Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 10 Nov 1898, p. 1

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yUsb^rl0n Miiana. TaUTH BEFORE FAVOR. PRINCIPLEtJ NOT MEN. A. VOL. XVin, NO 290 Pieshiertoii, Ont., Thjuraciay, November lo, 18Q8 W. H. THURSTON, EDITCB * PBOPBIETOB â- ^e ^f^^i' n^ i I i I s. \ f. I. ill I ffl. Van«l«i«ar Oi4R : LITTLE ^J J^i /^ ^ ^ w ^ itf ^ ^ When combined with a big assortment of the kind F(oin Cur Oirii '.VrtjpouJetif. We aro luviiij; our Yankee winter new. Mr. Beattie ia ikieshiut; clvver in tbU Deiitb'aoihirud at, present. Mr. Guiir^e Siitfiinua iiud. the misfur-i tuue to breiUc .iita right lei; near tba > thitjh a few days' a<>o vi'lule i:lujiu!{ one of ; liLs b.irn (ioonc. D.r. Carter is uttetidiag. Mrs. Wuiliiii; uf MeaKnl is viaitiiig friend* ill tliLt vicin:'.y. Misa Lizzie Au>let»t>u uf Glea^ln. is ; ri;>it.ng her aisfer, Ur9. Gtw. Uutchiusun. M:6i3 Gilray baa hMignetl bor p<jsjl^o us I eacher i.>f uur 6Ch(Miland the trti^catts have levureil th« servict'a of .MtBB j[|ur- kiiii of EupbniMa. fur the uuining year, Mrb. VVelltrcf NublelMi^iaiA a aboit ! turned home. j ^Ir.^illiam Ellis and his two little i s<qK, Harold and Victor, are visiting 'frieiidaiii Punnsseii. Mr. Rubt. Stuart who has been Tisitiiii; trieuds in Powius^ien fur the paat three i wtieka returned last Thursday. 5Ir. and Mrs. Jas-'^iiweett of Duiidalk are viaiiiiia *itli their dau^iUter, Mrs. J:t4. Scuart. Mr. Ge<j. Graham is now nisboRibuai' uess at the Klondike afld we hope his success will be "jjoldeu." Mr. Chas Irwin tii Heatbcute visited frieuda iii town ua Muadaj. Mr. Giwi. Bath, Andrew Fawcett and of f,'ooJs \uu wanth.is niide business wi'h US thus far thisi visit to frieua» ber* " ^ . season far and aw.i v aheavi of that of other years. Our abili- j '^If- â- "-'â- â€¢i >!"â-  »• liai^-«iv« % fowl ty to give you bett-n vahies than other merchants has been j»"i'i^'^ '''''^'^«^'"^^''"^»«»"'^"'"'"'' ck'arlv demonstrate.!. You beUeve thnt else vou would not j """*""*'!,''", ^^r- , ^, '•rcsuu teacher* in the , / , ^ 1 â- â€¢ 1 All Mr. Kd. Buchai^.-vw-^igM a valuable ci<w i*^ » come and continue C.ming so iar to trade with us And- ,._^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^ „^,j^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^.^bave h«;n ra-engaged for .n«ther term. those of you wt,o have never as yet visited us since ourj Mr. hwm »f CuUini^w^ wa» ar««i.dl** ^""'f''.*'*'^"* '"°«^"'*^^"Pâ-  SJore and stock were enlarged, we rav find out our values, Uere la»t week puccl.a»iug Uoua for *he:" '^'â- ''"â- "'"""^''" hy a personal inspectionâ€" We think your money if spent !CoUuu5»ood Meat Ca. »i Mr. *».» Hammond paid friends in Nelson Smith have goue to spend thu winter iu iba sbaaties, above Owen Sound. Mrs. Bradbary is '^isttiug friends iu Fie.' be I ton. Mr. Armstrong and Miss Soale, our public school. Keep this a Secret We are occasionally enjoinn/ by a buyiT of an tuaagfiut'ut </r a wrddini; ring t" -" k- >-ii I his a secret." We ALWAW do so ; we divulste nulbiii^ of the kind ; our interest in suctl sales beiug i^uaged not by aectiflnenl but by baid ca.ih, our pri'fit. Strict contiueLce '\ar theretort: invaluable. Parties boyin;! from us can do so privately if desired. Ia Engauemeut Kings wc are c<i;ryitig a largs stock and of greater variety than beretofnre and at prites r»u^- iiijg fi. ui $1.50 to 815.00. We have n-cently aJiled â- \ t.ew lijie of WeddiU'j Kiii;;!i in. 10k. gi>ld, which ar'] bound tu hit facurites. lu^re will buy for )ou k lar^^er and better pircel oi gooc's than it will if spent clse*^hero. THESE ARE EVERY-DAY PRICES L id.tfs Heavy all-wool hose, very sp-.cial Piaid Dress UikkIs, double fold, up'ard fruiu ... . - Ladies' Coisets, perfect ii^Kortuieut ail siaei, $1,85 down to . . . L^dit^s' Beaver Ciiariui;s, .