr* tho colleatioti cA all kiwda of debus. Kates boogbt, accmiata e«l'#«1«d, etc. N H RBXDERSUN, yiasherton SMs^-!..^ Actors, Singers, Speakers Tlnaia its of actor*, psIiDa a wc eii ainen. slnfEcn, lectur- ers, prcacilei'& anJ rcad,fra are tormemcd witli tlu'cal wmArmvi^ Tbviadeheata oagan* balAA av.rrtaied b.- OEXno suicrpoltc to bead caMs, t^fiu«nza. hoaraencaa, tilling tii the duojit. ancc:- Injc dcoppii:)C Pn (^ throat. Viv^^^p^^gpn ;>ala av«f cb« ryr», dr/ J ^^HSr^'' tkroaa, ate; all ttios« arc* AstbBl.TaoaaMn. lad ar* bet «lcm-i:'.j( f.wea to more aartoHS c.ftnnllcationi if nesffCtc-J. BR. ASNEW8 CATARBBAl. POtTDKB laiKMWtful.pjJnlaM.h^luleaaandqiilck-actlnu.aild wdl swa ill toch trotiMaa-Rinonk kn 10 miautea, • 1 can bnr proclitra Dr. Ajtnew'l Cafarrbal Pow- ^f a wondcrtul tncdleliie, tartic»larlj ior »ingen and public sntikcn Mr-crl and wifa were both aubjeeia olTomilulj and Calarrh, and norer found an^thinf; 10 equal this ki cat retziedr fof quick uctloa and curallra qualltl«â€" It li a «f«>dar worker. I kaartlly tecofnniendit tomy krotbciprafeaalvnala.'* AL tmmeti FoiuU, Aeloc, New York CUj.â€" ji 7or»aIa by W KtcbardaoD T taiBLETT Pcvti^MaCar. Ctrjnaimionrnr \f> % K i, C«cmv onear. I>.s««Ii, i.-ior«ui»j(e», ;«emr9 am) wiMe drawn. Uoue) tu IsmI at £%»«• aanSSanS â- »- wards. I>obls collected. Ci»af*» mariaistak D J SrBorLK ** Foaliftaatrr. Flashartos (â- omn«J:t»i«(Oer ic H. C. J.. Aoctionerr. Cow- »o>«Bciir. /tppit.'iit.t and Money Lender Itral Katato and Jasuraiica Agent. Heeds uior«»;o>i«», ]«aa«a and ntlln caielolly ilrsvo up ami ralnaticsa made on cHortaa' lu-.tive. .Monay to loan M iuvest 1 atva «l intirrX. ( rl lui:ti.,n.i atCauded Jo Willi i>ruaipti.f ,:. UtsBTDM low. /Vsaat for Oaaaw l>oi>iiii>c« sjtcaroihip (.'OMpsny. ,1 n!l wlieita^. If.tllXltBR 1JCE.-?CKJ-A» 6ovi;rDD>nt "* i>rk-n>. Uvztfsa 01 tlK^u ;, X«w Vwaiau, Firat claeii ; U. K. i.b.1 .Jubilee, for aiDste |i^- aou.in patrsor six uta liu>s. '^' R. McLi:ji,>; Vcbsv, U\,v} h, Et'CKSU. l/iy^ HAUAH KTUAIN. "• 'loacher oii pia.a«, pisootorte, crsan, etc. UoUl» SrB% c)*-a Uacbera' eeniaoste ia luuaie wilb lioiiois from Alma Oollegia ; uu4>U of Prof. St. Jotiii Hyttoursuefa vl CerMnhaera, Ucumark. Kaaideuae ct>l>o»ita MoUmSU* cbucrJi Flaabeitou Good Workmanship Get your Fall Overcoats, your Fall Suits cr Winter Overcoats mace by "proctor " " The Tailor Uc gtur.<ute<iH satisfaction in everything;, including Prices. CLOTH CUT 10 ORDER Glajton's Bkick, RiBhttlon Farm (or aala cheap. <n aaraa, wall watered *i mMaa eaal of ttiia Tillage. kuowB aa tbe Eao wlak tarmr Apyly ta M . BiabardsoB , aaalssae FOR ~ Pricevllle Rollex> Four and Saw Bffllla To the Farmers and reaitlents of Price villeandsurronndiiigc mntry and villagtts: BsviiiE leased tho alM>ve milla f>>r a term wf years, I would respectfully solicit a lair nimre <>f your custom and patron- age. Hoping by fair and hiincsi deal- ing to retain all old and new custoinersa uf the milt. t:^Be»t Brand of FLOUR. OAT MKAL, GRAHAM FLOOR, CRACKED WHEAT, also all kinds *t Feed kept Constantly ou hand. Hitfhett Pricc.T psiil In cash for any qiiitntitiea of .wheat. Planinit, Match- ing and Si>wini< done to order alno Saw Logs purchased. Special reduction on 4 niid 5 bti rel l',t.s of Flour. KHi'tners brini; your Rtist and chopping; snd ijivo lis » fair trinl and wo will bo sure to uso you right. Oliopping done every day at 5o Pex* loo lbs. O. U. UVAtsTER Prcevi'.le, Jan, 85th ISltS. \ ^^^(ictif? A U U W uitata cTary Ikt^t aad tbird Slosdsy ** io eaeb uroDth, In .i.