Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 10 Nov 1898, p. 5

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VP msm 7 "mm TllH fLESHERTON ADVANCE NOVEMBER lO 1898 tttmHttir r im Owen Sound, Ontario IS THS VERV BEST PLACE XN canadv to OET a THOROUOH IJUSINE5S EDUCATION. Ittke a-Ruund Trip ji'^./b*- isir iKt Com^iierclA.1 Dop^rttueuts in Ca;!a<lA, ti en via.; clij Northern (VtMiuens CuUe;$« ; ezA»iLo tvjrvthii;^ «h3cou;*lily. If w« fail no proiiace lUe ui^s^t chorouKb, complete, pra^ctic&l uid oxt8n^iv« course of study; the be»^ coi'e^o prdtui'ow ft.td the bftflt aud most compi»ttf ind tnost )suitA*il44 fiirnU'ire and lijiiilfadcuti. ae «riU uiv;* yo'i A («11 eour&e rr>iiE. For aniiiai «k}rH<>a»tvjQ£na»d. giving full particulars, free k ddi'eHS C. A. FLEMING, Principal Vicinity Chips Ciuriicterlstics of tiie Past Wc«k Carefully Culled for the Curious â-  7^ Bitii'iites3 Hutted am«>H^ lucnU tcUl b* icJiAryi^ at the raU of ten c-hU f^ per Ui\e for exic\ inMrtiun. A ^ re<lueU'»i xri'l bf mmU oh eon t tracts fur 100 liiiei or oter. AwningK have come down, Wowl is Ix^s'nnin'j to uciup â€" in 8m<'ke. Fi.r moiit-y Ht 4^ per cent. gi> to A, S. ViinDusfii, Flesht^iton. Miw'er Bert Field of Scbomberj? w vliitiiig relations hero. Milch ow f'>r saleâ€" Apply >o J. H Heabp, Flesherti>n. Jlr. J. Hick ling shipi>etl » carload of Bliinj[lcs ti« Brantfurd thia week. A Thorribury |)otati> ilig«er found three potatoes tliat wei'.'hed ui.ie iwiiuds. G<>(kI cutter f..r sale cheap for ca«ihâ€" Apply to W. Uanihuase. Flesherton. Mr. M^vcwliiiiney of M;tx<»oll public school Iria been re eiigagttl for 1899 The Assizea arc on at Owen Sound thia week. Some Artemesia people arc inter- es'ed. Mivi Felicia Brownridge, of Ojprey, is the guest '<f Miss Sarah Stiain and other youne lady friends. Leicester Ram Laiubs fur breeUin? purpoHes for sale oi> lot 2, con. 4, Euph- rasia. Jas. Stewart, Kitnlicrley. Mr. U. N. Huiid>T«on spent a few days of last week in Durham endeavoriiig to dispose I'f the old WooJUtul pioiKity, in . *^Av5fi he succeed«-d. A letter from our hunter« in Parry Suiuod district, written Friday night, in- forms us that they had up to that tiu:e aeeared s:x deer. Pigs for saleâ€" The undernignod has tilovon thoroughbred Berkshire sows. «Xtra large breetl, six spring and six f.ill. Ap()ly to M. Riley, Price-ille. Mare for saleâ€" Good driver, turning 7 years old, very e.isy to drive, suit a lady. Will be Sold on easy terms to right per- son. Apply to James Ashdown, Flesh- ertin Stiifioii. Money to loan on dewntures at 4. per cent, and 111 farm security in sums of 8400 and upwards at 6. per cent. Ex. penses yu'iranteetl low. Apply to Gbo- Bi'TUr.KKORP. Box 57, Shelburno. Big fire at Eugenia hist week. Mr. Ducket( raise<T^tho smoke. The rcRu't is, a fiiit> pile of fiish lime, the last to bo barno<l this season. Any one in need of that conniii>dity had better come Bi'on. â€" Wm. DrCKETT. Past Grand Master Unitt of Toronto has bei'ii in this vic;r.i-y â- liiriii;; the past two weeks in the interests < f his order, the A. O. U. W. Two public nieeliinia were hcM in the Town Hall, and as a re.'iult ii is expected thit twonty members will bo added to tliB roll of this excellent or<ler, which, wo believe, has no peer amoni( bonetit societies. The hidge here is in a flourishing cor.d tion. Abnit .June 16 list The Advance h!»d occasion to write to British Central .