>l-:nch, rxora spreial, per jarJ Laoits' uiaiitle.t, Markdale's biggest and best.sto<;J(, all prices and »tyle^ fr-jiu §l:i.00 down to £Urrt!l but tons, |>ec doz n ... Ltdii's' ii>-iii-stltc'ie>I, Lawn Handkerchief^ 10 for . â€" i'l.uiielette embroidery, sssurto I colors, per yard 'I'l.rvhim Laoo, vt-i'y s|n;c:al, 13 y lids for Curling Iron, eacli only i'alilj llllt'U^i, perfect assiTtOicntit, pi icen r:tn):iiig from 78i.' down fai I'^bli.- iia(<kias, very due liuuii. hize ^x22, per doz^^n . . (Vi-tuivie*, in pretty patterns and c<'b>rin;<s. (>er yard Fiaunelct'ea, MBul cvUtnugH, from 19c dnwn to .,. Towrls, viry f.iir size, 'i pain* for. ... Cuttoiiit^les, the best value we've ever bad, pur yanl from 14^ to Orey Cott-iis. iK-r yanl, fiom 1\ to Willie Cottons, per ynrd from 4^ t Veiither tickinir. Special value, lOc to. Eu^caia. FtOM our OTcii. CorrrapoiuUnt. A feellU:: of sadoess pervxilua this com niunity <>n account i>f the death of Willie â€" I Btdll, which occnrred at bis mother's rea- X8c I ideuce, Eugenia, ou Monday evening, l«|c 1 Nov. 7, another victiiu of that fatal dis- etse, cun.<uii>pUoii. at the early age of '2o years. His sufleri:i^s ware v.-ry .â- â€¢evere but he bore them with el>ri.stian fortitude and death bad uo turrois. Uis s>>ri'oviug "**^ I luotiier aud brother \iid sihrer have the town a iiyiii:.; vi.si: onSuuday. r Hallowe'en {<a»sed off *ery t^uietly in • (inr buri. Wonder how^ha doctor'* telephone works, Hughic t , Mr. Jo*. Fawcett has ttreeted « &a% brick residence on bitf4ar<n. ::oc 87c $1 95 aOc "ie I "lOc; »>"'P*'''y "f -^l '" »'»«'• trouble. They } ^g^^ ,,,,^ ^^ h,, uo I are comforted by tlio a&iuraiicc th;it with 14c I their d. ar departed one all is well. ^ i^l Mr. George Giahani of tbe valley has ^ I his saw aud shingle mill below the forks ^Oci '<â-  operation. 34c I The Armstrom; Bi-os. are pushing bu.si lOci 12ic' nfsa at Porteous' Corner and will soon have their fiuc factory ready for opera- Art muslin, fa-«t colors, L'o<id assortiueJit, 4o to 12icJ tt""»' 23c 8c 00 83 75 68d Heavy Twee«.I». upwatd fmiu. Linen spools. 4 iu box, assortetl colors, for .- L>rei» Steels, sroo<l quality, assorted colors, p^r sett J i eavy Wo.jl Bliukelt, lar;;o aiai^ from 82. '2a to « Flaniiolette blanket*, very nieo quality, p«r pair 100 Men's Suits. iiWweeds, Sofges, Cheviots, Woistod, etc., well made and triinoied Irom $1.K3 to . . ...-. ' ..... ^11 60 lioy't suits, :ill fashionable kind.s fri'iii $1 15 to 95 25 Men's Heavy or dress-over coats from 93.t*5 $11 50 JMeu's Heavy twotA Irowsers, some special liiiej, at $1. 10 and 91 25 ' Our Values in Shoes, Rubbers, Carp- ets, Oil-Clothes, Groceries, etc. are better than ever. Mr. Widton WilLams has gone to To- ronto on a visit. Miss Bertha McNally has gone away on a visi:. Feversham. PlB Not Your FaiU t> RiiBors It appears that s<>iuu rumors have been current iu this vicinity aift-ctini the good name of Mr It. J. Henderson, a^fent for ibe Sun Stviii.'s and Loan Co., to the Jerson was in ItQan- cial diitieultiev with the coiupcay. This damaging ruiuor was undoubtedly tbe outcome of the Shallow lake horse fiasco from which Mr. Heudt-rsou emerited withimt a siiiin. At all events there was n"t a Word of truth in it, as the fullowiug letter from the manager of the company to Mr. W. Moore of thin place will prove. Wo learn the eonip.itiy have instituted procvedings for ^"iOO*) dam.Tges ajjainst the Sliallow