^ir lodge ream, Cliriatoe'i block. Fieaaertos, at S p m. Jai.- Hlakelaj-, W U ; A M Uioaon, Reeuroer ; W. Itellaiay.Finsacier- Viaitiug b>-utbreB iovtteil TWINCK AKTHTK LODOE, Bo. lOI. A. ^ A U, ujaata iii tbe Uasuiik kali. Strata's block, Fleaberton, every Friday oa or before tho full luooo. li AlctiiU, W U : W J Uellaiuy, Scaratajy. nOUKT FLESHERTO.V. I. O. V. meats is V ChrKUw'a Block tbe last Frids) •venins ill each' uioiitb. Visitisu Forci.tc<ra Iwartily wolcome. T. Henry, Chief Haager, W. A. Ariu- atroiig. Secretary. ientiieUD rta. A. e. urrte " Dentiat, liiadDSta L'D)r»ri>/ty of Toronto and Bcval C'ollogs of Dental hiirguoaa. Flaalieitouâ€" Mowday and Tuoaday of eaeb week. Dundalkâ€" Tburaday, Friday and Batsrdsv cJ eaeb iroek. I P MAUSR-UJi * UUS, DDS, LDS Ilouor Qradiiste Toronto UalTorsWy and \hM9i Collai;* uf Ueutal Surgeoua. VialU rtaabortoD every Friday altwnooi. t G CAMFUF.LL ^ L » S, D O .H. Bmtal Strrgeon, Itarkdsla OfBca over UeCallonKh A Yonnca bank, Hour»-#J0 a m »o8 !• «u. Vi.ita Fleahuitao tUa aeeond and tonrth Thursday of eaeto nioiitb. uiUca at Mansbaws taotal Tl HEMDRItSON * D D H, M D R, Dentist of Toreoko (OoM kiodaliatl will visit Flrxhertcw »ie- fMaioDaUy ti:'-Orat Wedntmday ot eaak uoMu aad Daudalk tl.e followiuK day (TbuniAay ) fffial JOHN W PSOR7. I, I. » " Iiarriatar, SoUcJtvr Coavertecei. eie Officeâ€" Knt to i>oBtoaica, BproBle'a bleet. Pleabortou. erary Hstartay and coart daysl ^ Bâ€" Owen Hound olUca, Frost's block I'onlrtt atrwt coat. LUCAS k WBIGnT Karrlstera Soliaitor Owao Bonnd, Oat W H WBIUHT N Itâ€" Kleaherton oHlee, every SaSurday. CoDveyaaeere. etc klarkdale, Oot I H LVCAB Ultchall's Beat -pUCKKK * PATTERSON *• Harriatera, Holieitors, sto Uolaon'a Bank. Owaa Seaad BABRT G TUCKKR GEO W PAtlBSdON V1ACKAV A SAHPSOn. Barrtstera. Ao. Ha, k Mi^iJfi^^^^J-**""" »''""<'• MarebsBVa Bai k Block, N. of psttinrsoa House. Dundalk. Main Stiuet, every Sfciarday. A.a. M.*CKAY, M A , n.E.SAMPSOH. LX.D . Cruwu AUorsey tor Or*y. Ptilicftl D* BUTTON UDOM, UCPAS Oat. Piteevtita Omca next door to Brown's store ; resldenee opposite at tbe old poet oftlce, resMenee ot late Alux Brown. OfUce daysâ€" Tuesdays aaAHatai. days. rvK CARTKlt *J » UP ASOnt, Phvaiolan,Rnr(paon, eta Floshcrton office- Strain's block. Beriikacc..- UuuabawB Hotel JOHN A SCOTT, M B " Member CoUpf/e PhvRle. i Pnrproi s Ostsrio Oradnate in Medicine of ToirnK^ thiiverallv, KoUowBlilp Oii'lnme , Post Ursdo- iito Medical Hcbonl and HnFi'ltal. rhieatN'' r aftea of evo, rsr, noflo and throat specially trpstod. Rrsidrtoa, Maxwell, visits Feversbem Tbursdyaa 1-8 JP OrTKWEl.I, Yetorinary Surgeon (Irr^ V'ato of Ontnrio Votrrinary OoPefie. Honidc- CO â€" Second door a^intb on wi»»t arom Marv street. TbN stro^^ msa soiltb â- Ui t'Tt- â- â- ' -• "'in -1 ntc,-. .<«»>-• ^. li. 'imi^mm^^^^ Jk. A_