^frioa and only on Momby of this neck was the reply to our comnumioation received. Tho i-tpiy was da'otl " Zoiiiba, l!riti>h Central Africa. Aug. 30, 1898," and was therefore just two m'-nths and seven days on tlip jouriKy. The letter was prepaid bj a shilling stamp of that l>riii»li pro- tpctora'e, and is now on tile f"r the iii- BpeC'.i"n of jeiilous or inquisitive philatel- ists. Inspector Campbell's attention is ^]Secially solicited, Principal Slaughter of the public school w.ia c infineJ to h:« bed a couplo of days |a.t week with a av;vere coll, but is on deck this week. Job of cuuID'^ 100 oords cedar shingle t«mb«r I* ray property to let. Atiy quan- tity from ten ords up to 100. J. Hick- lin:;. Maxwell. A large crowd of people attended S. Thompson's snie on Monday and every- thing sold went very high. It p.ivs to advertise txtc.nively as w«s done in this case. Mrs. Luke Bradbury of tho suburbs dropped in on Monday to inform as that seven valuable hens weTe .stolen frim their stable on Hall.iwe'en. Mr. Geo Larimer of Eogi^nia shot a very fine deer on Vr'-dne-d^y of \\at week. It tipped the sod. » at 240 Iha dressed, and w:\s shot ri'>ht in this township. Mr/". Trimble is again Slliiiii her table with stylihhiy tiimn od h»t.s, as her large stock of opeiiini^ hats have \I1 pone quickly and it is ditficult for her to supply the demand. County Clerk Rutherford was in town im Friday iuterviewing the Warden with a view to making arrai.gcmeiits for tak- ing a plebiscite vote on the poor house ({uention next Janc.*ry. Mr James Calhoun of Dundalk died last week from a tumor. Decex-^ed was a member of the Masonic IxMly and seveml meiiibera of Prince Arthur lodge. Flesh ertou, attended the f uueml on Fi iday afternoon. Miss Sarah Strain, music teacher, held a rehearsal concert in the Orange Hall, Eugenia, on Friday evening of l2ust week. The hall was well lilUtl by an appreciat- ive public and a most enjoyable evening was spent. F. G. Karstedt had Tins. Lever be" fore Justice of the Peace VauDusen ou Saturday charged w:rh having called him a "damrog and other outmgeous sppela- tions. It cost Thos. $3 90 altogutlier. Mr. Karstedt got uo witness fees and Tom's satisfaction must be deducted from the ?3.90 in arriving ar a conclusion as to the result of this little cast. Miss Annie Sheardown of this town- ship, who wrote fir a primary certificate in July at Owen Sound, has succeeded in o'itainii»g tho ciivtted document. When the reports of Form II. came out, she had taken a good total. Coosideriiig that the arithmetic hid not Iieeii justly examined, she appealed to have it re-e.\amineU. The appeal wassustain>'d and Mi'-s Sheardown has received her certiticato. Tlio police magistrate of CoUingwood understands his h'j.^tii-.oss. A man was up before him fur t>eiig drunk and dis- orderly on'a ri cent Sunday. When asked the drunk refused to give iuforinatioM as where he got his liquor. " Well th*n." said the tuagi.strate, " I will tine you $20 ami costs, or tliirty diiys, and those who Sold you the liquor ui-iy pay your fine." The tine was paid. The pupils if iho public school gave an entertainiuent of one hour's duration on P'riday afternoon last. It wag uot wide- ly known that such was to bo and only a few pircnts were present. Uev. Mr. Darroch nave a short address to the pup- ils. It i.s propustd by the tonching stall to make this a weekly aS'air, from 3 to 4 o'chick p. in., and the public ia cerdiully invited to be prtsent. On Friday next, in addition to s splendid program prepar- ed hy the little people. Rev. Mr. Ward will address tho children on Character Building. Parents should encmrage the young folks hy a tending these weekly functions. An itinerant pedlar by the euphonious n line of Uatr was last week dnviiig over a gore road on iho lownline north of Markilale that is not travelletl much, and in crossing tho Sauircou river his horse broke through « plmk bridge spanniuL' tlie stream. Ratz made an ellbrt to ex- tricate the animal hut it got further in, eventu.illy droppinij throuuh into three feet of Wiitoi where it rem.ained f.T four hours before assistance arrived and it was extricated. After liberation it lay on tho bank an hour before it was able to stand. The biidee was evidently rotten. Euphrasia