Lake livery man, and the writ has been »ervcd. Following iii tbe letter received by Mi^., Moore : H'm. Moorr, E^i, Fleshertuii. Jj, R T. HILL & R^K I> CO. From our oufit Corretpohdait Tbe Orangemen of this place celebrat- ed tbe gunpowder |>1ot by a fowl supper and concert which was a great success Mr. C. Xeil officiated as eh.tinnau iu bi.s u.4ual huuiorous and iutertstiui; manner. The Rev. Mr. Condell of Duudalk leave a very able discourse on the gunpowder plot. There were over 200 guests pres- ent. At 15c the proceeds aaiuuh ted to $30. Mrs. Wm. Christner of Nebraska i, visiting friends ill this vicinity at present. from your town t'lat .Mr. R. .1. Hj Sou's name was leferred to in y^^ur pres- ence relative tu an action auainst him by a livery man .".t .'^hallow Lake, which re fleeted ver> much upon .Mr. Heudersou's reputation ai>d ciiaiiicter. Now I ha>-e to Siiy iu this matter that tjiis action wascu- tiivly without caustfT as I believe Mr. Uenders<iu was perfectly innocent of even a thought of d<>in;j wrong in coiii<ecti<in with the matter. Mr Henderson lias been connected with this compauy for some time and his work ha« been satiKfac- tory, he has giined the contideice of tbe coiiip:tny and is still eouuevted with u.s. I and we take this up|>ortunity of repmliar- I inn any mi8r«|)rt-8eiitations that mav have j Mr. >>. Cbrwtner lived ir. this c<juutiy ^ b^^.,, m^j, c„,<.,.n,i„^, hin» and to' state . over twenty years ago and once kept : our feelimrs towards biin as anagciit for the company. M A A x^ e: Ilaviitft equipped our shop with tbe most approved machinery, and engilued the services of a thoroughly practical man to take charite uf «[inu, we are in a p^isi'-.iou to do a general Foundry 'husineas in sll iM Wauches, supply our customers with machinery of all kinda, make all isorts of Ca^tiu.<o>, and do all sorts of machinery repairing On short liutiou and at molerate prices. 5^- BOILER aud EKGINE work a SPECIALTY "d Yours Tiuly W. P. PAGE. I am piet H' w . making a specialty of Wa'cbe!", jiid it you are deai(iug a liinepieee â€" or even iffou dou't iieeil • one very Ijod â€" it wi]l,^y you to buy now whiTe oricj^ ace at the botttun with Mc<iintT. I have si'ine fresh, now if- ds â- i ill Ja|.>auese Stick Phh. Ep- t- . Worth keaaue and Oibliellnw Gucrds, Ladies' Skirt and. Belt Holders, fancy Ha^ Pm«, etc., the nieect, nol;i»ie!>t tilings up tu date. Just come inantl look at them, anyway. VV. A. Armstrong; Clubbing Rates Our Clubbing list for the iuaent seaaon is now practically Pi iii j^^li-n* Moi-.t of the pjipers on this list g:ve the balanco of this year free to new subscriber*, s<> it will be to the a<lvaiitage of all to i;et their subscriptions in as early as possible Sat. Mail-Empire anil Advance..^ 1 8<) Weekly Mail- Empire and Advance 1 4.5 ^ c ,,, , , , -i Farm and KresiJe '. 145 DK.i» Sir.â€" W-, learn to day by n-p<'«. Weekly Globe 1 5.-> •^"f-l Saturday Globe 1 4.=V X)«ily News and .\dvance 1 80 fiaiuily Herald and .-Vdvance - . .. 1 80 EXnuurs'' Sun and .Advance 1 35 Fleshertun SUtioo, August 4, 1899. For SAlfi. lot» T.i and Til, l«t con, S.R.%, CO »-* e« cU'a:e t ik*»(t iinl«v otiUtvaiion ; barn, two t^taJiiteB, (r«iua house : wl< watercJ. Wlllsell ou easy Wrms, Ai'iilyto K T. COUNFIBI.D ||fM«BMU r, O.. JuiMtudlW store at Fleshertoii Station. Mr. and Mrs T. A.' Ilutchiiisoti ar.' visiting at the parental home near M.-trk- dide. - Jolin Mj.