and Arlcme.sia councillors wore j approached for damages and the matter wa.» settled on Tuesday by each township paying eight dollara as liquidation i.i ful' I of 'h'-H daiinv'e claim, which wo believe I to have been a just and modest claim and ' a setlh'ment perfectly justitiable. But ' the Katz do seem to be preying upon this 1 township this year ! Who will be ne.xt ? Mr. Jauiefl Irwin 'if Kevaima waa in town one day lasr week and nave Tho Advance a call. He was looking op hoga for the Cullingwood Meat Co., but let it l)e understood that his call at this offico was Uot in the ordinary course of his ImciiU'Sa, but purely because hekn w us in the spanking period of our evolution into a newspaper man. Possibly he thought we could direct hint to a few " sin.'crs " by applying to our subscrip- tion liMi-a. Wo were suspicious that he w«,-» coirect but did not tell him so. He was only paying 3 J and we won't sell at that price. Will tive 'em away tirst. Uerelofure The Advance has not in-sis- !e<l i>a prepayment of subacriptii.ns in every case, in fiic'. we have b«ien tuo leni- ent in thia ruspecc for our own financial welfare. After the tiist of January nest postage will have to he paid on newspa- pers and we will bo obliged to collect subscriptions in advance. There is no rea.snn why subscribers cannot pay i.i ad- vance for their local as well as fur city papers. We have a very large number of pr-mipl paying subscribers aad many who make it a pi'iiit of honor to have their subscripciuiis in even before they are due, and these have our grateful thanks. It is DOC fur thia class of subscribers that we g t on our feet to nuke these rema ka Tlicy are " beyond rppniach. " Mr. Archie Mclntyre, who recently tumbled into the ciitting at the horse- shoe hill, is nothing if not modest He threatens, through I..awyer Laiuun uf Dundalk, to sue the township of .Arte- mesii for ?1000 d4«miges '. Just here let us remark that A'chie sets an eiiormoasly high figure ou himself, as the horse and bugifv if si'H wouM not fetch more than $l:>5or$l.~)0. Eight hundred and tifiy dollars for a man of Archie's stamp might be called a good death rate, but as he was not physically damaged so far as we can learn, it is so ridiculous as to be laugh able. However, ho iutimatea that if settled at once (w.thm seven d.ay9 from Tue.si'.-iy la«i) $200 will bo accepci-d as payment in full. Probably a special meeting of the Council will be called to take -Archie's proposal into its most seri- ous Consideration. If in in 'n 0/ Hi fit y^ Of ^ We can supply' you with anything or every- 'jM thing in I^OOTIWEAR that you require. BOOTS and SHOES well, wear well and look well. In Rxilb oeps and Oversho s we have a very large variety selling at low prices. ""^-Custom Work and Repairing attended to PROMPTLY"*'^ ^^.\GE-\T FORiDOMI>fH)N .MONEY uRDEK EXFRE;>!«-^3 EXPRESs'.gORDEKS CASHED WITHOUT CHARGE Wn. CLA YTO N iiu The following new books have just lieen added to the public library : Men I have Known, The Lion of Jauiiia, Un- crowning a Kini;, Darkness and Pawn, The Standard Bearer, Sketches of Ena- lish History, Fierce Beat, In Kedar'a Tents. Spain in tho Nineteenth Century, Both Sides of the Border, Wellinijtou's Coniinand, .\r .A\.akar and Acre, Oihral- tar, P.icahonta-", Tecimisoh, Biant and Red Jacket, Montezuma, Red Ea^le- Hugh Wynne. 2 v„l,, Tlie Green Book, Rujjert of Heintzau, Ailveiituros li «n .\ide do Camp, .Across the Salt Seas, Ri.;" the D.incer, Vi.yage of Cim-idation.TaUs of tho Trail, More Tiauijis .Abroad, .Across Siberia. Tom Burk of Ours, Chaio of OJoid, The Habitant, The Khan's Can tides, Victorian Liiemture, The Sliver Christ, Salted wiih F.re, Miin's V.duo to Society. Caleb West, G'ad!>t..Mo the Man, The New Astrniouiiy, Ghosts I have Met, White Headed Boy, Never T<>> Late to Mend, .At the Mercy of Tiberius, tlelheck of Biinnisilale, 2 >ol» , Half Hours Un- derground, Tei ants <f an tild Farm, In- dustries c.f .\nitiinl4. Inebriety, History of Thotold. Every Thursday the Year Round In inoie than bulf a iiiiUo;i honus The Youth's Comp.-»nion ciuncs every week, the welcome gm at tf y<'UiiK and old â€" read with equal interest by every number of the household. The best if liclioii, poetry, sketches of tn;vel, inslru.;iive ar- ticles, ci'inmeiits >u cun-ont events snd selected miscellai'y aid auecd- tea tU its coluiues from week to week and fmniycar to year. The publishets promise lh,it the volume fr 1890 w.ll surpass ail former ones in variety, interest and value. Among the 200 disiingnishad contributors already engaged are U.iii. John D. Lmg, Secretary of the Navy, Edward Everott Hale, Henry M. St.mley, Sa'ivb Ome Jewett, W. D. Hi'Wells, P..ulriiey Bine- low, Herbert E. U.inibleu, H n. Carl Schurz, Rt. Hon. James Bryco, John Burroughs, Robert B,-rr, Tlnmia.s Nelson Page, Bret Harte, William Black, .\ltietl Austin, Andrew Lang and Dr. Win. A. IIainin"iid. All subsciibors to tho 1899 volVinie wid receive The Coiiip.xnion's new calendar, eXcpvsiuly eolnred, with a b'lrder of etampetl yold. The paper will be given free also from the time sub.sorip- lioii is received until Jan 1, 1S09, than full year to Jan. 1 1!KH). A baiidsome illus' rated .innonuceinent and .sample copies will be scut free to any one ad- dressing Tub YofTn's Coufaniok. 211 Columblus Ave , Bottva, Mans. How to make the best OF Your - Dollar Jtist call and see ns, take a look at OMX stock, examine it, compare our prices, take tLe quality of goods into cousider- tioo, and yon will be convinced tbat you have beeu losiug mcuty by not doio); business here. We have received and placed in stock another shipment of those noted SCOTCH SUITINGS and it affords us gi-cat pleasure to direct your atteutiou to onr ordered clutLiug departmeut for this season. This is one of oar main departmants aud bound to grow because we deal in only tlioronghly reliable goods which we sell at the lowest possible prices. Why is it that so many cartful dressers wend their way to this atore for ready-to-wear clothing ? Why is it that they continue to come in iucrea.''i i]g numbers, not only after slothing bat clolhiug needs of«ver} des- oriptiou '? There must be good reasons for it, aud if these rea- sons ate uot evident to yon we would advise you to make in- vestigations just for ycnr own 3 itisfactioQ aud subsequent pro- fit. GROCERIES .As! Dsnal, new and fresh aud a full line always on hand. BOOTS and SHOES Our Boots and Shoes depar*.- ment is well assorted with goods that will wear. Give us a call and you will be satisfied what we say is riglit. J^ijheit y^ri'cea iPaict ^or buffer j{nd <J^yJ eppard !^yr^3:^,^---a»rCi^'.C-\ge/.S:iA^r^^^^^ I % HAKE HOME ATTRACTIVE I ! The reasou wiiy boys and girls forsake the home is frequently on account of its unplcvK.-it sarroundiiigs. Se^in with tine P£i,£.^loz*. Get a nice SUITE or «t l«*et some odd Chairs, a Centre Table, s. few pictures, etc. Rid Out tlie X>i3iin^ IRoom. Tiiat ohl Cu|)b<<ard will do uice'y fnrtbe kitchen or down cellar. Put in a new Sidel>OHi\1, an IJxt^uaiory Table, and soma High-back (.'h.iii-s. ' K-^j - V^ i tlie Bed. •s ^:^- I^oTct o'verlra.ul x'oonris. Get a rvew Sell for »Ue Si>«re Room. Put the old one in mother's room. Don't »lcep on that old »tr«w bed .nil your life or even on feathci-s ''', those hot >iighi». Get a nio» Spnng and Mattress, they are wonderfully ^f\ coi'l a:id lefrosbinu. ^ â- !; Tbo.so with a few Blinis and other lixiiiijs which only the L«di-s >V^ can supply will in«ke yoor your homo much nioro comfortable and at- Kfj] •ravtivc. -^\ Tli3}Gaii5lllopri)5ar8ialtt8ll!IGTPai[ES | illii w. Je. â- Ii I ggSL^^ B.A-

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