\!lister in a well known char- Miss Martha Scdley has been the s;ue8t i acter in Duudalli ; now .John b« it known, of Mr. and Mrs. H. Heitsnan for the last i futis quite a '•fowl' ranch, consisting of few days. ' chickens, turkeys, ceese and ducks A» Miss Mabel Bovair of Ueathcote is the ranch is locxted near the elevators visiting her old friends around here. [what John pays for rations for his Jowl is While Dr. Park was returning from a , » tn«-'rc batiutelle. There is no more pro- call near Mclntyte late on Hallone'eii he \ finable poultry ranch run on the conti- niet with quite an accident. A v;aiig of , "e"' "' -^"»«"Ca- List week one of John's rowdies bad placed a fence across the ducks strayed into Sinclair's elevaKir for road and when he aiiue in contact he was i'-s custoineiy meal. A load of grain was upset and the horse getting away f,„m :''»'»'''"!! t" '>«'''""'P«J »"'" one of the him went back to Mclntyre, whore it j lower buis of the elevati>r. While the remained untd a search party from Fe- "f"'""**''* ^"ck was working hard at this versham found it. | gniin to extend its crop srsici and duck ! Master Filter Rues of Ma.xwell has "'" '*' '"'° '••» '''" toL'cther. For forty- 8t,irted work as a blacksmith's apprentice eight hours it bad all the grain it wanted; I with A R. Inkster & SoUa. 1 .ad after loatl was emptietl on it Two . I oi I « I days after when the grain was being ele- MlUlli«rle7 Jvated mto the loading bin the duck was , elevated as well and surprised the eleva- fiont Owr Otcn Corrrs^iiJent tor mnn with a qiisck ! quack 1 asitdrop. Kloiidikors must be doing a streak of p"d out. No other duck except one i-f I *Fnv!mieou easy ttjriEH. ore 'oHnfho vill««« blowing lately, as ihe w. iMier of Monday McAllister's ci.uld come throu^:h that and ;ot>la«w.ll onM.iii.(!i.fi ttcv«.o„ w„iol> i^ a would »boW. live.â€" Herald. j frame «t«bl.o. Kor fiirtlu'r luii-iiciiiin •|i|.K to Mr. .41l)ert Ellis who h;u» bei.-n liviiiB I Uav. J, W, Joxas, Truster. Taia Co Uruce, Cr .» l -i t i J.UtcivLUia. ^aawsll. «" t'-e other side for tbe paat year has r»- Ontario is 151 R. P. LEGATE & CO. FARM for SALE j mUliE PBOPEIT FM SUE 1! Mr. Dryd'»ii'8 official iu.ijority iu South Any farmer who allows a stiay animal to remain about bis premises and gives no public notice of it through a newspaper does what is wrong tu the owner who may spend many days driving about the country b>(>king for it. This may be prevented by prompt advertising. A despatch fron Creeniore says : Whil* returning from New Lowell on Saturday uiv:ht, and «hen almost houie, Samuel GowaD, bKcksiiiith, of Glencairn, met with ail accident which cost him bis life. Workmen. had been rebuilding a hridgrt.. near Stephens' mill at Glencairn, and hml all the flooring torn up, a road to one side I'f i;, through the water, being used. l>i darkucss Mr. Gowagot on the road lead- ing. to the bridite, and horse, rig. and man pliMlged bendlong into the river. Gowan fell hfteen feet into about tjve feet of wftterC and when taken out about ten minutpB later by *'nie boys who hcatVl the noise, life was extinct' He had received a terrible blow on tbe sidepf the head. It is not generally kii<wn that pcrs-ins finding b'Bt articles are legally bound to restore them to the owner if they know him. To hold them tir to socrcle them ia under the nen criminal cn<le regarded aa theft and punishable acci'nling'y. A to- ward cannot be successfully demanded. If any trouble or expense i^ necessarily incuried in connection with the found articles, such expen.stj c*in be recovered^ The newspaper is the proper medium « by which to discover the owner ai-d the finder is expected t-i iidvertise. at ouee. Mr. Edwanl Sti»w, of Collincwoo I lownsbipjiad I'ire sheep killed and six. worried to death by two dt^

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